package org.testng.junit; import org.testng.ITestMethodFinder; import org.testng.ITestNGMethod; import org.testng.collections.Lists; import org.testng.internal.TestNGMethod; import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder; import org.testng.xml.XmlTest; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * This class locates all test and configuration methods according to JUnit. * It is used to change the strategy used by TestRunner to locate its test * methods. * * @author Cedric Beust, May 3, 2004 * */ public class JUnitMethodFinder implements ITestMethodFinder { private String m_testName = null; private IAnnotationFinder m_annotationFinder = null; public JUnitMethodFinder(String testName, IAnnotationFinder finder) { m_testName = testName; m_annotationFinder = finder; } private Constructor findConstructor(Class cls, Class[] parameters) { Constructor result = null; try { result = cls.getConstructor(parameters); } catch (SecurityException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { // ignore } return result; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getTestMethods(Class cls, XmlTest xmlTest) { ITestNGMethod[] result = privateFindTestMethods(new INameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(Method method) { return method.getName().startsWith("test") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0; } }, cls); // ppp("====="); // ppp("FIND TEST METHOD RETURNING "); // for (ITestMethod m : result) { // ppp(" " + m); // } // ppp("====="); return result; } private ITestNGMethod[] privateFindTestMethods(INameFilter filter, Class cls) { List vResult = Lists.newArrayList(); // We do not want to walk up the class hierarchy and accept the // same method twice (e.g. setUp) which would lead to double-invocation. // All relevant JUnit methods are parameter-less so we store accepted // method names in a Set to filter out duplicates. Set acceptedMethodNames = new HashSet<>(); // // Collect all methods that start with test // Class current = cls; while(!(current == Object.class)) { Method[] allMethods = current.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method allMethod : allMethods) { ITestNGMethod m = new TestNGMethod(/* allMethods[i].getDeclaringClass(), */ allMethod, m_annotationFinder, null, null); /* @@@ */ Method method = m.getMethod(); String methodName = method.getName(); if(filter.accept(method) && !acceptedMethodNames.contains(methodName)) { // if (m.getName().startsWith("test")) { // ppp("Found JUnit test method: " + tm); vResult.add(m); acceptedMethodNames.add(methodName); } } current = current.getSuperclass(); } return vResult.toArray(new ITestNGMethod[vResult.size()]); } private static void ppp(String s) { System.out.println("[JUnitMethodFinder] " + s); } private Object instantiate(Class cls) { Object result = null; Constructor ctor = findConstructor(cls, new Class[] { String.class }); try { if (null != ctor) { result = ctor.newInstance(new Object[] { m_testName }); } else { ctor = cls.getConstructor(new Class[0]); result = ctor.newInstance(new Object[0]); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | SecurityException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { System.err.println("Couldn't find a constructor with a String parameter on your JUnit test class."); ex.printStackTrace(); } return result; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeTestMethods(Class cls) { ITestNGMethod[] result = privateFindTestMethods(new INameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(Method method) { return "setUp".equals(method.getName()); } }, cls); return result; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getAfterTestMethods(Class cls) { ITestNGMethod[] result = privateFindTestMethods(new INameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(Method method) { return "tearDown".equals(method.getName()); } }, cls); return result; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getAfterClassMethods(Class cls) { return new ITestNGMethod[0]; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeClassMethods(Class cls) { return new ITestNGMethod[0]; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeSuiteMethods(Class cls) { return new ITestNGMethod[0]; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getAfterSuiteMethods(Class cls) { return new ITestNGMethod[0]; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeTestConfigurationMethods(Class testClass) { return new ITestNGMethod[0]; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getAfterTestConfigurationMethods(Class testClass) { return new ITestNGMethod[0]; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeGroupsConfigurationMethods(Class testClass) { return new ITestNGMethod[0]; } @Override public ITestNGMethod[] getAfterGroupsConfigurationMethods(Class testClass) { return new ITestNGMethod[0]; } } ///////////// interface INameFilter { public boolean accept(Method method); }