Lines Matching refs:err

59             System.err.println("Exception caught:");
72 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
140 System.err.println("Unknown command");
154 System.err.println(e.toString());
155 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
174 System.err.println(e.toString());
175 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
183 System.err.println(e.toString());
184 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
198 System.err.println(e.toString());
199 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
215 System.err.println(e.toString());
216 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
290 System.err.println(PM_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
297 System.err.println(e.toString());
298 System.err.println(PM_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
308 System.err.println(e.toString());
309 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
324 int err = mBmgr.requestBackup(packages.toArray(new String[packages.size()]), observer,
326 if (err == 0) {
330 System.err.println("Unable to run backup");
333 System.err.println(e.toString());
334 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
360 System.err.println("Provide only '--all' flag or list of packages.");
367 System.err.println("Provide '--all' flag or list of packages.");
377 System.err.println(e.toString());
378 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
383 System.err.println("Unknown command.");
408 System.err.println(e.toString());
409 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
433 System.err.println("Failure. error=" + reason);
438 System.err.println(e.toString());
439 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
446 System.err.println("Operation interrupted.");
467 System.err.println(e.toString());
468 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
483 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
495 System.err.println(e.toString());
496 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
523 System.err.println(e.toString());
524 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
532 int err = mRestore.getAvailableRestoreSets(observer, null);
533 if (err != 0) {
540 System.err.println(e.toString());
541 System.err.println(TRANSPORT_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
636 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
642 int err = mRestore.restorePackage(pkg, observer, null );
643 if (err == 0) {
647 System.err.println("Unable to restore package " + pkg);
653 System.err.println(e.toString());
654 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
665 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
670 int err = mRestore.getAvailableRestoreSets(observer, null);
671 if (err == 0) {
709 System.err.println(e.toString());
710 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
723 System.err.println(e.toString());
724 System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
738 System.err.println("usage: bmgr [backup|restore|list|transport|run]");
739 System.err.println(" bmgr backup PACKAGE");
740 System.err.println(" bmgr enable BOOL");
741 System.err.println(" bmgr enabled");
742 System.err.println(" bmgr list transports [-c]");
743 System.err.println(" bmgr list sets");
744 System.err.println(" bmgr transport WHICH|-c WHICH_COMPONENT");
745 System.err.println(" bmgr restore TOKEN");
746 System.err.println(" bmgr restore TOKEN PACKAGE...");
747 System.err.println(" bmgr restore PACKAGE");
748 System.err.println(" bmgr run");
749 System.err.println(" bmgr wipe TRANSPORT PACKAGE");
750 System.err.println(" bmgr fullbackup PACKAGE...");
751 System.err.println(" bmgr backupnow --all|PACKAGE...");
752 System.err.println(" bmgr cancel backups");
753 System.err.println("");
754 System.err.println("The 'backup' command schedules a backup pass for the named package.");
755 System.err.println("Note that the backup pass will effectively be a no-op if the package");
756 System.err.println("does not actually have changed data to store.");
757 System.err.println("");
758 System.err.println("The 'enable' command enables or disables the entire backup mechanism.");
759 System.err.println("If the argument is 'true' it will be enabled, otherwise it will be");
760 System.err.println("disabled. When disabled, neither backup or restore operations will");
761 System.err.println("be performed.");
762 System.err.println("");
763 System.err.println("The 'enabled' command reports the current enabled/disabled state of");
764 System.err.println("the backup mechanism.");
765 System.err.println("");
766 System.err.println("The 'list transports' command reports the names of the backup transports");
767 System.err.println("BackupManager is currently bound to. These names can be passed as arguments");
768 System.err.println("to the 'transport' and 'wipe' commands. The currently active transport");
769 System.err.println("is indicated with a '*' character. If -c flag is used, all available");
770 System.err.println("transport components on the device are listed. These can be used with");
771 System.err.println("the component variant of 'transport' command.");
772 System.err.println("");
773 System.err.println("The 'list sets' command reports the token and name of each restore set");
774 System.err.println("available to the device via the currently active transport.");
775 System.err.println("");
776 System.err.println("The 'transport' command designates the named transport as the currently");
777 System.err.println("active one. This setting is persistent across reboots. If -c flag is");
778 System.err.println("specified, the following string is treated as a component name.");
779 System.err.println("");
780 System.err.println("The 'restore' command when given just a restore token initiates a full-system");
781 System.err.println("restore operation from the currently active transport. It will deliver");
782 System.err.println("the restore set designated by the TOKEN argument to each application");
783 System.err.println("that had contributed data to that restore set.");
784 System.err.println("");
785 System.err.println("The 'restore' command when given a token and one or more package names");
786 System.err.println("initiates a restore operation of just those given packages from the restore");
787 System.err.println("set designated by the TOKEN argument. It is effectively the same as the");
788 System.err.println("'restore' operation supplying only a token, but applies a filter to the");
789 System.err.println("set of applications to be restored.");
790 System.err.println("");
791 System.err.println("The 'restore' command when given just a package name intiates a restore of");
792 System.err.println("just that one package according to the restore set selection algorithm");
793 System.err.println("used by the RestoreSession.restorePackage() method.");
794 System.err.println("");
795 System.err.println("The 'run' command causes any scheduled backup operation to be initiated");
796 System.err.println("immediately, without the usual waiting period for batching together");
797 System.err.println("data changes.");
798 System.err.println("");
799 System.err.println("The 'wipe' command causes all backed-up data for the given package to be");
800 System.err.println("erased from the given transport's storage. The next backup operation");
801 System.err.println("that the given application performs will rewrite its entire data set.");
802 System.err.println("Transport names to use here are those reported by 'list transports'.");
803 System.err.println("");
804 System.err.println("The 'fullbackup' command induces a full-data stream backup for one or more");
805 System.err.println("packages. The data is sent via the currently active transport.");
806 System.err.println("");
807 System.err.println("The 'backupnow' command runs an immediate backup for one or more packages.");
808 System.err.println(" --all flag runs backup for all eligible packages.");
809 System.err.println("For each package it will run key/value or full data backup ");
810 System.err.println("depending on the package's manifest declarations.");
811 System.err.println("The data is sent via the currently active transport.");
812 System.err.println("The 'cancel backups' command cancels all running backups.");