/* * Copyright (c) 2003,2004, Stefan Haustein, Oberhausen, Rhld., Germany * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and * associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT * LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.ksoap2.serialization; import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope; import org.ksoap2.SoapFault; import org.ksoap2.SoapFault12; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import org.kxml2.io.*; /** * @author Stefan Haustein * * This class extends the SoapEnvelope with Soap Serialization functionality. */ public class SoapSerializationEnvelope extends SoapEnvelope { protected static final int QNAME_TYPE = 1; protected static final int QNAME_NAMESPACE = 0; protected static final int QNAME_MARSHAL = 3; private static final String ANY_TYPE_LABEL = "anyType"; private static final String ARRAY_MAPPING_NAME = "Array"; private static final String NULL_LABEL = "null"; private static final String NIL_LABEL = "nil"; private static final String HREF_LABEL = "href"; private static final String ID_LABEL = "id"; private static final String ROOT_LABEL = "root"; private static final String TYPE_LABEL = "type"; private static final String ITEM_LABEL = "item"; private static final String ARRAY_TYPE_LABEL = "arrayType"; static final Marshal DEFAULT_MARSHAL = new DM(); public Hashtable properties = new Hashtable(); Hashtable idMap = new Hashtable(); Vector multiRef; // = new Vector(); /** * Set this variable to true if you don't want that type definitions for complex types/objects * are automatically generated (with type "anyType") in the XML-Request, if you don't call the * Method addMapping. This is needed by some Servers which have problems with these type-definitions. */ public boolean implicitTypes; /** * Set this variable to true for compatibility with what seems to be the default encoding for * .Net-Services. This feature is an extremely ugly hack. A much better option is to change the * configuration of the .Net-Server to standard Soap Serialization! */ public boolean dotNet; /** * Set this variable to true if you prefer to silently skip unknown properties. * {@link RuntimeException} will be thrown otherwise. */ public boolean avoidExceptionForUnknownProperty; /** * Map from XML qualified names to Java classes */ protected Hashtable qNameToClass = new Hashtable(); /** * Map from Java class names to XML name and namespace pairs */ protected Hashtable classToQName = new Hashtable(); /** * Set to true to add and ID and ROOT label to the envelope. Change to false for compatibility with WSDL. */ protected boolean addAdornments = true; public SoapSerializationEnvelope(int version) { super(version); addMapping(enc, ARRAY_MAPPING_NAME, PropertyInfo.VECTOR_CLASS); DEFAULT_MARSHAL.register(this); } /** * @return the addAdornments */ public boolean isAddAdornments() { return addAdornments; } /** * @param addAdornments * the addAdornments to set */ public void setAddAdornments(boolean addAdornments) { this.addAdornments = addAdornments; } /** * Set the bodyOut to be empty so that no un-needed xml is create. The null value for bodyOut will * cause #writeBody to skip writing anything redundant. * @param emptyBody * @see "http://code.google.com/p/ksoap2-android/issues/detail?id=77" */ public void setBodyOutEmpty(boolean emptyBody) { if (emptyBody) { bodyOut = null; } } public void parseBody(XmlPullParser parser) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { bodyIn = null; parser.nextTag(); if (parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && parser.getNamespace().equals(env) && parser.getName().equals("Fault")) { SoapFault fault; if (this.version < SoapEnvelope.VER12) { fault = new SoapFault(this.version); } else { fault = new SoapFault12(this.version); } fault.parse(parser); bodyIn = fault; } else { while (parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { String rootAttr = parser.getAttributeValue(enc, ROOT_LABEL); Object o = read(parser, null, -1, parser.getNamespace(), parser.getName(), PropertyInfo.OBJECT_TYPE); if ("1".equals(rootAttr) || bodyIn == null) { bodyIn = o; } parser.nextTag(); } } } /** Read a SoapObject. This extracts any attributes and then reads the object as a KvmSerializable. */ protected void readSerializable(XmlPullParser parser, SoapObject obj) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { for (int counter = 0; counter < parser.getAttributeCount(); counter++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(counter); String value = parser.getAttributeValue(counter); ((SoapObject) obj).addAttribute(attributeName, value); } readSerializable(parser, (KvmSerializable) obj); } /** Read a KvmSerializable. */ protected void readSerializable(XmlPullParser parser, KvmSerializable obj) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { while (parser.nextTag() != XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { String name = parser.getName(); if (!implicitTypes || !(obj instanceof SoapObject)) { PropertyInfo info = new PropertyInfo(); int propertyCount = obj.getPropertyCount(); boolean propertyFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < propertyCount && !propertyFound; i++) { info.clear(); obj.getPropertyInfo(i, properties, info); if ((name.equals(info.name) && info.namespace == null) || (name.equals(info.name) && parser.getNamespace().equals(info.namespace))) { propertyFound = true; obj.setProperty(i, read(parser, obj, i, null, null, info)); } } if (!propertyFound) { if (avoidExceptionForUnknownProperty) { // Dummy loop to read until corresponding END tag while (parser.next() != XmlPullParser.END_TAG || !name.equals(parser.getName())) { } ; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Property: " + name); } } } else { // I can only make this work for SoapObjects - hence the check above // I don't understand namespaces well enough to know whether it is correct in the next line... ((SoapObject) obj).addProperty(parser.getName(), read(parser, obj, obj.getPropertyCount(), ((SoapObject) obj).getNamespace(), name, PropertyInfo.OBJECT_TYPE)); } } parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, null); } /** * If the type of the object cannot be determined, and thus no Marshal class can handle the object, this * method is called. It will build either a SoapPrimitive or a SoapObject * * @param parser * @param typeNamespace * @param typeName * @return unknownObject wrapped as a SoapPrimitive or SoapObject * @throws IOException * @throws XmlPullParserException */ protected Object readUnknown(XmlPullParser parser, String typeNamespace, String typeName) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { String name = parser.getName(); String namespace = parser.getNamespace(); // cache the attribute info list from the current element before we move on Vector attributeInfoVector = new Vector(); for (int attributeCount = 0; attributeCount < parser.getAttributeCount(); attributeCount++) { AttributeInfo attributeInfo = new AttributeInfo(); attributeInfo.setName(parser.getAttributeName(attributeCount)); attributeInfo.setValue(parser.getAttributeValue(attributeCount)); attributeInfo.setNamespace(parser.getAttributeNamespace(attributeCount)); attributeInfo.setType(parser.getAttributeType(attributeCount)); attributeInfoVector.addElement(attributeInfo); } parser.next(); // move to text, inner start tag or end tag Object result = null; String text = null; if (parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { text = parser.getText(); SoapPrimitive sp = new SoapPrimitive(typeNamespace, typeName, text); result = sp; // apply all the cached attribute info list before we add the property and descend further for parsing for (int i = 0; i < attributeInfoVector.size(); i++) { sp.addAttribute((AttributeInfo) attributeInfoVector.elementAt(i)); } parser.next(); } else if (parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { SoapObject so = new SoapObject(typeNamespace, typeName); // apply all the cached attribute info list before we add the property and descend further for parsing for (int i = 0; i < attributeInfoVector.size(); i++) { so.addAttribute((AttributeInfo) attributeInfoVector.elementAt(i)); } result = so; } if (parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { if (text != null && text.trim().length() != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Malformed input: Mixed content"); } SoapObject so = new SoapObject(typeNamespace, typeName); // apply all the cached attribute info list before we add the property and descend further for parsing for (int i = 0; i < attributeInfoVector.size(); i++) { so.addAttribute((AttributeInfo) attributeInfoVector.elementAt(i)); } while (parser.getEventType() != XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { so.addProperty(parser.getName(), read(parser, so, so.getPropertyCount(), null, null, PropertyInfo.OBJECT_TYPE)); parser.nextTag(); } result = so; } parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, namespace, name); return result; } private int getIndex(String value, int start, int dflt) { if (value == null) { return dflt; } return value.length() - start < 3 ? dflt : Integer.parseInt(value.substring(start + 1, value.length() - 1)); } protected void readVector(XmlPullParser parser, Vector v, PropertyInfo elementType) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { String namespace = null; String name = null; int size = v.size(); boolean dynamic = true; String type = parser.getAttributeValue(enc, ARRAY_TYPE_LABEL); if (type != null) { int cut0 = type.indexOf(':'); int cut1 = type.indexOf("[", cut0); name = type.substring(cut0 + 1, cut1); String prefix = cut0 == -1 ? "" : type.substring(0, cut0); namespace = parser.getNamespace(prefix); size = getIndex(type, cut1, -1); if (size != -1) { v.setSize(size); dynamic = false; } } if (elementType == null) { elementType = PropertyInfo.OBJECT_TYPE; } parser.nextTag(); int position = getIndex(parser.getAttributeValue(enc, "offset"), 0, 0); while (parser.getEventType() != XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { // handle position position = getIndex(parser.getAttributeValue(enc, "position"), 0, position); if (dynamic && position >= size) { size = position + 1; v.setSize(size); } // implicit handling of position exceeding specified size v.setElementAt(read(parser, v, position, namespace, name, elementType), position); position++; parser.nextTag(); } parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, null); } /** * Builds an object from the XML stream. This method is public for usage in conjuction with Marshal * subclasses. Precondition: On the start tag of the object or property, so href can be read. */ public Object read(XmlPullParser parser, Object owner, int index, String namespace, String name, PropertyInfo expected) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { String elementName = parser.getName(); String href = parser.getAttributeValue(null, HREF_LABEL); Object obj; if (href != null) { if (owner == null) { throw new RuntimeException("href at root level?!?"); } href = href.substring(1); obj = idMap.get(href); if (obj == null || obj instanceof FwdRef) { FwdRef f = new FwdRef(); f.next = (FwdRef) obj; f.obj = owner; f.index = index; idMap.put(href, f); obj = null; } parser.nextTag(); // start tag parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, elementName); } else { String nullAttr = parser.getAttributeValue(xsi, NIL_LABEL); String id = parser.getAttributeValue(null, ID_LABEL); if (nullAttr == null) { nullAttr = parser.getAttributeValue(xsi, NULL_LABEL); } if (nullAttr != null && SoapEnvelope.stringToBoolean(nullAttr)) { obj = null; parser.nextTag(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, elementName); } else { String type = parser.getAttributeValue(xsi, TYPE_LABEL); if (type != null) { int cut = type.indexOf(':'); name = type.substring(cut + 1); String prefix = cut == -1 ? "" : type.substring(0, cut); namespace = parser.getNamespace(prefix); } else if (name == null && namespace == null) { if (parser.getAttributeValue(enc, ARRAY_TYPE_LABEL) != null) { namespace = enc; name = ARRAY_MAPPING_NAME; } else { Object[] names = getInfo(expected.type, null); namespace = (String) names[0]; name = (String) names[1]; } } // be sure to set this flag if we don't know the types. if (type == null) { implicitTypes = true; } obj = readInstance(parser, namespace, name, expected); if (obj == null) { obj = readUnknown(parser, namespace, name); } } // finally, care about the id.... if (id != null) { Object hlp = idMap.get(id); if (hlp instanceof FwdRef) { FwdRef f = (FwdRef) hlp; do { if (f.obj instanceof KvmSerializable) { ((KvmSerializable) f.obj).setProperty(f.index, obj); } else { ((Vector) f.obj).setElementAt(obj, f.index); } f = f.next; } while (f != null); } else if (hlp != null) { throw new RuntimeException("double ID"); } idMap.put(id, obj); } } parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, elementName); return obj; } /** * Returns a new object read from the given parser. If no mapping is found, null is returned. This method * is used by the SoapParser in order to convert the XML code to Java objects. */ public Object readInstance(XmlPullParser parser, String namespace, String name, PropertyInfo expected) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { Object obj = qNameToClass.get(new SoapPrimitive(namespace, name, null)); if (obj == null) { return null; } if (obj instanceof Marshal) { return ((Marshal) obj).readInstance(parser, namespace, name, expected); } else if (obj instanceof SoapObject) { obj = ((SoapObject) obj).newInstance(); } else if (obj == SoapObject.class) { obj = new SoapObject(namespace, name); } else { try { obj = ((Class) obj).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } } // ok, obj is now the instance, fill it.... if (obj instanceof SoapObject) { readSerializable(parser, (SoapObject) obj); } else if (obj instanceof KvmSerializable) { readSerializable(parser, (KvmSerializable) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Vector) { readVector(parser, (Vector) obj, expected.elementType); } else { throw new RuntimeException("no deserializer for " + obj.getClass()); } return obj; } /** * Returns a string array containing the namespace, name, id and Marshal object for the given java object. * This method is used by the SoapWriter in order to map Java objects to the corresponding SOAP section * five XML code. */ public Object[] getInfo(Object type, Object instance) { if (type == null) { if (instance instanceof SoapObject || instance instanceof SoapPrimitive) { type = instance; } else { type = instance.getClass(); } } if (type instanceof SoapObject) { SoapObject so = (SoapObject) type; return new Object[] { so.getNamespace(), so.getName(), null, null }; } if (type instanceof SoapPrimitive) { SoapPrimitive sp = (SoapPrimitive) type; return new Object[] { sp.getNamespace(), sp.getName(), null, DEFAULT_MARSHAL }; } if ((type instanceof Class) && type != PropertyInfo.OBJECT_CLASS) { Object[] tmp = (Object[]) classToQName.get(((Class) type).getName()); if (tmp != null) { return tmp; } } return new Object[] { xsd, ANY_TYPE_LABEL, null, null }; } /** * Defines a direct mapping from a namespace and name to a java class (and vice versa), using the given * marshal mechanism */ public void addMapping(String namespace, String name, Class clazz, Marshal marshal) { qNameToClass .put(new SoapPrimitive(namespace, name, null), marshal == null ? (Object) clazz : marshal); classToQName.put(clazz.getName(), new Object[] { namespace, name, null, marshal }); } /** * Defines a direct mapping from a namespace and name to a java class (and vice versa) */ public void addMapping(String namespace, String name, Class clazz) { addMapping(namespace, name, clazz, null); } /** * Adds a SoapObject to the class map. During parsing, objects of the given type (namespace/name) will be * mapped to corresponding copies of the given SoapObject, maintaining the structure of the template. */ public void addTemplate(SoapObject so) { qNameToClass.put(new SoapPrimitive(so.namespace, so.name, null), so); } /** * Response from the soap call. Pulls the object from the wrapper object and returns it. * * @since 2.0.3 * @return response from the soap call. * @throws SoapFault */ public Object getResponse() throws SoapFault { if (bodyIn instanceof SoapFault) { throw (SoapFault) bodyIn; } KvmSerializable ks = (KvmSerializable) bodyIn; if (ks.getPropertyCount() == 0) { return null; } else if (ks.getPropertyCount() == 1) { return ks.getProperty(0); } else { Vector ret = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < ks.getPropertyCount(); i++) { ret.add(ks.getProperty(i)); } return ret; } } /** * Serializes the request object to the given XmlSerliazer object * * @param writer * XmlSerializer object to write the body into. */ public void writeBody(XmlSerializer writer) throws IOException { // allow an empty body without any tags in it // see http://code.google.com/p/ksoap2-android/issues/detail?id=77 if (bodyOut != null) { multiRef = new Vector(); multiRef.addElement(bodyOut); Object[] qName = getInfo(null, bodyOut); writer.startTag((dotNet) ? "" : (String) qName[QNAME_NAMESPACE], (String) qName[QNAME_TYPE]); // } } /** * Writes the body of an SoapObject. This method write the attributes and then calls * "writeObjectBody (writer, (KvmSerializable)obj);" */ public void writeObjectBody(XmlSerializer writer, SoapObject obj) throws IOException { SoapObject soapObject = (SoapObject) obj; int cnt = soapObject.getAttributeCount(); for (int counter = 0; counter < cnt; counter++) { AttributeInfo attributeInfo = new AttributeInfo(); soapObject.getAttributeInfo(counter, attributeInfo); writer.attribute(attributeInfo.getNamespace(), attributeInfo.getName(), attributeInfo .getValue() .toString()); } writeObjectBody(writer, (KvmSerializable) obj); } /** * Writes the body of an KvmSerializable object. This method is public for access from Marshal subclasses. */ public void writeObjectBody(XmlSerializer writer, KvmSerializable obj) throws IOException { int cnt = obj.getPropertyCount(); PropertyInfo propertyInfo = new PropertyInfo(); String namespace; String name; String type; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { // get the property Object prop = obj.getProperty(i); // and importantly also get the property info which holds the name potentially! obj.getPropertyInfo(i, properties, propertyInfo); if (!(prop instanceof SoapObject)) { // prop is a PropertyInfo if ((propertyInfo.flags & PropertyInfo.TRANSIENT) == 0) { writer.startTag(propertyInfo.namespace, propertyInfo.name); writeProperty(writer, obj.getProperty(i), propertyInfo); writer.endTag(propertyInfo.namespace, propertyInfo.name); } } else { // prop is a SoapObject SoapObject nestedSoap = (SoapObject) prop; // lets get the info from the soap object itself Object[] qName = getInfo(null, nestedSoap); namespace = (String) qName[QNAME_NAMESPACE]; type = (String) qName[QNAME_TYPE]; // prefer the name from the property info if (propertyInfo.name != null && propertyInfo.name.length() > 0) { name = propertyInfo.name; } else { name = (String) qName[QNAME_TYPE]; } // treat MO data as CDATA if (name.equals("DevInfo") || name.equals("DevDetail") || name.equals("PerProviderSubscription") || // format v4 name.equals("MgmtTree") // format v6 ) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XmlSerializer xw = new KXmlSerializer(); xw.setOutput(bos, "UTF-8"); xw.startTag((dotNet) ? "" : namespace, name); if (!implicitTypes) { String prefix = writer.getPrefix(namespace, true); writer.attribute(xsi, TYPE_LABEL, prefix + ":" + type); } writeObjectBody(xw, nestedSoap); xw.endTag((dotNet) ? "" : namespace, name); xw.flush(); //bos.write('\r'); //bos.write('\n'); bos.flush(); writer.cdsect(bos.toString()); } else { writer.startTag((dotNet) ? "" : namespace, name); if (!implicitTypes) { String prefix = writer.getPrefix(namespace, true); writer.attribute(xsi, TYPE_LABEL, prefix + ":" + type); } writeObjectBody(writer, nestedSoap); writer.endTag((dotNet) ? "" : namespace, name); } } } } protected void writeProperty(XmlSerializer writer, Object obj, PropertyInfo type) throws IOException { if (obj == null) { ///M: Modify for HS20 //writer.attribute(xsi, version >= VER12 ? NIL_LABEL : NULL_LABEL, "true"); return; } Object[] qName = getInfo(null, obj); if (type.multiRef || qName[2] != null) { int i = multiRef.indexOf(obj); if (i == -1) { i = multiRef.size(); multiRef.addElement(obj); } writer.attribute(null, HREF_LABEL, qName[2] == null ? ("#o" + i) : "#" + qName[2]); } else { if (!implicitTypes || obj.getClass() != type.type) { String prefix = writer.getPrefix((String) qName[QNAME_NAMESPACE], true); writer.attribute(xsi, TYPE_LABEL, prefix + ":" + qName[QNAME_TYPE]); } writeElement(writer, obj, type, qName[QNAME_MARSHAL]); } } private void writeElement(XmlSerializer writer, Object element, PropertyInfo type, Object marshal) throws IOException { if (marshal != null) { ((Marshal) marshal).writeInstance(writer, element); } else if (element instanceof SoapObject) { writeObjectBody(writer, (SoapObject) element); } else if (element instanceof KvmSerializable) { writeObjectBody(writer, (KvmSerializable) element); } else if (element instanceof Vector) { writeVectorBody(writer, (Vector) element, type.elementType); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot serialize: " + element); } } protected void writeVectorBody(XmlSerializer writer, Vector vector, PropertyInfo elementType) throws IOException { String itemsTagName = ITEM_LABEL; String itemsNamespace = null; if (elementType == null) { elementType = PropertyInfo.OBJECT_TYPE; } else if (elementType instanceof PropertyInfo) { if (elementType.name != null) { itemsTagName = elementType.name; itemsNamespace = elementType.namespace; } } int cnt = vector.size(); Object[] arrType = getInfo(elementType.type, null); // This removes the arrayType attribute from the xml for arrays(required for most .Net services to work) if (!implicitTypes) { writer.attribute(enc, ARRAY_TYPE_LABEL, writer.getPrefix((String) arrType[0], false) + ":" + arrType[1] + "[" + cnt + "]"); } boolean skipped = false; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (vector.elementAt(i) == null) { skipped = true; } else { writer.startTag(itemsNamespace, itemsTagName); if (skipped) { writer.attribute(enc, "position", "[" + i + "]"); skipped = false; } writeProperty(writer, vector.elementAt(i), elementType); writer.endTag(itemsNamespace, itemsTagName); } } } }