package org.testng; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ServiceLoader; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.testng.annotations.ITestAnnotation; import org.testng.collections.Lists; import org.testng.collections.Maps; import org.testng.collections.Sets; import org.testng.internal.ClassHelper; import org.testng.internal.Configuration; import org.testng.internal.DynamicGraph; import org.testng.internal.IConfiguration; import org.testng.internal.IPathUtils; import org.testng.internal.IResultListener2; import org.testng.internal.OverrideProcessor; import org.testng.internal.PathUtilsFactory; import org.testng.internal.SuiteRunnerMap; import org.testng.internal.Utils; import org.testng.internal.Version; import org.testng.internal.annotations.DefaultAnnotationTransformer; import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder; import org.testng.internal.annotations.JDK15AnnotationFinder; import org.testng.internal.thread.graph.GraphThreadPoolExecutor; import org.testng.internal.thread.graph.IThreadWorkerFactory; import org.testng.internal.thread.graph.SuiteWorkerFactory; import org.testng.junit.JUnitTestFinder; import org.testng.log4testng.Logger; import org.testng.remote.SuiteDispatcher; import org.testng.remote.SuiteSlave; import org.testng.reporters.EmailableReporter; import org.testng.reporters.EmailableReporter2; import org.testng.reporters.FailedReporter; import org.testng.reporters.JUnitReportReporter; import org.testng.reporters.SuiteHTMLReporter; import org.testng.reporters.VerboseReporter; import org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter; import org.testng.reporters.jq.Main; import org.testng.xml.Parser; import org.testng.xml.XmlClass; import org.testng.xml.XmlInclude; import org.testng.xml.XmlMethodSelector; import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite; import org.testng.xml.XmlTest; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException; import static org.testng.internal.Utils.defaultIfStringEmpty; import static org.testng.internal.Utils.isStringEmpty; import static org.testng.internal.Utils.isStringNotEmpty; /** * This class is the main entry point for running tests in the TestNG framework. * Users can create their own TestNG object and invoke it in many different * ways: * * You can also define which groups to include or exclude, assign parameters, etc... *

* The command line parameters are: *


* Please consult documentation for more details. * * FIXME: should support more than simple paths for suite xmls * * @see #usage() * * @author Cedric Beust */ public class TestNG { /** This class' log4testng Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TestNG.class); /** The default name for a suite launched from the command line */ public static final String DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE_SUITE_NAME = "Command line suite"; /** The default name for a test launched from the command line */ public static final String DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE_TEST_NAME = "Command line test"; /** The default name of the result's output directory (keep public, used by Eclipse). */ public static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUTDIR = "test-output"; /** System properties */ public static final String SHOW_TESTNG_STACK_FRAMES = ""; public static final String TEST_CLASSPATH = "testng.test.classpath"; private static TestNG m_instance; private static JCommander m_jCommander; private List m_commandLineMethods; protected List m_suites = Lists.newArrayList(); private List m_cmdlineSuites; private String m_outputDir = DEFAULT_OUTPUTDIR; private String[] m_includedGroups; private String[] m_excludedGroups; private Boolean m_isJUnit = XmlSuite.DEFAULT_JUNIT; private Boolean m_isMixed = XmlSuite.DEFAULT_MIXED; protected boolean m_useDefaultListeners = true; private ITestRunnerFactory m_testRunnerFactory; // These listeners can be overridden from the command line private List m_classListeners = Lists.newArrayList(); private List m_testListeners = Lists.newArrayList(); private List m_suiteListeners = Lists.newArrayList(); private Set m_reporters = Sets.newHashSet(); protected static final int HAS_FAILURE = 1; protected static final int HAS_SKIPPED = 2; protected static final int HAS_FSP = 4; protected static final int HAS_NO_TEST = 8; public static final Integer DEFAULT_VERBOSE = 1; private int m_status; private boolean m_hasTests= false; private String m_slavefileName = null; private String m_masterfileName = null; // Command line suite parameters private int m_threadCount; private boolean m_useThreadCount; private XmlSuite.ParallelMode m_parallelMode = XmlSuite.ParallelMode.FALSE; private String m_configFailurePolicy; private Class[] m_commandLineTestClasses; private String m_defaultSuiteName=DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE_SUITE_NAME; private String m_defaultTestName=DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE_TEST_NAME; private Map m_methodDescriptors = Maps.newHashMap(); private ITestObjectFactory m_objectFactory; private List m_invokedMethodListeners = Lists.newArrayList(); private Integer m_dataProviderThreadCount = null; private String m_jarPath; /** The path of the testng.xml file inside the jar file */ private String m_xmlPathInJar = CommandLineArgs.XML_PATH_IN_JAR_DEFAULT; private List m_stringSuites = Lists.newArrayList(); private IHookable m_hookable; private IConfigurable m_configurable; protected long m_end; protected long m_start; private List m_executionListeners = Lists.newArrayList(); private List m_alterSuiteListeners= Lists.newArrayList(); private boolean m_isInitialized = false; private IPathUtils m_pathUtils = PathUtilsFactory.newInstance(); /** * Default constructor. Setting also usage of default listeners/reporters. */ public TestNG() { init(true); } /** * Used by maven2 to have 0 output of any kind come out * of testng. * @param useDefaultListeners Whether or not any default reports * should be added to tests. */ public TestNG(boolean useDefaultListeners) { init(useDefaultListeners); } private void init(boolean useDefaultListeners) { m_instance = this; m_useDefaultListeners = useDefaultListeners; m_configuration = new Configuration(); } public int getStatus() { return m_status; } private void setStatus(int status) { m_status |= status; } /** * Sets the output directory where the reports will be created. * @param outputdir The directory. */ public void setOutputDirectory(final String outputdir) { if (isStringNotEmpty(outputdir)) { m_outputDir = outputdir; } } /** * If this method is passed true before run(), the default listeners * will not be used. *

* * @see org.testng.reporters.TestHTMLReporter * @see org.testng.reporters.JUnitXMLReporter * @see org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter */ public void setUseDefaultListeners(boolean useDefaultListeners) { m_useDefaultListeners = useDefaultListeners; } /** * Sets a jar containing a testng.xml file. * * @param jarPath */ public void setTestJar(String jarPath) { m_jarPath = jarPath; } /** * Sets the path to the XML file in the test jar file. */ public void setXmlPathInJar(String xmlPathInJar) { m_xmlPathInJar = xmlPathInJar; } public void initializeSuitesAndJarFile() { // The Eclipse plug-in (RemoteTestNG) might have invoked this method already // so don't initialize suites twice. if (m_isInitialized) { return; } m_isInitialized = true; if (m_suites.size() > 0) { //to parse the suite files (), if any for (XmlSuite s: m_suites) { for (String suiteFile : s.getSuiteFiles()) { try { Collection childSuites = getParser(m_pathUtils.getSuiteNormalizedPath(s, suiteFile)).parse(); for (XmlSuite cSuite : childSuites){ cSuite.setParentSuite(s); s.getChildSuites().add(cSuite); } } catch (ParserConfigurationException | IOException | SAXException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } return; } // // Parse the suites that were passed on the command line // for (String suitePath : m_stringSuites) { if(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("suiteXmlPath: \"" + suitePath + "\""); } try { Collection allSuites = getParser(suitePath).parse(); for (XmlSuite s : allSuites) { // If test names were specified, only run these test names if (m_testNames != null) { m_suites.add(extractTestNames(s, m_testNames)); } else { m_suites.add(s); } } } catch(SAXException | ParserConfigurationException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } catch(Exception ex) { // Probably a Yaml exception, unnest it Throwable t = ex; while (t.getCause() != null) t = t.getCause(); // t.printStackTrace(); if (t instanceof TestNGException) throw (TestNGException) t; else throw new TestNGException(t); } } // // jar path // // If suites were passed on the command line, they take precedence over the suite file // inside that jar path if (m_jarPath != null && m_stringSuites.size() > 0) { StringBuilder suites = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : m_stringSuites) { suites.append(s); } Utils.log("TestNG", 2, "Ignoring the XML file inside " + m_jarPath + " and using " + suites + " instead"); return; } if (isStringEmpty(m_jarPath)) { return; } // We have a jar file and no XML file was specified: try to find an XML file inside the jar File jarFile = new File(m_jarPath); try { Utils.log("TestNG", 2, "Trying to open jar file:" + jarFile); boolean foundTestngXml = false; List classes = Lists.newArrayList(); try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(jarFile)) { // System.out.println(" result: " + jf); Enumeration entries = jf.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry je = entries.nextElement(); if (je.getName().equals(m_xmlPathInJar)) { Parser parser = getParser(jf.getInputStream(je)); Collection suites = parser.parse(); for (XmlSuite suite : suites) { // If test names were specified, only run these test names if (m_testNames != null) { m_suites.add(extractTestNames(suite, m_testNames)); } else { m_suites.add(suite); } } foundTestngXml = true; break; } else if (je.getName().endsWith(".class")) { int n = je.getName().length() - ".class".length(); classes.add(je.getName().replace("/", ".").substring(0, n)); } } } if (! foundTestngXml) { Utils.log("TestNG", 1, "Couldn't find the " + m_xmlPathInJar + " in the jar file, running all the classes"); XmlSuite xmlSuite = new XmlSuite(); xmlSuite.setVerbose(0); xmlSuite.setName("Jar suite"); XmlTest xmlTest = new XmlTest(xmlSuite); List xmlClasses = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String cls : classes) { XmlClass xmlClass = new XmlClass(cls); xmlClasses.add(xmlClass); } xmlTest.setXmlClasses(xmlClasses); m_suites.add(xmlSuite); } } catch(ParserConfigurationException | IOException | SAXException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private Parser getParser(String path) { Parser result = new Parser(path); initProcessor(result); return result; } private Parser getParser(InputStream is) { Parser result = new Parser(is); initProcessor(result); return result; } private void initProcessor(Parser result) { result.setPostProcessor(new OverrideProcessor(m_includedGroups, m_excludedGroups)); } /** * If the XmlSuite contains at least one test named as testNames, return * an XmlSuite that's made only of these tests, otherwise, return the * original suite. */ private static XmlSuite extractTestNames(XmlSuite s, List testNames) { extractTestNamesFromChildSuites(s, testNames); List tests = Lists.newArrayList(); for (XmlTest xt : s.getTests()) { for (String tn : testNames) { if (xt.getName().equals(tn)) { tests.add(xt); } } } if (tests.size() == 0) { return s; } else { XmlSuite result = (XmlSuite) s.clone(); result.getTests().clear(); result.getTests().addAll(tests); return result; } } private static void extractTestNamesFromChildSuites(XmlSuite s, List testNames) { List childSuites = s.getChildSuites(); for (int i = 0; i < childSuites.size(); i++) { XmlSuite child = childSuites.get(i); XmlSuite extracted = extractTestNames(child, testNames); // if a new xml suite is created, which means some tests was extracted, then we replace the child if (extracted != child) { childSuites.set(i, extracted); } } } /** * Define the number of threads in the thread pool. */ public void setThreadCount(int threadCount) { if(threadCount < 1) { exitWithError("Cannot use a threadCount parameter less than 1; 1 > " + threadCount); } m_threadCount = threadCount; m_useThreadCount = true; } /** * Define whether this run will be run in parallel mode. * @deprecated Use #setParallel(XmlSuite.ParallelMode) instead */ @Deprecated public void setParallel(String parallel) { if (parallel == null) { setParallel(XmlSuite.ParallelMode.FALSE); } else { setParallel(XmlSuite.ParallelMode.getValidParallel(parallel)); } } public void setParallel(XmlSuite.ParallelMode parallel) { m_parallelMode = parallel; } public void setCommandLineSuite(XmlSuite suite) { m_cmdlineSuites = Lists.newArrayList(); m_cmdlineSuites.add(suite); m_suites.add(suite); } /** * Set the test classes to be run by this TestNG object. This method * will create a dummy suite that will wrap these classes called * "Command Line Test". *

* If used together with threadCount, parallel, groups, excludedGroups than this one must be set first. * * @param classes An array of classes that contain TestNG annotations. */ public void setTestClasses(Class[] classes) { m_suites.clear(); m_commandLineTestClasses = classes; } /** * Given a string com.example.Foo.f1, return an array where [0] is the class and [1] * is the method. */ private String[] splitMethod(String m) { int index = m.lastIndexOf("."); if (index < 0) { throw new TestNGException("Bad format for command line method:" + m + ", expected ."); } return new String[] { m.substring(0, index), m.substring(index + 1).replaceAll("\\*", "\\.\\*") }; } /** * @return a list of XmlSuite objects that represent the list of classes and methods passed * in parameter. * * @param commandLineMethods a string with the form "com.example.Foo.f1,com.example.Bar.f2" */ private List createCommandLineSuitesForMethods(List commandLineMethods) { // // Create the tag // Set classes = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String m : commandLineMethods) { Class c = ClassHelper.forName(splitMethod(m)[0]); if (c != null) { classes.add(c); } } List result = createCommandLineSuitesForClasses(classes.toArray(new Class[0])); // // Add the method tags // List xmlClasses = Lists.newArrayList(); for (XmlSuite s : result) { for (XmlTest t : s.getTests()) { xmlClasses.addAll(t.getClasses()); } } for (XmlClass xc : xmlClasses) { for (String m : commandLineMethods) { String[] split = splitMethod(m); String className = split[0]; if (xc.getName().equals(className)) { XmlInclude includedMethod = new XmlInclude(split[1]); xc.getIncludedMethods().add(includedMethod); } } } return result; } private List createCommandLineSuitesForClasses(Class[] classes) { // // See if any of the classes has an xmlSuite or xmlTest attribute. // If it does, create the appropriate XmlSuite, otherwise, create // the default one // XmlClass[] xmlClasses = Utils.classesToXmlClasses(classes); Map suites = Maps.newHashMap(); IAnnotationFinder finder = m_configuration.getAnnotationFinder(); for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { Class c = classes[i]; ITestAnnotation test = finder.findAnnotation(c, ITestAnnotation.class); String suiteName = getDefaultSuiteName(); String testName = getDefaultTestName(); boolean isJUnit = false; if (test != null) { suiteName = defaultIfStringEmpty(test.getSuiteName(), suiteName); testName = defaultIfStringEmpty(test.getTestName(), testName); } else { if (m_isMixed && JUnitTestFinder.isJUnitTest(c)) { isJUnit = true; testName = c.getName(); } } XmlSuite xmlSuite = suites.get(suiteName); if (xmlSuite == null) { xmlSuite = new XmlSuite(); xmlSuite.setName(suiteName); suites.put(suiteName, xmlSuite); } if (m_dataProviderThreadCount != null) { xmlSuite.setDataProviderThreadCount(m_dataProviderThreadCount); } XmlTest xmlTest = null; for (XmlTest xt : xmlSuite.getTests()) { if (xt.getName().equals(testName)) { xmlTest = xt; break; } } if (xmlTest == null) { xmlTest = new XmlTest(xmlSuite); xmlTest.setName(testName); xmlTest.setJUnit(isJUnit); } xmlTest.getXmlClasses().add(xmlClasses[i]); } return new ArrayList<>(suites.values()); } public void addMethodSelector(String className, int priority) { m_methodDescriptors.put(className, priority); } /** * Set the suites file names to be run by this TestNG object. This method tries to load and * parse the specified TestNG suite xml files. If a file is missing, it is ignored. * * @param suites A list of paths to one more XML files defining the tests. For example: * *

   * TestNG tng = new TestNG();
   * List suites = Lists.newArrayList();
   * suites.add("c:/tests/testng1.xml");
   * suites.add("c:/tests/testng2.xml");
   * tng.setTestSuites(suites);
*/ public void setTestSuites(List suites) { m_stringSuites = suites; } /** * Specifies the XmlSuite objects to run. * @param suites * @see org.testng.xml.XmlSuite */ public void setXmlSuites(List suites) { m_suites = suites; } /** * Define which groups will be excluded from this run. * * @param groups A list of group names separated by a comma. */ public void setExcludedGroups(String groups) { m_excludedGroups = Utils.split(groups, ","); } /** * Define which groups will be included from this run. * * @param groups A list of group names separated by a comma. */ public void setGroups(String groups) { m_includedGroups = Utils.split(groups, ","); } private void setTestRunnerFactoryClass(Class testRunnerFactoryClass) { setTestRunnerFactory((ITestRunnerFactory) ClassHelper.newInstance(testRunnerFactoryClass)); } protected void setTestRunnerFactory(ITestRunnerFactory itrf) { m_testRunnerFactory= itrf; } public void setObjectFactory(Class c) { m_objectFactory = (ITestObjectFactory) ClassHelper.newInstance(c); } public void setObjectFactory(ITestObjectFactory factory) { m_objectFactory = factory; } /** * Define which listeners to user for this run. * * @param classes A list of classes, which must be either ISuiteListener, * ITestListener or IReporter */ public void setListenerClasses(List classes) { for (Class cls: classes) { addListener(ClassHelper.newInstance(cls)); } } public void addListener(Object listener) { if (! (listener instanceof ITestNGListener)) { exitWithError("Listener " + listener + " must be one of ITestListener, ISuiteListener, IReporter, " + " IAnnotationTransformer, IMethodInterceptor or IInvokedMethodListener"); } else { if (listener instanceof ISuiteListener) { addListener((ISuiteListener) listener); } if (listener instanceof ITestListener) { addListener((ITestListener) listener); } if (listener instanceof IClassListener) { addListener((IClassListener) listener); } if (listener instanceof IReporter) { addListener((IReporter) listener); } if (listener instanceof IAnnotationTransformer) { setAnnotationTransformer((IAnnotationTransformer) listener); } if (listener instanceof IMethodInterceptor) { m_methodInterceptors.add((IMethodInterceptor) listener); } if (listener instanceof IInvokedMethodListener) { addInvokedMethodListener((IInvokedMethodListener) listener); } if (listener instanceof IHookable) { setHookable((IHookable) listener); } if (listener instanceof IConfigurable) { setConfigurable((IConfigurable) listener); } if (listener instanceof IExecutionListener) { addExecutionListener((IExecutionListener) listener); } if (listener instanceof IConfigurationListener) { getConfiguration().addConfigurationListener((IConfigurationListener) listener); } if (listener instanceof IAlterSuiteListener) { addAlterSuiteListener((IAlterSuiteListener) listener); } } } public void addListener(IInvokedMethodListener listener) { m_invokedMethodListeners.add(listener); } public void addListener(ISuiteListener listener) { if (null != listener) { m_suiteListeners.add(listener); } } public void addListener(ITestListener listener) { if (null != listener) { m_testListeners.add(listener); } } public void addListener(IClassListener listener) { if (null != listener) { m_classListeners.add(listener); } } public void addListener(IReporter listener) { if (null != listener) { m_reporters.add(listener); } } public void addInvokedMethodListener(IInvokedMethodListener listener) { m_invokedMethodListeners.add(listener); } public Set getReporters() { return m_reporters; } public List getTestListeners() { return m_testListeners; } public List getSuiteListeners() { return m_suiteListeners; } /** If m_verbose gets set, it will override the verbose setting in testng.xml */ private Integer m_verbose = null; private final IAnnotationTransformer m_defaultAnnoProcessor = new DefaultAnnotationTransformer(); private IAnnotationTransformer m_annotationTransformer = m_defaultAnnoProcessor; private Boolean m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = false; private List m_methodInterceptors = new ArrayList(); /** The list of test names to run from the given suite */ private List m_testNames; private Integer m_suiteThreadPoolSize = CommandLineArgs.SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_DEFAULT; private boolean m_randomizeSuites = Boolean.FALSE; private boolean m_preserveOrder = false; private Boolean m_groupByInstances; private IConfiguration m_configuration; /** * Sets the level of verbosity. This value will override the value specified * in the test suites. * * @param verbose the verbosity level (0 to 10 where 10 is most detailed) * Actually, this is a lie: you can specify -1 and this will put TestNG * in debug mode (no longer slicing off stack traces and all). */ public void setVerbose(int verbose) { m_verbose = verbose; } private void initializeCommandLineSuites() { if (m_commandLineTestClasses != null || m_commandLineMethods != null) { if (null != m_commandLineMethods) { m_cmdlineSuites = createCommandLineSuitesForMethods(m_commandLineMethods); } else { m_cmdlineSuites = createCommandLineSuitesForClasses(m_commandLineTestClasses); } for (XmlSuite s : m_cmdlineSuites) { for (XmlTest t : s.getTests()) { t.setPreserveOrder(String.valueOf(m_preserveOrder)); } m_suites.add(s); if (m_groupByInstances != null) { s.setGroupByInstances(m_groupByInstances); } } } } private void initializeCommandLineSuitesParams() { if(null == m_cmdlineSuites) { return; } for (XmlSuite s : m_cmdlineSuites) { if(m_useThreadCount) { s.setThreadCount(m_threadCount); } s.setParallel(m_parallelMode); if(m_configFailurePolicy != null) { s.setConfigFailurePolicy(m_configFailurePolicy.toString()); } } } private void initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups() { // If groups were specified on the command line, they should override groups // specified in the XML file boolean hasIncludedGroups = null != m_includedGroups && m_includedGroups.length > 0; boolean hasExcludedGroups = null != m_excludedGroups && m_excludedGroups.length > 0; List suites = m_cmdlineSuites != null ? m_cmdlineSuites : m_suites; if (hasIncludedGroups || hasExcludedGroups) { for (XmlSuite s : suites) { //set on each test, instead of just the first one of the suite for (XmlTest t : s.getTests()) { if(hasIncludedGroups) { t.setIncludedGroups(Arrays.asList(m_includedGroups)); } if(hasExcludedGroups) { t.setExcludedGroups(Arrays.asList(m_excludedGroups)); } } } } } private void addReporter(Class r) { m_reporters.add(ClassHelper.newInstance(r)); } private void initializeDefaultListeners() { m_testListeners.add(new ExitCodeListener(this)); if (m_useDefaultListeners) { addReporter(SuiteHTMLReporter.class); addReporter(Main.class); addReporter(FailedReporter.class); addReporter(XMLReporter.class); if (System.getProperty("oldTestngEmailableReporter") != null) { addReporter(EmailableReporter.class); } else if (System.getProperty("noEmailableReporter") == null) { addReporter(EmailableReporter2.class); } addReporter(JUnitReportReporter.class); if (m_verbose != null && m_verbose > 4) { addListener(new VerboseReporter("[TestNG] ")); } } } private void initializeConfiguration() { ITestObjectFactory factory = m_objectFactory; // // Install the listeners found in ServiceLoader (or use the class // loader for tests, if specified). // addServiceLoaderListeners(); // // Install the listeners found in the suites // for (XmlSuite s : m_suites) { for (String listenerName : s.getListeners()) { Class listenerClass = ClassHelper.forName(listenerName); // If specified listener does not exist, a TestNGException will be thrown if(listenerClass == null) { throw new TestNGException("Listener " + listenerName + " was not found in project's classpath"); } Object listener = ClassHelper.newInstance(listenerClass); addListener(listener); } // // Install the method selectors // for (XmlMethodSelector methodSelector : s.getMethodSelectors() ) { addMethodSelector(methodSelector.getClassName(), methodSelector.getPriority()); } // // Find if we have an object factory // if (s.getObjectFactory() != null) { if (factory == null) { factory = s.getObjectFactory(); } else { throw new TestNGException("Found more than one object-factory tag in your suites"); } } } m_configuration.setAnnotationFinder(new JDK15AnnotationFinder(getAnnotationTransformer())); m_configuration.setHookable(m_hookable); m_configuration.setConfigurable(m_configurable); m_configuration.setObjectFactory(factory); } /** * Using reflection to remain Java 5 compliant. */ private void addServiceLoaderListeners() { Iterable loader = m_serviceLoaderClassLoader != null ? ServiceLoader.load(ITestNGListener.class, m_serviceLoaderClassLoader) : ServiceLoader.load(ITestNGListener.class); for (ITestNGListener l : loader) { Utils.log("[TestNG]", 2, "Adding ServiceLoader listener:" + l); addListener(l); addServiceLoaderListener(l); } } /** * Before suites are executed, do a sanity check to ensure all required * conditions are met. If not, throw an exception to stop test execution * * @throws TestNGException if the sanity check fails */ private void sanityCheck() { checkTestNames(m_suites); checkSuiteNames(m_suites); } /** * Ensure that two XmlTest within the same XmlSuite don't have the same name */ private void checkTestNames(List suites) { for (XmlSuite suite : suites) { Set testNames = Sets.newHashSet(); for (XmlTest test : suite.getTests()) { if (testNames.contains(test.getName())) { throw new TestNGException("Two tests in the same suite " + "cannot have the same name: " + test.getName()); } else { testNames.add(test.getName()); } } checkTestNames(suite.getChildSuites()); } } /** * Ensure that two XmlSuite don't have the same name * Otherwise will be clash in SuiteRunnerMap * See issue #302 */ private void checkSuiteNames(List suites) { checkSuiteNamesInternal(suites, Sets.newHashSet()); } private void checkSuiteNamesInternal(List suites, Set names) { for (XmlSuite suite : suites) { final String name = suite.getName(); int count = 0; String tmpName = name; while (names.contains(tmpName)) { tmpName = name + " (" + count++ + ")"; } if (count > 0) { suite.setName(tmpName); names.add(tmpName); } else { names.add(name); } names.add(name); checkSuiteNamesInternal(suite.getChildSuites(), names); } } /** * Run TestNG. */ public void run() { initializeSuitesAndJarFile(); initializeConfiguration(); initializeDefaultListeners(); initializeCommandLineSuites(); initializeCommandLineSuitesParams(); initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups(); sanityCheck(); List suiteRunners = null; runSuiteAlterationListeners(); runExecutionListeners(true /* start */); m_start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // // Slave mode // if (m_slavefileName != null) { SuiteSlave slave = new SuiteSlave( m_slavefileName, this ); slave.waitForSuites(); } // // Regular mode // else if (m_masterfileName == null) { suiteRunners = runSuitesLocally(); } // // Master mode // else { SuiteDispatcher dispatcher = new SuiteDispatcher(m_masterfileName); suiteRunners = dispatcher.dispatch(getConfiguration(), m_suites, getOutputDirectory(), getTestListeners()); } m_end = System.currentTimeMillis(); runExecutionListeners(false /* finish */); if(null != suiteRunners) { generateReports(suiteRunners); } if(!m_hasTests) { setStatus(HAS_NO_TEST); if (TestRunner.getVerbose() > 1) { System.err.println("[TestNG] No tests found. Nothing was run"); usage(); } } } private void p(String string) { System.out.println("[TestNG] " + string); } private void runSuiteAlterationListeners() { for (List listeners : Arrays.asList(m_alterSuiteListeners, m_configuration.getAlterSuiteListeners())) { for (IAlterSuiteListener l : listeners) { l.alter(m_suites); } } } private void runExecutionListeners(boolean start) { for (List listeners : Arrays.asList(m_executionListeners, m_configuration.getExecutionListeners())) { for (IExecutionListener l : listeners) { if (start) l.onExecutionStart(); else l.onExecutionFinish(); } } } public void addAlterSuiteListener(IAlterSuiteListener l) { m_alterSuiteListeners.add(l); } public void addExecutionListener(IExecutionListener l) { m_executionListeners.add(l); } private static void usage() { if (m_jCommander == null) { m_jCommander = new JCommander(new CommandLineArgs()); } m_jCommander.usage(); } private void generateReports(List suiteRunners) { for (IReporter reporter : m_reporters) { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); reporter.generateReport(m_suites, suiteRunners, m_outputDir); Utils.log("TestNG", 2, "Time taken by " + reporter + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms"); } catch(Exception ex) { System.err.println("[TestNG] Reporter " + reporter + " failed"); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } /** * This needs to be public for maven2, for now..At least * until an alternative mechanism is found. */ public List runSuitesLocally() { SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap = new SuiteRunnerMap(); if (m_suites.size() > 0) { if (m_suites.get(0).getVerbose() >= 2) { Version.displayBanner(); } // First initialize the suite runners to ensure there are no configuration issues. // Create a map with XmlSuite as key and corresponding SuiteRunner as value for (XmlSuite xmlSuite : m_suites) { createSuiteRunners(suiteRunnerMap, xmlSuite); } // // Run suites // if (m_suiteThreadPoolSize == 1 && !m_randomizeSuites) { // Single threaded and not randomized: run the suites in order for (XmlSuite xmlSuite : m_suites) { runSuitesSequentially(xmlSuite, suiteRunnerMap, getVerbose(xmlSuite), getDefaultSuiteName()); } } else { // Multithreaded: generate a dynamic graph that stores the suite hierarchy. This is then // used to run related suites in specific order. Parent suites are run only // once all the child suites have completed execution DynamicGraph suiteGraph = new DynamicGraph<>(); for (XmlSuite xmlSuite : m_suites) { populateSuiteGraph(suiteGraph, suiteRunnerMap, xmlSuite); } IThreadWorkerFactory factory = new SuiteWorkerFactory(suiteRunnerMap, 0 /* verbose hasn't been set yet */, getDefaultSuiteName()); GraphThreadPoolExecutor pooledExecutor = new GraphThreadPoolExecutor<>(suiteGraph, factory, m_suiteThreadPoolSize, m_suiteThreadPoolSize, Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue()); Utils.log("TestNG", 2, "Starting executor for all suites"); // Run all suites in parallel; try { pooledExecutor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); pooledExecutor.shutdownNow(); } catch (InterruptedException handled) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); error("Error waiting for concurrent executors to finish " + handled.getMessage()); } } } else { setStatus(HAS_NO_TEST); error("No test suite found. Nothing to run"); usage(); } // // Generate the suites report // return Lists.newArrayList(suiteRunnerMap.values()); } private static void error(String s) { LOGGER.error(s); } /** * @return the verbose level, checking in order: the verbose level on * the suite, the verbose level on the TestNG object, or 1. */ private int getVerbose(XmlSuite xmlSuite) { int result = xmlSuite.getVerbose() != null ? xmlSuite.getVerbose() : (m_verbose != null ? m_verbose : DEFAULT_VERBOSE); return result; } /** * Recursively runs suites. Runs the children suites before running the parent * suite. This is done so that the results for parent suite can reflect the * combined results of the children suites. * * @param xmlSuite XML Suite to be executed * @param suiteRunnerMap Maps {@code XmlSuite}s to respective {@code ISuite} * @param verbose verbose level * @param defaultSuiteName default suite name */ private void runSuitesSequentially(XmlSuite xmlSuite, SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap, int verbose, String defaultSuiteName) { for (XmlSuite childSuite : xmlSuite.getChildSuites()) { runSuitesSequentially(childSuite, suiteRunnerMap, verbose, defaultSuiteName); } SuiteRunnerWorker srw = new SuiteRunnerWorker(suiteRunnerMap.get(xmlSuite), suiteRunnerMap, verbose, defaultSuiteName);; } /** * Populates the dynamic graph with the reverse hierarchy of suites. Edges are * added pointing from child suite runners to parent suite runners, hence making * parent suite runners dependent on all the child suite runners * * @param suiteGraph dynamic graph representing the reverse hierarchy of SuiteRunners * @param suiteRunnerMap Map with XMLSuite as key and its respective SuiteRunner as value * @param xmlSuite XML Suite */ private void populateSuiteGraph(DynamicGraph suiteGraph /* OUT */, SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap, XmlSuite xmlSuite) { ISuite parentSuiteRunner = suiteRunnerMap.get(xmlSuite); if (xmlSuite.getChildSuites().isEmpty()) { suiteGraph.addNode(parentSuiteRunner); } else { for (XmlSuite childSuite : xmlSuite.getChildSuites()) { suiteGraph.addEdge(parentSuiteRunner, suiteRunnerMap.get(childSuite)); populateSuiteGraph(suiteGraph, suiteRunnerMap, childSuite); } } } /** * Creates the {@code SuiteRunner}s and populates the suite runner map with * this information * @param suiteRunnerMap Map with XMLSuite as key and it's respective * SuiteRunner as value. This is updated as part of this method call * @param xmlSuite Xml Suite (and its children) for which {@code SuiteRunner}s are created */ private void createSuiteRunners(SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap /* OUT */, XmlSuite xmlSuite) { if (null != m_isJUnit && ! m_isJUnit.equals(XmlSuite.DEFAULT_JUNIT)) { xmlSuite.setJUnit(m_isJUnit); } // If the skip flag was invoked on the command line, it // takes precedence if (null != m_skipFailedInvocationCounts) { xmlSuite.setSkipFailedInvocationCounts(m_skipFailedInvocationCounts); } // Override the XmlSuite verbose value with the one from TestNG if (m_verbose != null) { xmlSuite.setVerbose(m_verbose); } if (null != m_configFailurePolicy) { xmlSuite.setConfigFailurePolicy(m_configFailurePolicy); } for (XmlTest t : xmlSuite.getTests()) { for (Map.Entry ms : m_methodDescriptors.entrySet()) { XmlMethodSelector xms = new XmlMethodSelector(); xms.setName(ms.getKey()); xms.setPriority(ms.getValue()); t.getMethodSelectors().add(xms); } } suiteRunnerMap.put(xmlSuite, createSuiteRunner(xmlSuite)); for (XmlSuite childSuite : xmlSuite.getChildSuites()) { createSuiteRunners(suiteRunnerMap, childSuite); } } /** * Creates a suite runner and configures its initial state * @param xmlSuite * @return returns the newly created suite runner */ private SuiteRunner createSuiteRunner(XmlSuite xmlSuite) { SuiteRunner result = new SuiteRunner(getConfiguration(), xmlSuite, m_outputDir, m_testRunnerFactory, m_useDefaultListeners, m_methodInterceptors, m_invokedMethodListeners, m_testListeners, m_classListeners); for (ISuiteListener isl : m_suiteListeners) { result.addListener(isl); } for (IReporter r : result.getReporters()) { addListener(r); } for (IConfigurationListener cl : m_configuration.getConfigurationListeners()) { result.addConfigurationListener(cl); } return result; } protected IConfiguration getConfiguration() { return m_configuration; } /** * The TestNG entry point for command line execution. * * @param argv the TestNG command line parameters. * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public static void main(String[] argv) { TestNG testng = privateMain(argv, null); System.exit(testng.getStatus()); } /** * Note: this method is not part of the public API and is meant for internal usage only. */ public static TestNG privateMain(String[] argv, ITestListener listener) { TestNG result = new TestNG(); if (null != listener) { result.addListener(listener); } // // Parse the arguments // try { CommandLineArgs cla = new CommandLineArgs(); m_jCommander = new JCommander(cla, argv); validateCommandLineParameters(cla); result.configure(cla); } catch(ParameterException ex) { exitWithError(ex.getMessage()); } // // Run // try {; } catch(TestNGException ex) { if (TestRunner.getVerbose() > 1) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } else { error(ex.getMessage()); } result.setStatus(HAS_FAILURE); } return result; } /** * Configure the TestNG instance based on the command line parameters. */ protected void configure(CommandLineArgs cla) { if (cla.verbose != null) { setVerbose(cla.verbose); } setOutputDirectory(cla.outputDirectory); String testClasses = cla.testClass; if (null != testClasses) { String[] strClasses = testClasses.split(","); List classes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String c : strClasses) { classes.add(ClassHelper.fileToClass(c)); } setTestClasses(classes.toArray(new Class[classes.size()])); } setOutputDirectory(cla.outputDirectory); if (cla.testNames != null) { setTestNames(Arrays.asList(cla.testNames.split(","))); } // List testNgXml = (List) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.SUITE_DEF); // if (null != testNgXml) { // setTestSuites(testNgXml); // } // Note: can't use a Boolean field here because we are allowing a boolean // parameter with an arity of 1 ("-usedefaultlisteners false") if (cla.useDefaultListeners != null) { setUseDefaultListeners("true".equalsIgnoreCase(cla.useDefaultListeners)); } setGroups(cla.groups); setExcludedGroups(cla.excludedGroups); setTestJar(cla.testJar); setXmlPathInJar(cla.xmlPathInJar); setJUnit(cla.junit); setMixed(cla.mixed); setMaster(cla.master); setSlave(cla.slave); setSkipFailedInvocationCounts(cla.skipFailedInvocationCounts); if (cla.parallelMode != null) { setParallel(cla.parallelMode); } if (cla.configFailurePolicy != null) { setConfigFailurePolicy(cla.configFailurePolicy); } if (cla.threadCount != null) { setThreadCount(cla.threadCount); } if (cla.dataProviderThreadCount != null) { setDataProviderThreadCount(cla.dataProviderThreadCount); } if (cla.suiteName != null) { setDefaultSuiteName(cla.suiteName); } if (cla.testName != null) { setDefaultTestName(cla.testName); } if (cla.listener != null) { String sep = ";"; if (cla.listener.contains(",")) { sep = ","; } String[] strs = Utils.split(cla.listener, sep); List classes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String cls : strs) { classes.add(ClassHelper.fileToClass(cls)); } setListenerClasses(classes); } if (null != cla.methodSelectors) { String[] strs = Utils.split(cla.methodSelectors, ","); for (String cls : strs) { String[] sel = Utils.split(cls, ":"); try { if (sel.length == 2) { addMethodSelector(sel[0], Integer.parseInt(sel[1])); } else { error("Method selector value was not in the format org.example.Selector:4"); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { error("Method selector value was not in the format org.example.Selector:4"); } } } if (cla.objectFactory != null) { setObjectFactory(ClassHelper.fileToClass(cla.objectFactory)); } if (cla.testRunnerFactory != null) { setTestRunnerFactoryClass( ClassHelper.fileToClass(cla.testRunnerFactory)); } if (cla.reporter != null) { ReporterConfig reporterConfig = ReporterConfig.deserialize(cla.reporter); addReporter(reporterConfig); } if (cla.commandLineMethods.size() > 0) { m_commandLineMethods = cla.commandLineMethods; } if (cla.suiteFiles != null) { setTestSuites(cla.suiteFiles); } setSuiteThreadPoolSize(cla.suiteThreadPoolSize); setRandomizeSuites(cla.randomizeSuites); } public void setSuiteThreadPoolSize(Integer suiteThreadPoolSize) { m_suiteThreadPoolSize = suiteThreadPoolSize; } public Integer getSuiteThreadPoolSize() { return m_suiteThreadPoolSize; } public void setRandomizeSuites(boolean randomizeSuites) { m_randomizeSuites = randomizeSuites; } /** * This method is invoked by Maven's Surefire, only remove it once * Surefire has been modified to no longer call it. */ public void setSourcePath(String path) { // nop } /** * This method is invoked by Maven's Surefire to configure the runner, * do not remove unless you know for sure that Surefire has been updated * to use the new configure(CommandLineArgs) method. * * @deprecated use new configure(CommandLineArgs) method */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) @Deprecated public void configure(Map cmdLineArgs) { CommandLineArgs result = new CommandLineArgs(); Integer verbose = (Integer) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.LOG); if (null != verbose) { result.verbose = verbose; } result.outputDirectory = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY); String testClasses = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.TEST_CLASS); if (null != testClasses) { result.testClass = testClasses; } String testNames = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.TEST_NAMES); if (testNames != null) { result.testNames = testNames; } String useDefaultListeners = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.USE_DEFAULT_LISTENERS); if (null != useDefaultListeners) { result.useDefaultListeners = useDefaultListeners; } result.groups = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.GROUPS); result.excludedGroups = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.EXCLUDED_GROUPS); result.testJar = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.TEST_JAR); result.xmlPathInJar = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.XML_PATH_IN_JAR); result.junit = (Boolean) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.JUNIT); result.mixed = (Boolean) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.MIXED); result.master = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.MASTER); result.slave = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.SLAVE); result.skipFailedInvocationCounts = (Boolean) cmdLineArgs.get( CommandLineArgs.SKIP_FAILED_INVOCATION_COUNTS); String parallelMode = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.PARALLEL); if (parallelMode != null) { result.parallelMode = XmlSuite.ParallelMode.getValidParallel(parallelMode); } String threadCount = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.THREAD_COUNT); if (threadCount != null) { result.threadCount = Integer.parseInt(threadCount); } // Not supported by Surefire yet Integer dptc = (Integer) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.DATA_PROVIDER_THREAD_COUNT); if (dptc != null) { result.dataProviderThreadCount = dptc; } String defaultSuiteName = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.SUITE_NAME); if (defaultSuiteName != null) { result.suiteName = defaultSuiteName; } String defaultTestName = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.TEST_NAME); if (defaultTestName != null) { result.testName = defaultTestName; } Object listeners = cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.LISTENER); if (listeners instanceof List) { result.listener = Utils.join((List) listeners, ","); } else { result.listener = (String) listeners; } String ms = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.METHOD_SELECTORS); if (null != ms) { result.methodSelectors = ms; } String objectFactory = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.OBJECT_FACTORY); if(null != objectFactory) { result.objectFactory = objectFactory; } String runnerFactory = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.TEST_RUNNER_FACTORY); if (null != runnerFactory) { result.testRunnerFactory = runnerFactory; } String reporterConfigs = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.REPORTER); if (reporterConfigs != null) { result.reporter = reporterConfigs; } String failurePolicy = (String)cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.CONFIG_FAILURE_POLICY); if (failurePolicy != null) { result.configFailurePolicy = failurePolicy; } Object suiteThreadPoolSize = cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE); if (null != suiteThreadPoolSize) { if (suiteThreadPoolSize instanceof String){ result.suiteThreadPoolSize=Integer.parseInt((String) suiteThreadPoolSize); } if (suiteThreadPoolSize instanceof Integer){ result.suiteThreadPoolSize=(Integer) suiteThreadPoolSize; } } configure(result); } /** * Only run the specified tests from the suite. */ public void setTestNames(List testNames) { m_testNames = testNames; } public void setSkipFailedInvocationCounts(Boolean skip) { m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = skip; } private void addReporter(ReporterConfig reporterConfig) { Object instance = reporterConfig.newReporterInstance(); if (instance != null) { addListener(instance); } else { LOGGER.warn("Could not find reporte class : " + reporterConfig.getClassName()); } } /** * Specify if this run should be in Master-Slave mode as Master * * @param fileName path */ public void setMaster(String fileName) { m_masterfileName = fileName; } /** * Specify if this run should be in Master-Slave mode as slave * * @param fileName path */ public void setSlave(String fileName) { m_slavefileName = fileName; } /** * Specify if this run should be made in JUnit mode * * @param isJUnit */ public void setJUnit(Boolean isJUnit) { m_isJUnit = isJUnit; } /** * Specify if this run should be made in mixed mode */ public void setMixed(Boolean isMixed) { if(isMixed==null){ return; } m_isMixed = isMixed; } /** * @deprecated The TestNG version is now established at load time. This * method is not required anymore and is now a no-op. */ @Deprecated public static void setTestNGVersion() {"setTestNGVersion has been deprecated."); } /** * Returns true if this is the JDK 1.4 JAR version of TestNG, false otherwise. * * @return true if this is the JDK 1.4 JAR version of TestNG, false otherwise. */ @Deprecated public static boolean isJdk14() { return false; } /** * Double check that the command line parameters are valid. */ protected static void validateCommandLineParameters(CommandLineArgs args) { String testClasses = args.testClass; List testNgXml = args.suiteFiles; String testJar = args.testJar; String slave = args.slave; List methods = args.commandLineMethods; if (testClasses == null && slave == null && testJar == null && (testNgXml == null || testNgXml.isEmpty()) && (methods == null || methods.isEmpty())) { throw new ParameterException("You need to specify at least one testng.xml, one class" + " or one method"); } String groups = args.groups; String excludedGroups = args.excludedGroups; if (testJar == null && (null != groups || null != excludedGroups) && testClasses == null && (testNgXml == null || testNgXml.isEmpty())) { throw new ParameterException("Groups option should be used with testclass option"); } if (args.slave != null && args.master != null) { throw new ParameterException(CommandLineArgs.SLAVE + " can't be combined with " + CommandLineArgs.MASTER); } Boolean junit = args.junit; Boolean mixed = args.mixed; if (junit && mixed) { throw new ParameterException(CommandLineArgs.MIXED + " can't be combined with " + CommandLineArgs.JUNIT); } } /** * @return true if at least one test failed. */ public boolean hasFailure() { return (getStatus() & HAS_FAILURE) == HAS_FAILURE; } /** * @return true if at least one test failed within success percentage. */ public boolean hasFailureWithinSuccessPercentage() { return (getStatus() & HAS_FSP) == HAS_FSP; } /** * @return true if at least one test was skipped. */ public boolean hasSkip() { return (getStatus() & HAS_SKIPPED) == HAS_SKIPPED; } static void exitWithError(String msg) { System.err.println(msg); usage(); System.exit(1); } public String getOutputDirectory() { return m_outputDir; } public IAnnotationTransformer getAnnotationTransformer() { return m_annotationTransformer; } public void setAnnotationTransformer(IAnnotationTransformer t) { // compare by reference! if (m_annotationTransformer != m_defaultAnnoProcessor && m_annotationTransformer != t) { LOGGER.warn("AnnotationTransformer already set"); } m_annotationTransformer = t; } /** * @return the defaultSuiteName */ public String getDefaultSuiteName() { return m_defaultSuiteName; } /** * @param defaultSuiteName the defaultSuiteName to set */ public void setDefaultSuiteName(String defaultSuiteName) { m_defaultSuiteName = defaultSuiteName; } /** * @return the defaultTestName */ public String getDefaultTestName() { return m_defaultTestName; } /** * @param defaultTestName the defaultTestName to set */ public void setDefaultTestName(String defaultTestName) { m_defaultTestName = defaultTestName; } /** * Sets the policy for whether or not to ever invoke a configuration method again after * it has failed once. Possible values are defined in {@link XmlSuite}. The default * value is {@link XmlSuite#SKIP}. * @param failurePolicy the configuration failure policy */ public void setConfigFailurePolicy(String failurePolicy) { m_configFailurePolicy = failurePolicy; } /** * Returns the configuration failure policy. * @return config failure policy */ public String getConfigFailurePolicy() { return m_configFailurePolicy; } // DEPRECATED: to be removed after a major version change /** * @deprecated since 5.1 */ @Deprecated public static TestNG getDefault() { return m_instance; } /** * @deprecated since 5.1 */ @Deprecated public void setHasFailure(boolean hasFailure) { m_status |= HAS_FAILURE; } /** * @deprecated since 5.1 */ @Deprecated public void setHasFailureWithinSuccessPercentage(boolean hasFailureWithinSuccessPercentage) { m_status |= HAS_FSP; } /** * @deprecated since 5.1 */ @Deprecated public void setHasSkip(boolean hasSkip) { m_status |= HAS_SKIPPED; } public static class ExitCodeListener implements IResultListener2 { private TestNG m_mainRunner; public ExitCodeListener() { m_mainRunner = TestNG.m_instance; } public ExitCodeListener(TestNG runner) { m_mainRunner = runner; } @Override public void beforeConfiguration(ITestResult tr) { } @Override public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) { setHasRunTests(); m_mainRunner.setStatus(HAS_FAILURE); } @Override public void onTestSkipped(ITestResult result) { setHasRunTests(); if ((m_mainRunner.getStatus() & HAS_FAILURE) != 0) { m_mainRunner.setStatus(HAS_SKIPPED); } } @Override public void onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(ITestResult result) { setHasRunTests(); m_mainRunner.setStatus(HAS_FSP); } @Override public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult result) { setHasRunTests(); } @Override public void onStart(ITestContext context) { setHasRunTests(); } @Override public void onFinish(ITestContext context) { } @Override public void onTestStart(ITestResult result) { setHasRunTests(); } private void setHasRunTests() { m_mainRunner.m_hasTests= true; } /** * @see org.testng.IConfigurationListener#onConfigurationFailure(org.testng.ITestResult) */ @Override public void onConfigurationFailure(ITestResult itr) { m_mainRunner.setStatus(HAS_FAILURE); } /** * @see org.testng.IConfigurationListener#onConfigurationSkip(org.testng.ITestResult) */ @Override public void onConfigurationSkip(ITestResult itr) { m_mainRunner.setStatus(HAS_SKIPPED); } /** * @see org.testng.IConfigurationListener#onConfigurationSuccess(org.testng.ITestResult) */ @Override public void onConfigurationSuccess(ITestResult itr) { } } private void setConfigurable(IConfigurable c) { // compare by reference! if (m_configurable != null && m_configurable != c) { LOGGER.warn("Configurable already set"); } m_configurable = c; } private void setHookable(IHookable h) { // compare by reference! if (m_hookable != null && m_hookable != h) { LOGGER.warn("Hookable already set"); } m_hookable = h; } public void setMethodInterceptor(IMethodInterceptor methodInterceptor) { m_methodInterceptors.add(methodInterceptor); } public void setDataProviderThreadCount(int count) { m_dataProviderThreadCount = count; } /** Add a class loader to the searchable loaders. */ public void addClassLoader(final ClassLoader loader) { if (loader != null) { ClassHelper.addClassLoader(loader); } } public void setPreserveOrder(boolean b) { m_preserveOrder = b; } protected long getStart() { return m_start; } protected long getEnd() { return m_end; } public void setGroupByInstances(boolean b) { m_groupByInstances = b; } ///// // ServiceLoader testing // private URLClassLoader m_serviceLoaderClassLoader; private List m_serviceLoaderListeners = Lists.newArrayList(); /* * Used to test ServiceClassLoader */ public void setServiceLoaderClassLoader(URLClassLoader ucl) { m_serviceLoaderClassLoader = ucl; } /* * Used to test ServiceClassLoader */ private void addServiceLoaderListener(ITestNGListener l) { m_serviceLoaderListeners.add(l); } /* * Used to test ServiceClassLoader */ public List getServiceLoaderListeners() { return m_serviceLoaderListeners; } // // ServiceLoader testing ///// }