/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Square, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package okio; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.junit.Test; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static okio.TestUtil.repeat; import static okio.Util.UTF_8; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; /** * Tests solely for the behavior of Buffer's implementation. For generic BufferedSink or * BufferedSource behavior use BufferedSinkTest or BufferedSourceTest, respectively. */ public final class BufferTest { @Test public void readAndWriteUtf8() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.writeUtf8("ab"); assertEquals(2, buffer.size()); buffer.writeUtf8("cdef"); assertEquals(6, buffer.size()); assertEquals("abcd", buffer.readUtf8(4)); assertEquals(2, buffer.size()); assertEquals("ef", buffer.readUtf8(2)); assertEquals(0, buffer.size()); try { buffer.readUtf8(1); fail(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected) { } } @Test public void completeSegmentByteCountOnEmptyBuffer() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); assertEquals(0, buffer.completeSegmentByteCount()); } @Test public void completeSegmentByteCountOnBufferWithFullSegments() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 4)); assertEquals(Segment.SIZE * 4, buffer.completeSegmentByteCount()); } @Test public void completeSegmentByteCountOnBufferWithIncompleteTailSegment() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 4 - 10)); assertEquals(Segment.SIZE * 3, buffer.completeSegmentByteCount()); } @Test public void toStringOnEmptyBuffer() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); assertEquals("Buffer[size=0]", buffer.toString()); } @Test public void toStringOnSmallBufferIncludesContents() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.write(ByteString.decodeHex("a1b2c3d4e5f61a2b3c4d5e6f10203040")); assertEquals("Buffer[size=16 data=a1b2c3d4e5f61a2b3c4d5e6f10203040]", buffer.toString()); } @Test public void toStringOnLargeBufferIncludesMd5() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.write(ByteString.encodeUtf8("12345678901234567")); assertEquals("Buffer[size=17 md5=2c9728a2138b2f25e9f89f99bdccf8db]", buffer.toString()); } @Test public void toStringOnMultipleSegmentBuffer() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('a', 6144)); assertEquals("Buffer[size=6144 md5=d890021f28522533c1cc1b9b1f83ce73]", buffer.toString()); } @Test public void multipleSegmentBuffers() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('a', 1000)); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('b', 2500)); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('c', 5000)); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('d', 10000)); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('e', 25000)); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('f', 50000)); assertEquals(repeat('a', 999), buffer.readUtf8(999)); // a...a assertEquals("a" + repeat('b', 2500) + "c", buffer.readUtf8(2502)); // ab...bc assertEquals(repeat('c', 4998), buffer.readUtf8(4998)); // c...c assertEquals("c" + repeat('d', 10000) + "e", buffer.readUtf8(10002)); // cd...de assertEquals(repeat('e', 24998), buffer.readUtf8(24998)); // e...e assertEquals("e" + repeat('f', 50000), buffer.readUtf8(50001)); // ef...f assertEquals(0, buffer.size()); } @Test public void fillAndDrainPool() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); // Take 2 * MAX_SIZE segments. This will drain the pool, even if other tests filled it. buffer.write(new byte[(int) SegmentPool.MAX_SIZE]); buffer.write(new byte[(int) SegmentPool.MAX_SIZE]); assertEquals(0, SegmentPool.byteCount); // Recycle MAX_SIZE segments. They're all in the pool. buffer.readByteString(SegmentPool.MAX_SIZE); assertEquals(SegmentPool.MAX_SIZE, SegmentPool.byteCount); // Recycle MAX_SIZE more segments. The pool is full so they get garbage collected. buffer.readByteString(SegmentPool.MAX_SIZE); assertEquals(SegmentPool.MAX_SIZE, SegmentPool.byteCount); // Take MAX_SIZE segments to drain the pool. buffer.write(new byte[(int) SegmentPool.MAX_SIZE]); assertEquals(0, SegmentPool.byteCount); // Take MAX_SIZE more segments. The pool is drained so these will need to be allocated. buffer.write(new byte[(int) SegmentPool.MAX_SIZE]); assertEquals(0, SegmentPool.byteCount); } @Test public void moveBytesBetweenBuffersShareSegment() throws Exception { int size = (Segment.SIZE / 2) - 1; List segmentSizes = moveBytesBetweenBuffers(repeat('a', size), repeat('b', size)); assertEquals(asList(size * 2), segmentSizes); } @Test public void moveBytesBetweenBuffersReassignSegment() throws Exception { int size = (Segment.SIZE / 2) + 1; List segmentSizes = moveBytesBetweenBuffers(repeat('a', size), repeat('b', size)); assertEquals(asList(size, size), segmentSizes); } @Test public void moveBytesBetweenBuffersMultipleSegments() throws Exception { int size = 3 * Segment.SIZE + 1; List segmentSizes = moveBytesBetweenBuffers(repeat('a', size), repeat('b', size)); assertEquals(asList(Segment.SIZE, Segment.SIZE, Segment.SIZE, 1, Segment.SIZE, Segment.SIZE, Segment.SIZE, 1), segmentSizes); } private List moveBytesBetweenBuffers(String... contents) throws IOException { StringBuilder expected = new StringBuilder(); Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); for (String s : contents) { Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(s); buffer.writeAll(source); expected.append(s); } List segmentSizes = buffer.segmentSizes(); assertEquals(expected.toString(), buffer.readUtf8(expected.length())); return segmentSizes; } /** The big part of source's first segment is being moved. */ @Test public void writeSplitSourceBufferLeft() throws Exception { int writeSize = Segment.SIZE / 2 + 1; Buffer sink = new Buffer(); sink.writeUtf8(repeat('b', Segment.SIZE - 10)); Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 2)); sink.write(source, writeSize); assertEquals(asList(Segment.SIZE - 10, writeSize), sink.segmentSizes()); assertEquals(asList(Segment.SIZE - writeSize, Segment.SIZE), source.segmentSizes()); } /** The big part of source's first segment is staying put. */ @Test public void writeSplitSourceBufferRight() throws Exception { int writeSize = Segment.SIZE / 2 - 1; Buffer sink = new Buffer(); sink.writeUtf8(repeat('b', Segment.SIZE - 10)); Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 2)); sink.write(source, writeSize); assertEquals(asList(Segment.SIZE - 10, writeSize), sink.segmentSizes()); assertEquals(asList(Segment.SIZE - writeSize, Segment.SIZE), source.segmentSizes()); } @Test public void writePrefixDoesntSplit() throws Exception { Buffer sink = new Buffer(); sink.writeUtf8(repeat('b', 10)); Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 2)); sink.write(source, 20); assertEquals(asList(30), sink.segmentSizes()); assertEquals(asList(Segment.SIZE - 20, Segment.SIZE), source.segmentSizes()); assertEquals(30, sink.size()); assertEquals(Segment.SIZE * 2 - 20, source.size()); } @Test public void writePrefixDoesntSplitButRequiresCompact() throws Exception { Buffer sink = new Buffer(); sink.writeUtf8(repeat('b', Segment.SIZE - 10)); // limit = size - 10 sink.readUtf8(Segment.SIZE - 20); // pos = size = 20 Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 2)); sink.write(source, 20); assertEquals(asList(30), sink.segmentSizes()); assertEquals(asList(Segment.SIZE - 20, Segment.SIZE), source.segmentSizes()); assertEquals(30, sink.size()); assertEquals(Segment.SIZE * 2 - 20, source.size()); } @Test public void copyToSpanningSegments() throws Exception { Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 2)); source.writeUtf8(repeat('b', Segment.SIZE * 2)); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); source.copyTo(out, 10, Segment.SIZE * 3); assertEquals(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 2 - 10) + repeat('b', Segment.SIZE + 10), out.toString()); assertEquals(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 2) + repeat('b', Segment.SIZE * 2), source.readUtf8(Segment.SIZE * 4)); } @Test public void copyToStream() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer().writeUtf8("hello, world!"); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); buffer.copyTo(out); String outString = new String(out.toByteArray(), UTF_8); assertEquals("hello, world!", outString); assertEquals("hello, world!", buffer.readUtf8()); } @Test public void writeToSpanningSegments() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 2)); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('b', Segment.SIZE * 2)); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); buffer.skip(10); buffer.writeTo(out, Segment.SIZE * 3); assertEquals(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 2 - 10) + repeat('b', Segment.SIZE + 10), out.toString()); assertEquals(repeat('b', Segment.SIZE - 10), buffer.readUtf8(buffer.size)); } @Test public void writeToStream() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer().writeUtf8("hello, world!"); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); buffer.writeTo(out); String outString = new String(out.toByteArray(), UTF_8); assertEquals("hello, world!", outString); assertEquals(0, buffer.size()); } @Test public void readFromStream() throws Exception { InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream("hello, world!".getBytes(UTF_8)); Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.readFrom(in); String out = buffer.readUtf8(); assertEquals("hello, world!", out); } @Test public void readFromSpanningSegments() throws Exception { InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream("hello, world!".getBytes(UTF_8)); Buffer buffer = new Buffer().writeUtf8(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE - 10)); buffer.readFrom(in); String out = buffer.readUtf8(); assertEquals(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE - 10) + "hello, world!", out); } @Test public void readFromStreamWithCount() throws Exception { InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream("hello, world!".getBytes(UTF_8)); Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.readFrom(in, 10); String out = buffer.readUtf8(); assertEquals("hello, wor", out); } @Test public void moveAllRequestedBytesWithRead() throws Exception { Buffer sink = new Buffer(); sink.writeUtf8(repeat('a', 10)); Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(repeat('b', 15)); assertEquals(10, source.read(sink, 10)); assertEquals(20, sink.size()); assertEquals(5, source.size()); assertEquals(repeat('a', 10) + repeat('b', 10), sink.readUtf8(20)); } @Test public void moveFewerThanRequestedBytesWithRead() throws Exception { Buffer sink = new Buffer(); sink.writeUtf8(repeat('a', 10)); Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(repeat('b', 20)); assertEquals(20, source.read(sink, 25)); assertEquals(30, sink.size()); assertEquals(0, source.size()); assertEquals(repeat('a', 10) + repeat('b', 20), sink.readUtf8(30)); } @Test public void indexOfWithOffset() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); int halfSegment = Segment.SIZE / 2; buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('a', halfSegment)); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('b', halfSegment)); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('c', halfSegment)); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('d', halfSegment)); assertEquals(0, buffer.indexOf((byte) 'a', 0)); assertEquals(halfSegment - 1, buffer.indexOf((byte) 'a', halfSegment - 1)); assertEquals(halfSegment, buffer.indexOf((byte) 'b', halfSegment - 1)); assertEquals(halfSegment * 2, buffer.indexOf((byte) 'c', halfSegment - 1)); assertEquals(halfSegment * 3, buffer.indexOf((byte) 'd', halfSegment - 1)); assertEquals(halfSegment * 3, buffer.indexOf((byte) 'd', halfSegment * 2)); assertEquals(halfSegment * 3, buffer.indexOf((byte) 'd', halfSegment * 3)); assertEquals(halfSegment * 4 - 1, buffer.indexOf((byte) 'd', halfSegment * 4 - 1)); } @Test public void byteAt() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); buffer.writeUtf8("a"); buffer.writeUtf8(repeat('b', Segment.SIZE)); buffer.writeUtf8("c"); assertEquals('a', buffer.getByte(0)); assertEquals('a', buffer.getByte(0)); // getByte doesn't mutate! assertEquals('c', buffer.getByte(buffer.size - 1)); assertEquals('b', buffer.getByte(buffer.size - 2)); assertEquals('b', buffer.getByte(buffer.size - 3)); } @Test public void getByteOfEmptyBuffer() throws Exception { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); try { buffer.getByte(0); fail(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) { } } @Test public void writePrefixToEmptyBuffer() throws IOException { Buffer sink = new Buffer(); Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8("abcd"); sink.write(source, 2); assertEquals("ab", sink.readUtf8(2)); } @Test public void cloneDoesNotObserveWritesToOriginal() throws Exception { Buffer original = new Buffer(); Buffer clone = original.clone(); original.writeUtf8("abc"); assertEquals(0, clone.size()); } @Test public void cloneDoesNotObserveReadsFromOriginal() throws Exception { Buffer original = new Buffer(); original.writeUtf8("abc"); Buffer clone = original.clone(); assertEquals("abc", original.readUtf8(3)); assertEquals(3, clone.size()); assertEquals("ab", clone.readUtf8(2)); } @Test public void originalDoesNotObserveWritesToClone() throws Exception { Buffer original = new Buffer(); Buffer clone = original.clone(); clone.writeUtf8("abc"); assertEquals(0, original.size()); } @Test public void originalDoesNotObserveReadsFromClone() throws Exception { Buffer original = new Buffer(); original.writeUtf8("abc"); Buffer clone = original.clone(); assertEquals("abc", clone.readUtf8(3)); assertEquals(3, original.size()); assertEquals("ab", original.readUtf8(2)); } @Test public void cloneMultipleSegments() throws Exception { Buffer original = new Buffer(); original.writeUtf8(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 3)); Buffer clone = original.clone(); original.writeUtf8(repeat('b', Segment.SIZE * 3)); clone.writeUtf8(repeat('c', Segment.SIZE * 3)); assertEquals(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 3) + repeat('b', Segment.SIZE * 3), original.readUtf8(Segment.SIZE * 6)); assertEquals(repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 3) + repeat('c', Segment.SIZE * 3), clone.readUtf8(Segment.SIZE * 6)); } @Test public void equalsAndHashCodeEmpty() throws Exception { Buffer a = new Buffer(); Buffer b = new Buffer(); assertTrue(a.equals(b)); assertTrue(a.hashCode() == b.hashCode()); } @Test public void equalsAndHashCode() throws Exception { Buffer a = new Buffer().writeUtf8("dog"); Buffer b = new Buffer().writeUtf8("hotdog"); assertFalse(a.equals(b)); assertFalse(a.hashCode() == b.hashCode()); b.readUtf8(3); // Leaves b containing 'dog'. assertTrue(a.equals(b)); assertTrue(a.hashCode() == b.hashCode()); } @Test public void equalsAndHashCodeSpanningSegments() throws Exception { byte[] data = new byte[1024 * 1024]; Random dice = new Random(0); dice.nextBytes(data); Buffer a = bufferWithRandomSegmentLayout(dice, data); Buffer b = bufferWithRandomSegmentLayout(dice, data); assertTrue(a.equals(b)); assertTrue(a.hashCode() == b.hashCode()); data[data.length / 2]++; // Change a single byte. Buffer c = bufferWithRandomSegmentLayout(dice, data); assertFalse(a.equals(c)); assertFalse(a.hashCode() == c.hashCode()); } @Test public void bufferInputStreamByteByByte() throws Exception { Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8("abc"); InputStream in = source.inputStream(); assertEquals(3, in.available()); assertEquals('a', in.read()); assertEquals('b', in.read()); assertEquals('c', in.read()); assertEquals(-1, in.read()); assertEquals(0, in.available()); } @Test public void bufferInputStreamBulkReads() throws Exception { Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8("abc"); byte[] byteArray = new byte[4]; Arrays.fill(byteArray, (byte) -5); InputStream in = source.inputStream(); assertEquals(3, in.read(byteArray)); assertEquals("[97, 98, 99, -5]", Arrays.toString(byteArray)); Arrays.fill(byteArray, (byte) -7); assertEquals(-1, in.read(byteArray)); assertEquals("[-7, -7, -7, -7]", Arrays.toString(byteArray)); } /** * When writing data that's already buffered, there's no reason to page the * data by segment. */ @Test public void readAllWritesAllSegmentsAtOnce() throws Exception { Buffer write1 = new Buffer().writeUtf8("" + TestUtil.repeat('a', Segment.SIZE) + TestUtil.repeat('b', Segment.SIZE) + TestUtil.repeat('c', Segment.SIZE)); Buffer source = new Buffer().writeUtf8("" + TestUtil.repeat('a', Segment.SIZE) + TestUtil.repeat('b', Segment.SIZE) + TestUtil.repeat('c', Segment.SIZE)); MockSink mockSink = new MockSink(); assertEquals(Segment.SIZE * 3, source.readAll(mockSink)); assertEquals(0, source.size()); mockSink.assertLog("write(" + write1 + ", " + write1.size() + ")"); } @Test public void writeAllMultipleSegments() throws Exception { Buffer source = new Buffer().writeUtf8(TestUtil.repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 3)); Buffer sink = new Buffer(); assertEquals(Segment.SIZE * 3, sink.writeAll(source)); assertEquals(0, source.size()); assertEquals(TestUtil.repeat('a', Segment.SIZE * 3), sink.readUtf8()); } @Test public void copyTo() throws Exception { Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8("party"); Buffer target = new Buffer(); source.copyTo(target, 1, 3); assertEquals("art", target.readUtf8()); assertEquals("party", source.readUtf8()); } @Test public void copyToOnSegmentBoundary() throws Exception { String as = repeat('a', Segment.SIZE); String bs = repeat('b', Segment.SIZE); String cs = repeat('c', Segment.SIZE); String ds = repeat('d', Segment.SIZE); Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(as); source.writeUtf8(bs); source.writeUtf8(cs); Buffer target = new Buffer(); target.writeUtf8(ds); source.copyTo(target, as.length(), bs.length() + cs.length()); assertEquals(ds + bs + cs, target.readUtf8()); } @Test public void copyToOffSegmentBoundary() throws Exception { String as = repeat('a', Segment.SIZE - 1); String bs = repeat('b', Segment.SIZE + 2); String cs = repeat('c', Segment.SIZE - 4); String ds = repeat('d', Segment.SIZE + 8); Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(as); source.writeUtf8(bs); source.writeUtf8(cs); Buffer target = new Buffer(); target.writeUtf8(ds); source.copyTo(target, as.length(), bs.length() + cs.length()); assertEquals(ds + bs + cs, target.readUtf8()); } @Test public void copyToSourceAndTargetCanBeTheSame() throws Exception { String as = repeat('a', Segment.SIZE); String bs = repeat('b', Segment.SIZE); Buffer source = new Buffer(); source.writeUtf8(as); source.writeUtf8(bs); source.copyTo(source, 0, source.size()); assertEquals(as + bs + as + bs, source.readUtf8()); } @Test public void copyToEmptySource() throws Exception { Buffer source = new Buffer(); Buffer target = new Buffer().writeUtf8("aaa"); source.copyTo(target, 0L, 0L); assertEquals("", source.readUtf8()); assertEquals("aaa", target.readUtf8()); } @Test public void copyToEmptyTarget() throws Exception { Buffer source = new Buffer().writeUtf8("aaa"); Buffer target = new Buffer(); source.copyTo(target, 0L, 3L); assertEquals("aaa", source.readUtf8()); assertEquals("aaa", target.readUtf8()); } /** * Returns a new buffer containing the data in {@code data}, and a segment * layout determined by {@code dice}. */ private Buffer bufferWithRandomSegmentLayout(Random dice, byte[] data) throws IOException { Buffer result = new Buffer(); // Writing to result directly will yield packed segments. Instead, write to // other buffers, then write those buffers to result. for (int pos = 0, byteCount; pos < data.length; pos += byteCount) { byteCount = (Segment.SIZE / 2) + dice.nextInt(Segment.SIZE / 2); if (byteCount > data.length - pos) byteCount = data.length - pos; int offset = dice.nextInt(Segment.SIZE - byteCount); Buffer segment = new Buffer(); segment.write(new byte[offset]); segment.write(data, pos, byteCount); segment.skip(offset); result.write(segment, byteCount); } return result; } }