Lines Matching defs:get

573         final ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(context);
1007 final ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext());
1501 return mItemDecorations.get(index);
2451 * same View may still get the focus as a result of that search.
2530 // get item decor offsets w/o refreshing. If they are invalid, there will be another
2589 mGapWorker = GapWorker.sGapWorker.get();
2720 final OnItemTouchListener listener = mOnItemTouchListeners.get(i);
2750 final OnItemTouchListener listener = mOnItemTouchListeners.get(i);
2764 // A child view e.g. a button may still get the click.
2824 + mScrollPointerId + " not found. Did any MotionEvents get skipped?");
2868 final OnItemTouchListener listener = mOnItemTouchListeners.get(i);
2931 + mScrollPointerId + " not found. Did any MotionEvents get skipped?");
3117 // now we can get the width and height from the children.
3128 // now we can get the width and height from the children.
3989 mItemDecorations.get(i).onDrawOver(c, this, mState);
4050 mItemDecorations.get(i).onDraw(c, this, mState);
4222 // lp cannot be null since we get ViewHolder from it.
4333 * also a direct child of the RecyclerView. This returned view can be used to get the
4444 * #{@link ViewHolder#getAdapterPosition()} to get the current adapter position of a ViewHolder.
4668 mItemDecorations.get(i).getItemOffsets(mTempRect, child, this, mState);
4720 mScrollListeners.get(i).onScrolled(this, hresult, vresult);
4757 mScrollListeners.get(i).onScrollStateChanged(this, state);
5160 final ScrapData scrapData = mScrap.get(viewType);
5182 if (mScrap.get(viewType).mMaxScrap <= scrapHeap.size()) {
5255 ScrapData scrapData = mScrap.get(viewType);
5292 View item = holder.mNestedRecyclerView.get();
5559 * Attempts to get the ViewHolder for the given position, either from the Recycler scrap,
5838 ViewHolder viewHolder = mCachedViews.get(cachedViewIndex);
5902 int cachedPos = mCachedViews.get(cacheIndex).mPosition;
6023 return mAttachedScrap.get(index).itemView;
6041 final ViewHolder holder = mChangedScrap.get(i);
6053 final ViewHolder holder = mChangedScrap.get(i);
6076 final ViewHolder holder = mAttachedScrap.get(i);
6107 final ViewHolder holder = mCachedViews.get(i);
6128 final ViewHolder holder = mAttachedScrap.get(i);
6161 final ViewHolder holder = mCachedViews.get(i);
6209 final ViewHolder holder = mCachedViews.get(i);
6228 final ViewHolder holder = mCachedViews.get(i);
6249 final ViewHolder holder = mCachedViews.get(i);
6292 final ViewHolder holder = mCachedViews.get(i);
6311 final ViewHolder holder = mCachedViews.get(i);
6326 final ViewHolder holder = mCachedViews.get(i);
6331 mAttachedScrap.get(i).clearOldPosition();
6336 mChangedScrap.get(i).clearOldPosition();
6344 final ViewHolder holder = mCachedViews.get(i);
6590 * before being recycled, you can call {@link ViewHolder#getAdapterPosition()} to get
6944 mOnChildAttachStateListeners.get(i).onChildViewDetachedFromWindow(child);
6958 mOnChildAttachStateListeners.get(i).onChildViewAttachedToWindow(child);
7399 * will not get predictive item animations by default.
9073 * {@link View#measure(int, int)}, you can use this method to get decorations.
9973 * Parse the xml attributes to get the most common properties used by layout managers.
10119 * {@link RecyclerView#getChildAdapterPosition(View)} to get the adapter position of the
10253 * before being recycled, you can call {@link ViewHolder#getAdapterPosition()} to get
10262 * A Listener interface that can be attached to a RecylcerView to get notified
10530 * adapter. Sometimes, you may need to get the exact adapter position to do
10822 ViewHolder viewHolder = mPendingAccessibilityImportanceChange.get(i);
11532 mObservers.get(i).onChanged();
11546 mObservers.get(i).onItemRangeChanged(positionStart, itemCount, payload);
11556 mObservers.get(i).onItemRangeInserted(positionStart, itemCount);
11566 mObservers.get(i).onItemRangeRemoved(positionStart, itemCount);
11572 mObservers.get(i).onItemRangeMoved(fromPosition, toPosition, 1);
11637 * <p>If you implement custom components, you can use State's put/get/remove methods to pass
11819 public <T> T get(int resourceId) {
11823 return (T) mData.get(resourceId);
11888 * You can get the adapter's item count via {@link LayoutManager#getItemCount()} method.
12624 mFinishedListeners.get(i).onAnimationsFinished();