/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.camera.processing.imagebackend; import android.graphics.Rect; import com.android.camera.debug.Log; import com.android.camera.one.v2.camera2proxy.ImageProxy; import com.android.camera.session.CaptureSession; import com.android.camera.util.Size; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; /** * Implements the conversion of a YUV_420_888 image to subsampled image targeted * toward a given resolution. The task automatically calculates the largest * integer sub-sample factor that is greater than the target resolution. There * are four different thumbnail types: *
  1. DEBUG_SQUARE_ASPECT_CIRCULAR_INSET: a center-weighted circularly cropped * gradient image
  2. *
  3. SQUARE_ASPECT_CIRCULAR_INSET: a center-weighted circularly cropped * sub-sampled image
  4. *
  5. SQUARE_ASPECT_NO_INSET: a center-weighted square cropped sub-sampled * image
  6. *
  7. MAINTAIN_ASPECT_NO_INSET: a sub-sampled image without cropping (except to * maintain even values of width and height for the image
  8. *
* This task does NOT implement rotation at the byte-level, since it is best * implemented when displayed at the view level. */ public class TaskConvertImageToRGBPreview extends TaskImageContainer { public enum ThumbnailShape { DEBUG_SQUARE_ASPECT_CIRCULAR_INSET, SQUARE_ASPECT_CIRCULAR_INSET, SQUARE_ASPECT_NO_INSET, MAINTAIN_ASPECT_NO_INSET, } // 24 bit-vector to be written for images that are out of bounds. public final static int OUT_OF_BOUNDS_COLOR = 0x00000000; /** * Quick n' Dirty YUV to RGB conversion *
  1. R = Y + 1.402V'
  2. *
  3. G = Y - 0.344U'- 0.714V'
  4. *
  5. B = Y + 1.770U'
  6. *
* to be calculated at compile time. */ public final static int SHIFT_APPROXIMATION = 8; public final static double SHIFTED_BITS_AS_VALUE = (double) (1 << SHIFT_APPROXIMATION); public final static int V_FACTOR_FOR_R = (int) (1.402 * SHIFTED_BITS_AS_VALUE); public final static int U_FACTOR_FOR_G = (int) (-0.344 * SHIFTED_BITS_AS_VALUE); public final static int V_FACTOR_FOR_G = (int) (-0.714 * SHIFTED_BITS_AS_VALUE); public final static int U_FACTOR_FOR_B = (int) (1.772 * SHIFTED_BITS_AS_VALUE); protected final static Log.Tag TAG = new Log.Tag("TaskRGBPreview"); protected final ThumbnailShape mThumbnailShape; protected final Size mTargetSize; /** * Constructor * * @param image Image that the computation is dependent on * @param executor Executor to fire off an events * @param imageTaskManager Image task manager that allows reference counting * and task spawning * @param captureSession Capture session that bound to this image * @param targetSize Approximate viewable pixel dimensions of the desired * preview Image (Resultant image may NOT be of this width) * @param thumbnailShape the desired thumbnail shape for resultant image * artifact */ TaskConvertImageToRGBPreview(ImageToProcess image, Executor executor, ImageTaskManager imageTaskManager, ProcessingPriority processingPriority, CaptureSession captureSession, Size targetSize, ThumbnailShape thumbnailShape) { super(image, executor, imageTaskManager, processingPriority, captureSession); mTargetSize = targetSize; mThumbnailShape = thumbnailShape; } public void logWrapper(String message) { Log.v(TAG, message); } /** * Return the closest minimal value of the parameter that is evenly divisible by two. */ private static int quantizeBy2(int value) { return (value / 2) * 2; } /** * Way to calculate the resultant image sizes of inscribed circles: * colorInscribedDataCircleFromYuvImage, * dummyColorInscribedDataCircleFromYuvImage, colorDataCircleFromYuvImage * * @param height height of the input image * @param width width of the input image * @return height/width of the resultant square image TODO: Refactor * functions in question to return the image size as a tuple for * these functions, or re-use an general purpose holder object. */ protected int inscribedCircleRadius(int width, int height) { return (Math.min(height, width) / 2) + 1; } /** * Calculates the best integer subsample from a given height and width to a * target width and height It is assumed that the exact scaling will be done * with the Android Bitmap framework; this subsample value is to best * convert raw images into the lowest resolution raw images in visually * lossless manner without changing the aspect ratio or creating subsample * artifacts. * * @param imageSize Dimensions of the original image * @param targetSize Target dimensions of the resultant image * @return inscribed image as ARGB_8888 */ protected int calculateBestSubsampleFactor(Size imageSize, Size targetSize) { int maxSubsample = Math.min(imageSize.getWidth() / targetSize.getWidth(), imageSize.getHeight() / targetSize.getHeight()); if (maxSubsample < 1) { return 1; } // Make sure the resultant image width/height is divisible by 2 to // account // for chroma subsampled images such as YUV for (int i = maxSubsample; i >= 1; i--) { if (((imageSize.getWidth() % (2 * i) == 0) && (imageSize.getHeight() % (2 * i) == 0))) { return i; } } return 1; // If all fails, don't do the subsample. } /** * Calculates the memory offset of a YUV 420 plane, given the parameters of * the separate YUV color planes and the fact that UV components may be * subsampled by a factor of 2. * * @param inscribedXMin X location that you want to start sampling on the * input image in terms of input pixels * @param inscribedYMin Y location that you want to start sampling on the * input image in terms of input pixels * @param subsample Subsample factor applied to the input image * @param colorSubsample Color subsample due to the YUV color space (In YUV, * it's 1 for Y, 2 for UV) * @param rowStride Row Stride of the color plane in terms of bytes * @param pixelStride Pixel Stride of the color plane in terms of bytes * @param inputHorizontalOffset Horizontal Input Offset for sampling that * you wish to add in terms of input pixels * @param inputVerticalOffset Vertical Input Offset for sampling that you * wish to add in terms of input pixels * @return value of the corresponding memory offset. */ protected static int calculateMemoryOffsetFromPixelOffsets(int inscribedXMin, int inscribedYMin, int subsample, int colorSubsample, int rowStride, int pixelStride, int inputHorizontalOffset, int inputVerticalOffset) { return inputVerticalOffset * (rowStride / subsample) + inputHorizontalOffset * (pixelStride / subsample) + (inscribedYMin / colorSubsample) * rowStride + (inscribedXMin / colorSubsample) * pixelStride; } /** * Converts an Android Image to a inscribed circle bitmap of ARGB_8888 in a * super-optimized loop unroll. Guarantees only one subsampled pass over the * YUV data. This version of the function should be used in production and * also feathers the edges with 50% alpha on its edges.
* NOTE: To get the size of the resultant bitmap, you need to call * inscribedCircleRadius(w, h) outside of this function. Runs in ~10-15ms * for 4K image with a subsample of 13.

* Crop Treatment: Since this class does a lot of memory offset * calculation, it is critical that it doesn't poke strange memory locations on * strange crop values. Crop is always applied before any rotation. Out-of-bound * crop boundaries are accepted, but treated mathematically as intersection with * the Image rectangle. If this intersection is null, the result is minimal 2x2 * images. *

* Known Image Artifacts Since this class produces bitmaps that are * transient on the screen, the implementation is geared toward efficiency * rather than image quality. The image created is a straight, dumb integer * subsample of the YUV space with an acceptable color conversion, but w/o any * sort of re-sampling. So, expect the usual aliasing noise. Furthermore, when a * subsample factor of n is chosen, the resultant UV pixels will have the same * subsampling, even though the RGBA artifact produces could produce an * effective resample of (n/2) in the U,V color space. For cases where subsample * is odd-valued, there will be pixel-to-pixel color bleeding, which may be * apparent in sharp color edges. But since our eyes are pretty bad at color * edges anyway, it may be an acceptable trade-off for run-time efficiency on an * image artifact that has a short lifetime on the screen. *

* TODO: Implement horizontal alpha feathering of the edge of the image. * * @param img YUV420_888 Image to convert * @param subsample width/height subsample factor * @return inscribed image as ARGB_8888 */ protected int[] colorInscribedDataCircleFromYuvImage(ImageProxy img, int subsample) { Rect defaultCrop = new Rect(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight()); return colorInscribedDataCircleFromYuvImage(img, defaultCrop, subsample); } protected int[] colorInscribedDataCircleFromYuvImage(ImageProxy img, Rect crop, int subsample) { crop = guaranteedSafeCrop(img, crop); final List planeList = img.getPlanes(); if (planeList.size() != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect number planes (" + planeList.size() + ") in YUV Image Object"); } int inputWidth = crop.width(); int inputHeight = crop.height(); int outputWidth = inputWidth / subsample; int outputHeight = inputHeight / subsample; int w = outputWidth; int h = outputHeight; int r = inscribedCircleRadius(w, h); final int inscribedXMin; final int inscribedXMax; final int inscribedYMin; final int inscribedYMax; // To minimize color bleeding, always quantize the start coordinates by 2. final int inputVerticalOffset = quantizeBy2(crop.top); final int inputHorizontalOffset = quantizeBy2(crop.left); // Set up input read boundaries. if (w > h) { inscribedYMin = 0; inscribedYMax = h; // since we're 2x2 blocks we need to quantize these values by 2 inscribedXMin = quantizeBy2(w / 2 - r); inscribedXMax = quantizeBy2(w / 2 + r); } else { inscribedXMin = 0; inscribedXMax = w; // since we're 2x2 blocks we need to quantize these values by 2 inscribedYMin = quantizeBy2(h / 2 - r); inscribedYMax = quantizeBy2(h / 2 + r); } ByteBuffer buf0 = planeList.get(0).getBuffer(); ByteBuffer bufU = planeList.get(1).getBuffer(); // Downsampled by 2 ByteBuffer bufV = planeList.get(2).getBuffer(); // Downsampled by 2 int yByteStride = planeList.get(0).getRowStride() * subsample; int uByteStride = planeList.get(1).getRowStride() * subsample; int vByteStride = planeList.get(2).getRowStride() * subsample; int yPixelStride = planeList.get(0).getPixelStride() * subsample; int uPixelStride = planeList.get(1).getPixelStride() * subsample; int vPixelStride = planeList.get(2).getPixelStride() * subsample; int outputPixelStride = r * 2; int centerY = h / 2; int centerX = w / 2; int len = r * r * 4; int[] colors = new int[len]; int alpha = 255 << 24; logWrapper("TIMER_BEGIN Starting Native Java YUV420-to-RGB Circular Conversion"); logWrapper("\t Y-Plane Size=" + w + "x" + h); logWrapper("\t U-Plane Size=" + planeList.get(1).getRowStride() + " Pixel Stride=" + planeList.get(1).getPixelStride()); logWrapper("\t V-Plane Size=" + planeList.get(2).getRowStride() + " Pixel Stride=" + planeList.get(2).getPixelStride()); // Take in vertical lines by factor of two because of the u/v component // subsample for (int j = inscribedYMin; j < inscribedYMax; j += 2) { int offsetColor = (j - inscribedYMin) * (outputPixelStride); int offsetY = calculateMemoryOffsetFromPixelOffsets(inscribedXMin, j, subsample, 1 /* YComponent */, yByteStride, yPixelStride, inputHorizontalOffset, inputVerticalOffset); int offsetU = calculateMemoryOffsetFromPixelOffsets(inscribedXMin, j, subsample, 2 /* U Component downsampled by 2 */, uByteStride, uPixelStride, inputHorizontalOffset / 2, inputVerticalOffset / 2); int offsetV = calculateMemoryOffsetFromPixelOffsets(inscribedXMin, j, subsample, 2 /* v Component downsampled by 2 */, vByteStride, vPixelStride, inputHorizontalOffset / 2, inputVerticalOffset / 2); // Parametrize the circle boundaries w.r.t. the y component. // Find the subsequence of pixels we need for each horizontal raster // line. int circleHalfWidth0 = (int) (Math.sqrt((float) (r * r - (j - centerY) * (j - centerY))) + 0.5f); int circleMin0 = centerX - (circleHalfWidth0); int circleMax0 = centerX + circleHalfWidth0; int circleHalfWidth1 = (int) (Math.sqrt((float) (r * r - (j + 1 - centerY) * (j + 1 - centerY))) + 0.5f); int circleMin1 = centerX - (circleHalfWidth1); int circleMax1 = centerX + circleHalfWidth1; // Take in horizontal lines by factor of two because of the u/v // component subsample // and everything as 2x2 blocks. for (int i = inscribedXMin; i < inscribedXMax; i += 2, offsetY += 2 * yPixelStride, offsetColor += 2, offsetU += uPixelStride, offsetV += vPixelStride) { // Note i and j are in terms of pixels of the subsampled image // offsetY, offsetU, and offsetV are in terms of bytes of the // image // offsetColor, output_pixel stride are in terms of the packed // output image if ((i > circleMax0 && i > circleMax1) || (i + 1 < circleMin0 && i < circleMin1)) { colors[offsetColor] = OUT_OF_BOUNDS_COLOR; colors[offsetColor + 1] = OUT_OF_BOUNDS_COLOR; colors[offsetColor + outputPixelStride] = OUT_OF_BOUNDS_COLOR; colors[offsetColor + outputPixelStride + 1] = OUT_OF_BOUNDS_COLOR; continue; } // calculate the RGB component of the u/v channels and use it // for all pixels in the 2x2 block int u = (int) (bufU.get(offsetU) & 255) - 128; int v = (int) (bufV.get(offsetV) & 255) - 128; int redDiff = (v * V_FACTOR_FOR_R) >> SHIFT_APPROXIMATION; int greenDiff = ((u * U_FACTOR_FOR_G + v * V_FACTOR_FOR_G) >> SHIFT_APPROXIMATION); int blueDiff = (u * U_FACTOR_FOR_B) >> SHIFT_APPROXIMATION; if (i > circleMax0 || i < circleMin0) { colors[offsetColor] = OUT_OF_BOUNDS_COLOR; } else { // Do a little alpha feathering on the edges int alpha00 = (i == circleMax0 || i == circleMin0) ? (128 << 24) : (255 << 24); int y00 = (int) (buf0.get(offsetY) & 255); int green00 = y00 + greenDiff; int blue00 = y00 + blueDiff; int red00 = y00 + redDiff; // Get the railing correct if (green00 < 0) { green00 = 0; } if (red00 < 0) { red00 = 0; } if (blue00 < 0) { blue00 = 0; } if (green00 > 255) { green00 = 255; } if (red00 > 255) { red00 = 255; } if (blue00 > 255) { blue00 = 255; } colors[offsetColor] = (red00 & 255) << 16 | (green00 & 255) << 8 | (blue00 & 255) | alpha00; } if (i + 1 > circleMax0 || i + 1 < circleMin0) { colors[offsetColor + 1] = OUT_OF_BOUNDS_COLOR; } else { int alpha01 = ((i + 1) == circleMax0 || (i + 1) == circleMin0) ? (128 << 24) : (255 << 24); int y01 = (int) (buf0.get(offsetY + yPixelStride) & 255); int green01 = y01 + greenDiff; int blue01 = y01 + blueDiff; int red01 = y01 + redDiff; // Get the railing correct if (green01 < 0) { green01 = 0; } if (red01 < 0) { red01 = 0; } if (blue01 < 0) { blue01 = 0; } if (green01 > 255) { green01 = 255; } if (red01 > 255) { red01 = 255; } if (blue01 > 255) { blue01 = 255; } colors[offsetColor + 1] = (red01 & 255) << 16 | (green01 & 255) << 8 | (blue01 & 255) | alpha01; } if (i > circleMax1 || i < circleMin1) { colors[offsetColor + outputPixelStride] = OUT_OF_BOUNDS_COLOR; } else { int alpha10 = (i == circleMax1 || i == circleMin1) ? (128 << 24) : (255 << 24); int y10 = (int) (buf0.get(offsetY + yByteStride) & 255); int green10 = y10 + greenDiff; int blue10 = y10 + blueDiff; int red10 = y10 + redDiff; // Get the railing correct if (green10 < 0) { green10 = 0; } if (red10 < 0) { red10 = 0; } if (blue10 < 0) { blue10 = 0; } if (green10 > 255) { green10 = 255; } if (red10 > 255) { red10 = 255; } if (blue10 > 255) { blue10 = 255; } colors[offsetColor + outputPixelStride] = (red10 & 255) << 16 | (green10 & 255) << 8 | (blue10 & 255) | alpha10; } if (i + 1 > circleMax1 || i + 1 < circleMin1) { colors[offsetColor + outputPixelStride + 1] = OUT_OF_BOUNDS_COLOR; } else { int alpha11 = ((i + 1) == circleMax1 || (i + 1) == circleMin1) ? (128 << 24) : (255 << 24); int y11 = (int) (buf0.get(offsetY + yByteStride + yPixelStride) & 255); int green11 = y11 + greenDiff; int blue11 = y11 + blueDiff; int red11 = y11 + redDiff; // Get the railing correct if (green11 < 0) { green11 = 0; } if (red11 < 0) { red11 = 0; } if (blue11 < 0) { blue11 = 0; } if (green11 > 255) { green11 = 255; } if (red11 > 255) { red11 = 255; } if (blue11 > 255) { blue11 = 255; } colors[offsetColor + outputPixelStride + 1] = (red11 & 255) << 16 | (green11 & 255) << 8 | (blue11 & 255) | alpha11; } } } logWrapper("TIMER_END Starting Native Java YUV420-to-RGB Circular Conversion"); return colors; } /** * Converts an Android Image to a subsampled image of ARGB_8888 data in a * super-optimized loop unroll. Guarantees only one subsampled pass over the * YUV data. No crop is applied. * * @param img YUV420_888 Image to convert * @param subsample width/height subsample factor * @param enableSquareInscribe true, output is an cropped square output; * false, output maintains aspect ratio of input image * @return inscribed image as ARGB_8888 */ protected int[] colorSubSampleFromYuvImage(ImageProxy img, int subsample, boolean enableSquareInscribe) { Rect defaultCrop = new Rect(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight()); return colorSubSampleFromYuvImage(img, defaultCrop, subsample, enableSquareInscribe); } /** * Converts an Android Image to a subsampled image of ARGB_8888 data in a * super-optimized loop unroll. Guarantees only one subsampled pass over the * YUV data. *

* Crop Treatment: Since this class does a lot of memory offset * calculation, it is critical that it doesn't poke strange memory locations on * strange crop values. Crop is always applied before any rotation. Out-of-bound * crop boundaries are accepted, but treated mathematically as intersection with * the Image rectangle. If this intersection is null, the result is minimal 2x2 * images. *

* Known Image Artifacts Since this class produces bitmaps that are * transient on the screen, the implementation is geared toward efficiency * rather than image quality. The image created is a straight, dumb integer * subsample of the YUV space with an acceptable color conversion, but w/o any * sort of re-sampling. So, expect the usual aliasing noise. Furthermore, when a * subsample factor of n is chosen, the resultant UV pixels will have the same * subsampling, even though the RGBA artifact produces could produce an * effective resample of (n/2) in the U,V color space. For cases where subsample * is odd-valued, there will be pixel-to-pixel color bleeding, which may be * apparent in sharp color edges. But since our eyes are pretty bad at color * edges anyway, it may be an acceptable trade-off for run-time efficiency on an * image artifact that has a short lifetime on the screen. *

* * @param img YUV420_888 Image to convert * @param crop crop to be applied. * @param subsample width/height subsample factor * @param enableSquareInscribe true, output is an cropped square output; * false, output maintains aspect ratio of input image * @return inscribed image as ARGB_8888 */ protected int[] colorSubSampleFromYuvImage(ImageProxy img, Rect crop, int subsample, boolean enableSquareInscribe) { crop = guaranteedSafeCrop(img, crop); final List planeList = img.getPlanes(); if (planeList.size() != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect number planes (" + planeList.size() + ") in YUV Image Object"); } int inputWidth = crop.width(); int inputHeight = crop.height(); int outputWidth = inputWidth / subsample; int outputHeight = inputHeight / subsample; // Set up input read boundaries. ByteBuffer bufY = planeList.get(0).getBuffer(); ByteBuffer bufU = planeList.get(1).getBuffer(); // Downsampled by 2 ByteBuffer bufV = planeList.get(2).getBuffer(); // Downsampled by 2 int yByteStride = planeList.get(0).getRowStride() * subsample; int uByteStride = planeList.get(1).getRowStride() * subsample; int vByteStride = planeList.get(2).getRowStride() * subsample; int yPixelStride = planeList.get(0).getPixelStride() * subsample; int uPixelStride = planeList.get(1).getPixelStride() * subsample; int vPixelStride = planeList.get(2).getPixelStride() * subsample; // Set up default input read boundaries. final int outputPixelStride; final int len; final int inscribedXMin; final int inscribedXMax; final int inscribedYMin; final int inscribedYMax; final int inputVerticalOffset = quantizeBy2(crop.top); final int inputHorizontalOffset = quantizeBy2(crop.left); if (enableSquareInscribe) { int r = inscribedCircleRadius(outputWidth, outputHeight); len = r * r * 4; outputPixelStride = r * 2; if (outputWidth > outputHeight) { // since we're 2x2 blocks we need to quantize these values by 2 inscribedXMin = quantizeBy2(outputWidth / 2 - r); inscribedXMax = quantizeBy2(outputWidth / 2 + r); inscribedYMin = 0; inscribedYMax = outputHeight; } else { inscribedXMin = 0; inscribedXMax = outputWidth; // since we're 2x2 blocks we need to quantize these values by 2 inscribedYMin = quantizeBy2(outputHeight / 2 - r); inscribedYMax = quantizeBy2(outputHeight / 2 + r); } } else { outputPixelStride = outputWidth; len = outputWidth * outputHeight; inscribedXMin = 0; inscribedXMax = quantizeBy2(outputWidth); inscribedYMin = 0; inscribedYMax = quantizeBy2(outputHeight); } int[] colors = new int[len]; int alpha = 255 << 24; logWrapper("TIMER_BEGIN Starting Native Java YUV420-to-RGB Rectangular Conversion"); logWrapper("\t Y-Plane Size=" + outputWidth + "x" + outputHeight); logWrapper("\t U-Plane Size=" + planeList.get(1).getRowStride() + " Pixel Stride=" + planeList.get(1).getPixelStride()); logWrapper("\t V-Plane Size=" + planeList.get(2).getRowStride() + " Pixel Stride=" + planeList.get(2).getPixelStride()); // Take in vertical lines by factor of two because of the u/v component // subsample for (int j = inscribedYMin; j < inscribedYMax; j += 2) { int offsetColor = (j - inscribedYMin) * (outputPixelStride); int offsetY = calculateMemoryOffsetFromPixelOffsets(inscribedXMin, j, subsample, 1 /* YComponent */, yByteStride, yPixelStride, inputHorizontalOffset, inputVerticalOffset); int offsetU = calculateMemoryOffsetFromPixelOffsets(inscribedXMin, j, subsample, 2 /* U Component downsampled by 2 */, uByteStride, uPixelStride, inputHorizontalOffset / 2, inputVerticalOffset / 2); int offsetV = calculateMemoryOffsetFromPixelOffsets(inscribedXMin, j, subsample, 2 /* v Component downsampled by 2 */, vByteStride, vPixelStride, inputHorizontalOffset / 2, inputVerticalOffset / 2); // Take in horizontal lines by factor of two because of the u/v // component subsample // and everything as 2x2 blocks. for (int i = inscribedXMin; i < inscribedXMax; i += 2, offsetY += 2 * yPixelStride, offsetColor += 2, offsetU += uPixelStride, offsetV += vPixelStride) { // Note i and j are in terms of pixels of the subsampled image // offsetY, offsetU, and offsetV are in terms of bytes of the // image // offsetColor, output_pixel stride are in terms of the packed // output image // calculate the RGB component of the u/v channels and use it // for all pixels in the 2x2 block int u = (int) (bufU.get(offsetU) & 255) - 128; int v = (int) (bufV.get(offsetV) & 255) - 128; int redDiff = (v * V_FACTOR_FOR_R) >> SHIFT_APPROXIMATION; int greenDiff = ((u * U_FACTOR_FOR_G + v * V_FACTOR_FOR_G) >> SHIFT_APPROXIMATION); int blueDiff = (u * U_FACTOR_FOR_B) >> SHIFT_APPROXIMATION; // Do a little alpha feathering on the edges int alpha00 = (255 << 24); int y00 = (int) (bufY.get(offsetY) & 255); int green00 = y00 + greenDiff; int blue00 = y00 + blueDiff; int red00 = y00 + redDiff; // Get the railing correct if (green00 < 0) { green00 = 0; } if (red00 < 0) { red00 = 0; } if (blue00 < 0) { blue00 = 0; } if (green00 > 255) { green00 = 255; } if (red00 > 255) { red00 = 255; } if (blue00 > 255) { blue00 = 255; } colors[offsetColor] = (red00 & 255) << 16 | (green00 & 255) << 8 | (blue00 & 255) | alpha00; int alpha01 = (255 << 24); int y01 = (int) (bufY.get(offsetY + yPixelStride) & 255); int green01 = y01 + greenDiff; int blue01 = y01 + blueDiff; int red01 = y01 + redDiff; // Get the railing correct if (green01 < 0) { green01 = 0; } if (red01 < 0) { red01 = 0; } if (blue01 < 0) { blue01 = 0; } if (green01 > 255) { green01 = 255; } if (red01 > 255) { red01 = 255; } if (blue01 > 255) { blue01 = 255; } colors[offsetColor + 1] = (red01 & 255) << 16 | (green01 & 255) << 8 | (blue01 & 255) | alpha01; int alpha10 = (255 << 24); int y10 = (int) (bufY.get(offsetY + yByteStride) & 255); int green10 = y10 + greenDiff; int blue10 = y10 + blueDiff; int red10 = y10 + redDiff; // Get the railing correct if (green10 < 0) { green10 = 0; } if (red10 < 0) { red10 = 0; } if (blue10 < 0) { blue10 = 0; } if (green10 > 255) { green10 = 255; } if (red10 > 255) { red10 = 255; } if (blue10 > 255) { blue10 = 255; } colors[offsetColor + outputPixelStride] = (red10 & 255) << 16 | (green10 & 255) << 8 | (blue10 & 255) | alpha10; int alpha11 = (255 << 24); int y11 = (int) (bufY.get(offsetY + yByteStride + yPixelStride) & 255); int green11 = y11 + greenDiff; int blue11 = y11 + blueDiff; int red11 = y11 + redDiff; // Get the railing correct if (green11 < 0) { green11 = 0; } if (red11 < 0) { red11 = 0; } if (blue11 < 0) { blue11 = 0; } if (green11 > 255) { green11 = 255; } if (red11 > 255) { red11 = 255; } if (blue11 > 255) { blue11 = 255; } colors[offsetColor + outputPixelStride + 1] = (red11 & 255) << 16 | (green11 & 255) << 8 | (blue11 & 255) | alpha11; } } logWrapper("TIMER_END Starting Native Java YUV420-to-RGB Rectangular Conversion"); return colors; } /** * DEBUG IMAGE FUNCTION Converts an Android Image to a inscribed circle * bitmap, currently wired to the test pattern. Will subsample and optimize * the image given a target resolution. * * @param img YUV420_888 Image to convert * @param subsample width/height subsample factor * @return inscribed image as ARGB_8888 */ protected int[] dummyColorInscribedDataCircleFromYuvImage(ImageProxy img, int subsample) { logWrapper("RUNNING DUMMY dummyColorInscribedDataCircleFromYuvImage"); int w = img.getWidth() / subsample; int h = img.getHeight() / subsample; int r = inscribedCircleRadius(w, h); int len = r * r * 4; int[] colors = new int[len]; // Make a fun test pattern. for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int x = i % (2 * r); int y = i / (2 * r); colors[i] = (255 << 24) | ((x & 255) << 16) | ((y & 255) << 8); } return colors; } /** * Calculates the input Task Image specification an ImageProxy * * @param img Specified ImageToProcess * @return Calculated specification */ protected TaskImage calculateInputImage(ImageToProcess img, Rect cropApplied) { return new TaskImage(img.rotation, img.proxy.getWidth(), img.proxy.getHeight(), img.proxy.getFormat(), cropApplied); } /** * Calculates the resultant Task Image specification, given the shape * selected at the time of task construction * * @param img Specified image to process * @param subsample Amount of subsampling to be applied * @return Calculated Specification */ protected TaskImage calculateResultImage(ImageToProcess img, int subsample) { final Rect safeCrop = guaranteedSafeCrop(img.proxy, img.crop); int resultWidth, resultHeight; if (mThumbnailShape == ThumbnailShape.MAINTAIN_ASPECT_NO_INSET) { resultWidth = safeCrop.width() / subsample; resultHeight = safeCrop.height() / subsample; } else { final int radius = inscribedCircleRadius(safeCrop.width() / subsample, safeCrop.height() / subsample); resultWidth = 2 * radius; resultHeight = 2 * radius; } return new TaskImage(img.rotation, resultWidth, resultHeight, TaskImage.EXTRA_USER_DEFINED_FORMAT_ARGB_8888, null /* Crop already applied */); } /** * Runs the correct image conversion routine, based upon the selected * thumbnail shape. * * @param img Image to be converted * @param subsample Amount of image subsampling * @return an ARGB_888 packed array ready for Bitmap conversion */ protected int[] runSelectedConversion(ImageProxy img, Rect crop, int subsample) { switch (mThumbnailShape) { case DEBUG_SQUARE_ASPECT_CIRCULAR_INSET: return dummyColorInscribedDataCircleFromYuvImage(img, subsample); case SQUARE_ASPECT_CIRCULAR_INSET: return colorInscribedDataCircleFromYuvImage(img, crop, subsample); case SQUARE_ASPECT_NO_INSET: return colorSubSampleFromYuvImage(img, crop, subsample, true); case MAINTAIN_ASPECT_NO_INSET: return colorSubSampleFromYuvImage(img, crop, subsample, false); default: return null; } } /** * Runnable implementation */ @Override public void run() { ImageToProcess img = mImage; Rect safeCrop = guaranteedSafeCrop(img.proxy, img.crop); final TaskImage inputImage = calculateInputImage(img, safeCrop); final int subsample = calculateBestSubsampleFactor( new Size(safeCrop.width(), safeCrop.height()), mTargetSize); final TaskImage resultImage = calculateResultImage(img, subsample); final int[] convertedImage; try { onStart(mId, inputImage, resultImage, TaskInfo.Destination.FAST_THUMBNAIL); logWrapper("TIMER_END Rendering preview YUV buffer available, w=" + img.proxy.getWidth() / subsample + " h=" + img.proxy.getHeight() / subsample + " of subsample " + subsample); convertedImage = runSelectedConversion(img.proxy, safeCrop, subsample); } finally { // Signal backend that reference has been released mImageTaskManager.releaseSemaphoreReference(img, mExecutor); } onPreviewDone(resultImage, inputImage, convertedImage, TaskInfo.Destination.FAST_THUMBNAIL); } /** * Wraps the onResultUncompressed listener function * * @param resultImage Image specification of result image * @param inputImage Image specification of the input image * @param colors Uncompressed data buffer * @param destination Specifies the purpose of this image processing * artifact */ public void onPreviewDone(TaskImage resultImage, TaskImage inputImage, int[] colors, TaskInfo.Destination destination) { TaskInfo job = new TaskInfo(mId, inputImage, resultImage, destination); final ImageProcessorListener listener = mImageTaskManager.getProxyListener(); listener.onResultUncompressed(job, new UncompressedPayload(colors)); } }