2 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17#include "assembler_arm.h"
19#include <algorithm>
21#include "base/bit_utils.h"
22#include "base/logging.h"
23#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
24#include "offsets.h"
25#include "thread.h"
27namespace art {
28namespace arm {
30const char* kRegisterNames[] = {
31  "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10",
32  "fp", "ip", "sp", "lr", "pc"
35const char* kConditionNames[] = {
36  "EQ", "NE", "CS", "CC", "MI", "PL", "VS", "VC", "HI", "LS", "GE", "LT", "GT",
37  "LE", "AL",
40std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Register& rhs) {
41  if (rhs >= R0 && rhs <= PC) {
42    os << kRegisterNames[rhs];
43  } else {
44    os << "Register[" << static_cast<int>(rhs) << "]";
45  }
46  return os;
50std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SRegister& rhs) {
51  if (rhs >= S0 && rhs < kNumberOfSRegisters) {
52    os << "s" << static_cast<int>(rhs);
53  } else {
54    os << "SRegister[" << static_cast<int>(rhs) << "]";
55  }
56  return os;
60std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DRegister& rhs) {
61  if (rhs >= D0 && rhs < kNumberOfDRegisters) {
62    os << "d" << static_cast<int>(rhs);
63  } else {
64    os << "DRegister[" << static_cast<int>(rhs) << "]";
65  }
66  return os;
69std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Condition& rhs) {
70  if (rhs >= EQ && rhs <= AL) {
71    os << kConditionNames[rhs];
72  } else {
73    os << "Condition[" << static_cast<int>(rhs) << "]";
74  }
75  return os;
78ShifterOperand::ShifterOperand(uint32_t immed)
79    : type_(kImmediate), rm_(kNoRegister), rs_(kNoRegister),
80      is_rotate_(false), is_shift_(false), shift_(kNoShift), rotate_(0), immed_(immed) {
81  CHECK(immed < (1u << 12) || ArmAssembler::ModifiedImmediate(immed) != kInvalidModifiedImmediate);
85uint32_t ShifterOperand::encodingArm() const {
86  CHECK(is_valid());
87  switch (type_) {
88    case kImmediate:
89      if (is_rotate_) {
90        return (rotate_ << kRotateShift) | (immed_ << kImmed8Shift);
91      } else {
92        return immed_;
93      }
94    case kRegister:
95      if (is_shift_) {
96        uint32_t shift_type;
97        switch (shift_) {
98          case arm::Shift::ROR:
99            shift_type = static_cast<uint32_t>(shift_);
100            CHECK_NE(immed_, 0U);
101            break;
102          case arm::Shift::RRX:
103            shift_type = static_cast<uint32_t>(arm::Shift::ROR);  // Same encoding as ROR.
104            CHECK_EQ(immed_, 0U);
105            break;
106          default:
107            shift_type = static_cast<uint32_t>(shift_);
108        }
109        // Shifted immediate or register.
110        if (rs_ == kNoRegister) {
111          // Immediate shift.
112          return immed_ << kShiftImmShift |
113                          shift_type << kShiftShift |
114                          static_cast<uint32_t>(rm_);
115        } else {
116          // Register shift.
117          return static_cast<uint32_t>(rs_) << kShiftRegisterShift |
118              shift_type << kShiftShift | (1 << 4) |
119              static_cast<uint32_t>(rm_);
120        }
121      } else {
122        // Simple register
123        return static_cast<uint32_t>(rm_);
124      }
125    default:
126      // Can't get here.
127      LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid shifter operand for ARM";
128      return 0;
129  }
132uint32_t ShifterOperand::encodingThumb() const {
133  switch (type_) {
134    case kImmediate:
135      return immed_;
136    case kRegister:
137      if (is_shift_) {
138        // Shifted immediate or register.
139        if (rs_ == kNoRegister) {
140          // Immediate shift.
141          if (shift_ == RRX) {
142            DCHECK_EQ(immed_, 0u);
143            // RRX is encoded as an ROR with imm 0.
144            return ROR << 4 | static_cast<uint32_t>(rm_);
145          } else {
146            DCHECK((1 <= immed_ && immed_ <= 31) ||
147                   (immed_ == 0u && shift_ == LSL) ||
148                   (immed_ == 32u && (shift_ == ASR || shift_ == LSR)));
149            uint32_t imm3 = (immed_ >> 2) & 7 /* 0b111*/;
150            uint32_t imm2 = immed_ & 3U /* 0b11 */;
152            return imm3 << 12 | imm2 << 6 | shift_ << 4 |
153                static_cast<uint32_t>(rm_);
154          }
155        } else {
156          LOG(FATAL) << "No register-shifted register instruction available in thumb";
157          return 0;
158        }
159      } else {
160        // Simple register
161        return static_cast<uint32_t>(rm_);
162      }
163    default:
164      // Can't get here.
165      LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid shifter operand for thumb";
166      UNREACHABLE();
167  }
170uint32_t Address::encodingArm() const {
171  CHECK(IsAbsoluteUint<12>(offset_));
172  uint32_t encoding;
173  if (is_immed_offset_) {
174    if (offset_ < 0) {
175      encoding = (am_ ^ (1 << kUShift)) | -offset_;  // Flip U to adjust sign.
176    } else {
177      encoding =  am_ | offset_;
178    }
179  } else {
180    uint32_t shift = shift_;
181    if (shift == RRX) {
182      CHECK_EQ(offset_, 0);
183      shift = ROR;
184    }
185    encoding = am_ | static_cast<uint32_t>(rm_) | shift << 5 | offset_ << 7 | B25;
186  }
187  encoding |= static_cast<uint32_t>(rn_) << kRnShift;
188  return encoding;
192uint32_t Address::encodingThumb(bool is_32bit) const {
193  uint32_t encoding = 0;
194  if (is_immed_offset_) {
195    encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(rn_) << 16;
196    // Check for the T3/T4 encoding.
197    // PUW must Offset for T3
198    // Convert ARM PU0W to PUW
199    // The Mode is in ARM encoding format which is:
200    // |P|U|0|W|
201    // we need this in thumb2 mode:
202    // |P|U|W|
204    uint32_t am = am_;
205    int32_t offset = offset_;
206    if (offset < 0) {
207      am ^= 1 << kUShift;
208      offset = -offset;
209    }
210    if (offset_ < 0 || (offset >= 0 && offset < 256 &&
211        am_ != Mode::Offset)) {
212      // T4 encoding.
213      uint32_t PUW = am >> 21;   // Move down to bottom of word.
214      PUW = (PUW >> 1) | (PUW & 1);   // Bits 3, 2 and 0.
215      // If P is 0 then W must be 1 (Different from ARM).
216      if ((PUW & 4U /* 0b100 */) == 0) {
217        PUW |= 1U /* 0b1 */;
218      }
219      encoding |= B11 | PUW << 8 | offset;
220    } else {
221      // T3 encoding (also sets op1 to 0b01).
222      encoding |= B23 | offset_;
223    }
224  } else {
225    // Register offset, possibly shifted.
226    // Need to choose between encoding T1 (16 bit) or T2.
227    // Only Offset mode is supported.  Shift must be LSL and the count
228    // is only 2 bits.
229    CHECK_EQ(shift_, LSL);
230    CHECK_LE(offset_, 4);
231    CHECK_EQ(am_, Offset);
232    bool is_t2 = is_32bit;
233    if (ArmAssembler::IsHighRegister(rn_) || ArmAssembler::IsHighRegister(rm_)) {
234      is_t2 = true;
235    } else if (offset_ != 0) {
236      is_t2 = true;
237    }
238    if (is_t2) {
239      encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(rn_) << 16 | static_cast<uint32_t>(rm_) |
240          offset_ << 4;
241    } else {
242      encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(rn_) << 3 | static_cast<uint32_t>(rm_) << 6;
243    }
244  }
245  return encoding;
248// This is very like the ARM encoding except the offset is 10 bits.
249uint32_t Address::encodingThumbLdrdStrd() const {
250  DCHECK(IsImmediate());
251  uint32_t encoding;
252  uint32_t am = am_;
253  // If P is 0 then W must be 1 (Different from ARM).
254  uint32_t PU1W = am_ >> 21;   // Move down to bottom of word.
255  if ((PU1W & 8U /* 0b1000 */) == 0) {
256    am |= 1 << 21;      // Set W bit.
257  }
258  if (offset_ < 0) {
259    int32_t off = -offset_;
260    CHECK_LT(off, 1024);
261    CHECK_ALIGNED(off, 4);
262    encoding = (am ^ (1 << kUShift)) | off >> 2;  // Flip U to adjust sign.
263  } else {
264    CHECK_LT(offset_, 1024);
265    CHECK_ALIGNED(offset_, 4);
266    encoding =  am | offset_ >> 2;
267  }
268  encoding |= static_cast<uint32_t>(rn_) << 16;
269  return encoding;
272// Encoding for ARM addressing mode 3.
273uint32_t Address::encoding3() const {
274  const uint32_t offset_mask = (1 << 12) - 1;
275  uint32_t encoding = encodingArm();
276  uint32_t offset = encoding & offset_mask;
277  CHECK_LT(offset, 256u);
278  return (encoding & ~offset_mask) | ((offset & 0xf0) << 4) | (offset & 0xf);
281// Encoding for vfp load/store addressing.
282uint32_t Address::vencoding() const {
283  CHECK(IsAbsoluteUint<10>(offset_));  // In the range -1020 to +1020.
284  CHECK_ALIGNED(offset_, 2);  // Multiple of 4.
286  const uint32_t offset_mask = (1 << 12) - 1;
287  uint32_t encoding = encodingArm();
288  uint32_t offset = encoding & offset_mask;
289  CHECK((am_ == Offset) || (am_ == NegOffset));
290  uint32_t vencoding_value = (encoding & (0xf << kRnShift)) | (offset >> 2);
291  if (am_ == Offset) {
292    vencoding_value |= 1 << 23;
293  }
294  return vencoding_value;
298bool Address::CanHoldLoadOffsetArm(LoadOperandType type, int offset) {
299  switch (type) {
300    case kLoadSignedByte:
301    case kLoadSignedHalfword:
302    case kLoadUnsignedHalfword:
303    case kLoadWordPair:
304      return IsAbsoluteUint<8>(offset);  // Addressing mode 3.
305    case kLoadUnsignedByte:
306    case kLoadWord:
307      return IsAbsoluteUint<12>(offset);  // Addressing mode 2.
308    case kLoadSWord:
309    case kLoadDWord:
310      return IsAbsoluteUint<10>(offset);  // VFP addressing mode.
311    default:
313      UNREACHABLE();
314  }
318bool Address::CanHoldStoreOffsetArm(StoreOperandType type, int offset) {
319  switch (type) {
320    case kStoreHalfword:
321    case kStoreWordPair:
322      return IsAbsoluteUint<8>(offset);  // Addressing mode 3.
323    case kStoreByte:
324    case kStoreWord:
325      return IsAbsoluteUint<12>(offset);  // Addressing mode 2.
326    case kStoreSWord:
327    case kStoreDWord:
328      return IsAbsoluteUint<10>(offset);  // VFP addressing mode.
329    default:
331      UNREACHABLE();
332  }
335bool Address::CanHoldLoadOffsetThumb(LoadOperandType type, int offset) {
336  switch (type) {
337    case kLoadSignedByte:
338    case kLoadSignedHalfword:
339    case kLoadUnsignedHalfword:
340    case kLoadUnsignedByte:
341    case kLoadWord:
342      return IsAbsoluteUint<12>(offset);
343    case kLoadSWord:
344    case kLoadDWord:
345      return IsAbsoluteUint<10>(offset) && (offset & 3) == 0;  // VFP addressing mode.
346    case kLoadWordPair:
347      return IsAbsoluteUint<10>(offset) && (offset & 3) == 0;
348    default:
350      UNREACHABLE();
351  }
355bool Address::CanHoldStoreOffsetThumb(StoreOperandType type, int offset) {
356  switch (type) {
357    case kStoreHalfword:
358    case kStoreByte:
359    case kStoreWord:
360      return IsAbsoluteUint<12>(offset);
361    case kStoreSWord:
362    case kStoreDWord:
363      return IsAbsoluteUint<10>(offset) && (offset & 3) == 0;  // VFP addressing mode.
364    case kStoreWordPair:
365      return IsAbsoluteUint<10>(offset) && (offset & 3) == 0;
366    default:
368      UNREACHABLE();
369  }
372void ArmAssembler::Pad(uint32_t bytes) {
373  AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
374  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bytes; ++i) {
375    buffer_.Emit<uint8_t>(0);
376  }
379static int LeadingZeros(uint32_t val) {
380  uint32_t alt;
381  int32_t n;
382  int32_t count;
384  count = 16;
385  n = 32;
386  do {
387    alt = val >> count;
388    if (alt != 0) {
389      n = n - count;
390      val = alt;
391    }
392    count >>= 1;
393  } while (count);
394  return n - val;
398uint32_t ArmAssembler::ModifiedImmediate(uint32_t value) {
399  int32_t z_leading;
400  int32_t z_trailing;
401  uint32_t b0 = value & 0xff;
403  /* Note: case of value==0 must use 0:000:0:0000000 encoding */
404  if (value <= 0xFF)
405    return b0;  // 0:000:a:bcdefgh.
406  if (value == ((b0 << 16) | b0))
407    return (0x1 << 12) | b0; /* 0:001:a:bcdefgh */
408  if (value == ((b0 << 24) | (b0 << 16) | (b0 << 8) | b0))
409    return (0x3 << 12) | b0; /* 0:011:a:bcdefgh */
410  b0 = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
411  if (value == ((b0 << 24) | (b0 << 8)))
412    return (0x2 << 12) | b0; /* 0:010:a:bcdefgh */
413  /* Can we do it with rotation? */
414  z_leading = LeadingZeros(value);
415  z_trailing = 32 - LeadingZeros(~value & (value - 1));
416  /* A run of eight or fewer active bits? */
417  if ((z_leading + z_trailing) < 24)
418    return kInvalidModifiedImmediate;  /* No - bail */
419  /* left-justify the constant, discarding msb (known to be 1) */
420  value <<= z_leading + 1;
421  /* Create bcdefgh */
422  value >>= 25;
424  /* Put it all together */
425  uint32_t v = 8 + z_leading;
427  uint32_t i = (v & 16U /* 0b10000 */) >> 4;
428  uint32_t imm3 = (v >> 1) & 7U /* 0b111 */;
429  uint32_t a = v & 1;
430  return value | i << 26 | imm3 << 12 | a << 7;
433void ArmAssembler::FinalizeTrackedLabels() {
434  if (!tracked_labels_.empty()) {
435    // This array should be sorted, as assembly is generated in linearized order. It isn't
436    // technically required, but GetAdjustedPosition() used in AdjustLabelPosition() can take
437    // advantage of it. So ensure that it's actually the case.
438    DCHECK(std::is_sorted(
439        tracked_labels_.begin(),
440        tracked_labels_.end(),
441        [](const Label* lhs, const Label* rhs) { return lhs->Position() < rhs->Position(); }));
443    Label* last_label = nullptr;  // Track duplicates, we must not adjust twice.
444    for (Label* label : tracked_labels_) {
445      DCHECK_NE(label, last_label);
446      AdjustLabelPosition(label);
447      last_label = label;
448    }
449  }
452}  // namespace arm
453}  // namespace art