MachODump.cpp revision ebe69fe11e48d322045d5949c83283927a0d790b
1//===-- MachODump.cpp - Object file dumping utility for llvm --------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file implements the MachO-specific dumper for llvm-objdump.
14#include "llvm-objdump.h"
15#include "llvm-c/Disassembler.h"
16#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
17#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
18#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
19#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
20#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DIContext.h"
21#include "llvm/MC/MCAsmInfo.h"
22#include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
23#include "llvm/MC/MCDisassembler.h"
24#include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
25#include "llvm/MC/MCInstPrinter.h"
26#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrDesc.h"
27#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrInfo.h"
28#include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
29#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
30#include "llvm/Object/MachO.h"
31#include "llvm/Object/MachOUniversal.h"
32#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
33#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
34#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
35#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
36#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
37#include "llvm/Support/FormattedStream.h"
38#include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h"
39#include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
40#include "llvm/Support/MachO.h"
41#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
42#include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
43#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
44#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
45#include <algorithm>
46#include <cstring>
47#include <system_error>
50#include <cxxabi.h>
53using namespace llvm;
54using namespace object;
56static cl::opt<bool>
57    UseDbg("g",
58           cl::desc("Print line information from debug info if available"));
60static cl::opt<std::string> DSYMFile("dsym",
61                                     cl::desc("Use .dSYM file for debug info"));
63static cl::opt<bool> FullLeadingAddr("full-leading-addr",
64                                     cl::desc("Print full leading address"));
66static cl::opt<bool>
67    PrintImmHex("print-imm-hex",
68                cl::desc("Use hex format for immediate values"));
70cl::opt<bool> llvm::UniversalHeaders("universal-headers",
71                                     cl::desc("Print Mach-O universal headers "
72                                              "(requires -macho)"));
75    llvm::ArchiveHeaders("archive-headers",
76                         cl::desc("Print archive headers for Mach-O archives "
77                                  "(requires -macho)"));
80    llvm::IndirectSymbols("indirect-symbols",
81                          cl::desc("Print indirect symbol table for Mach-O "
82                                   "objects (requires -macho)"));
85    llvm::DataInCode("data-in-code",
86                     cl::desc("Print the data in code table for Mach-O objects "
87                              "(requires -macho)"));
90    llvm::LinkOptHints("link-opt-hints",
91                       cl::desc("Print the linker optimization hints for "
92                                "Mach-O objects (requires -macho)"));
95    llvm::DumpSections("section",
96                       cl::desc("Prints the specified segment,section for "
97                                "Mach-O objects (requires -macho)"));
99static cl::list<std::string>
100    ArchFlags("arch", cl::desc("architecture(s) from a Mach-O file to dump"),
101              cl::ZeroOrMore);
102bool ArchAll = false;
104static std::string ThumbTripleName;
106static const Target *GetTarget(const MachOObjectFile *MachOObj,
107                               const char **McpuDefault,
108                               const Target **ThumbTarget) {
109  // Figure out the target triple.
110  if (TripleName.empty()) {
111    llvm::Triple TT("unknown-unknown-unknown");
112    llvm::Triple ThumbTriple = Triple();
113    TT = MachOObj->getArch(McpuDefault, &ThumbTriple);
114    TripleName = TT.str();
115    ThumbTripleName = ThumbTriple.str();
116  }
118  // Get the target specific parser.
119  std::string Error;
120  const Target *TheTarget = TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(TripleName, Error);
121  if (TheTarget && ThumbTripleName.empty())
122    return TheTarget;
124  *ThumbTarget = TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(ThumbTripleName, Error);
125  if (*ThumbTarget)
126    return TheTarget;
128  errs() << "llvm-objdump: error: unable to get target for '";
129  if (!TheTarget)
130    errs() << TripleName;
131  else
132    errs() << ThumbTripleName;
133  errs() << "', see --version and --triple.\n";
134  return nullptr;
137struct SymbolSorter {
138  bool operator()(const SymbolRef &A, const SymbolRef &B) {
139    SymbolRef::Type AType, BType;
140    A.getType(AType);
141    B.getType(BType);
143    uint64_t AAddr, BAddr;
144    if (AType != SymbolRef::ST_Function)
145      AAddr = 0;
146    else
147      A.getAddress(AAddr);
148    if (BType != SymbolRef::ST_Function)
149      BAddr = 0;
150    else
151      B.getAddress(BAddr);
152    return AAddr < BAddr;
153  }
156// Types for the storted data in code table that is built before disassembly
157// and the predicate function to sort them.
158typedef std::pair<uint64_t, DiceRef> DiceTableEntry;
159typedef std::vector<DiceTableEntry> DiceTable;
160typedef DiceTable::iterator dice_table_iterator;
162// This is used to search for a data in code table entry for the PC being
163// disassembled.  The j parameter has the PC in j.first.  A single data in code
164// table entry can cover many bytes for each of its Kind's.  So if the offset,
165// aka the i.first value, of the data in code table entry plus its Length
166// covers the PC being searched for this will return true.  If not it will
167// return false.
168static bool compareDiceTableEntries(const DiceTableEntry &i,
169                                    const DiceTableEntry &j) {
170  uint16_t Length;
171  i.second.getLength(Length);
173  return j.first >= i.first && j.first < i.first + Length;
176static uint64_t DumpDataInCode(const char *bytes, uint64_t Length,
177                               unsigned short Kind) {
178  uint32_t Value, Size = 1;
180  switch (Kind) {
181  default:
182  case MachO::DICE_KIND_DATA:
183    if (Length >= 4) {
184      if (!NoShowRawInsn)
185        DumpBytes(StringRef(bytes, 4));
186      Value = bytes[3] << 24 | bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0];
187      outs() << "\t.long " << Value;
188      Size = 4;
189    } else if (Length >= 2) {
190      if (!NoShowRawInsn)
191        DumpBytes(StringRef(bytes, 2));
192      Value = bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0];
193      outs() << "\t.short " << Value;
194      Size = 2;
195    } else {
196      if (!NoShowRawInsn)
197        DumpBytes(StringRef(bytes, 2));
198      Value = bytes[0];
199      outs() << "\t.byte " << Value;
200      Size = 1;
201    }
202    if (Kind == MachO::DICE_KIND_DATA)
203      outs() << "\t@ KIND_DATA\n";
204    else
205      outs() << "\t@ data in code kind = " << Kind << "\n";
206    break;
207  case MachO::DICE_KIND_JUMP_TABLE8:
208    if (!NoShowRawInsn)
209      DumpBytes(StringRef(bytes, 1));
210    Value = bytes[0];
211    outs() << "\t.byte " << format("%3u", Value) << "\t@ KIND_JUMP_TABLE8\n";
212    Size = 1;
213    break;
214  case MachO::DICE_KIND_JUMP_TABLE16:
215    if (!NoShowRawInsn)
216      DumpBytes(StringRef(bytes, 2));
217    Value = bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0];
218    outs() << "\t.short " << format("%5u", Value & 0xffff)
219           << "\t@ KIND_JUMP_TABLE16\n";
220    Size = 2;
221    break;
222  case MachO::DICE_KIND_JUMP_TABLE32:
223  case MachO::DICE_KIND_ABS_JUMP_TABLE32:
224    if (!NoShowRawInsn)
225      DumpBytes(StringRef(bytes, 4));
226    Value = bytes[3] << 24 | bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0];
227    outs() << "\t.long " << Value;
228    if (Kind == MachO::DICE_KIND_JUMP_TABLE32)
229      outs() << "\t@ KIND_JUMP_TABLE32\n";
230    else
231      outs() << "\t@ KIND_ABS_JUMP_TABLE32\n";
232    Size = 4;
233    break;
234  }
235  return Size;
238static void getSectionsAndSymbols(const MachO::mach_header Header,
239                                  MachOObjectFile *MachOObj,
240                                  std::vector<SectionRef> &Sections,
241                                  std::vector<SymbolRef> &Symbols,
242                                  SmallVectorImpl<uint64_t> &FoundFns,
243                                  uint64_t &BaseSegmentAddress) {
244  for (const SymbolRef &Symbol : MachOObj->symbols()) {
245    StringRef SymName;
246    Symbol.getName(SymName);
247    if (!SymName.startswith("ltmp"))
248      Symbols.push_back(Symbol);
249  }
251  for (const SectionRef &Section : MachOObj->sections()) {
252    StringRef SectName;
253    Section.getName(SectName);
254    Sections.push_back(Section);
255  }
257  MachOObjectFile::LoadCommandInfo Command =
258      MachOObj->getFirstLoadCommandInfo();
259  bool BaseSegmentAddressSet = false;
260  for (unsigned i = 0;; ++i) {
261    if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_FUNCTION_STARTS) {
262      // We found a function starts segment, parse the addresses for later
263      // consumption.
264      MachO::linkedit_data_command LLC =
265          MachOObj->getLinkeditDataLoadCommand(Command);
267      MachOObj->ReadULEB128s(LLC.dataoff, FoundFns);
268    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT) {
269      MachO::segment_command SLC = MachOObj->getSegmentLoadCommand(Command);
270      StringRef SegName = SLC.segname;
271      if (!BaseSegmentAddressSet && SegName != "__PAGEZERO") {
272        BaseSegmentAddressSet = true;
273        BaseSegmentAddress = SLC.vmaddr;
274      }
275    }
277    if (i == Header.ncmds - 1)
278      break;
279    else
280      Command = MachOObj->getNextLoadCommandInfo(Command);
281  }
284static void PrintIndirectSymbolTable(MachOObjectFile *O, bool verbose,
285                                     uint32_t n, uint32_t count,
286                                     uint32_t stride, uint64_t addr) {
287  MachO::dysymtab_command Dysymtab = O->getDysymtabLoadCommand();
288  uint32_t nindirectsyms = Dysymtab.nindirectsyms;
289  if (n > nindirectsyms)
290    outs() << " (entries start past the end of the indirect symbol "
291              "table) (reserved1 field greater than the table size)";
292  else if (n + count > nindirectsyms)
293    outs() << " (entries extends past the end of the indirect symbol "
294              "table)";
295  outs() << "\n";
296  uint32_t cputype = O->getHeader().cputype;
297  if (cputype & MachO::CPU_ARCH_ABI64)
298    outs() << "address            index";
299  else
300    outs() << "address    index";
301  if (verbose)
302    outs() << " name\n";
303  else
304    outs() << "\n";
305  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < count && n + j < nindirectsyms; j++) {
306    if (cputype & MachO::CPU_ARCH_ABI64)
307      outs() << format("0x%016" PRIx64, addr + j * stride) << " ";
308    else
309      outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx32, addr + j * stride) << " ";
310    MachO::dysymtab_command Dysymtab = O->getDysymtabLoadCommand();
311    uint32_t indirect_symbol = O->getIndirectSymbolTableEntry(Dysymtab, n + j);
312    if (indirect_symbol == MachO::INDIRECT_SYMBOL_LOCAL) {
313      outs() << "LOCAL\n";
314      continue;
315    }
316    if (indirect_symbol ==
318      outs() << "LOCAL ABSOLUTE\n";
319      continue;
320    }
321    if (indirect_symbol == MachO::INDIRECT_SYMBOL_ABS) {
322      outs() << "ABSOLUTE\n";
323      continue;
324    }
325    outs() << format("%5u ", indirect_symbol);
326    MachO::symtab_command Symtab = O->getSymtabLoadCommand();
327    if (indirect_symbol < Symtab.nsyms) {
328      symbol_iterator Sym = O->getSymbolByIndex(indirect_symbol);
329      SymbolRef Symbol = *Sym;
330      StringRef SymName;
331      Symbol.getName(SymName);
332      outs() << SymName;
333    } else {
334      outs() << "?";
335    }
336    outs() << "\n";
337  }
340static void PrintIndirectSymbols(MachOObjectFile *O, bool verbose) {
341  uint32_t LoadCommandCount = O->getHeader().ncmds;
342  MachOObjectFile::LoadCommandInfo Load = O->getFirstLoadCommandInfo();
343  for (unsigned I = 0;; ++I) {
344    if (Load.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64) {
345      MachO::segment_command_64 Seg = O->getSegment64LoadCommand(Load);
346      for (unsigned J = 0; J < Seg.nsects; ++J) {
347        MachO::section_64 Sec = O->getSection64(Load, J);
348        uint32_t section_type = Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
349        if (section_type == MachO::S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
350            section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
351            section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
352            section_type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POINTERS ||
353            section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS) {
354          uint32_t stride;
355          if (section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS)
356            stride = Sec.reserved2;
357          else
358            stride = 8;
359          if (stride == 0) {
360            outs() << "Can't print indirect symbols for (" << Sec.segname << ","
361                   << Sec.sectname << ") "
362                   << "(size of stubs in reserved2 field is zero)\n";
363            continue;
364          }
365          uint32_t count = Sec.size / stride;
366          outs() << "Indirect symbols for (" << Sec.segname << ","
367                 << Sec.sectname << ") " << count << " entries";
368          uint32_t n = Sec.reserved1;
369          PrintIndirectSymbolTable(O, verbose, n, count, stride, Sec.addr);
370        }
371      }
372    } else if (Load.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT) {
373      MachO::segment_command Seg = O->getSegmentLoadCommand(Load);
374      for (unsigned J = 0; J < Seg.nsects; ++J) {
375        MachO::section Sec = O->getSection(Load, J);
376        uint32_t section_type = Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
377        if (section_type == MachO::S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
378            section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
379            section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
380            section_type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POINTERS ||
381            section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS) {
382          uint32_t stride;
383          if (section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS)
384            stride = Sec.reserved2;
385          else
386            stride = 4;
387          if (stride == 0) {
388            outs() << "Can't print indirect symbols for (" << Sec.segname << ","
389                   << Sec.sectname << ") "
390                   << "(size of stubs in reserved2 field is zero)\n";
391            continue;
392          }
393          uint32_t count = Sec.size / stride;
394          outs() << "Indirect symbols for (" << Sec.segname << ","
395                 << Sec.sectname << ") " << count << " entries";
396          uint32_t n = Sec.reserved1;
397          PrintIndirectSymbolTable(O, verbose, n, count, stride, Sec.addr);
398        }
399      }
400    }
401    if (I == LoadCommandCount - 1)
402      break;
403    else
404      Load = O->getNextLoadCommandInfo(Load);
405  }
408static void PrintDataInCodeTable(MachOObjectFile *O, bool verbose) {
409  MachO::linkedit_data_command DIC = O->getDataInCodeLoadCommand();
410  uint32_t nentries = DIC.datasize / sizeof(struct MachO::data_in_code_entry);
411  outs() << "Data in code table (" << nentries << " entries)\n";
412  outs() << "offset     length kind\n";
413  for (dice_iterator DI = O->begin_dices(), DE = O->end_dices(); DI != DE;
414       ++DI) {
415    uint32_t Offset;
416    DI->getOffset(Offset);
417    outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx32, Offset) << " ";
418    uint16_t Length;
419    DI->getLength(Length);
420    outs() << format("%6u", Length) << " ";
421    uint16_t Kind;
422    DI->getKind(Kind);
423    if (verbose) {
424      switch (Kind) {
425      case MachO::DICE_KIND_DATA:
426        outs() << "DATA";
427        break;
428      case MachO::DICE_KIND_JUMP_TABLE8:
429        outs() << "JUMP_TABLE8";
430        break;
431      case MachO::DICE_KIND_JUMP_TABLE16:
432        outs() << "JUMP_TABLE16";
433        break;
434      case MachO::DICE_KIND_JUMP_TABLE32:
435        outs() << "JUMP_TABLE32";
436        break;
437      case MachO::DICE_KIND_ABS_JUMP_TABLE32:
438        outs() << "ABS_JUMP_TABLE32";
439        break;
440      default:
441        outs() << format("0x%04" PRIx32, Kind);
442        break;
443      }
444    } else
445      outs() << format("0x%04" PRIx32, Kind);
446    outs() << "\n";
447  }
450static void PrintLinkOptHints(MachOObjectFile *O) {
451  MachO::linkedit_data_command LohLC = O->getLinkOptHintsLoadCommand();
452  const char *loh = O->getData().substr(LohLC.dataoff, 1).data();
453  uint32_t nloh = LohLC.datasize;
454  outs() << "Linker optimiztion hints (" << nloh << " total bytes)\n";
455  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nloh;) {
456    unsigned n;
457    uint64_t identifier = decodeULEB128((const uint8_t *)(loh + i), &n);
458    i += n;
459    outs() << "    identifier " << identifier << " ";
460    if (i >= nloh)
461      return;
462    switch (identifier) {
463    case 1:
464      outs() << "AdrpAdrp\n";
465      break;
466    case 2:
467      outs() << "AdrpLdr\n";
468      break;
469    case 3:
470      outs() << "AdrpAddLdr\n";
471      break;
472    case 4:
473      outs() << "AdrpLdrGotLdr\n";
474      break;
475    case 5:
476      outs() << "AdrpAddStr\n";
477      break;
478    case 6:
479      outs() << "AdrpLdrGotStr\n";
480      break;
481    case 7:
482      outs() << "AdrpAdd\n";
483      break;
484    case 8:
485      outs() << "AdrpLdrGot\n";
486      break;
487    default:
488      outs() << "Unknown identifier value\n";
489      break;
490    }
491    uint64_t narguments = decodeULEB128((const uint8_t *)(loh + i), &n);
492    i += n;
493    outs() << "    narguments " << narguments << "\n";
494    if (i >= nloh)
495      return;
497    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < narguments; j++) {
498      uint64_t value = decodeULEB128((const uint8_t *)(loh + i), &n);
499      i += n;
500      outs() << "\tvalue " << format("0x%" PRIx64, value) << "\n";
501      if (i >= nloh)
502        return;
503    }
504  }
507typedef DenseMap<uint64_t, StringRef> SymbolAddressMap;
509static void CreateSymbolAddressMap(MachOObjectFile *O,
510                                   SymbolAddressMap *AddrMap) {
511  // Create a map of symbol addresses to symbol names.
512  for (const SymbolRef &Symbol : O->symbols()) {
513    SymbolRef::Type ST;
514    Symbol.getType(ST);
515    if (ST == SymbolRef::ST_Function || ST == SymbolRef::ST_Data ||
516        ST == SymbolRef::ST_Other) {
517      uint64_t Address;
518      Symbol.getAddress(Address);
519      StringRef SymName;
520      Symbol.getName(SymName);
521      (*AddrMap)[Address] = SymName;
522    }
523  }
526// GuessSymbolName is passed the address of what might be a symbol and a
527// pointer to the SymbolAddressMap.  It returns the name of a symbol
528// with that address or nullptr if no symbol is found with that address.
529static const char *GuessSymbolName(uint64_t value, SymbolAddressMap *AddrMap) {
530  const char *SymbolName = nullptr;
531  // A DenseMap can't lookup up some values.
532  if (value != 0xffffffffffffffffULL && value != 0xfffffffffffffffeULL) {
533    StringRef name = AddrMap->lookup(value);
534    if (!name.empty())
535      SymbolName =;
536  }
537  return SymbolName;
540static void DumpCstringChar(const char c) {
541  char p[2];
542  p[0] = c;
543  p[1] = '\0';
544  outs().write_escaped(p);
547static void DumpCstringSection(MachOObjectFile *O, const char *sect,
548                               uint32_t sect_size, uint64_t sect_addr,
549                               bool print_addresses) {
550  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sect_size; i++) {
551    if (print_addresses) {
552      if (O->is64Bit())
553        outs() << format("%016" PRIx64, sect_addr + i) << "  ";
554      else
555        outs() << format("%08" PRIx64, sect_addr + i) << "  ";
556    }
557    for (; i < sect_size && sect[i] != '\0'; i++)
558      DumpCstringChar(sect[i]);
559    if (i < sect_size && sect[i] == '\0')
560      outs() << "\n";
561  }
564static void DumpLiteral4(uint32_t l, float f) {
565  outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx32, l);
566  if ((l & 0x7f800000) != 0x7f800000)
567    outs() << format(" (%.16e)\n", f);
568  else {
569    if (l == 0x7f800000)
570      outs() << " (+Infinity)\n";
571    else if (l == 0xff800000)
572      outs() << " (-Infinity)\n";
573    else if ((l & 0x00400000) == 0x00400000)
574      outs() << " (non-signaling Not-a-Number)\n";
575    else
576      outs() << " (signaling Not-a-Number)\n";
577  }
580static void DumpLiteral4Section(MachOObjectFile *O, const char *sect,
581                                uint32_t sect_size, uint64_t sect_addr,
582                                bool print_addresses) {
583  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sect_size; i += sizeof(float)) {
584    if (print_addresses) {
585      if (O->is64Bit())
586        outs() << format("%016" PRIx64, sect_addr + i) << "  ";
587      else
588        outs() << format("%08" PRIx64, sect_addr + i) << "  ";
589    }
590    float f;
591    memcpy(&f, sect + i, sizeof(float));
592    if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
593      sys::swapByteOrder(f);
594    uint32_t l;
595    memcpy(&l, sect + i, sizeof(uint32_t));
596    if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
597      sys::swapByteOrder(l);
598    DumpLiteral4(l, f);
599  }
602static void DumpLiteral8(MachOObjectFile *O, uint32_t l0, uint32_t l1,
603                         double d) {
604  outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx32, l0) << " " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, l1);
605  uint32_t Hi, Lo;
606  if (O->isLittleEndian()) {
607    Hi = l1;
608    Lo = l0;
609  } else {
610    Hi = l0;
611    Lo = l1;
612  }
613  // Hi is the high word, so this is equivalent to if(isfinite(d))
614  if ((Hi & 0x7ff00000) != 0x7ff00000)
615    outs() << format(" (%.16e)\n", d);
616  else {
617    if (Hi == 0x7ff00000 && Lo == 0)
618      outs() << " (+Infinity)\n";
619    else if (Hi == 0xfff00000 && Lo == 0)
620      outs() << " (-Infinity)\n";
621    else if ((Hi & 0x00080000) == 0x00080000)
622      outs() << " (non-signaling Not-a-Number)\n";
623    else
624      outs() << " (signaling Not-a-Number)\n";
625  }
628static void DumpLiteral8Section(MachOObjectFile *O, const char *sect,
629                                uint32_t sect_size, uint64_t sect_addr,
630                                bool print_addresses) {
631  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sect_size; i += sizeof(double)) {
632    if (print_addresses) {
633      if (O->is64Bit())
634        outs() << format("%016" PRIx64, sect_addr + i) << "  ";
635      else
636        outs() << format("%08" PRIx64, sect_addr + i) << "  ";
637    }
638    double d;
639    memcpy(&d, sect + i, sizeof(double));
640    if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
641      sys::swapByteOrder(d);
642    uint32_t l0, l1;
643    memcpy(&l0, sect + i, sizeof(uint32_t));
644    memcpy(&l1, sect + i + sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint32_t));
645    if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost) {
646      sys::swapByteOrder(l0);
647      sys::swapByteOrder(l1);
648    }
649    DumpLiteral8(O, l0, l1, d);
650  }
653static void DumpLiteral16(uint32_t l0, uint32_t l1, uint32_t l2, uint32_t l3) {
654  outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx32, l0) << " ";
655  outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx32, l1) << " ";
656  outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx32, l2) << " ";
657  outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx32, l3) << "\n";
660static void DumpLiteral16Section(MachOObjectFile *O, const char *sect,
661                                 uint32_t sect_size, uint64_t sect_addr,
662                                 bool print_addresses) {
663  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sect_size; i += 16) {
664    if (print_addresses) {
665      if (O->is64Bit())
666        outs() << format("%016" PRIx64, sect_addr + i) << "  ";
667      else
668        outs() << format("%08" PRIx64, sect_addr + i) << "  ";
669    }
670    uint32_t l0, l1, l2, l3;
671    memcpy(&l0, sect + i, sizeof(uint32_t));
672    memcpy(&l1, sect + i + sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint32_t));
673    memcpy(&l2, sect + i + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint32_t));
674    memcpy(&l3, sect + i + 3 * sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint32_t));
675    if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost) {
676      sys::swapByteOrder(l0);
677      sys::swapByteOrder(l1);
678      sys::swapByteOrder(l2);
679      sys::swapByteOrder(l3);
680    }
681    DumpLiteral16(l0, l1, l2, l3);
682  }
685static void DumpLiteralPointerSection(MachOObjectFile *O,
686                                      const SectionRef &Section,
687                                      const char *sect, uint32_t sect_size,
688                                      uint64_t sect_addr,
689                                      bool print_addresses) {
690  // Collect the literal sections in this Mach-O file.
691  std::vector<SectionRef> LiteralSections;
692  for (const SectionRef &Section : O->sections()) {
693    DataRefImpl Ref = Section.getRawDataRefImpl();
694    uint32_t section_type;
695    if (O->is64Bit()) {
696      const MachO::section_64 Sec = O->getSection64(Ref);
697      section_type = Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
698    } else {
699      const MachO::section Sec = O->getSection(Ref);
700      section_type = Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
701    }
702    if (section_type == MachO::S_CSTRING_LITERALS ||
703        section_type == MachO::S_4BYTE_LITERALS ||
704        section_type == MachO::S_8BYTE_LITERALS ||
705        section_type == MachO::S_16BYTE_LITERALS)
706      LiteralSections.push_back(Section);
707  }
709  // Set the size of the literal pointer.
710  uint32_t lp_size = O->is64Bit() ? 8 : 4;
712  // Collect the external relocation symbols for the the literal pointers.
713  std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, SymbolRef>> Relocs;
714  for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : Section.relocations()) {
715    DataRefImpl Rel;
716    MachO::any_relocation_info RE;
717    bool isExtern = false;
718    Rel = Reloc.getRawDataRefImpl();
719    RE = O->getRelocation(Rel);
720    isExtern = O->getPlainRelocationExternal(RE);
721    if (isExtern) {
722      uint64_t RelocOffset;
723      Reloc.getOffset(RelocOffset);
724      symbol_iterator RelocSym = Reloc.getSymbol();
725      Relocs.push_back(std::make_pair(RelocOffset, *RelocSym));
726    }
727  }
728  array_pod_sort(Relocs.begin(), Relocs.end());
730  // Dump each literal pointer.
731  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sect_size; i += lp_size) {
732    if (print_addresses) {
733      if (O->is64Bit())
734        outs() << format("%016" PRIx64, sect_addr + i) << "  ";
735      else
736        outs() << format("%08" PRIx64, sect_addr + i) << "  ";
737    }
738    uint64_t lp;
739    if (O->is64Bit()) {
740      memcpy(&lp, sect + i, sizeof(uint64_t));
741      if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
742        sys::swapByteOrder(lp);
743    } else {
744      uint32_t li;
745      memcpy(&li, sect + i, sizeof(uint32_t));
746      if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
747        sys::swapByteOrder(li);
748      lp = li;
749    }
751    // First look for an external relocation entry for this literal pointer.
752    bool reloc_found = false;
753    for (unsigned j = 0, e = Relocs.size(); j != e; ++j) {
754      if (Relocs[i].first == i) {
755        symbol_iterator RelocSym = Relocs[j].second;
756        StringRef SymName;
757        RelocSym->getName(SymName);
758        outs() << "external relocation entry for symbol:" << SymName << "\n";
759        reloc_found = true;
760      }
761    }
762    if (reloc_found == true)
763      continue;
765    // For local references see what the section the literal pointer points to.
766    bool found = false;
767    for (unsigned SectIdx = 0; SectIdx != LiteralSections.size(); SectIdx++) {
768      uint64_t SectAddress = LiteralSections[SectIdx].getAddress();
769      uint64_t SectSize = LiteralSections[SectIdx].getSize();
770      if (lp >= SectAddress && lp < SectAddress + SectSize) {
771        found = true;
773        StringRef SectName;
774        LiteralSections[SectIdx].getName(SectName);
775        DataRefImpl Ref = LiteralSections[SectIdx].getRawDataRefImpl();
776        StringRef SegmentName = O->getSectionFinalSegmentName(Ref);
777        outs() << SegmentName << ":" << SectName << ":";
779        uint32_t section_type;
780        if (O->is64Bit()) {
781          const MachO::section_64 Sec = O->getSection64(Ref);
782          section_type = Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
783        } else {
784          const MachO::section Sec = O->getSection(Ref);
785          section_type = Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
786        }
788        StringRef BytesStr;
789        LiteralSections[SectIdx].getContents(BytesStr);
790        const char *Contents = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(;
792        switch (section_type) {
793        case MachO::S_CSTRING_LITERALS:
794          for (uint64_t i = lp - SectAddress;
795               i < SectSize && Contents[i] != '\0'; i++) {
796            DumpCstringChar(Contents[i]);
797          }
798          outs() << "\n";
799          break;
800        case MachO::S_4BYTE_LITERALS:
801          float f;
802          memcpy(&f, Contents + (lp - SectAddress), sizeof(float));
803          uint32_t l;
804          memcpy(&l, Contents + (lp - SectAddress), sizeof(uint32_t));
805          if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost) {
806            sys::swapByteOrder(f);
807            sys::swapByteOrder(l);
808          }
809          DumpLiteral4(l, f);
810          break;
811        case MachO::S_8BYTE_LITERALS: {
812          double d;
813          memcpy(&d, Contents + (lp - SectAddress), sizeof(double));
814          uint32_t l0, l1;
815          memcpy(&l0, Contents + (lp - SectAddress), sizeof(uint32_t));
816          memcpy(&l1, Contents + (lp - SectAddress) + sizeof(uint32_t),
817                 sizeof(uint32_t));
818          if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost) {
819            sys::swapByteOrder(f);
820            sys::swapByteOrder(l0);
821            sys::swapByteOrder(l1);
822          }
823          DumpLiteral8(O, l0, l1, d);
824          break;
825        }
826        case MachO::S_16BYTE_LITERALS: {
827          uint32_t l0, l1, l2, l3;
828          memcpy(&l0, Contents + (lp - SectAddress), sizeof(uint32_t));
829          memcpy(&l1, Contents + (lp - SectAddress) + sizeof(uint32_t),
830                 sizeof(uint32_t));
831          memcpy(&l2, Contents + (lp - SectAddress) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t),
832                 sizeof(uint32_t));
833          memcpy(&l3, Contents + (lp - SectAddress) + 3 * sizeof(uint32_t),
834                 sizeof(uint32_t));
835          if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost) {
836            sys::swapByteOrder(l0);
837            sys::swapByteOrder(l1);
838            sys::swapByteOrder(l2);
839            sys::swapByteOrder(l3);
840          }
841          DumpLiteral16(l0, l1, l2, l3);
842          break;
843        }
844        }
845      }
846    }
847    if (found == false)
848      outs() << format("0x%" PRIx64, lp) << " (not in a literal section)\n";
849  }
852static void DumpInitTermPointerSection(MachOObjectFile *O, const char *sect,
853                                       uint32_t sect_size, uint64_t sect_addr,
854                                       SymbolAddressMap *AddrMap,
855                                       bool verbose) {
856  uint32_t stride;
857  if (O->is64Bit())
858    stride = sizeof(uint64_t);
859  else
860    stride = sizeof(uint32_t);
861  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sect_size; i += stride) {
862    const char *SymbolName = nullptr;
863    if (O->is64Bit()) {
864      outs() << format("0x%016" PRIx64, sect_addr + i * stride) << " ";
865      uint64_t pointer_value;
866      memcpy(&pointer_value, sect + i, stride);
867      if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
868        sys::swapByteOrder(pointer_value);
869      outs() << format("0x%016" PRIx64, pointer_value);
870      if (verbose)
871        SymbolName = GuessSymbolName(pointer_value, AddrMap);
872    } else {
873      outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx64, sect_addr + i * stride) << " ";
874      uint32_t pointer_value;
875      memcpy(&pointer_value, sect + i, stride);
876      if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
877        sys::swapByteOrder(pointer_value);
878      outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx32, pointer_value);
879      if (verbose)
880        SymbolName = GuessSymbolName(pointer_value, AddrMap);
881    }
882    if (SymbolName)
883      outs() << " " << SymbolName;
884    outs() << "\n";
885  }
888static void DumpRawSectionContents(MachOObjectFile *O, const char *sect,
889                                   uint32_t size, uint64_t addr) {
890  uint32_t cputype = O->getHeader().cputype;
891  if (cputype == MachO::CPU_TYPE_I386 || cputype == MachO::CPU_TYPE_X86_64) {
892    uint32_t j;
893    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i += j, addr += j) {
894      if (O->is64Bit())
895        outs() << format("%016" PRIx64, addr) << "\t";
896      else
897        outs() << format("%08" PRIx64, sect) << "\t";
898      for (j = 0; j < 16 && i + j < size; j++) {
899        uint8_t byte_word = *(sect + i + j);
900        outs() << format("%02" PRIx32, (uint32_t)byte_word) << " ";
901      }
902      outs() << "\n";
903    }
904  } else {
905    uint32_t j;
906    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i += j, addr += j) {
907      if (O->is64Bit())
908        outs() << format("%016" PRIx64, addr) << "\t";
909      else
910        outs() << format("%08" PRIx64, sect) << "\t";
911      for (j = 0; j < 4 * sizeof(int32_t) && i + j < size;
912           j += sizeof(int32_t)) {
913        if (i + j + sizeof(int32_t) < size) {
914          uint32_t long_word;
915          memcpy(&long_word, sect + i + j, sizeof(int32_t));
916          if (O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
917            sys::swapByteOrder(long_word);
918          outs() << format("%08" PRIx32, long_word) << " ";
919        } else {
920          for (uint32_t k = 0; i + j + k < size; k++) {
921            uint8_t byte_word = *(sect + i + j);
922            outs() << format("%02" PRIx32, (uint32_t)byte_word) << " ";
923          }
924        }
925      }
926      outs() << "\n";
927    }
928  }
931static void DisassembleMachO(StringRef Filename, MachOObjectFile *MachOOF,
932                             StringRef DisSegName, StringRef DisSectName);
934static void DumpSectionContents(StringRef Filename, MachOObjectFile *O,
935                                bool verbose) {
936  SymbolAddressMap AddrMap;
937  if (verbose)
938    CreateSymbolAddressMap(O, &AddrMap);
940  for (unsigned i = 0; i < DumpSections.size(); ++i) {
941    StringRef DumpSection = DumpSections[i];
942    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> DumpSegSectName;
943    DumpSegSectName = DumpSection.split(',');
944    StringRef DumpSegName, DumpSectName;
945    if (DumpSegSectName.second.size()) {
946      DumpSegName = DumpSegSectName.first;
947      DumpSectName = DumpSegSectName.second;
948    } else {
949      DumpSegName = "";
950      DumpSectName = DumpSegSectName.first;
951    }
952    for (const SectionRef &Section : O->sections()) {
953      StringRef SectName;
954      Section.getName(SectName);
955      DataRefImpl Ref = Section.getRawDataRefImpl();
956      StringRef SegName = O->getSectionFinalSegmentName(Ref);
957      if ((DumpSegName.empty() || SegName == DumpSegName) &&
958          (SectName == DumpSectName)) {
959        outs() << "Contents of (" << SegName << "," << SectName
960               << ") section\n";
961        uint32_t section_flags;
962        if (O->is64Bit()) {
963          const MachO::section_64 Sec = O->getSection64(Ref);
964          section_flags = Sec.flags;
966        } else {
967          const MachO::section Sec = O->getSection(Ref);
968          section_flags = Sec.flags;
969        }
970        uint32_t section_type = section_flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
972        StringRef BytesStr;
973        Section.getContents(BytesStr);
974        const char *sect = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(;
975        uint32_t sect_size = BytesStr.size();
976        uint64_t sect_addr = Section.getAddress();
978        if (verbose) {
979          if ((section_flags & MachO::S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS) ||
980              (section_flags & MachO::S_ATTR_SOME_INSTRUCTIONS)) {
981            DisassembleMachO(Filename, O, SegName, SectName);
982            continue;
983          }
984          switch (section_type) {
985          case MachO::S_REGULAR:
986            DumpRawSectionContents(O, sect, sect_size, sect_addr);
987            break;
988          case MachO::S_ZEROFILL:
989            outs() << "zerofill section and has no contents in the file\n";
990            break;
991          case MachO::S_CSTRING_LITERALS:
992            DumpCstringSection(O, sect, sect_size, sect_addr, verbose);
993            break;
994          case MachO::S_4BYTE_LITERALS:
995            DumpLiteral4Section(O, sect, sect_size, sect_addr, verbose);
996            break;
997          case MachO::S_8BYTE_LITERALS:
998            DumpLiteral8Section(O, sect, sect_size, sect_addr, verbose);
999            break;
1000          case MachO::S_16BYTE_LITERALS:
1001            DumpLiteral16Section(O, sect, sect_size, sect_addr, verbose);
1002            break;
1003          case MachO::S_LITERAL_POINTERS:
1004            DumpLiteralPointerSection(O, Section, sect, sect_size, sect_addr,
1005                                      verbose);
1006            break;
1007          case MachO::S_MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS:
1008          case MachO::S_MOD_TERM_FUNC_POINTERS:
1009            DumpInitTermPointerSection(O, sect, sect_size, sect_addr, &AddrMap,
1010                                       verbose);
1011            break;
1012          default:
1013            outs() << "Unknown section type ("
1014                   << format("0x%08" PRIx32, section_type) << ")\n";
1015            DumpRawSectionContents(O, sect, sect_size, sect_addr);
1016            break;
1017          }
1018        } else {
1019          if (section_type == MachO::S_ZEROFILL)
1020            outs() << "zerofill section and has no contents in the file\n";
1021          else
1022            DumpRawSectionContents(O, sect, sect_size, sect_addr);
1023        }
1024      }
1025    }
1026  }
1029// checkMachOAndArchFlags() checks to see if the ObjectFile is a Mach-O file
1030// and if it is and there is a list of architecture flags is specified then
1031// check to make sure this Mach-O file is one of those architectures or all
1032// architectures were specified.  If not then an error is generated and this
1033// routine returns false.  Else it returns true.
1034static bool checkMachOAndArchFlags(ObjectFile *O, StringRef Filename) {
1035  if (isa<MachOObjectFile>(O) && !ArchAll && ArchFlags.size() != 0) {
1036    MachOObjectFile *MachO = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(O);
1037    bool ArchFound = false;
1038    MachO::mach_header H;
1039    MachO::mach_header_64 H_64;
1040    Triple T;
1041    if (MachO->is64Bit()) {
1042      H_64 = MachO->MachOObjectFile::getHeader64();
1043      T = MachOObjectFile::getArch(H_64.cputype, H_64.cpusubtype);
1044    } else {
1045      H = MachO->MachOObjectFile::getHeader();
1046      T = MachOObjectFile::getArch(H.cputype, H.cpusubtype);
1047    }
1048    unsigned i;
1049    for (i = 0; i < ArchFlags.size(); ++i) {
1050      if (ArchFlags[i] == T.getArchName())
1051        ArchFound = true;
1052      break;
1053    }
1054    if (!ArchFound) {
1055      errs() << "llvm-objdump: file: " + Filename + " does not contain "
1056             << "architecture: " + ArchFlags[i] + "\n";
1057      return false;
1058    }
1059  }
1060  return true;
1063// ProcessMachO() is passed a single opened Mach-O file, which may be an
1064// archive member and or in a slice of a universal file.  It prints the
1065// the file name and header info and then processes it according to the
1066// command line options.
1067static void ProcessMachO(StringRef Filename, MachOObjectFile *MachOOF,
1068                         StringRef ArchiveMemberName = StringRef(),
1069                         StringRef ArchitectureName = StringRef()) {
1070  // If we are doing some processing here on the Mach-O file print the header
1071  // info.  And don't print it otherwise like in the case of printing the
1072  // UniversalHeaders or ArchiveHeaders.
1073  if (Disassemble || PrivateHeaders || ExportsTrie || Rebase || Bind ||
1074      LazyBind || WeakBind || IndirectSymbols || DataInCode || LinkOptHints ||
1075      DumpSections.size() != 0) {
1076    outs() << Filename;
1077    if (!ArchiveMemberName.empty())
1078      outs() << '(' << ArchiveMemberName << ')';
1079    if (!ArchitectureName.empty())
1080      outs() << " (architecture " << ArchitectureName << ")";
1081    outs() << ":\n";
1082  }
1084  if (Disassemble)
1085    DisassembleMachO(Filename, MachOOF, "__TEXT", "__text");
1086  if (IndirectSymbols)
1087    PrintIndirectSymbols(MachOOF, true);
1088  if (DataInCode)
1089    PrintDataInCodeTable(MachOOF, true);
1090  if (LinkOptHints)
1091    PrintLinkOptHints(MachOOF);
1092  if (Relocations)
1093    PrintRelocations(MachOOF);
1094  if (SectionHeaders)
1095    PrintSectionHeaders(MachOOF);
1096  if (SectionContents)
1097    PrintSectionContents(MachOOF);
1098  if (DumpSections.size() != 0)
1099    DumpSectionContents(Filename, MachOOF, true);
1100  if (SymbolTable)
1101    PrintSymbolTable(MachOOF);
1102  if (UnwindInfo)
1103    printMachOUnwindInfo(MachOOF);
1104  if (PrivateHeaders)
1105    printMachOFileHeader(MachOOF);
1106  if (ExportsTrie)
1107    printExportsTrie(MachOOF);
1108  if (Rebase)
1109    printRebaseTable(MachOOF);
1110  if (Bind)
1111    printBindTable(MachOOF);
1112  if (LazyBind)
1113    printLazyBindTable(MachOOF);
1114  if (WeakBind)
1115    printWeakBindTable(MachOOF);
1118// printUnknownCPUType() helps print_fat_headers for unknown CPU's.
1119static void printUnknownCPUType(uint32_t cputype, uint32_t cpusubtype) {
1120  outs() << "    cputype (" << cputype << ")\n";
1121  outs() << "    cpusubtype (" << cpusubtype << ")\n";
1124// printCPUType() helps print_fat_headers by printing the cputype and
1125// pusubtype (symbolically for the one's it knows about).
1126static void printCPUType(uint32_t cputype, uint32_t cpusubtype) {
1127  switch (cputype) {
1128  case MachO::CPU_TYPE_I386:
1129    switch (cpusubtype) {
1130    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL:
1131      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_I386\n";
1132      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL\n";
1133      break;
1134    default:
1135      printUnknownCPUType(cputype, cpusubtype);
1136      break;
1137    }
1138    break;
1139  case MachO::CPU_TYPE_X86_64:
1140    switch (cpusubtype) {
1141    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL:
1142      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_X86_64\n";
1143      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL\n";
1144      break;
1145    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_H:
1146      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_X86_64\n";
1147      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_H\n";
1148      break;
1149    default:
1150      printUnknownCPUType(cputype, cpusubtype);
1151      break;
1152    }
1153    break;
1154  case MachO::CPU_TYPE_ARM:
1155    switch (cpusubtype) {
1156    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL:
1157      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1158      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL\n";
1159      break;
1160    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V4T:
1161      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1162      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V4T\n";
1163      break;
1164    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V5TEJ:
1165      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1166      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V5TEJ\n";
1167      break;
1168    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_XSCALE:
1169      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1170      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_XSCALE\n";
1171      break;
1172    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6:
1173      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1174      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6\n";
1175      break;
1176    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6M:
1177      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1178      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6M\n";
1179      break;
1180    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7:
1181      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1182      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7\n";
1183      break;
1184    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7EM:
1185      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1186      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7EM\n";
1187      break;
1188    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7K:
1189      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1190      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7K\n";
1191      break;
1192    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7M:
1193      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1194      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7M\n";
1195      break;
1196    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7S:
1197      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM\n";
1198      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7S\n";
1199      break;
1200    default:
1201      printUnknownCPUType(cputype, cpusubtype);
1202      break;
1203    }
1204    break;
1205  case MachO::CPU_TYPE_ARM64:
1206    switch (cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) {
1207    case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64_ALL:
1208      outs() << "    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM64\n";
1209      outs() << "    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64_ALL\n";
1210      break;
1211    default:
1212      printUnknownCPUType(cputype, cpusubtype);
1213      break;
1214    }
1215    break;
1216  default:
1217    printUnknownCPUType(cputype, cpusubtype);
1218    break;
1219  }
1222static void printMachOUniversalHeaders(const object::MachOUniversalBinary *UB,
1223                                       bool verbose) {
1224  outs() << "Fat headers\n";
1225  if (verbose)
1226    outs() << "fat_magic FAT_MAGIC\n";
1227  else
1228    outs() << "fat_magic " << format("0x%" PRIx32, MachO::FAT_MAGIC) << "\n";
1230  uint32_t nfat_arch = UB->getNumberOfObjects();
1231  StringRef Buf = UB->getData();
1232  uint64_t size = Buf.size();
1233  uint64_t big_size = sizeof(struct MachO::fat_header) +
1234                      nfat_arch * sizeof(struct MachO::fat_arch);
1235  outs() << "nfat_arch " << UB->getNumberOfObjects();
1236  if (nfat_arch == 0)
1237    outs() << " (malformed, contains zero architecture types)\n";
1238  else if (big_size > size)
1239    outs() << " (malformed, architectures past end of file)\n";
1240  else
1241    outs() << "\n";
1243  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nfat_arch; ++i) {
1244    MachOUniversalBinary::ObjectForArch OFA(UB, i);
1245    uint32_t cputype = OFA.getCPUType();
1246    uint32_t cpusubtype = OFA.getCPUSubType();
1247    outs() << "architecture ";
1248    for (uint32_t j = 0; i != 0 && j <= i - 1; j++) {
1249      MachOUniversalBinary::ObjectForArch other_OFA(UB, j);
1250      uint32_t other_cputype = other_OFA.getCPUType();
1251      uint32_t other_cpusubtype = other_OFA.getCPUSubType();
1252      if (cputype != 0 && cpusubtype != 0 && cputype == other_cputype &&
1253          (cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) ==
1254              (other_cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK)) {
1255        outs() << "(illegal duplicate architecture) ";
1256        break;
1257      }
1258    }
1259    if (verbose) {
1260      outs() << OFA.getArchTypeName() << "\n";
1261      printCPUType(cputype, cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK);
1262    } else {
1263      outs() << i << "\n";
1264      outs() << "    cputype " << cputype << "\n";
1265      outs() << "    cpusubtype " << (cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK)
1266             << "\n";
1267    }
1268    if (verbose &&
1269        (cpusubtype & MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) == MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_LIB64)
1270      outs() << "    capabilities CPU_SUBTYPE_LIB64\n";
1271    else
1272      outs() << "    capabilities "
1273             << format("0x%" PRIx32,
1274                       (cpusubtype & MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) >> 24) << "\n";
1275    outs() << "    offset " << OFA.getOffset();
1276    if (OFA.getOffset() > size)
1277      outs() << " (past end of file)";
1278    if (OFA.getOffset() % (1 << OFA.getAlign()) != 0)
1279      outs() << " (not aligned on it's alignment (2^" << OFA.getAlign() << ")";
1280    outs() << "\n";
1281    outs() << "    size " << OFA.getSize();
1282    big_size = OFA.getOffset() + OFA.getSize();
1283    if (big_size > size)
1284      outs() << " (past end of file)";
1285    outs() << "\n";
1286    outs() << "    align 2^" << OFA.getAlign() << " (" << (1 << OFA.getAlign())
1287           << ")\n";
1288  }
1291static void printArchiveChild(Archive::Child &C, bool verbose,
1292                              bool print_offset) {
1293  if (print_offset)
1294    outs() << C.getChildOffset() << "\t";
1295  sys::fs::perms Mode = C.getAccessMode();
1296  if (verbose) {
1297    // FIXME: this first dash, "-", is for (Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG.
1298    // But there is nothing in sys::fs::perms for S_IFMT or S_IFREG.
1299    outs() << "-";
1300    if (Mode & sys::fs::owner_read)
1301      outs() << "r";
1302    else
1303      outs() << "-";
1304    if (Mode & sys::fs::owner_write)
1305      outs() << "w";
1306    else
1307      outs() << "-";
1308    if (Mode & sys::fs::owner_exe)
1309      outs() << "x";
1310    else
1311      outs() << "-";
1312    if (Mode & sys::fs::group_read)
1313      outs() << "r";
1314    else
1315      outs() << "-";
1316    if (Mode & sys::fs::group_write)
1317      outs() << "w";
1318    else
1319      outs() << "-";
1320    if (Mode & sys::fs::group_exe)
1321      outs() << "x";
1322    else
1323      outs() << "-";
1324    if (Mode & sys::fs::others_read)
1325      outs() << "r";
1326    else
1327      outs() << "-";
1328    if (Mode & sys::fs::others_write)
1329      outs() << "w";
1330    else
1331      outs() << "-";
1332    if (Mode & sys::fs::others_exe)
1333      outs() << "x";
1334    else
1335      outs() << "-";
1336  } else {
1337    outs() << format("0%o ", Mode);
1338  }
1340  unsigned UID = C.getUID();
1341  outs() << format("%3d/", UID);
1342  unsigned GID = C.getGID();
1343  outs() << format("%-3d ", GID);
1344  uint64_t Size = C.getRawSize();
1345  outs() << format("%5" PRId64, Size) << " ";
1347  StringRef RawLastModified = C.getRawLastModified();
1348  if (verbose) {
1349    unsigned Seconds;
1350    if (RawLastModified.getAsInteger(10, Seconds))
1351      outs() << "(date: \"%s\" contains non-decimal chars) " << RawLastModified;
1352    else {
1353      // Since cime(3) returns a 26 character string of the form:
1354      // "Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973\n\0"
1355      // just print 24 characters.
1356      time_t t = Seconds;
1357      outs() << format("%.24s ", ctime(&t));
1358    }
1359  } else {
1360    outs() << RawLastModified << " ";
1361  }
1363  if (verbose) {
1364    ErrorOr<StringRef> NameOrErr = C.getName();
1365    if (NameOrErr.getError()) {
1366      StringRef RawName = C.getRawName();
1367      outs() << RawName << "\n";
1368    } else {
1369      StringRef Name = NameOrErr.get();
1370      outs() << Name << "\n";
1371    }
1372  } else {
1373    StringRef RawName = C.getRawName();
1374    outs() << RawName << "\n";
1375  }
1378static void printArchiveHeaders(Archive *A, bool verbose, bool print_offset) {
1379  if (A->hasSymbolTable()) {
1380    Archive::child_iterator S = A->getSymbolTableChild();
1381    Archive::Child C = *S;
1382    printArchiveChild(C, verbose, print_offset);
1383  }
1384  for (Archive::child_iterator I = A->child_begin(), E = A->child_end(); I != E;
1385       ++I) {
1386    Archive::Child C = *I;
1387    printArchiveChild(C, verbose, print_offset);
1388  }
1391// ParseInputMachO() parses the named Mach-O file in Filename and handles the
1392// -arch flags selecting just those slices as specified by them and also parses
1393// archive files.  Then for each individual Mach-O file ProcessMachO() is
1394// called to process the file based on the command line options.
1395void llvm::ParseInputMachO(StringRef Filename) {
1396  // Check for -arch all and verifiy the -arch flags are valid.
1397  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ArchFlags.size(); ++i) {
1398    if (ArchFlags[i] == "all") {
1399      ArchAll = true;
1400    } else {
1401      if (!MachOObjectFile::isValidArch(ArchFlags[i])) {
1402        errs() << "llvm-objdump: Unknown architecture named '" + ArchFlags[i] +
1403                      "'for the -arch option\n";
1404        return;
1405      }
1406    }
1407  }
1409  // Attempt to open the binary.
1410  ErrorOr<OwningBinary<Binary>> BinaryOrErr = createBinary(Filename);
1411  if (std::error_code EC = BinaryOrErr.getError()) {
1412    errs() << "llvm-objdump: '" << Filename << "': " << EC.message() << ".\n";
1413    return;
1414  }
1415  Binary &Bin = *BinaryOrErr.get().getBinary();
1417  if (Archive *A = dyn_cast<Archive>(&Bin)) {
1418    outs() << "Archive : " << Filename << "\n";
1419    if (ArchiveHeaders)
1420      printArchiveHeaders(A, true, false);
1421    for (Archive::child_iterator I = A->child_begin(), E = A->child_end();
1422         I != E; ++I) {
1423      ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Binary>> ChildOrErr = I->getAsBinary();
1424      if (ChildOrErr.getError())
1425        continue;
1426      if (MachOObjectFile *O = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(&*ChildOrErr.get())) {
1427        if (!checkMachOAndArchFlags(O, Filename))
1428          return;
1429        ProcessMachO(Filename, O, O->getFileName());
1430      }
1431    }
1432    return;
1433  }
1434  if (UniversalHeaders) {
1435    if (MachOUniversalBinary *UB = dyn_cast<MachOUniversalBinary>(&Bin))
1436      printMachOUniversalHeaders(UB, true);
1437  }
1438  if (MachOUniversalBinary *UB = dyn_cast<MachOUniversalBinary>(&Bin)) {
1439    // If we have a list of architecture flags specified dump only those.
1440    if (!ArchAll && ArchFlags.size() != 0) {
1441      // Look for a slice in the universal binary that matches each ArchFlag.
1442      bool ArchFound;
1443      for (unsigned i = 0; i < ArchFlags.size(); ++i) {
1444        ArchFound = false;
1445        for (MachOUniversalBinary::object_iterator I = UB->begin_objects(),
1446                                                   E = UB->end_objects();
1447             I != E; ++I) {
1448          if (ArchFlags[i] == I->getArchTypeName()) {
1449            ArchFound = true;
1450            ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile>> ObjOrErr =
1451                I->getAsObjectFile();
1452            std::string ArchitectureName = "";
1453            if (ArchFlags.size() > 1)
1454              ArchitectureName = I->getArchTypeName();
1455            if (ObjOrErr) {
1456              ObjectFile &O = *ObjOrErr.get();
1457              if (MachOObjectFile *MachOOF = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(&O))
1458                ProcessMachO(Filename, MachOOF, "", ArchitectureName);
1459            } else if (ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Archive>> AOrErr =
1460                           I->getAsArchive()) {
1461              std::unique_ptr<Archive> &A = *AOrErr;
1462              outs() << "Archive : " << Filename;
1463              if (!ArchitectureName.empty())
1464                outs() << " (architecture " << ArchitectureName << ")";
1465              outs() << "\n";
1466              if (ArchiveHeaders)
1467                printArchiveHeaders(A.get(), true, false);
1468              for (Archive::child_iterator AI = A->child_begin(),
1469                                           AE = A->child_end();
1470                   AI != AE; ++AI) {
1471                ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Binary>> ChildOrErr = AI->getAsBinary();
1472                if (ChildOrErr.getError())
1473                  continue;
1474                if (MachOObjectFile *O =
1475                        dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(&*ChildOrErr.get()))
1476                  ProcessMachO(Filename, O, O->getFileName(), ArchitectureName);
1477              }
1478            }
1479          }
1480        }
1481        if (!ArchFound) {
1482          errs() << "llvm-objdump: file: " + Filename + " does not contain "
1483                 << "architecture: " + ArchFlags[i] + "\n";
1484          return;
1485        }
1486      }
1487      return;
1488    }
1489    // No architecture flags were specified so if this contains a slice that
1490    // matches the host architecture dump only that.
1491    if (!ArchAll) {
1492      for (MachOUniversalBinary::object_iterator I = UB->begin_objects(),
1493                                                 E = UB->end_objects();
1494           I != E; ++I) {
1495        if (MachOObjectFile::getHostArch().getArchName() ==
1496            I->getArchTypeName()) {
1497          ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile>> ObjOrErr = I->getAsObjectFile();
1498          std::string ArchiveName;
1499          ArchiveName.clear();
1500          if (ObjOrErr) {
1501            ObjectFile &O = *ObjOrErr.get();
1502            if (MachOObjectFile *MachOOF = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(&O))
1503              ProcessMachO(Filename, MachOOF);
1504          } else if (ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Archive>> AOrErr =
1505                         I->getAsArchive()) {
1506            std::unique_ptr<Archive> &A = *AOrErr;
1507            outs() << "Archive : " << Filename << "\n";
1508            if (ArchiveHeaders)
1509              printArchiveHeaders(A.get(), true, false);
1510            for (Archive::child_iterator AI = A->child_begin(),
1511                                         AE = A->child_end();
1512                 AI != AE; ++AI) {
1513              ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Binary>> ChildOrErr = AI->getAsBinary();
1514              if (ChildOrErr.getError())
1515                continue;
1516              if (MachOObjectFile *O =
1517                      dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(&*ChildOrErr.get()))
1518                ProcessMachO(Filename, O, O->getFileName());
1519            }
1520          }
1521          return;
1522        }
1523      }
1524    }
1525    // Either all architectures have been specified or none have been specified
1526    // and this does not contain the host architecture so dump all the slices.
1527    bool moreThanOneArch = UB->getNumberOfObjects() > 1;
1528    for (MachOUniversalBinary::object_iterator I = UB->begin_objects(),
1529                                               E = UB->end_objects();
1530         I != E; ++I) {
1531      ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile>> ObjOrErr = I->getAsObjectFile();
1532      std::string ArchitectureName = "";
1533      if (moreThanOneArch)
1534        ArchitectureName = I->getArchTypeName();
1535      if (ObjOrErr) {
1536        ObjectFile &Obj = *ObjOrErr.get();
1537        if (MachOObjectFile *MachOOF = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(&Obj))
1538          ProcessMachO(Filename, MachOOF, "", ArchitectureName);
1539      } else if (ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Archive>> AOrErr = I->getAsArchive()) {
1540        std::unique_ptr<Archive> &A = *AOrErr;
1541        outs() << "Archive : " << Filename;
1542        if (!ArchitectureName.empty())
1543          outs() << " (architecture " << ArchitectureName << ")";
1544        outs() << "\n";
1545        if (ArchiveHeaders)
1546          printArchiveHeaders(A.get(), true, false);
1547        for (Archive::child_iterator AI = A->child_begin(), AE = A->child_end();
1548             AI != AE; ++AI) {
1549          ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Binary>> ChildOrErr = AI->getAsBinary();
1550          if (ChildOrErr.getError())
1551            continue;
1552          if (MachOObjectFile *O =
1553                  dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(&*ChildOrErr.get())) {
1554            if (MachOObjectFile *MachOOF = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(O))
1555              ProcessMachO(Filename, MachOOF, MachOOF->getFileName(),
1556                           ArchitectureName);
1557          }
1558        }
1559      }
1560    }
1561    return;
1562  }
1563  if (ObjectFile *O = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(&Bin)) {
1564    if (!checkMachOAndArchFlags(O, Filename))
1565      return;
1566    if (MachOObjectFile *MachOOF = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(&*O)) {
1567      ProcessMachO(Filename, MachOOF);
1568    } else
1569      errs() << "llvm-objdump: '" << Filename << "': "
1570             << "Object is not a Mach-O file type.\n";
1571  } else
1572    errs() << "llvm-objdump: '" << Filename << "': "
1573           << "Unrecognized file type.\n";
1576typedef std::pair<uint64_t, const char *> BindInfoEntry;
1577typedef std::vector<BindInfoEntry> BindTable;
1578typedef BindTable::iterator bind_table_iterator;
1580// The block of info used by the Symbolizer call backs.
1581struct DisassembleInfo {
1582  bool verbose;
1583  MachOObjectFile *O;
1584  SectionRef S;
1585  SymbolAddressMap *AddrMap;
1586  std::vector<SectionRef> *Sections;
1587  const char *class_name;
1588  const char *selector_name;
1589  char *method;
1590  char *demangled_name;
1591  uint64_t adrp_addr;
1592  uint32_t adrp_inst;
1593  BindTable *bindtable;
1596// SymbolizerGetOpInfo() is the operand information call back function.
1597// This is called to get the symbolic information for operand(s) of an
1598// instruction when it is being done.  This routine does this from
1599// the relocation information, symbol table, etc. That block of information
1600// is a pointer to the struct DisassembleInfo that was passed when the
1601// disassembler context was created and passed to back to here when
1602// called back by the disassembler for instruction operands that could have
1603// relocation information. The address of the instruction containing operand is
1604// at the Pc parameter.  The immediate value the operand has is passed in
1605// op_info->Value and is at Offset past the start of the instruction and has a
1606// byte Size of 1, 2 or 4. The symbolc information is returned in TagBuf is the
1607// LLVMOpInfo1 struct defined in the header "llvm-c/Disassembler.h" as symbol
1608// names and addends of the symbolic expression to add for the operand.  The
1609// value of TagType is currently 1 (for the LLVMOpInfo1 struct). If symbolic
1610// information is returned then this function returns 1 else it returns 0.
1611int SymbolizerGetOpInfo(void *DisInfo, uint64_t Pc, uint64_t Offset,
1612                        uint64_t Size, int TagType, void *TagBuf) {
1613  struct DisassembleInfo *info = (struct DisassembleInfo *)DisInfo;
1614  struct LLVMOpInfo1 *op_info = (struct LLVMOpInfo1 *)TagBuf;
1615  uint64_t value = op_info->Value;
1617  // Make sure all fields returned are zero if we don't set them.
1618  memset((void *)op_info, '\0', sizeof(struct LLVMOpInfo1));
1619  op_info->Value = value;
1621  // If the TagType is not the value 1 which it code knows about or if no
1622  // verbose symbolic information is wanted then just return 0, indicating no
1623  // information is being returned.
1624  if (TagType != 1 || info->verbose == false)
1625    return 0;
1627  unsigned int Arch = info->O->getArch();
1628  if (Arch == Triple::x86) {
1629    if (Size != 1 && Size != 2 && Size != 4 && Size != 0)
1630      return 0;
1631    // First search the section's relocation entries (if any) for an entry
1632    // for this section offset.
1633    uint32_t sect_addr = info->S.getAddress();
1634    uint32_t sect_offset = (Pc + Offset) - sect_addr;
1635    bool reloc_found = false;
1636    DataRefImpl Rel;
1637    MachO::any_relocation_info RE;
1638    bool isExtern = false;
1639    SymbolRef Symbol;
1640    bool r_scattered = false;
1641    uint32_t r_value, pair_r_value, r_type;
1642    for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : info->S.relocations()) {
1643      uint64_t RelocOffset;
1644      Reloc.getOffset(RelocOffset);
1645      if (RelocOffset == sect_offset) {
1646        Rel = Reloc.getRawDataRefImpl();
1647        RE = info->O->getRelocation(Rel);
1648        r_type = info->O->getAnyRelocationType(RE);
1649        r_scattered = info->O->isRelocationScattered(RE);
1650        if (r_scattered) {
1651          r_value = info->O->getScatteredRelocationValue(RE);
1652          if (r_type == MachO::GENERIC_RELOC_SECTDIFF ||
1653              r_type == MachO::GENERIC_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF) {
1654            DataRefImpl RelNext = Rel;
1655            info->O->moveRelocationNext(RelNext);
1656            MachO::any_relocation_info RENext;
1657            RENext = info->O->getRelocation(RelNext);
1658            if (info->O->isRelocationScattered(RENext))
1659              pair_r_value = info->O->getScatteredRelocationValue(RENext);
1660            else
1661              return 0;
1662          }
1663        } else {
1664          isExtern = info->O->getPlainRelocationExternal(RE);
1665          if (isExtern) {
1666            symbol_iterator RelocSym = Reloc.getSymbol();
1667            Symbol = *RelocSym;
1668          }
1669        }
1670        reloc_found = true;
1671        break;
1672      }
1673    }
1674    if (reloc_found && isExtern) {
1675      StringRef SymName;
1676      Symbol.getName(SymName);
1677      const char *name =;
1678      op_info->AddSymbol.Present = 1;
1679      op_info->AddSymbol.Name = name;
1680      // For i386 extern relocation entries the value in the instruction is
1681      // the offset from the symbol, and value is already set in op_info->Value.
1682      return 1;
1683    }
1684    if (reloc_found && (r_type == MachO::GENERIC_RELOC_SECTDIFF ||
1685                        r_type == MachO::GENERIC_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF)) {
1686      const char *add = GuessSymbolName(r_value, info->AddrMap);
1687      const char *sub = GuessSymbolName(pair_r_value, info->AddrMap);
1688      uint32_t offset = value - (r_value - pair_r_value);
1689      op_info->AddSymbol.Present = 1;
1690      if (add != nullptr)
1691        op_info->AddSymbol.Name = add;
1692      else
1693        op_info->AddSymbol.Value = r_value;
1694      op_info->SubtractSymbol.Present = 1;
1695      if (sub != nullptr)
1696        op_info->SubtractSymbol.Name = sub;
1697      else
1698        op_info->SubtractSymbol.Value = pair_r_value;
1699      op_info->Value = offset;
1700      return 1;
1701    }
1702    // TODO:
1703    // Second search the external relocation entries of a fully linked image
1704    // (if any) for an entry that matches this segment offset.
1705    // uint32_t seg_offset = (Pc + Offset);
1706    return 0;
1707  } else if (Arch == Triple::x86_64) {
1708    if (Size != 1 && Size != 2 && Size != 4 && Size != 0)
1709      return 0;
1710    // First search the section's relocation entries (if any) for an entry
1711    // for this section offset.
1712    uint64_t sect_addr = info->S.getAddress();
1713    uint64_t sect_offset = (Pc + Offset) - sect_addr;
1714    bool reloc_found = false;
1715    DataRefImpl Rel;
1716    MachO::any_relocation_info RE;
1717    bool isExtern = false;
1718    SymbolRef Symbol;
1719    for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : info->S.relocations()) {
1720      uint64_t RelocOffset;
1721      Reloc.getOffset(RelocOffset);
1722      if (RelocOffset == sect_offset) {
1723        Rel = Reloc.getRawDataRefImpl();
1724        RE = info->O->getRelocation(Rel);
1725        // NOTE: Scattered relocations don't exist on x86_64.
1726        isExtern = info->O->getPlainRelocationExternal(RE);
1727        if (isExtern) {
1728          symbol_iterator RelocSym = Reloc.getSymbol();
1729          Symbol = *RelocSym;
1730        }
1731        reloc_found = true;
1732        break;
1733      }
1734    }
1735    if (reloc_found && isExtern) {
1736      // The Value passed in will be adjusted by the Pc if the instruction
1737      // adds the Pc.  But for x86_64 external relocation entries the Value
1738      // is the offset from the external symbol.
1739      if (info->O->getAnyRelocationPCRel(RE))
1740        op_info->Value -= Pc + Offset + Size;
1741      StringRef SymName;
1742      Symbol.getName(SymName);
1743      const char *name =;
1744      unsigned Type = info->O->getAnyRelocationType(RE);
1745      if (Type == MachO::X86_64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR) {
1746        DataRefImpl RelNext = Rel;
1747        info->O->moveRelocationNext(RelNext);
1748        MachO::any_relocation_info RENext = info->O->getRelocation(RelNext);
1749        unsigned TypeNext = info->O->getAnyRelocationType(RENext);
1750        bool isExternNext = info->O->getPlainRelocationExternal(RENext);
1751        unsigned SymbolNum = info->O->getPlainRelocationSymbolNum(RENext);
1752        if (TypeNext == MachO::X86_64_RELOC_UNSIGNED && isExternNext) {
1753          op_info->SubtractSymbol.Present = 1;
1754          op_info->SubtractSymbol.Name = name;
1755          symbol_iterator RelocSymNext = info->O->getSymbolByIndex(SymbolNum);
1756          Symbol = *RelocSymNext;
1757          StringRef SymNameNext;
1758          Symbol.getName(SymNameNext);
1759          name =;
1760        }
1761      }
1762      // TODO: add the VariantKinds to op_info->VariantKind for relocation types
1763      // like: X86_64_RELOC_TLV, X86_64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD and X86_64_RELOC_GOT.
1764      op_info->AddSymbol.Present = 1;
1765      op_info->AddSymbol.Name = name;
1766      return 1;
1767    }
1768    // TODO:
1769    // Second search the external relocation entries of a fully linked image
1770    // (if any) for an entry that matches this segment offset.
1771    // uint64_t seg_offset = (Pc + Offset);
1772    return 0;
1773  } else if (Arch == Triple::arm) {
1774    if (Offset != 0 || (Size != 4 && Size != 2))
1775      return 0;
1776    // First search the section's relocation entries (if any) for an entry
1777    // for this section offset.
1778    uint32_t sect_addr = info->S.getAddress();
1779    uint32_t sect_offset = (Pc + Offset) - sect_addr;
1780    bool reloc_found = false;
1781    DataRefImpl Rel;
1782    MachO::any_relocation_info RE;
1783    bool isExtern = false;
1784    SymbolRef Symbol;
1785    bool r_scattered = false;
1786    uint32_t r_value, pair_r_value, r_type, r_length, other_half;
1787    for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : info->S.relocations()) {
1788      uint64_t RelocOffset;
1789      Reloc.getOffset(RelocOffset);
1790      if (RelocOffset == sect_offset) {
1791        Rel = Reloc.getRawDataRefImpl();
1792        RE = info->O->getRelocation(Rel);
1793        r_length = info->O->getAnyRelocationLength(RE);
1794        r_scattered = info->O->isRelocationScattered(RE);
1795        if (r_scattered) {
1796          r_value = info->O->getScatteredRelocationValue(RE);
1797          r_type = info->O->getScatteredRelocationType(RE);
1798        } else {
1799          r_type = info->O->getAnyRelocationType(RE);
1800          isExtern = info->O->getPlainRelocationExternal(RE);
1801          if (isExtern) {
1802            symbol_iterator RelocSym = Reloc.getSymbol();
1803            Symbol = *RelocSym;
1804          }
1805        }
1806        if (r_type == MachO::ARM_RELOC_HALF ||
1807            r_type == MachO::ARM_RELOC_SECTDIFF ||
1808            r_type == MachO::ARM_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF ||
1809            r_type == MachO::ARM_RELOC_HALF_SECTDIFF) {
1810          DataRefImpl RelNext = Rel;
1811          info->O->moveRelocationNext(RelNext);
1812          MachO::any_relocation_info RENext;
1813          RENext = info->O->getRelocation(RelNext);
1814          other_half = info->O->getAnyRelocationAddress(RENext) & 0xffff;
1815          if (info->O->isRelocationScattered(RENext))
1816            pair_r_value = info->O->getScatteredRelocationValue(RENext);
1817        }
1818        reloc_found = true;
1819        break;
1820      }
1821    }
1822    if (reloc_found && isExtern) {
1823      StringRef SymName;
1824      Symbol.getName(SymName);
1825      const char *name =;
1826      op_info->AddSymbol.Present = 1;
1827      op_info->AddSymbol.Name = name;
1828      switch (r_type) {
1829      case MachO::ARM_RELOC_HALF:
1830        if ((r_length & 0x1) == 1) {
1831          op_info->Value = value << 16 | other_half;
1832          op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM_HI16;
1833        } else {
1834          op_info->Value = other_half << 16 | value;
1835          op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM_LO16;
1836        }
1837        break;
1838      default:
1839        break;
1840      }
1841      return 1;
1842    }
1843    // If we have a branch that is not an external relocation entry then
1844    // return 0 so the code in tryAddingSymbolicOperand() can use the
1845    // SymbolLookUp call back with the branch target address to look up the
1846    // symbol and possiblity add an annotation for a symbol stub.
1847    if (reloc_found && isExtern == 0 && (r_type == MachO::ARM_RELOC_BR24 ||
1848                                         r_type == MachO::ARM_THUMB_RELOC_BR22))
1849      return 0;
1851    uint32_t offset = 0;
1852    if (reloc_found) {
1853      if (r_type == MachO::ARM_RELOC_HALF ||
1854          r_type == MachO::ARM_RELOC_HALF_SECTDIFF) {
1855        if ((r_length & 0x1) == 1)
1856          value = value << 16 | other_half;
1857        else
1858          value = other_half << 16 | value;
1859      }
1860      if (r_scattered && (r_type != MachO::ARM_RELOC_HALF &&
1861                          r_type != MachO::ARM_RELOC_HALF_SECTDIFF)) {
1862        offset = value - r_value;
1863        value = r_value;
1864      }
1865    }
1867    if (reloc_found && r_type == MachO::ARM_RELOC_HALF_SECTDIFF) {
1868      if ((r_length & 0x1) == 1)
1869        op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM_HI16;
1870      else
1871        op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM_LO16;
1872      const char *add = GuessSymbolName(r_value, info->AddrMap);
1873      const char *sub = GuessSymbolName(pair_r_value, info->AddrMap);
1874      int32_t offset = value - (r_value - pair_r_value);
1875      op_info->AddSymbol.Present = 1;
1876      if (add != nullptr)
1877        op_info->AddSymbol.Name = add;
1878      else
1879        op_info->AddSymbol.Value = r_value;
1880      op_info->SubtractSymbol.Present = 1;
1881      if (sub != nullptr)
1882        op_info->SubtractSymbol.Name = sub;
1883      else
1884        op_info->SubtractSymbol.Value = pair_r_value;
1885      op_info->Value = offset;
1886      return 1;
1887    }
1889    if (reloc_found == false)
1890      return 0;
1892    op_info->AddSymbol.Present = 1;
1893    op_info->Value = offset;
1894    if (reloc_found) {
1895      if (r_type == MachO::ARM_RELOC_HALF) {
1896        if ((r_length & 0x1) == 1)
1897          op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM_HI16;
1898        else
1899          op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM_LO16;
1900      }
1901    }
1902    const char *add = GuessSymbolName(value, info->AddrMap);
1903    if (add != nullptr) {
1904      op_info->AddSymbol.Name = add;
1905      return 1;
1906    }
1907    op_info->AddSymbol.Value = value;
1908    return 1;
1909  } else if (Arch == Triple::aarch64) {
1910    if (Offset != 0 || Size != 4)
1911      return 0;
1912    // First search the section's relocation entries (if any) for an entry
1913    // for this section offset.
1914    uint64_t sect_addr = info->S.getAddress();
1915    uint64_t sect_offset = (Pc + Offset) - sect_addr;
1916    bool reloc_found = false;
1917    DataRefImpl Rel;
1918    MachO::any_relocation_info RE;
1919    bool isExtern = false;
1920    SymbolRef Symbol;
1921    uint32_t r_type = 0;
1922    for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : info->S.relocations()) {
1923      uint64_t RelocOffset;
1924      Reloc.getOffset(RelocOffset);
1925      if (RelocOffset == sect_offset) {
1926        Rel = Reloc.getRawDataRefImpl();
1927        RE = info->O->getRelocation(Rel);
1928        r_type = info->O->getAnyRelocationType(RE);
1929        if (r_type == MachO::ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND) {
1930          DataRefImpl RelNext = Rel;
1931          info->O->moveRelocationNext(RelNext);
1932          MachO::any_relocation_info RENext = info->O->getRelocation(RelNext);
1933          if (value == 0) {
1934            value = info->O->getPlainRelocationSymbolNum(RENext);
1935            op_info->Value = value;
1936          }
1937        }
1938        // NOTE: Scattered relocations don't exist on arm64.
1939        isExtern = info->O->getPlainRelocationExternal(RE);
1940        if (isExtern) {
1941          symbol_iterator RelocSym = Reloc.getSymbol();
1942          Symbol = *RelocSym;
1943        }
1944        reloc_found = true;
1945        break;
1946      }
1947    }
1948    if (reloc_found && isExtern) {
1949      StringRef SymName;
1950      Symbol.getName(SymName);
1951      const char *name =;
1952      op_info->AddSymbol.Present = 1;
1953      op_info->AddSymbol.Name = name;
1955      switch (r_type) {
1956      case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_PAGE21:
1957        /* @page */
1958        op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_PAGE;
1959        break;
1960      case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_PAGEOFF12:
1961        /* @pageoff */
1962        op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_PAGEOFF;
1963        break;
1964      case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGE21:
1965        /* @gotpage */
1966        op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_GOTPAGE;
1967        break;
1968      case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGEOFF12:
1969        /* @gotpageoff */
1970        op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_GOTPAGEOFF;
1971        break;
1972      case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_TLVP_LOAD_PAGE21:
1973        /* @tvlppage is not implemented in llvm-mc */
1974        op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_TLVP;
1975        break;
1976      case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_TLVP_LOAD_PAGEOFF12:
1977        /* @tvlppageoff is not implemented in llvm-mc */
1978        op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_TLVOFF;
1979        break;
1980      default:
1981      case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26:
1982        op_info->VariantKind = LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_None;
1983        break;
1984      }
1985      return 1;
1986    }
1987    return 0;
1988  } else {
1989    return 0;
1990  }
1993// GuessCstringPointer is passed the address of what might be a pointer to a
1994// literal string in a cstring section.  If that address is in a cstring section
1995// it returns a pointer to that string.  Else it returns nullptr.
1996const char *GuessCstringPointer(uint64_t ReferenceValue,
1997                                struct DisassembleInfo *info) {
1998  uint32_t LoadCommandCount = info->O->getHeader().ncmds;
1999  MachOObjectFile::LoadCommandInfo Load = info->O->getFirstLoadCommandInfo();
2000  for (unsigned I = 0;; ++I) {
2001    if (Load.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64) {
2002      MachO::segment_command_64 Seg = info->O->getSegment64LoadCommand(Load);
2003      for (unsigned J = 0; J < Seg.nsects; ++J) {
2004        MachO::section_64 Sec = info->O->getSection64(Load, J);
2005        uint32_t section_type = Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
2006        if (section_type == MachO::S_CSTRING_LITERALS &&
2007            ReferenceValue >= Sec.addr &&
2008            ReferenceValue < Sec.addr + Sec.size) {
2009          uint64_t sect_offset = ReferenceValue - Sec.addr;
2010          uint64_t object_offset = Sec.offset + sect_offset;
2011          StringRef MachOContents = info->O->getData();
2012          uint64_t object_size = MachOContents.size();
2013          const char *object_addr = (const char *);
2014          if (object_offset < object_size) {
2015            const char *name = object_addr + object_offset;
2016            return name;
2017          } else {
2018            return nullptr;
2019          }
2020        }
2021      }
2022    } else if (Load.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT) {
2023      MachO::segment_command Seg = info->O->getSegmentLoadCommand(Load);
2024      for (unsigned J = 0; J < Seg.nsects; ++J) {
2025        MachO::section Sec = info->O->getSection(Load, J);
2026        uint32_t section_type = Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
2027        if (section_type == MachO::S_CSTRING_LITERALS &&
2028            ReferenceValue >= Sec.addr &&
2029            ReferenceValue < Sec.addr + Sec.size) {
2030          uint64_t sect_offset = ReferenceValue - Sec.addr;
2031          uint64_t object_offset = Sec.offset + sect_offset;
2032          StringRef MachOContents = info->O->getData();
2033          uint64_t object_size = MachOContents.size();
2034          const char *object_addr = (const char *);
2035          if (object_offset < object_size) {
2036            const char *name = object_addr + object_offset;
2037            return name;
2038          } else {
2039            return nullptr;
2040          }
2041        }
2042      }
2043    }
2044    if (I == LoadCommandCount - 1)
2045      break;
2046    else
2047      Load = info->O->getNextLoadCommandInfo(Load);
2048  }
2049  return nullptr;
2052// GuessIndirectSymbol returns the name of the indirect symbol for the
2053// ReferenceValue passed in or nullptr.  This is used when ReferenceValue maybe
2054// an address of a symbol stub or a lazy or non-lazy pointer to associate the
2055// symbol name being referenced by the stub or pointer.
2056static const char *GuessIndirectSymbol(uint64_t ReferenceValue,
2057                                       struct DisassembleInfo *info) {
2058  uint32_t LoadCommandCount = info->O->getHeader().ncmds;
2059  MachOObjectFile::LoadCommandInfo Load = info->O->getFirstLoadCommandInfo();
2060  MachO::dysymtab_command Dysymtab = info->O->getDysymtabLoadCommand();
2061  MachO::symtab_command Symtab = info->O->getSymtabLoadCommand();
2062  for (unsigned I = 0;; ++I) {
2063    if (Load.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64) {
2064      MachO::segment_command_64 Seg = info->O->getSegment64LoadCommand(Load);
2065      for (unsigned J = 0; J < Seg.nsects; ++J) {
2066        MachO::section_64 Sec = info->O->getSection64(Load, J);
2067        uint32_t section_type = Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
2068        if ((section_type == MachO::S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
2069             section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
2070             section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
2071             section_type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POINTERS ||
2072             section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS) &&
2073            ReferenceValue >= Sec.addr &&
2074            ReferenceValue < Sec.addr + Sec.size) {
2075          uint32_t stride;
2076          if (section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS)
2077            stride = Sec.reserved2;
2078          else
2079            stride = 8;
2080          if (stride == 0)
2081            return nullptr;
2082          uint32_t index = Sec.reserved1 + (ReferenceValue - Sec.addr) / stride;
2083          if (index < Dysymtab.nindirectsyms) {
2084            uint32_t indirect_symbol =
2085                info->O->getIndirectSymbolTableEntry(Dysymtab, index);
2086            if (indirect_symbol < Symtab.nsyms) {
2087              symbol_iterator Sym = info->O->getSymbolByIndex(indirect_symbol);
2088              SymbolRef Symbol = *Sym;
2089              StringRef SymName;
2090              Symbol.getName(SymName);
2091              const char *name =;
2092              return name;
2093            }
2094          }
2095        }
2096      }
2097    } else if (Load.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT) {
2098      MachO::segment_command Seg = info->O->getSegmentLoadCommand(Load);
2099      for (unsigned J = 0; J < Seg.nsects; ++J) {
2100        MachO::section Sec = info->O->getSection(Load, J);
2101        uint32_t section_type = Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
2102        if ((section_type == MachO::S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
2103             section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
2104             section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
2105             section_type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POINTERS ||
2106             section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS) &&
2107            ReferenceValue >= Sec.addr &&
2108            ReferenceValue < Sec.addr + Sec.size) {
2109          uint32_t stride;
2110          if (section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS)
2111            stride = Sec.reserved2;
2112          else
2113            stride = 4;
2114          if (stride == 0)
2115            return nullptr;
2116          uint32_t index = Sec.reserved1 + (ReferenceValue - Sec.addr) / stride;
2117          if (index < Dysymtab.nindirectsyms) {
2118            uint32_t indirect_symbol =
2119                info->O->getIndirectSymbolTableEntry(Dysymtab, index);
2120            if (indirect_symbol < Symtab.nsyms) {
2121              symbol_iterator Sym = info->O->getSymbolByIndex(indirect_symbol);
2122              SymbolRef Symbol = *Sym;
2123              StringRef SymName;
2124              Symbol.getName(SymName);
2125              const char *name =;
2126              return name;
2127            }
2128          }
2129        }
2130      }
2131    }
2132    if (I == LoadCommandCount - 1)
2133      break;
2134    else
2135      Load = info->O->getNextLoadCommandInfo(Load);
2136  }
2137  return nullptr;
2140// method_reference() is called passing it the ReferenceName that might be
2141// a reference it to an Objective-C method call.  If so then it allocates and
2142// assembles a method call string with the values last seen and saved in
2143// the DisassembleInfo's class_name and selector_name fields.  This is saved
2144// into the method field of the info and any previous string is free'ed.
2145// Then the class_name field in the info is set to nullptr.  The method call
2146// string is set into ReferenceName and ReferenceType is set to
2147// LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Message.  If this not a method call
2148// then both ReferenceType and ReferenceName are left unchanged.
2149static void method_reference(struct DisassembleInfo *info,
2150                             uint64_t *ReferenceType,
2151                             const char **ReferenceName) {
2152  unsigned int Arch = info->O->getArch();
2153  if (*ReferenceName != nullptr) {
2154    if (strcmp(*ReferenceName, "_objc_msgSend") == 0) {
2155      if (info->selector_name != nullptr) {
2156        if (info->method != nullptr)
2157          free(info->method);
2158        if (info->class_name != nullptr) {
2159          info->method = (char *)malloc(5 + strlen(info->class_name) +
2160                                        strlen(info->selector_name));
2161          if (info->method != nullptr) {
2162            strcpy(info->method, "+[");
2163            strcat(info->method, info->class_name);
2164            strcat(info->method, " ");
2165            strcat(info->method, info->selector_name);
2166            strcat(info->method, "]");
2167            *ReferenceName = info->method;
2168            *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Message;
2169          }
2170        } else {
2171          info->method = (char *)malloc(9 + strlen(info->selector_name));
2172          if (info->method != nullptr) {
2173            if (Arch == Triple::x86_64)
2174              strcpy(info->method, "-[%rdi ");
2175            else if (Arch == Triple::aarch64)
2176              strcpy(info->method, "-[x0 ");
2177            else
2178              strcpy(info->method, "-[r? ");
2179            strcat(info->method, info->selector_name);
2180            strcat(info->method, "]");
2181            *ReferenceName = info->method;
2182            *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Message;
2183          }
2184        }
2185        info->class_name = nullptr;
2186      }
2187    } else if (strcmp(*ReferenceName, "_objc_msgSendSuper2") == 0) {
2188      if (info->selector_name != nullptr) {
2189        if (info->method != nullptr)
2190          free(info->method);
2191        info->method = (char *)malloc(17 + strlen(info->selector_name));
2192        if (info->method != nullptr) {
2193          if (Arch == Triple::x86_64)
2194            strcpy(info->method, "-[[%rdi super] ");
2195          else if (Arch == Triple::aarch64)
2196            strcpy(info->method, "-[[x0 super] ");
2197          else
2198            strcpy(info->method, "-[[r? super] ");
2199          strcat(info->method, info->selector_name);
2200          strcat(info->method, "]");
2201          *ReferenceName = info->method;
2202          *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Message;
2203        }
2204        info->class_name = nullptr;
2205      }
2206    }
2207  }
2210// GuessPointerPointer() is passed the address of what might be a pointer to
2211// a reference to an Objective-C class, selector, message ref or cfstring.
2212// If so the value of the pointer is returned and one of the booleans are set
2213// to true.  If not zero is returned and all the booleans are set to false.
2214static uint64_t GuessPointerPointer(uint64_t ReferenceValue,
2215                                    struct DisassembleInfo *info,
2216                                    bool &classref, bool &selref, bool &msgref,
2217                                    bool &cfstring) {
2218  classref = false;
2219  selref = false;
2220  msgref = false;
2221  cfstring = false;
2222  uint32_t LoadCommandCount = info->O->getHeader().ncmds;
2223  MachOObjectFile::LoadCommandInfo Load = info->O->getFirstLoadCommandInfo();
2224  for (unsigned I = 0;; ++I) {
2225    if (Load.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64) {
2226      MachO::segment_command_64 Seg = info->O->getSegment64LoadCommand(Load);
2227      for (unsigned J = 0; J < Seg.nsects; ++J) {
2228        MachO::section_64 Sec = info->O->getSection64(Load, J);
2229        if ((strncmp(Sec.sectname, "__objc_selrefs", 16) == 0 ||
2230             strncmp(Sec.sectname, "__objc_classrefs", 16) == 0 ||
2231             strncmp(Sec.sectname, "__objc_superrefs", 16) == 0 ||
2232             strncmp(Sec.sectname, "__objc_msgrefs", 16) == 0 ||
2233             strncmp(Sec.sectname, "__cfstring", 16) == 0) &&
2234            ReferenceValue >= Sec.addr &&
2235            ReferenceValue < Sec.addr + Sec.size) {
2236          uint64_t sect_offset = ReferenceValue - Sec.addr;
2237          uint64_t object_offset = Sec.offset + sect_offset;
2238          StringRef MachOContents = info->O->getData();
2239          uint64_t object_size = MachOContents.size();
2240          const char *object_addr = (const char *);
2241          if (object_offset < object_size) {
2242            uint64_t pointer_value;
2243            memcpy(&pointer_value, object_addr + object_offset,
2244                   sizeof(uint64_t));
2245            if (info->O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
2246              sys::swapByteOrder(pointer_value);
2247            if (strncmp(Sec.sectname, "__objc_selrefs", 16) == 0)
2248              selref = true;
2249            else if (strncmp(Sec.sectname, "__objc_classrefs", 16) == 0 ||
2250                     strncmp(Sec.sectname, "__objc_superrefs", 16) == 0)
2251              classref = true;
2252            else if (strncmp(Sec.sectname, "__objc_msgrefs", 16) == 0 &&
2253                     ReferenceValue + 8 < Sec.addr + Sec.size) {
2254              msgref = true;
2255              memcpy(&pointer_value, object_addr + object_offset + 8,
2256                     sizeof(uint64_t));
2257              if (info->O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
2258                sys::swapByteOrder(pointer_value);
2259            } else if (strncmp(Sec.sectname, "__cfstring", 16) == 0)
2260              cfstring = true;
2261            return pointer_value;
2262          } else {
2263            return 0;
2264          }
2265        }
2266      }
2267    }
2268    // TODO: Look for LC_SEGMENT for 32-bit Mach-O files.
2269    if (I == LoadCommandCount - 1)
2270      break;
2271    else
2272      Load = info->O->getNextLoadCommandInfo(Load);
2273  }
2274  return 0;
2277// get_pointer_64 returns a pointer to the bytes in the object file at the
2278// Address from a section in the Mach-O file.  And indirectly returns the
2279// offset into the section, number of bytes left in the section past the offset
2280// and which section is was being referenced.  If the Address is not in a
2281// section nullptr is returned.
2282const char *get_pointer_64(uint64_t Address, uint32_t &offset, uint32_t &left,
2283                           SectionRef &S, DisassembleInfo *info) {
2284  offset = 0;
2285  left = 0;
2286  S = SectionRef();
2287  for (unsigned SectIdx = 0; SectIdx != info->Sections->size(); SectIdx++) {
2288    uint64_t SectAddress = ((*(info->Sections))[SectIdx]).getAddress();
2289    uint64_t SectSize = ((*(info->Sections))[SectIdx]).getSize();
2290    if (Address >= SectAddress && Address < SectAddress + SectSize) {
2291      S = (*(info->Sections))[SectIdx];
2292      offset = Address - SectAddress;
2293      left = SectSize - offset;
2294      StringRef SectContents;
2295      ((*(info->Sections))[SectIdx]).getContents(SectContents);
2296      return + offset;
2297    }
2298  }
2299  return nullptr;
2302// get_symbol_64() returns the name of a symbol (or nullptr) and the address of
2303// the symbol indirectly through n_value. Based on the relocation information
2304// for the specified section offset in the specified section reference.
2305const char *get_symbol_64(uint32_t sect_offset, SectionRef S,
2306                          DisassembleInfo *info, uint64_t &n_value) {
2307  n_value = 0;
2308  if (info->verbose == false)
2309    return nullptr;
2311  // See if there is an external relocation entry at the sect_offset.
2312  bool reloc_found = false;
2313  DataRefImpl Rel;
2314  MachO::any_relocation_info RE;
2315  bool isExtern = false;
2316  SymbolRef Symbol;
2317  for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : S.relocations()) {
2318    uint64_t RelocOffset;
2319    Reloc.getOffset(RelocOffset);
2320    if (RelocOffset == sect_offset) {
2321      Rel = Reloc.getRawDataRefImpl();
2322      RE = info->O->getRelocation(Rel);
2323      if (info->O->isRelocationScattered(RE))
2324        continue;
2325      isExtern = info->O->getPlainRelocationExternal(RE);
2326      if (isExtern) {
2327        symbol_iterator RelocSym = Reloc.getSymbol();
2328        Symbol = *RelocSym;
2329      }
2330      reloc_found = true;
2331      break;
2332    }
2333  }
2334  // If there is an external relocation entry for a symbol in this section
2335  // at this section_offset then use that symbol's value for the n_value
2336  // and return its name.
2337  const char *SymbolName = nullptr;
2338  if (reloc_found && isExtern) {
2339    Symbol.getAddress(n_value);
2340    StringRef name;
2341    Symbol.getName(name);
2342    if (!name.empty()) {
2343      SymbolName =;
2344      return SymbolName;
2345    }
2346  }
2348  // TODO: For fully linked images, look through the external relocation
2349  // entries off the dynamic symtab command. For these the r_offset is from the
2350  // start of the first writeable segment in the Mach-O file.  So the offset
2351  // to this section from that segment is passed to this routine by the caller,
2352  // as the database_offset. Which is the difference of the section's starting
2353  // address and the first writable segment.
2354  //
2355  // NOTE: need add passing the database_offset to this routine.
2357  // TODO: We did not find an external relocation entry so look up the
2358  // ReferenceValue as an address of a symbol and if found return that symbol's
2359  // name.
2360  //
2361  // NOTE: need add passing the ReferenceValue to this routine.  Then that code
2362  // would simply be this:
2363  // SymbolName = GuessSymbolName(ReferenceValue, info->AddrMap);
2365  return SymbolName;
2368// These are structs in the Objective-C meta data and read to produce the
2369// comments for disassembly.  While these are part of the ABI they are no
2370// public defintions.  So the are here not in include/llvm/Support/MachO.h .
2372// The cfstring object in a 64-bit Mach-O file.
2373struct cfstring64_t {
2374  uint64_t isa;        // class64_t * (64-bit pointer)
2375  uint64_t flags;      // flag bits
2376  uint64_t characters; // char * (64-bit pointer)
2377  uint64_t length;     // number of non-NULL characters in above
2380// The class object in a 64-bit Mach-O file.
2381struct class64_t {
2382  uint64_t isa;        // class64_t * (64-bit pointer)
2383  uint64_t superclass; // class64_t * (64-bit pointer)
2384  uint64_t cache;      // Cache (64-bit pointer)
2385  uint64_t vtable;     // IMP * (64-bit pointer)
2386  uint64_t data;       // class_ro64_t * (64-bit pointer)
2389struct class_ro64_t {
2390  uint32_t flags;
2391  uint32_t instanceStart;
2392  uint32_t instanceSize;
2393  uint32_t reserved;
2394  uint64_t ivarLayout;     // const uint8_t * (64-bit pointer)
2395  uint64_t name;           // const char * (64-bit pointer)
2396  uint64_t baseMethods;    // const method_list_t * (64-bit pointer)
2397  uint64_t baseProtocols;  // const protocol_list_t * (64-bit pointer)
2398  uint64_t ivars;          // const ivar_list_t * (64-bit pointer)
2399  uint64_t weakIvarLayout; // const uint8_t * (64-bit pointer)
2400  uint64_t baseProperties; // const struct objc_property_list (64-bit pointer)
2403inline void swapStruct(struct cfstring64_t &cfs) {
2404  sys::swapByteOrder(cfs.isa);
2405  sys::swapByteOrder(cfs.flags);
2406  sys::swapByteOrder(cfs.characters);
2407  sys::swapByteOrder(cfs.length);
2410inline void swapStruct(struct class64_t &c) {
2411  sys::swapByteOrder(c.isa);
2412  sys::swapByteOrder(c.superclass);
2413  sys::swapByteOrder(c.cache);
2414  sys::swapByteOrder(c.vtable);
2415  sys::swapByteOrder(;
2418inline void swapStruct(struct class_ro64_t &cro) {
2419  sys::swapByteOrder(cro.flags);
2420  sys::swapByteOrder(cro.instanceStart);
2421  sys::swapByteOrder(cro.instanceSize);
2422  sys::swapByteOrder(cro.reserved);
2423  sys::swapByteOrder(cro.ivarLayout);
2424  sys::swapByteOrder(;
2425  sys::swapByteOrder(cro.baseMethods);
2426  sys::swapByteOrder(cro.baseProtocols);
2427  sys::swapByteOrder(cro.ivars);
2428  sys::swapByteOrder(cro.weakIvarLayout);
2429  sys::swapByteOrder(cro.baseProperties);
2432static const char *get_dyld_bind_info_symbolname(uint64_t ReferenceValue,
2433                                                 struct DisassembleInfo *info);
2435// get_objc2_64bit_class_name() is used for disassembly and is passed a pointer
2436// to an Objective-C class and returns the class name.  It is also passed the
2437// address of the pointer, so when the pointer is zero as it can be in an .o
2438// file, that is used to look for an external relocation entry with a symbol
2439// name.
2440const char *get_objc2_64bit_class_name(uint64_t pointer_value,
2441                                       uint64_t ReferenceValue,
2442                                       struct DisassembleInfo *info) {
2443  const char *r;
2444  uint32_t offset, left;
2445  SectionRef S;
2447  // The pointer_value can be 0 in an object file and have a relocation
2448  // entry for the class symbol at the ReferenceValue (the address of the
2449  // pointer).
2450  if (pointer_value == 0) {
2451    r = get_pointer_64(ReferenceValue, offset, left, S, info);
2452    if (r == nullptr || left < sizeof(uint64_t))
2453      return nullptr;
2454    uint64_t n_value;
2455    const char *symbol_name = get_symbol_64(offset, S, info, n_value);
2456    if (symbol_name == nullptr)
2457      return nullptr;
2458    const char *class_name = strrchr(symbol_name, '$');
2459    if (class_name != nullptr && class_name[1] == '_' && class_name[2] != '\0')
2460      return class_name + 2;
2461    else
2462      return nullptr;
2463  }
2465  // The case were the pointer_value is non-zero and points to a class defined
2466  // in this Mach-O file.
2467  r = get_pointer_64(pointer_value, offset, left, S, info);
2468  if (r == nullptr || left < sizeof(struct class64_t))
2469    return nullptr;
2470  struct class64_t c;
2471  memcpy(&c, r, sizeof(struct class64_t));
2472  if (info->O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
2473    swapStruct(c);
2474  if ( == 0)
2475    return nullptr;
2476  r = get_pointer_64(, offset, left, S, info);
2477  if (r == nullptr || left < sizeof(struct class_ro64_t))
2478    return nullptr;
2479  struct class_ro64_t cro;
2480  memcpy(&cro, r, sizeof(struct class_ro64_t));
2481  if (info->O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
2482    swapStruct(cro);
2483  if ( == 0)
2484    return nullptr;
2485  const char *name = get_pointer_64(, offset, left, S, info);
2486  return name;
2489// get_objc2_64bit_cfstring_name is used for disassembly and is passed a
2490// pointer to a cfstring and returns its name or nullptr.
2491const char *get_objc2_64bit_cfstring_name(uint64_t ReferenceValue,
2492                                          struct DisassembleInfo *info) {
2493  const char *r, *name;
2494  uint32_t offset, left;
2495  SectionRef S;
2496  struct cfstring64_t cfs;
2497  uint64_t cfs_characters;
2499  r = get_pointer_64(ReferenceValue, offset, left, S, info);
2500  if (r == nullptr || left < sizeof(struct cfstring64_t))
2501    return nullptr;
2502  memcpy(&cfs, r, sizeof(struct cfstring64_t));
2503  if (info->O->isLittleEndian() != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
2504    swapStruct(cfs);
2505  if (cfs.characters == 0) {
2506    uint64_t n_value;
2507    const char *symbol_name = get_symbol_64(
2508        offset + offsetof(struct cfstring64_t, characters), S, info, n_value);
2509    if (symbol_name == nullptr)
2510      return nullptr;
2511    cfs_characters = n_value;
2512  } else
2513    cfs_characters = cfs.characters;
2514  name = get_pointer_64(cfs_characters, offset, left, S, info);
2516  return name;
2519// get_objc2_64bit_selref() is used for disassembly and is passed a the address
2520// of a pointer to an Objective-C selector reference when the pointer value is
2521// zero as in a .o file and is likely to have a external relocation entry with
2522// who's symbol's n_value is the real pointer to the selector name.  If that is
2523// the case the real pointer to the selector name is returned else 0 is
2524// returned
2525uint64_t get_objc2_64bit_selref(uint64_t ReferenceValue,
2526                                struct DisassembleInfo *info) {
2527  uint32_t offset, left;
2528  SectionRef S;
2530  const char *r = get_pointer_64(ReferenceValue, offset, left, S, info);
2531  if (r == nullptr || left < sizeof(uint64_t))
2532    return 0;
2533  uint64_t n_value;
2534  const char *symbol_name = get_symbol_64(offset, S, info, n_value);
2535  if (symbol_name == nullptr)
2536    return 0;
2537  return n_value;
2540// GuessLiteralPointer returns a string which for the item in the Mach-O file
2541// for the address passed in as ReferenceValue for printing as a comment with
2542// the instruction and also returns the corresponding type of that item
2543// indirectly through ReferenceType.
2545// If ReferenceValue is an address of literal cstring then a pointer to the
2546// cstring is returned and ReferenceType is set to
2547// LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_LitPool_CstrAddr .
2549// If ReferenceValue is an address of an Objective-C CFString, Selector ref or
2550// Class ref that name is returned and the ReferenceType is set accordingly.
2552// Lastly, literals which are Symbol address in a literal pool are looked for
2553// and if found the symbol name is returned and ReferenceType is set to
2554// LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_LitPool_SymAddr .
2556// If there is no item in the Mach-O file for the address passed in as
2557// ReferenceValue nullptr is returned and ReferenceType is unchanged.
2558const char *GuessLiteralPointer(uint64_t ReferenceValue, uint64_t ReferencePC,
2559                                uint64_t *ReferenceType,
2560                                struct DisassembleInfo *info) {
2561  // First see if there is an external relocation entry at the ReferencePC.
2562  uint64_t sect_addr = info->S.getAddress();
2563  uint64_t sect_offset = ReferencePC - sect_addr;
2564  bool reloc_found = false;
2565  DataRefImpl Rel;
2566  MachO::any_relocation_info RE;
2567  bool isExtern = false;
2568  SymbolRef Symbol;
2569  for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : info->S.relocations()) {
2570    uint64_t RelocOffset;
2571    Reloc.getOffset(RelocOffset);
2572    if (RelocOffset == sect_offset) {
2573      Rel = Reloc.getRawDataRefImpl();
2574      RE = info->O->getRelocation(Rel);
2575      if (info->O->isRelocationScattered(RE))
2576        continue;
2577      isExtern = info->O->getPlainRelocationExternal(RE);
2578      if (isExtern) {
2579        symbol_iterator RelocSym = Reloc.getSymbol();
2580        Symbol = *RelocSym;
2581      }
2582      reloc_found = true;
2583      break;
2584    }
2585  }
2586  // If there is an external relocation entry for a symbol in a section
2587  // then used that symbol's value for the value of the reference.
2588  if (reloc_found && isExtern) {
2589    if (info->O->getAnyRelocationPCRel(RE)) {
2590      unsigned Type = info->O->getAnyRelocationType(RE);
2591      if (Type == MachO::X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED) {
2592        Symbol.getAddress(ReferenceValue);
2593      }
2594    }
2595  }
2597  // Look for literals such as Objective-C CFStrings refs, Selector refs,
2598  // Message refs and Class refs.
2599  bool classref, selref, msgref, cfstring;
2600  uint64_t pointer_value = GuessPointerPointer(ReferenceValue, info, classref,
2601                                               selref, msgref, cfstring);
2602  if (classref == true && pointer_value == 0) {
2603    // Note the ReferenceValue is a pointer into the __objc_classrefs section.
2604    // And the pointer_value in that section is typically zero as it will be
2605    // set by dyld as part of the "bind information".
2606    const char *name = get_dyld_bind_info_symbolname(ReferenceValue, info);
2607    if (name != nullptr) {
2608      *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Class_Ref;
2609      const char *class_name = strrchr(name, '$');
2610      if (class_name != nullptr && class_name[1] == '_' &&
2611          class_name[2] != '\0') {
2612        info->class_name = class_name + 2;
2613        return name;
2614      }
2615    }
2616  }
2618  if (classref == true) {
2619    *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Class_Ref;
2620    const char *name =
2621        get_objc2_64bit_class_name(pointer_value, ReferenceValue, info);
2622    if (name != nullptr)
2623      info->class_name = name;
2624    else
2625      name = "bad class ref";
2626    return name;
2627  }
2629  if (cfstring == true) {
2630    *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_CFString_Ref;
2631    const char *name = get_objc2_64bit_cfstring_name(ReferenceValue, info);
2632    return name;
2633  }
2635  if (selref == true && pointer_value == 0)
2636    pointer_value = get_objc2_64bit_selref(ReferenceValue, info);
2638  if (pointer_value != 0)
2639    ReferenceValue = pointer_value;
2641  const char *name = GuessCstringPointer(ReferenceValue, info);
2642  if (name) {
2643    if (pointer_value != 0 && selref == true) {
2644      *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Selector_Ref;
2645      info->selector_name = name;
2646    } else if (pointer_value != 0 && msgref == true) {
2647      info->class_name = nullptr;
2648      *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Message_Ref;
2649      info->selector_name = name;
2650    } else
2651      *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_LitPool_CstrAddr;
2652    return name;
2653  }
2655  // Lastly look for an indirect symbol with this ReferenceValue which is in
2656  // a literal pool.  If found return that symbol name.
2657  name = GuessIndirectSymbol(ReferenceValue, info);
2658  if (name) {
2659    *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_LitPool_SymAddr;
2660    return name;
2661  }
2663  return nullptr;
2666// SymbolizerSymbolLookUp is the symbol lookup function passed when creating
2667// the Symbolizer.  It looks up the ReferenceValue using the info passed via the
2668// pointer to the struct DisassembleInfo that was passed when MCSymbolizer
2669// is created and returns the symbol name that matches the ReferenceValue or
2670// nullptr if none.  The ReferenceType is passed in for the IN type of
2671// reference the instruction is making from the values in defined in the header
2672// "llvm-c/Disassembler.h".  On return the ReferenceType can set to a specific
2673// Out type and the ReferenceName will also be set which is added as a comment
2674// to the disassembled instruction.
2677// If the symbol name is a C++ mangled name then the demangled name is
2678// returned through ReferenceName and ReferenceType is set to
2679// LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_DeMangled_Name .
2682// When this is called to get a symbol name for a branch target then the
2683// ReferenceType will be LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_Branch and then
2684// SymbolValue will be looked for in the indirect symbol table to determine if
2685// it is an address for a symbol stub.  If so then the symbol name for that
2686// stub is returned indirectly through ReferenceName and then ReferenceType is
2687// set to LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_SymbolStub.
2689// When this is called with an value loaded via a PC relative load then
2690// ReferenceType will be LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_PCrel_Load then the
2691// SymbolValue is checked to be an address of literal pointer, symbol pointer,
2692// or an Objective-C meta data reference.  If so the output ReferenceType is
2693// set to correspond to that as well as setting the ReferenceName.
2694const char *SymbolizerSymbolLookUp(void *DisInfo, uint64_t ReferenceValue,
2695                                   uint64_t *ReferenceType,
2696                                   uint64_t ReferencePC,
2697                                   const char **ReferenceName) {
2698  struct DisassembleInfo *info = (struct DisassembleInfo *)DisInfo;
2699  // If no verbose symbolic information is wanted then just return nullptr.
2700  if (info->verbose == false) {
2701    *ReferenceName = nullptr;
2702    *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_InOut_None;
2703    return nullptr;
2704  }
2706  const char *SymbolName = GuessSymbolName(ReferenceValue, info->AddrMap);
2708  if (*ReferenceType == LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_Branch) {
2709    *ReferenceName = GuessIndirectSymbol(ReferenceValue, info);
2710    if (*ReferenceName != nullptr) {
2711      method_reference(info, ReferenceType, ReferenceName);
2712      if (*ReferenceType != LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Message)
2713        *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_SymbolStub;
2714    } else
2716        if (SymbolName != nullptr && strncmp(SymbolName, "__Z", 3) == 0) {
2717      if (info->demangled_name != nullptr)
2718        free(info->demangled_name);
2719      int status;
2720      info->demangled_name =
2721          abi::__cxa_demangle(SymbolName + 1, nullptr, nullptr, &status);
2722      if (info->demangled_name != nullptr) {
2723        *ReferenceName = info->demangled_name;
2724        *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_DeMangled_Name;
2725      } else
2726        *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_InOut_None;
2727    } else
2729      *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_InOut_None;
2730  } else if (*ReferenceType == LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_PCrel_Load) {
2731    *ReferenceName =
2732        GuessLiteralPointer(ReferenceValue, ReferencePC, ReferenceType, info);
2733    if (*ReferenceName)
2734      method_reference(info, ReferenceType, ReferenceName);
2735    else
2736      *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_InOut_None;
2737    // If this is arm64 and the reference is an adrp instruction save the
2738    // instruction, passed in ReferenceValue and the address of the instruction
2739    // for use later if we see and add immediate instruction.
2740  } else if (info->O->getArch() == Triple::aarch64 &&
2741             *ReferenceType == LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_ARM64_ADRP) {
2742    info->adrp_inst = ReferenceValue;
2743    info->adrp_addr = ReferencePC;
2744    SymbolName = nullptr;
2745    *ReferenceName = nullptr;
2746    *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_InOut_None;
2747    // If this is arm64 and reference is an add immediate instruction and we
2748    // have
2749    // seen an adrp instruction just before it and the adrp's Xd register
2750    // matches
2751    // this add's Xn register reconstruct the value being referenced and look to
2752    // see if it is a literal pointer.  Note the add immediate instruction is
2753    // passed in ReferenceValue.
2754  } else if (info->O->getArch() == Triple::aarch64 &&
2755             *ReferenceType == LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_ARM64_ADDXri &&
2756             ReferencePC - 4 == info->adrp_addr &&
2757             (info->adrp_inst & 0x9f000000) == 0x90000000 &&
2758             (info->adrp_inst & 0x1f) == ((ReferenceValue >> 5) & 0x1f)) {
2759    uint32_t addxri_inst;
2760    uint64_t adrp_imm, addxri_imm;
2762    adrp_imm =
2763        ((info->adrp_inst & 0x00ffffe0) >> 3) | ((info->adrp_inst >> 29) & 0x3);
2764    if (info->adrp_inst & 0x0200000)
2765      adrp_imm |= 0xfffffffffc000000LL;
2767    addxri_inst = ReferenceValue;
2768    addxri_imm = (addxri_inst >> 10) & 0xfff;
2769    if (((addxri_inst >> 22) & 0x3) == 1)
2770      addxri_imm <<= 12;
2772    ReferenceValue = (info->adrp_addr & 0xfffffffffffff000LL) +
2773                     (adrp_imm << 12) + addxri_imm;
2775    *ReferenceName =
2776        GuessLiteralPointer(ReferenceValue, ReferencePC, ReferenceType, info);
2777    if (*ReferenceName == nullptr)
2778      *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_InOut_None;
2779    // If this is arm64 and the reference is a load register instruction and we
2780    // have seen an adrp instruction just before it and the adrp's Xd register
2781    // matches this add's Xn register reconstruct the value being referenced and
2782    // look to see if it is a literal pointer.  Note the load register
2783    // instruction is passed in ReferenceValue.
2784  } else if (info->O->getArch() == Triple::aarch64 &&
2785             *ReferenceType == LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_ARM64_LDRXui &&
2786             ReferencePC - 4 == info->adrp_addr &&
2787             (info->adrp_inst & 0x9f000000) == 0x90000000 &&
2788             (info->adrp_inst & 0x1f) == ((ReferenceValue >> 5) & 0x1f)) {
2789    uint32_t ldrxui_inst;
2790    uint64_t adrp_imm, ldrxui_imm;
2792    adrp_imm =
2793        ((info->adrp_inst & 0x00ffffe0) >> 3) | ((info->adrp_inst >> 29) & 0x3);
2794    if (info->adrp_inst & 0x0200000)
2795      adrp_imm |= 0xfffffffffc000000LL;
2797    ldrxui_inst = ReferenceValue;
2798    ldrxui_imm = (ldrxui_inst >> 10) & 0xfff;
2800    ReferenceValue = (info->adrp_addr & 0xfffffffffffff000LL) +
2801                     (adrp_imm << 12) + (ldrxui_imm << 3);
2803    *ReferenceName =
2804        GuessLiteralPointer(ReferenceValue, ReferencePC, ReferenceType, info);
2805    if (*ReferenceName == nullptr)
2806      *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_InOut_None;
2807  }
2808  // If this arm64 and is an load register (PC-relative) instruction the
2809  // ReferenceValue is the PC plus the immediate value.
2810  else if (info->O->getArch() == Triple::aarch64 &&
2811           (*ReferenceType == LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_ARM64_LDRXl ||
2812            *ReferenceType == LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_ARM64_ADR)) {
2813    *ReferenceName =
2814        GuessLiteralPointer(ReferenceValue, ReferencePC, ReferenceType, info);
2815    if (*ReferenceName == nullptr)
2816      *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_InOut_None;
2817  }
2819  else if (SymbolName != nullptr && strncmp(SymbolName, "__Z", 3) == 0) {
2820    if (info->demangled_name != nullptr)
2821      free(info->demangled_name);
2822    int status;
2823    info->demangled_name =
2824        abi::__cxa_demangle(SymbolName + 1, nullptr, nullptr, &status);
2825    if (info->demangled_name != nullptr) {
2826      *ReferenceName = info->demangled_name;
2827      *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_DeMangled_Name;
2828    }
2829  }
2831  else {
2832    *ReferenceName = nullptr;
2833    *ReferenceType = LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_InOut_None;
2834  }
2836  return SymbolName;
2839/// \brief Emits the comments that are stored in the CommentStream.
2840/// Each comment in the CommentStream must end with a newline.
2841static void emitComments(raw_svector_ostream &CommentStream,
2842                         SmallString<128> &CommentsToEmit,
2843                         formatted_raw_ostream &FormattedOS,
2844                         const MCAsmInfo &MAI) {
2845  // Flush the stream before taking its content.
2846  CommentStream.flush();
2847  StringRef Comments = CommentsToEmit.str();
2848  // Get the default information for printing a comment.
2849  const char *CommentBegin = MAI.getCommentString();
2850  unsigned CommentColumn = MAI.getCommentColumn();
2851  bool IsFirst = true;
2852  while (!Comments.empty()) {
2853    if (!IsFirst)
2854      FormattedOS << '\n';
2855    // Emit a line of comments.
2856    FormattedOS.PadToColumn(CommentColumn);
2857    size_t Position = Comments.find('\n');
2858    FormattedOS << CommentBegin << ' ' << Comments.substr(0, Position);
2859    // Move after the newline character.
2860    Comments = Comments.substr(Position + 1);
2861    IsFirst = false;
2862  }
2863  FormattedOS.flush();
2865  // Tell the comment stream that the vector changed underneath it.
2866  CommentsToEmit.clear();
2867  CommentStream.resync();
2870static void DisassembleMachO(StringRef Filename, MachOObjectFile *MachOOF,
2871                             StringRef DisSegName, StringRef DisSectName) {
2872  const char *McpuDefault = nullptr;
2873  const Target *ThumbTarget = nullptr;
2874  const Target *TheTarget = GetTarget(MachOOF, &McpuDefault, &ThumbTarget);
2875  if (!TheTarget) {
2876    // GetTarget prints out stuff.
2877    return;
2878  }
2879  if (MCPU.empty() && McpuDefault)
2880    MCPU = McpuDefault;
2882  std::unique_ptr<const MCInstrInfo> InstrInfo(TheTarget->createMCInstrInfo());
2883  std::unique_ptr<const MCInstrInfo> ThumbInstrInfo;
2884  if (ThumbTarget)
2885    ThumbInstrInfo.reset(ThumbTarget->createMCInstrInfo());
2887  // Package up features to be passed to target/subtarget
2888  std::string FeaturesStr;
2889  if (MAttrs.size()) {
2890    SubtargetFeatures Features;
2891    for (unsigned i = 0; i != MAttrs.size(); ++i)
2892      Features.AddFeature(MAttrs[i]);
2893    FeaturesStr = Features.getString();
2894  }
2896  // Set up disassembler.
2897  std::unique_ptr<const MCRegisterInfo> MRI(
2898      TheTarget->createMCRegInfo(TripleName));
2899  std::unique_ptr<const MCAsmInfo> AsmInfo(
2900      TheTarget->createMCAsmInfo(*MRI, TripleName));
2901  std::unique_ptr<const MCSubtargetInfo> STI(
2902      TheTarget->createMCSubtargetInfo(TripleName, MCPU, FeaturesStr));
2903  MCContext Ctx(AsmInfo.get(), MRI.get(), nullptr);
2904  std::unique_ptr<MCDisassembler> DisAsm(
2905      TheTarget->createMCDisassembler(*STI, Ctx));
2906  std::unique_ptr<MCSymbolizer> Symbolizer;
2907  struct DisassembleInfo SymbolizerInfo;
2908  std::unique_ptr<MCRelocationInfo> RelInfo(
2909      TheTarget->createMCRelocationInfo(TripleName, Ctx));
2910  if (RelInfo) {
2911    Symbolizer.reset(TheTarget->createMCSymbolizer(
2912        TripleName, SymbolizerGetOpInfo, SymbolizerSymbolLookUp,
2913        &SymbolizerInfo, &Ctx, std::move(RelInfo)));
2914    DisAsm->setSymbolizer(std::move(Symbolizer));
2915  }
2916  int AsmPrinterVariant = AsmInfo->getAssemblerDialect();
2917  std::unique_ptr<MCInstPrinter> IP(TheTarget->createMCInstPrinter(
2918      AsmPrinterVariant, *AsmInfo, *InstrInfo, *MRI, *STI));
2919  // Set the display preference for hex vs. decimal immediates.
2920  IP->setPrintImmHex(PrintImmHex);
2921  // Comment stream and backing vector.
2922  SmallString<128> CommentsToEmit;
2923  raw_svector_ostream CommentStream(CommentsToEmit);
2924  // FIXME: Setting the CommentStream in the InstPrinter is problematic in that
2925  // if it is done then arm64 comments for string literals don't get printed
2926  // and some constant get printed instead and not setting it causes intel
2927  // (32-bit and 64-bit) comments printed with different spacing before the
2928  // comment causing different diffs with the 'C' disassembler library API.
2929  // IP->setCommentStream(CommentStream);
2931  if (!AsmInfo || !STI || !DisAsm || !IP) {
2932    errs() << "error: couldn't initialize disassembler for target "
2933           << TripleName << '\n';
2934    return;
2935  }
2937  // Set up thumb disassembler.
2938  std::unique_ptr<const MCRegisterInfo> ThumbMRI;
2939  std::unique_ptr<const MCAsmInfo> ThumbAsmInfo;
2940  std::unique_ptr<const MCSubtargetInfo> ThumbSTI;
2941  std::unique_ptr<MCDisassembler> ThumbDisAsm;
2942  std::unique_ptr<MCInstPrinter> ThumbIP;
2943  std::unique_ptr<MCContext> ThumbCtx;
2944  std::unique_ptr<MCSymbolizer> ThumbSymbolizer;
2945  struct DisassembleInfo ThumbSymbolizerInfo;
2946  std::unique_ptr<MCRelocationInfo> ThumbRelInfo;
2947  if (ThumbTarget) {
2948    ThumbMRI.reset(ThumbTarget->createMCRegInfo(ThumbTripleName));
2949    ThumbAsmInfo.reset(
2950        ThumbTarget->createMCAsmInfo(*ThumbMRI, ThumbTripleName));
2951    ThumbSTI.reset(
2952        ThumbTarget->createMCSubtargetInfo(ThumbTripleName, MCPU, FeaturesStr));
2953    ThumbCtx.reset(new MCContext(ThumbAsmInfo.get(), ThumbMRI.get(), nullptr));
2954    ThumbDisAsm.reset(ThumbTarget->createMCDisassembler(*ThumbSTI, *ThumbCtx));
2955    MCContext *PtrThumbCtx = ThumbCtx.get();
2956    ThumbRelInfo.reset(
2957        ThumbTarget->createMCRelocationInfo(ThumbTripleName, *PtrThumbCtx));
2958    if (ThumbRelInfo) {
2959      ThumbSymbolizer.reset(ThumbTarget->createMCSymbolizer(
2960          ThumbTripleName, SymbolizerGetOpInfo, SymbolizerSymbolLookUp,
2961          &ThumbSymbolizerInfo, PtrThumbCtx, std::move(ThumbRelInfo)));
2962      ThumbDisAsm->setSymbolizer(std::move(ThumbSymbolizer));
2963    }
2964    int ThumbAsmPrinterVariant = ThumbAsmInfo->getAssemblerDialect();
2965    ThumbIP.reset(ThumbTarget->createMCInstPrinter(
2966        ThumbAsmPrinterVariant, *ThumbAsmInfo, *ThumbInstrInfo, *ThumbMRI,
2967        *ThumbSTI));
2968    // Set the display preference for hex vs. decimal immediates.
2969    ThumbIP->setPrintImmHex(PrintImmHex);
2970  }
2972  if (ThumbTarget && (!ThumbAsmInfo || !ThumbSTI || !ThumbDisAsm || !ThumbIP)) {
2973    errs() << "error: couldn't initialize disassembler for target "
2974           << ThumbTripleName << '\n';
2975    return;
2976  }
2978  MachO::mach_header Header = MachOOF->getHeader();
2980  // FIXME: Using the -cfg command line option, this code used to be able to
2981  // annotate relocations with the referenced symbol's name, and if this was
2982  // inside a __[cf]string section, the data it points to. This is now replaced
2983  // by the upcoming MCSymbolizer, which needs the appropriate setup done above.
2984  std::vector<SectionRef> Sections;
2985  std::vector<SymbolRef> Symbols;
2986  SmallVector<uint64_t, 8> FoundFns;
2987  uint64_t BaseSegmentAddress;
2989  getSectionsAndSymbols(Header, MachOOF, Sections, Symbols, FoundFns,
2990                        BaseSegmentAddress);
2992  // Sort the symbols by address, just in case they didn't come in that way.
2993  std::sort(Symbols.begin(), Symbols.end(), SymbolSorter());
2995  // Build a data in code table that is sorted on by the address of each entry.
2996  uint64_t BaseAddress = 0;
2997  if (Header.filetype == MachO::MH_OBJECT)
2998    BaseAddress = Sections[0].getAddress();
2999  else
3000    BaseAddress = BaseSegmentAddress;
3001  DiceTable Dices;
3002  for (dice_iterator DI = MachOOF->begin_dices(), DE = MachOOF->end_dices();
3003       DI != DE; ++DI) {
3004    uint32_t Offset;
3005    DI->getOffset(Offset);
3006    Dices.push_back(std::make_pair(BaseAddress + Offset, *DI));
3007  }
3008  array_pod_sort(Dices.begin(), Dices.end());
3010#ifndef NDEBUG
3011  raw_ostream &DebugOut = DebugFlag ? dbgs() : nulls();
3013  raw_ostream &DebugOut = nulls();
3016  std::unique_ptr<DIContext> diContext;
3017  ObjectFile *DbgObj = MachOOF;
3018  // Try to find debug info and set up the DIContext for it.
3019  if (UseDbg) {
3020    // A separate DSym file path was specified, parse it as a macho file,
3021    // get the sections and supply it to the section name parsing machinery.
3022    if (!DSYMFile.empty()) {
3023      ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> BufOrErr =
3024          MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(DSYMFile);
3025      if (std::error_code EC = BufOrErr.getError()) {
3026        errs() << "llvm-objdump: " << Filename << ": " << EC.message() << '\n';
3027        return;
3028      }
3029      DbgObj =
3030          ObjectFile::createMachOObjectFile(BufOrErr.get()->getMemBufferRef())
3031              .get()
3032              .release();
3033    }
3035    // Setup the DIContext
3036    diContext.reset(DIContext::getDWARFContext(*DbgObj));
3037  }
3039  if (DumpSections.size() == 0)
3040    outs() << "(" << DisSegName << "," << DisSectName << ") section\n";
3042  for (unsigned SectIdx = 0; SectIdx != Sections.size(); SectIdx++) {
3043    StringRef SectName;
3044    if (Sections[SectIdx].getName(SectName) || SectName != DisSectName)
3045      continue;
3047    DataRefImpl DR = Sections[SectIdx].getRawDataRefImpl();
3049    StringRef SegmentName = MachOOF->getSectionFinalSegmentName(DR);
3050    if (SegmentName != DisSegName)
3051      continue;
3053    StringRef BytesStr;
3054    Sections[SectIdx].getContents(BytesStr);
3055    ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(,
3056                            BytesStr.size());
3057    uint64_t SectAddress = Sections[SectIdx].getAddress();
3059    bool symbolTableWorked = false;
3061    // Parse relocations.
3062    std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, SymbolRef>> Relocs;
3063    for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : Sections[SectIdx].relocations()) {
3064      uint64_t RelocOffset;
3065      Reloc.getOffset(RelocOffset);
3066      uint64_t SectionAddress = Sections[SectIdx].getAddress();
3067      RelocOffset -= SectionAddress;
3069      symbol_iterator RelocSym = Reloc.getSymbol();
3071      Relocs.push_back(std::make_pair(RelocOffset, *RelocSym));
3072    }
3073    array_pod_sort(Relocs.begin(), Relocs.end());
3075    // Create a map of symbol addresses to symbol names for use by
3076    // the SymbolizerSymbolLookUp() routine.
3077    SymbolAddressMap AddrMap;
3078    for (const SymbolRef &Symbol : MachOOF->symbols()) {
3079      SymbolRef::Type ST;
3080      Symbol.getType(ST);
3081      if (ST == SymbolRef::ST_Function || ST == SymbolRef::ST_Data ||
3082          ST == SymbolRef::ST_Other) {
3083        uint64_t Address;
3084        Symbol.getAddress(Address);
3085        StringRef SymName;
3086        Symbol.getName(SymName);
3087        AddrMap[Address] = SymName;
3088      }
3089    }
3090    // Set up the block of info used by the Symbolizer call backs.
3091    SymbolizerInfo.verbose = true;
3092    SymbolizerInfo.O = MachOOF;
3093    SymbolizerInfo.S = Sections[SectIdx];
3094    SymbolizerInfo.AddrMap = &AddrMap;
3095    SymbolizerInfo.Sections = &Sections;
3096    SymbolizerInfo.class_name = nullptr;
3097    SymbolizerInfo.selector_name = nullptr;
3098    SymbolizerInfo.method = nullptr;
3099    SymbolizerInfo.demangled_name = nullptr;
3100    SymbolizerInfo.bindtable = nullptr;
3101    SymbolizerInfo.adrp_addr = 0;
3102    SymbolizerInfo.adrp_inst = 0;
3103    // Same for the ThumbSymbolizer
3104    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.verbose = true;
3105    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.O = MachOOF;
3106    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.S = Sections[SectIdx];
3107    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.AddrMap = &AddrMap;
3108    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.Sections = &Sections;
3109    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.class_name = nullptr;
3110    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.selector_name = nullptr;
3111    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.method = nullptr;
3112    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.demangled_name = nullptr;
3113    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.bindtable = nullptr;
3114    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.adrp_addr = 0;
3115    ThumbSymbolizerInfo.adrp_inst = 0;
3117    // Disassemble symbol by symbol.
3118    for (unsigned SymIdx = 0; SymIdx != Symbols.size(); SymIdx++) {
3119      StringRef SymName;
3120      Symbols[SymIdx].getName(SymName);
3122      SymbolRef::Type ST;
3123      Symbols[SymIdx].getType(ST);
3124      if (ST != SymbolRef::ST_Function)
3125        continue;
3127      // Make sure the symbol is defined in this section.
3128      bool containsSym = Sections[SectIdx].containsSymbol(Symbols[SymIdx]);
3129      if (!containsSym)
3130        continue;
3132      // Start at the address of the symbol relative to the section's address.
3133      uint64_t Start = 0;
3134      uint64_t SectionAddress = Sections[SectIdx].getAddress();
3135      Symbols[SymIdx].getAddress(Start);
3136      Start -= SectionAddress;
3138      // Stop disassembling either at the beginning of the next symbol or at
3139      // the end of the section.
3140      bool containsNextSym = false;
3141      uint64_t NextSym = 0;
3142      uint64_t NextSymIdx = SymIdx + 1;
3143      while (Symbols.size() > NextSymIdx) {
3144        SymbolRef::Type NextSymType;
3145        Symbols[NextSymIdx].getType(NextSymType);
3146        if (NextSymType == SymbolRef::ST_Function) {
3147          containsNextSym =
3148              Sections[SectIdx].containsSymbol(Symbols[NextSymIdx]);
3149          Symbols[NextSymIdx].getAddress(NextSym);
3150          NextSym -= SectionAddress;
3151          break;
3152        }
3153        ++NextSymIdx;
3154      }
3156      uint64_t SectSize = Sections[SectIdx].getSize();
3157      uint64_t End = containsNextSym ? NextSym : SectSize;
3158      uint64_t Size;
3160      symbolTableWorked = true;
3162      DataRefImpl Symb = Symbols[SymIdx].getRawDataRefImpl();
3163      bool isThumb =
3164          (MachOOF->getSymbolFlags(Symb) & SymbolRef::SF_Thumb) && ThumbTarget;
3166      outs() << SymName << ":\n";
3167      DILineInfo lastLine;
3168      for (uint64_t Index = Start; Index < End; Index += Size) {
3169        MCInst Inst;
3171        uint64_t PC = SectAddress + Index;
3172        if (FullLeadingAddr) {
3173          if (MachOOF->is64Bit())
3174            outs() << format("%016" PRIx64, PC);
3175          else
3176            outs() << format("%08" PRIx64, PC);
3177        } else {
3178          outs() << format("%8" PRIx64 ":", PC);
3179        }
3180        if (!NoShowRawInsn)
3181          outs() << "\t";
3183        // Check the data in code table here to see if this is data not an
3184        // instruction to be disassembled.
3185        DiceTable Dice;
3186        Dice.push_back(std::make_pair(PC, DiceRef()));
3187        dice_table_iterator DTI =
3188            std::search(Dices.begin(), Dices.end(), Dice.begin(), Dice.end(),
3189                        compareDiceTableEntries);
3190        if (DTI != Dices.end()) {
3191          uint16_t Length;
3192          DTI->second.getLength(Length);
3193          uint16_t Kind;
3194          DTI->second.getKind(Kind);
3195          Size = DumpDataInCode(reinterpret_cast<const char *>( +
3196                                    Index,
3197                                Length, Kind);
3198          if ((Kind == MachO::DICE_KIND_JUMP_TABLE8) &&
3199              (PC == (DTI->first + Length - 1)) && (Length & 1))
3200            Size++;
3201          continue;
3202        }
3204        SmallVector<char, 64> AnnotationsBytes;
3205        raw_svector_ostream Annotations(AnnotationsBytes);
3207        bool gotInst;
3208        if (isThumb)
3209          gotInst = ThumbDisAsm->getInstruction(Inst, Size, Bytes.slice(Index),
3210                                                PC, DebugOut, Annotations);
3211        else
3212          gotInst = DisAsm->getInstruction(Inst, Size, Bytes.slice(Index), PC,
3213                                           DebugOut, Annotations);
3214        if (gotInst) {
3215          if (!NoShowRawInsn) {
3216            DumpBytes(StringRef(
3217                reinterpret_cast<const char *>( + Index, Size));
3218          }
3219          formatted_raw_ostream FormattedOS(outs());
3220          Annotations.flush();
3221          StringRef AnnotationsStr = Annotations.str();
3222          if (isThumb)
3223            ThumbIP->printInst(&Inst, FormattedOS, AnnotationsStr);
3224          else
3225            IP->printInst(&Inst, FormattedOS, AnnotationsStr);
3226          emitComments(CommentStream, CommentsToEmit, FormattedOS, *AsmInfo);
3228          // Print debug info.
3229          if (diContext) {
3230            DILineInfo dli = diContext->getLineInfoForAddress(PC);
3231            // Print valid line info if it changed.
3232            if (dli != lastLine && dli.Line != 0)
3233              outs() << "\t## " << dli.FileName << ':' << dli.Line << ':'
3234                     << dli.Column;
3235            lastLine = dli;
3236          }
3237          outs() << "\n";
3238        } else {
3239          unsigned int Arch = MachOOF->getArch();
3240          if (Arch == Triple::x86_64 || Arch == Triple::x86) {
3241            outs() << format("\t.byte 0x%02x #bad opcode\n",
3242                             *( + Index) & 0xff);
3243            Size = 1; // skip exactly one illegible byte and move on.
3244          } else if (Arch == Triple::aarch64) {
3245            uint32_t opcode = (*( + Index) & 0xff) |
3246                              (*( + Index + 1) & 0xff) << 8 |
3247                              (*( + Index + 2) & 0xff) << 16 |
3248                              (*( + Index + 3) & 0xff) << 24;
3249            outs() << format("\t.long\t0x%08x\n", opcode);
3250            Size = 4;
3251          } else {
3252            errs() << "llvm-objdump: warning: invalid instruction encoding\n";
3253            if (Size == 0)
3254              Size = 1; // skip illegible bytes
3255          }
3256        }
3257      }
3258    }
3259    if (!symbolTableWorked) {
3260      // Reading the symbol table didn't work, disassemble the whole section.
3261      uint64_t SectAddress = Sections[SectIdx].getAddress();
3262      uint64_t SectSize = Sections[SectIdx].getSize();
3263      uint64_t InstSize;
3264      for (uint64_t Index = 0; Index < SectSize; Index += InstSize) {
3265        MCInst Inst;
3267        uint64_t PC = SectAddress + Index;
3268        if (DisAsm->getInstruction(Inst, InstSize, Bytes.slice(Index), PC,
3269                                   DebugOut, nulls())) {
3270          if (FullLeadingAddr) {
3271            if (MachOOF->is64Bit())
3272              outs() << format("%016" PRIx64, PC);
3273            else
3274              outs() << format("%08" PRIx64, PC);
3275          } else {
3276            outs() << format("%8" PRIx64 ":", PC);
3277          }
3278          if (!NoShowRawInsn) {
3279            outs() << "\t";
3280            DumpBytes(
3281                StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>( + Index,
3282                          InstSize));
3283          }
3284          IP->printInst(&Inst, outs(), "");
3285          outs() << "\n";
3286        } else {
3287          unsigned int Arch = MachOOF->getArch();
3288          if (Arch == Triple::x86_64 || Arch == Triple::x86) {
3289            outs() << format("\t.byte 0x%02x #bad opcode\n",
3290                             *( + Index) & 0xff);
3291            InstSize = 1; // skip exactly one illegible byte and move on.
3292          } else {
3293            errs() << "llvm-objdump: warning: invalid instruction encoding\n";
3294            if (InstSize == 0)
3295              InstSize = 1; // skip illegible bytes
3296          }
3297        }
3298      }
3299    }
3300    // The TripleName's need to be reset if we are called again for a different
3301    // archtecture.
3302    TripleName = "";
3303    ThumbTripleName = "";
3305    if (SymbolizerInfo.method != nullptr)
3306      free(SymbolizerInfo.method);
3307    if (SymbolizerInfo.demangled_name != nullptr)
3308      free(SymbolizerInfo.demangled_name);
3309    if (SymbolizerInfo.bindtable != nullptr)
3310      delete SymbolizerInfo.bindtable;
3311    if (ThumbSymbolizerInfo.method != nullptr)
3312      free(ThumbSymbolizerInfo.method);
3313    if (ThumbSymbolizerInfo.demangled_name != nullptr)
3314      free(ThumbSymbolizerInfo.demangled_name);
3315    if (ThumbSymbolizerInfo.bindtable != nullptr)
3316      delete ThumbSymbolizerInfo.bindtable;
3317  }
3321// __compact_unwind section dumping
3324namespace {
3326template <typename T> static uint64_t readNext(const char *&Buf) {
3327  using llvm::support::little;
3328  using llvm::support::unaligned;
3330  uint64_t Val = support::endian::read<T, little, unaligned>(Buf);
3331  Buf += sizeof(T);
3332  return Val;
3335struct CompactUnwindEntry {
3336  uint32_t OffsetInSection;
3338  uint64_t FunctionAddr;
3339  uint32_t Length;
3340  uint32_t CompactEncoding;
3341  uint64_t PersonalityAddr;
3342  uint64_t LSDAAddr;
3344  RelocationRef FunctionReloc;
3345  RelocationRef PersonalityReloc;
3346  RelocationRef LSDAReloc;
3348  CompactUnwindEntry(StringRef Contents, unsigned Offset, bool Is64)
3349      : OffsetInSection(Offset) {
3350    if (Is64)
3351      read<uint64_t>( + Offset);
3352    else
3353      read<uint32_t>( + Offset);
3354  }
3357  template <typename UIntPtr> void read(const char *Buf) {
3358    FunctionAddr = readNext<UIntPtr>(Buf);
3359    Length = readNext<uint32_t>(Buf);
3360    CompactEncoding = readNext<uint32_t>(Buf);
3361    PersonalityAddr = readNext<UIntPtr>(Buf);
3362    LSDAAddr = readNext<UIntPtr>(Buf);
3363  }
3367/// Given a relocation from __compact_unwind, consisting of the RelocationRef
3368/// and data being relocated, determine the best base Name and Addend to use for
3369/// display purposes.
3371/// 1. An Extern relocation will directly reference a symbol (and the data is
3372///    then already an addend), so use that.
3373/// 2. Otherwise the data is an offset in the object file's layout; try to find
3374//     a symbol before it in the same section, and use the offset from there.
3375/// 3. Finally, if all that fails, fall back to an offset from the start of the
3376///    referenced section.
3377static void findUnwindRelocNameAddend(const MachOObjectFile *Obj,
3378                                      std::map<uint64_t, SymbolRef> &Symbols,
3379                                      const RelocationRef &Reloc, uint64_t Addr,
3380                                      StringRef &Name, uint64_t &Addend) {
3381  if (Reloc.getSymbol() != Obj->symbol_end()) {
3382    Reloc.getSymbol()->getName(Name);
3383    Addend = Addr;
3384    return;
3385  }
3387  auto RE = Obj->getRelocation(Reloc.getRawDataRefImpl());
3388  SectionRef RelocSection = Obj->getRelocationSection(RE);
3390  uint64_t SectionAddr = RelocSection.getAddress();
3392  auto Sym = Symbols.upper_bound(Addr);
3393  if (Sym == Symbols.begin()) {
3394    // The first symbol in the object is after this reference, the best we can
3395    // do is section-relative notation.
3396    RelocSection.getName(Name);
3397    Addend = Addr - SectionAddr;
3398    return;
3399  }
3401  // Go back one so that SymbolAddress <= Addr.
3402  --Sym;
3404  section_iterator SymSection = Obj->section_end();
3405  Sym->second.getSection(SymSection);
3406  if (RelocSection == *SymSection) {
3407    // There's a valid symbol in the same section before this reference.
3408    Sym->second.getName(Name);
3409    Addend = Addr - Sym->first;
3410    return;
3411  }
3413  // There is a symbol before this reference, but it's in a different
3414  // section. Probably not helpful to mention it, so use the section name.
3415  RelocSection.getName(Name);
3416  Addend = Addr - SectionAddr;
3419static void printUnwindRelocDest(const MachOObjectFile *Obj,
3420                                 std::map<uint64_t, SymbolRef> &Symbols,
3421                                 const RelocationRef &Reloc, uint64_t Addr) {
3422  StringRef Name;
3423  uint64_t Addend;
3425  if (!Reloc.getObjectFile())
3426    return;
3428  findUnwindRelocNameAddend(Obj, Symbols, Reloc, Addr, Name, Addend);
3430  outs() << Name;
3431  if (Addend)
3432    outs() << " + " << format("0x%" PRIx64, Addend);
3435static void
3436printMachOCompactUnwindSection(const MachOObjectFile *Obj,
3437                               std::map<uint64_t, SymbolRef> &Symbols,
3438                               const SectionRef &CompactUnwind) {
3440  assert(Obj->isLittleEndian() &&
3441         "There should not be a big-endian .o with __compact_unwind");
3443  bool Is64 = Obj->is64Bit();
3444  uint32_t PointerSize = Is64 ? sizeof(uint64_t) : sizeof(uint32_t);
3445  uint32_t EntrySize = 3 * PointerSize + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t);
3447  StringRef Contents;
3448  CompactUnwind.getContents(Contents);
3450  SmallVector<CompactUnwindEntry, 4> CompactUnwinds;
3452  // First populate the initial raw offsets, encodings and so on from the entry.
3453  for (unsigned Offset = 0; Offset < Contents.size(); Offset += EntrySize) {
3454    CompactUnwindEntry Entry(, Offset, Is64);
3455    CompactUnwinds.push_back(Entry);
3456  }
3458  // Next we need to look at the relocations to find out what objects are
3459  // actually being referred to.
3460  for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : CompactUnwind.relocations()) {
3461    uint64_t RelocAddress;
3462    Reloc.getOffset(RelocAddress);
3464    uint32_t EntryIdx = RelocAddress / EntrySize;
3465    uint32_t OffsetInEntry = RelocAddress - EntryIdx * EntrySize;
3466    CompactUnwindEntry &Entry = CompactUnwinds[EntryIdx];
3468    if (OffsetInEntry == 0)
3469      Entry.FunctionReloc = Reloc;
3470    else if (OffsetInEntry == PointerSize + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t))
3471      Entry.PersonalityReloc = Reloc;
3472    else if (OffsetInEntry == 2 * PointerSize + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t))
3473      Entry.LSDAReloc = Reloc;
3474    else
3475      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected relocation in __compact_unwind section");
3476  }
3478  // Finally, we're ready to print the data we've gathered.
3479  outs() << "Contents of __compact_unwind section:\n";
3480  for (auto &Entry : CompactUnwinds) {
3481    outs() << "  Entry at offset "
3482           << format("0x%" PRIx32, Entry.OffsetInSection) << ":\n";
3484    // 1. Start of the region this entry applies to.
3485    outs() << "    start:                " << format("0x%" PRIx64,
3486                                                     Entry.FunctionAddr) << ' ';
3487    printUnwindRelocDest(Obj, Symbols, Entry.FunctionReloc, Entry.FunctionAddr);
3488    outs() << '\n';
3490    // 2. Length of the region this entry applies to.
3491    outs() << "    length:               " << format("0x%" PRIx32, Entry.Length)
3492           << '\n';
3493    // 3. The 32-bit compact encoding.
3494    outs() << "    compact encoding:     "
3495           << format("0x%08" PRIx32, Entry.CompactEncoding) << '\n';
3497    // 4. The personality function, if present.
3498    if (Entry.PersonalityReloc.getObjectFile()) {
3499      outs() << "    personality function: "
3500             << format("0x%" PRIx64, Entry.PersonalityAddr) << ' ';
3501      printUnwindRelocDest(Obj, Symbols, Entry.PersonalityReloc,
3502                           Entry.PersonalityAddr);
3503      outs() << '\n';
3504    }
3506    // 5. This entry's language-specific data area.
3507    if (Entry.LSDAReloc.getObjectFile()) {
3508      outs() << "    LSDA:                 " << format("0x%" PRIx64,
3509                                                       Entry.LSDAAddr) << ' ';
3510      printUnwindRelocDest(Obj, Symbols, Entry.LSDAReloc, Entry.LSDAAddr);
3511      outs() << '\n';
3512    }
3513  }
3517// __unwind_info section dumping
3520static void printRegularSecondLevelUnwindPage(const char *PageStart) {
3521  const char *Pos = PageStart;
3522  uint32_t Kind = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3523  (void)Kind;
3524  assert(Kind == 2 && "kind for a regular 2nd level index should be 2");
3526  uint16_t EntriesStart = readNext<uint16_t>(Pos);
3527  uint16_t NumEntries = readNext<uint16_t>(Pos);
3529  Pos = PageStart + EntriesStart;
3530  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumEntries; ++i) {
3531    uint32_t FunctionOffset = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3532    uint32_t Encoding = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3534    outs() << "      [" << i << "]: "
3535           << "function offset=" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, FunctionOffset)
3536           << ", "
3537           << "encoding=" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, Encoding) << '\n';
3538  }
3541static void printCompressedSecondLevelUnwindPage(
3542    const char *PageStart, uint32_t FunctionBase,
3543    const SmallVectorImpl<uint32_t> &CommonEncodings) {
3544  const char *Pos = PageStart;
3545  uint32_t Kind = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3546  (void)Kind;
3547  assert(Kind == 3 && "kind for a compressed 2nd level index should be 3");
3549  uint16_t EntriesStart = readNext<uint16_t>(Pos);
3550  uint16_t NumEntries = readNext<uint16_t>(Pos);
3552  uint16_t EncodingsStart = readNext<uint16_t>(Pos);
3553  readNext<uint16_t>(Pos);
3554  const auto *PageEncodings = reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(
3555      PageStart + EncodingsStart);
3557  Pos = PageStart + EntriesStart;
3558  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumEntries; ++i) {
3559    uint32_t Entry = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3560    uint32_t FunctionOffset = FunctionBase + (Entry & 0xffffff);
3561    uint32_t EncodingIdx = Entry >> 24;
3563    uint32_t Encoding;
3564    if (EncodingIdx < CommonEncodings.size())
3565      Encoding = CommonEncodings[EncodingIdx];
3566    else
3567      Encoding = PageEncodings[EncodingIdx - CommonEncodings.size()];
3569    outs() << "      [" << i << "]: "
3570           << "function offset=" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, FunctionOffset)
3571           << ", "
3572           << "encoding[" << EncodingIdx
3573           << "]=" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, Encoding) << '\n';
3574  }
3577static void printMachOUnwindInfoSection(const MachOObjectFile *Obj,
3578                                        std::map<uint64_t, SymbolRef> &Symbols,
3579                                        const SectionRef &UnwindInfo) {
3581  assert(Obj->isLittleEndian() &&
3582         "There should not be a big-endian .o with __unwind_info");
3584  outs() << "Contents of __unwind_info section:\n";
3586  StringRef Contents;
3587  UnwindInfo.getContents(Contents);
3588  const char *Pos =;
3590  //===----------------------------------
3591  // Section header
3592  //===----------------------------------
3594  uint32_t Version = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3595  outs() << "  Version:                                   "
3596         << format("0x%" PRIx32, Version) << '\n';
3597  assert(Version == 1 && "only understand version 1");
3599  uint32_t CommonEncodingsStart = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3600  outs() << "  Common encodings array section offset:     "
3601         << format("0x%" PRIx32, CommonEncodingsStart) << '\n';
3602  uint32_t NumCommonEncodings = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3603  outs() << "  Number of common encodings in array:       "
3604         << format("0x%" PRIx32, NumCommonEncodings) << '\n';
3606  uint32_t PersonalitiesStart = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3607  outs() << "  Personality function array section offset: "
3608         << format("0x%" PRIx32, PersonalitiesStart) << '\n';
3609  uint32_t NumPersonalities = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3610  outs() << "  Number of personality functions in array:  "
3611         << format("0x%" PRIx32, NumPersonalities) << '\n';
3613  uint32_t IndicesStart = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3614  outs() << "  Index array section offset:                "
3615         << format("0x%" PRIx32, IndicesStart) << '\n';
3616  uint32_t NumIndices = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3617  outs() << "  Number of indices in array:                "
3618         << format("0x%" PRIx32, NumIndices) << '\n';
3620  //===----------------------------------
3621  // A shared list of common encodings
3622  //===----------------------------------
3624  // These occupy indices in the range [0, N] whenever an encoding is referenced
3625  // from a compressed 2nd level index table. In practice the linker only
3626  // creates ~128 of these, so that indices are available to embed encodings in
3627  // the 2nd level index.
3629  SmallVector<uint32_t, 64> CommonEncodings;
3630  outs() << "  Common encodings: (count = " << NumCommonEncodings << ")\n";
3631  Pos = + CommonEncodingsStart;
3632  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumCommonEncodings; ++i) {
3633    uint32_t Encoding = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3634    CommonEncodings.push_back(Encoding);
3636    outs() << "    encoding[" << i << "]: " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, Encoding)
3637           << '\n';
3638  }
3640  //===----------------------------------
3641  // Personality functions used in this executable
3642  //===----------------------------------
3644  // There should be only a handful of these (one per source language,
3645  // roughly). Particularly since they only get 2 bits in the compact encoding.
3647  outs() << "  Personality functions: (count = " << NumPersonalities << ")\n";
3648  Pos = + PersonalitiesStart;
3649  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumPersonalities; ++i) {
3650    uint32_t PersonalityFn = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3651    outs() << "    personality[" << i + 1
3652           << "]: " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, PersonalityFn) << '\n';
3653  }
3655  //===----------------------------------
3656  // The level 1 index entries
3657  //===----------------------------------
3659  // These specify an approximate place to start searching for the more detailed
3660  // information, sorted by PC.
3662  struct IndexEntry {
3663    uint32_t FunctionOffset;
3664    uint32_t SecondLevelPageStart;
3665    uint32_t LSDAStart;
3666  };
3668  SmallVector<IndexEntry, 4> IndexEntries;
3670  outs() << "  Top level indices: (count = " << NumIndices << ")\n";
3671  Pos = + IndicesStart;
3672  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumIndices; ++i) {
3673    IndexEntry Entry;
3675    Entry.FunctionOffset = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3676    Entry.SecondLevelPageStart = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3677    Entry.LSDAStart = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3678    IndexEntries.push_back(Entry);
3680    outs() << "    [" << i << "]: "
3681           << "function offset=" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, Entry.FunctionOffset)
3682           << ", "
3683           << "2nd level page offset="
3684           << format("0x%08" PRIx32, Entry.SecondLevelPageStart) << ", "
3685           << "LSDA offset=" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, Entry.LSDAStart) << '\n';
3686  }
3688  //===----------------------------------
3689  // Next come the LSDA tables
3690  //===----------------------------------
3692  // The LSDA layout is rather implicit: it's a contiguous array of entries from
3693  // the first top-level index's LSDAOffset to the last (sentinel).
3695  outs() << "  LSDA descriptors:\n";
3696  Pos = + IndexEntries[0].LSDAStart;
3697  int NumLSDAs = (IndexEntries.back().LSDAStart - IndexEntries[0].LSDAStart) /
3698                 (2 * sizeof(uint32_t));
3699  for (int i = 0; i < NumLSDAs; ++i) {
3700    uint32_t FunctionOffset = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3701    uint32_t LSDAOffset = readNext<uint32_t>(Pos);
3702    outs() << "    [" << i << "]: "
3703           << "function offset=" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, FunctionOffset)
3704           << ", "
3705           << "LSDA offset=" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, LSDAOffset) << '\n';
3706  }
3708  //===----------------------------------
3709  // Finally, the 2nd level indices
3710  //===----------------------------------
3712  // Generally these are 4K in size, and have 2 possible forms:
3713  //   + Regular stores up to 511 entries with disparate encodings
3714  //   + Compressed stores up to 1021 entries if few enough compact encoding
3715  //     values are used.
3716  outs() << "  Second level indices:\n";
3717  for (unsigned i = 0; i < IndexEntries.size() - 1; ++i) {
3718    // The final sentinel top-level index has no associated 2nd level page
3719    if (IndexEntries[i].SecondLevelPageStart == 0)
3720      break;
3722    outs() << "    Second level index[" << i << "]: "
3723           << "offset in section="
3724           << format("0x%08" PRIx32, IndexEntries[i].SecondLevelPageStart)
3725           << ", "
3726           << "base function offset="
3727           << format("0x%08" PRIx32, IndexEntries[i].FunctionOffset) << '\n';
3729    Pos = + IndexEntries[i].SecondLevelPageStart;
3730    uint32_t Kind = *reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(Pos);
3731    if (Kind == 2)
3732      printRegularSecondLevelUnwindPage(Pos);
3733    else if (Kind == 3)
3734      printCompressedSecondLevelUnwindPage(Pos, IndexEntries[i].FunctionOffset,
3735                                           CommonEncodings);
3736    else
3737      llvm_unreachable("Do not know how to print this kind of 2nd level page");
3738  }
3741void llvm::printMachOUnwindInfo(const MachOObjectFile *Obj) {
3742  std::map<uint64_t, SymbolRef> Symbols;
3743  for (const SymbolRef &SymRef : Obj->symbols()) {
3744    // Discard any undefined or absolute symbols. They're not going to take part
3745    // in the convenience lookup for unwind info and just take up resources.
3746    section_iterator Section = Obj->section_end();
3747    SymRef.getSection(Section);
3748    if (Section == Obj->section_end())
3749      continue;
3751    uint64_t Addr;
3752    SymRef.getAddress(Addr);
3753    Symbols.insert(std::make_pair(Addr, SymRef));
3754  }
3756  for (const SectionRef &Section : Obj->sections()) {
3757    StringRef SectName;
3758    Section.getName(SectName);
3759    if (SectName == "__compact_unwind")
3760      printMachOCompactUnwindSection(Obj, Symbols, Section);
3761    else if (SectName == "__unwind_info")
3762      printMachOUnwindInfoSection(Obj, Symbols, Section);
3763    else if (SectName == "__eh_frame")
3764      outs() << "llvm-objdump: warning: unhandled __eh_frame section\n";
3765  }
3768static void PrintMachHeader(uint32_t magic, uint32_t cputype,
3769                            uint32_t cpusubtype, uint32_t filetype,
3770                            uint32_t ncmds, uint32_t sizeofcmds, uint32_t flags,
3771                            bool verbose) {
3772  outs() << "Mach header\n";
3773  outs() << "      magic cputype cpusubtype  caps    filetype ncmds "
3774            "sizeofcmds      flags\n";
3775  if (verbose) {
3776    if (magic == MachO::MH_MAGIC)
3777      outs() << "   MH_MAGIC";
3778    else if (magic == MachO::MH_MAGIC_64)
3779      outs() << "MH_MAGIC_64";
3780    else
3781      outs() << format(" 0x%08" PRIx32, magic);
3782    switch (cputype) {
3783    case MachO::CPU_TYPE_I386:
3784      outs() << "    I386";
3785      switch (cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) {
3786      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL:
3787        outs() << "        ALL";
3788        break;
3789      default:
3790        outs() << format(" %10d", cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK);
3791        break;
3792      }
3793      break;
3794    case MachO::CPU_TYPE_X86_64:
3795      outs() << "  X86_64";
3796      switch (cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) {
3797      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL:
3798        outs() << "        ALL";
3799        break;
3800      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_H:
3801        outs() << "    Haswell";
3802        break;
3803      default:
3804        outs() << format(" %10d", cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK);
3805        break;
3806      }
3807      break;
3808    case MachO::CPU_TYPE_ARM:
3809      outs() << "     ARM";
3810      switch (cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) {
3811      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL:
3812        outs() << "        ALL";
3813        break;
3814      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V4T:
3815        outs() << "        V4T";
3816        break;
3817      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V5TEJ:
3818        outs() << "      V5TEJ";
3819        break;
3820      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_XSCALE:
3821        outs() << "     XSCALE";
3822        break;
3823      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6:
3824        outs() << "         V6";
3825        break;
3826      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6M:
3827        outs() << "        V6M";
3828        break;
3829      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7:
3830        outs() << "         V7";
3831        break;
3832      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7EM:
3833        outs() << "       V7EM";
3834        break;
3835      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7K:
3836        outs() << "        V7K";
3837        break;
3838      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7M:
3839        outs() << "        V7M";
3840        break;
3841      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7S:
3842        outs() << "        V7S";
3843        break;
3844      default:
3845        outs() << format(" %10d", cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK);
3846        break;
3847      }
3848      break;
3849    case MachO::CPU_TYPE_ARM64:
3850      outs() << "   ARM64";
3851      switch (cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) {
3852      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64_ALL:
3853        outs() << "        ALL";
3854        break;
3855      default:
3856        outs() << format(" %10d", cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK);
3857        break;
3858      }
3859      break;
3860    case MachO::CPU_TYPE_POWERPC:
3861      outs() << "     PPC";
3862      switch (cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) {
3863      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_ALL:
3864        outs() << "        ALL";
3865        break;
3866      default:
3867        outs() << format(" %10d", cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK);
3868        break;
3869      }
3870      break;
3871    case MachO::CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64:
3872      outs() << "   PPC64";
3873      switch (cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) {
3874      case MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_ALL:
3875        outs() << "        ALL";
3876        break;
3877      default:
3878        outs() << format(" %10d", cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK);
3879        break;
3880      }
3881      break;
3882    }
3883    if ((cpusubtype & MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) == MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_LIB64) {
3884      outs() << " LIB64";
3885    } else {
3886      outs() << format("  0x%02" PRIx32,
3887                       (cpusubtype & MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) >> 24);
3888    }
3889    switch (filetype) {
3890    case MachO::MH_OBJECT:
3891      outs() << "      OBJECT";
3892      break;
3893    case MachO::MH_EXECUTE:
3894      outs() << "     EXECUTE";
3895      break;
3896    case MachO::MH_FVMLIB:
3897      outs() << "      FVMLIB";
3898      break;
3899    case MachO::MH_CORE:
3900      outs() << "        CORE";
3901      break;
3902    case MachO::MH_PRELOAD:
3903      outs() << "     PRELOAD";
3904      break;
3905    case MachO::MH_DYLIB:
3906      outs() << "       DYLIB";
3907      break;
3908    case MachO::MH_DYLIB_STUB:
3909      outs() << "  DYLIB_STUB";
3910      break;
3911    case MachO::MH_DYLINKER:
3912      outs() << "    DYLINKER";
3913      break;
3914    case MachO::MH_BUNDLE:
3915      outs() << "      BUNDLE";
3916      break;
3917    case MachO::MH_DSYM:
3918      outs() << "        DSYM";
3919      break;
3920    case MachO::MH_KEXT_BUNDLE:
3921      outs() << "  KEXTBUNDLE";
3922      break;
3923    default:
3924      outs() << format("  %10u", filetype);
3925      break;
3926    }
3927    outs() << format(" %5u", ncmds);
3928    outs() << format(" %10u", sizeofcmds);
3929    uint32_t f = flags;
3930    if (f & MachO::MH_NOUNDEFS) {
3931      outs() << "   NOUNDEFS";
3932      f &= ~MachO::MH_NOUNDEFS;
3933    }
3934    if (f & MachO::MH_INCRLINK) {
3935      outs() << " INCRLINK";
3936      f &= ~MachO::MH_INCRLINK;
3937    }
3938    if (f & MachO::MH_DYLDLINK) {
3939      outs() << " DYLDLINK";
3940      f &= ~MachO::MH_DYLDLINK;
3941    }
3942    if (f & MachO::MH_BINDATLOAD) {
3943      outs() << " BINDATLOAD";
3944      f &= ~MachO::MH_BINDATLOAD;
3945    }
3946    if (f & MachO::MH_PREBOUND) {
3947      outs() << " PREBOUND";
3948      f &= ~MachO::MH_PREBOUND;
3949    }
3950    if (f & MachO::MH_SPLIT_SEGS) {
3951      outs() << " SPLIT_SEGS";
3952      f &= ~MachO::MH_SPLIT_SEGS;
3953    }
3954    if (f & MachO::MH_LAZY_INIT) {
3955      outs() << " LAZY_INIT";
3956      f &= ~MachO::MH_LAZY_INIT;
3957    }
3958    if (f & MachO::MH_TWOLEVEL) {
3959      outs() << " TWOLEVEL";
3960      f &= ~MachO::MH_TWOLEVEL;
3961    }
3962    if (f & MachO::MH_FORCE_FLAT) {
3963      outs() << " FORCE_FLAT";
3964      f &= ~MachO::MH_FORCE_FLAT;
3965    }
3966    if (f & MachO::MH_NOMULTIDEFS) {
3967      outs() << " NOMULTIDEFS";
3968      f &= ~MachO::MH_NOMULTIDEFS;
3969    }
3970    if (f & MachO::MH_NOFIXPREBINDING) {
3971      outs() << " NOFIXPREBINDING";
3972      f &= ~MachO::MH_NOFIXPREBINDING;
3973    }
3974    if (f & MachO::MH_PREBINDABLE) {
3975      outs() << " PREBINDABLE";
3976      f &= ~MachO::MH_PREBINDABLE;
3977    }
3978    if (f & MachO::MH_ALLMODSBOUND) {
3979      outs() << " ALLMODSBOUND";
3980      f &= ~MachO::MH_ALLMODSBOUND;
3981    }
3982    if (f & MachO::MH_SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS) {
3983      outs() << " SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS";
3984      f &= ~MachO::MH_SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS;
3985    }
3986    if (f & MachO::MH_CANONICAL) {
3987      outs() << " CANONICAL";
3988      f &= ~MachO::MH_CANONICAL;
3989    }
3990    if (f & MachO::MH_WEAK_DEFINES) {
3991      outs() << " WEAK_DEFINES";
3992      f &= ~MachO::MH_WEAK_DEFINES;
3993    }
3994    if (f & MachO::MH_BINDS_TO_WEAK) {
3995      outs() << " BINDS_TO_WEAK";
3996      f &= ~MachO::MH_BINDS_TO_WEAK;
3997    }
3998    if (f & MachO::MH_ALLOW_STACK_EXECUTION) {
3999      outs() << " ALLOW_STACK_EXECUTION";
4000      f &= ~MachO::MH_ALLOW_STACK_EXECUTION;
4001    }
4002    if (f & MachO::MH_DEAD_STRIPPABLE_DYLIB) {
4003      outs() << " DEAD_STRIPPABLE_DYLIB";
4004      f &= ~MachO::MH_DEAD_STRIPPABLE_DYLIB;
4005    }
4006    if (f & MachO::MH_PIE) {
4007      outs() << " PIE";
4008      f &= ~MachO::MH_PIE;
4009    }
4010    if (f & MachO::MH_NO_REEXPORTED_DYLIBS) {
4011      outs() << " NO_REEXPORTED_DYLIBS";
4012      f &= ~MachO::MH_NO_REEXPORTED_DYLIBS;
4013    }
4014    if (f & MachO::MH_HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS) {
4015      outs() << " MH_HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS";
4016      f &= ~MachO::MH_HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS;
4017    }
4018    if (f & MachO::MH_NO_HEAP_EXECUTION) {
4019      outs() << " MH_NO_HEAP_EXECUTION";
4020      f &= ~MachO::MH_NO_HEAP_EXECUTION;
4021    }
4022    if (f & MachO::MH_APP_EXTENSION_SAFE) {
4023      outs() << " APP_EXTENSION_SAFE";
4024      f &= ~MachO::MH_APP_EXTENSION_SAFE;
4025    }
4026    if (f != 0 || flags == 0)
4027      outs() << format(" 0x%08" PRIx32, f);
4028  } else {
4029    outs() << format(" 0x%08" PRIx32, magic);
4030    outs() << format(" %7d", cputype);
4031    outs() << format(" %10d", cpusubtype & ~MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK);
4032    outs() << format("  0x%02" PRIx32,
4033                     (cpusubtype & MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) >> 24);
4034    outs() << format("  %10u", filetype);
4035    outs() << format(" %5u", ncmds);
4036    outs() << format(" %10u", sizeofcmds);
4037    outs() << format(" 0x%08" PRIx32, flags);
4038  }
4039  outs() << "\n";
4042static void PrintSegmentCommand(uint32_t cmd, uint32_t cmdsize,
4043                                StringRef SegName, uint64_t vmaddr,
4044                                uint64_t vmsize, uint64_t fileoff,
4045                                uint64_t filesize, uint32_t maxprot,
4046                                uint32_t initprot, uint32_t nsects,
4047                                uint32_t flags, uint32_t object_size,
4048                                bool verbose) {
4049  uint64_t expected_cmdsize;
4050  if (cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT) {
4051    outs() << "      cmd LC_SEGMENT\n";
4052    expected_cmdsize = nsects;
4053    expected_cmdsize *= sizeof(struct MachO::section);
4054    expected_cmdsize += sizeof(struct MachO::segment_command);
4055  } else {
4056    outs() << "      cmd LC_SEGMENT_64\n";
4057    expected_cmdsize = nsects;
4058    expected_cmdsize *= sizeof(struct MachO::section_64);
4059    expected_cmdsize += sizeof(struct MachO::segment_command_64);
4060  }
4061  outs() << "  cmdsize " << cmdsize;
4062  if (cmdsize != expected_cmdsize)
4063    outs() << " Inconsistent size\n";
4064  else
4065    outs() << "\n";
4066  outs() << "  segname " << SegName << "\n";
4067  if (cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64) {
4068    outs() << "   vmaddr " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, vmaddr) << "\n";
4069    outs() << "   vmsize " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, vmsize) << "\n";
4070  } else {
4071    outs() << "   vmaddr " << format("0x%08" PRIx64, vmaddr) << "\n";
4072    outs() << "   vmsize " << format("0x%08" PRIx64, vmsize) << "\n";
4073  }
4074  outs() << "  fileoff " << fileoff;
4075  if (fileoff > object_size)
4076    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4077  else
4078    outs() << "\n";
4079  outs() << " filesize " << filesize;
4080  if (fileoff + filesize > object_size)
4081    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4082  else
4083    outs() << "\n";
4084  if (verbose) {
4085    if ((maxprot &
4086         ~(MachO::VM_PROT_READ | MachO::VM_PROT_WRITE |
4087           MachO::VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) != 0)
4088      outs() << "  maxprot ?" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, maxprot) << "\n";
4089    else {
4090      if (maxprot & MachO::VM_PROT_READ)
4091        outs() << "  maxprot r";
4092      else
4093        outs() << "  maxprot -";
4094      if (maxprot & MachO::VM_PROT_WRITE)
4095        outs() << "w";
4096      else
4097        outs() << "-";
4098      if (maxprot & MachO::VM_PROT_EXECUTE)
4099        outs() << "x\n";
4100      else
4101        outs() << "-\n";
4102    }
4103    if ((initprot &
4104         ~(MachO::VM_PROT_READ | MachO::VM_PROT_WRITE |
4105           MachO::VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) != 0)
4106      outs() << "  initprot ?" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, initprot) << "\n";
4107    else {
4108      if (initprot & MachO::VM_PROT_READ)
4109        outs() << " initprot r";
4110      else
4111        outs() << " initprot -";
4112      if (initprot & MachO::VM_PROT_WRITE)
4113        outs() << "w";
4114      else
4115        outs() << "-";
4116      if (initprot & MachO::VM_PROT_EXECUTE)
4117        outs() << "x\n";
4118      else
4119        outs() << "-\n";
4120    }
4121  } else {
4122    outs() << "  maxprot " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, maxprot) << "\n";
4123    outs() << " initprot " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, initprot) << "\n";
4124  }
4125  outs() << "   nsects " << nsects << "\n";
4126  if (verbose) {
4127    outs() << "    flags";
4128    if (flags == 0)
4129      outs() << " (none)\n";
4130    else {
4131      if (flags & MachO::SG_HIGHVM) {
4132        outs() << " HIGHVM";
4133        flags &= ~MachO::SG_HIGHVM;
4134      }
4135      if (flags & MachO::SG_FVMLIB) {
4136        outs() << " FVMLIB";
4137        flags &= ~MachO::SG_FVMLIB;
4138      }
4139      if (flags & MachO::SG_NORELOC) {
4140        outs() << " NORELOC";
4141        flags &= ~MachO::SG_NORELOC;
4142      }
4143      if (flags & MachO::SG_PROTECTED_VERSION_1) {
4144        outs() << " PROTECTED_VERSION_1";
4145        flags &= ~MachO::SG_PROTECTED_VERSION_1;
4146      }
4147      if (flags)
4148        outs() << format(" 0x%08" PRIx32, flags) << " (unknown flags)\n";
4149      else
4150        outs() << "\n";
4151    }
4152  } else {
4153    outs() << "    flags " << format("0x%" PRIx32, flags) << "\n";
4154  }
4157static void PrintSection(const char *sectname, const char *segname,
4158                         uint64_t addr, uint64_t size, uint32_t offset,
4159                         uint32_t align, uint32_t reloff, uint32_t nreloc,
4160                         uint32_t flags, uint32_t reserved1, uint32_t reserved2,
4161                         uint32_t cmd, const char *sg_segname,
4162                         uint32_t filetype, uint32_t object_size,
4163                         bool verbose) {
4164  outs() << "Section\n";
4165  outs() << "  sectname " << format("%.16s\n", sectname);
4166  outs() << "   segname " << format("%.16s", segname);
4167  if (filetype != MachO::MH_OBJECT && strncmp(sg_segname, segname, 16) != 0)
4168    outs() << " (does not match segment)\n";
4169  else
4170    outs() << "\n";
4171  if (cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64) {
4172    outs() << "      addr " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, addr) << "\n";
4173    outs() << "      size " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, size);
4174  } else {
4175    outs() << "      addr " << format("0x%08" PRIx64, addr) << "\n";
4176    outs() << "      size " << format("0x%08" PRIx64, size);
4177  }
4178  if ((flags & MachO::S_ZEROFILL) != 0 && offset + size > object_size)
4179    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4180  else
4181    outs() << "\n";
4182  outs() << "    offset " << offset;
4183  if (offset > object_size)
4184    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4185  else
4186    outs() << "\n";
4187  uint32_t align_shifted = 1 << align;
4188  outs() << "     align 2^" << align << " (" << align_shifted << ")\n";
4189  outs() << "    reloff " << reloff;
4190  if (reloff > object_size)
4191    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4192  else
4193    outs() << "\n";
4194  outs() << "    nreloc " << nreloc;
4195  if (reloff + nreloc * sizeof(struct MachO::relocation_info) > object_size)
4196    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4197  else
4198    outs() << "\n";
4199  uint32_t section_type = flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE;
4200  if (verbose) {
4201    outs() << "      type";
4202    if (section_type == MachO::S_REGULAR)
4203      outs() << " S_REGULAR\n";
4204    else if (section_type == MachO::S_ZEROFILL)
4205      outs() << " S_ZEROFILL\n";
4206    else if (section_type == MachO::S_CSTRING_LITERALS)
4207      outs() << " S_CSTRING_LITERALS\n";
4208    else if (section_type == MachO::S_4BYTE_LITERALS)
4209      outs() << " S_4BYTE_LITERALS\n";
4210    else if (section_type == MachO::S_8BYTE_LITERALS)
4211      outs() << " S_8BYTE_LITERALS\n";
4212    else if (section_type == MachO::S_16BYTE_LITERALS)
4213      outs() << " S_16BYTE_LITERALS\n";
4214    else if (section_type == MachO::S_LITERAL_POINTERS)
4215      outs() << " S_LITERAL_POINTERS\n";
4216    else if (section_type == MachO::S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS)
4217      outs() << " S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS\n";
4218    else if (section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS)
4219      outs() << " S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS\n";
4220    else if (section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS)
4221      outs() << " S_SYMBOL_STUBS\n";
4222    else if (section_type == MachO::S_MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS)
4223      outs() << " S_MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS\n";
4224    else if (section_type == MachO::S_MOD_TERM_FUNC_POINTERS)
4225      outs() << " S_MOD_TERM_FUNC_POINTERS\n";
4226    else if (section_type == MachO::S_COALESCED)
4227      outs() << " S_COALESCED\n";
4228    else if (section_type == MachO::S_INTERPOSING)
4229      outs() << " S_INTERPOSING\n";
4230    else if (section_type == MachO::S_DTRACE_DOF)
4231      outs() << " S_DTRACE_DOF\n";
4232    else if (section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS)
4233      outs() << " S_LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS\n";
4234    else if (section_type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_REGULAR)
4235      outs() << " S_THREAD_LOCAL_REGULAR\n";
4236    else if (section_type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_ZEROFILL)
4237      outs() << " S_THREAD_LOCAL_ZEROFILL\n";
4238    else if (section_type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLES)
4239      outs() << " S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLES\n";
4240    else if (section_type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POINTERS)
4241      outs() << " S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POINTERS\n";
4242    else if (section_type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_INIT_FUNCTION_POINTERS)
4244    else
4245      outs() << format("0x%08" PRIx32, section_type) << "\n";
4246    outs() << "attributes";
4247    uint32_t section_attributes = flags & MachO::SECTION_ATTRIBUTES;
4248    if (section_attributes & MachO::S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS)
4249      outs() << " PURE_INSTRUCTIONS";
4250    if (section_attributes & MachO::S_ATTR_NO_TOC)
4251      outs() << " NO_TOC";
4252    if (section_attributes & MachO::S_ATTR_STRIP_STATIC_SYMS)
4253      outs() << " STRIP_STATIC_SYMS";
4254    if (section_attributes & MachO::S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP)
4255      outs() << " NO_DEAD_STRIP";
4256    if (section_attributes & MachO::S_ATTR_LIVE_SUPPORT)
4257      outs() << " LIVE_SUPPORT";
4258    if (section_attributes & MachO::S_ATTR_SELF_MODIFYING_CODE)
4259      outs() << " SELF_MODIFYING_CODE";
4260    if (section_attributes & MachO::S_ATTR_DEBUG)
4261      outs() << " DEBUG";
4262    if (section_attributes & MachO::S_ATTR_SOME_INSTRUCTIONS)
4263      outs() << " SOME_INSTRUCTIONS";
4264    if (section_attributes & MachO::S_ATTR_EXT_RELOC)
4265      outs() << " EXT_RELOC";
4266    if (section_attributes & MachO::S_ATTR_LOC_RELOC)
4267      outs() << " LOC_RELOC";
4268    if (section_attributes == 0)
4269      outs() << " (none)";
4270    outs() << "\n";
4271  } else
4272    outs() << "     flags " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, flags) << "\n";
4273  outs() << " reserved1 " << reserved1;
4274  if (section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS ||
4275      section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
4276      section_type == MachO::S_LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
4277      section_type == MachO::S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS ||
4278      section_type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POINTERS)
4279    outs() << " (index into indirect symbol table)\n";
4280  else
4281    outs() << "\n";
4282  outs() << " reserved2 " << reserved2;
4283  if (section_type == MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS)
4284    outs() << " (size of stubs)\n";
4285  else
4286    outs() << "\n";
4289static void PrintSymtabLoadCommand(MachO::symtab_command st, bool Is64Bit,
4290                                   uint32_t object_size) {
4291  outs() << "     cmd LC_SYMTAB\n";
4292  outs() << " cmdsize " << st.cmdsize;
4293  if (st.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::symtab_command))
4294    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4295  else
4296    outs() << "\n";
4297  outs() << "  symoff " << st.symoff;
4298  if (st.symoff > object_size)
4299    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4300  else
4301    outs() << "\n";
4302  outs() << "   nsyms " << st.nsyms;
4303  uint64_t big_size;
4304  if (Is64Bit) {
4305    big_size = st.nsyms;
4306    big_size *= sizeof(struct MachO::nlist_64);
4307    big_size += st.symoff;
4308    if (big_size > object_size)
4309      outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4310    else
4311      outs() << "\n";
4312  } else {
4313    big_size = st.nsyms;
4314    big_size *= sizeof(struct MachO::nlist);
4315    big_size += st.symoff;
4316    if (big_size > object_size)
4317      outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4318    else
4319      outs() << "\n";
4320  }
4321  outs() << "  stroff " << st.stroff;
4322  if (st.stroff > object_size)
4323    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4324  else
4325    outs() << "\n";
4326  outs() << " strsize " << st.strsize;
4327  big_size = st.stroff;
4328  big_size += st.strsize;
4329  if (big_size > object_size)
4330    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4331  else
4332    outs() << "\n";
4335static void PrintDysymtabLoadCommand(MachO::dysymtab_command dyst,
4336                                     uint32_t nsyms, uint32_t object_size,
4337                                     bool Is64Bit) {
4338  outs() << "            cmd LC_DYSYMTAB\n";
4339  outs() << "        cmdsize " << dyst.cmdsize;
4340  if (dyst.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::dysymtab_command))
4341    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4342  else
4343    outs() << "\n";
4344  outs() << "      ilocalsym " << dyst.ilocalsym;
4345  if (dyst.ilocalsym > nsyms)
4346    outs() << " (greater than the number of symbols)\n";
4347  else
4348    outs() << "\n";
4349  outs() << "      nlocalsym " << dyst.nlocalsym;
4350  uint64_t big_size;
4351  big_size = dyst.ilocalsym;
4352  big_size += dyst.nlocalsym;
4353  if (big_size > nsyms)
4354    outs() << " (past the end of the symbol table)\n";
4355  else
4356    outs() << "\n";
4357  outs() << "     iextdefsym " << dyst.iextdefsym;
4358  if (dyst.iextdefsym > nsyms)
4359    outs() << " (greater than the number of symbols)\n";
4360  else
4361    outs() << "\n";
4362  outs() << "     nextdefsym " << dyst.nextdefsym;
4363  big_size = dyst.iextdefsym;
4364  big_size += dyst.nextdefsym;
4365  if (big_size > nsyms)
4366    outs() << " (past the end of the symbol table)\n";
4367  else
4368    outs() << "\n";
4369  outs() << "      iundefsym " << dyst.iundefsym;
4370  if (dyst.iundefsym > nsyms)
4371    outs() << " (greater than the number of symbols)\n";
4372  else
4373    outs() << "\n";
4374  outs() << "      nundefsym " << dyst.nundefsym;
4375  big_size = dyst.iundefsym;
4376  big_size += dyst.nundefsym;
4377  if (big_size > nsyms)
4378    outs() << " (past the end of the symbol table)\n";
4379  else
4380    outs() << "\n";
4381  outs() << "         tocoff " << dyst.tocoff;
4382  if (dyst.tocoff > object_size)
4383    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4384  else
4385    outs() << "\n";
4386  outs() << "           ntoc " << dyst.ntoc;
4387  big_size = dyst.ntoc;
4388  big_size *= sizeof(struct MachO::dylib_table_of_contents);
4389  big_size += dyst.tocoff;
4390  if (big_size > object_size)
4391    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4392  else
4393    outs() << "\n";
4394  outs() << "      modtaboff " << dyst.modtaboff;
4395  if (dyst.modtaboff > object_size)
4396    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4397  else
4398    outs() << "\n";
4399  outs() << "        nmodtab " << dyst.nmodtab;
4400  uint64_t modtabend;
4401  if (Is64Bit) {
4402    modtabend = dyst.nmodtab;
4403    modtabend *= sizeof(struct MachO::dylib_module_64);
4404    modtabend += dyst.modtaboff;
4405  } else {
4406    modtabend = dyst.nmodtab;
4407    modtabend *= sizeof(struct MachO::dylib_module);
4408    modtabend += dyst.modtaboff;
4409  }
4410  if (modtabend > object_size)
4411    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4412  else
4413    outs() << "\n";
4414  outs() << "   extrefsymoff " << dyst.extrefsymoff;
4415  if (dyst.extrefsymoff > object_size)
4416    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4417  else
4418    outs() << "\n";
4419  outs() << "    nextrefsyms " << dyst.nextrefsyms;
4420  big_size = dyst.nextrefsyms;
4421  big_size *= sizeof(struct MachO::dylib_reference);
4422  big_size += dyst.extrefsymoff;
4423  if (big_size > object_size)
4424    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4425  else
4426    outs() << "\n";
4427  outs() << " indirectsymoff " << dyst.indirectsymoff;
4428  if (dyst.indirectsymoff > object_size)
4429    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4430  else
4431    outs() << "\n";
4432  outs() << "  nindirectsyms " << dyst.nindirectsyms;
4433  big_size = dyst.nindirectsyms;
4434  big_size *= sizeof(uint32_t);
4435  big_size += dyst.indirectsymoff;
4436  if (big_size > object_size)
4437    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4438  else
4439    outs() << "\n";
4440  outs() << "      extreloff " << dyst.extreloff;
4441  if (dyst.extreloff > object_size)
4442    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4443  else
4444    outs() << "\n";
4445  outs() << "        nextrel " << dyst.nextrel;
4446  big_size = dyst.nextrel;
4447  big_size *= sizeof(struct MachO::relocation_info);
4448  big_size += dyst.extreloff;
4449  if (big_size > object_size)
4450    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4451  else
4452    outs() << "\n";
4453  outs() << "      locreloff " << dyst.locreloff;
4454  if (dyst.locreloff > object_size)
4455    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4456  else
4457    outs() << "\n";
4458  outs() << "        nlocrel " << dyst.nlocrel;
4459  big_size = dyst.nlocrel;
4460  big_size *= sizeof(struct MachO::relocation_info);
4461  big_size += dyst.locreloff;
4462  if (big_size > object_size)
4463    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4464  else
4465    outs() << "\n";
4468static void PrintDyldInfoLoadCommand(MachO::dyld_info_command dc,
4469                                     uint32_t object_size) {
4470  if (dc.cmd == MachO::LC_DYLD_INFO)
4471    outs() << "            cmd LC_DYLD_INFO\n";
4472  else
4473    outs() << "            cmd LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY\n";
4474  outs() << "        cmdsize " << dc.cmdsize;
4475  if (dc.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::dyld_info_command))
4476    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4477  else
4478    outs() << "\n";
4479  outs() << "     rebase_off " << dc.rebase_off;
4480  if (dc.rebase_off > object_size)
4481    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4482  else
4483    outs() << "\n";
4484  outs() << "    rebase_size " << dc.rebase_size;
4485  uint64_t big_size;
4486  big_size = dc.rebase_off;
4487  big_size += dc.rebase_size;
4488  if (big_size > object_size)
4489    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4490  else
4491    outs() << "\n";
4492  outs() << "       bind_off " << dc.bind_off;
4493  if (dc.bind_off > object_size)
4494    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4495  else
4496    outs() << "\n";
4497  outs() << "      bind_size " << dc.bind_size;
4498  big_size = dc.bind_off;
4499  big_size += dc.bind_size;
4500  if (big_size > object_size)
4501    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4502  else
4503    outs() << "\n";
4504  outs() << "  weak_bind_off " << dc.weak_bind_off;
4505  if (dc.weak_bind_off > object_size)
4506    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4507  else
4508    outs() << "\n";
4509  outs() << " weak_bind_size " << dc.weak_bind_size;
4510  big_size = dc.weak_bind_off;
4511  big_size += dc.weak_bind_size;
4512  if (big_size > object_size)
4513    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4514  else
4515    outs() << "\n";
4516  outs() << "  lazy_bind_off " << dc.lazy_bind_off;
4517  if (dc.lazy_bind_off > object_size)
4518    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4519  else
4520    outs() << "\n";
4521  outs() << " lazy_bind_size " << dc.lazy_bind_size;
4522  big_size = dc.lazy_bind_off;
4523  big_size += dc.lazy_bind_size;
4524  if (big_size > object_size)
4525    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4526  else
4527    outs() << "\n";
4528  outs() << "     export_off " << dc.export_off;
4529  if (dc.export_off > object_size)
4530    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4531  else
4532    outs() << "\n";
4533  outs() << "    export_size " << dc.export_size;
4534  big_size = dc.export_off;
4535  big_size += dc.export_size;
4536  if (big_size > object_size)
4537    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4538  else
4539    outs() << "\n";
4542static void PrintDyldLoadCommand(MachO::dylinker_command dyld,
4543                                 const char *Ptr) {
4544  if (dyld.cmd == MachO::LC_ID_DYLINKER)
4545    outs() << "          cmd LC_ID_DYLINKER\n";
4546  else if (dyld.cmd == MachO::LC_LOAD_DYLINKER)
4547    outs() << "          cmd LC_LOAD_DYLINKER\n";
4548  else if (dyld.cmd == MachO::LC_DYLD_ENVIRONMENT)
4549    outs() << "          cmd LC_DYLD_ENVIRONMENT\n";
4550  else
4551    outs() << "          cmd ?(" << dyld.cmd << ")\n";
4552  outs() << "      cmdsize " << dyld.cmdsize;
4553  if (dyld.cmdsize < sizeof(struct MachO::dylinker_command))
4554    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4555  else
4556    outs() << "\n";
4557  if ( >= dyld.cmdsize)
4558    outs() << "         name ?(bad offset " << << ")\n";
4559  else {
4560    const char *P = (const char *)(Ptr) +;
4561    outs() << "         name " << P << " (offset " << << ")\n";
4562  }
4565static void PrintUuidLoadCommand(MachO::uuid_command uuid) {
4566  outs() << "     cmd LC_UUID\n";
4567  outs() << " cmdsize " << uuid.cmdsize;
4568  if (uuid.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::uuid_command))
4569    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4570  else
4571    outs() << "\n";
4572  outs() << "    uuid ";
4573  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[0]);
4574  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[1]);
4575  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[2]);
4576  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[3]);
4577  outs() << "-";
4578  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[4]);
4579  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[5]);
4580  outs() << "-";
4581  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[6]);
4582  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[7]);
4583  outs() << "-";
4584  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[8]);
4585  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[9]);
4586  outs() << "-";
4587  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[10]);
4588  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[11]);
4589  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[12]);
4590  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[13]);
4591  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[14]);
4592  outs() << format("%02" PRIX32, uuid.uuid[15]);
4593  outs() << "\n";
4596static void PrintRpathLoadCommand(MachO::rpath_command rpath, const char *Ptr) {
4597  outs() << "          cmd LC_RPATH\n";
4598  outs() << "      cmdsize " << rpath.cmdsize;
4599  if (rpath.cmdsize < sizeof(struct MachO::rpath_command))
4600    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4601  else
4602    outs() << "\n";
4603  if (rpath.path >= rpath.cmdsize)
4604    outs() << "         path ?(bad offset " << rpath.path << ")\n";
4605  else {
4606    const char *P = (const char *)(Ptr) + rpath.path;
4607    outs() << "         path " << P << " (offset " << rpath.path << ")\n";
4608  }
4611static void PrintVersionMinLoadCommand(MachO::version_min_command vd) {
4612  if (vd.cmd == MachO::LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX)
4613    outs() << "      cmd LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX\n";
4614  else if (vd.cmd == MachO::LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS)
4615    outs() << "      cmd LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS\n";
4616  else
4617    outs() << "      cmd " << vd.cmd << " (?)\n";
4618  outs() << "  cmdsize " << vd.cmdsize;
4619  if (vd.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::version_min_command))
4620    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4621  else
4622    outs() << "\n";
4623  outs() << "  version " << ((vd.version >> 16) & 0xffff) << "."
4624         << ((vd.version >> 8) & 0xff);
4625  if ((vd.version & 0xff) != 0)
4626    outs() << "." << (vd.version & 0xff);
4627  outs() << "\n";
4628  if (vd.sdk == 0)
4629    outs() << "      sdk n/a";
4630  else {
4631    outs() << "      sdk " << ((vd.sdk >> 16) & 0xffff) << "."
4632           << ((vd.sdk >> 8) & 0xff);
4633  }
4634  if ((vd.sdk & 0xff) != 0)
4635    outs() << "." << (vd.sdk & 0xff);
4636  outs() << "\n";
4639static void PrintSourceVersionCommand(MachO::source_version_command sd) {
4640  outs() << "      cmd LC_SOURCE_VERSION\n";
4641  outs() << "  cmdsize " << sd.cmdsize;
4642  if (sd.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::source_version_command))
4643    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4644  else
4645    outs() << "\n";
4646  uint64_t a = (sd.version >> 40) & 0xffffff;
4647  uint64_t b = (sd.version >> 30) & 0x3ff;
4648  uint64_t c = (sd.version >> 20) & 0x3ff;
4649  uint64_t d = (sd.version >> 10) & 0x3ff;
4650  uint64_t e = sd.version & 0x3ff;
4651  outs() << "  version " << a << "." << b;
4652  if (e != 0)
4653    outs() << "." << c << "." << d << "." << e;
4654  else if (d != 0)
4655    outs() << "." << c << "." << d;
4656  else if (c != 0)
4657    outs() << "." << c;
4658  outs() << "\n";
4661static void PrintEntryPointCommand(MachO::entry_point_command ep) {
4662  outs() << "       cmd LC_MAIN\n";
4663  outs() << "   cmdsize " << ep.cmdsize;
4664  if (ep.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::entry_point_command))
4665    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4666  else
4667    outs() << "\n";
4668  outs() << "  entryoff " << ep.entryoff << "\n";
4669  outs() << " stacksize " << ep.stacksize << "\n";
4672static void PrintEncryptionInfoCommand(MachO::encryption_info_command ec,
4673                                       uint32_t object_size) {
4674  outs() << "          cmd LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO\n";
4675  outs() << "      cmdsize " << ec.cmdsize;
4676  if (ec.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::encryption_info_command))
4677    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4678  else
4679    outs() << "\n";
4680  outs() << "     cryptoff " << ec.cryptoff;
4681  if (ec.cryptoff > object_size)
4682    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4683  else
4684    outs() << "\n";
4685  outs() << "    cryptsize " << ec.cryptsize;
4686  if (ec.cryptsize > object_size)
4687    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4688  else
4689    outs() << "\n";
4690  outs() << "      cryptid " << ec.cryptid << "\n";
4693static void PrintEncryptionInfoCommand64(MachO::encryption_info_command_64 ec,
4694                                         uint32_t object_size) {
4695  outs() << "          cmd LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64\n";
4696  outs() << "      cmdsize " << ec.cmdsize;
4697  if (ec.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::encryption_info_command_64))
4698    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4699  else
4700    outs() << "\n";
4701  outs() << "     cryptoff " << ec.cryptoff;
4702  if (ec.cryptoff > object_size)
4703    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4704  else
4705    outs() << "\n";
4706  outs() << "    cryptsize " << ec.cryptsize;
4707  if (ec.cryptsize > object_size)
4708    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
4709  else
4710    outs() << "\n";
4711  outs() << "      cryptid " << ec.cryptid << "\n";
4712  outs() << "          pad " << ec.pad << "\n";
4715static void PrintLinkerOptionCommand(MachO::linker_option_command lo,
4716                                     const char *Ptr) {
4717  outs() << "     cmd LC_LINKER_OPTION\n";
4718  outs() << " cmdsize " << lo.cmdsize;
4719  if (lo.cmdsize < sizeof(struct MachO::linker_option_command))
4720    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4721  else
4722    outs() << "\n";
4723  outs() << "   count " << lo.count << "\n";
4724  const char *string = Ptr + sizeof(struct MachO::linker_option_command);
4725  uint32_t left = lo.cmdsize - sizeof(struct MachO::linker_option_command);
4726  uint32_t i = 0;
4727  while (left > 0) {
4728    while (*string == '\0' && left > 0) {
4729      string++;
4730      left--;
4731    }
4732    if (left > 0) {
4733      i++;
4734      outs() << "  string #" << i << " " << format("%.*s\n", left, string);
4735      uint32_t NullPos = StringRef(string, left).find('\0');
4736      uint32_t len = std::min(NullPos, left) + 1;
4737      string += len;
4738      left -= len;
4739    }
4740  }
4741  if (lo.count != i)
4742    outs() << "   count " << lo.count << " does not match number of strings "
4743           << i << "\n";
4746static void PrintSubFrameworkCommand(MachO::sub_framework_command sub,
4747                                     const char *Ptr) {
4748  outs() << "          cmd LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK\n";
4749  outs() << "      cmdsize " << sub.cmdsize;
4750  if (sub.cmdsize < sizeof(struct MachO::sub_framework_command))
4751    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4752  else
4753    outs() << "\n";
4754  if (sub.umbrella < sub.cmdsize) {
4755    const char *P = Ptr + sub.umbrella;
4756    outs() << "     umbrella " << P << " (offset " << sub.umbrella << ")\n";
4757  } else {
4758    outs() << "     umbrella ?(bad offset " << sub.umbrella << ")\n";
4759  }
4762static void PrintSubUmbrellaCommand(MachO::sub_umbrella_command sub,
4763                                    const char *Ptr) {
4764  outs() << "          cmd LC_SUB_UMBRELLA\n";
4765  outs() << "      cmdsize " << sub.cmdsize;
4766  if (sub.cmdsize < sizeof(struct MachO::sub_umbrella_command))
4767    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4768  else
4769    outs() << "\n";
4770  if (sub.sub_umbrella < sub.cmdsize) {
4771    const char *P = Ptr + sub.sub_umbrella;
4772    outs() << " sub_umbrella " << P << " (offset " << sub.sub_umbrella << ")\n";
4773  } else {
4774    outs() << " sub_umbrella ?(bad offset " << sub.sub_umbrella << ")\n";
4775  }
4778static void PrintSubLibraryCommand(MachO::sub_library_command sub,
4779                                   const char *Ptr) {
4780  outs() << "          cmd LC_SUB_LIBRARY\n";
4781  outs() << "      cmdsize " << sub.cmdsize;
4782  if (sub.cmdsize < sizeof(struct MachO::sub_library_command))
4783    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4784  else
4785    outs() << "\n";
4786  if (sub.sub_library < sub.cmdsize) {
4787    const char *P = Ptr + sub.sub_library;
4788    outs() << "  sub_library " << P << " (offset " << sub.sub_library << ")\n";
4789  } else {
4790    outs() << "  sub_library ?(bad offset " << sub.sub_library << ")\n";
4791  }
4794static void PrintSubClientCommand(MachO::sub_client_command sub,
4795                                  const char *Ptr) {
4796  outs() << "          cmd LC_SUB_CLIENT\n";
4797  outs() << "      cmdsize " << sub.cmdsize;
4798  if (sub.cmdsize < sizeof(struct MachO::sub_client_command))
4799    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4800  else
4801    outs() << "\n";
4802  if (sub.client < sub.cmdsize) {
4803    const char *P = Ptr + sub.client;
4804    outs() << "       client " << P << " (offset " << sub.client << ")\n";
4805  } else {
4806    outs() << "       client ?(bad offset " << sub.client << ")\n";
4807  }
4810static void PrintRoutinesCommand(MachO::routines_command r) {
4811  outs() << "          cmd LC_ROUTINES\n";
4812  outs() << "      cmdsize " << r.cmdsize;
4813  if (r.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::routines_command))
4814    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4815  else
4816    outs() << "\n";
4817  outs() << " init_address " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, r.init_address) << "\n";
4818  outs() << "  init_module " << r.init_module << "\n";
4819  outs() << "    reserved1 " << r.reserved1 << "\n";
4820  outs() << "    reserved2 " << r.reserved2 << "\n";
4821  outs() << "    reserved3 " << r.reserved3 << "\n";
4822  outs() << "    reserved4 " << r.reserved4 << "\n";
4823  outs() << "    reserved5 " << r.reserved5 << "\n";
4824  outs() << "    reserved6 " << r.reserved6 << "\n";
4827static void PrintRoutinesCommand64(MachO::routines_command_64 r) {
4828  outs() << "          cmd LC_ROUTINES_64\n";
4829  outs() << "      cmdsize " << r.cmdsize;
4830  if (r.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::routines_command_64))
4831    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
4832  else
4833    outs() << "\n";
4834  outs() << " init_address " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, r.init_address) << "\n";
4835  outs() << "  init_module " << r.init_module << "\n";
4836  outs() << "    reserved1 " << r.reserved1 << "\n";
4837  outs() << "    reserved2 " << r.reserved2 << "\n";
4838  outs() << "    reserved3 " << r.reserved3 << "\n";
4839  outs() << "    reserved4 " << r.reserved4 << "\n";
4840  outs() << "    reserved5 " << r.reserved5 << "\n";
4841  outs() << "    reserved6 " << r.reserved6 << "\n";
4844static void Print_x86_thread_state64_t(MachO::x86_thread_state64_t &cpu64) {
4845  outs() << "   rax  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.rax);
4846  outs() << " rbx " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.rbx);
4847  outs() << " rcx  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.rcx) << "\n";
4848  outs() << "   rdx  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.rdx);
4849  outs() << " rdi " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.rdi);
4850  outs() << " rsi  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.rsi) << "\n";
4851  outs() << "   rbp  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.rbp);
4852  outs() << " rsp " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.rsp);
4853  outs() << " r8   " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.r8) << "\n";
4854  outs() << "    r9  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.r9);
4855  outs() << " r10 " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.r10);
4856  outs() << " r11  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.r11) << "\n";
4857  outs() << "   r12  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.r12);
4858  outs() << " r13 " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.r13);
4859  outs() << " r14  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.r14) << "\n";
4860  outs() << "   r15  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.r15);
4861  outs() << " rip " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, << "\n";
4862  outs() << "rflags  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.rflags);
4863  outs() << " cs  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.cs);
4864  outs() << " fs   " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, cpu64.fs) << "\n";
4865  outs() << "    gs  " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, << "\n";
4868static void Print_mmst_reg(MachO::mmst_reg_t &r) {
4869  uint32_t f;
4870  outs() << "\t      mmst_reg  ";
4871  for (f = 0; f < 10; f++)
4872    outs() << format("%02" PRIx32, (r.mmst_reg[f] & 0xff)) << " ";
4873  outs() << "\n";
4874  outs() << "\t      mmst_rsrv ";
4875  for (f = 0; f < 6; f++)
4876    outs() << format("%02" PRIx32, (r.mmst_rsrv[f] & 0xff)) << " ";
4877  outs() << "\n";
4880static void Print_xmm_reg(MachO::xmm_reg_t &r) {
4881  uint32_t f;
4882  outs() << "\t      xmm_reg ";
4883  for (f = 0; f < 16; f++)
4884    outs() << format("%02" PRIx32, (r.xmm_reg[f] & 0xff)) << " ";
4885  outs() << "\n";
4888static void Print_x86_float_state_t(MachO::x86_float_state64_t &fpu) {
4889  outs() << "\t    fpu_reserved[0] " << fpu.fpu_reserved[0];
4890  outs() << " fpu_reserved[1] " << fpu.fpu_reserved[1] << "\n";
4891  outs() << "\t    control: invalid " << fpu.fpu_fcw.invalid;
4892  outs() << " denorm " << fpu.fpu_fcw.denorm;
4893  outs() << " zdiv " << fpu.fpu_fcw.zdiv;
4894  outs() << " ovrfl " << fpu.fpu_fcw.ovrfl;
4895  outs() << " undfl " << fpu.fpu_fcw.undfl;
4896  outs() << " precis " << fpu.fpu_fcw.precis << "\n";
4897  outs() << "\t\t     pc ";
4898  if (fpu.fpu_fcw.pc == MachO::x86_FP_PREC_24B)
4899    outs() << "FP_PREC_24B ";
4900  else if (fpu.fpu_fcw.pc == MachO::x86_FP_PREC_53B)
4901    outs() << "FP_PREC_53B ";
4902  else if (fpu.fpu_fcw.pc == MachO::x86_FP_PREC_64B)
4903    outs() << "FP_PREC_64B ";
4904  else
4905    outs() << fpu.fpu_fcw.pc << " ";
4906  outs() << "rc ";
4907  if (fpu.fpu_fcw.rc == MachO::x86_FP_RND_NEAR)
4908    outs() << "FP_RND_NEAR ";
4909  else if (fpu.fpu_fcw.rc == MachO::x86_FP_RND_DOWN)
4910    outs() << "FP_RND_DOWN ";
4911  else if (fpu.fpu_fcw.rc == MachO::x86_FP_RND_UP)
4912    outs() << "FP_RND_UP ";
4913  else if (fpu.fpu_fcw.rc == MachO::x86_FP_CHOP)
4914    outs() << "FP_CHOP ";
4915  outs() << "\n";
4916  outs() << "\t    status: invalid " << fpu.fpu_fsw.invalid;
4917  outs() << " denorm " << fpu.fpu_fsw.denorm;
4918  outs() << " zdiv " << fpu.fpu_fsw.zdiv;
4919  outs() << " ovrfl " << fpu.fpu_fsw.ovrfl;
4920  outs() << " undfl " << fpu.fpu_fsw.undfl;
4921  outs() << " precis " << fpu.fpu_fsw.precis;
4922  outs() << " stkflt " << fpu.fpu_fsw.stkflt << "\n";
4923  outs() << "\t            errsumm " << fpu.fpu_fsw.errsumm;
4924  outs() << " c0 " << fpu.fpu_fsw.c0;
4925  outs() << " c1 " << fpu.fpu_fsw.c1;
4926  outs() << " c2 " << fpu.fpu_fsw.c2;
4927  outs() << " tos " << fpu.fpu_fsw.tos;
4928  outs() << " c3 " << fpu.fpu_fsw.c3;
4929  outs() << " busy " << fpu.fpu_fsw.busy << "\n";
4930  outs() << "\t    fpu_ftw " << format("0x%02" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_ftw);
4931  outs() << " fpu_rsrv1 " << format("0x%02" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_rsrv1);
4932  outs() << " fpu_fop " << format("0x%04" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_fop);
4933  outs() << " fpu_ip " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_ip) << "\n";
4934  outs() << "\t    fpu_cs " << format("0x%04" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_cs);
4935  outs() << " fpu_rsrv2 " << format("0x%04" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_rsrv2);
4936  outs() << " fpu_dp " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_dp);
4937  outs() << " fpu_ds " << format("0x%04" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_ds) << "\n";
4938  outs() << "\t    fpu_rsrv3 " << format("0x%04" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_rsrv3);
4939  outs() << " fpu_mxcsr " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_mxcsr);
4940  outs() << " fpu_mxcsrmask " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_mxcsrmask);
4941  outs() << "\n";
4942  outs() << "\t    fpu_stmm0:\n";
4943  Print_mmst_reg(fpu.fpu_stmm0);
4944  outs() << "\t    fpu_stmm1:\n";
4945  Print_mmst_reg(fpu.fpu_stmm1);
4946  outs() << "\t    fpu_stmm2:\n";
4947  Print_mmst_reg(fpu.fpu_stmm2);
4948  outs() << "\t    fpu_stmm3:\n";
4949  Print_mmst_reg(fpu.fpu_stmm3);
4950  outs() << "\t    fpu_stmm4:\n";
4951  Print_mmst_reg(fpu.fpu_stmm4);
4952  outs() << "\t    fpu_stmm5:\n";
4953  Print_mmst_reg(fpu.fpu_stmm5);
4954  outs() << "\t    fpu_stmm6:\n";
4955  Print_mmst_reg(fpu.fpu_stmm6);
4956  outs() << "\t    fpu_stmm7:\n";
4957  Print_mmst_reg(fpu.fpu_stmm7);
4958  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm0:\n";
4959  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm0);
4960  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm1:\n";
4961  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm1);
4962  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm2:\n";
4963  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm2);
4964  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm3:\n";
4965  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm3);
4966  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm4:\n";
4967  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm4);
4968  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm5:\n";
4969  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm5);
4970  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm6:\n";
4971  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm6);
4972  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm7:\n";
4973  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm7);
4974  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm8:\n";
4975  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm8);
4976  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm9:\n";
4977  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm9);
4978  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm10:\n";
4979  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm10);
4980  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm11:\n";
4981  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm11);
4982  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm12:\n";
4983  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm12);
4984  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm13:\n";
4985  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm13);
4986  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm14:\n";
4987  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm14);
4988  outs() << "\t    fpu_xmm15:\n";
4989  Print_xmm_reg(fpu.fpu_xmm15);
4990  outs() << "\t    fpu_rsrv4:\n";
4991  for (uint32_t f = 0; f < 6; f++) {
4992    outs() << "\t            ";
4993    for (uint32_t g = 0; g < 16; g++)
4994      outs() << format("%02" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_rsrv4[f * g]) << " ";
4995    outs() << "\n";
4996  }
4997  outs() << "\t    fpu_reserved1 " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, fpu.fpu_reserved1);
4998  outs() << "\n";
5001static void Print_x86_exception_state_t(MachO::x86_exception_state64_t &exc64) {
5002  outs() << "\t    trapno " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, exc64.trapno);
5003  outs() << " err " << format("0x%08" PRIx32, exc64.err);
5004  outs() << " faultvaddr " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, exc64.faultvaddr) << "\n";
5007static void PrintThreadCommand(MachO::thread_command t, const char *Ptr,
5008                               bool isLittleEndian, uint32_t cputype) {
5009  if (t.cmd == MachO::LC_THREAD)
5010    outs() << "        cmd LC_THREAD\n";
5011  else if (t.cmd == MachO::LC_UNIXTHREAD)
5012    outs() << "        cmd LC_UNIXTHREAD\n";
5013  else
5014    outs() << "        cmd " << t.cmd << " (unknown)\n";
5015  outs() << "    cmdsize " << t.cmdsize;
5016  if (t.cmdsize < sizeof(struct MachO::thread_command) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t))
5017    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
5018  else
5019    outs() << "\n";
5021  const char *begin = Ptr + sizeof(struct MachO::thread_command);
5022  const char *end = Ptr + t.cmdsize;
5023  uint32_t flavor, count, left;
5024  if (cputype == MachO::CPU_TYPE_X86_64) {
5025    while (begin < end) {
5026      if (end - begin > (ptrdiff_t)sizeof(uint32_t)) {
5027        memcpy((char *)&flavor, begin, sizeof(uint32_t));
5028        begin += sizeof(uint32_t);
5029      } else {
5030        flavor = 0;
5031        begin = end;
5032      }
5033      if (isLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
5034        sys::swapByteOrder(flavor);
5035      if (end - begin > (ptrdiff_t)sizeof(uint32_t)) {
5036        memcpy((char *)&count, begin, sizeof(uint32_t));
5037        begin += sizeof(uint32_t);
5038      } else {
5039        count = 0;
5040        begin = end;
5041      }
5042      if (isLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
5043        sys::swapByteOrder(count);
5044      if (flavor == MachO::x86_THREAD_STATE64) {
5045        outs() << "     flavor x86_THREAD_STATE64\n";
5046        if (count == MachO::x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT)
5047          outs() << "      count x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT\n";
5048        else
5049          outs() << "      count " << count
5050                 << " (not x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT)\n";
5051        MachO::x86_thread_state64_t cpu64;
5052        left = end - begin;
5053        if (left >= sizeof(MachO::x86_thread_state64_t)) {
5054          memcpy(&cpu64, begin, sizeof(MachO::x86_thread_state64_t));
5055          begin += sizeof(MachO::x86_thread_state64_t);
5056        } else {
5057          memset(&cpu64, '\0', sizeof(MachO::x86_thread_state64_t));
5058          memcpy(&cpu64, begin, left);
5059          begin += left;
5060        }
5061        if (isLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
5062          swapStruct(cpu64);
5063        Print_x86_thread_state64_t(cpu64);
5064      } else if (flavor == MachO::x86_THREAD_STATE) {
5065        outs() << "     flavor x86_THREAD_STATE\n";
5066        if (count == MachO::x86_THREAD_STATE_COUNT)
5067          outs() << "      count x86_THREAD_STATE_COUNT\n";
5068        else
5069          outs() << "      count " << count
5070                 << " (not x86_THREAD_STATE_COUNT)\n";
5071        struct MachO::x86_thread_state_t ts;
5072        left = end - begin;
5073        if (left >= sizeof(MachO::x86_thread_state_t)) {
5074          memcpy(&ts, begin, sizeof(MachO::x86_thread_state_t));
5075          begin += sizeof(MachO::x86_thread_state_t);
5076        } else {
5077          memset(&ts, '\0', sizeof(MachO::x86_thread_state_t));
5078          memcpy(&ts, begin, left);
5079          begin += left;
5080        }
5081        if (isLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
5082          swapStruct(ts);
5083        if (ts.tsh.flavor == MachO::x86_THREAD_STATE64) {
5084          outs() << "\t    tsh.flavor x86_THREAD_STATE64 ";
5085          if (ts.tsh.count == MachO::x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT)
5086            outs() << "tsh.count x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT\n";
5087          else
5088            outs() << "tsh.count " << ts.tsh.count
5089                   << " (not x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT\n";
5090          Print_x86_thread_state64_t(ts.uts.ts64);
5091        } else {
5092          outs() << "\t    tsh.flavor " << ts.tsh.flavor << "  tsh.count "
5093                 << ts.tsh.count << "\n";
5094        }
5095      } else if (flavor == MachO::x86_FLOAT_STATE) {
5096        outs() << "     flavor x86_FLOAT_STATE\n";
5097        if (count == MachO::x86_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT)
5098          outs() << "      count x86_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT\n";
5099        else
5100          outs() << "      count " << count << " (not x86_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT)\n";
5101        struct MachO::x86_float_state_t fs;
5102        left = end - begin;
5103        if (left >= sizeof(MachO::x86_float_state_t)) {
5104          memcpy(&fs, begin, sizeof(MachO::x86_float_state_t));
5105          begin += sizeof(MachO::x86_float_state_t);
5106        } else {
5107          memset(&fs, '\0', sizeof(MachO::x86_float_state_t));
5108          memcpy(&fs, begin, left);
5109          begin += left;
5110        }
5111        if (isLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
5112          swapStruct(fs);
5113        if (fs.fsh.flavor == MachO::x86_FLOAT_STATE64) {
5114          outs() << "\t    fsh.flavor x86_FLOAT_STATE64 ";
5115          if (fs.fsh.count == MachO::x86_FLOAT_STATE64_COUNT)
5116            outs() << "fsh.count x86_FLOAT_STATE64_COUNT\n";
5117          else
5118            outs() << "fsh.count " << fs.fsh.count
5119                   << " (not x86_FLOAT_STATE64_COUNT\n";
5120          Print_x86_float_state_t(fs.ufs.fs64);
5121        } else {
5122          outs() << "\t    fsh.flavor " << fs.fsh.flavor << "  fsh.count "
5123                 << fs.fsh.count << "\n";
5124        }
5125      } else if (flavor == MachO::x86_EXCEPTION_STATE) {
5126        outs() << "     flavor x86_EXCEPTION_STATE\n";
5127        if (count == MachO::x86_EXCEPTION_STATE_COUNT)
5128          outs() << "      count x86_EXCEPTION_STATE_COUNT\n";
5129        else
5130          outs() << "      count " << count
5131                 << " (not x86_EXCEPTION_STATE_COUNT)\n";
5132        struct MachO::x86_exception_state_t es;
5133        left = end - begin;
5134        if (left >= sizeof(MachO::x86_exception_state_t)) {
5135          memcpy(&es, begin, sizeof(MachO::x86_exception_state_t));
5136          begin += sizeof(MachO::x86_exception_state_t);
5137        } else {
5138          memset(&es, '\0', sizeof(MachO::x86_exception_state_t));
5139          memcpy(&es, begin, left);
5140          begin += left;
5141        }
5142        if (isLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
5143          swapStruct(es);
5144        if (es.esh.flavor == MachO::x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64) {
5145          outs() << "\t    esh.flavor x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64\n";
5146          if (es.esh.count == MachO::x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64_COUNT)
5147            outs() << "\t    esh.count x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64_COUNT\n";
5148          else
5149            outs() << "\t    esh.count " << es.esh.count
5150                   << " (not x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64_COUNT\n";
5151          Print_x86_exception_state_t(es.ues.es64);
5152        } else {
5153          outs() << "\t    esh.flavor " << es.esh.flavor << "  esh.count "
5154                 << es.esh.count << "\n";
5155        }
5156      } else {
5157        outs() << "     flavor " << flavor << " (unknown)\n";
5158        outs() << "      count " << count << "\n";
5159        outs() << "      state (unknown)\n";
5160        begin += count * sizeof(uint32_t);
5161      }
5162    }
5163  } else {
5164    while (begin < end) {
5165      if (end - begin > (ptrdiff_t)sizeof(uint32_t)) {
5166        memcpy((char *)&flavor, begin, sizeof(uint32_t));
5167        begin += sizeof(uint32_t);
5168      } else {
5169        flavor = 0;
5170        begin = end;
5171      }
5172      if (isLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
5173        sys::swapByteOrder(flavor);
5174      if (end - begin > (ptrdiff_t)sizeof(uint32_t)) {
5175        memcpy((char *)&count, begin, sizeof(uint32_t));
5176        begin += sizeof(uint32_t);
5177      } else {
5178        count = 0;
5179        begin = end;
5180      }
5181      if (isLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
5182        sys::swapByteOrder(count);
5183      outs() << "     flavor " << flavor << "\n";
5184      outs() << "      count " << count << "\n";
5185      outs() << "      state (Unknown cputype/cpusubtype)\n";
5186      begin += count * sizeof(uint32_t);
5187    }
5188  }
5191static void PrintDylibCommand(MachO::dylib_command dl, const char *Ptr) {
5192  if (dl.cmd == MachO::LC_ID_DYLIB)
5193    outs() << "          cmd LC_ID_DYLIB\n";
5194  else if (dl.cmd == MachO::LC_LOAD_DYLIB)
5195    outs() << "          cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB\n";
5196  else if (dl.cmd == MachO::LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB)
5197    outs() << "          cmd LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB\n";
5198  else if (dl.cmd == MachO::LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB)
5199    outs() << "          cmd LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB\n";
5200  else if (dl.cmd == MachO::LC_LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB)
5201    outs() << "          cmd LC_LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB\n";
5202  else if (dl.cmd == MachO::LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB)
5203    outs() << "          cmd LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB\n";
5204  else
5205    outs() << "          cmd " << dl.cmd << " (unknown)\n";
5206  outs() << "      cmdsize " << dl.cmdsize;
5207  if (dl.cmdsize < sizeof(struct MachO::dylib_command))
5208    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
5209  else
5210    outs() << "\n";
5211  if ( < dl.cmdsize) {
5212    const char *P = (const char *)(Ptr) +;
5213    outs() << "         name " << P << " (offset " << << ")\n";
5214  } else {
5215    outs() << "         name ?(bad offset " << << ")\n";
5216  }
5217  outs() << "   time stamp " << dl.dylib.timestamp << " ";
5218  time_t t = dl.dylib.timestamp;
5219  outs() << ctime(&t);
5220  outs() << "      current version ";
5221  if (dl.dylib.current_version == 0xffffffff)
5222    outs() << "n/a\n";
5223  else
5224    outs() << ((dl.dylib.current_version >> 16) & 0xffff) << "."
5225           << ((dl.dylib.current_version >> 8) & 0xff) << "."
5226           << (dl.dylib.current_version & 0xff) << "\n";
5227  outs() << "compatibility version ";
5228  if (dl.dylib.compatibility_version == 0xffffffff)
5229    outs() << "n/a\n";
5230  else
5231    outs() << ((dl.dylib.compatibility_version >> 16) & 0xffff) << "."
5232           << ((dl.dylib.compatibility_version >> 8) & 0xff) << "."
5233           << (dl.dylib.compatibility_version & 0xff) << "\n";
5236static void PrintLinkEditDataCommand(MachO::linkedit_data_command ld,
5237                                     uint32_t object_size) {
5238  if (ld.cmd == MachO::LC_CODE_SIGNATURE)
5239    outs() << "      cmd LC_FUNCTION_STARTS\n";
5240  else if (ld.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO)
5241    outs() << "      cmd LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO\n";
5242  else if (ld.cmd == MachO::LC_FUNCTION_STARTS)
5243    outs() << "      cmd LC_FUNCTION_STARTS\n";
5244  else if (ld.cmd == MachO::LC_DATA_IN_CODE)
5245    outs() << "      cmd LC_DATA_IN_CODE\n";
5246  else if (ld.cmd == MachO::LC_DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS)
5247    outs() << "      cmd LC_DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS\n";
5248  else if (ld.cmd == MachO::LC_LINKER_OPTIMIZATION_HINT)
5249    outs() << "      cmd LC_LINKER_OPTIMIZATION_HINT\n";
5250  else
5251    outs() << "      cmd " << ld.cmd << " (?)\n";
5252  outs() << "  cmdsize " << ld.cmdsize;
5253  if (ld.cmdsize != sizeof(struct MachO::linkedit_data_command))
5254    outs() << " Incorrect size\n";
5255  else
5256    outs() << "\n";
5257  outs() << "  dataoff " << ld.dataoff;
5258  if (ld.dataoff > object_size)
5259    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
5260  else
5261    outs() << "\n";
5262  outs() << " datasize " << ld.datasize;
5263  uint64_t big_size = ld.dataoff;
5264  big_size += ld.datasize;
5265  if (big_size > object_size)
5266    outs() << " (past end of file)\n";
5267  else
5268    outs() << "\n";
5271static void PrintLoadCommands(const MachOObjectFile *Obj, uint32_t ncmds,
5272                              uint32_t filetype, uint32_t cputype,
5273                              bool verbose) {
5274  if (ncmds == 0)
5275    return;
5276  StringRef Buf = Obj->getData();
5277  MachOObjectFile::LoadCommandInfo Command = Obj->getFirstLoadCommandInfo();
5278  for (unsigned i = 0;; ++i) {
5279    outs() << "Load command " << i << "\n";
5280    if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT) {
5281      MachO::segment_command SLC = Obj->getSegmentLoadCommand(Command);
5282      const char *sg_segname = SLC.segname;
5283      PrintSegmentCommand(SLC.cmd, SLC.cmdsize, SLC.segname, SLC.vmaddr,
5284                          SLC.vmsize, SLC.fileoff, SLC.filesize, SLC.maxprot,
5285                          SLC.initprot, SLC.nsects, SLC.flags, Buf.size(),
5286                          verbose);
5287      for (unsigned j = 0; j < SLC.nsects; j++) {
5288        MachO::section S = Obj->getSection(Command, j);
5289        PrintSection(S.sectname, S.segname, S.addr, S.size, S.offset, S.align,
5290                     S.reloff, S.nreloc, S.flags, S.reserved1, S.reserved2,
5291                     SLC.cmd, sg_segname, filetype, Buf.size(), verbose);
5292      }
5293    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64) {
5294      MachO::segment_command_64 SLC_64 = Obj->getSegment64LoadCommand(Command);
5295      const char *sg_segname = SLC_64.segname;
5296      PrintSegmentCommand(SLC_64.cmd, SLC_64.cmdsize, SLC_64.segname,
5297                          SLC_64.vmaddr, SLC_64.vmsize, SLC_64.fileoff,
5298                          SLC_64.filesize, SLC_64.maxprot, SLC_64.initprot,
5299                          SLC_64.nsects, SLC_64.flags, Buf.size(), verbose);
5300      for (unsigned j = 0; j < SLC_64.nsects; j++) {
5301        MachO::section_64 S_64 = Obj->getSection64(Command, j);
5302        PrintSection(S_64.sectname, S_64.segname, S_64.addr, S_64.size,
5303                     S_64.offset, S_64.align, S_64.reloff, S_64.nreloc,
5304                     S_64.flags, S_64.reserved1, S_64.reserved2, SLC_64.cmd,
5305                     sg_segname, filetype, Buf.size(), verbose);
5306      }
5307    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SYMTAB) {
5308      MachO::symtab_command Symtab = Obj->getSymtabLoadCommand();
5309      PrintSymtabLoadCommand(Symtab, Obj->is64Bit(), Buf.size());
5310    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_DYSYMTAB) {
5311      MachO::dysymtab_command Dysymtab = Obj->getDysymtabLoadCommand();
5312      MachO::symtab_command Symtab = Obj->getSymtabLoadCommand();
5313      PrintDysymtabLoadCommand(Dysymtab, Symtab.nsyms, Buf.size(),
5314                               Obj->is64Bit());
5315    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_DYLD_INFO ||
5316               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY) {
5317      MachO::dyld_info_command DyldInfo = Obj->getDyldInfoLoadCommand(Command);
5318      PrintDyldInfoLoadCommand(DyldInfo, Buf.size());
5319    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_LOAD_DYLINKER ||
5320               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_ID_DYLINKER ||
5321               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_DYLD_ENVIRONMENT) {
5322      MachO::dylinker_command Dyld = Obj->getDylinkerCommand(Command);
5323      PrintDyldLoadCommand(Dyld, Command.Ptr);
5324    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_UUID) {
5325      MachO::uuid_command Uuid = Obj->getUuidCommand(Command);
5326      PrintUuidLoadCommand(Uuid);
5327    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_RPATH) {
5328      MachO::rpath_command Rpath = Obj->getRpathCommand(Command);
5329      PrintRpathLoadCommand(Rpath, Command.Ptr);
5330    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX ||
5331               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS) {
5332      MachO::version_min_command Vd = Obj->getVersionMinLoadCommand(Command);
5333      PrintVersionMinLoadCommand(Vd);
5334    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SOURCE_VERSION) {
5335      MachO::source_version_command Sd = Obj->getSourceVersionCommand(Command);
5336      PrintSourceVersionCommand(Sd);
5337    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_MAIN) {
5338      MachO::entry_point_command Ep = Obj->getEntryPointCommand(Command);
5339      PrintEntryPointCommand(Ep);
5340    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO) {
5341      MachO::encryption_info_command Ei =
5342          Obj->getEncryptionInfoCommand(Command);
5343      PrintEncryptionInfoCommand(Ei, Buf.size());
5344    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64) {
5345      MachO::encryption_info_command_64 Ei =
5346          Obj->getEncryptionInfoCommand64(Command);
5347      PrintEncryptionInfoCommand64(Ei, Buf.size());
5348    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_LINKER_OPTION) {
5349      MachO::linker_option_command Lo =
5350          Obj->getLinkerOptionLoadCommand(Command);
5351      PrintLinkerOptionCommand(Lo, Command.Ptr);
5352    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK) {
5353      MachO::sub_framework_command Sf = Obj->getSubFrameworkCommand(Command);
5354      PrintSubFrameworkCommand(Sf, Command.Ptr);
5355    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SUB_UMBRELLA) {
5356      MachO::sub_umbrella_command Sf = Obj->getSubUmbrellaCommand(Command);
5357      PrintSubUmbrellaCommand(Sf, Command.Ptr);
5358    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SUB_LIBRARY) {
5359      MachO::sub_library_command Sl = Obj->getSubLibraryCommand(Command);
5360      PrintSubLibraryCommand(Sl, Command.Ptr);
5361    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SUB_CLIENT) {
5362      MachO::sub_client_command Sc = Obj->getSubClientCommand(Command);
5363      PrintSubClientCommand(Sc, Command.Ptr);
5364    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_ROUTINES) {
5365      MachO::routines_command Rc = Obj->getRoutinesCommand(Command);
5366      PrintRoutinesCommand(Rc);
5367    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_ROUTINES_64) {
5368      MachO::routines_command_64 Rc = Obj->getRoutinesCommand64(Command);
5369      PrintRoutinesCommand64(Rc);
5370    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_THREAD ||
5371               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_UNIXTHREAD) {
5372      MachO::thread_command Tc = Obj->getThreadCommand(Command);
5373      PrintThreadCommand(Tc, Command.Ptr, Obj->isLittleEndian(), cputype);
5374    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_LOAD_DYLIB ||
5375               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_ID_DYLIB ||
5376               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB ||
5377               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB ||
5378               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB ||
5379               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB) {
5380      MachO::dylib_command Dl = Obj->getDylibIDLoadCommand(Command);
5381      PrintDylibCommand(Dl, Command.Ptr);
5382    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_CODE_SIGNATURE ||
5383               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO ||
5384               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_FUNCTION_STARTS ||
5385               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_DATA_IN_CODE ||
5386               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS ||
5387               Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_LINKER_OPTIMIZATION_HINT) {
5388      MachO::linkedit_data_command Ld =
5389          Obj->getLinkeditDataLoadCommand(Command);
5390      PrintLinkEditDataCommand(Ld, Buf.size());
5391    } else {
5392      outs() << "      cmd ?(" << format("0x%08" PRIx32, Command.C.cmd)
5393             << ")\n";
5394      outs() << "  cmdsize " << Command.C.cmdsize << "\n";
5395      // TODO: get and print the raw bytes of the load command.
5396    }
5397    // TODO: print all the other kinds of load commands.
5398    if (i == ncmds - 1)
5399      break;
5400    else
5401      Command = Obj->getNextLoadCommandInfo(Command);
5402  }
5405static void getAndPrintMachHeader(const MachOObjectFile *Obj, uint32_t &ncmds,
5406                                  uint32_t &filetype, uint32_t &cputype,
5407                                  bool verbose) {
5408  if (Obj->is64Bit()) {
5409    MachO::mach_header_64 H_64;
5410    H_64 = Obj->getHeader64();
5411    PrintMachHeader(H_64.magic, H_64.cputype, H_64.cpusubtype, H_64.filetype,
5412                    H_64.ncmds, H_64.sizeofcmds, H_64.flags, verbose);
5413    ncmds = H_64.ncmds;
5414    filetype = H_64.filetype;
5415    cputype = H_64.cputype;
5416  } else {
5417    MachO::mach_header H;
5418    H = Obj->getHeader();
5419    PrintMachHeader(H.magic, H.cputype, H.cpusubtype, H.filetype, H.ncmds,
5420                    H.sizeofcmds, H.flags, verbose);
5421    ncmds = H.ncmds;
5422    filetype = H.filetype;
5423    cputype = H.cputype;
5424  }
5427void llvm::printMachOFileHeader(const object::ObjectFile *Obj) {
5428  const MachOObjectFile *file = dyn_cast<const MachOObjectFile>(Obj);
5429  uint32_t ncmds = 0;
5430  uint32_t filetype = 0;
5431  uint32_t cputype = 0;
5432  getAndPrintMachHeader(file, ncmds, filetype, cputype, true);
5433  PrintLoadCommands(file, ncmds, filetype, cputype, true);
5437// export trie dumping
5440void llvm::printMachOExportsTrie(const object::MachOObjectFile *Obj) {
5441  for (const llvm::object::ExportEntry &Entry : Obj->exports()) {
5442    uint64_t Flags = Entry.flags();
5443    bool ReExport = (Flags & MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_REEXPORT);
5444    bool WeakDef = (Flags & MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_WEAK_DEFINITION);
5445    bool ThreadLocal = ((Flags & MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_MASK) ==
5446                        MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_THREAD_LOCAL);
5447    bool Abs = ((Flags & MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_MASK) ==
5448                MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_ABSOLUTE);
5449    bool Resolver = (Flags & MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_STUB_AND_RESOLVER);
5450    if (ReExport)
5451      outs() << "[re-export] ";
5452    else
5453      outs() << format("0x%08llX  ",
5454                       Entry.address()); // FIXME:add in base address
5455    outs() <<;
5456    if (WeakDef || ThreadLocal || Resolver || Abs) {
5457      bool NeedsComma = false;
5458      outs() << " [";
5459      if (WeakDef) {
5460        outs() << "weak_def";
5461        NeedsComma = true;
5462      }
5463      if (ThreadLocal) {
5464        if (NeedsComma)
5465          outs() << ", ";
5466        outs() << "per-thread";
5467        NeedsComma = true;
5468      }
5469      if (Abs) {
5470        if (NeedsComma)
5471          outs() << ", ";
5472        outs() << "absolute";
5473        NeedsComma = true;
5474      }
5475      if (Resolver) {
5476        if (NeedsComma)
5477          outs() << ", ";
5478        outs() << format("resolver=0x%08llX", Entry.other());
5479        NeedsComma = true;
5480      }
5481      outs() << "]";
5482    }
5483    if (ReExport) {
5484      StringRef DylibName = "unknown";
5485      int Ordinal = Entry.other() - 1;
5486      Obj->getLibraryShortNameByIndex(Ordinal, DylibName);
5487      if (Entry.otherName().empty())
5488        outs() << " (from " << DylibName << ")";
5489      else
5490        outs() << " (" << Entry.otherName() << " from " << DylibName << ")";
5491    }
5492    outs() << "\n";
5493  }
5497// rebase table dumping
5500namespace {
5501class SegInfo {
5503  SegInfo(const object::MachOObjectFile *Obj);
5505  StringRef segmentName(uint32_t SegIndex);
5506  StringRef sectionName(uint32_t SegIndex, uint64_t SegOffset);
5507  uint64_t address(uint32_t SegIndex, uint64_t SegOffset);
5510  struct SectionInfo {
5511    uint64_t Address;
5512    uint64_t Size;
5513    StringRef SectionName;
5514    StringRef SegmentName;
5515    uint64_t OffsetInSegment;
5516    uint64_t SegmentStartAddress;
5517    uint32_t SegmentIndex;
5518  };
5519  const SectionInfo &findSection(uint32_t SegIndex, uint64_t SegOffset);
5520  SmallVector<SectionInfo, 32> Sections;
5524SegInfo::SegInfo(const object::MachOObjectFile *Obj) {
5525  // Build table of sections so segIndex/offset pairs can be translated.
5526  uint32_t CurSegIndex = Obj->hasPageZeroSegment() ? 1 : 0;
5527  StringRef CurSegName;
5528  uint64_t CurSegAddress;
5529  for (const SectionRef &Section : Obj->sections()) {
5530    SectionInfo Info;
5531    if (error(Section.getName(Info.SectionName)))
5532      return;
5533    Info.Address = Section.getAddress();
5534    Info.Size = Section.getSize();
5535    Info.SegmentName =
5536        Obj->getSectionFinalSegmentName(Section.getRawDataRefImpl());
5537    if (!Info.SegmentName.equals(CurSegName)) {
5538      ++CurSegIndex;
5539      CurSegName = Info.SegmentName;
5540      CurSegAddress = Info.Address;
5541    }
5542    Info.SegmentIndex = CurSegIndex - 1;
5543    Info.OffsetInSegment = Info.Address - CurSegAddress;
5544    Info.SegmentStartAddress = CurSegAddress;
5545    Sections.push_back(Info);
5546  }
5549StringRef SegInfo::segmentName(uint32_t SegIndex) {
5550  for (const SectionInfo &SI : Sections) {
5551    if (SI.SegmentIndex == SegIndex)
5552      return SI.SegmentName;
5553  }
5554  llvm_unreachable("invalid segIndex");
5557const SegInfo::SectionInfo &SegInfo::findSection(uint32_t SegIndex,
5558                                                 uint64_t OffsetInSeg) {
5559  for (const SectionInfo &SI : Sections) {
5560    if (SI.SegmentIndex != SegIndex)
5561      continue;
5562    if (SI.OffsetInSegment > OffsetInSeg)
5563      continue;
5564    if (OffsetInSeg >= (SI.OffsetInSegment + SI.Size))
5565      continue;
5566    return SI;
5567  }
5568  llvm_unreachable("segIndex and offset not in any section");
5571StringRef SegInfo::sectionName(uint32_t SegIndex, uint64_t OffsetInSeg) {
5572  return findSection(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg).SectionName;
5575uint64_t SegInfo::address(uint32_t SegIndex, uint64_t OffsetInSeg) {
5576  const SectionInfo &SI = findSection(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg);
5577  return SI.SegmentStartAddress + OffsetInSeg;
5580void llvm::printMachORebaseTable(const object::MachOObjectFile *Obj) {
5581  // Build table of sections so names can used in final output.
5582  SegInfo sectionTable(Obj);
5584  outs() << "segment  section            address     type\n";
5585  for (const llvm::object::MachORebaseEntry &Entry : Obj->rebaseTable()) {
5586    uint32_t SegIndex = Entry.segmentIndex();
5587    uint64_t OffsetInSeg = Entry.segmentOffset();
5588    StringRef SegmentName = sectionTable.segmentName(SegIndex);
5589    StringRef SectionName = sectionTable.sectionName(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg);
5590    uint64_t Address = sectionTable.address(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg);
5592    // Table lines look like: __DATA  __nl_symbol_ptr  0x0000F00C  pointer
5593    outs() << format("%-8s %-18s 0x%08" PRIX64 "  %s\n",
5594                     SegmentName.str().c_str(), SectionName.str().c_str(),
5595                     Address, Entry.typeName().str().c_str());
5596  }
5599static StringRef ordinalName(const object::MachOObjectFile *Obj, int Ordinal) {
5600  StringRef DylibName;
5601  switch (Ordinal) {
5603    return "this-image";
5605    return "main-executable";
5607    return "flat-namespace";
5608  default:
5609    if (Ordinal > 0) {
5610      std::error_code EC =
5611          Obj->getLibraryShortNameByIndex(Ordinal - 1, DylibName);
5612      if (EC)
5613        return "<<bad library ordinal>>";
5614      return DylibName;
5615    }
5616  }
5617  return "<<unknown special ordinal>>";
5621// bind table dumping
5624void llvm::printMachOBindTable(const object::MachOObjectFile *Obj) {
5625  // Build table of sections so names can used in final output.
5626  SegInfo sectionTable(Obj);
5628  outs() << "segment  section            address    type       "
5629            "addend dylib            symbol\n";
5630  for (const llvm::object::MachOBindEntry &Entry : Obj->bindTable()) {
5631    uint32_t SegIndex = Entry.segmentIndex();
5632    uint64_t OffsetInSeg = Entry.segmentOffset();
5633    StringRef SegmentName = sectionTable.segmentName(SegIndex);
5634    StringRef SectionName = sectionTable.sectionName(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg);
5635    uint64_t Address = sectionTable.address(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg);
5637    // Table lines look like:
5638    //  __DATA  __got  0x00012010    pointer   0 libSystem ___stack_chk_guard
5639    StringRef Attr;
5640    if (Entry.flags() & MachO::BIND_SYMBOL_FLAGS_WEAK_IMPORT)
5641      Attr = " (weak_import)";
5642    outs() << left_justify(SegmentName, 8) << " "
5643           << left_justify(SectionName, 18) << " "
5644           << format_hex(Address, 10, true) << " "
5645           << left_justify(Entry.typeName(), 8) << " "
5646           << format_decimal(Entry.addend(), 8) << " "
5647           << left_justify(ordinalName(Obj, Entry.ordinal()), 16) << " "
5648           << Entry.symbolName() << Attr << "\n";
5649  }
5653// lazy bind table dumping
5656void llvm::printMachOLazyBindTable(const object::MachOObjectFile *Obj) {
5657  // Build table of sections so names can used in final output.
5658  SegInfo sectionTable(Obj);
5660  outs() << "segment  section            address     "
5661            "dylib            symbol\n";
5662  for (const llvm::object::MachOBindEntry &Entry : Obj->lazyBindTable()) {
5663    uint32_t SegIndex = Entry.segmentIndex();
5664    uint64_t OffsetInSeg = Entry.segmentOffset();
5665    StringRef SegmentName = sectionTable.segmentName(SegIndex);
5666    StringRef SectionName = sectionTable.sectionName(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg);
5667    uint64_t Address = sectionTable.address(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg);
5669    // Table lines look like:
5670    //  __DATA  __got  0x00012010 libSystem ___stack_chk_guard
5671    outs() << left_justify(SegmentName, 8) << " "
5672           << left_justify(SectionName, 18) << " "
5673           << format_hex(Address, 10, true) << " "
5674           << left_justify(ordinalName(Obj, Entry.ordinal()), 16) << " "
5675           << Entry.symbolName() << "\n";
5676  }
5680// weak bind table dumping
5683void llvm::printMachOWeakBindTable(const object::MachOObjectFile *Obj) {
5684  // Build table of sections so names can used in final output.
5685  SegInfo sectionTable(Obj);
5687  outs() << "segment  section            address     "
5688            "type       addend   symbol\n";
5689  for (const llvm::object::MachOBindEntry &Entry : Obj->weakBindTable()) {
5690    // Strong symbols don't have a location to update.
5691    if (Entry.flags() & MachO::BIND_SYMBOL_FLAGS_NON_WEAK_DEFINITION) {
5692      outs() << "                                        strong              "
5693             << Entry.symbolName() << "\n";
5694      continue;
5695    }
5696    uint32_t SegIndex = Entry.segmentIndex();
5697    uint64_t OffsetInSeg = Entry.segmentOffset();
5698    StringRef SegmentName = sectionTable.segmentName(SegIndex);
5699    StringRef SectionName = sectionTable.sectionName(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg);
5700    uint64_t Address = sectionTable.address(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg);
5702    // Table lines look like:
5703    // __DATA  __data  0x00001000  pointer    0   _foo
5704    outs() << left_justify(SegmentName, 8) << " "
5705           << left_justify(SectionName, 18) << " "
5706           << format_hex(Address, 10, true) << " "
5707           << left_justify(Entry.typeName(), 8) << " "
5708           << format_decimal(Entry.addend(), 8) << "   " << Entry.symbolName()
5709           << "\n";
5710  }
5713// get_dyld_bind_info_symbolname() is used for disassembly and passed an
5714// address, ReferenceValue, in the Mach-O file and looks in the dyld bind
5715// information for that address. If the address is found its binding symbol
5716// name is returned.  If not nullptr is returned.
5717static const char *get_dyld_bind_info_symbolname(uint64_t ReferenceValue,
5718                                                 struct DisassembleInfo *info) {
5719  if (info->bindtable == nullptr) {
5720    info->bindtable = new (BindTable);
5721    SegInfo sectionTable(info->O);
5722    for (const llvm::object::MachOBindEntry &Entry : info->O->bindTable()) {
5723      uint32_t SegIndex = Entry.segmentIndex();
5724      uint64_t OffsetInSeg = Entry.segmentOffset();
5725      uint64_t Address = sectionTable.address(SegIndex, OffsetInSeg);
5726      const char *SymbolName = nullptr;
5727      StringRef name = Entry.symbolName();
5728      if (!name.empty())
5729        SymbolName =;
5730      info->bindtable->push_back(std::make_pair(Address, SymbolName));
5731    }
5732  }
5733  for (bind_table_iterator BI = info->bindtable->begin(),
5734                           BE = info->bindtable->end();
5735       BI != BE; ++BI) {
5736    uint64_t Address = BI->first;
5737    if (ReferenceValue == Address) {
5738      const char *SymbolName = BI->second;
5739      return SymbolName;
5740    }
5741  }
5742  return nullptr;