1Now that we are able to inspect the incoming request in great detail,
2this chapter discusses the means to enrich the outgoing responses likewise.
4As you have learned in the @emph{Hello, Browser} chapter, some obligatory
5header fields are added and set automatically for simple responses by the library
6itself but if more advanced features are desired, additional fields have to be created.
7One of the possible fields is the content type field and an example will be developed around it.
8This will lead to an application capable of correctly serving different types of files.
11When we responded with HTML page packed in the static string previously, the client had no choice
12but guessing about how to handle the response, because the server had not told him.
13What if we had sent a picture or a sound file?  Would the message have been understood
14or merely been displayed as an endless stream of random characters in the browser?
15This is what the mime content types are for. The header of the response is extended
16by certain information about how the data is to be interpreted.
18To introduce the concept, a picture of the format @emph{PNG} will be sent to the client
19and labeled accordingly with @code{image/png}.
20Once again, we can base the new example on the @code{hellobrowser} program.
23#define FILENAME "picture.png"
24#define MIMETYPE "image/png"
26static int
27answer_to_connection (void *cls, struct MHD_Connection *connection,
28		      const char *url,
29                      const char *method, const char *version,
30		      const char *upload_data,
31              	      size_t *upload_data_size, void **con_cls)
33  unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
34  struct MHD_Response *response;
35@end verbatim
38We want the program to open the file for reading and determine its size:
40  int fd;
41  int ret;
42  struct stat sbuf;
44  if (0 != strcmp (method, "GET"))
45    return MHD_NO;
46  if ( (-1 == (fd = open (FILENAME, O_RDONLY))) ||
47       (0 != fstat (fd, &sbuf)) )
48    {
49     /* error accessing file */
50      /* ... (see below) */
51    }
52 /* ... (see below) */
53@end verbatim
56When dealing with files, there is a lot that could go wrong on the
57server side and if so, the client should be informed with @code{MHD_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR}.
60      /* error accessing file */
61     if (fd != -1) close (fd);
62      const char *errorstr =
63        "<html><body>An internal server error has occured!\
64                              </body></html>";
65      response =
66	MHD_create_response_from_buffer (strlen (errorstr),
67				         (void *) errorstr,
69      if (response)
70        {
71          ret =
72            MHD_queue_response (connection, MHD_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
73                                response);
74          MHD_destroy_response (response);
76          return MHD_YES;
77        }
78      else
79        return MHD_NO;
80  if (!ret)
81    {
82      const char *errorstr = "<html><body>An internal server error has occured!\
83                              </body></html>";
85      if (buffer) free(buffer);
87      response = MHD_create_response_from_buffer (strlen(errorstr), (void*) errorstr,
88                                                  MHD_RESPMEM_PERSISTENT);
90      if (response)
91        {
92          ret = MHD_queue_response (connection,
94				    response);
95          MHD_destroy_response (response);
97          return MHD_YES;
98        }
99      else return MHD_NO;
100    }
101@end verbatim
104Note that we nevertheless have to create a response object even for sending a simple error code.
105Otherwise, the connection would just be closed without comment, leaving the client curious about
106what has happened.
108But in the case of success a response will be constructed directly from the file descriptor:
111     /* error accessing file */
112     /* ... (see above) */
113    }
115  response =
116    MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset (sbuf.st_size, fd, 0);
117  MHD_add_response_header (response, "Content-Type", MIMETYPE);
118  ret = MHD_queue_response (connection, MHD_HTTP_OK, response);
119  MHD_destroy_response (response);
120@end verbatim
123Note that the response object will take care of closing the file desciptor for us.
125Up to this point, there was little new. The actual novelty is that we enhance the header with the
126meta data about the content. Aware of the field's name we want to add, it is as easy as that:
128MHD_add_response_header(response, "Content-Type", MIMETYPE);
129@end verbatim
131We do not have to append a colon expected by the protocol behind the first
132field---@emph{GNU libhttpdmicro} will take care of this.
134The function finishes with the well-known lines
136  ret = MHD_queue_response (connection, MHD_HTTP_OK, response);
137  MHD_destroy_response (response);
138  return ret;
140@end verbatim
143The complete program @code{responseheaders.c} is in the @code{examples} section as usual.
144Find a @emph{PNG} file you like and save it to the directory the example is run from under the name
145@code{picture.png}. You should find the image displayed on your browser if everything worked well.
147@heading Remarks
148The include file of the @emph{MHD} library comes with the header types mentioned in @emph{RFC 2616}
149already defined as macros. Thus, we could have written @code{MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE} instead
150of @code{"Content-Type"} as well. However, one is not limited to these standard headers and could
151add custom response headers without violating the protocol. Whether, and how, the client would react
152to these custom header is up to the receiver. Likewise, the client is allowed to send custom request
153headers to the server as well, opening up yet more possibilities how client and server could
154communicate with each other.
156The method of creating the response from a file on disk only works for static content.
157Serving dynamically created responses will be a topic of a future chapter.
159@heading Exercises
160@itemize @bullet
163Remember that the original program was written under a few assumptions---a static response
164using a local file being one of them. In order to simulate a very large or hard to reach file that cannot be provided
165instantly, postpone the queuing in the callback with the @code{sleep} function for 30 seconds
166@emph{if} the file @code{/big.png} is requested (but deliver the same as above). A request for
167@code{/picture.png} should provide just the same but without any artificial delays.
169Now start two instances of your browser (or even use two machines) and see how the second client
170is put on hold while the first waits for his request on the slow file to be fulfilled.
172Finally, change the sourcecode to use @code{MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION} when the daemon is
173started and try again.
177Did you succeed in implementing the clock exercise yet? This time, let the server save the
178program's start time @code{t} and implement a response simulating a countdown that reaches 0 at
179@code{t+60}. Returning a message saying on which point the countdown is, the response should
180ultimately be to reply "Done" if the program has been running long enough,
182An unofficial, but widely understood, response header line is @code{Refresh: DELAY; url=URL} with
183the uppercase words substituted to tell the client it should request the given resource after
184the given delay again. Improve your program in that the browser (any modern browser should work)
185automatically reconnects and asks for the status again every 5 seconds or so. The URL would have
186to be composed so that it begins with "http://", followed by the @emph{URI} the server is reachable
187from the client's point of view.
189Maybe you want also to visualize the countdown as a status bar by creating a
190@code{} consisting of one row and @code{n} columns whose fields contain small images of either191a red or a green light.192193@end itemize194