package; import static; import static; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.lang.annotation.Documented; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; /** * @author (Jesse Wilson) */ public class NullableInjectionPointTest extends TestCase { public void testInjectNullIntoNotNullableConstructor() { try { createInjector().getInstance(FooConstructor.class); fail("Injecting null should fail with an error"); } catch (ProvisionException expected) { assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "null returned by binding at " + getClass().getName(), "parameter 0 of " + FooConstructor.class.getName() + ".() is not @Nullable"); } } public void testInjectNullIntoNotNullableMethod() { try { createInjector().getInstance(FooMethod.class); fail("Injecting null should fail with an error"); } catch (ProvisionException expected) { assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "null returned by binding at " + getClass().getName(), "parameter 0 of " + FooMethod.class.getName() + ".setFoo() is not @Nullable"); } } public void testInjectNullIntoNotNullableField() { try { createInjector().getInstance(FooField.class); fail("Injecting null should fail with an error"); } catch (ProvisionException expected) { assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "null returned by binding at " + getClass().getName(), " but " + FooField.class.getName() + ".foo is not @Nullable"); } } /** * Provider.getInstance() is allowed to return null via direct calls to * getInstance(). */ public void testGetInstanceOfNull() { assertNull(createInjector().getInstance(Foo.class)); } public void testInjectNullIntoNullableConstructor() { NullableFooConstructor nfc = createInjector().getInstance(NullableFooConstructor.class); assertNull(; } public void testInjectNullIntoNullableMethod() { NullableFooMethod nfm = createInjector().getInstance(NullableFooMethod.class); assertNull(; } public void testInjectNullIntoNullableField() { NullableFooField nff = createInjector().getInstance(NullableFooField.class); assertNull(; } public void testInjectNullIntoCustomNullableConstructor() { CustomNullableFooConstructor nfc = createInjector().getInstance(CustomNullableFooConstructor.class); assertNull(; } public void testInjectNullIntoCustomNullableMethod() { CustomNullableFooMethod nfm = createInjector().getInstance(CustomNullableFooMethod.class); assertNull(; } public void testInjectNullIntoCustomNullableField() { CustomNullableFooField nff = createInjector().getInstance(CustomNullableFooField.class); assertNull(; } private Injector createInjector() { return Guice.createInjector( new AbstractModule() { protected void configure() { bind(Foo.class).toProvider(new Provider() { public Foo get() { return null; } }); } }); } /** * We haven't decided on what the desired behaviour of this test should be... */ public void testBindNullToInstance() { try { Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() { protected void configure() { bind(Foo.class).toInstance(null); } }); fail(); } catch (CreationException expected) { assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "Binding to null instances is not allowed.", "at " + getClass().getName(), getDeclaringSourcePart(getClass())); } } public void testBindNullToProvider() { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() { protected void configure() { bind(Foo.class).toProvider(new Provider() { public Foo get() { return null; } }); } }); assertNull(injector.getInstance(NullableFooField.class).foo); assertNull(injector.getInstance(CustomNullableFooField.class).foo); try { injector.getInstance(FooField.class); } catch(ProvisionException expected) { assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "null returned by binding at"); } } public void testBindScopedNull() { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() { protected void configure() { bind(Foo.class).toProvider(new Provider() { public Foo get() { return null; } }).in(Scopes.SINGLETON); } }); assertNull(injector.getInstance(NullableFooField.class).foo); assertNull(injector.getInstance(CustomNullableFooField.class).foo); try { injector.getInstance(FooField.class); } catch(ProvisionException expected) { assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "null returned by binding at"); } } public void testBindNullAsEagerSingleton() { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() { protected void configure() { bind(Foo.class).toProvider(new Provider() { public Foo get() { return null; } }).asEagerSingleton(); } }); assertNull(injector.getInstance(NullableFooField.class).foo); assertNull(injector.getInstance(CustomNullableFooField.class).foo); try { injector.getInstance(FooField.class); fail(); } catch(ProvisionException expected) { assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "null returned by binding " + "at"); } } static class Foo { } static class FooConstructor { @Inject FooConstructor(Foo foo) { } } static class FooField { @Inject Foo foo; } static class FooMethod { @Inject void setFoo(Foo foo) { } } static class NullableFooConstructor { Foo foo; @Inject NullableFooConstructor(@Nullable Foo foo) { = foo; } } static class NullableFooField { @Inject @Nullable Foo foo; } static class NullableFooMethod { Foo foo; @Inject void setFoo(@Nullable Foo foo) { = foo; } } static class CustomNullableFooConstructor { Foo foo; @Inject CustomNullableFooConstructor(@Namespace.Nullable Foo foo) { = foo; } } static class CustomNullableFooField { @Inject @Namespace.Nullable Foo foo; } static class CustomNullableFooMethod { Foo foo; @Inject void setFoo(@Namespace.Nullable Foo foo) { = foo; } } @Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.FIELD}) @interface Nullable { } static interface Namespace { @Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.FIELD}) @interface Nullable { } } }