SkLiteDL.cpp revision cbdf007bc2eb85056a1a5c75c088202becba2d16
2 * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#include "SkCanvas.h"
9#include "SkData.h"
10#include "SkImageFilter.h"
11#include "SkLiteDL.h"
12#include "SkMath.h"
13#include "SkPicture.h"
14#include "SkMutex.h"
15#include "SkRSXform.h"
16#include "SkSpinlock.h"
17#include "SkTextBlob.h"
20    #define SKLITEDL_PAGE 4096
23// A stand-in for an optional SkRect which was not set, e.g. bounds for a saveLayer().
24static const SkRect kUnset = { SK_ScalarInfinity, 0,0,0};
25static const SkRect* maybe_unset(const SkRect& r) {
26    return r.left() == SK_ScalarInfinity ? nullptr : &r;
29// copy_v(dst, src,n, src,n, ...) copies an arbitrary number of typed srcs into dst.
30static void copy_v(void* dst) {}
32template <typename S, typename... Rest>
33static void copy_v(void* dst, const S* src, int n, Rest&&... rest) {
34    SkASSERTF(((uintptr_t)dst & (alignof(S)-1)) == 0,
35              "Expected %p to be aligned for at least %zu bytes.", dst, alignof(S));
36    sk_careful_memcpy(dst, src, n*sizeof(S));
37    copy_v(SkTAddOffset<void>(dst, n*sizeof(S)), std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
40// Helper for getting back at arrays which have been copy_v'd together after an Op.
41template <typename D, typename T>
42static D* pod(T* op, size_t offset = 0) {
43    return SkTAddOffset<D>(op+1, offset);
46// Pre-cache lazy non-threadsafe fields on SkPath and/or SkMatrix.
47static void make_threadsafe(SkPath* path, SkMatrix* matrix) {
48    if (path)   { path->updateBoundsCache(); }
49    if (matrix) { (void)matrix->getType(); }
52namespace {
53#define TYPES(M)                                                                \
54    M(Save) M(Restore) M(SaveLayer)                                             \
55    M(Concat) M(SetMatrix) M(Translate) M(TranslateZ)                           \
56    M(ClipPath) M(ClipRect) M(ClipRRect) M(ClipRegion)                          \
57    M(DrawPaint) M(DrawPath) M(DrawRect) M(DrawOval) M(DrawRRect) M(DrawDRRect) \
58    M(DrawAnnotation) M(DrawDrawable) M(DrawPicture) M(DrawShadowedPicture)     \
59    M(DrawImage) M(DrawImageNine) M(DrawImageRect) M(DrawImageLattice)          \
60    M(DrawText) M(DrawPosText) M(DrawPosTextH)                                  \
61    M(DrawTextOnPath) M(DrawTextRSXform) M(DrawTextBlob)                        \
62    M(DrawPatch) M(DrawPoints) M(DrawVertices) M(DrawAtlas)
64#define M(T) T,
65    enum class Type : uint8_t { TYPES(M) };
66#undef M
68    struct Op {
69        void makeThreadsafe() {}
71        uint32_t type :  8;
72        uint32_t skip : 24;
73    };
74    static_assert(sizeof(Op) == 4, "");
76    struct Save final : Op {
77        static const auto kType = Type::Save;
78        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->save(); }
79    };
80    struct Restore final : Op {
81        static const auto kType = Type::Restore;
82        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->restore(); }
83    };
84    struct SaveLayer final : Op {
85        static const auto kType = Type::SaveLayer;
86        SaveLayer(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint,
87                  const SkImageFilter* backdrop, SkCanvas::SaveLayerFlags flags) {
88            if (bounds) { this->bounds = *bounds; }
89            if (paint)  { this->paint  = *paint;  }
90            this->backdrop = sk_ref_sp(backdrop);
91            this->flags = flags;
92        }
93        SkRect                     bounds = kUnset;
94        SkPaint                    paint;
95        sk_sp<const SkImageFilter> backdrop;
96        SkCanvas::SaveLayerFlags   flags;
97        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
98            c->saveLayer({ maybe_unset(bounds), &paint, backdrop.get(), flags });
99        }
100    };
102    struct Concat final : Op {
103        static const auto kType = Type::Concat;
104        Concat(const SkMatrix& matrix) : matrix(matrix) {}
105        SkMatrix matrix;
106        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->concat(matrix); }
107        void makeThreadsafe() { make_threadsafe(nullptr, &matrix); }
108    };
109    struct SetMatrix final : Op {
110        static const auto kType = Type::SetMatrix;
111        SetMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) : matrix(matrix) {}
112        SkMatrix matrix;
113        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix& original) {
114            c->setMatrix(SkMatrix::Concat(original, matrix));
115        }
116        void makeThreadsafe() { make_threadsafe(nullptr, &matrix); }
117    };
118    struct Translate final : Op {
119        static const auto kType = Type::Translate;
120        Translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) : dx(dx), dy(dy) {}
121        SkScalar dx,dy;
122        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
123            c->translate(dx, dy);
124        }
125    };
126    struct TranslateZ final : Op {
127        static const auto kType = Type::TranslateZ;
128        TranslateZ(SkScalar dz) : dz(dz) {}
129        SkScalar dz;
130        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
132            c->translateZ(dz);
133        #endif
134        }
135    };
137    struct ClipPath final : Op {
138        static const auto kType = Type::ClipPath;
139        ClipPath(const SkPath& path, SkRegion::Op op, bool aa) : path(path), op(op), aa(aa) {}
140        SkPath       path;
141        SkRegion::Op op;
142        bool         aa;
143        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->clipPath(path, op, aa); }
144        void makeThreadsafe() { make_threadsafe(&path, nullptr); }
145    };
146    struct ClipRect final : Op {
147        static const auto kType = Type::ClipRect;
148        ClipRect(const SkRect& rect, SkRegion::Op op, bool aa) : rect(rect), op(op), aa(aa) {}
149        SkRect       rect;
150        SkRegion::Op op;
151        bool         aa;
152        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->clipRect(rect, op, aa); }
153    };
154    struct ClipRRect final : Op {
155        static const auto kType = Type::ClipRRect;
156        ClipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, SkRegion::Op op, bool aa) : rrect(rrect), op(op), aa(aa) {}
157        SkRRect      rrect;
158        SkRegion::Op op;
159        bool         aa;
160        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->clipRRect(rrect, op, aa); }
161    };
162    struct ClipRegion final : Op {
163        static const auto kType = Type::ClipRegion;
164        ClipRegion(const SkRegion& region, SkRegion::Op op) : region(region), op(op) {}
165        SkRegion     region;
166        SkRegion::Op op;
167        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->clipRegion(region, op); }
168    };
170    struct DrawPaint final : Op {
171        static const auto kType = Type::DrawPaint;
172        DrawPaint(const SkPaint& paint) : paint(paint) {}
173        SkPaint paint;
174        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->drawPaint(paint); }
175    };
176    struct DrawPath final : Op {
177        static const auto kType = Type::DrawPath;
178        DrawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint) : path(path), paint(paint) {}
179        SkPath  path;
180        SkPaint paint;
181        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->drawPath(path, paint); }
182        void makeThreadsafe() { make_threadsafe(&path, nullptr); }
183    };
184    struct DrawRect final : Op {
185        static const auto kType = Type::DrawRect;
186        DrawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) : rect(rect), paint(paint) {}
187        SkRect  rect;
188        SkPaint paint;
189        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->drawRect(rect, paint); }
190    };
191    struct DrawOval final : Op {
192        static const auto kType = Type::DrawOval;
193        DrawOval(const SkRect& oval, const SkPaint& paint) : oval(oval), paint(paint) {}
194        SkRect  oval;
195        SkPaint paint;
196        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->drawOval(oval, paint); }
197    };
198    struct DrawRRect final : Op {
199        static const auto kType = Type::DrawRRect;
200        DrawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, const SkPaint& paint) : rrect(rrect), paint(paint) {}
201        SkRRect rrect;
202        SkPaint paint;
203        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->drawRRect(rrect, paint); }
204    };
205    struct DrawDRRect final : Op {
206        static const auto kType = Type::DrawDRRect;
207        DrawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer, const SkRRect& inner, const SkPaint& paint)
208            : outer(outer), inner(inner), paint(paint) {}
209        SkRRect outer, inner;
210        SkPaint paint;
211        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->drawDRRect(outer, inner, paint); }
212    };
214    struct DrawAnnotation final : Op {
215        static const auto kType = Type::DrawAnnotation;
216        DrawAnnotation(const SkRect& rect, SkData* value) : rect(rect), value(sk_ref_sp(value)) {}
217        SkRect        rect;
218        sk_sp<SkData> value;
219        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
220            c->drawAnnotation(rect, pod<char>(this), value.get());
221        }
222    };
223    struct DrawDrawable final : Op {
224        static const auto kType = Type::DrawDrawable;
225        DrawDrawable(SkDrawable* drawable, const SkMatrix* matrix) : drawable(sk_ref_sp(drawable)) {
226            if (matrix) { this->matrix = *matrix; }
227        }
228        sk_sp<SkDrawable>      drawable;
229        sk_sp<const SkPicture> snapped;
230        SkMatrix               matrix = SkMatrix::I();
231        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
232            snapped ? c->drawPicture(snapped.get(), &matrix, nullptr)
233                    : c->drawDrawable(drawable.get(), &matrix);
234        }
235        void makeThreadsafe() {
236            snapped.reset(drawable->newPictureSnapshot());
237            make_threadsafe(nullptr, &matrix);
238        }
239    };
240    struct DrawPicture final : Op {
241        static const auto kType = Type::DrawPicture;
242        DrawPicture(const SkPicture* picture, const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint* paint)
243            : picture(sk_ref_sp(picture)) {
244            if (matrix) { this->matrix = *matrix; }
245            if (paint)  { this->paint  = *paint; has_paint = true; }
246        }
247        sk_sp<const SkPicture> picture;
248        SkMatrix               matrix = SkMatrix::I();
249        SkPaint                paint;
250        bool                   has_paint = false;  // TODO: why is a default paint not the same?
251        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
252            c->drawPicture(picture.get(), &matrix, has_paint ? &paint : nullptr);
253        }
254        void makeThreadsafe() { make_threadsafe(nullptr, &matrix); }
255    };
256    struct DrawShadowedPicture final : Op {
257        static const auto kType = Type::DrawShadowedPicture;
258        DrawShadowedPicture(const SkPicture* picture, const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint* paint)
259            : picture(sk_ref_sp(picture)) {
260            if (matrix) { this->matrix = *matrix; }
261            if (paint)  { this->paint  = *paint;  }
262        }
263        sk_sp<const SkPicture> picture;
264        SkMatrix               matrix = SkMatrix::I();
265        SkPaint                paint;
266        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
268            c->drawShadowedPicture(picture.get(), &matrix, &paint);
269        #endif
270        }
271        void makeThreadsafe() { make_threadsafe(nullptr, &matrix); }
272    };
274    struct DrawImage final : Op {
275        static const auto kType = Type::DrawImage;
276        DrawImage(sk_sp<const SkImage>&& image, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint* paint)
277            : image(std::move(image)), x(x), y(y) {
278            if (paint) { this->paint = *paint; }
279        }
280        sk_sp<const SkImage> image;
281        SkScalar x,y;
282        SkPaint paint;
283        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) { c->drawImage(image.get(), x,y, &paint); }
284    };
285    struct DrawImageNine final : Op {
286        static const auto kType = Type::DrawImageNine;
287        DrawImageNine(sk_sp<const SkImage>&& image,
288                      const SkIRect& center, const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint)
289            : image(std::move(image)), center(center), dst(dst) {
290            if (paint) { this->paint = *paint; }
291        }
292        sk_sp<const SkImage> image;
293        SkIRect center;
294        SkRect  dst;
295        SkPaint paint;
296        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
297            c->drawImageNine(image.get(), center, dst, &paint);
298        }
299    };
300    struct DrawImageRect final : Op {
301        static const auto kType = Type::DrawImageRect;
302        DrawImageRect(sk_sp<const SkImage>&& image, const SkRect* src, const SkRect& dst,
303                      const SkPaint* paint, SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint)
304            : image(std::move(image)), dst(dst), constraint(constraint) {
305            this->src = src ? *src : SkRect::MakeIWH(image->width(), image->height());
306            if (paint) { this->paint = *paint; }
307        }
308        sk_sp<const SkImage> image;
309        SkRect src, dst;
310        SkPaint paint;
311        SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint;
312        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
313            c->drawImageRect(image.get(), src, dst, &paint, constraint);
314        }
315    };
316    struct DrawImageLattice final : Op {
317        static const auto kType = Type::DrawImageLattice;
318        DrawImageLattice(sk_sp<const SkImage>&& image, int xs, int ys,
319                         const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint)
320            : image(std::move(image)), xs(xs), ys(ys), dst(dst) {
321            if (paint) { this->paint = *paint; }
322        }
323        sk_sp<const SkImage> image;
324        int                  xs, ys;
325        SkRect               dst;
326        SkPaint              paint;
327        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
328            auto xdivs = pod<int>(this, 0),
329                 ydivs = pod<int>(this, xs*sizeof(int));
330            c->drawImageLattice(image.get(), {xdivs, xs, ydivs, ys}, dst, &paint);
331        }
332    };
334    struct DrawText final : Op {
335        static const auto kType = Type::DrawText;
336        DrawText(size_t bytes, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint)
337            : bytes(bytes), x(x), y(y), paint(paint) {}
338        size_t bytes;
339        SkScalar x,y;
340        SkPaint paint;
341        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
342            c->drawText(pod<void>(this), bytes, x,y, paint);
343        }
344    };
345    struct DrawPosText final : Op {
346        static const auto kType = Type::DrawPosText;
347        DrawPosText(size_t bytes, const SkPaint& paint, int n)
348            : bytes(bytes), paint(paint), n(n) {}
349        size_t bytes;
350        SkPaint paint;
351        int n;
352        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
353            auto points = pod<SkPoint>(this);
354            auto text   = pod<void>(this, n*sizeof(SkPoint));
355            c->drawPosText(text, bytes, points, paint);
356        }
357    };
358    struct DrawPosTextH final : Op {
359        static const auto kType = Type::DrawPosTextH;
360        DrawPosTextH(size_t bytes, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint, int n)
361            : bytes(bytes), y(y), paint(paint), n(n) {}
362        size_t   bytes;
363        SkScalar y;
364        SkPaint  paint;
365        int n;
366        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
367            auto xs   = pod<SkScalar>(this);
368            auto text = pod<void>(this, n*sizeof(SkScalar));
369            c->drawPosTextH(text, bytes, xs, y, paint);
370        }
371    };
372    struct DrawTextOnPath final : Op {
373        static const auto kType = Type::DrawTextOnPath;
374        DrawTextOnPath(size_t bytes, const SkPath& path,
375                       const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint& paint)
376            : bytes(bytes), path(path), paint(paint) {
377            if (matrix) { this->matrix = *matrix; }
378        }
379        size_t   bytes;
380        SkPath   path;
381        SkMatrix matrix = SkMatrix::I();
382        SkPaint  paint;
383        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
384            c->drawTextOnPath(pod<void>(this), bytes, path, &matrix, paint);
385        }
386        void makeThreadsafe() { make_threadsafe(&path, &matrix); }
387    };
388    struct DrawTextRSXform final : Op {
389        static const auto kType = Type::DrawTextRSXform;
390        DrawTextRSXform(size_t bytes, const SkRect* cull, const SkPaint& paint)
391            : bytes(bytes), paint(paint) {
392            if (cull) { this->cull = *cull; }
393        }
394        size_t  bytes;
395        SkRect  cull = kUnset;
396        SkPaint paint;
397        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
398            c->drawTextRSXform(pod<void>(this), bytes, pod<SkRSXform>(this, bytes),
399                               maybe_unset(cull), paint);
400        }
401    };
402    struct DrawTextBlob final : Op {
403        static const auto kType = Type::DrawTextBlob;
404        DrawTextBlob(const SkTextBlob* blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint)
405            : blob(sk_ref_sp(blob)), x(x), y(y), paint(paint) {}
406        sk_sp<const SkTextBlob> blob;
407        SkScalar x,y;
408        SkPaint paint;
409        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
410            c->drawTextBlob(blob.get(), x,y, paint);
411        }
412    };
414    struct DrawPatch final : Op {
415        static const auto kType = Type::DrawPatch;
416        DrawPatch(const SkPoint cubics[12], const SkColor colors[4], const SkPoint texs[4],
417                  SkXfermode* xfermode, const SkPaint& paint)
418            : xfermode(sk_ref_sp(xfermode)), paint(paint) {
419            copy_v(this->cubics, cubics, 12);
420            if (colors) { copy_v(this->colors, colors, 4); has_colors = true; }
421            if (texs  ) { copy_v(this->texs  , texs  , 4); has_texs   = true; }
422        }
423        SkPoint           cubics[12];
424        SkColor           colors[4];
425        SkPoint           texs[4];
426        sk_sp<SkXfermode> xfermode;
427        SkPaint           paint;
428        bool              has_colors = false;
429        bool              has_texs   = false;
430        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
431            c->drawPatch(cubics, has_colors ? colors : nullptr, has_texs ? texs : nullptr,
432                         xfermode.get(), paint);
433        }
434    };
435    struct DrawPoints final : Op {
436        static const auto kType = Type::DrawPoints;
437        DrawPoints(SkCanvas::PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPaint& paint)
438            : mode(mode), count(count), paint(paint) {}
439        SkCanvas::PointMode mode;
440        size_t              count;
441        SkPaint             paint;
442        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
443            c->drawPoints(mode, count, pod<SkPoint>(this), paint);
444        }
445    };
446    struct DrawVertices final : Op {
447        static const auto kType = Type::DrawVertices;
448        DrawVertices(SkCanvas::VertexMode mode, int count, SkXfermode* xfermode, int nindices,
449                     const SkPaint& paint, bool has_texs, bool has_colors, bool has_indices)
450            : mode(mode), count(count), xfermode(sk_ref_sp(xfermode)), nindices(nindices)
451            , paint(paint), has_texs(has_texs), has_colors(has_colors), has_indices(has_indices) {}
452        SkCanvas::VertexMode mode;
453        int                  count;
454        sk_sp<SkXfermode>    xfermode;
455        int                  nindices;
456        SkPaint              paint;
457        bool                 has_texs;
458        bool                 has_colors;
459        bool                 has_indices;
460        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
461            SkPoint* vertices = pod<SkPoint>(this, 0);
462            size_t offset = count*sizeof(SkPoint);
464            SkPoint* texs = nullptr;
465            if (has_texs) {
466                texs = pod<SkPoint>(this, offset);
467                offset += count*sizeof(SkPoint);
468            }
470            SkColor* colors = nullptr;
471            if (has_colors) {
472                colors = pod<SkColor>(this, offset);
473                offset += count*sizeof(SkColor);
474            }
476            uint16_t* indices = nullptr;
477            if (has_indices) {
478                indices = pod<uint16_t>(this, offset);
479            }
480            c->drawVertices(mode, count, vertices, texs, colors, xfermode.get(),
481                            indices, nindices, paint);
482        }
483    };
484    struct DrawAtlas final : Op {
485        static const auto kType = Type::DrawAtlas;
486        DrawAtlas(const SkImage* atlas, int count, SkXfermode::Mode xfermode,
487                  const SkRect* cull, const SkPaint* paint, bool has_colors)
488            : atlas(sk_ref_sp(atlas)), count(count), xfermode(xfermode), has_colors(has_colors) {
489            if (cull)  { this->cull  = *cull; }
490            if (paint) { this->paint = *paint; }
491        }
492        sk_sp<const SkImage> atlas;
493        int                  count;
494        SkXfermode::Mode     xfermode;
495        SkRect               cull = kUnset;
496        SkPaint              paint;
497        bool                 has_colors;
498        void draw(SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix&) {
499            auto xforms = pod<SkRSXform>(this, 0);
500            auto   texs = pod<SkRect>(this, count*sizeof(SkRSXform));
501            auto colors = has_colors
502                ? pod<SkColor>(this, count*(sizeof(SkRSXform) + sizeof(SkRect)))
503                : nullptr;
504            c->drawAtlas(atlas.get(), xforms, texs, colors, count, xfermode,
505                         maybe_unset(cull), &paint);
506        }
507    };
510template <typename T, typename... Args>
511void* SkLiteDL::push(size_t pod, Args&&... args) {
512    size_t skip = SkAlignPtr(sizeof(T) + pod);
513    SkASSERT(skip < (1<<24));
514    if (fUsed + skip > fReserved) {
515        static_assert(SkIsPow2(SKLITEDL_PAGE), "This math needs updating for non-pow2.");
516        // Next greater multiple of SKLITEDL_PAGE.
517        fReserved = (fUsed + skip + SKLITEDL_PAGE) & ~(SKLITEDL_PAGE-1);
518        fBytes.realloc(fReserved);
519    }
520    SkASSERT(fUsed + skip <= fReserved);
521    auto op = (T*)(fBytes.get() + fUsed);
522    fUsed += skip;
523    new (op) T{ std::forward<Args>(args)... };
524    op->type = (uint32_t)T::kType;
525    op->skip = skip;
526    return op+1;
529template <typename Fn, typename... Args>
530inline void SkLiteDL::map(const Fn fns[], Args... args) {
531    auto end = fBytes.get() + fUsed;
532    for (uint8_t* ptr = fBytes.get(); ptr < end; ) {
533        auto op = (Op*)ptr;
534        auto type = op->type;
535        auto skip = op->skip;
536        if (auto fn = fns[type]) {  // We replace no-op functions with nullptrs
537            fn(op, args...);        // to avoid the overhead of a pointless call.
538        }
539        ptr += skip;
540    }
543void SkLiteDL::   save() { this->push   <Save>(0); }
544void SkLiteDL::restore() { this->push<Restore>(0); }
545void SkLiteDL::saveLayer(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint,
546                         const SkImageFilter* backdrop, SkCanvas::SaveLayerFlags flags) {
547    this->push<SaveLayer>(0, bounds, paint, backdrop, flags);
550void SkLiteDL::   concat(const SkMatrix& matrix)   { this->push   <Concat>(0, matrix); }
551void SkLiteDL::setMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix)   { this->push<SetMatrix>(0, matrix); }
552void SkLiteDL::translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) { this->push<Translate>(0, dx, dy); }
553void SkLiteDL::translateZ(SkScalar dz) { this->push<TranslateZ>(0, dz); }
555void SkLiteDL::clipPath(const SkPath& path, SkRegion::Op op, bool aa) {
556    this->push<ClipPath>(0, path, op, aa);
558void SkLiteDL::clipRect(const SkRect& rect, SkRegion::Op op, bool aa) {
559    this->push<ClipRect>(0, rect, op, aa);
561void SkLiteDL::clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, SkRegion::Op op, bool aa) {
562    this->push<ClipRRect>(0, rrect, op, aa);
564void SkLiteDL::clipRegion(const SkRegion& region, SkRegion::Op op) {
565    this->push<ClipRegion>(0, region, op);
568void SkLiteDL::drawPaint(const SkPaint& paint) {
569    this->push<DrawPaint>(0, paint);
571void SkLiteDL::drawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint) {
572    this->push<DrawPath>(0, path, paint);
574void SkLiteDL::drawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) {
575    this->push<DrawRect>(0, rect, paint);
577void SkLiteDL::drawOval(const SkRect& oval, const SkPaint& paint) {
578    this->push<DrawOval>(0, oval, paint);
580void SkLiteDL::drawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, const SkPaint& paint) {
581    this->push<DrawRRect>(0, rrect, paint);
583void SkLiteDL::drawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer, const SkRRect& inner, const SkPaint& paint) {
584    this->push<DrawDRRect>(0, outer, inner, paint);
587void SkLiteDL::drawAnnotation(const SkRect& rect, const char* key, SkData* value) {
588    size_t bytes = strlen(key)+1;
589    void* pod = this->push<DrawAnnotation>(bytes, rect, value);
590    copy_v(pod, key,bytes);
592void SkLiteDL::drawDrawable(SkDrawable* drawable, const SkMatrix* matrix) {
593    this->push<DrawDrawable>(0, drawable, matrix);
595void SkLiteDL::drawPicture(const SkPicture* picture,
596                           const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint* paint) {
597    this->push<DrawPicture>(0, picture, matrix, paint);
599void SkLiteDL::drawShadowedPicture(const SkPicture* picture,
600                                   const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint* paint) {
601    this->push<DrawShadowedPicture>(0, picture, matrix, paint);
604void SkLiteDL::drawBitmap(const SkBitmap& bm, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint* paint) {
605    this->push<DrawImage>(0, SkImage::MakeFromBitmap(bm), x,y, paint);
607void SkLiteDL::drawBitmapNine(const SkBitmap& bm, const SkIRect& center,
608                              const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint) {
609    this->push<DrawImageNine>(0, SkImage::MakeFromBitmap(bm), center, dst, paint);
611void SkLiteDL::drawBitmapRect(const SkBitmap& bm, const SkRect* src, const SkRect& dst,
612                              const SkPaint* paint, SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint) {
613    this->push<DrawImageRect>(0, SkImage::MakeFromBitmap(bm), src, dst, paint, constraint);
615void SkLiteDL::drawBitmapLattice(const SkBitmap& bm, const SkCanvas::Lattice& lattice,
616                                 const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint) {
617    int xs = lattice.fXCount, ys = lattice.fYCount;
618    size_t bytes = (xs + ys) * sizeof(int);
619    void* pod = this->push<DrawImageLattice>(bytes, SkImage::MakeFromBitmap(bm), xs, ys, dst,
620                                             paint);
621    copy_v(pod, lattice.fXDivs, xs,
622                lattice.fYDivs, ys);
625void SkLiteDL::drawImage(const SkImage* image, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint* paint) {
626    this->push<DrawImage>(0, sk_ref_sp(image), x,y, paint);
628void SkLiteDL::drawImageNine(const SkImage* image, const SkIRect& center,
629                             const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint) {
630    this->push<DrawImageNine>(0, sk_ref_sp(image), center, dst, paint);
632void SkLiteDL::drawImageRect(const SkImage* image, const SkRect* src, const SkRect& dst,
633                             const SkPaint* paint, SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint) {
634    this->push<DrawImageRect>(0, sk_ref_sp(image), src, dst, paint, constraint);
636void SkLiteDL::drawImageLattice(const SkImage* image, const SkCanvas::Lattice& lattice,
637                                const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint) {
638    int xs = lattice.fXCount, ys = lattice.fYCount;
639    size_t bytes = (xs + ys) * sizeof(int);
640    void* pod = this->push<DrawImageLattice>(bytes, sk_ref_sp(image), xs, ys, dst, paint);
641    copy_v(pod, lattice.fXDivs, xs,
642                lattice.fYDivs, ys);
645void SkLiteDL::drawText(const void* text, size_t bytes,
646                        SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint) {
647    void* pod = this->push<DrawText>(bytes, bytes, x, y, paint);
648    copy_v(pod, (const char*)text,bytes);
650void SkLiteDL::drawPosText(const void* text, size_t bytes,
651                           const SkPoint pos[], const SkPaint& paint) {
652    int n = paint.countText(text, bytes);
653    void* pod = this->push<DrawPosText>(n*sizeof(SkPoint)+bytes, bytes, paint, n);
654    copy_v(pod, pos,n, (const char*)text,bytes);
656void SkLiteDL::drawPosTextH(const void* text, size_t bytes,
657                           const SkScalar xs[], SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint) {
658    int n = paint.countText(text, bytes);
659    void* pod = this->push<DrawPosTextH>(n*sizeof(SkScalar)+bytes, bytes, y, paint, n);
660    copy_v(pod, xs,n, (const char*)text,bytes);
662void SkLiteDL::drawTextOnPath(const void* text, size_t bytes,
663                              const SkPath& path, const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint& paint) {
664    void* pod = this->push<DrawTextOnPath>(bytes, bytes, path, matrix, paint);
665    copy_v(pod, (const char*)text,bytes);
667void SkLiteDL::drawTextRSXform(const void* text, size_t bytes,
668                               const SkRSXform xforms[], const SkRect* cull, const SkPaint& paint) {
669    int n = paint.countText(text, bytes);
670    void* pod = this->push<DrawTextRSXform>(bytes+n*sizeof(SkRSXform), bytes, cull, paint);
671    copy_v(pod, (const char*)text,bytes, xforms,n);
673void SkLiteDL::drawTextBlob(const SkTextBlob* blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint) {
674    this->push<DrawTextBlob>(0, blob, x,y, paint);
677void SkLiteDL::drawPatch(const SkPoint points[12], const SkColor colors[4], const SkPoint texs[4],
678                         SkXfermode* xfermode, const SkPaint& paint) {
679    this->push<DrawPatch>(0, points, colors, texs, xfermode, paint);
681void SkLiteDL::drawPoints(SkCanvas::PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPoint points[],
682                          const SkPaint& paint) {
683    void* pod = this->push<DrawPoints>(count*sizeof(SkPoint), mode, count, paint);
684    copy_v(pod, points,count);
686void SkLiteDL::drawVertices(SkCanvas::VertexMode mode, int count, const SkPoint vertices[],
687                            const SkPoint texs[], const SkColor colors[], SkXfermode* xfermode,
688                            const uint16_t indices[], int nindices, const SkPaint& paint) {
689    size_t bytes = count * sizeof(SkPoint);
690    if (texs  )  { bytes += count    * sizeof(SkPoint); }
691    if (colors)  { bytes += count    * sizeof(SkColor); }
692    if (indices) { bytes += nindices * sizeof(uint16_t); }
693    void* pod = this->push<DrawVertices>(bytes, mode, count, xfermode, nindices, paint,
694                                         texs != nullptr, colors != nullptr, indices != nullptr);
695    copy_v(pod, vertices, count,
696                    texs, texs    ? count    : 0,
697                  colors, colors  ? count    : 0,
698                 indices, indices ? nindices : 0);
700void SkLiteDL::drawAtlas(const SkImage* atlas, const SkRSXform xforms[], const SkRect texs[],
701                         const SkColor colors[], int count, SkXfermode::Mode xfermode,
702                         const SkRect* cull, const SkPaint* paint) {
703    size_t bytes = count*(sizeof(SkRSXform) + sizeof(SkRect));
704    if (colors) {
705        bytes += count*sizeof(SkColor);
706    }
707    void* pod = this->push<DrawAtlas>(bytes,
708                                      atlas, count, xfermode, cull, paint, colors != nullptr);
709    copy_v(pod, xforms, count,
710                  texs, count,
711                colors, colors ? count : 0);
714typedef void(*draw_fn)(void*,  SkCanvas*, const SkMatrix&);
715typedef void(*void_fn)(void*);
717// All ops implement draw().
718#define M(T) [](void* op, SkCanvas* c, const SkMatrix& original) { ((T*)op)->draw(c, original); },
719static const draw_fn draw_fns[] = { TYPES(M) };
720#undef M
722#define M(T) [](void* op) { ((T*)op)->makeThreadsafe(); },
723static const void_fn make_threadsafe_fns[] = { TYPES(M) };
724#undef M
726// Older libstdc++ has pre-standard std::has_trivial_destructor.
727#if defined(__GLIBCXX__) && (__GLIBCXX__ < 20130000)
728    template <typename T> using can_skip_destructor = std::has_trivial_destructor<T>;
730    template <typename T> using can_skip_destructor = std::is_trivially_destructible<T>;
733// Most state ops (matrix, clip, save, restore) have a trivial destructor.
734#define M(T) !can_skip_destructor<T>::value ? [](void* op) { ((T*)op)->~T(); } : (void_fn)nullptr,
735static const void_fn dtor_fns[] = { TYPES(M) };
736#undef M
738void SkLiteDL::onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) { this->map(draw_fns, canvas, canvas->getTotalMatrix()); }
739void SkLiteDL::makeThreadsafe()         { this->map(make_threadsafe_fns); }
741SkRect SkLiteDL::onGetBounds() {
742    return fBounds;
745SkLiteDL:: SkLiteDL(SkRect bounds) : fUsed(0), fReserved(0), fBounds(bounds) {}
747SkLiteDL::~SkLiteDL() {
748    this->reset(SkRect::MakeEmpty());
751sk_sp<SkLiteDL> SkLiteDL::New(SkRect bounds) {
752    return sk_sp<SkLiteDL>(new SkLiteDL(bounds));
755void SkLiteDL::reset(SkRect bounds) {
756    SkASSERT(this->unique());
757    this->map(dtor_fns);
759    // Leave fBytes and fReserved alone.
760    fUsed   = 0;
761    fBounds = bounds;