package autotest.common.ui; import autotest.common.SimpleCallback; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A widget to faciliate pagination of tables. Shows currently displayed rows, * total row count, and buttons for moving among pages. */ public class Paginator extends Composite { static class LinkWithDisable extends Composite { protected Panel panel = new FlowPanel(); protected Label label; protected Anchor link; public LinkWithDisable(String text) { label = new Label(text); link = new Anchor(text); panel.add(link); panel.add(label); link.setStyleName("paginator-link"); label.setStyleName("paginator-link"); setEnabled(false); // default to not enabled initWidget(panel); } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { link.setVisible(enabled); label.setVisible(!enabled); } public void addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) { link.addClickHandler(handler); } } protected int resultsPerPage, numTotalResults; protected List callbacks = new ArrayList(); protected int currentStart = 0; protected HorizontalPanel mainPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); protected LinkWithDisable nextControl, prevControl, firstControl, lastControl; protected Label statusLabel = new Label(); public Paginator() { prevControl = new LinkWithDisable("< Previous"); prevControl.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { currentStart -= Paginator.this.resultsPerPage; notifyCallbacks(); } }); nextControl = new LinkWithDisable("Next >"); nextControl.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { currentStart += Paginator.this.resultsPerPage; notifyCallbacks(); } }); firstControl = new LinkWithDisable("<< First"); firstControl.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { currentStart = 0; notifyCallbacks(); } }); lastControl = new LinkWithDisable("Last >>"); lastControl.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { currentStart = getLastPageStart(); notifyCallbacks(); } }); statusLabel.setWidth("10em"); statusLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(Label.ALIGN_CENTER); mainPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); mainPanel.add(firstControl); mainPanel.add(prevControl); mainPanel.add(statusLabel); mainPanel.add(nextControl); mainPanel.add(lastControl); initWidget(mainPanel); } /** * Get the current starting row index. */ public int getStart() { return currentStart; } /** * Get the current ending row index (one past the last currently displayed * row). */ public int getEnd() { int end = currentStart + resultsPerPage; if (end < numTotalResults) return end; return numTotalResults; } /** * Get the size of each page. */ public int getResultsPerPage() { return resultsPerPage; } /** * Set the size of a page. */ public void setResultsPerPage(int resultsPerPage) { this.resultsPerPage = resultsPerPage; } /** * Set the total number of results in the current working set. */ public void setNumTotalResults(int numResults) { this.numTotalResults = numResults; if (currentStart >= numResults) currentStart = getLastPageStart(); } /** * Set the current starting index. */ public void setStart(int start) { this.currentStart = start; } protected int getLastPageStart() { // compute start of last page using truncation return ((numTotalResults - 1) / resultsPerPage) * resultsPerPage; } public void update() { boolean prevEnabled = !(currentStart == 0); boolean nextEnabled = currentStart + resultsPerPage < numTotalResults; firstControl.setEnabled(prevEnabled); prevControl.setEnabled(prevEnabled); nextControl.setEnabled(nextEnabled); lastControl.setEnabled(nextEnabled); int displayStart = getStart() + 1; if(numTotalResults == 0) displayStart = 0; statusLabel.setText(displayStart + "-" + getEnd() + " of " + numTotalResults); } public void addCallback(SimpleCallback callback) { callbacks.add(callback); } public void removeCallback(SimpleCallback callback) { callbacks.remove(callback); } protected void notifyCallbacks() { for (SimpleCallback callback : callbacks) { callback.doCallback(this); } } }