Lines Matching refs:Color

6 // Color Implementation
16 class MagickPPExport Color;
18 // Compare two Color objects regardless of LHS/RHS
20 (const Magick::Color& left_,const Magick::Color& right_);
22 (const Magick::Color& left_,const Magick::Color& right_);
24 (const Magick::Color& left_,const Magick::Color& right_);
26 (const Magick::Color& left_,const Magick::Color& right_);
28 (const Magick::Color& left_,const Magick::Color& right_);
30 (const Magick::Color& left_,const Magick::Color& right_);
34 class MagickPPExport Color
68 Color(void);
70 // Construct Color using the specified RGB values
71 Color(const Quantum red_,const Quantum green_,const Quantum blue_);
73 // Construct Color using the specified RGBA values
74 Color(const Quantum red_,const Quantum green_,const Quantum blue_,
77 // Construct Color using the specified CMYKA values
78 Color(const Quantum cyan_,const Quantum magenta_,const Quantum yellow_,
81 // Construct Color using the specified color string
82 Color(const char *color_);
85 Color(const Color &color_);
88 Color(const PixelInfo &color_);
90 // Constructor Color using the specified color string
91 Color(const std::string &color_);
94 virtual ~Color(void);
97 Color& operator=(const Color &color_);
100 const Color& operator=(const char *color);
103 const Color& operator=(const PixelInfo &color_);
106 const Color& operator=(const std::string &color);
116 bool isFuzzyEquivalent(const Color &color_,const double fuzz_) const;
123 Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType(void) const;
148 // Used to point Color at a pixel in an image
149 Color(PixelInfo *rep_,PixelType pixelType_);
152 Color(PixelType pixelType_);
155 // Used to point Color at a pixel in an image
176 PixelType _pixelType; // Color type supported by _pixel
185 class MagickPPExport ColorCMYK: public Color
193 ColorCMYK(const Color &color_);
207 ColorCMYK& operator=(const Color& color_);
240 class MagickPPExport ColorGray: public Color
248 ColorGray(const Color &color_);
261 ColorGray& operator=(const Color& color_);
273 class MagickPPExport ColorHSL: public Color
281 ColorHSL(const Color &color_);
291 ColorHSL& operator=(const Color& color_);
314 // Color arguments are constrained to 'false' (black pixel) and 'true'
316 class MagickPPExport ColorMono: public Color
327 ColorMono(const Color &color_);
333 ColorMono& operator=(const Color& color_);
345 class MagickPPExport ColorRGB: public Color
353 ColorRGB(const Color &color_);
366 ColorRGB& operator=(const Color& color_);
397 class MagickPPExport ColorYUV: public Color
405 ColorYUV(const Color &color_);
414 ColorYUV& operator=(const Color& color_);
416 // Color U (0.0 through 1.0)
420 // Color V (-0.5 through 0.5)
424 // Color Y (-0.5 through 0.5)