Lines Matching refs:input

20         increment.time_stamp  = int(input("Time stamp of action: "))
60 return int(input("> "))
86 return int(input("> "))
92 = bool(input("Is transaction synchronous (True/False): "))
94 = bool(input("Is transaction animated (True/False): "))
108 = int(input("ID of layer/display to undergo a change: "))
163 = int(input("Enter id: "))
166 increment.surface_creation.w = input("Enter w: ")
167 increment.surface_creation.h = input("Enter h: ")
170 = int(input("Enter id: "))
173 = int(input("Enter id: "))
175 increment.display_creation.type = int(input("Enter type: "))
176 increment.display_creation.is_secure = bool(input("Enter if secure: "))
179 = int(input("Enter id: "))
182 = int(input("Enter id: "))
183 increment.buffer_update.w = int(input("Enter w: "))
184 increment.buffer_update.h = int(input("Enter h: "))
185 increment.buffer_update.frame_number = int(input("Enter frame_number: "))
188 increment.vsync_event.when = int(input("Enter when: "))
191 = int(input("Enter id: "))
192 increment.power_mode_update.mode = int(input("Enter mode: "))
195 x = input("Enter x: ")
196 y = input("Enter y: ")
201 w = input("Enter w: ")
202 h = input("Enter h: ")
207 alpha = input("Enter alpha: ")
212 layer = input("Enter layer: ")
223 dsdx = input("Enter dsdx: ")
224 dtdx = input("Enter dtdx: ")
225 dsdy = input("Enter dsdy: ")
226 dtdy = input("Enter dtdy: ")
231 mode = input("Enter override scaling mode: ")
236 num = input("Enter number of rectangles in region: ")
241 layer_stack = input("Enter layer stack: ")
246 flag = input("Enter hidden flag state (True/False): ")
251 flag = input("Enter opaque flag state (True/False): ")
256 flag = input("Enter secure flag state (True/False): ")
261 layer_id = input("Enter layer_id: ")
262 frame_number = input("Enter frame_number: ")
267 id = input("Enter id: ")
273 change.projection.orientation = input("Enter orientation: ")
286 left = input("Enter left: ")
287 top = input("Enter top: ")
288 right = input("Enter right: ")
289 bottom = input("Enter bottom: ")