/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.hdmi; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.hardware.hdmi.HdmiDeviceInfo; import android.hardware.hdmi.HdmiControlManager; import android.hardware.hdmi.HdmiHotplugEvent; import android.hardware.hdmi.HdmiPortInfo; import android.hardware.hdmi.HdmiTvClient; import android.hardware.hdmi.IHdmiControlCallback; import android.hardware.hdmi.IHdmiControlService; import android.hardware.hdmi.IHdmiDeviceEventListener; import android.hardware.hdmi.IHdmiHotplugEventListener; import android.hardware.hdmi.IHdmiInputChangeListener; import android.hardware.hdmi.IHdmiRecordListener; import android.hardware.hdmi.IHdmiSystemAudioModeChangeListener; import android.hardware.hdmi.IHdmiVendorCommandListener; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.provider.Settings.Global; import android.util.ArraySet; import android.util.Slog; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy; import com.android.server.SystemService; import com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiAnnotations.ServiceThreadOnly; import com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiCecController.AllocateAddressCallback; import com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiCecLocalDevice.ActiveSource; import com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiCecLocalDevice.PendingActionClearedCallback; import libcore.util.EmptyArray; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Provides a service for sending and processing HDMI control messages, * HDMI-CEC and MHL control command, and providing the information on both standard. */ public final class HdmiControlService extends SystemService { private static final String TAG = "HdmiControlService"; static final String PERMISSION = "android.permission.HDMI_CEC"; // The reason code to initiate intializeCec(). static final int INITIATED_BY_ENABLE_CEC = 0; static final int INITIATED_BY_BOOT_UP = 1; static final int INITIATED_BY_SCREEN_ON = 2; static final int INITIATED_BY_WAKE_UP_MESSAGE = 3; /** * Interface to report send result. */ interface SendMessageCallback { /** * Called when {@link HdmiControlService#sendCecCommand} is completed. * * @param error result of send request. * */ void onSendCompleted(int error); } /** * Interface to get a list of available logical devices. */ interface DevicePollingCallback { /** * Called when device polling is finished. * * @param ackedAddress a list of logical addresses of available devices */ void onPollingFinished(List ackedAddress); } private class PowerStateReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { switch (intent.getAction()) { case Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF: if (isPowerOnOrTransient()) { onStandby(); } break; case Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON: if (isPowerStandbyOrTransient()) { onWakeUp(); } break; } } } // A thread to handle synchronous IO of CEC and MHL control service. // Since all of CEC and MHL HAL interfaces processed in short time (< 200ms) // and sparse call it shares a thread to handle IO operations. private final HandlerThread mIoThread = new HandlerThread("Hdmi Control Io Thread"); // Used to synchronize the access to the service. private final Object mLock = new Object(); // Type of logical devices hosted in the system. Stored in the unmodifiable list. private final List mLocalDevices; // List of listeners registered by callers that want to get notified of // hotplug events. @GuardedBy("mLock") private final ArrayList mHotplugEventListeners = new ArrayList<>(); // List of records for hotplug event listener to handle the the caller killed in action. @GuardedBy("mLock") private final ArrayList mHotplugEventListenerRecords = new ArrayList<>(); // List of listeners registered by callers that want to get notified of // device status events. @GuardedBy("mLock") private final ArrayList mDeviceEventListeners = new ArrayList<>(); // List of records for device event listener to handle the the caller killed in action. @GuardedBy("mLock") private final ArrayList mDeviceEventListenerRecords = new ArrayList<>(); // List of records for vendor command listener to handle the the caller killed in action. @GuardedBy("mLock") private final ArrayList mVendorCommandListenerRecords = new ArrayList<>(); @GuardedBy("mLock") private IHdmiInputChangeListener mInputChangeListener; @GuardedBy("mLock") private InputChangeListenerRecord mInputChangeListenerRecord; @GuardedBy("mLock") private IHdmiRecordListener mRecordListener; @GuardedBy("mLock") private HdmiRecordListenerRecord mRecordListenerRecord; // Set to true while HDMI control is enabled. If set to false, HDMI-CEC/MHL protocol // handling will be disabled and no request will be handled. @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean mHdmiControlEnabled; // Set to true while the service is in normal mode. While set to false, no input change is // allowed. Used for situations where input change can confuse users such as channel auto-scan, // system upgrade, etc., a.k.a. "prohibit mode". @GuardedBy("mLock") private boolean mProhibitMode; // List of listeners registered by callers that want to get notified of // system audio mode changes. private final ArrayList mSystemAudioModeChangeListeners = new ArrayList<>(); // List of records for system audio mode change to handle the the caller killed in action. private final ArrayList mSystemAudioModeChangeListenerRecords = new ArrayList<>(); // Handler used to run a task in service thread. private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(); @Nullable private HdmiCecController mCecController; @Nullable private HdmiMhlController mMhlController; // HDMI port information. Stored in the unmodifiable list to keep the static information // from being modified. private List mPortInfo; // Map from path(physical address) to port ID. private UnmodifiableSparseIntArray mPortIdMap; // Map from port ID to HdmiPortInfo. private UnmodifiableSparseArray mPortInfoMap; private HdmiCecMessageValidator mMessageValidator; private final PowerStateReceiver mPowerStateReceiver = new PowerStateReceiver(); @ServiceThreadOnly private int mPowerStatus = HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_STANDBY; @ServiceThreadOnly private boolean mStandbyMessageReceived = false; @ServiceThreadOnly private boolean mWakeUpMessageReceived = false; public HdmiControlService(Context context) { super(context); mLocalDevices = HdmiUtils.asImmutableList(getContext().getResources().getIntArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_hdmiCecLogicalDeviceType)); } @Override public void onStart() { mIoThread.start(); mPowerStatus = HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_TRANSIENT_TO_ON; mProhibitMode = false; mHdmiControlEnabled = readBooleanSetting(Global.HDMI_CONTROL_ENABLED, true); mCecController = HdmiCecController.create(this); if (mCecController != null) { // TODO: Remove this as soon as OEM's HAL implementation is corrected. mCecController.setOption(HdmiTvClient.OPTION_CEC_ENABLE, HdmiTvClient.ENABLED); // TODO: load value for mHdmiControlEnabled from preference. if (mHdmiControlEnabled) { initializeCec(INITIATED_BY_BOOT_UP); } } else { Slog.i(TAG, "Device does not support HDMI-CEC."); } mMhlController = HdmiMhlController.create(this); if (mMhlController == null) { Slog.i(TAG, "Device does not support MHL-control."); } initPortInfo(); mMessageValidator = new HdmiCecMessageValidator(this); publishBinderService(Context.HDMI_CONTROL_SERVICE, new BinderService()); // Register broadcast receiver for power state change. if (mCecController != null || mMhlController != null) { IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON); getContext().registerReceiver(mPowerStateReceiver, filter); } } /** * Called when the initialization of local devices is complete. */ private void onInitializeCecComplete() { if (mPowerStatus == HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_TRANSIENT_TO_ON) { mPowerStatus = HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_ON; } mWakeUpMessageReceived = false; if (isTvDevice()) { mCecController.setOption(HdmiTvClient.OPTION_CEC_AUTO_WAKEUP, tv().getAutoWakeup() ? HdmiTvClient.ENABLED : HdmiTvClient.DISABLED); } } boolean readBooleanSetting(String key, boolean defVal) { ContentResolver cr = getContext().getContentResolver(); return Global.getInt(cr, key, defVal ? Constants.TRUE : Constants.FALSE) == Constants.TRUE; } void writeBooleanSetting(String key, boolean value) { ContentResolver cr = getContext().getContentResolver(); Global.putInt(cr, key, value ? Constants.TRUE : Constants.FALSE); } private void initializeCec(int initiatedBy) { mCecController.setOption(HdmiTvClient.OPTION_CEC_SERVICE_CONTROL, HdmiTvClient.ENABLED); initializeLocalDevices(mLocalDevices, initiatedBy); } @ServiceThreadOnly private void initializeLocalDevices(final List deviceTypes, final int initiatedBy) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); // A container for [Logical Address, Local device info]. final SparseArray devices = new SparseArray<>(); final int[] finished = new int[1]; clearLocalDevices(); for (int type : deviceTypes) { final HdmiCecLocalDevice localDevice = HdmiCecLocalDevice.create(this, type); localDevice.init(); mCecController.allocateLogicalAddress(type, localDevice.getPreferredAddress(), new AllocateAddressCallback() { @Override public void onAllocated(int deviceType, int logicalAddress) { if (logicalAddress == Constants.ADDR_UNREGISTERED) { Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to allocate address:[device_type:" + deviceType + "]"); } else { HdmiDeviceInfo deviceInfo = createDeviceInfo(logicalAddress, deviceType); localDevice.setDeviceInfo(deviceInfo); mCecController.addLocalDevice(deviceType, localDevice); mCecController.addLogicalAddress(logicalAddress); devices.append(logicalAddress, localDevice); } // Address allocation completed for all devices. Notify each device. if (deviceTypes.size() == ++finished[0]) { onInitializeCecComplete(); notifyAddressAllocated(devices, initiatedBy); } } }); } } @ServiceThreadOnly private void notifyAddressAllocated(SparseArray devices, int initiatedBy) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); for (int i = 0; i < devices.size(); ++i) { int address = devices.keyAt(i); HdmiCecLocalDevice device = devices.valueAt(i); device.handleAddressAllocated(address, initiatedBy); } } // Initialize HDMI port information. Combine the information from CEC and MHL HAL and // keep them in one place. @ServiceThreadOnly private void initPortInfo() { assertRunOnServiceThread(); HdmiPortInfo[] cecPortInfo = null; // CEC HAL provides majority of the info while MHL does only MHL support flag for // each port. Return empty array if CEC HAL didn't provide the info. if (mCecController != null) { cecPortInfo = mCecController.getPortInfos(); } if (cecPortInfo == null) { return; } SparseArray portInfoMap = new SparseArray<>(); SparseIntArray portIdMap = new SparseIntArray(); for (HdmiPortInfo info : cecPortInfo) { portIdMap.put(info.getAddress(), info.getId()); portInfoMap.put(info.getId(), info); } mPortIdMap = new UnmodifiableSparseIntArray(portIdMap); mPortInfoMap = new UnmodifiableSparseArray<>(portInfoMap); if (mMhlController == null) { mPortInfo = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(cecPortInfo)); return; } else { HdmiPortInfo[] mhlPortInfo = mMhlController.getPortInfos(); ArraySet mhlSupportedPorts = new ArraySet(mhlPortInfo.length); for (HdmiPortInfo info : mhlPortInfo) { if (info.isMhlSupported()) { mhlSupportedPorts.add(info.getId()); } } // Build HDMI port info list with CEC port info plus MHL supported flag. ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(cecPortInfo.length); for (HdmiPortInfo info : cecPortInfo) { if (mhlSupportedPorts.contains(info.getId())) { result.add(new HdmiPortInfo(info.getId(), info.getType(), info.getAddress(), info.isCecSupported(), true, info.isArcSupported())); } else { result.add(info); } } mPortInfo = Collections.unmodifiableList(result); } } /** * Returns HDMI port information for the given port id. * * @param portId HDMI port id * @return {@link HdmiPortInfo} for the given port */ HdmiPortInfo getPortInfo(int portId) { return mPortInfoMap.get(portId, null); } /** * Returns the routing path (physical address) of the HDMI port for the given * port id. */ int portIdToPath(int portId) { HdmiPortInfo portInfo = getPortInfo(portId); if (portInfo == null) { Slog.e(TAG, "Cannot find the port info: " + portId); return Constants.INVALID_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS; } return portInfo.getAddress(); } /** * Returns the id of HDMI port located at the top of the hierarchy of * the specified routing path. For the routing path 0x1220 (, for instance, * the port id to be returned is the ID associated with the port address * 0x1000 ( which is the topmost path of the given routing path. */ int pathToPortId(int path) { int portAddress = path & Constants.ROUTING_PATH_TOP_MASK; return mPortIdMap.get(portAddress, Constants.INVALID_PORT_ID); } boolean isValidPortId(int portId) { return getPortInfo(portId) != null; } /** * Returns {@link Looper} for IO operation. * *

Declared as package-private. */ Looper getIoLooper() { return mIoThread.getLooper(); } /** * Returns {@link Looper} of main thread. Use this {@link Looper} instance * for tasks that are running on main service thread. * *

Declared as package-private. */ Looper getServiceLooper() { return mHandler.getLooper(); } /** * Returns physical address of the device. */ int getPhysicalAddress() { return mCecController.getPhysicalAddress(); } /** * Returns vendor id of CEC service. */ int getVendorId() { return mCecController.getVendorId(); } @ServiceThreadOnly HdmiDeviceInfo getDeviceInfo(int logicalAddress) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { return null; } return tv.getDeviceInfo(logicalAddress); } /** * Returns version of CEC. */ int getCecVersion() { return mCecController.getVersion(); } /** * Whether a device of the specified physical address is connected to ARC enabled port. */ boolean isConnectedToArcPort(int physicalAddress) { int portId = mPortIdMap.get(physicalAddress); if (portId != Constants.INVALID_PORT_ID) { return mPortInfoMap.get(portId).isArcSupported(); } return false; } void runOnServiceThread(Runnable runnable) { mHandler.post(runnable); } void runOnServiceThreadAtFrontOfQueue(Runnable runnable) { mHandler.postAtFrontOfQueue(runnable); } private void assertRunOnServiceThread() { if (Looper.myLooper() != mHandler.getLooper()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should run on service thread."); } } /** * Transmit a CEC command to CEC bus. * * @param command CEC command to send out * @param callback interface used to the result of send command */ @ServiceThreadOnly void sendCecCommand(HdmiCecMessage command, @Nullable SendMessageCallback callback) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); if (mMessageValidator.isValid(command)) { mCecController.sendCommand(command, callback); } else { Slog.e(TAG, "Invalid message type:" + command); if (callback != null) { callback.onSendCompleted(Constants.SEND_RESULT_FAILURE); } } } @ServiceThreadOnly void sendCecCommand(HdmiCecMessage command) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); sendCecCommand(command, null); } /** * Send command on the given CEC message if possible. * If the aborted message is invalid, then it wont send the message. * @param command original command to be aborted * @param reason reason of feature abort */ @ServiceThreadOnly void maySendFeatureAbortCommand(HdmiCecMessage command, int reason) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); mCecController.maySendFeatureAbortCommand(command, reason); } @ServiceThreadOnly boolean handleCecCommand(HdmiCecMessage message) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); if (!mMessageValidator.isValid(message)) { return false; } return dispatchMessageToLocalDevice(message); } void setAudioReturnChannel(boolean enabled) { mCecController.setAudioReturnChannel(enabled); } @ServiceThreadOnly private boolean dispatchMessageToLocalDevice(HdmiCecMessage message) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); for (HdmiCecLocalDevice device : mCecController.getLocalDeviceList()) { if (device.dispatchMessage(message) && message.getDestination() != Constants.ADDR_BROADCAST) { return true; } } if (message.getDestination() != Constants.ADDR_BROADCAST) { Slog.w(TAG, "Unhandled cec command:" + message); } return false; } /** * Called when a new hotplug event is issued. * * @param portNo hdmi port number where hot plug event issued. * @param connected whether to be plugged in or not */ @ServiceThreadOnly void onHotplug(int portNo, boolean connected) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); for (HdmiCecLocalDevice device : mCecController.getLocalDeviceList()) { device.onHotplug(portNo, connected); } announceHotplugEvent(portNo, connected); } /** * Poll all remote devices. It sends <Polling Message> to all remote * devices. * * @param callback an interface used to get a list of all remote devices' address * @param sourceAddress a logical address of source device where sends polling message * @param pickStrategy strategy how to pick polling candidates * @param retryCount the number of retry used to send polling message to remote devices * @throw IllegalArgumentException if {@code pickStrategy} is invalid value */ @ServiceThreadOnly void pollDevices(DevicePollingCallback callback, int sourceAddress, int pickStrategy, int retryCount) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); mCecController.pollDevices(callback, sourceAddress, checkPollStrategy(pickStrategy), retryCount); } private int checkPollStrategy(int pickStrategy) { int strategy = pickStrategy & Constants.POLL_STRATEGY_MASK; if (strategy == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid poll strategy:" + pickStrategy); } int iterationStrategy = pickStrategy & Constants.POLL_ITERATION_STRATEGY_MASK; if (iterationStrategy == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid iteration strategy:" + pickStrategy); } return strategy | iterationStrategy; } List getAllLocalDevices() { assertRunOnServiceThread(); return mCecController.getLocalDeviceList(); } Object getServiceLock() { return mLock; } void setAudioStatus(boolean mute, int volume) { AudioManager audioManager = getAudioManager(); boolean muted = audioManager.isStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); if (mute) { if (!muted) { audioManager.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, true); } } else { if (muted) { audioManager.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, false); } // FLAG_HDMI_SYSTEM_AUDIO_VOLUME prevents audio manager from announcing // volume change notification back to hdmi control service. audioManager.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, volume, AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_UI | AudioManager.FLAG_HDMI_SYSTEM_AUDIO_VOLUME); } } void announceSystemAudioModeChange(boolean enabled) { for (IHdmiSystemAudioModeChangeListener listener : mSystemAudioModeChangeListeners) { invokeSystemAudioModeChange(listener, enabled); } } private HdmiDeviceInfo createDeviceInfo(int logicalAddress, int deviceType) { // TODO: find better name instead of model name. String displayName = Build.MODEL; return new HdmiDeviceInfo(logicalAddress, getPhysicalAddress(), pathToPortId(getPhysicalAddress()), deviceType, getVendorId(), displayName); } // Record class that monitors the event of the caller of being killed. Used to clean up // the listener list and record list accordingly. private final class HotplugEventListenerRecord implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { private final IHdmiHotplugEventListener mListener; public HotplugEventListenerRecord(IHdmiHotplugEventListener listener) { mListener = listener; } @Override public void binderDied() { synchronized (mLock) { mHotplugEventListenerRecords.remove(this); mHotplugEventListeners.remove(mListener); } } } private final class DeviceEventListenerRecord implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { private final IHdmiDeviceEventListener mListener; public DeviceEventListenerRecord(IHdmiDeviceEventListener listener) { mListener = listener; } @Override public void binderDied() { synchronized (mLock) { mDeviceEventListenerRecords.remove(this); mDeviceEventListeners.remove(mListener); } } } private final class SystemAudioModeChangeListenerRecord implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { private final IHdmiSystemAudioModeChangeListener mListener; public SystemAudioModeChangeListenerRecord(IHdmiSystemAudioModeChangeListener listener) { mListener = listener; } @Override public void binderDied() { synchronized (mLock) { mSystemAudioModeChangeListenerRecords.remove(this); mSystemAudioModeChangeListeners.remove(mListener); } } } class VendorCommandListenerRecord implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { private final IHdmiVendorCommandListener mListener; private final int mDeviceType; public VendorCommandListenerRecord(IHdmiVendorCommandListener listener, int deviceType) { mListener = listener; mDeviceType = deviceType; } @Override public void binderDied() { synchronized (mLock) { mVendorCommandListenerRecords.remove(this); } } } private class HdmiRecordListenerRecord implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { @Override public void binderDied() { synchronized (mLock) { mRecordListener = null; } } } private void enforceAccessPermission() { getContext().enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(PERMISSION, TAG); } private final class BinderService extends IHdmiControlService.Stub { @Override public int[] getSupportedTypes() { enforceAccessPermission(); // mLocalDevices is an unmodifiable list - no lock necesary. int[] localDevices = new int[mLocalDevices.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < localDevices.length; ++i) { localDevices[i] = mLocalDevices.get(i); } return localDevices; } @Override public HdmiDeviceInfo getActiveSource() { HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local tv device not available"); return null; } ActiveSource activeSource = tv.getActiveSource(); if (activeSource.isValid()) { return new HdmiDeviceInfo(activeSource.logicalAddress, activeSource.physicalAddress, HdmiDeviceInfo.PORT_INVALID, HdmiDeviceInfo.DEVICE_INACTIVE, 0, ""); } int activePath = tv.getActivePath(); if (activePath != HdmiDeviceInfo.PATH_INVALID) { return new HdmiDeviceInfo(activePath, tv.getActivePortId()); } return null; } @Override public void deviceSelect(final int logicalAddress, final IHdmiControlCallback callback) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (callback == null) { Slog.e(TAG, "Callback cannot be null"); return; } HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local tv device not available"); invokeCallback(callback, HdmiControlManager.RESULT_SOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE); return; } tv.deviceSelect(logicalAddress, callback); } }); } @Override public void portSelect(final int portId, final IHdmiControlCallback callback) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (callback == null) { Slog.e(TAG, "Callback cannot be null"); return; } HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local tv device not available"); invokeCallback(callback, HdmiControlManager.RESULT_SOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE); return; } tv.doManualPortSwitching(portId, callback); } }); } @Override public void sendKeyEvent(final int deviceType, final int keyCode, final boolean isPressed) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiCecLocalDevice localDevice = mCecController.getLocalDevice(deviceType); if (localDevice == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local device not available"); return; } localDevice.sendKeyEvent(keyCode, isPressed); } }); } @Override public void oneTouchPlay(final IHdmiControlCallback callback) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiControlService.this.oneTouchPlay(callback); } }); } @Override public void queryDisplayStatus(final IHdmiControlCallback callback) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiControlService.this.queryDisplayStatus(callback); } }); } @Override public void addHotplugEventListener(final IHdmiHotplugEventListener listener) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiControlService.this.addHotplugEventListener(listener); } }); } @Override public void removeHotplugEventListener(final IHdmiHotplugEventListener listener) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiControlService.this.removeHotplugEventListener(listener); } }); } @Override public void addDeviceEventListener(final IHdmiDeviceEventListener listener) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiControlService.this.addDeviceEventListener(listener); } }); } @Override public List getPortInfo() { enforceAccessPermission(); return mPortInfo; } @Override public boolean canChangeSystemAudioMode() { enforceAccessPermission(); HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { return false; } return tv.hasSystemAudioDevice(); } @Override public boolean getSystemAudioMode() { enforceAccessPermission(); HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { return false; } return tv.isSystemAudioActivated(); } @Override public void setSystemAudioMode(final boolean enabled, final IHdmiControlCallback callback) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local tv device not available"); invokeCallback(callback, HdmiControlManager.RESULT_SOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE); return; } tv.changeSystemAudioMode(enabled, callback); } }); } @Override public void addSystemAudioModeChangeListener( final IHdmiSystemAudioModeChangeListener listener) { enforceAccessPermission(); HdmiControlService.this.addSystemAudioModeChangeListner(listener); } @Override public void removeSystemAudioModeChangeListener( final IHdmiSystemAudioModeChangeListener listener) { enforceAccessPermission(); HdmiControlService.this.removeSystemAudioModeChangeListener(listener); } @Override public void setInputChangeListener(final IHdmiInputChangeListener listener) { enforceAccessPermission(); HdmiControlService.this.setInputChangeListener(listener); } @Override public List getInputDevices() { enforceAccessPermission(); // No need to hold the lock for obtaining TV device as the local device instance // is preserved while the HDMI control is enabled. HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return tv.getSafeExternalInputs(); } @Override public void setControlEnabled(final boolean enabled) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handleHdmiControlStatusChanged(enabled); } }); } @Override public void setSystemAudioVolume(final int oldIndex, final int newIndex, final int maxIndex) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local tv device not available"); return; } tv.changeVolume(oldIndex, newIndex - oldIndex, maxIndex); } }); } @Override public void setSystemAudioMute(final boolean mute) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local tv device not available"); return; } tv.changeMute(mute); } }); } @Override public void setArcMode(final boolean enabled) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv = tv(); if (tv == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local tv device not available to change arc mode."); return; } } }); } @Override public void setOption(final int key, final int value) { enforceAccessPermission(); if (!isTvDevice()) { return; } switch (key) { case HdmiTvClient.OPTION_CEC_AUTO_WAKEUP: tv().setAutoWakeup(value == HdmiTvClient.ENABLED); mCecController.setOption(key, value); break; case HdmiTvClient.OPTION_CEC_AUTO_DEVICE_OFF: // No need to pass this option to HAL. tv().setAutoDeviceOff(value == HdmiTvClient.ENABLED); break; case HdmiTvClient.OPTION_MHL_INPUT_SWITCHING: // Fall through case HdmiTvClient.OPTION_MHL_POWER_CHARGE: if (mMhlController != null) { mMhlController.setOption(key, value); } break; } } @Override public void setProhibitMode(final boolean enabled) { enforceAccessPermission(); if (!isTvDevice()) { return; } HdmiControlService.this.setProhibitMode(enabled); } @Override public void addVendorCommandListener(final IHdmiVendorCommandListener listener, final int deviceType) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiControlService.this.addVendorCommandListener(listener, deviceType); } }); } @Override public void sendVendorCommand(final int deviceType, final int targetAddress, final byte[] params, final boolean hasVendorId) { enforceAccessPermission(); runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HdmiCecLocalDevice device = mCecController.getLocalDevice(deviceType); if (device == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local device not available"); return; } if (hasVendorId) { sendCecCommand(HdmiCecMessageBuilder.buildVendorCommandWithId( device.getDeviceInfo().getLogicalAddress(), targetAddress, getVendorId(), params)); } else { sendCecCommand(HdmiCecMessageBuilder.buildVendorCommand( device.getDeviceInfo().getLogicalAddress(), targetAddress, params)); } } }); } @Override public void setHdmiRecordListener(IHdmiRecordListener listener) { HdmiControlService.this.setHdmiRecordListener(listener); } @Override public void startOneTouchRecord(final int recorderAddress, final byte[] recordSource) { runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!isTvDevice()) { Slog.w(TAG, "No TV is available."); return; } tv().startOneTouchRecord(recorderAddress, recordSource); } }); } @Override public void stopOneTouchRecord(final int recorderAddress) { runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!isTvDevice()) { Slog.w(TAG, "No TV is available."); return; } tv().stopOneTouchRecord(recorderAddress); } }); } @Override public void startTimerRecording(final int recorderAddress, final int sourceType, final byte[] recordSource) { runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!isTvDevice()) { Slog.w(TAG, "No TV is available."); return; } tv().startTimerRecording(recorderAddress, sourceType, recordSource); } }); } @Override public void clearTimerRecording(final int recorderAddress, final int sourceType, final byte[] recordSource) { runOnServiceThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!isTvDevice()) { Slog.w(TAG, "No TV is available."); return; } tv().clearTimerRecording(recorderAddress, sourceType, recordSource); } }); } } @ServiceThreadOnly private void oneTouchPlay(final IHdmiControlCallback callback) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); HdmiCecLocalDevicePlayback source = playback(); if (source == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local playback device not available"); invokeCallback(callback, HdmiControlManager.RESULT_SOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE); return; } source.oneTouchPlay(callback); } @ServiceThreadOnly private void queryDisplayStatus(final IHdmiControlCallback callback) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); HdmiCecLocalDevicePlayback source = playback(); if (source == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Local playback device not available"); invokeCallback(callback, HdmiControlManager.RESULT_SOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE); return; } source.queryDisplayStatus(callback); } private void addHotplugEventListener(IHdmiHotplugEventListener listener) { HotplugEventListenerRecord record = new HotplugEventListenerRecord(listener); try { listener.asBinder().linkToDeath(record, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Listener already died"); return; } synchronized (mLock) { mHotplugEventListenerRecords.add(record); mHotplugEventListeners.add(listener); } } private void removeHotplugEventListener(IHdmiHotplugEventListener listener) { synchronized (mLock) { for (HotplugEventListenerRecord record : mHotplugEventListenerRecords) { if (record.mListener.asBinder() == listener.asBinder()) { listener.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(record, 0); mHotplugEventListenerRecords.remove(record); break; } } mHotplugEventListeners.remove(listener); } } private void addDeviceEventListener(IHdmiDeviceEventListener listener) { DeviceEventListenerRecord record = new DeviceEventListenerRecord(listener); try { listener.asBinder().linkToDeath(record, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Listener already died"); return; } synchronized (mLock) { mDeviceEventListeners.add(listener); mDeviceEventListenerRecords.add(record); } } void invokeDeviceEventListeners(HdmiDeviceInfo device, boolean activated) { synchronized (mLock) { for (IHdmiDeviceEventListener listener : mDeviceEventListeners) { try { listener.onStatusChanged(device, activated); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to report device event:" + e); } } } } private void addSystemAudioModeChangeListner(IHdmiSystemAudioModeChangeListener listener) { SystemAudioModeChangeListenerRecord record = new SystemAudioModeChangeListenerRecord( listener); try { listener.asBinder().linkToDeath(record, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Listener already died"); return; } synchronized (mLock) { mSystemAudioModeChangeListeners.add(listener); mSystemAudioModeChangeListenerRecords.add(record); } } private void removeSystemAudioModeChangeListener(IHdmiSystemAudioModeChangeListener listener) { synchronized (mLock) { for (SystemAudioModeChangeListenerRecord record : mSystemAudioModeChangeListenerRecords) { if (record.mListener.asBinder() == listener) { listener.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(record, 0); mSystemAudioModeChangeListenerRecords.remove(record); break; } } mSystemAudioModeChangeListeners.remove(listener); } } private final class InputChangeListenerRecord implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { @Override public void binderDied() { synchronized (mLock) { mInputChangeListener = null; } } } private void setInputChangeListener(IHdmiInputChangeListener listener) { synchronized (mLock) { mInputChangeListenerRecord = new InputChangeListenerRecord(); try { listener.asBinder().linkToDeath(mInputChangeListenerRecord, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Listener already died"); return; } mInputChangeListener = listener; } } void invokeInputChangeListener(HdmiDeviceInfo info) { synchronized (mLock) { if (mInputChangeListener != null) { try { mInputChangeListener.onChanged(info); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Exception thrown by IHdmiInputChangeListener: " + e); } } } } private void setHdmiRecordListener(IHdmiRecordListener listener) { synchronized (mLock) { mRecordListenerRecord = new HdmiRecordListenerRecord(); try { listener.asBinder().linkToDeath(mRecordListenerRecord, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Listener already died.", e); } mRecordListener = listener; } } byte[] invokeRecordRequestListener(int recorderAddress) { synchronized (mLock) { if (mRecordListener != null) { try { return mRecordListener.getOneTouchRecordSource(recorderAddress); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to start record.", e); } } return EmptyArray.BYTE; } } void invokeOneTouchRecordResult(int result) { synchronized (mLock) { if (mRecordListener != null) { try { mRecordListener.onOneTouchRecordResult(result); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to call onOneTouchRecordResult.", e); } } } } void invokeTimerRecordingResult(int result) { synchronized (mLock) { if (mRecordListener != null) { try { mRecordListener.onTimerRecordingResult(result); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to call onTimerRecordingResult.", e); } } } } void invokeClearTimerRecordingResult(int result) { synchronized (mLock) { if (mRecordListener != null) { try { mRecordListener.onClearTimerRecordingResult(result); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to call onClearTimerRecordingResult.", e); } } } } private void invokeCallback(IHdmiControlCallback callback, int result) { try { callback.onComplete(result); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "Invoking callback failed:" + e); } } private void invokeSystemAudioModeChange(IHdmiSystemAudioModeChangeListener listener, boolean enabled) { try { listener.onStatusChanged(enabled); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "Invoking callback failed:" + e); } } private void announceHotplugEvent(int portId, boolean connected) { HdmiHotplugEvent event = new HdmiHotplugEvent(portId, connected); synchronized (mLock) { for (IHdmiHotplugEventListener listener : mHotplugEventListeners) { invokeHotplugEventListenerLocked(listener, event); } } } private void invokeHotplugEventListenerLocked(IHdmiHotplugEventListener listener, HdmiHotplugEvent event) { try { listener.onReceived(event); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to report hotplug event:" + event.toString(), e); } } private HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv tv() { return (HdmiCecLocalDeviceTv) mCecController.getLocalDevice(HdmiDeviceInfo.DEVICE_TV); } boolean isTvDevice() { return tv() != null; } private HdmiCecLocalDevicePlayback playback() { return (HdmiCecLocalDevicePlayback) mCecController.getLocalDevice(HdmiDeviceInfo.DEVICE_PLAYBACK); } AudioManager getAudioManager() { return (AudioManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); } boolean isControlEnabled() { synchronized (mLock) { return mHdmiControlEnabled; } } int getPowerStatus() { return mPowerStatus; } boolean isPowerOnOrTransient() { return mPowerStatus == HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_ON || mPowerStatus == HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_TRANSIENT_TO_ON; } boolean isPowerStandbyOrTransient() { return mPowerStatus == HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_STANDBY || mPowerStatus == HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_TRANSIENT_TO_STANDBY; } boolean isPowerStandby() { return mPowerStatus == HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_STANDBY; } @ServiceThreadOnly void wakeUp() { assertRunOnServiceThread(); mWakeUpMessageReceived = true; PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); pm.wakeUp(SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); // PowerManger will send the broadcast Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON and after this gets // the intent, the sequence will continue at onWakeUp(). } @ServiceThreadOnly void standby() { assertRunOnServiceThread(); mStandbyMessageReceived = true; PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); pm.goToSleep(SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); // PowerManger will send the broadcast Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF and after this gets // the intent, the sequence will continue at onStandby(). } @ServiceThreadOnly private void onWakeUp() { assertRunOnServiceThread(); mPowerStatus = HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_TRANSIENT_TO_ON; if (mCecController != null) { if (mHdmiControlEnabled) { int startReason = INITIATED_BY_SCREEN_ON; if (mWakeUpMessageReceived) { startReason = INITIATED_BY_WAKE_UP_MESSAGE; } initializeCec(startReason); } } else { Slog.i(TAG, "Device does not support HDMI-CEC."); } // TODO: Initialize MHL local devices. } @ServiceThreadOnly private void onStandby() { assertRunOnServiceThread(); mPowerStatus = HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_TRANSIENT_TO_STANDBY; final List devices = getAllLocalDevices(); disableDevices(new PendingActionClearedCallback() { @Override public void onCleared(HdmiCecLocalDevice device) { Slog.v(TAG, "On standby-action cleared:" + device.mDeviceType); devices.remove(device); if (devices.isEmpty()) { onStandbyCompleted(); // We will not clear local devices here, since some OEM/SOC will keep passing // the received packets until the application processor enters to the sleep // actually. } } }); } private void disableDevices(PendingActionClearedCallback callback) { for (HdmiCecLocalDevice device : mCecController.getLocalDeviceList()) { device.disableDevice(mStandbyMessageReceived, callback); } } @ServiceThreadOnly private void clearLocalDevices() { assertRunOnServiceThread(); if (mCecController == null) { return; } mCecController.clearLogicalAddress(); mCecController.clearLocalDevices(); } @ServiceThreadOnly private void onStandbyCompleted() { assertRunOnServiceThread(); Slog.v(TAG, "onStandbyCompleted"); if (mPowerStatus != HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_TRANSIENT_TO_STANDBY) { return; } mPowerStatus = HdmiControlManager.POWER_STATUS_STANDBY; for (HdmiCecLocalDevice device : mCecController.getLocalDeviceList()) { device.onStandby(mStandbyMessageReceived); } mStandbyMessageReceived = false; mCecController.setOption(HdmiTvClient.OPTION_CEC_SERVICE_CONTROL, HdmiTvClient.DISABLED); } private void addVendorCommandListener(IHdmiVendorCommandListener listener, int deviceType) { VendorCommandListenerRecord record = new VendorCommandListenerRecord(listener, deviceType); try { listener.asBinder().linkToDeath(record, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Listener already died"); return; } synchronized (mLock) { mVendorCommandListenerRecords.add(record); } } void invokeVendorCommandListeners(int deviceType, int srcAddress, byte[] params, boolean hasVendorId) { synchronized (mLock) { for (VendorCommandListenerRecord record : mVendorCommandListenerRecords) { if (record.mDeviceType != deviceType) { continue; } try { record.mListener.onReceived(srcAddress, params, hasVendorId); } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to notify vendor command reception", e); } } } } boolean isProhibitMode() { synchronized (mLock) { return mProhibitMode; } } void setProhibitMode(boolean enabled) { synchronized (mLock) { mProhibitMode = enabled; } } @ServiceThreadOnly private void handleHdmiControlStatusChanged(boolean enabled) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); int value = enabled ? HdmiTvClient.ENABLED : HdmiTvClient.DISABLED; mCecController.setOption(HdmiTvClient.OPTION_CEC_ENABLE, value); if (mMhlController != null) { mMhlController.setOption(HdmiTvClient.OPTION_MHL_ENABLE, value); } synchronized (mLock) { mHdmiControlEnabled = enabled; } if (enabled) { initializeCec(INITIATED_BY_ENABLE_CEC); } else { disableDevices(new PendingActionClearedCallback() { @Override public void onCleared(HdmiCecLocalDevice device) { assertRunOnServiceThread(); clearLocalDevices(); } }); } } }