/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Guava Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.common.collect; import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList; import static com.google.common.collect.MapMakerInternalMap.DISCARDING_QUEUE; import static com.google.common.collect.MapMakerInternalMap.DRAIN_THRESHOLD; import static com.google.common.collect.MapMakerInternalMap.nullEntry; import static com.google.common.collect.MapMakerInternalMap.unset; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import com.google.common.base.Equivalence; import com.google.common.base.Ticker; import com.google.common.collect.MapMaker.RemovalCause; import com.google.common.collect.MapMaker.RemovalListener; import com.google.common.collect.MapMaker.RemovalNotification; import com.google.common.collect.MapMakerInternalMap.EntryFactory; import com.google.common.collect.MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry; import com.google.common.collect.MapMakerInternalMap.Segment; import com.google.common.collect.MapMakerInternalMap.Strength; import com.google.common.collect.MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference; import com.google.common.testing.NullPointerTester; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray; /** * @author Charles Fry */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // many tests of deprecated methods public class MapMakerInternalMapTest extends TestCase { static final int SMALL_MAX_SIZE = DRAIN_THRESHOLD * 5; private static MapMakerInternalMap makeMap(GenericMapMaker maker) { return new MapMakerInternalMap((MapMaker) maker); } private static MapMakerInternalMap makeMap(MapMaker maker) { return new MapMakerInternalMap(maker); } private static MapMaker createMapMaker() { MapMaker maker = new MapMaker(); maker.useCustomMap = true; return maker; } // constructor tests public void testDefaults() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker()); assertSame(Strength.STRONG, map.keyStrength); assertSame(Strength.STRONG, map.valueStrength); assertSame(map.keyStrength.defaultEquivalence(), map.keyEquivalence); assertSame(map.valueStrength.defaultEquivalence(), map.valueEquivalence); assertEquals(0, map.expireAfterAccessNanos); assertEquals(0, map.expireAfterWriteNanos); assertEquals(MapMaker.UNSET_INT, map.maximumSize); assertSame(EntryFactory.STRONG, map.entryFactory); assertSame(MapMaker.NullListener.INSTANCE, map.removalListener); assertSame(DISCARDING_QUEUE, map.removalNotificationQueue); assertSame(Ticker.systemTicker(), map.ticker); assertEquals(4, map.concurrencyLevel); // concurrency level assertEquals(4, map.segments.length); // initial capacity / concurrency level assertEquals(16 / map.segments.length, map.segments[0].table.length()); assertFalse(map.evictsBySize()); assertFalse(map.expires()); assertFalse(map.expiresAfterWrite()); assertFalse(map.expiresAfterAccess()); } public void testSetKeyEquivalence() { Equivalence testEquivalence = new Equivalence() { @Override protected boolean doEquivalent(Object a, Object b) { return false; } @Override protected int doHash(Object t) { return 0; } }; MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().keyEquivalence(testEquivalence)); assertSame(testEquivalence, map.keyEquivalence); assertSame(map.valueStrength.defaultEquivalence(), map.valueEquivalence); } public void testSetConcurrencyLevel() { // round up to nearest power of two checkConcurrencyLevel(1, 1); checkConcurrencyLevel(2, 2); checkConcurrencyLevel(3, 4); checkConcurrencyLevel(4, 4); checkConcurrencyLevel(5, 8); checkConcurrencyLevel(6, 8); checkConcurrencyLevel(7, 8); checkConcurrencyLevel(8, 8); } private static void checkConcurrencyLevel(int concurrencyLevel, int segmentCount) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(concurrencyLevel)); assertEquals(segmentCount, map.segments.length); } public void testSetInitialCapacity() { // share capacity over each segment, then round up to nearest power of two checkInitialCapacity(1, 0, 1); checkInitialCapacity(1, 1, 1); checkInitialCapacity(1, 2, 2); checkInitialCapacity(1, 3, 4); checkInitialCapacity(1, 4, 4); checkInitialCapacity(1, 5, 8); checkInitialCapacity(1, 6, 8); checkInitialCapacity(1, 7, 8); checkInitialCapacity(1, 8, 8); checkInitialCapacity(2, 0, 1); checkInitialCapacity(2, 1, 1); checkInitialCapacity(2, 2, 1); checkInitialCapacity(2, 3, 2); checkInitialCapacity(2, 4, 2); checkInitialCapacity(2, 5, 4); checkInitialCapacity(2, 6, 4); checkInitialCapacity(2, 7, 4); checkInitialCapacity(2, 8, 4); checkInitialCapacity(4, 0, 1); checkInitialCapacity(4, 1, 1); checkInitialCapacity(4, 2, 1); checkInitialCapacity(4, 3, 1); checkInitialCapacity(4, 4, 1); checkInitialCapacity(4, 5, 2); checkInitialCapacity(4, 6, 2); checkInitialCapacity(4, 7, 2); checkInitialCapacity(4, 8, 2); } private static void checkInitialCapacity( int concurrencyLevel, int initialCapacity, int segmentSize) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap( createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(concurrencyLevel).initialCapacity(initialCapacity)); for (int i = 0; i < map.segments.length; i++) { assertEquals(segmentSize, map.segments[i].table.length()); } } public void testSetMaximumSize() { // vary maximumSize wrt concurrencyLevel for (int maxSize = 1; maxSize < 8; maxSize++) { checkMaximumSize(1, 8, maxSize); checkMaximumSize(2, 8, maxSize); checkMaximumSize(4, 8, maxSize); checkMaximumSize(8, 8, maxSize); } checkMaximumSize(1, 8, Integer.MAX_VALUE); checkMaximumSize(2, 8, Integer.MAX_VALUE); checkMaximumSize(4, 8, Integer.MAX_VALUE); checkMaximumSize(8, 8, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // vary initial capacity wrt maximumSize for (int capacity = 0; capacity < 8; capacity++) { checkMaximumSize(1, capacity, 4); checkMaximumSize(2, capacity, 4); checkMaximumSize(4, capacity, 4); checkMaximumSize(8, capacity, 4); } } private static void checkMaximumSize(int concurrencyLevel, int initialCapacity, int maxSize) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker() .concurrencyLevel(concurrencyLevel) .initialCapacity(initialCapacity) .maximumSize(maxSize)); int totalCapacity = 0; for (int i = 0; i < map.segments.length; i++) { totalCapacity += map.segments[i].maxSegmentSize; } assertTrue("totalCapcity=" + totalCapacity + ", maxSize=" + maxSize, totalCapacity <= maxSize); } public void testSetWeakKeys() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().weakKeys()); checkStrength(map, Strength.WEAK, Strength.STRONG); assertSame(EntryFactory.WEAK, map.entryFactory); } public void testSetWeakValues() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().weakValues()); checkStrength(map, Strength.STRONG, Strength.WEAK); assertSame(EntryFactory.STRONG, map.entryFactory); } public void testSetSoftValues() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().softValues()); checkStrength(map, Strength.STRONG, Strength.SOFT); assertSame(EntryFactory.STRONG, map.entryFactory); } private static void checkStrength( MapMakerInternalMap map, Strength keyStrength, Strength valueStrength) { assertSame(keyStrength, map.keyStrength); assertSame(valueStrength, map.valueStrength); assertSame(keyStrength.defaultEquivalence(), map.keyEquivalence); assertSame(valueStrength.defaultEquivalence(), map.valueEquivalence); } public void testSetExpireAfterWrite() { long duration = 42; TimeUnit unit = SECONDS; MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().expireAfterWrite(duration, unit)); assertEquals(unit.toNanos(duration), map.expireAfterWriteNanos); } public void testSetExpireAfterAccess() { long duration = 42; TimeUnit unit = SECONDS; MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().expireAfterAccess(duration, unit)); assertEquals(unit.toNanos(duration), map.expireAfterAccessNanos); } public void testSetRemovalListener() { RemovalListener testListener = new RemovalListener() { @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification notification) {} }; MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().removalListener(testListener)); assertSame(testListener, map.removalListener); } // Removal listener tests public void testRemovalListener_explicit() { QueuingRemovalListener listener = new QueuingRemovalListener(); MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker() .removalListener(listener)); assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); Object one = new Object(); Object two = new Object(); Object three = new Object(); Object four = new Object(); Object five = new Object(); Object six = new Object(); map.put(one, two); map.remove(one); assertNotified(listener, one, two, RemovalCause.EXPLICIT); map.put(two, three); map.remove(two, three); assertNotified(listener, two, three, RemovalCause.EXPLICIT); map.put(three, four); Iterator i = map.entrySet().iterator(); i.next(); i.remove(); assertNotified(listener, three, four, RemovalCause.EXPLICIT); map.put(four, five); i = map.keySet().iterator(); i.next(); i.remove(); assertNotified(listener, four, five, RemovalCause.EXPLICIT); map.put(five, six); i = map.values().iterator(); i.next(); i.remove(); assertNotified(listener, five, six, RemovalCause.EXPLICIT); assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); } public void testRemovalListener_replaced() { QueuingRemovalListener listener = new QueuingRemovalListener(); MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker() .removalListener(listener)); assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); Object one = new Object(); Object two = new Object(); Object three = new Object(); Object four = new Object(); Object five = new Object(); Object six = new Object(); map.put(one, two); map.put(one, three); assertNotified(listener, one, two, RemovalCause.REPLACED); Map newMap = ImmutableMap.of(one, four); map.putAll(newMap); assertNotified(listener, one, three, RemovalCause.REPLACED); map.replace(one, five); assertNotified(listener, one, four, RemovalCause.REPLACED); map.replace(one, five, six); assertNotified(listener, one, five, RemovalCause.REPLACED); } public void testRemovalListener_collected() { QueuingRemovalListener listener = new QueuingRemovalListener(); MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker() .concurrencyLevel(1) .softValues() .removalListener(listener)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); Object one = new Object(); Object two = new Object(); Object three = new Object(); map.put(one, two); map.put(two, three); assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); int hash = map.hash(one); ReferenceEntry entry = segment.getEntry(one, hash); map.reclaimValue(entry.getValueReference()); assertNotified(listener, one, two, RemovalCause.COLLECTED); assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); } public void testRemovalListener_size() { QueuingRemovalListener listener = new QueuingRemovalListener(); MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker() .concurrencyLevel(1) .maximumSize(2) .removalListener(listener)); assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); Object one = new Object(); Object two = new Object(); Object three = new Object(); Object four = new Object(); map.put(one, two); map.put(two, three); assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); map.put(three, four); assertNotified(listener, one, two, RemovalCause.SIZE); assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); } static void assertNotified( QueuingRemovalListener listener, K key, V value, RemovalCause cause) { RemovalNotification notification = listener.remove(); assertSame(key, notification.getKey()); assertSame(value, notification.getValue()); assertSame(cause, notification.getCause()); } // Segment core tests public void testNewEntry() { for (MapMaker maker : allEntryTypeMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker); Object keyOne = new Object(); Object valueOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); ReferenceEntry entryOne = map.newEntry(keyOne, hashOne, null); ValueReference valueRefOne = map.newValueReference(entryOne, valueOne); assertSame(valueOne, valueRefOne.get()); entryOne.setValueReference(valueRefOne); assertSame(keyOne, entryOne.getKey()); assertEquals(hashOne, entryOne.getHash()); assertNull(entryOne.getNext()); assertSame(valueRefOne, entryOne.getValueReference()); Object keyTwo = new Object(); Object valueTwo = new Object(); int hashTwo = map.hash(keyTwo); ReferenceEntry entryTwo = map.newEntry(keyTwo, hashTwo, entryOne); ValueReference valueRefTwo = map.newValueReference(entryTwo, valueTwo); assertSame(valueTwo, valueRefTwo.get()); entryTwo.setValueReference(valueRefTwo); assertSame(keyTwo, entryTwo.getKey()); assertEquals(hashTwo, entryTwo.getHash()); assertSame(entryOne, entryTwo.getNext()); assertSame(valueRefTwo, entryTwo.getValueReference()); } } public void testCopyEntry() { for (MapMaker maker : allEntryTypeMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker); Object keyOne = new Object(); Object valueOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); ReferenceEntry entryOne = map.newEntry(keyOne, hashOne, null); entryOne.setValueReference(map.newValueReference(entryOne, valueOne)); Object keyTwo = new Object(); Object valueTwo = new Object(); int hashTwo = map.hash(keyTwo); ReferenceEntry entryTwo = map.newEntry(keyTwo, hashTwo, entryOne); entryTwo.setValueReference(map.newValueReference(entryTwo, valueTwo)); if (map.evictsBySize()) { MapMakerInternalMap.connectEvictables(entryOne, entryTwo); } if (map.expires()) { MapMakerInternalMap.connectExpirables(entryOne, entryTwo); } assertConnected(map, entryOne, entryTwo); ReferenceEntry copyOne = map.copyEntry(entryOne, null); assertSame(keyOne, entryOne.getKey()); assertEquals(hashOne, entryOne.getHash()); assertNull(entryOne.getNext()); assertSame(valueOne, copyOne.getValueReference().get()); assertConnected(map, copyOne, entryTwo); ReferenceEntry copyTwo = map.copyEntry(entryTwo, copyOne); assertSame(keyTwo, copyTwo.getKey()); assertEquals(hashTwo, copyTwo.getHash()); assertSame(copyOne, copyTwo.getNext()); assertSame(valueTwo, copyTwo.getValueReference().get()); assertConnected(map, copyOne, copyTwo); } } private static void assertConnected( MapMakerInternalMap map, ReferenceEntry one, ReferenceEntry two) { if (map.evictsBySize()) { assertSame(two, one.getNextEvictable()); } if (map.expires()) { assertSame(two, one.getNextExpirable()); } } public void testSegmentGetAndContains() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1).expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; // TODO(fry): check recency ordering Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object value = new Object(); AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); ReferenceEntry entry = map.newEntry(key, hash, null); ValueReference valueRef = map.newValueReference(entry, value); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); assertNull(segment.get(key, hash)); // count == 0 table.set(index, entry); assertNull(segment.get(key, hash)); assertFalse(segment.containsKey(key, hash)); assertFalse(segment.containsValue(value)); // count == 1 segment.count++; assertSame(value, segment.get(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.containsKey(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.containsValue(value)); // don't see absent values now that count > 0 assertNull(segment.get(new Object(), hash)); // null key DummyEntry nullEntry = DummyEntry.create(null, hash, entry); Object nullValue = new Object(); ValueReference nullValueRef = map.newValueReference(nullEntry, nullValue); nullEntry.setValueReference(nullValueRef); table.set(index, nullEntry); // skip the null key assertSame(value, segment.get(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.containsKey(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.containsValue(value)); assertFalse(segment.containsValue(nullValue)); // hash collision DummyEntry dummy = DummyEntry.create(new Object(), hash, entry); Object dummyValue = new Object(); ValueReference dummyValueRef = map.newValueReference(dummy, dummyValue); dummy.setValueReference(dummyValueRef); table.set(index, dummy); assertSame(value, segment.get(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.containsKey(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.containsValue(value)); assertTrue(segment.containsValue(dummyValue)); // key collision dummy = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, entry); dummyValue = new Object(); dummyValueRef = map.newValueReference(dummy, dummyValue); dummy.setValueReference(dummyValueRef); table.set(index, dummy); // returns the most recent entry assertSame(dummyValue, segment.get(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.containsKey(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.containsValue(value)); assertTrue(segment.containsValue(dummyValue)); // expired dummy.setExpirationTime(0); assertNull(segment.get(key, hash)); assertFalse(segment.containsKey(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.containsValue(value)); assertFalse(segment.containsValue(dummyValue)); } public void testSegmentReplaceValue() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1).expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; // TODO(fry): check recency ordering Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object oldValue = new Object(); Object newValue = new Object(); AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); DummyEntry entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, null); DummyValueReference oldValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(oldValue, entry); entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); // no entry assertFalse(segment.replace(key, hash, oldValue, newValue)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); // same value table.set(index, entry); segment.count++; assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.replace(key, hash, oldValue, newValue)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(newValue, segment.get(key, hash)); // different value assertFalse(segment.replace(key, hash, oldValue, newValue)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(newValue, segment.get(key, hash)); // cleared entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); oldValueRef.clear(null); assertFalse(segment.replace(key, hash, oldValue, newValue)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.get(key, hash)); } public void testSegmentReplace() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1).expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; // TODO(fry): check recency ordering Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object oldValue = new Object(); Object newValue = new Object(); AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); DummyEntry entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, null); DummyValueReference oldValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(oldValue, entry); entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); // no entry assertNull(segment.replace(key, hash, newValue)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); // same key table.set(index, entry); segment.count++; assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); assertSame(oldValue, segment.replace(key, hash, newValue)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(newValue, segment.get(key, hash)); // cleared entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); oldValueRef.clear(null); assertNull(segment.replace(key, hash, newValue)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.get(key, hash)); } public void testSegmentPut() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1).expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; // TODO(fry): check recency ordering Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object oldValue = new Object(); Object newValue = new Object(); // no entry assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.put(key, hash, oldValue, false)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); // same key assertSame(oldValue, segment.put(key, hash, newValue, false)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(newValue, segment.get(key, hash)); // cleared ReferenceEntry entry = segment.getEntry(key, hash); DummyValueReference oldValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(oldValue, entry); entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); oldValueRef.clear(null); assertNull(segment.put(key, hash, newValue, false)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(newValue, segment.get(key, hash)); } public void testSegmentPutIfAbsent() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1).expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; // TODO(fry): check recency ordering Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object oldValue = new Object(); Object newValue = new Object(); // no entry assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.put(key, hash, oldValue, true)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); // same key assertSame(oldValue, segment.put(key, hash, newValue, true)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); // cleared ReferenceEntry entry = segment.getEntry(key, hash); DummyValueReference oldValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(oldValue, entry); entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); oldValueRef.clear(null); assertNull(segment.put(key, hash, newValue, true)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(newValue, segment.get(key, hash)); } public void testSegmentPut_expand() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1).initialCapacity(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; assertEquals(1, segment.table.length()); int count = 1024; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); assertNull(segment.put(key, hash, value, false)); assertTrue(segment.table.length() > i); } } public void testSegmentPut_evict() { int maxSize = 10; MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1).maximumSize(maxSize)); // manually add elements to avoid eviction int originalCount = 1024; LinkedHashMap originalMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) { Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); map.put(key, value); originalMap.put(key, value); if (i >= maxSize) { Iterator it = originalMap.keySet().iterator(); it.next(); it.remove(); } assertEquals(originalMap, map); } } public void testSegmentRemove() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object oldValue = new Object(); AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); DummyEntry entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, null); DummyValueReference oldValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(oldValue, entry); entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); // no entry assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.remove(key, hash)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); // same key table.set(index, entry); segment.count++; assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); assertSame(oldValue, segment.remove(key, hash)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.get(key, hash)); // cleared table.set(index, entry); segment.count++; assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); oldValueRef.clear(null); assertNull(segment.remove(key, hash)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.get(key, hash)); } public void testSegmentRemoveValue() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object oldValue = new Object(); Object newValue = new Object(); AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); DummyEntry entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, null); DummyValueReference oldValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(oldValue, entry); entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); // no entry assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.remove(key, hash)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); // same value table.set(index, entry); segment.count++; assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); assertTrue(segment.remove(key, hash, oldValue)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.get(key, hash)); // different value table.set(index, entry); segment.count++; assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); assertFalse(segment.remove(key, hash, newValue)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); // cleared assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); oldValueRef.clear(null); assertFalse(segment.remove(key, hash, oldValue)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.get(key, hash)); } public void testExpand() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1).initialCapacity(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; assertEquals(1, segment.table.length()); // manually add elements to avoid expansion int originalCount = 1024; ReferenceEntry entry = null; for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) { Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); // chain all entries together as we only have a single bucket entry = map.newEntry(key, hash, entry); ValueReference valueRef = map.newValueReference(entry, value); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); } segment.table.set(0, entry); segment.count = originalCount; ImmutableMap originalMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(map); assertEquals(originalCount, originalMap.size()); assertEquals(originalMap, map); for (int i = 1; i <= originalCount * 2; i *= 2) { if (i > 1) { segment.expand(); } assertEquals(i, segment.table.length()); assertEquals(originalCount, countLiveEntries(map)); assertEquals(originalCount, segment.count); assertEquals(originalMap, map); } } public void testReclaimKey() { CountingRemovalListener listener = new CountingRemovalListener(); MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker() .concurrencyLevel(1) .initialCapacity(1) .maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE) .expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS) .removalListener(listener)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; assertEquals(1, table.length()); // create 3 objects and chain them together Object keyOne = new Object(); Object valueOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); DummyEntry entryOne = createDummyEntry(keyOne, hashOne, valueOne, null); Object keyTwo = new Object(); Object valueTwo = new Object(); int hashTwo = map.hash(keyTwo); DummyEntry entryTwo = createDummyEntry(keyTwo, hashTwo, valueTwo, entryOne); Object keyThree = new Object(); Object valueThree = new Object(); int hashThree = map.hash(keyThree); DummyEntry entryThree = createDummyEntry(keyThree, hashThree, valueThree, entryTwo); // absent assertEquals(0, listener.getCount()); assertFalse(segment.reclaimKey(entryOne, hashOne)); assertEquals(0, listener.getCount()); table.set(0, entryOne); assertFalse(segment.reclaimKey(entryTwo, hashTwo)); assertEquals(0, listener.getCount()); table.set(0, entryTwo); assertFalse(segment.reclaimKey(entryThree, hashThree)); assertEquals(0, listener.getCount()); // present table.set(0, entryOne); segment.count = 1; assertTrue(segment.reclaimKey(entryOne, hashOne)); assertEquals(1, listener.getCount()); assertSame(keyOne, listener.getLastEvictedKey()); assertSame(valueOne, listener.getLastEvictedValue()); assertTrue(map.removalNotificationQueue.isEmpty()); assertFalse(segment.evictionQueue.contains(entryOne)); assertFalse(segment.expirationQueue.contains(entryOne)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(table.get(0)); } public void testRemoveFromChain() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; // create 3 objects and chain them together Object keyOne = new Object(); Object valueOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); DummyEntry entryOne = createDummyEntry(keyOne, hashOne, valueOne, null); Object keyTwo = new Object(); Object valueTwo = new Object(); int hashTwo = map.hash(keyTwo); DummyEntry entryTwo = createDummyEntry(keyTwo, hashTwo, valueTwo, entryOne); Object keyThree = new Object(); Object valueThree = new Object(); int hashThree = map.hash(keyThree); DummyEntry entryThree = createDummyEntry(keyThree, hashThree, valueThree, entryTwo); // alone assertNull(segment.removeFromChain(entryOne, entryOne)); // head assertSame(entryOne, segment.removeFromChain(entryTwo, entryTwo)); // middle ReferenceEntry newFirst = segment.removeFromChain(entryThree, entryTwo); assertSame(keyThree, newFirst.getKey()); assertSame(valueThree, newFirst.getValueReference().get()); assertEquals(hashThree, newFirst.getHash()); assertSame(entryOne, newFirst.getNext()); // tail (remaining entries are copied in reverse order) newFirst = segment.removeFromChain(entryThree, entryOne); assertSame(keyTwo, newFirst.getKey()); assertSame(valueTwo, newFirst.getValueReference().get()); assertEquals(hashTwo, newFirst.getHash()); newFirst = newFirst.getNext(); assertSame(keyThree, newFirst.getKey()); assertSame(valueThree, newFirst.getValueReference().get()); assertEquals(hashThree, newFirst.getHash()); assertNull(newFirst.getNext()); } public void testExpand_cleanup() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1).initialCapacity(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; assertEquals(1, segment.table.length()); // manually add elements to avoid expansion // 1/3 null keys, 1/3 null values int originalCount = 1024; ReferenceEntry entry = null; for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) { Object key = new Object(); Object value = (i % 3 == 0) ? null : new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); if (i % 3 == 1) { key = null; } // chain all entries together as we only have a single bucket entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, entry); ValueReference valueRef = DummyValueReference.create(value, entry); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); } segment.table.set(0, entry); segment.count = originalCount; int liveCount = originalCount / 3; assertEquals(1, segment.table.length()); assertEquals(liveCount, countLiveEntries(map)); ImmutableMap originalMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(map); assertEquals(liveCount, originalMap.size()); // can't compare map contents until cleanup occurs for (int i = 1; i <= originalCount * 2; i *= 2) { if (i > 1) { segment.expand(); } assertEquals(i, segment.table.length()); assertEquals(liveCount, countLiveEntries(map)); // expansion cleanup is sloppy, with a goal of avoiding unnecessary copies assertTrue(segment.count >= liveCount); assertTrue(segment.count <= originalCount); assertEquals(originalMap, ImmutableMap.copyOf(map)); } } private static int countLiveEntries(MapMakerInternalMap map) { int result = 0; for (Segment segment : map.segments) { AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; for (int i = 0; i < table.length(); i++) { for (ReferenceEntry e = table.get(i); e != null; e = e.getNext()) { if (map.isLive(e)) { result++; } } } } return result; } public void testClear() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker() .concurrencyLevel(1) .initialCapacity(1) .maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE) .expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; assertEquals(1, table.length()); Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); DummyEntry entry = createDummyEntry(key, hash, value, null); segment.recordWrite(entry); segment.table.set(0, entry); segment.readCount.incrementAndGet(); segment.count = 1; assertSame(entry, table.get(0)); assertSame(entry, segment.evictionQueue.peek()); assertSame(entry, segment.expirationQueue.peek()); segment.clear(); assertNull(table.get(0)); assertTrue(segment.evictionQueue.isEmpty()); assertTrue(segment.expirationQueue.isEmpty()); assertEquals(0, segment.readCount.get()); assertEquals(0, segment.count); } public void testRemoveEntry() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker() .concurrencyLevel(1) .initialCapacity(1) .maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE) .expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS) .removalListener(new CountingRemovalListener())); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; assertEquals(1, table.length()); Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); DummyEntry entry = createDummyEntry(key, hash, value, null); // remove absent assertFalse(segment.removeEntry(entry, hash, RemovalCause.COLLECTED)); // remove live segment.recordWrite(entry); table.set(0, entry); segment.count = 1; assertTrue(segment.removeEntry(entry, hash, RemovalCause.COLLECTED)); assertNotificationEnqueued(map, key, value); assertTrue(map.removalNotificationQueue.isEmpty()); assertFalse(segment.evictionQueue.contains(entry)); assertFalse(segment.expirationQueue.contains(entry)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(table.get(0)); } public void testReclaimValue() { CountingRemovalListener listener = new CountingRemovalListener(); MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker() .concurrencyLevel(1) .initialCapacity(1) .maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE) .expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS) .removalListener(listener)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; assertEquals(1, table.length()); Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); DummyEntry entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, null); DummyValueReference valueRef = DummyValueReference.create(value, entry); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); // reclaim absent assertFalse(segment.reclaimValue(key, hash, valueRef)); // reclaim live segment.recordWrite(entry); table.set(0, entry); segment.count = 1; assertTrue(segment.reclaimValue(key, hash, valueRef)); assertEquals(1, listener.getCount()); assertSame(key, listener.getLastEvictedKey()); assertSame(value, listener.getLastEvictedValue()); assertTrue(map.removalNotificationQueue.isEmpty()); assertFalse(segment.evictionQueue.contains(entry)); assertFalse(segment.expirationQueue.contains(entry)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(table.get(0)); // reclaim wrong value reference table.set(0, entry); DummyValueReference otherValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(value, entry); entry.setValueReference(otherValueRef); assertFalse(segment.reclaimValue(key, hash, valueRef)); assertEquals(1, listener.getCount()); assertTrue(segment.reclaimValue(key, hash, otherValueRef)); assertEquals(2, listener.getCount()); assertSame(key, listener.getLastEvictedKey()); assertSame(value, listener.getLastEvictedValue()); } public void testClearValue() { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker() .concurrencyLevel(1) .initialCapacity(1) .maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE) .expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS) .removalListener(new CountingRemovalListener())); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; assertEquals(1, table.length()); Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); DummyEntry entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, null); DummyValueReference valueRef = DummyValueReference.create(value, entry); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); // clear absent assertFalse(segment.clearValue(key, hash, valueRef)); // clear live segment.recordWrite(entry); table.set(0, entry); // don't increment count; this is used during computation assertTrue(segment.clearValue(key, hash, valueRef)); // no notification sent with clearValue assertTrue(map.removalNotificationQueue.isEmpty()); assertFalse(segment.evictionQueue.contains(entry)); assertFalse(segment.expirationQueue.contains(entry)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(table.get(0)); // clear wrong value reference table.set(0, entry); DummyValueReference otherValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(value, entry); entry.setValueReference(otherValueRef); assertFalse(segment.clearValue(key, hash, valueRef)); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); assertTrue(segment.clearValue(key, hash, valueRef)); } private static void assertNotificationEnqueued( MapMakerInternalMap map, K key, V value) { RemovalNotification notification = map.removalNotificationQueue.poll(); assertSame(key, notification.getKey()); assertSame(value, notification.getValue()); } // Segment eviction tests public void testDrainRecencyQueueOnWrite() { for (MapMaker maker : allEvictingMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker.concurrencyLevel(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; if (segment.recencyQueue != DISCARDING_QUEUE) { Object keyOne = new Object(); Object valueOne = new Object(); Object keyTwo = new Object(); Object valueTwo = new Object(); map.put(keyOne, valueOne); assertTrue(segment.recencyQueue.isEmpty()); for (int i = 0; i < DRAIN_THRESHOLD / 2; i++) { map.get(keyOne); } assertFalse(segment.recencyQueue.isEmpty()); map.put(keyTwo, valueTwo); assertTrue(segment.recencyQueue.isEmpty()); } } } public void testDrainRecencyQueueOnRead() { for (MapMaker maker : allEvictingMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker.concurrencyLevel(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; if (segment.recencyQueue != DISCARDING_QUEUE) { Object keyOne = new Object(); Object valueOne = new Object(); // repeated get of the same key map.put(keyOne, valueOne); assertTrue(segment.recencyQueue.isEmpty()); for (int i = 0; i < DRAIN_THRESHOLD / 2; i++) { map.get(keyOne); } assertFalse(segment.recencyQueue.isEmpty()); for (int i = 0; i < DRAIN_THRESHOLD * 2; i++) { map.get(keyOne); assertTrue(segment.recencyQueue.size() <= DRAIN_THRESHOLD); } // get over many different keys for (int i = 0; i < DRAIN_THRESHOLD * 2; i++) { map.put(new Object(), new Object()); } assertTrue(segment.recencyQueue.isEmpty()); for (int i = 0; i < DRAIN_THRESHOLD / 2; i++) { map.get(keyOne); } assertFalse(segment.recencyQueue.isEmpty()); for (Object key : map.keySet()) { map.get(key); assertTrue(segment.recencyQueue.size() <= DRAIN_THRESHOLD); } } } } public void testRecordRead() { for (MapMaker maker : allEvictingMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker.concurrencyLevel(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; List> writeOrder = Lists.newLinkedList(); List> readOrder = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < DRAIN_THRESHOLD * 2; i++) { Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object value = new Object(); ReferenceEntry entry = createDummyEntry(key, hash, value, null); // must recordRead for drainRecencyQueue to believe this entry is live segment.recordWrite(entry); writeOrder.add(entry); readOrder.add(entry); } checkEvictionQueues(map, segment, readOrder, writeOrder); checkExpirationTimes(map); // access some of the elements Random random = new Random(); List> reads = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterator> i = readOrder.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ReferenceEntry entry = i.next(); if (random.nextBoolean()) { segment.recordRead(entry); reads.add(entry); i.remove(); } } checkAndDrainRecencyQueue(map, segment, reads); readOrder.addAll(reads); checkEvictionQueues(map, segment, readOrder, writeOrder); checkExpirationTimes(map); } } public void testRecordReadOnGet() { for (MapMaker maker : allEvictingMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker.concurrencyLevel(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; List> writeOrder = Lists.newLinkedList(); List> readOrder = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < DRAIN_THRESHOLD * 2; i++) { Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object value = new Object(); map.put(key, value); ReferenceEntry entry = segment.getEntry(key, hash); writeOrder.add(entry); readOrder.add(entry); } checkEvictionQueues(map, segment, readOrder, writeOrder); checkExpirationTimes(map); assertTrue(segment.recencyQueue.isEmpty()); // access some of the elements Random random = new Random(); List> reads = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterator> i = readOrder.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ReferenceEntry entry = i.next(); if (random.nextBoolean()) { map.get(entry.getKey()); reads.add(entry); i.remove(); assertTrue(segment.recencyQueue.size() <= DRAIN_THRESHOLD); } } int undrainedIndex = reads.size() - segment.recencyQueue.size(); checkAndDrainRecencyQueue(map, segment, reads.subList(undrainedIndex, reads.size())); readOrder.addAll(reads); checkEvictionQueues(map, segment, readOrder, writeOrder); checkExpirationTimes(map); } } public void testRecordWrite() { for (MapMaker maker : allEvictingMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker.concurrencyLevel(1)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; List> writeOrder = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < DRAIN_THRESHOLD * 2; i++) { Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object value = new Object(); ReferenceEntry entry = createDummyEntry(key, hash, value, null); // must recordRead for drainRecencyQueue to believe this entry is live segment.recordWrite(entry); writeOrder.add(entry); } checkEvictionQueues(map, segment, writeOrder, writeOrder); checkExpirationTimes(map); // access some of the elements Random random = new Random(); List> writes = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterator> i = writeOrder.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ReferenceEntry entry = i.next(); if (random.nextBoolean()) { segment.recordWrite(entry); writes.add(entry); i.remove(); } } writeOrder.addAll(writes); checkEvictionQueues(map, segment, writeOrder, writeOrder); checkExpirationTimes(map); } } static void checkAndDrainRecencyQueue(MapMakerInternalMap map, Segment segment, List> reads) { if (map.evictsBySize() || map.expiresAfterAccess()) { assertSameEntries(reads, ImmutableList.copyOf(segment.recencyQueue)); } segment.drainRecencyQueue(); } static void checkEvictionQueues(MapMakerInternalMap map, Segment segment, List> readOrder, List> writeOrder) { if (map.evictsBySize()) { assertSameEntries(readOrder, ImmutableList.copyOf(segment.evictionQueue)); } if (map.expiresAfterAccess()) { assertSameEntries(readOrder, ImmutableList.copyOf(segment.expirationQueue)); } if (map.expiresAfterWrite()) { assertSameEntries(writeOrder, ImmutableList.copyOf(segment.expirationQueue)); } } private static void assertSameEntries(List> expectedEntries, List> actualEntries) { int size = expectedEntries.size(); assertEquals(size, actualEntries.size()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ReferenceEntry expectedEntry = expectedEntries.get(0); ReferenceEntry actualEntry = actualEntries.get(0); assertSame(expectedEntry.getKey(), actualEntry.getKey()); assertSame(expectedEntry.getValueReference().get(), actualEntry.getValueReference().get()); } } static void checkExpirationTimes(MapMakerInternalMap map) { if (!map.expires()) { return; } for (Segment segment : map.segments) { long lastExpirationTime = 0; for (ReferenceEntry e : segment.recencyQueue) { long expirationTime = e.getExpirationTime(); assertTrue(expirationTime >= lastExpirationTime); lastExpirationTime = expirationTime; } lastExpirationTime = 0; for (ReferenceEntry e : segment.expirationQueue) { long expirationTime = e.getExpirationTime(); assertTrue(expirationTime >= lastExpirationTime); lastExpirationTime = expirationTime; } } } public void testEvictEntries() { int maxSize = 10; MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(createMapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1).maximumSize(maxSize)); Segment segment = map.segments[0]; // manually add elements to avoid eviction int originalCount = 1024; ReferenceEntry entry = null; LinkedHashMap originalMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) { Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); AtomicReferenceArray> table = segment.table; int hash = map.hash(key); int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); ReferenceEntry first = table.get(index); entry = map.newEntry(key, hash, first); ValueReference valueRef = map.newValueReference(entry, value); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); segment.recordWrite(entry); table.set(index, entry); originalMap.put(key, value); } segment.count = originalCount; assertEquals(originalCount, originalMap.size()); assertEquals(originalMap, map); for (int i = maxSize - 1; i < originalCount; i++) { assertTrue(segment.evictEntries()); Iterator it = originalMap.keySet().iterator(); it.next(); it.remove(); assertEquals(originalMap, map); } assertFalse(segment.evictEntries()); } // reference queues public void testDrainKeyReferenceQueueOnWrite() { for (MapMaker maker : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker.concurrencyLevel(1)); if (map.usesKeyReferences()) { Segment segment = map.segments[0]; Object keyOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); Object valueOne = new Object(); Object keyTwo = new Object(); Object valueTwo = new Object(); map.put(keyOne, valueOne); ReferenceEntry entry = segment.getEntry(keyOne, hashOne); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Reference reference = (Reference) entry; reference.enqueue(); map.put(keyTwo, valueTwo); assertFalse(map.containsKey(keyOne)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(valueOne)); assertNull(map.get(keyOne)); assertEquals(1, map.size()); assertNull(segment.keyReferenceQueue.poll()); } } } public void testDrainValueReferenceQueueOnWrite() { for (MapMaker maker : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker.concurrencyLevel(1)); if (map.usesValueReferences()) { Segment segment = map.segments[0]; Object keyOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); Object valueOne = new Object(); Object keyTwo = new Object(); Object valueTwo = new Object(); map.put(keyOne, valueOne); ReferenceEntry entry = segment.getEntry(keyOne, hashOne); ValueReference valueReference = entry.getValueReference(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Reference reference = (Reference) valueReference; reference.enqueue(); map.put(keyTwo, valueTwo); assertFalse(map.containsKey(keyOne)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(valueOne)); assertNull(map.get(keyOne)); assertEquals(1, map.size()); assertNull(segment.valueReferenceQueue.poll()); } } } public void testDrainKeyReferenceQueueOnRead() { for (MapMaker maker : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker.concurrencyLevel(1)); if (map.usesKeyReferences()) { Segment segment = map.segments[0]; Object keyOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); Object valueOne = new Object(); Object keyTwo = new Object(); map.put(keyOne, valueOne); ReferenceEntry entry = segment.getEntry(keyOne, hashOne); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Reference reference = (Reference) entry; reference.enqueue(); for (int i = 0; i < SMALL_MAX_SIZE; i++) { map.get(keyTwo); } assertFalse(map.containsKey(keyOne)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(valueOne)); assertNull(map.get(keyOne)); assertEquals(0, map.size()); assertNull(segment.keyReferenceQueue.poll()); } } } public void testDrainValueReferenceQueueOnRead() { for (MapMaker maker : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { MapMakerInternalMap map = makeMap(maker.concurrencyLevel(1)); if (map.usesValueReferences()) { Segment segment = map.segments[0]; Object keyOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); Object valueOne = new Object(); Object keyTwo = new Object(); map.put(keyOne, valueOne); ReferenceEntry entry = segment.getEntry(keyOne, hashOne); ValueReference valueReference = entry.getValueReference(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Reference reference = (Reference) valueReference; reference.enqueue(); for (int i = 0; i < SMALL_MAX_SIZE; i++) { map.get(keyTwo); } assertFalse(map.containsKey(keyOne)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(valueOne)); assertNull(map.get(keyOne)); assertEquals(0, map.size()); assertNull(segment.valueReferenceQueue.poll()); } } } // utility methods /** * Returns an iterable containing all combinations of maximumSize, expireAfterAccess/Write, * weakKeys and weak/softValues. */ private static Iterable allEntryTypeMakers() { List result = newArrayList(allKeyValueStrengthMakers()); for (MapMaker maker : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { result.add(maker.maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE)); } for (MapMaker maker : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { result.add(maker.expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS)); } for (MapMaker maker : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { result.add(maker.expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS)); } for (MapMaker maker : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { result.add(maker.maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE).expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS)); } for (MapMaker maker : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { result.add(maker.maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE).expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS)); } return result; } /** * Returns an iterable containing all combinations of maximumSize and expireAfterAccess/Write. */ static Iterable allEvictingMakers() { return ImmutableList.of(createMapMaker().maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE), createMapMaker().expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS), createMapMaker().expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS), createMapMaker() .maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE) .expireAfterAccess(SMALL_MAX_SIZE, TimeUnit.SECONDS), createMapMaker() .maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE) .expireAfterWrite(SMALL_MAX_SIZE, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } /** * Returns an iterable containing all combinations weakKeys and weak/softValues. */ private static Iterable allKeyValueStrengthMakers() { return ImmutableList.of(createMapMaker(), createMapMaker().weakValues(), createMapMaker().softValues(), createMapMaker().weakKeys(), createMapMaker().weakKeys().weakValues(), createMapMaker().weakKeys().softValues()); } // listeners private static class CountingRemovalListener implements RemovalListener { private final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); private K lastKey; private V lastValue; @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification notification) { count.incrementAndGet(); lastKey = notification.getKey(); lastValue = notification.getValue(); } public int getCount() { return count.get(); } public K getLastEvictedKey() { return lastKey; } public V getLastEvictedValue() { return lastValue; } } static class QueuingRemovalListener extends ConcurrentLinkedQueue> implements RemovalListener { @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification notification) { add(notification); } } // entries and values private static DummyEntry createDummyEntry( K key, int hash, V value, ReferenceEntry next) { DummyEntry entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, next); DummyValueReference valueRef = DummyValueReference.create(value, entry); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); return entry; } static class DummyEntry implements ReferenceEntry { private K key; private final int hash; private final ReferenceEntry next; public DummyEntry(K key, int hash, ReferenceEntry next) { this.key = key; this.hash = hash; this.next = next; } public static DummyEntry create(K key, int hash, ReferenceEntry next) { return new DummyEntry(key, hash, next); } public void clearKey() { this.key = null; } private ValueReference valueReference = unset(); @Override public ValueReference getValueReference() { return valueReference; } @Override public void setValueReference(ValueReference valueReference) { this.valueReference = valueReference; } @Override public ReferenceEntry getNext() { return next; } @Override public int getHash() { return hash; } @Override public K getKey() { return key; } private long expirationTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; @Override public long getExpirationTime() { return expirationTime; } @Override public void setExpirationTime(long time) { this.expirationTime = time; } private ReferenceEntry nextExpirable = nullEntry(); @Override public ReferenceEntry getNextExpirable() { return nextExpirable; } @Override public void setNextExpirable(ReferenceEntry next) { this.nextExpirable = next; } private ReferenceEntry previousExpirable = nullEntry(); @Override public ReferenceEntry getPreviousExpirable() { return previousExpirable; } @Override public void setPreviousExpirable(ReferenceEntry previous) { this.previousExpirable = previous; } private ReferenceEntry nextEvictable = nullEntry(); @Override public ReferenceEntry getNextEvictable() { return nextEvictable; } @Override public void setNextEvictable(ReferenceEntry next) { this.nextEvictable = next; } private ReferenceEntry previousEvictable = nullEntry(); @Override public ReferenceEntry getPreviousEvictable() { return previousEvictable; } @Override public void setPreviousEvictable(ReferenceEntry previous) { this.previousEvictable = previous; } } static class DummyValueReference implements ValueReference { final ReferenceEntry entry; private V value; public DummyValueReference(V value, ReferenceEntry entry) { this.value = value; this.entry = entry; } public static DummyValueReference create(V value, ReferenceEntry entry) { return new DummyValueReference(value, entry); } @Override public V get() { return value; } @Override public ReferenceEntry getEntry() { return entry; } @Override public ValueReference copyFor( ReferenceQueue queue, V value, ReferenceEntry entry) { return new DummyValueReference(value, entry); } boolean computing = false; public void setComputing(boolean computing) { this.computing = computing; } @Override public boolean isComputingReference() { return computing; } @Override public V waitForValue() { return get(); } @Override public void clear(ValueReference newValue) { value = null; } } public void testNullParameters() throws Exception { NullPointerTester tester = new NullPointerTester(); tester.testAllPublicInstanceMethods(makeMap(createMapMaker())); } }