Dwarf.cpp revision 9a777a3a8ed8f73cc9a256208ad3c52391eb5aae
1//===-- llvm/Support/Dwarf.cpp - Dwarf Framework ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file was developed by James M. Laskey and is distributed under the
6// University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file contains support for generic dwarf information.
14#include "llvm/Support/Dwarf.h"
16#include <cassert>
18namespace llvm {
20namespace dwarf {
22/// TagString - Return the string for the specified tag.
24const char *TagString(unsigned Tag) {
25  switch(Tag) {
26    case DW_TAG_array_type:                return "TAG_array_type";
27    case DW_TAG_class_type:                return "TAG_class_type";
28    case DW_TAG_entry_point:               return "TAG_entry_point";
29    case DW_TAG_enumeration_type:          return "TAG_enumeration_type";
30    case DW_TAG_formal_parameter:          return "TAG_formal_parameter";
31    case DW_TAG_imported_declaration:      return "TAG_imported_declaration";
32    case DW_TAG_label:                     return "TAG_label";
33    case DW_TAG_lexical_block:             return "TAG_lexical_block";
34    case DW_TAG_member:                    return "TAG_member";
35    case DW_TAG_pointer_type:              return "TAG_pointer_type";
36    case DW_TAG_reference_type:            return "TAG_reference_type";
37    case DW_TAG_compile_unit:              return "TAG_compile_unit";
38    case DW_TAG_string_type:               return "TAG_string_type";
39    case DW_TAG_structure_type:            return "TAG_structure_type";
40    case DW_TAG_subroutine_type:           return "TAG_subroutine_type";
41    case DW_TAG_typedef:                   return "TAG_typedef";
42    case DW_TAG_union_type:                return "TAG_union_type";
43    case DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters:    return "TAG_unspecified_parameters";
44    case DW_TAG_variant:                   return "TAG_variant";
45    case DW_TAG_common_block:              return "TAG_common_block";
46    case DW_TAG_common_inclusion:          return "TAG_common_inclusion";
47    case DW_TAG_inheritance:               return "TAG_inheritance";
48    case DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine:        return "TAG_inlined_subroutine";
49    case DW_TAG_module:                    return "TAG_module";
50    case DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type:        return "TAG_ptr_to_member_type";
51    case DW_TAG_set_type:                  return "TAG_set_type";
52    case DW_TAG_subrange_type:             return "TAG_subrange_type";
53    case DW_TAG_with_stmt:                 return "TAG_with_stmt";
54    case DW_TAG_access_declaration:        return "TAG_access_declaration";
55    case DW_TAG_base_type:                 return "TAG_base_type";
56    case DW_TAG_catch_block:               return "TAG_catch_block";
57    case DW_TAG_const_type:                return "TAG_const_type";
58    case DW_TAG_constant:                  return "TAG_constant";
59    case DW_TAG_enumerator:                return "TAG_enumerator";
60    case DW_TAG_file_type:                 return "TAG_file_type";
61    case DW_TAG_friend:                    return "TAG_friend";
62    case DW_TAG_namelist:                  return "TAG_namelist";
63    case DW_TAG_namelist_item:             return "TAG_namelist_item";
64    case DW_TAG_packed_type:               return "TAG_packed_type";
65    case DW_TAG_subprogram:                return "TAG_subprogram";
66    case DW_TAG_template_type_parameter:   return "TAG_template_type_parameter";
67    case DW_TAG_template_value_parameter: return "TAG_template_value_parameter";
68    case DW_TAG_thrown_type:               return "TAG_thrown_type";
69    case DW_TAG_try_block:                 return "TAG_try_block";
70    case DW_TAG_variant_part:              return "TAG_variant_part";
71    case DW_TAG_variable:                  return "TAG_variable";
72    case DW_TAG_volatile_type:             return "TAG_volatile_type";
73    case DW_TAG_dwarf_procedure:           return "TAG_dwarf_procedure";
74    case DW_TAG_restrict_type:             return "TAG_restrict_type";
75    case DW_TAG_interface_type:            return "TAG_interface_type";
76    case DW_TAG_namespace:                 return "TAG_namespace";
77    case DW_TAG_imported_module:           return "TAG_imported_module";
78    case DW_TAG_unspecified_type:          return "TAG_unspecified_type";
79    case DW_TAG_partial_unit:              return "TAG_partial_unit";
80    case DW_TAG_imported_unit:             return "TAG_imported_unit";
81    case DW_TAG_condition:                 return "TAG_condition";
82    case DW_TAG_shared_type:               return "TAG_shared_type";
83    case DW_TAG_lo_user:                   return "TAG_lo_user";
84    case DW_TAG_hi_user:                   return "TAG_hi_user";
85  }
86  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Tag");
87  return "";
90/// ChildrenString - Return the string for the specified children flag.
92const char *ChildrenString(unsigned Children) {
93  switch(Children) {
94    case DW_CHILDREN_no:                   return "CHILDREN_no";
95    case DW_CHILDREN_yes:                  return "CHILDREN_yes";
96  }
97  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf ChildrenFlag");
98  return "";
101/// AttributeString - Return the string for the specified attribute.
103const char *AttributeString(unsigned Attribute) {
104  switch(Attribute) {
105    case DW_AT_sibling:                    return "AT_sibling";
106    case DW_AT_location:                   return "AT_location";
107    case DW_AT_name:                       return "AT_name";
108    case DW_AT_ordering:                   return "AT_ordering";
109    case DW_AT_byte_size:                  return "AT_byte_size";
110    case DW_AT_bit_offset:                 return "AT_bit_offset";
111    case DW_AT_bit_size:                   return "AT_bit_size";
112    case DW_AT_stmt_list:                  return "AT_stmt_list";
113    case DW_AT_low_pc:                     return "AT_low_pc";
114    case DW_AT_high_pc:                    return "AT_high_pc";
115    case DW_AT_language:                   return "AT_language";
116    case DW_AT_discr:                      return "AT_discr";
117    case DW_AT_discr_value:                return "AT_discr_value";
118    case DW_AT_visibility:                 return "AT_visibility";
119    case DW_AT_import:                     return "AT_import";
120    case DW_AT_string_length:              return "AT_string_length";
121    case DW_AT_common_reference:           return "AT_common_reference";
122    case DW_AT_comp_dir:                   return "AT_comp_dir";
123    case DW_AT_const_value:                return "AT_const_value";
124    case DW_AT_containing_type:            return "AT_containing_type";
125    case DW_AT_default_value:              return "AT_default_value";
126    case DW_AT_inline:                     return "AT_inline";
127    case DW_AT_is_optional:                return "AT_is_optional";
128    case DW_AT_lower_bound:                return "AT_lower_bound";
129    case DW_AT_producer:                   return "AT_producer";
130    case DW_AT_prototyped:                 return "AT_prototyped";
131    case DW_AT_return_addr:                return "AT_return_addr";
132    case DW_AT_start_scope:                return "AT_start_scope";
133    case DW_AT_bit_stride:                 return "AT_bit_stride";
134    case DW_AT_upper_bound:                return "AT_upper_bound";
135    case DW_AT_abstract_origin:            return "AT_abstract_origin";
136    case DW_AT_accessibility:              return "AT_accessibility";
137    case DW_AT_address_class:              return "AT_address_class";
138    case DW_AT_artificial:                 return "AT_artificial";
139    case DW_AT_base_types:                 return "AT_base_types";
140    case DW_AT_calling_convention:         return "AT_calling_convention";
141    case DW_AT_count:                      return "AT_count";
142    case DW_AT_data_member_location:       return "AT_data_member_location";
143    case DW_AT_decl_column:                return "AT_decl_column";
144    case DW_AT_decl_file:                  return "AT_decl_file";
145    case DW_AT_decl_line:                  return "AT_decl_line";
146    case DW_AT_declaration:                return "AT_declaration";
147    case DW_AT_discr_list:                 return "AT_discr_list";
148    case DW_AT_encoding:                   return "AT_encoding";
149    case DW_AT_external:                   return "AT_external";
150    case DW_AT_frame_base:                 return "AT_frame_base";
151    case DW_AT_friend:                     return "AT_friend";
152    case DW_AT_identifier_case:            return "AT_identifier_case";
153    case DW_AT_macro_info:                 return "AT_macro_info";
154    case DW_AT_namelist_item:              return "AT_namelist_item";
155    case DW_AT_priority:                   return "AT_priority";
156    case DW_AT_segment:                    return "AT_segment";
157    case DW_AT_specification:              return "AT_specification";
158    case DW_AT_static_link:                return "AT_static_link";
159    case DW_AT_type:                       return "AT_type";
160    case DW_AT_use_location:               return "AT_use_location";
161    case DW_AT_variable_parameter:         return "AT_variable_parameter";
162    case DW_AT_virtuality:                 return "AT_virtuality";
163    case DW_AT_vtable_elem_location:       return "AT_vtable_elem_location";
164    case DW_AT_allocated:                  return "AT_allocated";
165    case DW_AT_associated:                 return "AT_associated";
166    case DW_AT_data_location:              return "AT_data_location";
167    case DW_AT_byte_stride:                return "AT_byte_stride";
168    case DW_AT_entry_pc:                   return "AT_entry_pc";
169    case DW_AT_use_UTF8:                   return "AT_use_UTF8";
170    case DW_AT_extension:                  return "AT_extension";
171    case DW_AT_ranges:                     return "AT_ranges";
172    case DW_AT_trampoline:                 return "AT_trampoline";
173    case DW_AT_call_column:                return "AT_call_column";
174    case DW_AT_call_file:                  return "AT_call_file";
175    case DW_AT_call_line:                  return "AT_call_line";
176    case DW_AT_description:                return "AT_description";
177    case DW_AT_binary_scale:               return "AT_binary_scale";
178    case DW_AT_decimal_scale:              return "AT_decimal_scale";
179    case DW_AT_small:                      return "AT_small";
180    case DW_AT_decimal_sign:               return "AT_decimal_sign";
181    case DW_AT_digit_count:                return "AT_digit_count";
182    case DW_AT_picture_string:             return "AT_picture_string";
183    case DW_AT_mutable:                    return "AT_mutable";
184    case DW_AT_threads_scaled:             return "AT_threads_scaled";
185    case DW_AT_explicit:                   return "AT_explicit";
186    case DW_AT_object_pointer:             return "AT_object_pointer";
187    case DW_AT_endianity:                  return "AT_endianity";
188    case DW_AT_elemental:                  return "AT_elemental";
189    case DW_AT_pure:                       return "AT_pure";
190    case DW_AT_recursive:                  return "AT_recursive";
191    case DW_AT_lo_user:                    return "AT_lo_user";
192    case DW_AT_hi_user:                    return "AT_hi_user";
193  }
194  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Attribute");
195  return "";
198/// FormEncodingString - Return the string for the specified form encoding.
200const char *FormEncodingString(unsigned Encoding) {
201  switch(Encoding) {
202    case DW_FORM_addr:                     return "FORM_addr";
203    case DW_FORM_block2:                   return "FORM_block2";
204    case DW_FORM_block4:                   return "FORM_block4";
205    case DW_FORM_data2:                    return "FORM_data2";
206    case DW_FORM_data4:                    return "FORM_data4";
207    case DW_FORM_data8:                    return "FORM_data8";
208    case DW_FORM_string:                   return "FORM_string";
209    case DW_FORM_block:                    return "FORM_block";
210    case DW_FORM_block1:                   return "FORM_block1";
211    case DW_FORM_data1:                    return "FORM_data1";
212    case DW_FORM_flag:                     return "FORM_flag";
213    case DW_FORM_sdata:                    return "FORM_sdata";
214    case DW_FORM_strp:                     return "FORM_strp";
215    case DW_FORM_udata:                    return "FORM_udata";
216    case DW_FORM_ref_addr:                 return "FORM_ref_addr";
217    case DW_FORM_ref1:                     return "FORM_ref1";
218    case DW_FORM_ref2:                     return "FORM_ref2";
219    case DW_FORM_ref4:                     return "FORM_ref4";
220    case DW_FORM_ref8:                     return "FORM_ref8";
221    case DW_FORM_ref_udata:                return "FORM_ref_udata";
222    case DW_FORM_indirect:                 return "FORM_indirect";
223  }
224  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Form Encoding");
225  return "";
228/// OperationEncodingString - Return the string for the specified operation
229/// encoding.
230const char *OperationEncodingString(unsigned Encoding) {
231  switch(Encoding) {
232    case DW_OP_addr:                       return "OP_addr";
233    case DW_OP_deref:                      return "OP_deref";
234    case DW_OP_const1u:                    return "OP_const1u";
235    case DW_OP_const1s:                    return "OP_const1s";
236    case DW_OP_const2u:                    return "OP_const2u";
237    case DW_OP_const2s:                    return "OP_const2s";
238    case DW_OP_const4u:                    return "OP_const4u";
239    case DW_OP_const4s:                    return "OP_const4s";
240    case DW_OP_const8u:                    return "OP_const8u";
241    case DW_OP_const8s:                    return "OP_const8s";
242    case DW_OP_constu:                     return "OP_constu";
243    case DW_OP_consts:                     return "OP_consts";
244    case DW_OP_dup:                        return "OP_dup";
245    case DW_OP_drop:                       return "OP_drop";
246    case DW_OP_over:                       return "OP_over";
247    case DW_OP_pick:                       return "OP_pick";
248    case DW_OP_swap:                       return "OP_swap";
249    case DW_OP_rot:                        return "OP_rot";
250    case DW_OP_xderef:                     return "OP_xderef";
251    case DW_OP_abs:                        return "OP_abs";
252    case DW_OP_and:                        return "OP_and";
253    case DW_OP_div:                        return "OP_div";
254    case DW_OP_minus:                      return "OP_minus";
255    case DW_OP_mod:                        return "OP_mod";
256    case DW_OP_mul:                        return "OP_mul";
257    case DW_OP_neg:                        return "OP_neg";
258    case DW_OP_not:                        return "OP_not";
259    case DW_OP_or:                         return "OP_or";
260    case DW_OP_plus:                       return "OP_plus";
261    case DW_OP_plus_uconst:                return "OP_plus_uconst";
262    case DW_OP_shl:                        return "OP_shl";
263    case DW_OP_shr:                        return "OP_shr";
264    case DW_OP_shra:                       return "OP_shra";
265    case DW_OP_xor:                        return "OP_xor";
266    case DW_OP_skip:                       return "OP_skip";
267    case DW_OP_bra:                        return "OP_bra";
268    case DW_OP_eq:                         return "OP_eq";
269    case DW_OP_ge:                         return "OP_ge";
270    case DW_OP_gt:                         return "OP_gt";
271    case DW_OP_le:                         return "OP_le";
272    case DW_OP_lt:                         return "OP_lt";
273    case DW_OP_ne:                         return "OP_ne";
274    case DW_OP_lit0:                       return "OP_lit0";
275    case DW_OP_lit1:                       return "OP_lit1";
276    case DW_OP_lit31:                      return "OP_lit31";
277    case DW_OP_reg0:                       return "OP_reg0";
278    case DW_OP_reg1:                       return "OP_reg1";
279    case DW_OP_reg31:                      return "OP_reg31";
280    case DW_OP_breg0:                      return "OP_breg0";
281    case DW_OP_breg1:                      return "OP_breg1";
282    case DW_OP_breg31:                     return "OP_breg31";
283    case DW_OP_regx:                       return "OP_regx";
284    case DW_OP_fbreg:                      return "OP_fbreg";
285    case DW_OP_bregx:                      return "OP_bregx";
286    case DW_OP_piece:                      return "OP_piece";
287    case DW_OP_deref_size:                 return "OP_deref_size";
288    case DW_OP_xderef_size:                return "OP_xderef_size";
289    case DW_OP_nop:                        return "OP_nop";
290    case DW_OP_push_object_address:        return "OP_push_object_address";
291    case DW_OP_call2:                      return "OP_call2";
292    case DW_OP_call4:                      return "OP_call4";
293    case DW_OP_call_ref:                   return "OP_call_ref";
294    case DW_OP_form_tls_address:           return "OP_form_tls_address";
295    case DW_OP_call_frame_cfa:             return "OP_call_frame_cfa";
296    case DW_OP_lo_user:                    return "OP_lo_user";
297    case DW_OP_hi_user:                    return "OP_hi_user";
298  }
299  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Operation Encoding");
300  return "";
303/// AttributeEncodingString - Return the string for the specified attribute
304/// encoding.
305const char *AttributeEncodingString(unsigned Encoding) {
306  switch(Encoding) {
307    case DW_ATE_address:                   return "ATE_address";
308    case DW_ATE_boolean:                   return "ATE_boolean";
309    case DW_ATE_complex_float:             return "ATE_complex_float";
310    case DW_ATE_float:                     return "ATE_float";
311    case DW_ATE_signed:                    return "ATE_signed";
312    case DW_ATE_signed_char:               return "ATE_signed_char";
313    case DW_ATE_unsigned:                  return "ATE_unsigned";
314    case DW_ATE_unsigned_char:             return "ATE_unsigned_char";
315    case DW_ATE_imaginary_float:           return "ATE_imaginary_float";
316    case DW_ATE_packed_decimal:            return "ATE_packed_decimal";
317    case DW_ATE_numeric_string:            return "ATE_numeric_string";
318    case DW_ATE_edited:                    return "ATE_edited";
319    case DW_ATE_signed_fixed:              return "ATE_signed_fixed";
320    case DW_ATE_unsigned_fixed:            return "ATE_unsigned_fixed";
321    case DW_ATE_decimal_float:             return "ATE_decimal_float";
322    case DW_ATE_lo_user:                   return "ATE_lo_user";
323    case DW_ATE_hi_user:                   return "ATE_hi_user";
324  }
325  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Attribute Encoding");
326  return "";
329/// DecimalSignString - Return the string for the specified decimal sign
330/// attribute.
331const char *DecimalSignString(unsigned Sign) {
332  switch(Sign) {
333    case DW_DS_unsigned:                   return "DS_unsigned";
334    case DW_DS_leading_overpunch:          return "DS_leading_overpunch";
335    case DW_DS_trailing_overpunch:         return "DS_trailing_overpunch";
336    case DW_DS_leading_separate:           return "DS_leading_separate";
337    case DW_DS_trailing_separate:          return "DS_trailing_separate";
338  }
339  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Decimal Sign Attribute");
340  return "";
343/// EndianityString - Return the string for the specified endianity.
345const char *EndianityString(unsigned Endian) {
346  switch(Endian) {
347    case DW_END_default:                   return "END_default";
348    case DW_END_big:                       return "END_big";
349    case DW_END_little:                    return "END_little";
350    case DW_END_lo_user:                   return "END_lo_user";
351    case DW_END_hi_user:                   return "END_hi_user";
352  }
353  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Endianity");
354  return "";
357/// AccessibilityString - Return the string for the specified accessibility.
359const char *AccessibilityString(unsigned Access) {
360  switch(Access) {
361    // Accessibility codes
362    case DW_ACCESS_public:                 return "ACCESS_public";
363    case DW_ACCESS_protected:              return "ACCESS_protected";
364    case DW_ACCESS_private:                return "ACCESS_private";
365  }
366  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Accessibility");
367  return "";
370/// VisibilityString - Return the string for the specified visibility.
372const char *VisibilityString(unsigned Visibility) {
373  switch(Visibility) {
374    case DW_VIS_local:                     return "VIS_local";
375    case DW_VIS_exported:                  return "VIS_exported";
376    case DW_VIS_qualified:                 return "VIS_qualified";
377  }
378  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Visibility");
379  return "";
382/// VirtualityString - Return the string for the specified virtuality.
384const char *VirtualityString(unsigned Virtuality) {
385  switch(Virtuality) {
386    case DW_VIRTUALITY_none:               return "VIRTUALITY_none";
387    case DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual:            return "VIRTUALITY_virtual";
388    case DW_VIRTUALITY_pure_virtual:       return "VIRTUALITY_pure_virtual";
389  }
390  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Virtuality");
391  return "";
394/// LanguageString - Return the string for the specified language.
396const char *LanguageString(unsigned Language) {
397  switch(Language) {
398    case DW_LANG_C89:                      return "LANG_C89";
399    case DW_LANG_C:                        return "LANG_C";
400    case DW_LANG_Ada83:                    return "LANG_Ada83";
401    case DW_LANG_C_plus_plus:              return "LANG_C_plus_plus";
402    case DW_LANG_Cobol74:                  return "LANG_Cobol74";
403    case DW_LANG_Cobol85:                  return "LANG_Cobol85";
404    case DW_LANG_Fortran77:                return "LANG_Fortran77";
405    case DW_LANG_Fortran90:                return "LANG_Fortran90";
406    case DW_LANG_Pascal83:                 return "LANG_Pascal83";
407    case DW_LANG_Modula2:                  return "LANG_Modula2";
408    case DW_LANG_Java:                     return "LANG_Java";
409    case DW_LANG_C99:                      return "LANG_C99";
410    case DW_LANG_Ada95:                    return "LANG_Ada95";
411    case DW_LANG_Fortran95:                return "LANG_Fortran95";
412    case DW_LANG_PLI:                      return "LANG_PLI";
413    case DW_LANG_ObjC:                     return "LANG_ObjC";
414    case DW_LANG_ObjC_plus_plus:           return "LANG_ObjC_plus_plus";
415    case DW_LANG_UPC:                      return "LANG_UPC";
416    case DW_LANG_D:                        return "LANG_D";
417    case DW_LANG_lo_user:                  return "LANG_lo_user";
418    case DW_LANG_hi_user:                  return "LANG_hi_user";
419  }
420  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Language");
421  return "";
424/// CaseString - Return the string for the specified identifier case.
426const char *CaseString(unsigned Case) {
427   switch(Case) {
428    case DW_ID_case_sensitive:             return "ID_case_sensitive";
429    case DW_ID_up_case:                    return "ID_up_case";
430    case DW_ID_down_case:                  return "ID_down_case";
431    case DW_ID_case_insensitive:           return "ID_case_insensitive";
432  }
433  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Identifier Case");
434  return "";
437/// ConventionString - Return the string for the specified calling convention.
439const char *ConventionString(unsigned Convention) {
440   switch(Convention) {
441    case DW_CC_normal:                     return "CC_normal";
442    case DW_CC_program:                    return "CC_program";
443    case DW_CC_nocall:                     return "CC_nocall";
444    case DW_CC_lo_user:                    return "CC_lo_user";
445    case DW_CC_hi_user:                    return "CC_hi_user";
446  }
447  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Calling Convention");
448  return "";
451/// InlineCodeString - Return the string for the specified inline code.
453const char *InlineCodeString(unsigned Code) {
454   switch(Code) {
455    case DW_INL_not_inlined:               return "INL_not_inlined";
456    case DW_INL_inlined:                   return "INL_inlined";
457    case DW_INL_declared_not_inlined:      return "INL_declared_not_inlined";
458    case DW_INL_declared_inlined:          return "INL_declared_inlined";
459  }
460  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Inline Code");
461  return "";
464/// ArrayOrderString - Return the string for the specified array order.
466const char *ArrayOrderString(unsigned Order) {
467   switch(Order) {
468    case DW_ORD_row_major:                 return "ORD_row_major";
469    case DW_ORD_col_major:                 return "ORD_col_major";
470  }
471  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Array Order");
472  return "";
475/// DiscriminantString - Return the string for the specified discriminant
476/// descriptor.
477const char *DiscriminantString(unsigned Discriminant) {
478   switch(Discriminant) {
479    case DW_DSC_label:                     return "DSC_label";
480    case DW_DSC_range:                     return "DSC_range";
481  }
482  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Discriminant Descriptor");
483  return "";
486/// LNStandardString - Return the string for the specified line number standard.
488const char *LNStandardString(unsigned Standard) {
489   switch(Standard) {
490    case DW_LNS_copy:                      return "LNS_copy";
491    case DW_LNS_advance_pc:                return "LNS_advance_pc";
492    case DW_LNS_advance_line:              return "LNS_advance_line";
493    case DW_LNS_set_file:                  return "LNS_set_file";
494    case DW_LNS_set_column:                return "LNS_set_column";
495    case DW_LNS_negate_stmt:               return "LNS_negate_stmt";
496    case DW_LNS_set_basic_block:           return "LNS_set_basic_block";
497    case DW_LNS_const_add_pc:              return "LNS_const_add_pc";
498    case DW_LNS_fixed_advance_pc:          return "LNS_fixed_advance_pc";
499    case DW_LNS_set_prologue_end:          return "LNS_set_prologue_end";
500    case DW_LNS_set_epilogue_begin:        return "LNS_set_epilogue_begin";
501    case DW_LNS_set_isa:                   return "LNS_set_isa";
502  }
503  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Line Number Standard");
504  return "";
507/// LNExtendedString - Return the string for the specified line number extended
508/// opcode encodings.
509const char *LNExtendedString(unsigned Encoding) {
510   switch(Encoding) {
511    // Line Number Extended Opcode Encodings
512    case DW_LNE_end_sequence:              return "LNE_end_sequence";
513    case DW_LNE_set_address:               return "LNE_set_address";
514    case DW_LNE_define_file:               return "LNE_define_file";
515    case DW_LNE_lo_user:                   return "LNE_lo_user";
516    case DW_LNE_hi_user:                   return "LNE_hi_user";
517  }
518  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Line Number Extended Opcode Encoding");
519  return "";
522/// MacinfoString - Return the string for the specified macinfo type encodings.
524const char *MacinfoString(unsigned Encoding) {
525   switch(Encoding) {
526    // Macinfo Type Encodings
527    case DW_MACINFO_define:                return "MACINFO_define";
528    case DW_MACINFO_undef:                 return "MACINFO_undef";
529    case DW_MACINFO_start_file:            return "MACINFO_start_file";
530    case DW_MACINFO_end_file:              return "MACINFO_end_file";
531    case DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext:            return "MACINFO_vendor_ext";
532  }
533  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Macinfo Type Encodings");
534  return "";
537/// CallFrameString - Return the string for the specified call frame instruction
538/// encodings.
539const char *CallFrameString(unsigned Encoding) {
540   switch(Encoding) {
541    case DW_CFA_advance_loc:               return "CFA_advance_loc";
542    case DW_CFA_offset:                    return "CFA_offset";
543    case DW_CFA_restore:                   return "CFA_restore";
544    case DW_CFA_set_loc:                   return "CFA_set_loc";
545    case DW_CFA_advance_loc1:              return "CFA_advance_loc1";
546    case DW_CFA_advance_loc2:              return "CFA_advance_loc2";
547    case DW_CFA_advance_loc4:              return "CFA_advance_loc4";
548    case DW_CFA_offset_extended:           return "CFA_offset_extended";
549    case DW_CFA_restore_extended:          return "CFA_restore_extended";
550    case DW_CFA_undefined:                 return "CFA_undefined";
551    case DW_CFA_same_value:                return "CFA_same_value";
552    case DW_CFA_register:                  return "CFA_register";
553    case DW_CFA_remember_state:            return "CFA_remember_state";
554    case DW_CFA_restore_state:             return "CFA_restore_state";
555    case DW_CFA_def_cfa:                   return "CFA_def_cfa";
556    case DW_CFA_def_cfa_register:          return "CFA_def_cfa_register";
557    case DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset:            return "CFA_def_cfa_offset";
558    case DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression:        return "CFA_def_cfa_expression";
559    case DW_CFA_expression:                return "CFA_expression";
560    case DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf:        return "CFA_offset_extended_sf";
561    case DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf:                return "CFA_def_cfa_sf";
562    case DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf:         return "CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf";
563    case DW_CFA_val_offset:                return "CFA_val_offset";
564    case DW_CFA_val_offset_sf:             return "CFA_val_offset_sf";
565    case DW_CFA_val_expression:            return "CFA_val_expression";
566    case DW_CFA_lo_user:                   return "CFA_lo_user";
567    case DW_CFA_hi_user:                   return "CFA_hi_user";
568  }
569  assert(0 && "Unknown Dwarf Call Frame Instruction Encodings");
570  return "";
573} // End of namespace dwarf.
575} // End of namespace llvm.