package; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class XMLNode { private final String mTag; private final Map mAttributes; private final List mChildren; private final XMLNode mParent; private MOTree mMO; private StringBuilder mTextBuilder; private String mText; private static final String XML_SPECIAL_CHARS = "\"'<>&"; private static final Set XML_SPECIAL = new HashSet<>(); private static final String CDATA_OPEN = ""; static { for (int n = 0; n < XML_SPECIAL_CHARS.length(); n++) { XML_SPECIAL.add(XML_SPECIAL_CHARS.charAt(n)); } } public XMLNode(XMLNode parent, String tag, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { mTag = tag; mAttributes = new HashMap<>(); if (attributes.getLength() > 0) { for (int n = 0; n < attributes.getLength(); n++) mAttributes.put(attributes.getQName(n), new NodeAttribute(attributes.getQName(n), attributes.getType(n), attributes.getValue(n))); } mParent = parent; mChildren = new ArrayList<>(); mTextBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } public XMLNode(XMLNode parent, String tag, Map attributes) { mTag = tag; mAttributes = new HashMap<>(attributes == null ? 0 : attributes.size()); if (attributes != null) { for (Map.Entry entry : attributes.entrySet()) { mAttributes.put(entry.getKey(), new NodeAttribute(entry.getKey(), "", entry.getValue())); } } mParent = parent; mChildren = new ArrayList<>(); mTextBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } public void setText(String text) { mText = text; mTextBuilder = null; } public void addText(char[] chs, int start, int length) { String s = new String(chs, start, length); String trimmed = s.trim(); if (trimmed.isEmpty()) return; if (s.charAt(0) != trimmed.charAt(0)) mTextBuilder.append(' '); mTextBuilder.append(trimmed); if (s.charAt(s.length() - 1) != trimmed.charAt(trimmed.length() - 1)) mTextBuilder.append(' '); } public void addChild(XMLNode child) { mChildren.add(child); } public void close() throws IOException, SAXException { String text = mTextBuilder.toString().trim(); StringBuilder filtered = new StringBuilder(text.length()); for (int n = 0; n < text.length(); n++) { char ch = text.charAt(n); if (ch >= ' ') filtered.append(ch); } mText = filtered.toString(); mTextBuilder = null; if (MOTree.hasMgmtTreeTag(mText)) { try { NodeAttribute urn = mAttributes.get(OMAConstants.SppMOAttribute); OMAParser omaParser = new OMAParser(); mMO = omaParser.parse(mText, urn != null ? urn.getValue() : null); } catch (SAXException | IOException e) { mMO = null; } } } public String getTag() { return mTag; } public String getNameSpace() throws OMAException { String[] nsn = mTag.split(":"); if (nsn.length != 2) { throw new OMAException("Non-namespaced tag: '" + mTag + "'"); } return nsn[0]; } public String getStrippedTag() throws OMAException { String[] nsn = mTag.split(":"); if (nsn.length != 2) { throw new OMAException("Non-namespaced tag: '" + mTag + "'"); } return nsn[1].toLowerCase(); } public XMLNode getSoleChild() throws OMAException { if (mChildren.size() != 1) { throw new OMAException("Expected exactly one child to " + mTag); } return mChildren.get(0); } public XMLNode getParent() { return mParent; } public String getText() { return mText; } public Map getAttributes() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(mAttributes); } public Map getTextualAttributes() { Map map = new HashMap<>(mAttributes.size()); for (Map.Entry entry : mAttributes.entrySet()) { map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getValue()); } return map; } public String getAttributeValue(String name) { NodeAttribute nodeAttribute = mAttributes.get(name); return nodeAttribute != null ? nodeAttribute.getValue() : null; } public List getChildren() { return mChildren; } public MOTree getMOTree() { return mMO; } private void toString(char[] indent, StringBuilder sb) { Arrays.fill(indent, ' '); sb.append(indent).append('<').append(mTag); for (Map.Entry entry : mAttributes.entrySet()) { sb.append(' ').append(entry.getKey()).append("='") .append(entry.getValue().getValue()).append('\''); } if (mText != null && !mText.isEmpty()) { sb.append('>').append(escapeCdata(mText)).append("\n"); } else if (mChildren.isEmpty()) { sb.append("/>\n"); } else { sb.append(">\n"); char[] subIndent = Arrays.copyOf(indent, indent.length + 2); for (XMLNode child : mChildren) { child.toString(subIndent, sb); } sb.append(indent).append("\n"); } } private static String escapeCdata(String text) { if (!escapable(text)) { return text; } // Any appearance of ]]> in the text must be split into "]]" | "]]>" | " // i.e. "split the sequence by putting a close CDATA and a new open CDATA before the '>' StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(CDATA_OPEN); int start = 0; for (; ; ) { int etoken = text.indexOf(CDATA_CLOSE); if (etoken >= 0) { sb.append(text.substring(start, etoken + 2)).append(CDATA_CLOSE).append(CDATA_OPEN); start = etoken + 2; } else { if (start < text.length() - 1) { sb.append(text.substring(start)); } break; } } sb.append(CDATA_CLOSE); return sb.toString(); } private static boolean escapable(String s) { for (int n = 0; n < s.length(); n++) { if (XML_SPECIAL.contains(s.charAt(n))) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); toString(new char[0], sb); return sb.toString(); } }