/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.app; import android.annotation.IntRange; import android.icu.text.ListFormatter; import android.icu.util.ULocale; import android.os.LocaleList; import android.text.TextUtils; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Locale; /** * This class implements some handy methods to process with locales. */ public class LocaleHelper { /** * Sentence-case (first character uppercased). * *

There is no good API available for this, not even in ICU. * We can revisit this if we get some ICU support later.

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There are currently several tickets requesting this feature:

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A (clunky) option with the current ICU API is:

* {{ * BreakIterator breakIterator = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(locale); * String result = UCharacter.toTitleCase(locale, * source, breakIterator, UCharacter.TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE); * }} * *

That also means creating a BreakIterator for each locale. Expensive...

* * @param str the string to sentence-case. * @param locale the locale used for the case conversion. * @return the string converted to sentence-case. */ public static String toSentenceCase(String str, Locale locale) { if (str.isEmpty()) { return str; } final int firstCodePointLen = str.offsetByCodePoints(0, 1); return str.substring(0, firstCodePointLen).toUpperCase(locale) + str.substring(firstCodePointLen); } /** * Normalizes a string for locale name search. Does case conversion for now, * but might do more in the future. * *

Warning: it is only intended to be used in searches by the locale picker. * Don't use it for other things, it is very limited.

* * @param str the string to normalize * @param locale the locale that might be used for certain operations (i.e. case conversion) * @return the string normalized for search */ public static String normalizeForSearch(String str, Locale locale) { // TODO: tbd if it needs to be smarter (real normalization, remove accents, etc.) // If needed we might use case folding and ICU/CLDR's collation-based loose searching. // TODO: decide what should the locale be, the default locale, or the locale of the string. // Uppercase is better than lowercase because of things like sharp S, Greek sigma, ... return str.toUpperCase(); } // For some locales we want to use a "dialect" form, for instance // "Dari" instead of "Persian (Afghanistan)", or "Moldavian" instead of "Romanian (Moldova)" private static boolean shouldUseDialectName(Locale locale) { final String lang = locale.getLanguage(); return "fa".equals(lang) // Persian || "ro".equals(lang) // Romanian || "zh".equals(lang); // Chinese } /** * Returns the locale localized for display in the provided locale. * * @param locale the locale whose name is to be displayed. * @param displayLocale the locale in which to display the name. * @param sentenceCase true if the result should be sentence-cased * @return the localized name of the locale. */ public static String getDisplayName(Locale locale, Locale displayLocale, boolean sentenceCase) { final ULocale displayULocale = ULocale.forLocale(displayLocale); String result = shouldUseDialectName(locale) ? ULocale.getDisplayNameWithDialect(locale.toLanguageTag(), displayULocale) : ULocale.getDisplayName(locale.toLanguageTag(), displayULocale); return sentenceCase ? toSentenceCase(result, displayLocale) : result; } /** * Returns the locale localized for display in the default locale. * * @param locale the locale whose name is to be displayed. * @param sentenceCase true if the result should be sentence-cased * @return the localized name of the locale. */ public static String getDisplayName(Locale locale, boolean sentenceCase) { return getDisplayName(locale, Locale.getDefault(), sentenceCase); } /** * Returns a locale's country localized for display in the provided locale. * * @param locale the locale whose country will be displayed. * @param displayLocale the locale in which to display the name. * @return the localized country name. */ public static String getDisplayCountry(Locale locale, Locale displayLocale) { return ULocale.getDisplayCountry(locale.toLanguageTag(), ULocale.forLocale(displayLocale)); } /** * Returns a locale's country localized for display in the default locale. * * @param locale the locale whose country will be displayed. * @return the localized country name. */ public static String getDisplayCountry(Locale locale) { return ULocale.getDisplayCountry(locale.toLanguageTag(), ULocale.getDefault()); } /** * Returns the locale list localized for display in the provided locale. * * @param locales the list of locales whose names is to be displayed. * @param displayLocale the locale in which to display the names. * If this is null, it will use the default locale. * @param maxLocales maximum number of locales to display. Generates ellipsis after that. * @return the locale aware list of locale names */ public static String getDisplayLocaleList( LocaleList locales, Locale displayLocale, @IntRange(from=1) int maxLocales) { final Locale dispLocale = displayLocale == null ? Locale.getDefault() : displayLocale; final boolean ellipsisNeeded = locales.size() > maxLocales; final int localeCount, listCount; if (ellipsisNeeded) { localeCount = maxLocales; listCount = maxLocales + 1; // One extra slot for the ellipsis } else { listCount = localeCount = locales.size(); } final String[] localeNames = new String[listCount]; for (int i = 0; i < localeCount; i++) { localeNames[i] = LocaleHelper.getDisplayName(locales.get(i), dispLocale, false); } if (ellipsisNeeded) { // Theoretically, we want to extract this from ICU's Resource Bundle for // "Ellipsis/final", which seems to have different strings than the normal ellipsis for // Hong Kong Traditional Chinese (zh_Hant_HK) and Dzongkha (dz). But that has two // problems: it's expensive to extract it, and in case the output string becomes // automatically ellipsized, it can result in weird output. localeNames[maxLocales] = TextUtils.ELLIPSIS_STRING; } ListFormatter lfn = ListFormatter.getInstance(dispLocale); return lfn.format((Object[]) localeNames); } /** * Adds the likely subtags for a provided locale ID. * * @param locale the locale to maximize. * @return the maximized Locale instance. */ public static Locale addLikelySubtags(Locale locale) { return libcore.icu.ICU.addLikelySubtags(locale); } /** * Locale-sensitive comparison for LocaleInfo. * *

It uses the label, leaving the decision on what to put there to the LocaleInfo. * For instance fr-CA can be shown as "français" as a generic label in the language selection, * or "français (Canada)" if it is a suggestion, or "Canada" in the country selection.

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Gives priority to suggested locales (to sort them at the top).

*/ public static final class LocaleInfoComparator implements Comparator { private final Collator mCollator; private final boolean mCountryMode; private static final String PREFIX_ARABIC = "\u0627\u0644"; // ALEF-LAM, ال /** * Constructor. * * @param sortLocale the locale to be used for sorting. */ public LocaleInfoComparator(Locale sortLocale, boolean countryMode) { mCollator = Collator.getInstance(sortLocale); mCountryMode = countryMode; } /* * The Arabic collation should ignore Alef-Lam at the beginning (b/26277596) * * We look at the label's locale, not the current system locale. * This is because the name of the Arabic language itself is in Arabic, * and starts with Alef-Lam, no matter what the system locale is. */ private String removePrefixForCompare(Locale locale, String str) { if ("ar".equals(locale.getLanguage()) && str.startsWith(PREFIX_ARABIC)) { return str.substring(PREFIX_ARABIC.length()); } return str; } /** * Compares its two arguments for order. * * @param lhs the first object to be compared * @param rhs the second object to be compared * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first * argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. */ @Override public int compare(LocaleStore.LocaleInfo lhs, LocaleStore.LocaleInfo rhs) { // We don't care about the various suggestion types, just "suggested" (!= 0) // and "all others" (== 0) if (lhs.isSuggested() == rhs.isSuggested()) { // They are in the same "bucket" (suggested / others), so we compare the text return mCollator.compare( removePrefixForCompare(lhs.getLocale(), lhs.getLabel(mCountryMode)), removePrefixForCompare(rhs.getLocale(), rhs.getLabel(mCountryMode))); } else { // One locale is suggested and one is not, so we put them in different "buckets" return lhs.isSuggested() ? -1 : 1; } } } }