/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.documentsui.services; import static com.android.documentsui.services.FileOperationService.OPERATION_MOVE; import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList; import android.net.Uri; import android.provider.DocumentsContract.Document; import android.support.test.filters.MediumTest; @MediumTest public class MoveJobTest extends AbstractCopyJobTest { public MoveJobTest() { super(OPERATION_MOVE); } public void testMoveFiles() throws Exception { runCopyFilesTest(); mDocs.assertChildCount(mSrcRoot, 0); } public void testMoveFiles_NoSrcParent() throws Exception { Uri testFile1 = mDocs.createDocument(mSrcRoot, "text/plain", "test1.txt"); mDocs.writeDocument(testFile1, HAM_BYTES); Uri testFile2 = mDocs.createDocument(mSrcRoot, "text/plain", "test2.txt"); mDocs.writeDocument(testFile2, FRUITY_BYTES); createJob(newArrayList(testFile1, testFile2), null).run(); waitForJobFinished(); mDocs.assertChildCount(mDestRoot, 2); mDocs.assertHasFile(mDestRoot, "test1.txt"); mDocs.assertHasFile(mDestRoot, "test2.txt"); mDocs.assertFileContents(mDestRoot.documentId, "test1.txt", HAM_BYTES); mDocs.assertFileContents(mDestRoot.documentId, "test2.txt", FRUITY_BYTES); } public void testMoveVirtualTypedFile() throws Exception { mDocs.createFolder(mSrcRoot, "hello"); Uri testFile = mDocs.createVirtualFile( mSrcRoot, "/hello/virtual.sth", "virtual/mime-type", FRUITY_BYTES, "application/pdf", "text/html"); createJob(newArrayList(testFile)).run(); waitForJobFinished(); // Should have failed, source not deleted. Moving by bytes for virtual files // is not supported. mDocs.assertChildCount(mDestRoot, 0); mDocs.assertChildCount(mSrcRoot, 1); } public void testMoveVirtualNonTypedFile() throws Exception { runCopyVirtualNonTypedFileTest(); // Should have failed, source not deleted. mDocs.assertChildCount(mSrcRoot, 1); } public void testMove_BackendSideVirtualTypedFile_Fallback() throws Exception { Uri testFile = mDocs.createDocumentWithFlags( mSrcRoot.documentId, "virtual/mime-type", "tokyo.sth", Document.FLAG_VIRTUAL_DOCUMENT | Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_COPY | Document.FLAG_SUPPORTS_MOVE, "application/pdf"); createJob(newArrayList(testFile)).run(); waitForJobFinished(); // Should have failed, source not deleted. Moving by bytes for virtual files // is not supported. mDocs.assertChildCount(mDestRoot, 0); mDocs.assertChildCount(mSrcRoot, 1); } public void testMoveEmptyDir() throws Exception { runCopyEmptyDirTest(); mDocs.assertChildCount(mSrcRoot, 0); } public void testMoveDirRecursively() throws Exception { runCopyDirRecursivelyTest(); mDocs.assertChildCount(mSrcRoot, 0); } public void testMoveDirRecursively_loadingInFirstCursor() throws Exception { mDocs.setLoadingDuration(500); testMoveDirRecursively(); } public void testNoMoveDirToSelf() throws Exception { runNoCopyDirToSelfTest(); // should have failed, source not deleted mDocs.assertChildCount(mSrcRoot, 1); } public void testNoMoveDirToDescendent() throws Exception { runNoCopyDirToDescendentTest(); // should have failed, source not deleted mDocs.assertChildCount(mSrcRoot, 1); } public void testMoveFileWithReadErrors() throws Exception { runCopyFileWithReadErrorsTest(); // should have failed, source not deleted mDocs.assertChildCount(mSrcRoot, 1); } // TODO: Add test cases for moving when multi-parented. }