/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.networkrecommendation; import android.content.Context; import android.net.NetworkKey; import android.net.NetworkRecommendationProvider; import android.net.NetworkScoreManager; import android.net.RecommendationRequest; import android.net.RecommendationResult; import android.net.RssiCurve; import android.net.ScoredNetwork; import android.net.WifiKey; import android.net.wifi.ScanResult; import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration; import android.os.Bundle; import android.support.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.ArrayMap; import com.android.networkrecommendation.util.Blog; import com.android.networkrecommendation.util.SsidUtil; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; /** * In memory, debuggable network recommendation provider. * *

This example evaluates networks in a scan and picks the "least bad" network, returning a * result to the RecommendedNetworkEvaluator, regardless of configuration point. * *

This recommender is not yet recommended for non-development devices. * *

To debug: * $ adb shell dumpsys activity service NetworkRecommendationService * *

Clear stored scores: * $ adb shell dumpsys activity service NetworkRecommendationService clear * *

Score a network: * $ adb shell dumpsys activity service NetworkRecommendationService addScore $SCORE * *

SCORE: "Quoted SSID",bssid|$RSSI_CURVE|metered|captivePortal|BADGE * *

RSSI_CURVE: bucketWidth,score,score,score,score,... * *

curve, metered and captive portal are optional, as expressed by an empty value. * *


All commands should be executed on one line, no spaces between each line of the command.. *

Eg, A high quality, paid network with captive portal: * $ adb shell dumpsys activity service NetworkRecommendationService addScore \ * '\"Metered\",aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\| * 10,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,27,27,27,27,27,-128\|1\|1' * *

Eg, A high quality, unmetered network with captive portal: * $ adb shell dumpsys activity service NetworkRecommendationService addScore \ * '\"Captive\",aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\| * 10,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,28,28,28,28,28,-128\|0\|1' * *

Eg, A high quality, unmetered network with any bssid: * $ adb shell dumpsys activity service NetworkRecommendationService addScore \ * '\"AnySsid\",00:00:00:00:00:00\| * 10,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,-128,29,29,29,29,29,-128\|0\|0' */ @VisibleForTesting public class DefaultNetworkRecommendationProvider extends NetworkRecommendationProvider implements SynchronousNetworkRecommendationProvider { static final String TAG = "DefaultNetRecProvider"; private static final String WILDCARD_MAC = "00:00:00:00:00:00"; /** * The lowest RSSI value at which a fixed score should apply. * Only used for development / testing purpose. */ @VisibleForTesting static final int CONSTANT_CURVE_START = -150; @VisibleForTesting static final RssiCurve BADGE_CURVE_SD = new RssiCurve( CONSTANT_CURVE_START, 10 /* bucketWidth */, new byte[] {0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10}, 0 /* defaultActiveNetworkBoost */); @VisibleForTesting static final RssiCurve BADGE_CURVE_HD = new RssiCurve( CONSTANT_CURVE_START, 10 /* bucketWidth */, new byte[] {0, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20}, 0 /* defaultActiveNetworkBoost */); @VisibleForTesting static final RssiCurve BADGE_CURVE_4K = new RssiCurve( CONSTANT_CURVE_START, 10 /* bucketWidth */, new byte[] {0, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30}, 0 /* defaultActiveNetworkBoost */); private final NetworkScoreManager mScoreManager; private final ScoreStorage mStorage; private final Object mStatsLock = new Object(); @GuardedBy("mStatsLock") private int mRecommendationCounter = 0; @GuardedBy("mStatsLock") private WifiConfiguration mLastRecommended = null; @GuardedBy("mStatsLock") private int mScoreCounter = 0; public DefaultNetworkRecommendationProvider(Context context, Executor executor, NetworkScoreManager scoreManager, ScoreStorage storage) { super(context, executor); mScoreManager = scoreManager; mStorage = storage; } /** * Recommend the wireless network with the highest RSSI and run * {@link ResultCallback#onResult(RecommendationResult)}. */ @Override public void onRequestRecommendation(RecommendationRequest request, ResultCallback callback) { callback.onResult(requestRecommendation(request)); } @Override /** Recommend the wireless network with the highest RSSI. */ public RecommendationResult requestRecommendation(RecommendationRequest request) { ScanResult recommendedScanResult = null; int recommendedScore = Integer.MIN_VALUE; ScanResult[] results = request.getScanResults(); if (results != null) { for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { final ScanResult scanResult = results[i]; Blog.v(TAG, "Scan: " + scanResult + " " + i); // We only want to recommend open networks. This check is taken from // places like WifiNotificationController and will be extracted to ScanResult in // a future CL. if (!"[ESS]".equals(scanResult.capabilities)) { Blog.v(TAG, "Discarding closed network: " + scanResult); continue; } final NetworkKey networkKey = new NetworkKey( new WifiKey(SsidUtil.quoteSsid(scanResult.SSID), scanResult.BSSID)); Blog.v(TAG, "Evaluating network: " + networkKey); // We will only score networks we know about. final ScoredNetwork network = mStorage.get(networkKey); if (network == null) { Blog.v(TAG, "Discarding unscored network: " + scanResult); continue; } final int score = network.rssiCurve.lookupScore(scanResult.level); Blog.v(TAG, "Scored " + scanResult + ": " + score); if (score > recommendedScore) { recommendedScanResult = scanResult; recommendedScore = score; Blog.v(TAG, "New recommended network: " + scanResult); continue; } } } else { Blog.w(TAG, "Received null scan results in request."); } // If we ended up without a recommendation, recommend the provided configuration // instead. If we wanted the platform to avoid this network, too, we could send back an // empty recommendation. RecommendationResult recommendationResult; if (recommendedScanResult == null) { if (request.getDefaultWifiConfig() != null) { recommendationResult = RecommendationResult .createConnectRecommendation(request.getDefaultWifiConfig()); } else { recommendationResult = RecommendationResult.createDoNotConnectRecommendation(); } } else { // Build a configuration based on the scan. WifiConfiguration recommendedConfig = new WifiConfiguration(); recommendedConfig.SSID = SsidUtil.quoteSsid(recommendedScanResult.SSID); recommendedConfig.BSSID = recommendedScanResult.BSSID; recommendedConfig.allowedKeyManagement.set(WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.NONE); recommendationResult = RecommendationResult .createConnectRecommendation(recommendedConfig); } synchronized (mStatsLock) { mLastRecommended = recommendationResult.getWifiConfiguration(); mRecommendationCounter++; Blog.d(TAG, "Recommending network: " + configToString(mLastRecommended)); } return recommendationResult; } /** Score networks based on a few properties ... */ @Override public void onRequestScores(NetworkKey[] networks) { synchronized (mStatsLock) { mScoreCounter++; } List scoredNetworks = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < networks.length; i++) { NetworkKey key = networks[i]; // Score a network if we know about it. ScoredNetwork scoredNetwork = mStorage.get(key); if (scoredNetwork != null) { scoredNetworks.add(scoredNetwork); continue; } // We only want to score wifi networks at the moment. if (key.type != NetworkKey.TYPE_WIFI) { scoredNetworks.add(new ScoredNetwork(key, null, false /* meteredHint */)); continue; } // We don't know about this network, even though its a wifi network. Inject // an empty score to satisfy the cache. scoredNetworks.add(new ScoredNetwork(key, null, false /* meteredHint */)); continue; } if (scoredNetworks.isEmpty()) { return; } Blog.d(TAG, "Scored networks: " + scoredNetworks); safelyUpdateScores(scoredNetworks.toArray(new ScoredNetwork[scoredNetworks.size()])); } void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if ("clear".equals(args[i])) { i++; clearScoresForTest(); writer.println("Clearing store"); return; } else if ("addScore".equals(args[i])) { i++; ScoredNetwork scoredNetwork = parseScore(args[i]); addScoreForTest(scoredNetwork); writer.println("Added: " + scoredNetwork); return; } else { writer.println("Unrecognized command: " + args[i]); } } mStorage.dump(fd, writer, args); synchronized (mStatsLock) { writer.println("Recommendation requests: " + mRecommendationCounter); writer.println("Last Recommended: " + configToString(mLastRecommended)); writer.println("Score requests: " + mScoreCounter); } } @VisibleForTesting void addScoreForTest(ScoredNetwork scoredNetwork) { mStorage.addScore(scoredNetwork); if (!WILDCARD_MAC.equals(scoredNetwork.networkKey.wifiKey.bssid)) { safelyUpdateScores(new ScoredNetwork[]{scoredNetwork}); } } @VisibleForTesting void clearScoresForTest() { mStorage.clear(); safelyClearScores(); } private void safelyUpdateScores(ScoredNetwork[] networkScores) { // Depending on races, etc, we might be alive when not the active scorer. Safely catch // and ignore security exceptions try { mScoreManager.updateScores(networkScores); } catch (SecurityException e) { Blog.w(TAG, "Tried to update scores when not the active scorer."); } } private void safelyClearScores() { // Depending on races, etc, we might be alive when not the active scorer. Safely catch // and ignore security exceptions try { mScoreManager.clearScores(); } catch (SecurityException e) { Blog.w(TAG, "Tried to update scores when not the active scorer."); } } private static ScoredNetwork parseScore(String score) { String[] splitScore = score.split("\\|"); String[] splitWifiKey = splitScore[0].split(","); NetworkKey networkKey = new NetworkKey(new WifiKey(splitWifiKey[0], splitWifiKey[1])); String[] splitRssiCurve = splitScore[1].split(","); int bucketWidth = Integer.parseInt(splitRssiCurve[0]); byte[] rssiBuckets = new byte[splitRssiCurve.length - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < splitRssiCurve.length; i++) { rssiBuckets[i - 1] = Integer.valueOf(splitRssiCurve[i]).byteValue(); } boolean meteredHint = "1".equals(splitScore[2]); Bundle attributes = new Bundle(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(splitScore[3])) { attributes.putBoolean( ScoredNetwork.ATTRIBUTES_KEY_HAS_CAPTIVE_PORTAL, "1".equals(splitScore[3])); } if (splitScore.length > 4) { String badge = splitScore[4].toUpperCase(); if ("SD".equals(badge)) { attributes.putParcelable( ScoredNetwork.ATTRIBUTES_KEY_BADGING_CURVE, BADGE_CURVE_SD); } else if ("HD".equals(badge)) { attributes.putParcelable( ScoredNetwork.ATTRIBUTES_KEY_BADGING_CURVE, BADGE_CURVE_HD); } else if ("4K".equals(badge)) { attributes.putParcelable( ScoredNetwork.ATTRIBUTES_KEY_BADGING_CURVE, BADGE_CURVE_4K); } } RssiCurve rssiCurve = new RssiCurve(CONSTANT_CURVE_START, bucketWidth, rssiBuckets, 0); return new ScoredNetwork(networkKey, rssiCurve, meteredHint, attributes); } /** Print a shorter config string, for dumpsys. */ private static String configToString(WifiConfiguration config) { if (config == null) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() .append("ID=").append(config.networkId) .append(",SSID=").append(config.SSID) .append(",useExternalScores=").append(config.useExternalScores) .append(",meteredHint=").append(config.meteredHint); return sb.toString(); } /** Stores scores about networks. Initial implementation is in-memory-only. */ @VisibleForTesting static class ScoreStorage { @GuardedBy("mScores") private final ArrayMap mScores = new ArrayMap<>(); /** * Store a score in storage. * * @param scoredNetwork the network to score. * If {@code scoredNetwork.networkKey.wifiKey.bssid} is "00:00:00:00:00:00", treat this * score as applying to any bssid with the provided ssid. */ public void addScore(ScoredNetwork scoredNetwork) { Blog.d(TAG, "addScore: " + scoredNetwork); synchronized (mScores) { mScores.put(scoredNetwork.networkKey, scoredNetwork); } } public ScoredNetwork get(NetworkKey key) { synchronized (mScores) { // Try to find a score for the requested bssid. ScoredNetwork scoredNetwork = mScores.get(key); if (scoredNetwork != null) { return scoredNetwork; } // Try to find a score for a wildcard ssid. NetworkKey wildcardKey = new NetworkKey( new WifiKey(key.wifiKey.ssid, WILDCARD_MAC)); scoredNetwork = mScores.get(wildcardKey); if (scoredNetwork != null) { // If the fetched score was a wildcard score, construct a synthetic score // for the requested bssid and return it. return new ScoredNetwork( key, scoredNetwork.rssiCurve, scoredNetwork.meteredHint, scoredNetwork.attributes); } return null; } } public void clear() { synchronized (mScores) { mScores.clear(); } } public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { synchronized (mScores) { for (ScoredNetwork score : mScores.values()) { writer.println(score); } } } } @Override public ScoredNetwork getCachedScoredNetwork(NetworkKey networkKey) { return mStorage.get(networkKey); } }