Lines Matching defs:paint

40  * Path, text, Bitmap), and a paint (to describe the colors and styles for the
435 * @param paint This is copied, and is applied to the offscreen when
441 public int saveLayer(@Nullable RectF bounds, @Nullable Paint paint, @Saveflags int saveFlags) {
445 return saveLayer(bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom, paint, saveFlags);
470 * @param paint This is copied, and is applied to the offscreen when
474 public int saveLayer(@Nullable RectF bounds, @Nullable Paint paint) {
475 return saveLayer(bounds, paint, ALL_SAVE_FLAG);
483 public int saveLayer(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, @Nullable Paint paint,
486 paint != null ? paint.getNativeInstance() : 0,
494 public int saveLayer(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, @Nullable Paint paint) {
495 return saveLayer(left, top, right, bottom, paint, ALL_SAVE_FLAG);
1319 * @param paint The paint used to draw the arc
1322 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1323 super.drawArc(oval, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, paint);
1348 * @param paint The paint used to draw the arc
1351 float sweepAngle, boolean useCenter, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1352 super.drawArc(left, top, right, bottom, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, paint);
1369 * Draw the specified bitmap, with its top/left corner at (x,y), using the specified paint,
1372 * Note: if the paint contains a maskfilter that generates a mask which extends beyond the
1383 * @param paint The paint used to draw the bitmap (may be null)
1385 public void drawBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap, float left, float top, @Nullable Paint paint) {
1386 super.drawBitmap(bitmap, left, top, paint);
1394 * Note: if the paint contains a maskfilter that generates a mask which extends beyond the
1406 * @param paint May be null. The paint used to draw the bitmap
1409 @Nullable Paint paint) {
1410 super.drawBitmap(bitmap, src, dst, paint);
1418 * Note: if the paint contains a maskfilter that generates a mask which extends beyond the
1430 * @param paint May be null. The paint used to draw the bitmap
1433 @Nullable Paint paint) {
1434 super.drawBitmap(bitmap, src, dst, paint);
1452 * @param paint May be null. The paint used to draw the bitmap
1460 int width, int height, boolean hasAlpha, @Nullable Paint paint) {
1461 super.drawBitmap(colors, offset, stride, x, y, width, height, hasAlpha, paint);
1474 int width, int height, boolean hasAlpha, @Nullable Paint paint) {
1475 super.drawBitmap(colors, offset, stride, x, y, width, height, hasAlpha, paint);
1483 * @param paint May be null. The paint used to draw the bitmap
1485 public void drawBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap, @NonNull Matrix matrix, @Nullable Paint paint) {
1486 super.drawBitmap(bitmap, matrix, paint);
1507 * @param paint May be null. The paint used to draw the bitmap
1511 @Nullable Paint paint) {
1513 paint);
1517 * Draw the specified circle using the specified paint. If radius is <= 0, then nothing will be
1518 * drawn. The circle will be filled or framed based on the Style in the paint.
1523 * @param paint The paint used to draw the circle
1525 public void drawCircle(float cx, float cy, float radius, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1526 super.drawCircle(cx, cy, radius, paint);
1552 * paint.
1554 * Note that since a line is always "framed", the Style is ignored in the paint.
1562 * @param paint The paint used to draw the line
1565 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1566 super.drawLine(startX, startY, stopX, stopY, paint);
1580 * @param paint The paint used to draw the points
1583 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1584 super.drawLines(pts, offset, count, paint);
1587 public void drawLines(@Size(multiple = 4) @NonNull float[] pts, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1588 super.drawLines(pts, paint);
1592 * Draw the specified oval using the specified paint. The oval will be filled or framed based on
1593 * the Style in the paint.
1597 public void drawOval(@NonNull RectF oval, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1598 super.drawOval(oval, paint);
1602 * Draw the specified oval using the specified paint. The oval will be filled or framed based on
1603 * the Style in the paint.
1605 public void drawOval(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1606 super.drawOval(left, top, right, bottom, paint);
1610 * Fill the entire canvas' bitmap (restricted to the current clip) with the specified paint.
1612 * paint.
1614 * @param paint The paint used to draw onto the canvas
1616 public void drawPaint(@NonNull Paint paint) {
1617 super.drawPaint(paint);
1625 * @param paint The paint to draw the bitmap with. may be null
1628 public void drawPatch(@NonNull NinePatch patch, @NonNull Rect dst, @Nullable Paint paint) {
1629 super.drawPatch(patch, dst, paint);
1637 * @param paint The paint to draw the bitmap with. may be null
1640 public void drawPatch(@NonNull NinePatch patch, @NonNull RectF dst, @Nullable Paint paint) {
1641 super.drawPatch(patch, dst, paint);
1645 * Draw the specified path using the specified paint. The path will be filled or framed based on
1646 * the Style in the paint.
1649 * @param paint The paint used to draw the path
1651 public void drawPath(@NonNull Path path, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1652 super.drawPath(path, paint);
1658 public void drawPoint(float x, float y, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1659 super.drawPoint(x, y, paint);
1664 * diameter is specified by the paint's stroke width (as transformed by the canvas' CTM), with
1666 * if antialiasing is enabled). The shape of the point is controlled by the paint's Cap type.
1673 * @param paint The paint used to draw the points
1676 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1677 super.drawPoints(pts, offset, count, paint);
1683 public void drawPoints(@Size(multiple = 2) @NonNull float[] pts, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1684 super.drawPoints(pts, paint);
1694 * @param paint The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
1702 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1703 super.drawPosText(text, index, count, pos, paint);
1711 * @param paint The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
1718 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1719 super.drawPosText(text, pos, paint);
1723 * Draw the specified Rect using the specified paint. The rectangle will be filled or framed
1724 * based on the Style in the paint.
1727 * @param paint The paint used to draw the rect
1729 public void drawRect(@NonNull RectF rect, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1730 super.drawRect(rect, paint);
1735 * based on the Style in the paint.
1738 * @param paint The paint used to draw the rectangle
1740 public void drawRect(@NonNull Rect r, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1741 super.drawRect(r, paint);
1745 * Draw the specified Rect using the specified paint. The rectangle will be filled or framed
1746 * based on the Style in the paint.
1752 * @param paint The paint used to draw the rect
1754 public void drawRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1755 super.drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, paint);
1771 * Draw the specified round-rect using the specified paint. The roundrect will be filled or
1772 * framed based on the Style in the paint.
1777 * @param paint The paint used to draw the roundRect
1779 public void drawRoundRect(@NonNull RectF rect, float rx, float ry, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1780 super.drawRoundRect(rect, rx, ry, paint);
1784 * Draw the specified round-rect using the specified paint. The roundrect will be filled or
1785 * framed based on the Style in the paint.
1789 * @param paint The paint used to draw the roundRect
1792 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1793 super.drawRoundRect(left, top, right, bottom, rx, ry, paint);
1797 * Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the specified paint. The origin is interpreted
1798 * based on the Align setting in the paint.
1803 * @param paint The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
1806 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1807 super.drawText(text, index, count, x, y, paint);
1811 * Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the specified paint. The origin is interpreted
1812 * based on the Align setting in the paint.
1817 * @param paint The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
1819 public void drawText(@NonNull String text, float x, float y, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1820 super.drawText(text, x, y, paint);
1824 * Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the specified paint. The origin is interpreted
1825 * based on the Align setting in the paint.
1832 * @param paint The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
1835 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1836 super.drawText(text, start, end, x, y, paint);
1848 * @param paint The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
1851 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1852 super.drawText(text, start, end, x, y, paint);
1856 * Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the specified paint, along the specified path. The
1857 * paint's Align setting determins where along the path to start the text.
1863 * @param paint The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
1866 float hOffset, float vOffset, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1867 super.drawTextOnPath(text, index, count, path, hOffset, vOffset, paint);
1871 * Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the specified paint, along the specified path. The
1872 * paint's Align setting determins where along the path to start the text.
1878 * @param paint The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
1881 float vOffset, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1882 super.drawTextOnPath(text, path, hOffset, vOffset, paint);
1905 * @param paint the paint
1908 int contextCount, float x, float y, boolean isRtl, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1909 super.drawTextRun(text, index, count, contextIndex, contextCount, x, y, isRtl, paint);
1942 * @param paint the paint
1946 int contextEnd, float x, float y, boolean isRtl, @NonNull Paint paint) {
1947 super.drawTextRun(text, start, end, contextStart, contextEnd, x, y, isRtl, paint);
1953 * to specify the coordinate in shader coordinates to use at each vertex (the paint must have a
1976 * @param paint Specifies the shader to use if the texs array is non-null.
1981 @NonNull Paint paint) {
1983 colors, colorOffset, indices, indexOffset, indexCount, paint);