/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.car; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.annotation.SystemApi; import android.car.annotation.FutureFeature; import android.car.content.pm.CarPackageManager; import android.car.hardware.CarDiagnosticManager; import android.car.hardware.CarSensorManager; import android.car.hardware.CarVendorExtensionManager; import android.car.hardware.cabin.CarCabinManager; import android.car.hardware.hvac.CarHvacManager; import android.car.hardware.radio.CarRadioManager; import android.car.media.CarAudioManager; import android.car.navigation.CarNavigationStatusManager; import android.car.test.CarTestManagerBinderWrapper; import android.car.vms.VmsSubscriberManager; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.util.Log; import com.android.car.internal.FeatureConfiguration; import com.android.car.internal.FeatureUtil; import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Top level car API for embedded Android Auto deployments. * This API works only for devices with {@link PackageManager#FEATURE_AUTOMOTIVE} * Calling this API on a device with no such feature will lead to an exception. */ public final class Car { /** * Represent the version of Car API. This is only updated when there is API change. * 1 : N * 2 : O */ public static final int VERSION = 2; /** Service name for {@link CarSensorManager}, to be used in {@link #getCarManager(String)}. */ public static final String SENSOR_SERVICE = "sensor"; /** Service name for {@link CarInfoManager}, to be used in {@link #getCarManager(String)}. */ public static final String INFO_SERVICE = "info"; /** Service name for {@link CarAppFocusManager}. */ public static final String APP_FOCUS_SERVICE = "app_focus"; /** Service name for {@link CarPackageManager} */ public static final String PACKAGE_SERVICE = "package"; /** Service name for {@link CarAudioManager} */ public static final String AUDIO_SERVICE = "audio"; /** * Service name for {@link CarNavigationStatusManager} * @hide */ public static final String CAR_NAVIGATION_SERVICE = "car_navigation_service"; /** * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String CABIN_SERVICE = "cabin"; /** * @hide */ public static final String DIAGNOSTIC_SERVICE = "diagnostic"; /** * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String RADIO_SERVICE = "radio"; /** * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String HVAC_SERVICE = "hvac"; /** * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String PROJECTION_SERVICE = "projection"; /** * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String VENDOR_EXTENSION_SERVICE = "vendor_extension"; /** * @FutureFeature Cannot drop due to usage in non-flag protected place. * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String VMS_SUBSCRIBER_SERVICE = "vehicle_map_subscriber_service"; /** * Service for testing. This is system app only feature. * Service name for {@link CarTestManager}, to be used in {@link #getCarManager(String)}. * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String TEST_SERVICE = "car-service-test"; /** Permission necessary to access car's mileage information. */ public static final String PERMISSION_MILEAGE = "android.car.permission.CAR_MILEAGE"; /** Permission necessary to access car's fuel level. */ public static final String PERMISSION_FUEL = "android.car.permission.CAR_FUEL"; /** Permission necessary to access car's speed. */ public static final String PERMISSION_SPEED = "android.car.permission.CAR_SPEED"; /** * Permission necessary to change car audio volume through {@link CarAudioManager}. */ public static final String PERMISSION_CAR_CONTROL_AUDIO_VOLUME = "android.car.permission.CAR_CONTROL_AUDIO_VOLUME"; /** * Permission necessary to change car audio settings through {@link CarAudioManager}. * @hide */ public static final String PERMISSION_CAR_CONTROL_AUDIO_SETTINGS = "android.car.permission.CAR_CONTROL_AUDIO_SETTINGS"; /** * Permission necessary to use {@link CarNavigationStatusManager}. * @hide */ public static final String PERMISSION_CAR_NAVIGATION_MANAGER = "android.car.permission.CAR_NAVIGATION_MANAGER"; /** * Permission necessary to access car specific communication channel. * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String PERMISSION_VENDOR_EXTENSION = "android.car.permission.CAR_VENDOR_EXTENSION"; /** * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String PERMISSION_CONTROL_APP_BLOCKING = "android.car.permission.CONTROL_APP_BLOCKING"; /** * Permission necessary to access Car Cabin APIs. * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String PERMISSION_CAR_CABIN = "android.car.permission.CAR_CABIN"; /** * Permission necessary to access Car HVAC APIs. * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String PERMISSION_CAR_HVAC = "android.car.permission.CAR_HVAC"; /** * Permission necessary to access Car RADIO system APIs. * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String PERMISSION_CAR_RADIO = "android.car.permission.CAR_RADIO"; /** * Permission necessary to access Car PROJECTION system APIs. * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String PERMISSION_CAR_PROJECTION = "android.car.permission.CAR_PROJECTION"; /** * Permission necessary to mock vehicle hal for testing. * @hide * @deprecated mocking vehicle HAL in car service is no longer supported. */ @SystemApi public static final String PERMISSION_MOCK_VEHICLE_HAL = "android.car.permission.CAR_MOCK_VEHICLE_HAL"; /** * Permission necessary to access CarTestService. * @hide */ @SystemApi public static final String PERMISSION_CAR_TEST_SERVICE = "android.car.permission.CAR_TEST_SERVICE"; /** * Permissions necessary to access VMS publisher APIs. * * @hide */ @FutureFeature @SystemApi public static final String PERMISSION_VMS_PUBLISHER = "android.car.permission.VMS_PUBLISHER"; /** * Permissions necessary to access VMS subscriber APIs. * * @hide */ @FutureFeature @SystemApi public static final String PERMISSION_VMS_SUBSCRIBER = "android.car.permission.VMS_SUBSCRIBER"; /** * Permissions necessary to read diagnostic information. * * @hide */ @FutureFeature public static final String PERMISSION_CAR_DIAGNOSTIC_READ = "android.car.permission.DIAGNOSTIC_READ"; /** * Permissions necessary to clear diagnostic information. * * @hide */ @FutureFeature public static final String PERMISSION_CAR_DIAGNOSTIC_CLEAR = "android.car.permission.DIAGNOSTIC_CLEAR"; /** Type of car connection: platform runs directly in car. */ public static final int CONNECTION_TYPE_EMBEDDED = 5; /** @hide */ @IntDef({CONNECTION_TYPE_EMBEDDED}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface ConnectionType {} /** * CarXyzService throws IllegalStateException with this message is re-thrown as * {@link CarNotConnectedException}. * * @hide */ public static final String CAR_NOT_CONNECTED_EXCEPTION_MSG = "CarNotConnected"; /** @hide */ public static final String CAR_SERVICE_INTERFACE_NAME = "android.car.ICar"; private static final String CAR_SERVICE_PACKAGE = "com.android.car"; private static final String CAR_SERVICE_CLASS = "com.android.car.CarService"; private static final long CAR_SERVICE_BIND_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS = 500; private static final long CAR_SERVICE_BIND_MAX_RETRY = 20; private final Context mContext; @GuardedBy("this") private ICar mService; private final boolean mOwnsService; private static final int STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0; private static final int STATE_CONNECTING = 1; private static final int STATE_CONNECTED = 2; @GuardedBy("this") private int mConnectionState; @GuardedBy("this") private int mConnectionRetryCount; private final Runnable mConnectionRetryRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startCarService(); } }; private final Runnable mConnectionRetryFailedRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mServiceConnectionListener.onServiceDisconnected(new ComponentName(CAR_SERVICE_PACKAGE, CAR_SERVICE_CLASS)); } }; private final ServiceConnection mServiceConnectionListener = new ServiceConnection () { public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { synchronized (Car.this) { mService = ICar.Stub.asInterface(service); mConnectionState = STATE_CONNECTED; } mServiceConnectionListenerClient.onServiceConnected(name, service); } public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { synchronized (Car.this) { mService = null; if (mConnectionState == STATE_DISCONNECTED) { return; } mConnectionState = STATE_DISCONNECTED; } // unbind explicitly here. disconnect(); mServiceConnectionListenerClient.onServiceDisconnected(name); } }; private final ServiceConnection mServiceConnectionListenerClient; private final Object mCarManagerLock = new Object(); @GuardedBy("mCarManagerLock") private final HashMap mServiceMap = new HashMap<>(); /** Handler for generic event dispatching. */ private final Handler mEventHandler; private final Handler mMainThreadEventHandler; /** * A factory method that creates Car instance for all Car API access. * @param context * @param serviceConnectionListener listener for monitoring service connection. * @param handler the handler on which the callback should execute, or null to execute on the * service's main thread. Note: the service connection listener will be always on the main * thread regardless of the handler given. * @return Car instance if system is in car environment and returns {@code null} otherwise. */ public static Car createCar(Context context, ServiceConnection serviceConnectionListener, @Nullable Handler handler) { if (!context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_AUTOMOTIVE)) { Log.e(CarLibLog.TAG_CAR, "FEATURE_AUTOMOTIVE not declared while android.car is used"); return null; } try { return new Car(context, serviceConnectionListener, handler); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Expected when car service loader is not available. } return null; } /** * A factory method that creates Car instance for all Car API access using main thread {@code * Looper}. * * @see #createCar(Context, ServiceConnection, Handler) */ public static Car createCar(Context context, ServiceConnection serviceConnectionListener) { return createCar(context, serviceConnectionListener, null); } private Car(Context context, ServiceConnection serviceConnectionListener, @Nullable Handler handler) { mContext = context; mEventHandler = determineEventHandler(handler); mMainThreadEventHandler = determineMainThreadEventHandler(mEventHandler); mService = null; mOwnsService = true; mServiceConnectionListenerClient = serviceConnectionListener; } /** * Car constructor when ICar binder is already available. * @hide */ public Car(Context context, ICar service, @Nullable Handler handler) { mContext = context; mEventHandler = determineEventHandler(handler); mMainThreadEventHandler = determineMainThreadEventHandler(mEventHandler); mService = service; mOwnsService = false; mConnectionState = STATE_CONNECTED; mServiceConnectionListenerClient = null; } private static Handler determineMainThreadEventHandler(Handler eventHandler) { Looper mainLooper = Looper.getMainLooper(); return (eventHandler.getLooper() == mainLooper) ? eventHandler : new Handler(mainLooper); } private static Handler determineEventHandler(@Nullable Handler handler) { if (handler == null) { Looper looper = Looper.getMainLooper(); handler = new Handler(looper); } return handler; } /** * Connect to car service. This can be called while it is disconnected. * @throws IllegalStateException If connection is still on-going from previous * connect call or it is already connected */ public void connect() throws IllegalStateException { synchronized (this) { if (mConnectionState != STATE_DISCONNECTED) { throw new IllegalStateException("already connected or connecting"); } mConnectionState = STATE_CONNECTING; startCarService(); } } /** * Disconnect from car service. This can be called while disconnected. Once disconnect is * called, all Car*Managers from this instance becomes invalid, and * {@link Car#getCarManager(String)} will return different instance if it is connected again. */ public void disconnect() { synchronized (this) { if (mConnectionState == STATE_DISCONNECTED) { return; } mEventHandler.removeCallbacks(mConnectionRetryRunnable); mMainThreadEventHandler.removeCallbacks(mConnectionRetryFailedRunnable); mConnectionRetryCount = 0; tearDownCarManagers(); mService = null; mConnectionState = STATE_DISCONNECTED; if (mOwnsService) { mContext.unbindService(mServiceConnectionListener); } } } /** * Tells if it is connected to the service or not. This will return false if it is still * connecting. * @return */ public boolean isConnected() { synchronized (this) { return mService != null; } } /** * Tells if this instance is already connecting to car service or not. * @return */ public boolean isConnecting() { synchronized (this) { return mConnectionState == STATE_CONNECTING; } } /** * Get car specific service as in {@link Context#getSystemService(String)}. Returned * {@link Object} should be type-casted to the desired service. * For example, to get sensor service, * SensorManagerService sensorManagerService = car.getCarManager(Car.SENSOR_SERVICE); * @param serviceName Name of service that should be created like {@link #SENSOR_SERVICE}. * @return Matching service manager or null if there is no such service. * @throws CarNotConnectedException if the connection to the car service has been lost. */ public Object getCarManager(String serviceName) throws CarNotConnectedException { CarManagerBase manager; ICar service = getICarOrThrow(); synchronized (mCarManagerLock) { manager = mServiceMap.get(serviceName); if (manager == null) { try { IBinder binder = service.getCarService(serviceName); if (binder == null) { Log.w(CarLibLog.TAG_CAR, "getCarManager could not get binder for service:" + serviceName); return null; } manager = createCarManager(serviceName, binder); if (manager == null) { Log.w(CarLibLog.TAG_CAR, "getCarManager could not create manager for service:" + serviceName); return null; } mServiceMap.put(serviceName, manager); } catch (RemoteException e) { handleRemoteException(e); } } } return manager; } /** * Return the type of currently connected car. * @return */ @ConnectionType public int getCarConnectionType() { return CONNECTION_TYPE_EMBEDDED; } /** * IllegalStateException from XyzCarService with special message is re-thrown as a different * exception. If the IllegalStateException is not understood then this message will throw the * original exception. * * @param e exception from XyzCarService. * @throws CarNotConnectedException if the connection to the car service has been lost. * @hide */ public static void checkCarNotConnectedExceptionFromCarService( IllegalStateException e) throws CarNotConnectedException, IllegalStateException { String message = e.getMessage(); if (CAR_NOT_CONNECTED_EXCEPTION_MSG.equals(message)) { throw new CarNotConnectedException(); } else { throw e; } } /** @hide */ public static void hideCarNotConnectedExceptionFromCarService( IllegalStateException e) throws IllegalStateException { String message = e.getMessage(); if (CAR_NOT_CONNECTED_EXCEPTION_MSG.equals(message)) { return; //ignore } else { throw e; } } private CarManagerBase createCarManager(String serviceName, IBinder binder) throws CarNotConnectedException { CarManagerBase manager = null; switch (serviceName) { case AUDIO_SERVICE: manager = new CarAudioManager(binder, mContext, mEventHandler); break; case SENSOR_SERVICE: manager = new CarSensorManager(binder, mContext, mEventHandler); break; case INFO_SERVICE: manager = new CarInfoManager(binder); break; case APP_FOCUS_SERVICE: manager = new CarAppFocusManager(binder, mEventHandler); break; case PACKAGE_SERVICE: manager = new CarPackageManager(binder, mContext); break; case CAR_NAVIGATION_SERVICE: manager = new CarNavigationStatusManager(binder); break; case CABIN_SERVICE: manager = new CarCabinManager(binder, mContext, mEventHandler); break; case DIAGNOSTIC_SERVICE: if (FeatureConfiguration.ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC) { manager = new CarDiagnosticManager(binder, mContext, mEventHandler); } break; case HVAC_SERVICE: manager = new CarHvacManager(binder, mContext, mEventHandler); break; case PROJECTION_SERVICE: manager = new CarProjectionManager(binder, mEventHandler); break; case RADIO_SERVICE: manager = new CarRadioManager(binder, mEventHandler); break; case VENDOR_EXTENSION_SERVICE: manager = new CarVendorExtensionManager(binder, mEventHandler); break; case TEST_SERVICE: /* CarTestManager exist in static library. So instead of constructing it here, * only pass binder wrapper so that CarTestManager can be constructed outside. */ manager = new CarTestManagerBinderWrapper(binder); break; case VMS_SUBSCRIBER_SERVICE: if (FeatureConfiguration.ENABLE_VEHICLE_MAP_SERVICE) { manager = new VmsSubscriberManager(binder, mEventHandler); } break; } return manager; } private void startCarService() { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setPackage(CAR_SERVICE_PACKAGE); intent.setAction(Car.CAR_SERVICE_INTERFACE_NAME); boolean bound = mContext.bindServiceAsUser(intent, mServiceConnectionListener, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE, UserHandle.CURRENT_OR_SELF); if (!bound) { mConnectionRetryCount++; if (mConnectionRetryCount > CAR_SERVICE_BIND_MAX_RETRY) { Log.w(CarLibLog.TAG_CAR, "cannot bind to car service after max retry"); mMainThreadEventHandler.post(mConnectionRetryFailedRunnable); } else { mEventHandler.postDelayed(mConnectionRetryRunnable, CAR_SERVICE_BIND_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS); } } else { mConnectionRetryCount = 0; } } private synchronized ICar getICarOrThrow() throws IllegalStateException { if (mService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("not connected"); } return mService; } private void handleRemoteException(RemoteException e) { Log.w(CarLibLog.TAG_CAR, "RemoteException", e); disconnect(); } private void tearDownCarManagers() { synchronized (mCarManagerLock) { for (CarManagerBase manager: mServiceMap.values()) { manager.onCarDisconnected(); } mServiceMap.clear(); } } }