Lines Matching refs:suite

20  'class': u'\nClass definitions\n*****************\n\nA class definition defines a class object (see section The standard\ntype hierarchy):\n\n   classdef    ::= "class" classname [inheritance] ":" suite\n   inheritance ::= "(" [expression_list] ")"\n   classname   ::= identifier\n\nA class definition is an executable statement.  It first evaluates the\ninheritance list, if present.  Each item in the inheritance list\nshould evaluate to a class object or class type which allows\nsubclassing.  The class\'s suite is then executed in a new execution\nframe (see section Naming and binding), using a newly created local\nnamespace and the original global namespace. (Usually, the suite\ncontains only function definitions.)  When the class\'s suite finishes\nexecution, its execution frame is discarded but its local namespace is\nsaved. [4] A class object is then created using the inheritance list\nfor the base classes and the saved local namespace for the attribute\ndictionary.  The class name is bound to this class object in the\noriginal local namespace.\n\n**Programmer\'s note:** Variables defined in the class definition are\nclass variables; they are shared by all instances.  To create instance\nvariables, they can be set in a method with " = value".  Both\nclass and instance variables are accessible through the notation\n"""", and an instance variable hides a class variable with\nthe same name when accessed in this way. Class variables can be used\nas defaults for instance variables, but using mutable values there can\nlead to unexpected results.  For *new-style class*es, descriptors can\nbe used to create instance variables with different implementation\ndetails.\n\nClass definitions, like function definitions, may be wrapped by one or\nmore *decorator* expressions.  The evaluation rules for the decorator\nexpressions are the same as for functions.  The result must be a class\nobject, which is then bound to the class name.\n\n-[ Footnotes ]-\n\n[1] The exception is propagated to the invocation stack unless\n    there is a "finally" clause which happens to raise another\n    exception. That new exception causes the old one to be lost.\n\n[2] Currently, control "flows off the end" except in the case of\n    an exception or the execution of a "return", "continue", or\n    "break" statement.\n\n[3] A string literal appearing as the first statement in the\n    function body is transformed into the function\'s "__doc__"\n    attribute and therefore the function\'s *docstring*.\n\n[4] A string literal appearing as the first statement in the class\n    body is transformed into the namespace\'s "__doc__" item and\n    therefore the class\'s *docstring*.\n',

22 'compound': u'\nCompound statements\n*******************\n\nCompound statements contain (groups of) other statements; they affect\nor control the execution of those other statements in some way. In\ngeneral, compound statements span multiple lines, although in simple\nincarnations a whole compound statement may be contained in one line.\n\nThe "if", "while" and "for" statements implement traditional control\nflow constructs. "try" specifies exception handlers and/or cleanup\ncode for a group of statements. Function and class definitions are\nalso syntactically compound statements.\n\nCompound statements consist of one or more \'clauses.\' A clause\nconsists of a header and a \'suite.\' The clause headers of a\nparticular compound statement are all at the same indentation level.\nEach clause header begins with a uniquely identifying keyword and ends\nwith a colon. A suite is a group of statements controlled by a\nclause. A suite can be one or more semicolon-separated simple\nstatements on the same line as the header, following the header\'s\ncolon, or it can be one or more indented statements on subsequent\nlines. Only the latter form of suite can contain nested compound\nstatements; the following is illegal, mostly because it wouldn\'t be\nclear to which "if" clause a following "else" clause would belong:\n\n if test1: if test2: print x\n\nAlso note that the semicolon binds tighter than the colon in this\ncontext, so that in the following example, either all or none of the\n"print" statements are executed:\n\n if x < y < z: print x; print y; print z\n\nSummarizing:\n\n compound_stmt ::= if_stmt\n | while_stmt\n | for_stmt\n | try_stmt\n | with_stmt\n | funcdef\n | classdef\n | decorated\n suite ::= stmt_list NEWLINE | NEWLINE INDENT statement+ DEDENT\n statement ::= stmt_list NEWLINE | compound_stmt\n stmt_list ::= simple_stmt (";" simple_stmt)* [";"]\n\nNote that statements always end in a "NEWLINE" possibly followed by a\n"DEDENT". Also note that optional continuation clauses always begin\nwith a keyword that cannot start a statement, thus there are no\nambiguities (the \'dangling "else"\' problem is solved in Python by\nrequiring nested "if" statements to be indented).\n\nThe formatting of the grammar rules in the following sections places\neach clause on a separate line for clarity.\n\n\nThe "if" statement\n==================\n\nThe "if" statement is used for conditional execution:\n\n if_stmt ::= "if" expression ":" suite\n ( "elif" expression ":" suite )*\n ["else" ":" suite]\n\nIt selects exactly one of the suites by evaluating the expressions one\nby one until one is found to be true (see section Boolean operations\nfor the definition of true and false); then that suite is executed\n(and no other part of the "if" statement is executed or evaluated).\nIf all expressions are false, the suite of the "else" clause, if\npresent, is executed.\n\n\nThe "while" statement\n=====================\n\nThe "while" statement is used for repeated execution as long as an\nexpression is true:\n\n while_stmt ::= "while" expression ":" suite\n ["else" ":" suite]\n\nThis repeatedly tests the expression and, if it is true, executes the\nfirst suite; if the expression is false (which may be the first time\nit is tested) the suite of the "else" clause, if present, is executed\nand the loop terminates.\n\nA "break" statement executed in the first suite terminates the loop\nwithout executing the "else" clause\'s suite. A "continue" statement\nexecuted in the first suite skips the rest of the suite and goes back\nto testing the expression.\n\n\nThe "for" statement\n===================\n\nThe "for" statement is used to iterate over the elements of a sequence\n(such as a string, tuple or list) or other iterable object:\n\n for_stmt ::= "for" target_list "in" expression_list ":" suite\n ["else" ":" suite]\n\nThe expression list is evaluated once; it should yield an iterable\nobject. An iterator is created for the result of the\n"expression_list". The suite is then executed once for each item\nprovided by the iterator, in the order of ascending indices. Each\nitem in turn is assigned to the target list using the standard rules\nfor assignments, and then the suite is executed. When the items are\nexhausted (which is immediately when the sequence is empty), the suite\nin the "else" clause, if present, is executed, and the loop\nterminates.\n\nA "break" statement executed in the first suite terminates the loop\nwithout executing the "else" clause\'s suite. A "continue" statement\nexecuted in the first suite skips the rest of the suite and continues\nwith the next item, or with the "else" clause if there was no next\nitem.\n\nThe suite may assign to the variable(s) in the target list; this does\nnot affect the next item assigned to it.\n\nThe target list is not deleted when the loop is finished, but if the\nsequence is empty, it will not have been assigned to at all by the\nloop. Hint: the built-in function "range()" returns a sequence of\nintegers suitable to emulate the effect of Pascal\'s "for i := a to b\ndo"; e.g., "range(3)" returns the list "[0, 1, 2]".\n\nNote: There is a subtlety when the sequence is being modified by the\n loop (this can only occur for mutable sequences, i.e. lists). An\n internal counter is used to keep track of which item is used next,\n and this is incremented on each iteration. When this counter has\n reached the length of the sequence the loop terminates. This means\n that if the suite deletes the current (or a previous) item from the\n sequence, the next item will be skipped (since it gets the index of\n the current item which has already been treated). Likewise, if the\n suite inserts an item in the sequence before the current item, the\n current item will be treated again the next time through the loop.\n This can lead to nasty bugs that can be avoided by making a\n temporary copy using a slice of the whole sequence, e.g.,\n\n for x in a[:]:\n if x < 0: a.remove(x)\n\n\nThe "try" statement\n===================\n\nThe "try" statement specifies exception handlers and/or cleanup code\nfor a group of statements:\n\n try_stmt ::= try1_stmt | try2_stmt\n try1_stmt ::= "try" ":" suite\n ("except" [expression [("as" | ",") identifier]] ":" suite)+\n ["else" ":" suite]\n ["finally" ":" suite]\n try2_stmt ::= "try" ":" suite\n "finally" ":" suite\n\nChanged in version 2.5: In previous versions of Python,\n"try"..."except"..."finally" did not work. "try"..."except" had to be\nnested in "try"..."finally".\n\nThe "except" clause(s) specify one or more exception handlers. When no\nexception occurs in the "try" clause, no exception handler is\nexecuted. When an exception occurs in the "try" suite, a search for an\nexception handler is started. This search inspects the except clauses\nin turn until one is found that matches the exception. An expression-\nless except clause, if present, must be last; it matches any\nexception. For an except clause with an expression, that expression\nis evaluated, and the clause matches the exception if the resulting\nobject is "compatible" with the exception. An object is compatible\nwith an exception if it is the class or a base class of the exception\nobject, or a tuple containing an item compatible with the exception.\n\nIf no except clause matches the exception, the search for an exception\nhandler continues in the surrounding code and on the invocation stack.\n[1]\n\nIf the evaluation of an expression in the header of an except clause\nraises an exception, the original search for a handler is canceled and\na search starts for the new exception in the surrounding code and on\nthe call stack (it is treated as if the entire "try" statement raised\nthe exception).\n\nWhen a matching except clause is found, the exception is assigned to\nthe target specified in that except clause, if present, and the except\nclause\'s suite is executed. All except clauses must have an\nexecutable block. When the end of this block is reached, execution\ncontinues normally after the entire try statement. (This means that\nif two nested handlers exist for the same exception, and the exception\noccurs in the try clause of the inner handler, the outer handler will\nnot handle the exception.)\n\nBefore an except clause\'s suite is executed, details about the\nexception are assigned to three variables in the "sys" module:\n"sys.exc_type" receives the object identifying the exception;\n"sys.exc_value" receives the exception\'s parameter;\n"sys.exc_traceback" receives a traceback object (see section The\nstandard type hierarchy) identifying the point in the program where\nthe exception occurred. These details are also available through the\n"sys.exc_info()" function, which returns a tuple "(exc_type,\nexc_value, exc_traceback)". Use of the corresponding variables is\ndeprecated in favor of this function, since their use is unsafe in a\nthreaded program. As of Python 1.5, the variables are restored to\ntheir previous values (before the call) when returning from a function\nthat handled an exception.\n\nThe optional "else" clause is executed if and when control flows off\nthe end of the "try" clause. [2] Exceptions in the "else" clause are\nnot handled by the preceding "except" clauses.\n\nIf "finally" is present, it specifies a \'cleanup\' handler. The "try"\nclause is executed, including any "except" and "else" clauses. If an\nexception occurs in any of the clauses and is not handled, the\nexception is temporarily saved. The "finally" clause is executed. If\nthere is a saved exception, it is re-raised at the end of the\n"finally" clause. If the "finally" clause raises another exception or\nexecutes a "return" or "break" statement, the saved exception is\ndiscarded:\n\n >>> def f():\n ... try:\n ... 1/0\n ... finally:\n ... return 42\n ...\n >>> f()\n 42\n\nThe exception information is not available to the program during\nexecution of the "finally" clause.\n\nWhen a "return", "break" or "continue" statement is executed in the\n"try" suite of a "try"..."finally" statement, the "finally" clause is\nalso executed \'on the way out.\' A "continue" statement is illegal in\nthe "finally" clause. (The reason is a problem with the current\nimplementation --- this restriction may be lifted in the future).\n\nThe return value of a function is determined by the last "return"\nstatement executed. Since the "finally" clause always executes, a\n"return" statement executed in the "finally" clause will always be the\nlast one executed:\n\n >>> def foo():\n ... try:\n ... return \'try\'\n ... finally:\n ... return \'finally\'\n ...\n >>> foo()\n \'finally\'\n\nAdditional information on exceptions can be found in section\nExceptions, and information on using the "raise" statement to generate\nexceptions may be found in section The raise statement.\n\n\nThe "with" statement\n====================\n\nNew in version 2.5.\n\nThe "with" statement is used to wrap the execution of a block with\nmethods defined by a context manager (see section With Statement\nContext Managers). This allows common "try"..."except"..."finally"\nusage patterns to be encapsulated for convenient reuse.\n\n with_stmt ::= "with" with_item ("," with_item)* ":" suite\n with_item ::= expression ["as" target]\n\nThe execution of the "with" statement with one "item" proceeds as\nfollows:\n\n1. The context expression (the expression given in the "with_item")\n is evaluated to obtain a context manager.\n\n2. The context manager\'s "__exit__()" is loaded for later use.\n\n3. The context manager\'s "__enter__()" method is invoked.\n\n4. If a target was included in the "with" statement, the return\n value from "__enter__()" is assigned to it.\n\n Note: The "with" statement guarantees that if the "__enter__()"\n method returns without an error, then "__exit__()" will always be\n called. Thus, if an error occurs during the assignment to the\n target list, it will be treated the same as an error occurring\n within the suite would be. See step 6 below.\n\n5. The suite is executed.\n\n6. The context manager\'s "__exit__()" method is invoked. If an\n exception caused the suite to be exited, its type, value, and\n traceback are passed as arguments to "__exit__()". Otherwise, three\n "None" arguments are supplied.\n\n If the suite was exited due to an exception, and the return value\n from the "__exit__()" method was false, the exception is reraised.\n If the return value was true, the exception is suppressed, and\n execution continues with the statement following the "with"\n statement.\n\n If the suite was exited for any reason other than an exception, the\n return value from "__exit__()" is ignored, and execution proceeds\n at the normal location for the kind of exit that was taken.\n\nWith more than one item, the context managers are processed as if\nmultiple "with" statements were nested:\n\n with A() as a, B() as b:\n suite\n\nis equivalent to\n\n with A() as a:\n with B() as b:\n suite\n\nNote: In Python 2.5, the "with" statement is only allowed when the\n "with_statement" feature has been enabled. It is always enabled in\n Python 2.6.\n\nChanged in version 2.7: Support for multiple context expressions.\n\nSee also: **PEP 0343** - The "with" statement\n\n The specification, background, and examples for the Python "with"\n statement.\n\n\nFunction definitions\n====================\n\nA function definition defines a user-defined function object (see\nsection The standard type hierarchy):\n\n decorated ::= decorators (classdef | funcdef)\n decorators ::= decorator+\n decorator ::= "@" dotted_name ["(" [argument_list [","]] ")"] NEWLINE\n funcdef ::= "def" funcname "(" [parameter_list] ")" ":" suite\n dotted_name ::= identifier ("." identifier)*\n parameter_list ::= (defparameter ",")*\n ( "*" identifier ["," "**" identifier]\n | "**" identifier\n | defparameter [","] )\n defparameter ::= parameter ["=" expression]\n sublist ::= parameter ("," parameter)* [","]\n parameter ::= identifier | "(" sublist ")"\n funcname ::= identifier\n\nA function definition is an executable statement. Its execution binds\nthe function name in the current local namespace to a function object\n(a wrapper around the executable code for the function). This\nfunction object contains a reference to the current global namespace\nas the global namespace to be used when the function is called.\n\nThe function definition does not execute the function body; this gets\nexecuted only when the function is called. [3]\n\nA function definition may be wrapped by one or more *decorator*\nexpressions. Decorator expressions are evaluated when the function is\ndefined, in the scope that contains the function definition. The\nresult must be a callable, which is invoked with the function object\nas the only argument. The returned value is bound to the function name\ninstead of the function object. Multiple decorators are applied in\nnested fashion. For example, the following code:\n\n @f1(arg)\n @f2\n def func(): pass\n\nis equivalent to:\n\n def func(): pass\n func = f1(arg)(f2(func))\n\nWhen one or more top-level *parameters* have the form *parameter* "="\n*expression*, the function is said to have "default parameter values."\nFor a parameter with a default value, the corresponding *argument* may\nbe omitted from a call, in which case the parameter\'s default value is\nsubstituted. If a parameter has a default value, all following\nparameters must also have a default value --- this is a syntactic\nrestriction that is not expressed by the grammar.\n\n**Default parameter values are evaluated when the function definition\nis executed.** This means that the expression is evaluated once, when\nthe function is defined, and that the same "pre-computed" value is\nused for each call. This is especially important to understand when a\ndefault parameter is a mutable object, such as a list or a dictionary:\nif the function modifies the object (e.g. by appending an item to a\nlist), the default value is in effect modified. This is generally not\nwhat was intended. A way around this is to use "None" as the\ndefault, and explicitly test for it in the body of the function, e.g.:\n\n def whats_on_the_telly(penguin=None):\n if penguin is None:\n penguin = []\n penguin.append("property of the zoo")\n return penguin\n\nFunction call semantics are described in more detail in section Calls.\nA function call always assigns values to all parameters mentioned in\nthe parameter list, either from position arguments, from keyword\narguments, or from default values. If the form ""*identifier"" is\npresent, it is initialized to a tuple receiving any excess positional\nparameters, defaulting to the empty tuple. If the form\n""**identifier"" is present, it is initialized to a new dictionary\nreceiving any excess keyword arguments, defaulting to a new empty\ndictionary.\n\nIt is also possible to create anonymous functions (functions not bound\nto a name), for immediate use in expressions. This uses lambda\nexpressions, described in section Lambdas. Note that the lambda\nexpression is merely a shorthand for a simplified function definition;\na function defined in a ""def"" statement can be passed around or\nassigned to another name just like a function defined by a lambda\nexpression. The ""def"" form is actually more powerful since it\nallows the execution of multiple statements.\n\n**Programmer\'s note:** Functions are first-class objects. A ""def""\nform executed inside a function definition defines a local function\nthat can be returned or passed around. Free variables used in the\nnested function can access the local variables of the function\ncontaining the def. See section Naming and binding for details.\n\n\nClass definitions\n=================\n\nA class definition defines a class object (see section The standard\ntype hierarchy):\n\n classdef ::= "class" classname [inheritance] ":" suite\n inheritance ::= "(" [expression_list] ")"\n classname ::= identifier\n\nA class definition is an executable statement. It first evaluates the\ninheritance list, if present. Each item in the inheritance list\nshould evaluate to a class object or class type which allows\nsubclassing. The class\'s suite is then executed in a new execution\nframe (see section Naming and binding), using a newly created local\nnamespace and the original global namespace. (Usually, the suite\ncontains only function definitions.) When the class\'s suite finishes\nexecution, its execution frame is discarded but its local namespace is\nsaved. [4] A class object is then created using the inheritance list\nfor the base classes and the saved local namespace for the attribute\ndictionary. The class name is bound to this class object in the\noriginal local namespace.\n\n**Programmer\'s note:** Variables defined in the class definition are\nclass variables; they are shared by all instances. To create instance\nvariables, they can be set in a method with " = value". Both\nclass and instance variables are accessible through the notation\n"""", and an instance variable hides a class variable with\nthe same name when accessed in this way. Class variables can be used\nas defaults for instance variables, but using mutable values there can\nlead to unexpected results. For *new-style class*es, descriptors can\nbe used to create instance variables with different implementation\ndetails.\n\nClass definitions, like function definitions, may be wrapped by one or\nmore *decorator* expressions. The evaluation rules for the decorator\nexpressions are the same as for functions. The result must be a class\nobject, which is then bound to the class name.\n\n-[ Footnotes ]-\n\n[1] The exception is propagated to the invocation stack unless\n there is a "finally" clause which happens to raise another\n exception. That new exception causes the old one to be lost.\n\n[2] Currently, control "flows off the end" except in the case of\n an exception or the execution of a "return", "continue", or\n "break" statement.\n\n[3] A string literal appearing as the first statement in the\n function body is transformed into the function\'s "__doc__"\n attribute and therefore the function\'s *docstring*.\n\n[4] A string literal appearing as the first statement in the class\n body is transformed into the namespace\'s "__doc__" item and\n therefore the class\'s *docstring*.\n',
31 'else': u'\nThe "if" statement\n******************\n\nThe "if" statement is used for conditional execution:\n\n if_stmt ::= "if" expression ":" suite\n ( "elif" expression ":" suite )*\n ["else" ":" suite]\n\nIt selects exactly one of the suites by evaluating the expressions one\nby one until one is found to be true (see section Boolean operations\nfor the definition of true and false); then that suite is executed\n(and no other part of the "if" statement is executed or evaluated).\nIf all expressions are false, the suite of the "else" clause, if\npresent, is executed.\n',
33 'exec': u'\nThe "exec" statement\n********************\n\n exec_stmt ::= "exec" or_expr ["in" expression ["," expression]]\n\nThis statement supports dynamic execution of Python code. The first\nexpression should evaluate to either a Unicode string, a *Latin-1*\nencoded string, an open file object, a code object, or a tuple. If it\nis a string, the string is parsed as a suite of Python statements\nwhich is then executed (unless a syntax error occurs). [1] If it is an\nopen file, the file is parsed until EOF and executed. If it is a code\nobject, it is simply executed. For the interpretation of a tuple, see\nbelow. In all cases, the code that\'s executed is expected to be valid\nas file input (see section File input). Be aware that the "return"\nand "yield" statements may not be used outside of function definitions\neven within the context of code passed to the "exec" statement.\n\nIn all cases, if the optional parts are omitted, the code is executed\nin the current scope. If only the first expression after "in" is\nspecified, it should be a dictionary, which will be used for both the\nglobal and the local variables. If two expressions are given, they\nare used for the global and local variables, respectively. If\nprovided, *locals* can be any mapping object. Remember that at module\nlevel, globals and locals are the same dictionary. If two separate\nobjects are given as *globals* and *locals*, the code will be executed\nas if it were embedded in a class definition.\n\nThe first expression may also be a tuple of length 2 or 3. In this\ncase, the optional parts must be omitted. The form "exec(expr,\nglobals)" is equivalent to "exec expr in globals", while the form\n"exec(expr, globals, locals)" is equivalent to "exec expr in globals,\nlocals". The tuple form of "exec" provides compatibility with Python\n3, where "exec" is a function rather than a statement.\n\nChanged in version 2.4: Formerly, *locals* was required to be a\ndictionary.\n\nAs a side effect, an implementation may insert additional keys into\nthe dictionaries given besides those corresponding to variable names\nset by the executed code. For example, the current implementation may\nadd a reference to the dictionary of the built-in module "__builtin__"\nunder the key "__builtins__" (!).\n\n**Programmer\'s hints:** dynamic evaluation of expressions is supported\nby the built-in function "eval()". The built-in functions "globals()"\nand "locals()" return the current global and local dictionary,\nrespectively, which may be useful to pass around for use by "exec".\n\n-[ Footnotes ]-\n\n[1] Note that the parser only accepts the Unix-style end of line\n convention. If you are reading the code from a file, make sure to\n use *universal newlines* mode to convert Windows or Mac-style\n newlines.\n',
37 'for': u'\nThe "for" statement\n*******************\n\nThe "for" statement is used to iterate over the elements of a sequence\n(such as a string, tuple or list) or other iterable object:\n\n for_stmt ::= "for" target_list "in" expression_list ":" suite\n ["else" ":" suite]\n\nThe expression list is evaluated once; it should yield an iterable\nobject. An iterator is created for the result of the\n"expression_list". The suite is then executed once for each item\nprovided by the iterator, in the order of ascending indices. Each\nitem in turn is assigned to the target list using the standard rules\nfor assignments, and then the suite is executed. When the items are\nexhausted (which is immediately when the sequence is empty), the suite\nin the "else" clause, if present, is executed, and the loop\nterminates.\n\nA "break" statement executed in the first suite terminates the loop\nwithout executing the "else" clause\'s suite. A "continue" statement\nexecuted in the first suite skips the rest of the suite and continues\nwith the next item, or with the "else" clause if there was no next\nitem.\n\nThe suite may assign to the variable(s) in the target list; this does\nnot affect the next item assigned to it.\n\nThe target list is not deleted when the loop is finished, but if the\nsequence is empty, it will not have been assigned to at all by the\nloop. Hint: the built-in function "range()" returns a sequence of\nintegers suitable to emulate the effect of Pascal\'s "for i := a to b\ndo"; e.g., "range(3)" returns the list "[0, 1, 2]".\n\nNote: There is a subtlety when the sequence is being modified by the\n loop (this can only occur for mutable sequences, i.e. lists). An\n internal counter is used to keep track of which item is used next,\n and this is incremented on each iteration. When this counter has\n reached the length of the sequence the loop terminates. This means\n that if the suite deletes the current (or a previous) item from the\n sequence, the next item will be skipped (since it gets the index of\n the current item which has already been treated). Likewise, if the\n suite inserts an item in the sequence before the current item, the\n current item will be treated again the next time through the loop.\n This can lead to nasty bugs that can be avoided by making a\n temporary copy using a slice of the whole sequence, e.g.,\n\n for x in a[:]:\n if x < 0: a.remove(x)\n',
39 'function': u'\nFunction definitions\n********************\n\nA function definition defines a user-defined function object (see\nsection The standard type hierarchy):\n\n decorated ::= decorators (classdef | funcdef)\n decorators ::= decorator+\n decorator ::= "@" dotted_name ["(" [argument_list [","]] ")"] NEWLINE\n funcdef ::= "def" funcname "(" [parameter_list] ")" ":" suite\n dotted_name ::= identifier ("." identifier)*\n parameter_list ::= (defparameter ",")*\n ( "*" identifier ["," "**" identifier]\n | "**" identifier\n | defparameter [","] )\n defparameter ::= parameter ["=" expression]\n sublist ::= parameter ("," parameter)* [","]\n parameter ::= identifier | "(" sublist ")"\n funcname ::= identifier\n\nA function definition is an executable statement. Its execution binds\nthe function name in the current local namespace to a function object\n(a wrapper around the executable code for the function). This\nfunction object contains a reference to the current global namespace\nas the global namespace to be used when the function is called.\n\nThe function definition does not execute the function body; this gets\nexecuted only when the function is called. [3]\n\nA function definition may be wrapped by one or more *decorator*\nexpressions. Decorator expressions are evaluated when the function is\ndefined, in the scope that contains the function definition. The\nresult must be a callable, which is invoked with the function object\nas the only argument. The returned value is bound to the function name\ninstead of the function object. Multiple decorators are applied in\nnested fashion. For example, the following code:\n\n @f1(arg)\n @f2\n def func(): pass\n\nis equivalent to:\n\n def func(): pass\n func = f1(arg)(f2(func))\n\nWhen one or more top-level *parameters* have the form *parameter* "="\n*expression*, the function is said to have "default parameter values."\nFor a parameter with a default value, the corresponding *argument* may\nbe omitted from a call, in which case the parameter\'s default value is\nsubstituted. If a parameter has a default value, all following\nparameters must also have a default value --- this is a syntactic\nrestriction that is not expressed by the grammar.\n\n**Default parameter values are evaluated when the function definition\nis executed.** This means that the expression is evaluated once, when\nthe function is defined, and that the same "pre-computed" value is\nused for each call. This is especially important to understand when a\ndefault parameter is a mutable object, such as a list or a dictionary:\nif the function modifies the object (e.g. by appending an item to a\nlist), the default value is in effect modified. This is generally not\nwhat was intended. A way around this is to use "None" as the\ndefault, and explicitly test for it in the body of the function, e.g.:\n\n def whats_on_the_telly(penguin=None):\n if penguin is None:\n penguin = []\n penguin.append("property of the zoo")\n return penguin\n\nFunction call semantics are described in more detail in section Calls.\nA function call always assigns values to all parameters mentioned in\nthe parameter list, either from position arguments, from keyword\narguments, or from default values. If the form ""*identifier"" is\npresent, it is initialized to a tuple receiving any excess positional\nparameters, defaulting to the empty tuple. If the form\n""**identifier"" is present, it is initialized to a new dictionary\nreceiving any excess keyword arguments, defaulting to a new empty\ndictionary.\n\nIt is also possible to create anonymous functions (functions not bound\nto a name), for immediate use in expressions. This uses lambda\nexpressions, described in section Lambdas. Note that the lambda\nexpression is merely a shorthand for a simplified function definition;\na function defined in a ""def"" statement can be passed around or\nassigned to another name just like a function defined by a lambda\nexpression. The ""def"" form is actually more powerful since it\nallows the execution of multiple statements.\n\n**Programmer\'s note:** Functions are first-class objects. A ""def""\nform executed inside a function definition defines a local function\nthat can be returned or passed around. Free variables used in the\nnested function can access the local variables of the function\ncontaining the def. See section Naming and binding for details.\n',
43 'if': u'\nThe "if" statement\n******************\n\nThe "if" statement is used for conditional execution:\n\n if_stmt ::= "if" expression ":" suite\n ( "elif" expression ":" suite )*\n ["else" ":" suite]\n\nIt selects exactly one of the suites by evaluating the expressions one\nby one until one is found to be true (see section Boolean operations\nfor the definition of true and false); then that suite is executed\n(and no other part of the "if" statement is executed or evaluated).\nIf all expressions are false, the suite of the "else" clause, if\npresent, is executed.\n',
69 'try': u'\nThe "try" statement\n*******************\n\nThe "try" statement specifies exception handlers and/or cleanup code\nfor a group of statements:\n\n try_stmt ::= try1_stmt | try2_stmt\n try1_stmt ::= "try" ":" suite\n ("except" [expression [("as" | ",") identifier]] ":" suite)+\n ["else" ":" suite]\n ["finally" ":" suite]\n try2_stmt ::= "try" ":" suite\n "finally" ":" suite\n\nChanged in version 2.5: In previous versions of Python,\n"try"..."except"..."finally" did not work. "try"..."except" had to be\nnested in "try"..."finally".\n\nThe "except" clause(s) specify one or more exception handlers. When no\nexception occurs in the "try" clause, no exception handler is\nexecuted. When an exception occurs in the "try" suite, a search for an\nexception handler is started. This search inspects the except clauses\nin turn until one is found that matches the exception. An expression-\nless except clause, if present, must be last; it matches any\nexception. For an except clause with an expression, that expression\nis evaluated, and the clause matches the exception if the resulting\nobject is "compatible" with the exception. An object is compatible\nwith an exception if it is the class or a base class of the exception\nobject, or a tuple containing an item compatible with the exception.\n\nIf no except clause matches the exception, the search for an exception\nhandler continues in the surrounding code and on the invocation stack.\n[1]\n\nIf the evaluation of an expression in the header of an except clause\nraises an exception, the original search for a handler is canceled and\na search starts for the new exception in the surrounding code and on\nthe call stack (it is treated as if the entire "try" statement raised\nthe exception).\n\nWhen a matching except clause is found, the exception is assigned to\nthe target specified in that except clause, if present, and the except\nclause\'s suite is executed. All except clauses must have an\nexecutable block. When the end of this block is reached, execution\ncontinues normally after the entire try statement. (This means that\nif two nested handlers exist for the same exception, and the exception\noccurs in the try clause of the inner handler, the outer handler will\nnot handle the exception.)\n\nBefore an except clause\'s suite is executed, details about the\nexception are assigned to three variables in the "sys" module:\n"sys.exc_type" receives the object identifying the exception;\n"sys.exc_value" receives the exception\'s parameter;\n"sys.exc_traceback" receives a traceback object (see section The\nstandard type hierarchy) identifying the point in the program where\nthe exception occurred. These details are also available through the\n"sys.exc_info()" function, which returns a tuple "(exc_type,\nexc_value, exc_traceback)". Use of the corresponding variables is\ndeprecated in favor of this function, since their use is unsafe in a\nthreaded program. As of Python 1.5, the variables are restored to\ntheir previous values (before the call) when returning from a function\nthat handled an exception.\n\nThe optional "else" clause is executed if and when control flows off\nthe end of the "try" clause. [2] Exceptions in the "else" clause are\nnot handled by the preceding "except" clauses.\n\nIf "finally" is present, it specifies a \'cleanup\' handler. The "try"\nclause is executed, including any "except" and "else" clauses. If an\nexception occurs in any of the clauses and is not handled, the\nexception is temporarily saved. The "finally" clause is executed. If\nthere is a saved exception, it is re-raised at the end of the\n"finally" clause. If the "finally" clause raises another exception or\nexecutes a "return" or "break" statement, the saved exception is\ndiscarded:\n\n >>> def f():\n ... try:\n ... 1/0\n ... finally:\n ... return 42\n ...\n >>> f()\n 42\n\nThe exception information is not available to the program during\nexecution of the "finally" clause.\n\nWhen a "return", "break" or "continue" statement is executed in the\n"try" suite of a "try"..."finally" statement, the "finally" clause is\nalso executed \'on the way out.\' A "continue" statement is illegal in\nthe "finally" clause. (The reason is a problem with the current\nimplementation --- this restriction may be lifted in the future).\n\nThe return value of a function is determined by the last "return"\nstatement executed. Since the "finally" clause always executes, a\n"return" statement executed in the "finally" clause will always be the\nlast one executed:\n\n >>> def foo():\n ... try:\n ... return \'try\'\n ... finally:\n ... return \'finally\'\n ...\n >>> foo()\n \'finally\'\n\nAdditional information on exceptions can be found in section\nExceptions, and information on using the "raise" statement to generate\nexceptions may be found in section The raise statement.\n',
78 'while': u'\nThe "while" statement\n*********************\n\nThe "while" statement is used for repeated execution as long as an\nexpression is true:\n\n while_stmt ::= "while" expression ":" suite\n ["else" ":" suite]\n\nThis repeatedly tests the expression and, if it is true, executes the\nfirst suite; if the expression is false (which may be the first time\nit is tested) the suite of the "else" clause, if present, is executed\nand the loop terminates.\n\nA "break" statement executed in the first suite terminates the loop\nwithout executing the "else" clause\'s suite. A "continue" statement\nexecuted in the first suite skips the rest of the suite and goes back\nto testing the expression.\n',
79 'with': u'\nThe "with" statement\n********************\n\nNew in version 2.5.\n\nThe "with" statement is used to wrap the execution of a block with\nmethods defined by a context manager (see section With Statement\nContext Managers). This allows common "try"..."except"..."finally"\nusage patterns to be encapsulated for convenient reuse.\n\n with_stmt ::= "with" with_item ("," with_item)* ":" suite\n with_item ::= expression ["as" target]\n\nThe execution of the "with" statement with one "item" proceeds as\nfollows:\n\n1. The context expression (the expression given in the "with_item")\n is evaluated to obtain a context manager.\n\n2. The context manager\'s "__exit__()" is loaded for later use.\n\n3. The context manager\'s "__enter__()" method is invoked.\n\n4. If a target was included in the "with" statement, the return\n value from "__enter__()" is assigned to it.\n\n Note: The "with" statement guarantees that if the "__enter__()"\n method returns without an error, then "__exit__()" will always be\n called. Thus, if an error occurs during the assignment to the\n target list, it will be treated the same as an error occurring\n within the suite would be. See step 6 below.\n\n5. The suite is executed.\n\n6. The context manager\'s "__exit__()" method is invoked. If an\n exception caused the suite to be exited, its type, value, and\n traceback are passed as arguments to "__exit__()". Otherwise, three\n "None" arguments are supplied.\n\n If the suite was exited due to an exception, and the return value\n from the "__exit__()" method was false, the exception is reraised.\n If the return value was true, the exception is suppressed, and\n execution continues with the statement following the "with"\n statement.\n\n If the suite was exited for any reason other than an exception, the\n return value from "__exit__()" is ignored, and execution proceeds\n at the normal location for the kind of exit that was taken.\n\nWith more than one item, the context managers are processed as if\nmultiple "with" statements were nested:\n\n with A() as a, B() as b:\n suite\n\nis equivalent to\n\n with A() as a:\n with B() as b:\n suite\n\nNote: In Python 2.5, the "with" statement is only allowed when the\n "with_statement" feature has been enabled. It is always enabled in\n Python 2.6.\n\nChanged in version 2.7: Support for multiple context expressions.\n\nSee also: **PEP 0343** - The "with" statement\n\n The specification, background, and examples for the Python "with"\n statement.\n',