ThreadSafety.cpp revision a1fa47139d6e9e7dcc40f2809605d1a258624e7f
1//===- ThreadSafety.cpp ----------------------------------------*- C++ --*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// A intra-procedural analysis for thread safety (e.g. deadlocks and race
11// conditions), based off of an annotation system.
13// See for more
14// information.
18#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafety.h"
19#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/PostOrderCFGView.h"
20#include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h"
21#include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
22#include "clang/Analysis/CFGStmtMap.h"
23#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
24#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
25#include "clang/AST/StmtCXX.h"
26#include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
27#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
28#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
29#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.h"
30#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
31#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
32#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableMap.h"
33#include "llvm/ADT/PostOrderIterator.h"
34#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
35#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
36#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
37#include <algorithm>
38#include <utility>
39#include <vector>
41using namespace clang;
42using namespace thread_safety;
44// Key method definition
45ThreadSafetyHandler::~ThreadSafetyHandler() {}
47namespace {
49/// \brief A MutexID object uniquely identifies a particular mutex, and
50/// is built from an Expr* (i.e. calling a lock function).
52/// Thread-safety analysis works by comparing lock expressions.  Within the
53/// body of a function, an expression such as "x->foo->" will resolve to
54/// a particular mutex object at run-time.  Subsequent occurrences of the same
55/// expression (where "same" means syntactic equality) will refer to the same
56/// run-time object if three conditions hold:
57/// (1) Local variables in the expression, such as "x" have not changed.
58/// (2) Values on the heap that affect the expression have not changed.
59/// (3) The expression involves only pure function calls.
61/// The current implementation assumes, but does not verify, that multiple uses
62/// of the same lock expression satisfies these criteria.
64/// Clang introduces an additional wrinkle, which is that it is difficult to
65/// derive canonical expressions, or compare expressions directly for equality.
66/// Thus, we identify a mutex not by an Expr, but by the list of named
67/// declarations that are referenced by the Expr.  In other words,
68/// x->foo-> will be a four element vector with the Decls for
69/// mu, bar, and foo, and x.  The vector will uniquely identify the expression
70/// for all practical purposes.  Null is used to denote 'this'.
72/// Note we will need to perform substitution on "this" and function parameter
73/// names when constructing a lock expression.
75/// For example:
76/// class C { Mutex Mu;  void lock() EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(this->Mu); };
77/// void myFunc(C *X) { ... X->lock() ... }
78/// The original expression for the mutex acquired by myFunc is "this->Mu", but
79/// "X" is substituted for "this" so we get X->Mu();
81/// For another example:
82/// foo(MyList *L) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(L->Mu) { ... }
83/// MyList *MyL;
84/// foo(MyL);  // requires lock MyL->Mu to be held
85class MutexID {
86  SmallVector<NamedDecl*, 2> DeclSeq;
88  /// \brief Encapsulates the lexical context of a function call.  The lexical
89  /// context includes the arguments to the call, including the implicit object
90  /// argument.  When an attribute containing a mutex expression is attached to
91  /// a method, the expression may refer to formal parameters of the method.
92  /// Actual arguments must be substituted for formal parameters to derive
93  /// the appropriate mutex expression in the lexical context where the function
94  /// is called.  PrevCtx holds the context in which the arguments themselves
95  /// should be evaluated; multiple calling contexts can be chained together
96  /// by the lock_returned attribute.
97  struct CallingContext {
98    const NamedDecl* AttrDecl;  // The decl to which the attribute is attached.
99    Expr*            SelfArg;   // Implicit object argument -- e.g. 'this'
100    unsigned         NumArgs;   // Number of funArgs
101    Expr**           FunArgs;   // Function arguments
102    CallingContext*  PrevCtx;   // The previous context; or 0 if none.
104    CallingContext(const NamedDecl* D = 0, Expr* S = 0,
105                   unsigned N = 0, Expr** A = 0, CallingContext* P = 0)
106      : AttrDecl(D), SelfArg(S), NumArgs(N), FunArgs(A), PrevCtx(P)
107    { }
108  };
110  /// Build a Decl sequence representing the lock from the given expression.
111  /// Recursive function that terminates on DeclRefExpr.
112  /// Note: this function merely creates a MutexID; it does not check to
113  /// ensure that the original expression is a valid mutex expression.
114  void buildMutexID(Expr *Exp, CallingContext* CallCtx) {
115    if (!Exp) {
116      DeclSeq.clear();
117      return;
118    }
120    if (DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(Exp)) {
121      NamedDecl *ND = cast<NamedDecl>(DRE->getDecl()->getCanonicalDecl());
122      ParmVarDecl *PV = dyn_cast_or_null<ParmVarDecl>(ND);
123      if (PV) {
124        FunctionDecl *FD =
125          cast<FunctionDecl>(PV->getDeclContext())->getCanonicalDecl();
126        unsigned i = PV->getFunctionScopeIndex();
128        if (CallCtx && CallCtx->FunArgs &&
129            FD == CallCtx->AttrDecl->getCanonicalDecl()) {
130          // Substitute call arguments for references to function parameters
131          assert(i < CallCtx->NumArgs);
132          buildMutexID(CallCtx->FunArgs[i], CallCtx->PrevCtx);
133          return;
134        }
135        // Map the param back to the param of the original function declaration.
136        DeclSeq.push_back(FD->getParamDecl(i));
137        return;
138      }
139      // Not a function parameter -- just store the reference.
140      DeclSeq.push_back(ND);
141    } else if (isa<CXXThisExpr>(Exp)) {
142      // Substitute parent for 'this'
143      if (CallCtx && CallCtx->SelfArg)
144        buildMutexID(CallCtx->SelfArg, CallCtx->PrevCtx);
145      else {
146        DeclSeq.push_back(0);  // Use 0 to represent 'this'.
147        return;  // mutexID is still valid in this case
148      }
149    } else if (MemberExpr *ME = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(Exp)) {
150      NamedDecl *ND = ME->getMemberDecl();
151      DeclSeq.push_back(ND);
152      buildMutexID(ME->getBase(), CallCtx);
153    } else if (CXXMemberCallExpr *CMCE = dyn_cast<CXXMemberCallExpr>(Exp)) {
154      // When calling a function with a lock_returned attribute, replace
155      // the function call with the expression in lock_returned.
156      if (LockReturnedAttr* At =
157            CMCE->getMethodDecl()->getAttr<LockReturnedAttr>()) {
158        CallingContext LRCallCtx(CMCE->getMethodDecl());
159        LRCallCtx.SelfArg = CMCE->getImplicitObjectArgument();
160        LRCallCtx.NumArgs = CMCE->getNumArgs();
161        LRCallCtx.FunArgs = CMCE->getArgs();
162        LRCallCtx.PrevCtx = CallCtx;
163        buildMutexID(At->getArg(), &LRCallCtx);
164        return;
165      }
166      // Hack to treat smart pointers and iterators as pointers;
167      // ignore any method named get().
168      if (CMCE->getMethodDecl()->getNameAsString() == "get" &&
169          CMCE->getNumArgs() == 0) {
170        buildMutexID(CMCE->getImplicitObjectArgument(), CallCtx);
171        return;
172      }
173      DeclSeq.push_back(CMCE->getMethodDecl()->getCanonicalDecl());
174      buildMutexID(CMCE->getImplicitObjectArgument(), CallCtx);
175      unsigned NumCallArgs = CMCE->getNumArgs();
176      Expr** CallArgs = CMCE->getArgs();
177      for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumCallArgs; ++i) {
178        buildMutexID(CallArgs[i], CallCtx);
179      }
180    } else if (CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(Exp)) {
181      if (LockReturnedAttr* At =
182            CE->getDirectCallee()->getAttr<LockReturnedAttr>()) {
183        CallingContext LRCallCtx(CE->getDirectCallee());
184        LRCallCtx.NumArgs = CE->getNumArgs();
185        LRCallCtx.FunArgs = CE->getArgs();
186        LRCallCtx.PrevCtx = CallCtx;
187        buildMutexID(At->getArg(), &LRCallCtx);
188        return;
189      }
190      // Treat smart pointers and iterators as pointers;
191      // ignore the * and -> operators.
192      if (CXXOperatorCallExpr *OE = dyn_cast<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(CE)) {
193        OverloadedOperatorKind k = OE->getOperator();
194        if (k == OO_Arrow || k == OO_Star) {
195          buildMutexID(OE->getArg(0), CallCtx);
196          return;
197        }
198      }
199      buildMutexID(CE->getCallee(), CallCtx);
200      unsigned NumCallArgs = CE->getNumArgs();
201      Expr** CallArgs = CE->getArgs();
202      for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumCallArgs; ++i) {
203        buildMutexID(CallArgs[i], CallCtx);
204      }
205    } else if (BinaryOperator *BOE = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Exp)) {
206      buildMutexID(BOE->getLHS(), CallCtx);
207      buildMutexID(BOE->getRHS(), CallCtx);
208    } else if (UnaryOperator *UOE = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(Exp)) {
209      buildMutexID(UOE->getSubExpr(), CallCtx);
210    } else if (ArraySubscriptExpr *ASE = dyn_cast<ArraySubscriptExpr>(Exp)) {
211      buildMutexID(ASE->getBase(), CallCtx);
212      buildMutexID(ASE->getIdx(), CallCtx);
213    } else if (AbstractConditionalOperator *CE =
214                 dyn_cast<AbstractConditionalOperator>(Exp)) {
215      buildMutexID(CE->getCond(), CallCtx);
216      buildMutexID(CE->getTrueExpr(), CallCtx);
217      buildMutexID(CE->getFalseExpr(), CallCtx);
218    } else if (ChooseExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ChooseExpr>(Exp)) {
219      buildMutexID(CE->getCond(), CallCtx);
220      buildMutexID(CE->getLHS(), CallCtx);
221      buildMutexID(CE->getRHS(), CallCtx);
222    } else if (CastExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CastExpr>(Exp)) {
223      buildMutexID(CE->getSubExpr(), CallCtx);
224    } else if (ParenExpr *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(Exp)) {
225      buildMutexID(PE->getSubExpr(), CallCtx);
226    } else if (ExprWithCleanups *EWC = dyn_cast<ExprWithCleanups>(Exp)) {
227      buildMutexID(EWC->getSubExpr(), CallCtx);
228    } else if (CXXBindTemporaryExpr *E = dyn_cast<CXXBindTemporaryExpr>(Exp)) {
229      buildMutexID(E->getSubExpr(), CallCtx);
230    } else if (isa<CharacterLiteral>(Exp) ||
231               isa<CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr>(Exp) ||
232               isa<GNUNullExpr>(Exp) ||
233               isa<CXXBoolLiteralExpr>(Exp) ||
234               isa<FloatingLiteral>(Exp) ||
235               isa<ImaginaryLiteral>(Exp) ||
236               isa<IntegerLiteral>(Exp) ||
237               isa<StringLiteral>(Exp) ||
238               isa<ObjCStringLiteral>(Exp)) {
239      return;  // FIXME: Ignore literals for now
240    } else {
241      // Ignore.  FIXME: mark as invalid expression?
242    }
243  }
245  /// \brief Construct a MutexID from an expression.
246  /// \param MutexExp The original mutex expression within an attribute
247  /// \param DeclExp An expression involving the Decl on which the attribute
248  ///        occurs.
249  /// \param D  The declaration to which the lock/unlock attribute is attached.
250  void buildMutexIDFromExp(Expr *MutexExp, Expr *DeclExp, const NamedDecl *D) {
251    CallingContext CallCtx(D);
253    // If we are processing a raw attribute expression, with no substitutions.
254    if (DeclExp == 0) {
255      buildMutexID(MutexExp, 0);
256      return;
257    }
259    // Examine DeclExp to find SelfArg and FunArgs, which are used to substitute
260    // for formal parameters when we call buildMutexID later.
261    if (MemberExpr *ME = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(DeclExp)) {
262      CallCtx.SelfArg = ME->getBase();
263    } else if (CXXMemberCallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CXXMemberCallExpr>(DeclExp)) {
264      CallCtx.SelfArg = CE->getImplicitObjectArgument();
265      CallCtx.NumArgs = CE->getNumArgs();
266      CallCtx.FunArgs = CE->getArgs();
267    } else if (CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(DeclExp)) {
268      CallCtx.NumArgs = CE->getNumArgs();
269      CallCtx.FunArgs = CE->getArgs();
270    } else if (CXXConstructExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(DeclExp)) {
271      CallCtx.SelfArg = 0;  // FIXME -- get the parent from DeclStmt
272      CallCtx.NumArgs = CE->getNumArgs();
273      CallCtx.FunArgs = CE->getArgs();
274    } else if (D && isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(D)) {
275      // There's no such thing as a "destructor call" in the AST.
276      CallCtx.SelfArg = DeclExp;
277    }
279    // If the attribute has no arguments, then assume the argument is "this".
280    if (MutexExp == 0) {
281      buildMutexID(CallCtx.SelfArg, 0);
282      return;
283    }
285    // For most attributes.
286    buildMutexID(MutexExp, &CallCtx);
287  }
290  explicit MutexID(clang::Decl::EmptyShell e) {
291    DeclSeq.clear();
292  }
294  /// \param MutexExp The original mutex expression within an attribute
295  /// \param DeclExp An expression involving the Decl on which the attribute
296  ///        occurs.
297  /// \param D  The declaration to which the lock/unlock attribute is attached.
298  /// Caller must check isValid() after construction.
299  MutexID(Expr* MutexExp, Expr *DeclExp, const NamedDecl* D) {
300    buildMutexIDFromExp(MutexExp, DeclExp, D);
301  }
303  /// Return true if this is a valid decl sequence.
304  /// Caller must call this by hand after construction to handle errors.
305  bool isValid() const {
306    return !DeclSeq.empty();
307  }
309  /// Issue a warning about an invalid lock expression
310  static void warnInvalidLock(ThreadSafetyHandler &Handler, Expr* MutexExp,
311                              Expr *DeclExp, const NamedDecl* D) {
312    SourceLocation Loc;
313    if (DeclExp)
314      Loc = DeclExp->getExprLoc();
316    // FIXME: add a note about the attribute location in MutexExp or D
317    if (Loc.isValid())
318      Handler.handleInvalidLockExp(Loc);
319  }
321  bool operator==(const MutexID &other) const {
322    return DeclSeq == other.DeclSeq;
323  }
325  bool operator!=(const MutexID &other) const {
326    return !(*this == other);
327  }
329  // SmallVector overloads Operator< to do lexicographic ordering. Note that
330  // we use pointer equality (and <) to compare NamedDecls. This means the order
331  // of MutexIDs in a lockset is nondeterministic. In order to output
332  // diagnostics in a deterministic ordering, we must order all diagnostics to
333  // output by SourceLocation when iterating through this lockset.
334  bool operator<(const MutexID &other) const {
335    return DeclSeq < other.DeclSeq;
336  }
338  /// \brief Returns the name of the first Decl in the list for a given MutexID;
339  /// e.g. the lock expression has name "bar".
340  /// The caret will point unambiguously to the lock expression, so using this
341  /// name in diagnostics is a way to get simple, and consistent, mutex names.
342  /// We do not want to output the entire expression text for security reasons.
343  std::string getName() const {
344    assert(isValid());
345    if (!DeclSeq.front())
346      return "this";  // Use 0 to represent 'this'.
347    return DeclSeq.front()->getNameAsString();
348  }
350  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
351    for (SmallVectorImpl<NamedDecl*>::const_iterator I = DeclSeq.begin(),
352         E = DeclSeq.end(); I != E; ++I) {
353      ID.AddPointer(*I);
354    }
355  }
359/// \brief A short list of MutexIDs
360class MutexIDList : public SmallVector<MutexID, 3> {
362  /// \brief Return true if the list contains the specified MutexID
363  /// Performs a linear search, because these lists are almost always very small.
364  bool contains(const MutexID& M) {
365    for (iterator I=begin(),E=end(); I != E; ++I)
366      if ((*I) == M) return true;
367    return false;
368  }
370  /// \brief Push M onto list, bud discard duplicates
371  void push_back_nodup(const MutexID& M) {
372    if (!contains(M)) push_back(M);
373  }
378/// \brief This is a helper class that stores info about the most recent
379/// accquire of a Lock.
381/// The main body of the analysis maps MutexIDs to LockDatas.
382struct LockData {
383  SourceLocation AcquireLoc;
385  /// \brief LKind stores whether a lock is held shared or exclusively.
386  /// Note that this analysis does not currently support either re-entrant
387  /// locking or lock "upgrading" and "downgrading" between exclusive and
388  /// shared.
389  ///
390  /// FIXME: add support for re-entrant locking and lock up/downgrading
391  LockKind LKind;
392  bool     Managed;            // for ScopedLockable objects
393  MutexID  UnderlyingMutex;    // for ScopedLockable objects
395  LockData(SourceLocation AcquireLoc, LockKind LKind, bool M = false)
396    : AcquireLoc(AcquireLoc), LKind(LKind), Managed(M),
397      UnderlyingMutex(Decl::EmptyShell())
398  {}
400  LockData(SourceLocation AcquireLoc, LockKind LKind, const MutexID &Mu)
401    : AcquireLoc(AcquireLoc), LKind(LKind), Managed(false),
402      UnderlyingMutex(Mu)
403  {}
405  bool operator==(const LockData &other) const {
406    return AcquireLoc == other.AcquireLoc && LKind == other.LKind;
407  }
409  bool operator!=(const LockData &other) const {
410    return !(*this == other);
411  }
413  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
414    ID.AddInteger(AcquireLoc.getRawEncoding());
415    ID.AddInteger(LKind);
416  }
420/// \brief A FactEntry stores a single fact that is known at a particular point
421/// in the program execution.  Currently, this is information regarding a lock
422/// that is held at that point.
423struct FactEntry {
424  MutexID  MutID;
425  LockData LDat;
427  FactEntry(const MutexID& M, const LockData& L)
428    : MutID(M), LDat(L)
429  { }
433typedef unsigned short FactID;
435/// \brief FactManager manages the memory for all facts that are created during
436/// the analysis of a single routine.
437class FactManager {
439  std::vector<FactEntry> Facts;
442  FactID newLock(const MutexID& M, const LockData& L) {
443    Facts.push_back(FactEntry(M,L));
444    return static_cast<unsigned short>(Facts.size() - 1);
445  }
447  const FactEntry& operator[](FactID F) const { return Facts[F]; }
448  FactEntry&       operator[](FactID F)       { return Facts[F]; }
452/// \brief A FactSet is the set of facts that are known to be true at a
453/// particular program point.  FactSets must be small, because they are
454/// frequently copied, and are thus implemented as a set of indices into a
455/// table maintained by a FactManager.  A typical FactSet only holds 1 or 2
456/// locks, so we can get away with doing a linear search for lookup.  Note
457/// that a hashtable or map is inappropriate in this case, because lookups
458/// may involve partial pattern matches, rather than exact matches.
459class FactSet {
461  typedef SmallVector<FactID, 4> FactVec;
463  FactVec FactIDs;
466  typedef FactVec::iterator       iterator;
467  typedef FactVec::const_iterator const_iterator;
469  iterator       begin()       { return FactIDs.begin(); }
470  const_iterator begin() const { return FactIDs.begin(); }
472  iterator       end()       { return FactIDs.end(); }
473  const_iterator end() const { return FactIDs.end(); }
475  bool isEmpty() const { return FactIDs.size() == 0; }
477  FactID addLock(FactManager& FM, const MutexID& M, const LockData& L) {
478    FactID F = FM.newLock(M, L);
479    FactIDs.push_back(F);
480    return F;
481  }
483  bool removeLock(FactManager& FM, const MutexID& M) {
484    unsigned n = FactIDs.size();
485    if (n == 0)
486      return false;
488    for (unsigned i = 0; i < n-1; ++i) {
489      if (FM[FactIDs[i]].MutID == M) {
490        FactIDs[i] = FactIDs[n-1];
491        FactIDs.pop_back();
492        return true;
493      }
494    }
495    if (FM[FactIDs[n-1]].MutID == M) {
496      FactIDs.pop_back();
497      return true;
498    }
499    return false;
500  }
502  LockData* findLock(FactManager& FM, const MutexID& M) const {
503    for (const_iterator I=begin(), E=end(); I != E; ++I) {
504      if (FM[*I].MutID == M) return &FM[*I].LDat;
505    }
506    return 0;
507  }
512/// A Lockset maps each MutexID (defined above) to information about how it has
513/// been locked.
514typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<MutexID, LockData> Lockset;
515typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<const NamedDecl*, unsigned> LocalVarContext;
517class LocalVariableMap;
519/// A side (entry or exit) of a CFG node.
520enum CFGBlockSide { CBS_Entry, CBS_Exit };
522/// CFGBlockInfo is a struct which contains all the information that is
523/// maintained for each block in the CFG.  See LocalVariableMap for more
524/// information about the contexts.
525struct CFGBlockInfo {
526  FactSet EntrySet;             // Lockset held at entry to block
527  FactSet ExitSet;              // Lockset held at exit from block
528  LocalVarContext EntryContext; // Context held at entry to block
529  LocalVarContext ExitContext;  // Context held at exit from block
530  SourceLocation EntryLoc;      // Location of first statement in block
531  SourceLocation ExitLoc;       // Location of last statement in block.
532  unsigned EntryIndex;          // Used to replay contexts later
534  const FactSet &getSet(CFGBlockSide Side) const {
535    return Side == CBS_Entry ? EntrySet : ExitSet;
536  }
537  SourceLocation getLocation(CFGBlockSide Side) const {
538    return Side == CBS_Entry ? EntryLoc : ExitLoc;
539  }
542  CFGBlockInfo(LocalVarContext EmptyCtx)
543    : EntryContext(EmptyCtx), ExitContext(EmptyCtx)
544  { }
547  static CFGBlockInfo getEmptyBlockInfo(LocalVariableMap &M);
552// A LocalVariableMap maintains a map from local variables to their currently
553// valid definitions.  It provides SSA-like functionality when traversing the
554// CFG.  Like SSA, each definition or assignment to a variable is assigned a
555// unique name (an integer), which acts as the SSA name for that definition.
556// The total set of names is shared among all CFG basic blocks.
557// Unlike SSA, we do not rewrite expressions to replace local variables declrefs
558// with their SSA-names.  Instead, we compute a Context for each point in the
559// code, which maps local variables to the appropriate SSA-name.  This map
560// changes with each assignment.
562// The map is computed in a single pass over the CFG.  Subsequent analyses can
563// then query the map to find the appropriate Context for a statement, and use
564// that Context to look up the definitions of variables.
565class LocalVariableMap {
567  typedef LocalVarContext Context;
569  /// A VarDefinition consists of an expression, representing the value of the
570  /// variable, along with the context in which that expression should be
571  /// interpreted.  A reference VarDefinition does not itself contain this
572  /// information, but instead contains a pointer to a previous VarDefinition.
573  struct VarDefinition {
574  public:
575    friend class LocalVariableMap;
577    const NamedDecl *Dec;  // The original declaration for this variable.
578    const Expr *Exp;       // The expression for this variable, OR
579    unsigned Ref;          // Reference to another VarDefinition
580    Context Ctx;           // The map with which Exp should be interpreted.
582    bool isReference() { return !Exp; }
584  private:
585    // Create ordinary variable definition
586    VarDefinition(const NamedDecl *D, const Expr *E, Context C)
587      : Dec(D), Exp(E), Ref(0), Ctx(C)
588    { }
590    // Create reference to previous definition
591    VarDefinition(const NamedDecl *D, unsigned R, Context C)
592      : Dec(D), Exp(0), Ref(R), Ctx(C)
593    { }
594  };
597  Context::Factory ContextFactory;
598  std::vector<VarDefinition> VarDefinitions;
599  std::vector<unsigned> CtxIndices;
600  std::vector<std::pair<Stmt*, Context> > SavedContexts;
603  LocalVariableMap() {
604    // index 0 is a placeholder for undefined variables (aka phi-nodes).
605    VarDefinitions.push_back(VarDefinition(0, 0u, getEmptyContext()));
606  }
608  /// Look up a definition, within the given context.
609  const VarDefinition* lookup(const NamedDecl *D, Context Ctx) {
610    const unsigned *i = Ctx.lookup(D);
611    if (!i)
612      return 0;
613    assert(*i < VarDefinitions.size());
614    return &VarDefinitions[*i];
615  }
617  /// Look up the definition for D within the given context.  Returns
618  /// NULL if the expression is not statically known.  If successful, also
619  /// modifies Ctx to hold the context of the return Expr.
620  const Expr* lookupExpr(const NamedDecl *D, Context &Ctx) {
621    const unsigned *P = Ctx.lookup(D);
622    if (!P)
623      return 0;
625    unsigned i = *P;
626    while (i > 0) {
627      if (VarDefinitions[i].Exp) {
628        Ctx = VarDefinitions[i].Ctx;
629        return VarDefinitions[i].Exp;
630      }
631      i = VarDefinitions[i].Ref;
632    }
633    return 0;
634  }
636  Context getEmptyContext() { return ContextFactory.getEmptyMap(); }
638  /// Return the next context after processing S.  This function is used by
639  /// clients of the class to get the appropriate context when traversing the
640  /// CFG.  It must be called for every assignment or DeclStmt.
641  Context getNextContext(unsigned &CtxIndex, Stmt *S, Context C) {
642    if (SavedContexts[CtxIndex+1].first == S) {
643      CtxIndex++;
644      Context Result = SavedContexts[CtxIndex].second;
645      return Result;
646    }
647    return C;
648  }
650  void dumpVarDefinitionName(unsigned i) {
651    if (i == 0) {
652      llvm::errs() << "Undefined";
653      return;
654    }
655    const NamedDecl *Dec = VarDefinitions[i].Dec;
656    if (!Dec) {
657      llvm::errs() << "<<NULL>>";
658      return;
659    }
660    Dec->printName(llvm::errs());
661    llvm::errs() << "." << i << " " << ((void*) Dec);
662  }
664  /// Dumps an ASCII representation of the variable map to llvm::errs()
665  void dump() {
666    for (unsigned i = 1, e = VarDefinitions.size(); i < e; ++i) {
667      const Expr *Exp = VarDefinitions[i].Exp;
668      unsigned Ref = VarDefinitions[i].Ref;
670      dumpVarDefinitionName(i);
671      llvm::errs() << " = ";
672      if (Exp) Exp->dump();
673      else {
674        dumpVarDefinitionName(Ref);
675        llvm::errs() << "\n";
676      }
677    }
678  }
680  /// Dumps an ASCII representation of a Context to llvm::errs()
681  void dumpContext(Context C) {
682    for (Context::iterator I = C.begin(), E = C.end(); I != E; ++I) {
683      const NamedDecl *D = I.getKey();
684      D->printName(llvm::errs());
685      const unsigned *i = C.lookup(D);
686      llvm::errs() << " -> ";
687      dumpVarDefinitionName(*i);
688      llvm::errs() << "\n";
689    }
690  }
692  /// Builds the variable map.
693  void traverseCFG(CFG *CFGraph, PostOrderCFGView *SortedGraph,
694                     std::vector<CFGBlockInfo> &BlockInfo);
697  // Get the current context index
698  unsigned getContextIndex() { return SavedContexts.size()-1; }
700  // Save the current context for later replay
701  void saveContext(Stmt *S, Context C) {
702    SavedContexts.push_back(std::make_pair(S,C));
703  }
705  // Adds a new definition to the given context, and returns a new context.
706  // This method should be called when declaring a new variable.
707  Context addDefinition(const NamedDecl *D, Expr *Exp, Context Ctx) {
708    assert(!Ctx.contains(D));
709    unsigned newID = VarDefinitions.size();
710    Context NewCtx = ContextFactory.add(Ctx, D, newID);
711    VarDefinitions.push_back(VarDefinition(D, Exp, Ctx));
712    return NewCtx;
713  }
715  // Add a new reference to an existing definition.
716  Context addReference(const NamedDecl *D, unsigned i, Context Ctx) {
717    unsigned newID = VarDefinitions.size();
718    Context NewCtx = ContextFactory.add(Ctx, D, newID);
719    VarDefinitions.push_back(VarDefinition(D, i, Ctx));
720    return NewCtx;
721  }
723  // Updates a definition only if that definition is already in the map.
724  // This method should be called when assigning to an existing variable.
725  Context updateDefinition(const NamedDecl *D, Expr *Exp, Context Ctx) {
726    if (Ctx.contains(D)) {
727      unsigned newID = VarDefinitions.size();
728      Context NewCtx = ContextFactory.remove(Ctx, D);
729      NewCtx = ContextFactory.add(NewCtx, D, newID);
730      VarDefinitions.push_back(VarDefinition(D, Exp, Ctx));
731      return NewCtx;
732    }
733    return Ctx;
734  }
736  // Removes a definition from the context, but keeps the variable name
737  // as a valid variable.  The index 0 is a placeholder for cleared definitions.
738  Context clearDefinition(const NamedDecl *D, Context Ctx) {
739    Context NewCtx = Ctx;
740    if (NewCtx.contains(D)) {
741      NewCtx = ContextFactory.remove(NewCtx, D);
742      NewCtx = ContextFactory.add(NewCtx, D, 0);
743    }
744    return NewCtx;
745  }
747  // Remove a definition entirely frmo the context.
748  Context removeDefinition(const NamedDecl *D, Context Ctx) {
749    Context NewCtx = Ctx;
750    if (NewCtx.contains(D)) {
751      NewCtx = ContextFactory.remove(NewCtx, D);
752    }
753    return NewCtx;
754  }
756  Context intersectContexts(Context C1, Context C2);
757  Context createReferenceContext(Context C);
758  void intersectBackEdge(Context C1, Context C2);
760  friend class VarMapBuilder;
764// This has to be defined after LocalVariableMap.
765CFGBlockInfo CFGBlockInfo::getEmptyBlockInfo(LocalVariableMap &M) {
766  return CFGBlockInfo(M.getEmptyContext());
770/// Visitor which builds a LocalVariableMap
771class VarMapBuilder : public StmtVisitor<VarMapBuilder> {
773  LocalVariableMap* VMap;
774  LocalVariableMap::Context Ctx;
776  VarMapBuilder(LocalVariableMap *VM, LocalVariableMap::Context C)
777    : VMap(VM), Ctx(C) {}
779  void VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt *S);
780  void VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *BO);
784// Add new local variables to the variable map
785void VarMapBuilder::VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt *S) {
786  bool modifiedCtx = false;
787  DeclGroupRef DGrp = S->getDeclGroup();
788  for (DeclGroupRef::iterator I = DGrp.begin(), E = DGrp.end(); I != E; ++I) {
789    if (VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast_or_null<VarDecl>(*I)) {
790      Expr *E = VD->getInit();
792      // Add local variables with trivial type to the variable map
793      QualType T = VD->getType();
794      if (T.isTrivialType(VD->getASTContext())) {
795        Ctx = VMap->addDefinition(VD, E, Ctx);
796        modifiedCtx = true;
797      }
798    }
799  }
800  if (modifiedCtx)
801    VMap->saveContext(S, Ctx);
804// Update local variable definitions in variable map
805void VarMapBuilder::VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *BO) {
806  if (!BO->isAssignmentOp())
807    return;
809  Expr *LHSExp = BO->getLHS()->IgnoreParenCasts();
811  // Update the variable map and current context.
812  if (DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(LHSExp)) {
813    ValueDecl *VDec = DRE->getDecl();
814    if (Ctx.lookup(VDec)) {
815      if (BO->getOpcode() == BO_Assign)
816        Ctx = VMap->updateDefinition(VDec, BO->getRHS(), Ctx);
817      else
818        // FIXME -- handle compound assignment operators
819        Ctx = VMap->clearDefinition(VDec, Ctx);
820      VMap->saveContext(BO, Ctx);
821    }
822  }
826// Computes the intersection of two contexts.  The intersection is the
827// set of variables which have the same definition in both contexts;
828// variables with different definitions are discarded.
830LocalVariableMap::intersectContexts(Context C1, Context C2) {
831  Context Result = C1;
832  for (Context::iterator I = C1.begin(), E = C1.end(); I != E; ++I) {
833    const NamedDecl *Dec = I.getKey();
834    unsigned i1 = I.getData();
835    const unsigned *i2 = C2.lookup(Dec);
836    if (!i2)             // variable doesn't exist on second path
837      Result = removeDefinition(Dec, Result);
838    else if (*i2 != i1)  // variable exists, but has different definition
839      Result = clearDefinition(Dec, Result);
840  }
841  return Result;
844// For every variable in C, create a new variable that refers to the
845// definition in C.  Return a new context that contains these new variables.
846// (We use this for a naive implementation of SSA on loop back-edges.)
847LocalVariableMap::Context LocalVariableMap::createReferenceContext(Context C) {
848  Context Result = getEmptyContext();
849  for (Context::iterator I = C.begin(), E = C.end(); I != E; ++I) {
850    const NamedDecl *Dec = I.getKey();
851    unsigned i = I.getData();
852    Result = addReference(Dec, i, Result);
853  }
854  return Result;
857// This routine also takes the intersection of C1 and C2, but it does so by
858// altering the VarDefinitions.  C1 must be the result of an earlier call to
859// createReferenceContext.
860void LocalVariableMap::intersectBackEdge(Context C1, Context C2) {
861  for (Context::iterator I = C1.begin(), E = C1.end(); I != E; ++I) {
862    const NamedDecl *Dec = I.getKey();
863    unsigned i1 = I.getData();
864    VarDefinition *VDef = &VarDefinitions[i1];
865    assert(VDef->isReference());
867    const unsigned *i2 = C2.lookup(Dec);
868    if (!i2 || (*i2 != i1))
869      VDef->Ref = 0;    // Mark this variable as undefined
870  }
874// Traverse the CFG in topological order, so all predecessors of a block
875// (excluding back-edges) are visited before the block itself.  At
876// each point in the code, we calculate a Context, which holds the set of
877// variable definitions which are visible at that point in execution.
878// Visible variables are mapped to their definitions using an array that
879// contains all definitions.
881// At join points in the CFG, the set is computed as the intersection of
882// the incoming sets along each edge, E.g.
884//                       { Context                 | VarDefinitions }
885//   int x = 0;          { x -> x1                 | x1 = 0 }
886//   int y = 0;          { x -> x1, y -> y1        | y1 = 0, x1 = 0 }
887//   if (b) x = 1;       { x -> x2, y -> y1        | x2 = 1, y1 = 0, ... }
888//   else   x = 2;       { x -> x3, y -> y1        | x3 = 2, x2 = 1, ... }
889//   ...                 { y -> y1  (x is unknown) | x3 = 2, x2 = 1, ... }
891// This is essentially a simpler and more naive version of the standard SSA
892// algorithm.  Those definitions that remain in the intersection are from blocks
893// that strictly dominate the current block.  We do not bother to insert proper
894// phi nodes, because they are not used in our analysis; instead, wherever
895// a phi node would be required, we simply remove that definition from the
896// context (E.g. x above).
898// The initial traversal does not capture back-edges, so those need to be
899// handled on a separate pass.  Whenever the first pass encounters an
900// incoming back edge, it duplicates the context, creating new definitions
901// that refer back to the originals.  (These correspond to places where SSA
902// might have to insert a phi node.)  On the second pass, these definitions are
903// set to NULL if the variable has changed on the back-edge (i.e. a phi
904// node was actually required.)  E.g.
906//                       { Context           | VarDefinitions }
907//   int x = 0, y = 0;   { x -> x1, y -> y1  | y1 = 0, x1 = 0 }
908//   while (b)           { x -> x2, y -> y1  | [1st:] x2=x1; [2nd:] x2=NULL; }
909//     x = x+1;          { x -> x3, y -> y1  | x3 = x2 + 1, ... }
910//   ...                 { y -> y1           | x3 = 2, x2 = 1, ... }
912void LocalVariableMap::traverseCFG(CFG *CFGraph,
913                                   PostOrderCFGView *SortedGraph,
914                                   std::vector<CFGBlockInfo> &BlockInfo) {
915  PostOrderCFGView::CFGBlockSet VisitedBlocks(CFGraph);
917  CtxIndices.resize(CFGraph->getNumBlockIDs());
919  for (PostOrderCFGView::iterator I = SortedGraph->begin(),
920       E = SortedGraph->end(); I!= E; ++I) {
921    const CFGBlock *CurrBlock = *I;
922    int CurrBlockID = CurrBlock->getBlockID();
923    CFGBlockInfo *CurrBlockInfo = &BlockInfo[CurrBlockID];
925    VisitedBlocks.insert(CurrBlock);
927    // Calculate the entry context for the current block
928    bool HasBackEdges = false;
929    bool CtxInit = true;
930    for (CFGBlock::const_pred_iterator PI = CurrBlock->pred_begin(),
931         PE  = CurrBlock->pred_end(); PI != PE; ++PI) {
932      // if *PI -> CurrBlock is a back edge, so skip it
933      if (*PI == 0 || !VisitedBlocks.alreadySet(*PI)) {
934        HasBackEdges = true;
935        continue;
936      }
938      int PrevBlockID = (*PI)->getBlockID();
939      CFGBlockInfo *PrevBlockInfo = &BlockInfo[PrevBlockID];
941      if (CtxInit) {
942        CurrBlockInfo->EntryContext = PrevBlockInfo->ExitContext;
943        CtxInit = false;
944      }
945      else {
946        CurrBlockInfo->EntryContext =
947          intersectContexts(CurrBlockInfo->EntryContext,
948                            PrevBlockInfo->ExitContext);
949      }
950    }
952    // Duplicate the context if we have back-edges, so we can call
953    // intersectBackEdges later.
954    if (HasBackEdges)
955      CurrBlockInfo->EntryContext =
956        createReferenceContext(CurrBlockInfo->EntryContext);
958    // Create a starting context index for the current block
959    saveContext(0, CurrBlockInfo->EntryContext);
960    CurrBlockInfo->EntryIndex = getContextIndex();
962    // Visit all the statements in the basic block.
963    VarMapBuilder VMapBuilder(this, CurrBlockInfo->EntryContext);
964    for (CFGBlock::const_iterator BI = CurrBlock->begin(),
965         BE = CurrBlock->end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
966      switch (BI->getKind()) {
967        case CFGElement::Statement: {
968          const CFGStmt *CS = cast<CFGStmt>(&*BI);
969          VMapBuilder.Visit(const_cast<Stmt*>(CS->getStmt()));
970          break;
971        }
972        default:
973          break;
974      }
975    }
976    CurrBlockInfo->ExitContext = VMapBuilder.Ctx;
978    // Mark variables on back edges as "unknown" if they've been changed.
979    for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator SI = CurrBlock->succ_begin(),
980         SE  = CurrBlock->succ_end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
981      // if CurrBlock -> *SI is *not* a back edge
982      if (*SI == 0 || !VisitedBlocks.alreadySet(*SI))
983        continue;
985      CFGBlock *FirstLoopBlock = *SI;
986      Context LoopBegin = BlockInfo[FirstLoopBlock->getBlockID()].EntryContext;
987      Context LoopEnd   = CurrBlockInfo->ExitContext;
988      intersectBackEdge(LoopBegin, LoopEnd);
989    }
990  }
992  // Put an extra entry at the end of the indexed context array
993  unsigned exitID = CFGraph->getExit().getBlockID();
994  saveContext(0, BlockInfo[exitID].ExitContext);
997/// Find the appropriate source locations to use when producing diagnostics for
998/// each block in the CFG.
999static void findBlockLocations(CFG *CFGraph,
1000                               PostOrderCFGView *SortedGraph,
1001                               std::vector<CFGBlockInfo> &BlockInfo) {
1002  for (PostOrderCFGView::iterator I = SortedGraph->begin(),
1003       E = SortedGraph->end(); I!= E; ++I) {
1004    const CFGBlock *CurrBlock = *I;
1005    CFGBlockInfo *CurrBlockInfo = &BlockInfo[CurrBlock->getBlockID()];
1007    // Find the source location of the last statement in the block, if the
1008    // block is not empty.
1009    if (const Stmt *S = CurrBlock->getTerminator()) {
1010      CurrBlockInfo->EntryLoc = CurrBlockInfo->ExitLoc = S->getLocStart();
1011    } else {
1012      for (CFGBlock::const_reverse_iterator BI = CurrBlock->rbegin(),
1013           BE = CurrBlock->rend(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
1014        // FIXME: Handle other CFGElement kinds.
1015        if (const CFGStmt *CS = dyn_cast<CFGStmt>(&*BI)) {
1016          CurrBlockInfo->ExitLoc = CS->getStmt()->getLocStart();
1017          break;
1018        }
1019      }
1020    }
1022    if (!CurrBlockInfo->ExitLoc.isInvalid()) {
1023      // This block contains at least one statement. Find the source location
1024      // of the first statement in the block.
1025      for (CFGBlock::const_iterator BI = CurrBlock->begin(),
1026           BE = CurrBlock->end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
1027        // FIXME: Handle other CFGElement kinds.
1028        if (const CFGStmt *CS = dyn_cast<CFGStmt>(&*BI)) {
1029          CurrBlockInfo->EntryLoc = CS->getStmt()->getLocStart();
1030          break;
1031        }
1032      }
1033    } else if (CurrBlock->pred_size() == 1 && *CurrBlock->pred_begin() &&
1034               CurrBlock != &CFGraph->getExit()) {
1035      // The block is empty, and has a single predecessor. Use its exit
1036      // location.
1037      CurrBlockInfo->EntryLoc = CurrBlockInfo->ExitLoc =
1038          BlockInfo[(*CurrBlock->pred_begin())->getBlockID()].ExitLoc;
1039    }
1040  }
1043/// \brief Class which implements the core thread safety analysis routines.
1044class ThreadSafetyAnalyzer {
1045  friend class BuildLockset;
1047  ThreadSafetyHandler       &Handler;
1048  LocalVariableMap          LocalVarMap;
1049  FactManager               FactMan;
1050  std::vector<CFGBlockInfo> BlockInfo;
1053  ThreadSafetyAnalyzer(ThreadSafetyHandler &H) : Handler(H) {}
1055  void addLock(FactSet &FSet, const MutexID &Mutex, const LockData &LDat);
1056  void removeLock(FactSet &FSet, const MutexID &Mutex,
1057                  SourceLocation UnlockLoc, bool FullyRemove=false);
1059  template <typename AttrType>
1060  void getMutexIDs(MutexIDList &Mtxs, AttrType *Attr, Expr *Exp,
1061                   const NamedDecl *D);
1063  template <class AttrType>
1064  void getMutexIDs(MutexIDList &Mtxs, AttrType *Attr, Expr *Exp,
1065                   const NamedDecl *D,
1066                   const CFGBlock *PredBlock, const CFGBlock *CurrBlock,
1067                   Expr *BrE, bool Neg);
1069  const CallExpr* getTrylockCallExpr(const Stmt *Cond, LocalVarContext C,
1070                                     bool &Negate);
1072  void getEdgeLockset(FactSet &Result, const FactSet &ExitSet,
1073                      const CFGBlock* PredBlock,
1074                      const CFGBlock *CurrBlock);
1076  void intersectAndWarn(FactSet &FSet1, const FactSet &FSet2,
1077                        SourceLocation JoinLoc,
1078                        LockErrorKind LEK1, LockErrorKind LEK2,
1079                        bool Modify=true);
1081  void intersectAndWarn(FactSet &FSet1, const FactSet &FSet2,
1082                        SourceLocation JoinLoc, LockErrorKind LEK1,
1083                        bool Modify=true) {
1084    intersectAndWarn(FSet1, FSet2, JoinLoc, LEK1, LEK1, Modify);
1085  }
1087  void runAnalysis(AnalysisDeclContext &AC);
1091/// \brief Add a new lock to the lockset, warning if the lock is already there.
1092/// \param Mutex -- the Mutex expression for the lock
1093/// \param LDat  -- the LockData for the lock
1094void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::addLock(FactSet &FSet, const MutexID &Mutex,
1095                                   const LockData &LDat) {
1096  // FIXME: deal with acquired before/after annotations.
1097  // FIXME: Don't always warn when we have support for reentrant locks.
1098  if (FSet.findLock(FactMan, Mutex)) {
1099    Handler.handleDoubleLock(Mutex.getName(), LDat.AcquireLoc);
1100  } else {
1101    FSet.addLock(FactMan, Mutex, LDat);
1102  }
1106/// \brief Remove a lock from the lockset, warning if the lock is not there.
1107/// \param LockExp The lock expression corresponding to the lock to be removed
1108/// \param UnlockLoc The source location of the unlock (only used in error msg)
1109void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::removeLock(FactSet &FSet,
1110                                      const MutexID &Mutex,
1111                                      SourceLocation UnlockLoc,
1112                                      bool FullyRemove) {
1113  const LockData *LDat = FSet.findLock(FactMan, Mutex);
1114  if (!LDat) {
1115    Handler.handleUnmatchedUnlock(Mutex.getName(), UnlockLoc);
1116    return;
1117  }
1119  if (LDat->UnderlyingMutex.isValid()) {
1120    // This is scoped lockable object, which manages the real mutex.
1121    if (FullyRemove) {
1122      // We're destroying the managing object.
1123      // Remove the underlying mutex if it exists; but don't warn.
1124      if (FSet.findLock(FactMan, LDat->UnderlyingMutex))
1125        FSet.removeLock(FactMan, LDat->UnderlyingMutex);
1126    } else {
1127      // We're releasing the underlying mutex, but not destroying the
1128      // managing object.  Warn on dual release.
1129      if (!FSet.findLock(FactMan, LDat->UnderlyingMutex)) {
1130        Handler.handleUnmatchedUnlock(LDat->UnderlyingMutex.getName(),
1131                                      UnlockLoc);
1132      }
1133      FSet.removeLock(FactMan, LDat->UnderlyingMutex);
1134      return;
1135    }
1136  }
1137  FSet.removeLock(FactMan, Mutex);
1141/// \brief Extract the list of mutexIDs from the attribute on an expression,
1142/// and push them onto Mtxs, discarding any duplicates.
1143template <typename AttrType>
1144void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::getMutexIDs(MutexIDList &Mtxs, AttrType *Attr,
1145                                       Expr *Exp, const NamedDecl *D) {
1146  typedef typename AttrType::args_iterator iterator_type;
1148  if (Attr->args_size() == 0) {
1149    // The mutex held is the "this" object.
1150    MutexID Mu(0, Exp, D);
1151    if (!Mu.isValid())
1152      MutexID::warnInvalidLock(Handler, 0, Exp, D);
1153    else
1154      Mtxs.push_back_nodup(Mu);
1155    return;
1156  }
1158  for (iterator_type I=Attr->args_begin(), E=Attr->args_end(); I != E; ++I) {
1159    MutexID Mu(*I, Exp, D);
1160    if (!Mu.isValid())
1161      MutexID::warnInvalidLock(Handler, *I, Exp, D);
1162    else
1163      Mtxs.push_back_nodup(Mu);
1164  }
1168/// \brief Extract the list of mutexIDs from a trylock attribute.  If the
1169/// trylock applies to the given edge, then push them onto Mtxs, discarding
1170/// any duplicates.
1171template <class AttrType>
1172void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::getMutexIDs(MutexIDList &Mtxs, AttrType *Attr,
1173                                       Expr *Exp, const NamedDecl *D,
1174                                       const CFGBlock *PredBlock,
1175                                       const CFGBlock *CurrBlock,
1176                                       Expr *BrE, bool Neg) {
1177  // Find out which branch has the lock
1178  bool branch = 0;
1179  if (CXXBoolLiteralExpr *BLE = dyn_cast_or_null<CXXBoolLiteralExpr>(BrE)) {
1180    branch = BLE->getValue();
1181  }
1182  else if (IntegerLiteral *ILE = dyn_cast_or_null<IntegerLiteral>(BrE)) {
1183    branch = ILE->getValue().getBoolValue();
1184  }
1185  int branchnum = branch ? 0 : 1;
1186  if (Neg) branchnum = !branchnum;
1188  // If we've taken the trylock branch, then add the lock
1189  int i = 0;
1190  for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator SI = PredBlock->succ_begin(),
1191       SE = PredBlock->succ_end(); SI != SE && i < 2; ++SI, ++i) {
1192    if (*SI == CurrBlock && i == branchnum) {
1193      getMutexIDs(Mtxs, Attr, Exp, D);
1194    }
1195  }
1199bool getStaticBooleanValue(Expr* E, bool& TCond) {
1200  if (isa<CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr>(E) || isa<GNUNullExpr>(E)) {
1201    TCond = false;
1202    return true;
1203  } else if (CXXBoolLiteralExpr *BLE = dyn_cast<CXXBoolLiteralExpr>(E)) {
1204    TCond = BLE->getValue();
1205    return true;
1206  } else if (IntegerLiteral *ILE = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteral>(E)) {
1207    TCond = ILE->getValue().getBoolValue();
1208    return true;
1209  } else if (ImplicitCastExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(E)) {
1210    return getStaticBooleanValue(CE->getSubExpr(), TCond);
1211  }
1212  return false;
1216// If Cond can be traced back to a function call, return the call expression.
1217// The negate variable should be called with false, and will be set to true
1218// if the function call is negated, e.g. if (!mu.tryLock(...))
1219const CallExpr* ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::getTrylockCallExpr(const Stmt *Cond,
1220                                                         LocalVarContext C,
1221                                                         bool &Negate) {
1222  if (!Cond)
1223    return 0;
1225  if (const CallExpr *CallExp = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(Cond)) {
1226    return CallExp;
1227  }
1228  else if (const ParenExpr *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(Cond)) {
1229    return getTrylockCallExpr(PE->getSubExpr(), C, Negate);
1230  }
1231  else if (const ImplicitCastExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(Cond)) {
1232    return getTrylockCallExpr(CE->getSubExpr(), C, Negate);
1233  }
1234  else if (const DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(Cond)) {
1235    const Expr *E = LocalVarMap.lookupExpr(DRE->getDecl(), C);
1236    return getTrylockCallExpr(E, C, Negate);
1237  }
1238  else if (const UnaryOperator *UOP = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(Cond)) {
1239    if (UOP->getOpcode() == UO_LNot) {
1240      Negate = !Negate;
1241      return getTrylockCallExpr(UOP->getSubExpr(), C, Negate);
1242    }
1243    return 0;
1244  }
1245  else if (const BinaryOperator *BOP = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Cond)) {
1246    if (BOP->getOpcode() == BO_EQ || BOP->getOpcode() == BO_NE) {
1247      if (BOP->getOpcode() == BO_NE)
1248        Negate = !Negate;
1250      bool TCond = false;
1251      if (getStaticBooleanValue(BOP->getRHS(), TCond)) {
1252        if (!TCond) Negate = !Negate;
1253        return getTrylockCallExpr(BOP->getLHS(), C, Negate);
1254      }
1255      else if (getStaticBooleanValue(BOP->getLHS(), TCond)) {
1256        if (!TCond) Negate = !Negate;
1257        return getTrylockCallExpr(BOP->getRHS(), C, Negate);
1258      }
1259      return 0;
1260    }
1261    return 0;
1262  }
1263  // FIXME -- handle && and || as well.
1264  return 0;
1268/// \brief Find the lockset that holds on the edge between PredBlock
1269/// and CurrBlock.  The edge set is the exit set of PredBlock (passed
1270/// as the ExitSet parameter) plus any trylocks, which are conditionally held.
1271void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::getEdgeLockset(FactSet& Result,
1272                                          const FactSet &ExitSet,
1273                                          const CFGBlock *PredBlock,
1274                                          const CFGBlock *CurrBlock) {
1275  Result = ExitSet;
1277  if (!PredBlock->getTerminatorCondition())
1278    return;
1280  bool Negate = false;
1281  const Stmt *Cond = PredBlock->getTerminatorCondition();
1282  const CFGBlockInfo *PredBlockInfo = &BlockInfo[PredBlock->getBlockID()];
1283  const LocalVarContext &LVarCtx = PredBlockInfo->ExitContext;
1285  CallExpr *Exp =
1286    const_cast<CallExpr*>(getTrylockCallExpr(Cond, LVarCtx, Negate));
1287  if (!Exp)
1288    return;
1290  NamedDecl *FunDecl = dyn_cast_or_null<NamedDecl>(Exp->getCalleeDecl());
1291  if(!FunDecl || !FunDecl->hasAttrs())
1292    return;
1295  MutexIDList ExclusiveLocksToAdd;
1296  MutexIDList SharedLocksToAdd;
1298  // If the condition is a call to a Trylock function, then grab the attributes
1299  AttrVec &ArgAttrs = FunDecl->getAttrs();
1300  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ArgAttrs.size(); ++i) {
1301    Attr *Attr = ArgAttrs[i];
1302    switch (Attr->getKind()) {
1303      case attr::ExclusiveTrylockFunction: {
1304        ExclusiveTrylockFunctionAttr *A =
1305          cast<ExclusiveTrylockFunctionAttr>(Attr);
1306        getMutexIDs(ExclusiveLocksToAdd, A, Exp, FunDecl,
1307                    PredBlock, CurrBlock, A->getSuccessValue(), Negate);
1308        break;
1309      }
1310      case attr::SharedTrylockFunction: {
1311        SharedTrylockFunctionAttr *A =
1312          cast<SharedTrylockFunctionAttr>(Attr);
1313        getMutexIDs(ExclusiveLocksToAdd, A, Exp, FunDecl,
1314                    PredBlock, CurrBlock, A->getSuccessValue(), Negate);
1315        break;
1316      }
1317      default:
1318        break;
1319    }
1320  }
1322  // Add and remove locks.
1323  SourceLocation Loc = Exp->getExprLoc();
1324  for (unsigned i=0,n=ExclusiveLocksToAdd.size(); i<n; ++i) {
1325    addLock(Result, ExclusiveLocksToAdd[i],
1326            LockData(Loc, LK_Exclusive));
1327  }
1328  for (unsigned i=0,n=SharedLocksToAdd.size(); i<n; ++i) {
1329    addLock(Result, SharedLocksToAdd[i],
1330            LockData(Loc, LK_Shared));
1331  }
1335/// \brief We use this class to visit different types of expressions in
1336/// CFGBlocks, and build up the lockset.
1337/// An expression may cause us to add or remove locks from the lockset, or else
1338/// output error messages related to missing locks.
1339/// FIXME: In future, we may be able to not inherit from a visitor.
1340class BuildLockset : public StmtVisitor<BuildLockset> {
1341  friend class ThreadSafetyAnalyzer;
1343  ThreadSafetyAnalyzer *Analyzer;
1344  FactSet FSet;
1345  LocalVariableMap::Context LVarCtx;
1346  unsigned CtxIndex;
1348  // Helper functions
1349  const ValueDecl *getValueDecl(Expr *Exp);
1351  void warnIfMutexNotHeld(const NamedDecl *D, Expr *Exp, AccessKind AK,
1352                          Expr *MutexExp, ProtectedOperationKind POK);
1354  void checkAccess(Expr *Exp, AccessKind AK);
1355  void checkDereference(Expr *Exp, AccessKind AK);
1356  void handleCall(Expr *Exp, const NamedDecl *D, VarDecl *VD = 0);
1358  /// \brief Returns true if the lockset contains a lock, regardless of whether
1359  /// the lock is held exclusively or shared.
1360  bool locksetContains(const MutexID &Mu) const {
1361    return FSet.findLock(Analyzer->FactMan, Mu);
1362  }
1364  /// \brief Returns true if the lockset contains a lock with the passed in
1365  /// locktype.
1366  bool locksetContains(const MutexID &Mu, LockKind KindRequested) const {
1367    const LockData *LockHeld = FSet.findLock(Analyzer->FactMan, Mu);
1368    return (LockHeld && KindRequested == LockHeld->LKind);
1369  }
1371  /// \brief Returns true if the lockset contains a lock with at least the
1372  /// passed in locktype. So for example, if we pass in LK_Shared, this function
1373  /// returns true if the lock is held LK_Shared or LK_Exclusive. If we pass in
1374  /// LK_Exclusive, this function returns true if the lock is held LK_Exclusive.
1375  bool locksetContainsAtLeast(const MutexID &Lock,
1376                              LockKind KindRequested) const {
1377    switch (KindRequested) {
1378      case LK_Shared:
1379        return locksetContains(Lock);
1380      case LK_Exclusive:
1381        return locksetContains(Lock, KindRequested);
1382    }
1383    llvm_unreachable("Unknown LockKind");
1384  }
1387  BuildLockset(ThreadSafetyAnalyzer *Anlzr, CFGBlockInfo &Info)
1388    : StmtVisitor<BuildLockset>(),
1389      Analyzer(Anlzr),
1390      FSet(Info.EntrySet),
1391      LVarCtx(Info.EntryContext),
1392      CtxIndex(Info.EntryIndex)
1393  {}
1395  void VisitUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator *UO);
1396  void VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *BO);
1397  void VisitCastExpr(CastExpr *CE);
1398  void VisitCallExpr(CallExpr *Exp);
1399  void VisitCXXConstructExpr(CXXConstructExpr *Exp);
1400  void VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt *S);
1404/// \brief Gets the value decl pointer from DeclRefExprs or MemberExprs
1405const ValueDecl *BuildLockset::getValueDecl(Expr *Exp) {
1406  if (const DeclRefExpr *DR = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(Exp))
1407    return DR->getDecl();
1409  if (const MemberExpr *ME = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(Exp))
1410    return ME->getMemberDecl();
1412  return 0;
1415/// \brief Warn if the LSet does not contain a lock sufficient to protect access
1416/// of at least the passed in AccessKind.
1417void BuildLockset::warnIfMutexNotHeld(const NamedDecl *D, Expr *Exp,
1418                                      AccessKind AK, Expr *MutexExp,
1419                                      ProtectedOperationKind POK) {
1420  LockKind LK = getLockKindFromAccessKind(AK);
1422  MutexID Mutex(MutexExp, Exp, D);
1423  if (!Mutex.isValid())
1424    MutexID::warnInvalidLock(Analyzer->Handler, MutexExp, Exp, D);
1425  else if (!locksetContainsAtLeast(Mutex, LK))
1426    Analyzer->Handler.handleMutexNotHeld(D, POK, Mutex.getName(), LK,
1427                                         Exp->getExprLoc());
1430/// \brief This method identifies variable dereferences and checks pt_guarded_by
1431/// and pt_guarded_var annotations. Note that we only check these annotations
1432/// at the time a pointer is dereferenced.
1433/// FIXME: We need to check for other types of pointer dereferences
1434/// (e.g. [], ->) and deal with them here.
1435/// \param Exp An expression that has been read or written.
1436void BuildLockset::checkDereference(Expr *Exp, AccessKind AK) {
1437  UnaryOperator *UO = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(Exp);
1438  if (!UO || UO->getOpcode() != clang::UO_Deref)
1439    return;
1440  Exp = UO->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParenCasts();
1442  const ValueDecl *D = getValueDecl(Exp);
1443  if(!D || !D->hasAttrs())
1444    return;
1446  if (D->getAttr<PtGuardedVarAttr>() && FSet.isEmpty())
1447    Analyzer->Handler.handleNoMutexHeld(D, POK_VarDereference, AK,
1448                                        Exp->getExprLoc());
1450  const AttrVec &ArgAttrs = D->getAttrs();
1451  for(unsigned i = 0, Size = ArgAttrs.size(); i < Size; ++i)
1452    if (PtGuardedByAttr *PGBAttr = dyn_cast<PtGuardedByAttr>(ArgAttrs[i]))
1453      warnIfMutexNotHeld(D, Exp, AK, PGBAttr->getArg(), POK_VarDereference);
1456/// \brief Checks guarded_by and guarded_var attributes.
1457/// Whenever we identify an access (read or write) of a DeclRefExpr or
1458/// MemberExpr, we need to check whether there are any guarded_by or
1459/// guarded_var attributes, and make sure we hold the appropriate mutexes.
1460void BuildLockset::checkAccess(Expr *Exp, AccessKind AK) {
1461  const ValueDecl *D = getValueDecl(Exp);
1462  if(!D || !D->hasAttrs())
1463    return;
1465  if (D->getAttr<GuardedVarAttr>() && FSet.isEmpty())
1466    Analyzer->Handler.handleNoMutexHeld(D, POK_VarAccess, AK,
1467                                        Exp->getExprLoc());
1469  const AttrVec &ArgAttrs = D->getAttrs();
1470  for(unsigned i = 0, Size = ArgAttrs.size(); i < Size; ++i)
1471    if (GuardedByAttr *GBAttr = dyn_cast<GuardedByAttr>(ArgAttrs[i]))
1472      warnIfMutexNotHeld(D, Exp, AK, GBAttr->getArg(), POK_VarAccess);
1475/// \brief Process a function call, method call, constructor call,
1476/// or destructor call.  This involves looking at the attributes on the
1477/// corresponding function/method/constructor/destructor, issuing warnings,
1478/// and updating the locksets accordingly.
1480/// FIXME: For classes annotated with one of the guarded annotations, we need
1481/// to treat const method calls as reads and non-const method calls as writes,
1482/// and check that the appropriate locks are held. Non-const method calls with
1483/// the same signature as const method calls can be also treated as reads.
1485void BuildLockset::handleCall(Expr *Exp, const NamedDecl *D, VarDecl *VD) {
1486  const AttrVec &ArgAttrs = D->getAttrs();
1487  MutexIDList ExclusiveLocksToAdd;
1488  MutexIDList SharedLocksToAdd;
1489  MutexIDList LocksToRemove;
1491  for(unsigned i = 0; i < ArgAttrs.size(); ++i) {
1492    Attr *At = const_cast<Attr*>(ArgAttrs[i]);
1493    switch (At->getKind()) {
1494      // When we encounter an exclusive lock function, we need to add the lock
1495      // to our lockset with kind exclusive.
1496      case attr::ExclusiveLockFunction: {
1497        ExclusiveLockFunctionAttr *A = cast<ExclusiveLockFunctionAttr>(At);
1498        Analyzer->getMutexIDs(ExclusiveLocksToAdd, A, Exp, D);
1499        break;
1500      }
1502      // When we encounter a shared lock function, we need to add the lock
1503      // to our lockset with kind shared.
1504      case attr::SharedLockFunction: {
1505        SharedLockFunctionAttr *A = cast<SharedLockFunctionAttr>(At);
1506        Analyzer->getMutexIDs(SharedLocksToAdd, A, Exp, D);
1507        break;
1508      }
1510      // When we encounter an unlock function, we need to remove unlocked
1511      // mutexes from the lockset, and flag a warning if they are not there.
1512      case attr::UnlockFunction: {
1513        UnlockFunctionAttr *A = cast<UnlockFunctionAttr>(At);
1514        Analyzer->getMutexIDs(LocksToRemove, A, Exp, D);
1515        break;
1516      }
1518      case attr::ExclusiveLocksRequired: {
1519        ExclusiveLocksRequiredAttr *A = cast<ExclusiveLocksRequiredAttr>(At);
1521        for (ExclusiveLocksRequiredAttr::args_iterator
1522             I = A->args_begin(), E = A->args_end(); I != E; ++I)
1523          warnIfMutexNotHeld(D, Exp, AK_Written, *I, POK_FunctionCall);
1524        break;
1525      }
1527      case attr::SharedLocksRequired: {
1528        SharedLocksRequiredAttr *A = cast<SharedLocksRequiredAttr>(At);
1530        for (SharedLocksRequiredAttr::args_iterator I = A->args_begin(),
1531             E = A->args_end(); I != E; ++I)
1532          warnIfMutexNotHeld(D, Exp, AK_Read, *I, POK_FunctionCall);
1533        break;
1534      }
1536      case attr::LocksExcluded: {
1537        LocksExcludedAttr *A = cast<LocksExcludedAttr>(At);
1538        for (LocksExcludedAttr::args_iterator I = A->args_begin(),
1539            E = A->args_end(); I != E; ++I) {
1540          MutexID Mutex(*I, Exp, D);
1541          if (!Mutex.isValid())
1542            MutexID::warnInvalidLock(Analyzer->Handler, *I, Exp, D);
1543          else if (locksetContains(Mutex))
1544            Analyzer->Handler.handleFunExcludesLock(D->getName(),
1545                                                    Mutex.getName(),
1546                                                    Exp->getExprLoc());
1547        }
1548        break;
1549      }
1551      // Ignore other (non thread-safety) attributes
1552      default:
1553        break;
1554    }
1555  }
1557  // Figure out if we're calling the constructor of scoped lockable class
1558  bool isScopedVar = false;
1559  if (VD) {
1560    if (const CXXConstructorDecl *CD = dyn_cast<const CXXConstructorDecl>(D)) {
1561      const CXXRecordDecl* PD = CD->getParent();
1562      if (PD && PD->getAttr<ScopedLockableAttr>())
1563        isScopedVar = true;
1564    }
1565  }
1567  // Add locks.
1568  SourceLocation Loc = Exp->getExprLoc();
1569  for (unsigned i=0,n=ExclusiveLocksToAdd.size(); i<n; ++i) {
1570    Analyzer->addLock(FSet, ExclusiveLocksToAdd[i],
1571                            LockData(Loc, LK_Exclusive, isScopedVar));
1572  }
1573  for (unsigned i=0,n=SharedLocksToAdd.size(); i<n; ++i) {
1574    Analyzer->addLock(FSet, SharedLocksToAdd[i],
1575                            LockData(Loc, LK_Shared, isScopedVar));
1576  }
1578  // Add the managing object as a dummy mutex, mapped to the underlying mutex.
1579  // FIXME -- this doesn't work if we acquire multiple locks.
1580  if (isScopedVar) {
1581    SourceLocation MLoc = VD->getLocation();
1582    DeclRefExpr DRE(VD, false, VD->getType(), VK_LValue, VD->getLocation());
1583    MutexID SMutex(&DRE, 0, 0);
1585    for (unsigned i=0,n=ExclusiveLocksToAdd.size(); i<n; ++i) {
1586      Analyzer->addLock(FSet, SMutex, LockData(MLoc, LK_Exclusive,
1587                                               ExclusiveLocksToAdd[i]));
1588    }
1589    for (unsigned i=0,n=SharedLocksToAdd.size(); i<n; ++i) {
1590      Analyzer->addLock(FSet, SMutex, LockData(MLoc, LK_Shared,
1591                                               SharedLocksToAdd[i]));
1592    }
1593  }
1595  // Remove locks.
1596  // FIXME -- should only fully remove if the attribute refers to 'this'.
1597  bool Dtor = isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(D);
1598  for (unsigned i=0,n=LocksToRemove.size(); i<n; ++i) {
1599    Analyzer->removeLock(FSet, LocksToRemove[i], Loc, Dtor);
1600  }
1604/// \brief For unary operations which read and write a variable, we need to
1605/// check whether we hold any required mutexes. Reads are checked in
1606/// VisitCastExpr.
1607void BuildLockset::VisitUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator *UO) {
1608  switch (UO->getOpcode()) {
1609    case clang::UO_PostDec:
1610    case clang::UO_PostInc:
1611    case clang::UO_PreDec:
1612    case clang::UO_PreInc: {
1613      Expr *SubExp = UO->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParenCasts();
1614      checkAccess(SubExp, AK_Written);
1615      checkDereference(SubExp, AK_Written);
1616      break;
1617    }
1618    default:
1619      break;
1620  }
1623/// For binary operations which assign to a variable (writes), we need to check
1624/// whether we hold any required mutexes.
1625/// FIXME: Deal with non-primitive types.
1626void BuildLockset::VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *BO) {
1627  if (!BO->isAssignmentOp())
1628    return;
1630  // adjust the context
1631  LVarCtx = Analyzer->LocalVarMap.getNextContext(CtxIndex, BO, LVarCtx);
1633  Expr *LHSExp = BO->getLHS()->IgnoreParenCasts();
1634  checkAccess(LHSExp, AK_Written);
1635  checkDereference(LHSExp, AK_Written);
1638/// Whenever we do an LValue to Rvalue cast, we are reading a variable and
1639/// need to ensure we hold any required mutexes.
1640/// FIXME: Deal with non-primitive types.
1641void BuildLockset::VisitCastExpr(CastExpr *CE) {
1642  if (CE->getCastKind() != CK_LValueToRValue)
1643    return;
1644  Expr *SubExp = CE->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParenCasts();
1645  checkAccess(SubExp, AK_Read);
1646  checkDereference(SubExp, AK_Read);
1650void BuildLockset::VisitCallExpr(CallExpr *Exp) {
1651  NamedDecl *D = dyn_cast_or_null<NamedDecl>(Exp->getCalleeDecl());
1652  if(!D || !D->hasAttrs())
1653    return;
1654  handleCall(Exp, D);
1657void BuildLockset::VisitCXXConstructExpr(CXXConstructExpr *Exp) {
1658  // FIXME -- only handles constructors in DeclStmt below.
1661void BuildLockset::VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt *S) {
1662  // adjust the context
1663  LVarCtx = Analyzer->LocalVarMap.getNextContext(CtxIndex, S, LVarCtx);
1665  DeclGroupRef DGrp = S->getDeclGroup();
1666  for (DeclGroupRef::iterator I = DGrp.begin(), E = DGrp.end(); I != E; ++I) {
1667    Decl *D = *I;
1668    if (VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast_or_null<VarDecl>(D)) {
1669      Expr *E = VD->getInit();
1670      // handle constructors that involve temporaries
1671      if (ExprWithCleanups *EWC = dyn_cast_or_null<ExprWithCleanups>(E))
1672        E = EWC->getSubExpr();
1674      if (CXXConstructExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CXXConstructExpr>(E)) {
1675        NamedDecl *CtorD = dyn_cast_or_null<NamedDecl>(CE->getConstructor());
1676        if (!CtorD || !CtorD->hasAttrs())
1677          return;
1678        handleCall(CE, CtorD, VD);
1679      }
1680    }
1681  }
1686/// \brief Compute the intersection of two locksets and issue warnings for any
1687/// locks in the symmetric difference.
1689/// This function is used at a merge point in the CFG when comparing the lockset
1690/// of each branch being merged. For example, given the following sequence:
1691/// A; if () then B; else C; D; we need to check that the lockset after B and C
1692/// are the same. In the event of a difference, we use the intersection of these
1693/// two locksets at the start of D.
1695/// \param LSet1 The first lockset.
1696/// \param LSet2 The second lockset.
1697/// \param JoinLoc The location of the join point for error reporting
1698/// \param LEK1 The error message to report if a mutex is missing from LSet1
1699/// \param LEK2 The error message to report if a mutex is missing from Lset2
1700void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::intersectAndWarn(FactSet &FSet1,
1701                                            const FactSet &FSet2,
1702                                            SourceLocation JoinLoc,
1703                                            LockErrorKind LEK1,
1704                                            LockErrorKind LEK2,
1705                                            bool Modify) {
1706  FactSet FSet1Orig = FSet1;
1708  for (FactSet::const_iterator I = FSet2.begin(), E = FSet2.end();
1709       I != E; ++I) {
1710    const MutexID &FSet2Mutex = FactMan[*I].MutID;
1711    const LockData &LDat2 = FactMan[*I].LDat;
1713    if (const LockData *LDat1 = FSet1.findLock(FactMan, FSet2Mutex)) {
1714      if (LDat1->LKind != LDat2.LKind) {
1715        Handler.handleExclusiveAndShared(FSet2Mutex.getName(),
1716                                         LDat2.AcquireLoc,
1717                                         LDat1->AcquireLoc);
1718        if (Modify && LDat1->LKind != LK_Exclusive) {
1719          FSet1.removeLock(FactMan, FSet2Mutex);
1720          FSet1.addLock(FactMan, FSet2Mutex, LDat2);
1721        }
1722      }
1723    } else {
1724      if (LDat2.UnderlyingMutex.isValid()) {
1725        if (FSet2.findLock(FactMan, LDat2.UnderlyingMutex)) {
1726          // If this is a scoped lock that manages another mutex, and if the
1727          // underlying mutex is still held, then warn about the underlying
1728          // mutex.
1729          Handler.handleMutexHeldEndOfScope(LDat2.UnderlyingMutex.getName(),
1730                                            LDat2.AcquireLoc,
1731                                            JoinLoc, LEK1);
1732        }
1733      }
1734      else if (!LDat2.Managed)
1735        Handler.handleMutexHeldEndOfScope(FSet2Mutex.getName(),
1736                                          LDat2.AcquireLoc,
1737                                          JoinLoc, LEK1);
1738    }
1739  }
1741  for (FactSet::const_iterator I = FSet1.begin(), E = FSet1.end();
1742       I != E; ++I) {
1743    const MutexID &FSet1Mutex = FactMan[*I].MutID;
1744    const LockData &LDat1 = FactMan[*I].LDat;
1746    if (!FSet2.findLock(FactMan, FSet1Mutex)) {
1747      if (LDat1.UnderlyingMutex.isValid()) {
1748        if (FSet1Orig.findLock(FactMan, LDat1.UnderlyingMutex)) {
1749          // If this is a scoped lock that manages another mutex, and if the
1750          // underlying mutex is still held, then warn about the underlying
1751          // mutex.
1752          Handler.handleMutexHeldEndOfScope(LDat1.UnderlyingMutex.getName(),
1753                                            LDat1.AcquireLoc,
1754                                            JoinLoc, LEK1);
1755        }
1756      }
1757      else if (!LDat1.Managed)
1758        Handler.handleMutexHeldEndOfScope(FSet1Mutex.getName(),
1759                                          LDat1.AcquireLoc,
1760                                          JoinLoc, LEK2);
1761      if (Modify)
1762        FSet1.removeLock(FactMan, FSet1Mutex);
1763    }
1764  }
1769/// \brief Check a function's CFG for thread-safety violations.
1771/// We traverse the blocks in the CFG, compute the set of mutexes that are held
1772/// at the end of each block, and issue warnings for thread safety violations.
1773/// Each block in the CFG is traversed exactly once.
1774void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::runAnalysis(AnalysisDeclContext &AC) {
1775  CFG *CFGraph = AC.getCFG();
1776  if (!CFGraph) return;
1777  const NamedDecl *D = dyn_cast_or_null<NamedDecl>(AC.getDecl());
1779  // AC.dumpCFG(true);
1781  if (!D)
1782    return;  // Ignore anonymous functions for now.
1783  if (D->getAttr<NoThreadSafetyAnalysisAttr>())
1784    return;
1785  // FIXME: Do something a bit more intelligent inside constructor and
1786  // destructor code.  Constructors and destructors must assume unique access
1787  // to 'this', so checks on member variable access is disabled, but we should
1788  // still enable checks on other objects.
1789  if (isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(D))
1790    return;  // Don't check inside constructors.
1791  if (isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(D))
1792    return;  // Don't check inside destructors.
1794  BlockInfo.resize(CFGraph->getNumBlockIDs(),
1795    CFGBlockInfo::getEmptyBlockInfo(LocalVarMap));
1797  // We need to explore the CFG via a "topological" ordering.
1798  // That way, we will be guaranteed to have information about required
1799  // predecessor locksets when exploring a new block.
1800  PostOrderCFGView *SortedGraph = AC.getAnalysis<PostOrderCFGView>();
1801  PostOrderCFGView::CFGBlockSet VisitedBlocks(CFGraph);
1803  // Compute SSA names for local variables
1804  LocalVarMap.traverseCFG(CFGraph, SortedGraph, BlockInfo);
1806  // Fill in source locations for all CFGBlocks.
1807  findBlockLocations(CFGraph, SortedGraph, BlockInfo);
1809  // Add locks from exclusive_locks_required and shared_locks_required
1810  // to initial lockset. Also turn off checking for lock and unlock functions.
1811  // FIXME: is there a more intelligent way to check lock/unlock functions?
1812  if (!SortedGraph->empty() && D->hasAttrs()) {
1813    const CFGBlock *FirstBlock = *SortedGraph->begin();
1814    FactSet &InitialLockset = BlockInfo[FirstBlock->getBlockID()].EntrySet;
1815    const AttrVec &ArgAttrs = D->getAttrs();
1817    MutexIDList ExclusiveLocksToAdd;
1818    MutexIDList SharedLocksToAdd;
1820    SourceLocation Loc = D->getLocation();
1821    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ArgAttrs.size(); ++i) {
1822      Attr *Attr = ArgAttrs[i];
1823      Loc = Attr->getLocation();
1824      if (ExclusiveLocksRequiredAttr *A
1825            = dyn_cast<ExclusiveLocksRequiredAttr>(Attr)) {
1826        getMutexIDs(ExclusiveLocksToAdd, A, (Expr*) 0, D);
1827      } else if (SharedLocksRequiredAttr *A
1828                   = dyn_cast<SharedLocksRequiredAttr>(Attr)) {
1829        getMutexIDs(SharedLocksToAdd, A, (Expr*) 0, D);
1830      } else if (isa<UnlockFunctionAttr>(Attr)) {
1831        // Don't try to check unlock functions for now
1832        return;
1833      } else if (isa<ExclusiveLockFunctionAttr>(Attr)) {
1834        // Don't try to check lock functions for now
1835        return;
1836      } else if (isa<SharedLockFunctionAttr>(Attr)) {
1837        // Don't try to check lock functions for now
1838        return;
1839      } else if (isa<ExclusiveTrylockFunctionAttr>(Attr)) {
1840        // Don't try to check trylock functions for now
1841        return;
1842      } else if (isa<SharedTrylockFunctionAttr>(Attr)) {
1843        // Don't try to check trylock functions for now
1844        return;
1845      }
1846    }
1848    // FIXME -- Loc can be wrong here.
1849    for (unsigned i=0,n=ExclusiveLocksToAdd.size(); i<n; ++i) {
1850      addLock(InitialLockset, ExclusiveLocksToAdd[i],
1851              LockData(Loc, LK_Exclusive));
1852    }
1853    for (unsigned i=0,n=SharedLocksToAdd.size(); i<n; ++i) {
1854      addLock(InitialLockset, SharedLocksToAdd[i],
1855              LockData(Loc, LK_Shared));
1856    }
1857  }
1859  for (PostOrderCFGView::iterator I = SortedGraph->begin(),
1860       E = SortedGraph->end(); I!= E; ++I) {
1861    const CFGBlock *CurrBlock = *I;
1862    int CurrBlockID = CurrBlock->getBlockID();
1863    CFGBlockInfo *CurrBlockInfo = &BlockInfo[CurrBlockID];
1865    // Use the default initial lockset in case there are no predecessors.
1866    VisitedBlocks.insert(CurrBlock);
1868    // Iterate through the predecessor blocks and warn if the lockset for all
1869    // predecessors is not the same. We take the entry lockset of the current
1870    // block to be the intersection of all previous locksets.
1871    // FIXME: By keeping the intersection, we may output more errors in future
1872    // for a lock which is not in the intersection, but was in the union. We
1873    // may want to also keep the union in future. As an example, let's say
1874    // the intersection contains Mutex L, and the union contains L and M.
1875    // Later we unlock M. At this point, we would output an error because we
1876    // never locked M; although the real error is probably that we forgot to
1877    // lock M on all code paths. Conversely, let's say that later we lock M.
1878    // In this case, we should compare against the intersection instead of the
1879    // union because the real error is probably that we forgot to unlock M on
1880    // all code paths.
1881    bool LocksetInitialized = false;
1882    llvm::SmallVector<CFGBlock*, 8> SpecialBlocks;
1883    for (CFGBlock::const_pred_iterator PI = CurrBlock->pred_begin(),
1884         PE  = CurrBlock->pred_end(); PI != PE; ++PI) {
1886      // if *PI -> CurrBlock is a back edge
1887      if (*PI == 0 || !VisitedBlocks.alreadySet(*PI))
1888        continue;
1890      // Ignore edges from blocks that can't return.
1891      if ((*PI)->hasNoReturnElement())
1892        continue;
1894      // If the previous block ended in a 'continue' or 'break' statement, then
1895      // a difference in locksets is probably due to a bug in that block, rather
1896      // than in some other predecessor. In that case, keep the other
1897      // predecessor's lockset.
1898      if (const Stmt *Terminator = (*PI)->getTerminator()) {
1899        if (isa<ContinueStmt>(Terminator) || isa<BreakStmt>(Terminator)) {
1900          SpecialBlocks.push_back(*PI);
1901          continue;
1902        }
1903      }
1905      int PrevBlockID = (*PI)->getBlockID();
1906      CFGBlockInfo *PrevBlockInfo = &BlockInfo[PrevBlockID];
1907      FactSet PrevLockset;
1908      getEdgeLockset(PrevLockset, PrevBlockInfo->ExitSet, *PI, CurrBlock);
1910      if (!LocksetInitialized) {
1911        CurrBlockInfo->EntrySet = PrevLockset;
1912        LocksetInitialized = true;
1913      } else {
1914        intersectAndWarn(CurrBlockInfo->EntrySet, PrevLockset,
1915                         CurrBlockInfo->EntryLoc,
1916                         LEK_LockedSomePredecessors);
1917      }
1918    }
1920    // Process continue and break blocks. Assume that the lockset for the
1921    // resulting block is unaffected by any discrepancies in them.
1922    for (unsigned SpecialI = 0, SpecialN = SpecialBlocks.size();
1923         SpecialI < SpecialN; ++SpecialI) {
1924      CFGBlock *PrevBlock = SpecialBlocks[SpecialI];
1925      int PrevBlockID = PrevBlock->getBlockID();
1926      CFGBlockInfo *PrevBlockInfo = &BlockInfo[PrevBlockID];
1928      if (!LocksetInitialized) {
1929        CurrBlockInfo->EntrySet = PrevBlockInfo->ExitSet;
1930        LocksetInitialized = true;
1931      } else {
1932        // Determine whether this edge is a loop terminator for diagnostic
1933        // purposes. FIXME: A 'break' statement might be a loop terminator, but
1934        // it might also be part of a switch. Also, a subsequent destructor
1935        // might add to the lockset, in which case the real issue might be a
1936        // double lock on the other path.
1937        const Stmt *Terminator = PrevBlock->getTerminator();
1938        bool IsLoop = Terminator && isa<ContinueStmt>(Terminator);
1940        FactSet PrevLockset;
1941        getEdgeLockset(PrevLockset, PrevBlockInfo->ExitSet,
1942                       PrevBlock, CurrBlock);
1944        // Do not update EntrySet.
1945        intersectAndWarn(CurrBlockInfo->EntrySet, PrevLockset,
1946                         PrevBlockInfo->ExitLoc,
1947                         IsLoop ? LEK_LockedSomeLoopIterations
1948                                : LEK_LockedSomePredecessors,
1949                         false);
1950      }
1951    }
1953    BuildLockset LocksetBuilder(this, *CurrBlockInfo);
1955    // Visit all the statements in the basic block.
1956    for (CFGBlock::const_iterator BI = CurrBlock->begin(),
1957         BE = CurrBlock->end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
1958      switch (BI->getKind()) {
1959        case CFGElement::Statement: {
1960          const CFGStmt *CS = cast<CFGStmt>(&*BI);
1961          LocksetBuilder.Visit(const_cast<Stmt*>(CS->getStmt()));
1962          break;
1963        }
1964        // Ignore BaseDtor, MemberDtor, and TemporaryDtor for now.
1965        case CFGElement::AutomaticObjectDtor: {
1966          const CFGAutomaticObjDtor *AD = cast<CFGAutomaticObjDtor>(&*BI);
1967          CXXDestructorDecl *DD = const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl*>(
1968            AD->getDestructorDecl(AC.getASTContext()));
1969          if (!DD->hasAttrs())
1970            break;
1972          // Create a dummy expression,
1973          VarDecl *VD = const_cast<VarDecl*>(AD->getVarDecl());
1974          DeclRefExpr DRE(VD, false, VD->getType(), VK_LValue,
1975                          AD->getTriggerStmt()->getLocEnd());
1976          LocksetBuilder.handleCall(&DRE, DD);
1977          break;
1978        }
1979        default:
1980          break;
1981      }
1982    }
1983    CurrBlockInfo->ExitSet = LocksetBuilder.FSet;
1985    // For every back edge from CurrBlock (the end of the loop) to another block
1986    // (FirstLoopBlock) we need to check that the Lockset of Block is equal to
1987    // the one held at the beginning of FirstLoopBlock. We can look up the
1988    // Lockset held at the beginning of FirstLoopBlock in the EntryLockSets map.
1989    for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator SI = CurrBlock->succ_begin(),
1990         SE  = CurrBlock->succ_end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
1992      // if CurrBlock -> *SI is *not* a back edge
1993      if (*SI == 0 || !VisitedBlocks.alreadySet(*SI))
1994        continue;
1996      CFGBlock *FirstLoopBlock = *SI;
1997      CFGBlockInfo *PreLoop = &BlockInfo[FirstLoopBlock->getBlockID()];
1998      CFGBlockInfo *LoopEnd = &BlockInfo[CurrBlockID];
1999      intersectAndWarn(LoopEnd->ExitSet, PreLoop->EntrySet,
2000                       PreLoop->EntryLoc,
2001                       LEK_LockedSomeLoopIterations,
2002                       false);
2003    }
2004  }
2006  CFGBlockInfo *Initial = &BlockInfo[CFGraph->getEntry().getBlockID()];
2007  CFGBlockInfo *Final   = &BlockInfo[CFGraph->getExit().getBlockID()];
2009  // FIXME: Should we call this function for all blocks which exit the function?
2010  intersectAndWarn(Initial->EntrySet, Final->ExitSet,
2011                   Final->ExitLoc,
2012                   LEK_LockedAtEndOfFunction,
2013                   LEK_NotLockedAtEndOfFunction,
2014                   false);
2017} // end anonymous namespace
2020namespace clang {
2021namespace thread_safety {
2023/// \brief Check a function's CFG for thread-safety violations.
2025/// We traverse the blocks in the CFG, compute the set of mutexes that are held
2026/// at the end of each block, and issue warnings for thread safety violations.
2027/// Each block in the CFG is traversed exactly once.
2028void runThreadSafetyAnalysis(AnalysisDeclContext &AC,
2029                             ThreadSafetyHandler &Handler) {
2030  ThreadSafetyAnalyzer Analyzer(Handler);
2031  Analyzer.runAnalysis(AC);
2034/// \brief Helper function that returns a LockKind required for the given level
2035/// of access.
2036LockKind getLockKindFromAccessKind(AccessKind AK) {
2037  switch (AK) {
2038    case AK_Read :
2039      return LK_Shared;
2040    case AK_Written :
2041      return LK_Exclusive;
2042  }
2043  llvm_unreachable("Unknown AccessKind");
2046}} // end namespace clang::thread_safety