Lines Matching refs:cs

1 <?cs # Create a comma separated list of annotations on obj that were in showAnnotations in Doclava ?>
2 <?cs # pre is an HTML string to start the list, post is an HTML string to close the list ?>
3 <?cs # for example call:show_annotations_list(cl, "<td>Annotations: ", "</td>") ?>
4 <?cs # if obj has nothing on obj.showAnnotations, nothing will be output ?>
5 <?cs def:show_annotations_list(obj) ?>
6 <?cs each:anno = obj.showAnnotations ?>
7 <?cs if:first(anno) ?>
10 <?cs /if ?>
11 @<?cs var:anno.type.label ?>
12 <?cs if:last(anno) == 0 ?>
14 <?cs /if ?>
15 <?cs if:last(anno)?>
17 <?cs /if ?>
18 <?cs /each ?>
19 <?cs /def ?>
21 <?cs # Override default class_link_table to display annotations ?>
22 <?cs def:class_link_table(classes) ?>
23 <?cs set:count = #1 ?>
25 <?cs each:cl=classes ?>
26 <tr class="<?cs if:count % #2 ?>alt-color<?cs /if ?> api apilevel-<?cs var:cl.type.since ?>" >
27 <td class="jd-linkcol"><?cs call:type_link(cl.type) ?></td>
29 <?cs call:short_descr(cl) ?>&nbsp;
30 <?cs call:show_annotations_list(cl) ?>
33 <?cs set:count = count + #1 ?>
34 <?cs /each ?>
36 <?cs /def ?>
38 <?cs
40 ?><?cs
41 def:parameter_list(params, linebreaks) ?><?cs
42 each:param = params ?><?cs
43 call:simple_type_link(param.type)?> <?cs
44 ?><?cs
46 ?>, <?cs if:linebreaks
48 <?cs /if ?><?cs
49 /if ?><?cs
50 /each ?><?cs
51 /def ?><?cs
53 # Print output for aux tags that are not "standard" javadoc tags ?><?cs
54 def:aux_tag_list(tags) ?><?cs
55 each:tag = tags ?><p><?cs
56 if:tag.kind == "@memberDoc" ?><?cs call:tag_list(tag.commentTags) ?><?cs
57 elif:tag.kind == "@paramDoc" ?><?cs call:tag_list(tag.commentTags) ?><?cs
58 elif:tag.kind == "@returnDoc" ?><?cs call:tag_list(tag.commentTags) ?><?cs
59 elif:tag.kind == "@range" ?><?cs call:dump_range(tag) ?><?cs
60 elif:tag.kind == "@intDef" ?><?cs call:dump_int_def(tag) ?><?cs
61 elif:tag.kind == "@permission" ?><?cs call:dump_permission(tag) ?><?cs
62 elif:tag.kind == "@service" ?><?cs call:dump_service(tag) ?><?cs
63 /if ?><?cs
64 /each ?></p><?cs
65 /def ?><?cs
67 # Print output for @range tags ?><?cs
68 def:dump_range(tag) ?><?cs
69 if:tag.from && ?>Value is between <?cs var:tag.from ?> and <?cs ?> inclusive.<?cs
70 elif:tag.from ?>Value is <?cs var:tag.from ?> or greater.<?cs
71 ?>Value is <?cs ?> or less.<?cs
72 /if ?><?cs
73 /def ?><?cs
75 # Print output for @intDef tags ?><?cs
76 def:dump_int_def(tag) ?><?cs
77 if:tag.flag ?><?cs
78 if:subcount(tag.values) > 1 ?>Value is either <code>0</code> or combination of <?cs
79 else ?>Value is either <code>0</code> or <?cs
80 /if ?><?cs
81 else ?>Value is <?cs
82 /if ?><?cs
83 loop:i = #0, subcount(tag.values), #1 ?><?cs
84 with:val = tag.values[i] ?><?cs
85 call:tag_list(val.commentTags) ?><?cs
86 if i == subcount(tag.values) - 2 ?> or <?cs
87 elif:i < subcount(tag.values) - 2 ?>, <?cs
88 /if ?><?cs
89 /with ?><?cs
90 /loop ?>.<?cs
91 /def ?><?cs
93 # Print output for @permission tags ?><?cs
94 def:dump_permission(tag) ?>Requires the <?cs
95 loop:i = #0, subcount(tag.values), #1 ?><?cs
96 with:val = tag.values[i] ?><?cs
97 call:tag_list(val.commentTags) ?><?cs
98 if i == subcount(tag.values) - 2 ?><?cs
99 if tag.any ?> or <?cs
100 else ?> and <?cs
101 /if ?><?cs
102 elif:i < subcount(tag.values) - 2 ?>, <?cs
103 /if ?><?cs
104 /with ?><?cs
105 /loop ?><?cs
106 if subcount(tag.values) > 1 ?> permissions.<?cs
107 else ?> permission.<?cs
108 /if ?><?cs
111 # Print output for @service tags ?><?cs
112 def:dump_service(tag) ?>Instances of this class must be obtained using <?cs
113 loop:i = #0, subcount(tag.values) - 1, #2 ?><?cs
114 call:tag_list(tag.values[i].commentTags) ?> with the argument <?cs
115 call:tag_list(tag.values[i+1].commentTags) ?><?cs
116 if i < subcount(tag.values) - 2 ?> or <?cs
117 /if ?><?cs
118 /loop ?>.<?cs