revision faa3c555dd0b636cdd19a42399b152fc77b8cbe3
1#!/usr/bin/env python2
2"""Generate summary report for ChromeOS toolchain waterfalls."""
4# Desired future features (to be added):
5# - arguments to allow generating only the main waterfall report,
6#   or only the rotating builder reports, or only the failures
7#   report; or the waterfall reports without the failures report.
8# - Better way of figuring out which dates/builds to generate
9#   reports for: probably an argument specifying a date or a date
10#   range, then use something like the new buildbot utils to
11#   query the build logs to find the right build numbers for the
12#   builders for the specified dates.
13# - Store/get the json/data files in mobiletc-prebuild's x20 area.
14# - Update data in json file to reflect, for each testsuite, which
15#   tests are not expected to run on which boards; update this
16#   script to use that data appropriately.
17# - Make sure user's prodaccess is up-to-date before trying to use
18#   this script.
19# - Add some nice formatting/highlighting to reports.
21from __future__ import print_function
23import argparse
24import getpass
25import json
26import os
27import shutil
28import sys
29import time
31from cros_utils import command_executer
33# All the test suites whose data we might want for the reports.
34TESTS = (
35    ('bvt-inline', 'HWTest'),
36    ('bvt-cq', 'HWTest'),
37    ('toolchain-tests', 'HWTest'),
38    ('security', 'HWTest'),
39    ('kernel_daily_regression', 'HWTest'),
40    ('kernel_daily_benchmarks', 'HWTest'),)
42# The main waterfall builders, IN THE ORDER IN WHICH WE WANT THEM
45    'amd64-gcc-toolchain', 'arm-gcc-toolchain', 'arm64-gcc-toolchain',
46    'x86-gcc-toolchain', 'amd64-llvm-toolchain', 'arm-llvm-toolchain',
47    'arm64-llvm-toolchain', 'x86-llvm-toolchain', 'amd64-llvm-next-toolchain',
48    'arm-llvm-next-toolchain', 'arm64-llvm-next-toolchain',
49    'x86-llvm-next-toolchain'
52DATA_DIR = '/usr/local/google2/cmtice/toolchain-utils/waterfall-report-data/'
53ARCHIVE_DIR = '/usr/local/google2/cmtice/toolchain-utils/waterfall-reports/'
54#DATA_DIR = '/google/data/rw/users/mo/mobiletc-prebuild/waterfall-report-data/'
55#ARCHIVE_DIR = '/google/data/rw/users/mo/mobiletc-prebuild/waterfall-reports/'
56DOWNLOAD_DIR = '/tmp/waterfall-logs'
58BUILD_DATA_FILE = '%s/build-data.txt' % DATA_DIR
59GCC_ROTATING_BUILDER = 'gcc_toolchain'
60LLVM_ROTATING_BUILDER = 'llvm_next_toolchain'
63# For int-to-string date conversion.  Note, the index of the month in this
64# list needs to correspond to the month's integer value.  i.e. 'Sep' must
65# be as MONTHS[9].
66MONTHS = [
67    '', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct',
68    'Nov', 'Dec'
72def format_date(int_date):
73  """Convert an integer date to a string date. YYYYMMDD -> YYYY-MMM-DD"""
75  if int_date == 0:
76    return 'today'
78  tmp_date = int_date
79  day = tmp_date % 100
80  tmp_date = tmp_date / 100
81  month = tmp_date % 100
82  year = tmp_date / 100
84  month_str = MONTHS[month]
85  date_str = '%d-%s-%d' % (year, month_str, day)
86  return date_str
89def EmailReport(report_file, report_type, date):
90  subject = '%s Waterfall Summary report, %s' % (report_type, date)
91  email_to = getpass.getuser()
92  sendgmr_path = '/google/data/ro/projects/gws-sre/sendgmr'
93  command = ('%s --subject="%s" --body_file=%s' %
94             (sendgmr_path, email_to, subject, report_file))
95  command_executer.GetCommandExecuter().RunCommand(command)
98def PruneOldFailures(failure_dict, int_date):
99  earliest_date = int_date - MAX_SAVE_RECORDS
100  for suite in failure_dict:
101    suite_dict = failure_dict[suite]
102    test_keys_to_remove = []
103    for test in suite_dict:
104      test_dict = suite_dict[test]
105      msg_keys_to_remove = []
106      for msg in test_dict:
107        fails = test_dict[msg]
108        i = 0
109        while i < len(fails) and fails[i][0] <= earliest_date:
110          i += 1
111        new_fails = fails[i:]
112        test_dict[msg] = new_fails
113        if len(new_fails) == 0:
114          msg_keys_to_remove.append(msg)
116      for k in msg_keys_to_remove:
117        del test_dict[k]
119      suite_dict[test] = test_dict
120      if len(test_dict) == 0:
121        test_keys_to_remove.append(test)
123    for k in test_keys_to_remove:
124      del suite_dict[k]
126    failure_dict[suite] = suite_dict
129def GenerateFailuresReport(fail_dict, date):
130  filename = 'waterfall_report.failures.%s.txt' % date
131  date_string = format_date(date)
132  with open(filename, 'w') as out_file:
133    # Write failure report section.
134    out_file.write('\n\nSummary of Test Failures as of %s\n\n' % date_string)
136    # We want to sort the errors and output them in order of the ones that occur
137    # most often.  So we have to collect the data about all of them, then sort
138    # it.
139    error_groups = []
140    for suite in fail_dict:
141      suite_dict = fail_dict[suite]
142      if suite_dict:
143        for test in suite_dict:
144          test_dict = suite_dict[test]
145          for err_msg in test_dict:
146            err_list = test_dict[err_msg]
147            sorted_list = sorted(err_list, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
148            err_group = [len(sorted_list), suite, test, err_msg, sorted_list]
149            error_groups.append(err_group)
151    # Sort the errors by the number of errors of each type. Then output them in
152    # order.
153    sorted_errors = sorted(error_groups, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
154    for i in range(0, len(sorted_errors)):
155      err_group = sorted_errors[i]
156      suite = err_group[1]
157      test = err_group[2]
158      err_msg = err_group[3]
159      err_list = err_group[4]
160      out_file.write('Suite: %s\n' % suite)
161      out_file.write('    %s (%d failures)\n' % (test, len(err_list)))
162      out_file.write('    (%s)\n' % err_msg)
163      for i in range(0, len(err_list)):
164        err = err_list[i]
165        out_file.write('        %s, %s, %s\n' % (format_date(err[0]), err[1],
166                                                 err[2]))
167      out_file.write('\n')
169  print('Report generated in %s.' % filename)
170  return filename
173def GenerateWaterfallReport(report_dict, fail_dict, waterfall_type, date,
174                            omit_failures):
175  """Write out the actual formatted report."""
177  filename = 'waterfall_report.%s_waterfall.%s.txt' % (waterfall_type, date)
179  date_string = ''
180  date_list = report_dict['date']
181  num_dates = len(date_list)
182  i = 0
183  for d in date_list:
184    date_string += d
185    if i < num_dates - 1:
186      date_string += ', '
187    i += 1
189  if waterfall_type == 'main':
190    report_list = WATERFALL_BUILDERS
191  else:
192    report_list = report_dict.keys()
194  with open(filename, 'w') as out_file:
195    # Write Report Header
196    out_file.write('\nStatus of %s Waterfall Builds from %s\n\n' %
197                   (waterfall_type, date_string))
198    out_file.write('                                                          '
199                   '                          kernel       kernel\n')
200    out_file.write('                         Build    bvt-         bvt-cq     '
201                   'toolchain-   security     daily        daily\n')
202    out_file.write('                         status  inline                   '
203                   '  tests                 regression   benchmarks\n')
204    out_file.write('                               [P/ F/ DR]*   [P/ F /DR]*  '
205                   '[P/ F/ DR]* [P/ F/ DR]* [P/ F/ DR]* [P/ F/ DR]*\n\n')
207    # Write daily waterfall status section.
208    for i in range(0, len(report_list)):
209      builder = report_list[i]
210      if builder == 'date':
211        continue
213      if builder not in report_dict:
214        out_file.write('Unable to find information for %s.\n\n' % builder)
215        continue
217      build_dict = report_dict[builder]
218      status = build_dict.get('build_status', 'bad')
219      inline = build_dict.get('bvt-inline', '[??/ ?? /??]')
220      cq = build_dict.get('bvt-cq', '[??/ ?? /??]')
221      inline_color = build_dict.get('bvt-inline-color', '')
222      cq_color = build_dict.get('bvt-cq-color', '')
223      if 'x86' not in builder:
224        toolchain = build_dict.get('toolchain-tests', '[??/ ?? /??]')
225        security = build_dict.get('security', '[??/ ?? /??]')
226        toolchain_color = build_dict.get('toolchain-tests-color', '')
227        security_color = build_dict.get('security-color', '')
228        if 'gcc' in builder:
229          regression = build_dict.get('kernel_daily_regression', '[??/ ?? /??]')
230          bench = build_dict.get('kernel_daily_benchmarks', '[??/ ?? /??]')
231          regression_color = build_dict.get('kernel_daily_regression-color', '')
232          bench_color = build_dict.get('kernel_daily_benchmarks-color', '')
233          out_file.write('                                  %6s        %6s'
234                         '       %6s      %6s      %6s      %6s\n' %
235                         (inline_color, cq_color, toolchain_color,
236                          security_color, regression_color, bench_color))
237          out_file.write('%25s %3s  %s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (builder, status,
238                                                            inline, cq,
239                                                            toolchain, security,
240                                                            regression, bench))
241        else:
242          out_file.write('                                  %6s        %6s'
243                         '       %6s      %6s\n' % (inline_color, cq_color,
244                                                    toolchain_color,
245                                                    security_color))
246          out_file.write('%25s %3s  %s %s %s %s\n' % (builder, status, inline,
247                                                      cq, toolchain, security))
248      else:
249        out_file.write('                                  %6s        %6s\n' %
250                       (inline_color, cq_color))
251        out_file.write('%25s %3s  %s %s\n' % (builder, status, inline, cq))
252      if 'build_link' in build_dict:
253        out_file.write('%s\n\n' % build_dict['build_link'])
255    out_file.write('\n\n*P = Number of tests in suite that Passed; F = '
256                   'Number of tests in suite that Failed; DR = Number of tests'
257                   ' in suite that Didn\'t Run.\n')
259    if omit_failures:
260      print('Report generated in %s.' % filename)
261      return filename
263    # Write failure report section.
264    out_file.write('\n\nSummary of Test Failures as of %s\n\n' % date_string)
266    # We want to sort the errors and output them in order of the ones that occur
267    # most often.  So we have to collect the data about all of them, then sort
268    # it.
269    error_groups = []
270    for suite in fail_dict:
271      suite_dict = fail_dict[suite]
272      if suite_dict:
273        for test in suite_dict:
274          test_dict = suite_dict[test]
275          for err_msg in test_dict:
276            err_list = test_dict[err_msg]
277            sorted_list = sorted(err_list, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
278            err_group = [len(sorted_list), suite, test, err_msg, sorted_list]
279            error_groups.append(err_group)
281    # Sort the errors by the number of errors of each type. Then output them in
282    # order.
283    sorted_errors = sorted(error_groups, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
284    for i in range(0, len(sorted_errors)):
285      err_group = sorted_errors[i]
286      suite = err_group[1]
287      test = err_group[2]
288      err_msg = err_group[3]
289      err_list = err_group[4]
290      out_file.write('Suite: %s\n' % suite)
291      out_file.write('    %s (%d failures)\n' % (test, len(err_list)))
292      out_file.write('    (%s)\n' % err_msg)
293      for i in range(0, len(err_list)):
294        err = err_list[i]
295        out_file.write('        %s, %s, %s\n' % (format_date(err[0]), err[1],
296                                                 err[2]))
297      out_file.write('\n')
299  print('Report generated in %s.' % filename)
300  return filename
303def UpdateReport(report_dict, builder, test, report_date, build_link,
304                 test_summary, board, color):
305  """Update the data in our report dictionary with current test's data."""
307  if 'date' not in report_dict:
308    report_dict['date'] = [report_date]
309  elif report_date not in report_dict['date']:
310    # It is possible that some of the builders started/finished on different
311    # days, so we allow for multiple dates in the reports.
312    report_dict['date'].append(report_date)
314  build_key = ''
315  if builder == GCC_ROTATING_BUILDER:
316    build_key = '%s-gcc-toolchain' % board
317  elif builder == LLVM_ROTATING_BUILDER:
318    build_key = '%s-llvm-next-toolchain' % board
319  else:
320    build_key = builder
322  if build_key not in report_dict.keys():
323    build_dict = dict()
324  else:
325    build_dict = report_dict[build_key]
327  if 'build_link' not in build_dict:
328    build_dict['build_link'] = build_link
330  if 'date' not in build_dict:
331    build_dict['date'] = report_date
333  if 'board' in build_dict and build_dict['board'] != board:
334    raise RuntimeError('Error: Two different boards (%s,%s) in one build (%s)!'
335                       % (board, build_dict['board'], build_link))
336  build_dict['board'] = board
338  color_key = '%s-color' % test
339  build_dict[color_key] = color
341  # Check to see if we already have a build status for this build_key
342  status = ''
343  if 'build_status' in build_dict.keys():
344    # Use current build_status, unless current test failed (see below).
345    status = build_dict['build_status']
347  if not test_summary:
348    # Current test data was not available, so something was bad with build.
349    build_dict['build_status'] = 'bad'
350    build_dict[test] = '[  no data  ]'
351  else:
352    build_dict[test] = test_summary
353    if not status:
354      # Current test ok; no other data, so assume build was ok.
355      build_dict['build_status'] = 'ok'
357  report_dict[build_key] = build_dict
360def UpdateBuilds(builds):
361  """Update the data in our build-data.txt file."""
363  # The build data file records the last build number for which we
364  # generated a report.  When we generate the next report, we read
365  # this data and increment it to get the new data; when we finish
366  # generating the reports, we write the updated values into this file.
367  # NOTE: One side effect of doing this at the end:  If the script
368  # fails in the middle of generating a report, this data does not get
369  # updated.
370  with open(BUILD_DATA_FILE, 'w') as fp:
371    gcc_max = 0
372    llvm_max = 0
373    for b in builds:
374      if b[0] == GCC_ROTATING_BUILDER:
375        gcc_max = max(gcc_max, b[1])
376      elif b[0] == LLVM_ROTATING_BUILDER:
377        llvm_max = max(llvm_max, b[1])
378      else:
379        fp.write('%s,%d\n' % (b[0], b[1]))
380    if gcc_max > 0:
381      fp.write('%s,%d\n' % (GCC_ROTATING_BUILDER, gcc_max))
382    if llvm_max > 0:
383      fp.write('%s,%d\n' % (LLVM_ROTATING_BUILDER, llvm_max))
386def GetBuilds():
387  """Read build-data.txt to determine values for current report."""
389  # Read the values of the last builds used to generate a report, and
390  # increment them appropriately, to get values for generating the
391  # current report.  (See comments in UpdateBuilds).
392  with open(BUILD_DATA_FILE, 'r') as fp:
393    lines = fp.readlines()
395  builds = []
396  for l in lines:
397    l = l.rstrip()
398    words = l.split(',')
399    builder = words[0]
400    build = int(words[1])
401    builds.append((builder, build + 1))
402    # NOTE: We are assuming here that there are always 2 daily builds in
403    # each of the rotating builders.  I am not convinced this is a valid
404    # assumption.
405    if builder in ROTATING_BUILDERS:
406      builds.append((builder, build + 2))
408  return builds
411def RecordFailures(failure_dict, platform, suite, builder, int_date, log_file,
412                   build_num, failed):
413  """Read and update the stored data about test  failures."""
415  # Get the dictionary for this particular test suite from the failures
416  # dictionary.
417  suite_dict = failure_dict[suite]
419  # Read in the entire log file for this test/build.
420  with open(log_file, 'r') as in_file:
421    lines = in_file.readlines()
423  # Update the entries in the failure dictionary for each test within this suite
424  # that failed.
425  for test in failed:
426    # Check to see if there is already an entry in the suite dictionary for this
427    # test; if so use that, otherwise create a new entry.
428    if test in suite_dict:
429      test_dict = suite_dict[test]
430    else:
431      test_dict = dict()
432    # Parse the lines from the log file, looking for lines that indicate this
433    # test failed.
434    msg = ''
435    for l in lines:
436      words = l.split()
437      if len(words) < 3:
438        continue
439      if ((words[0] == test and words[1] == 'ERROR:') or
440          (words[0] == 'provision' and words[1] == 'FAIL:')):
441        words = words[2:]
442        # Get the error message for the failure.
443        msg = ' '.join(words)
444    if not msg:
445      msg = 'Unknown_Error'
447    # Look for an existing entry for this error message in the test dictionary.
448    # If found use that, otherwise create a new entry for this error message.
449    if msg in test_dict:
450      error_list = test_dict[msg]
451    else:
452      error_list = list()
453    # Create an entry for this new failure
454    new_item = [int_date, platform, builder, build_num]
455    # Add this failure to the error list if it's not already there.
456    if new_item not in error_list:
457      error_list.append([int_date, platform, builder, build_num])
458    # Sort the error list by date.
459    error_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
460    # Calculate the earliest date to save; delete records for older failures.
461    earliest_date = int_date - MAX_SAVE_RECORDS
462    i = 0
463    while i < len(error_list) and error_list[i][0] <= earliest_date:
464      i += 1
465    if i > 0:
466      error_list = error_list[i:]
467    # Save the error list in the test's dictionary, keyed on error_msg.
468    test_dict[msg] = error_list
470    # Save the updated test dictionary in the test_suite dictionary.
471    suite_dict[test] = test_dict
473  # Save the updated test_suite dictionary in the failure dictionary.
474  failure_dict[suite] = suite_dict
477def ParseLogFile(log_file, test_data_dict, failure_dict, test, builder,
478                 build_num, build_link):
479  """Parse the log file from the given builder, build_num and test.
481     Also adds the results for this test to our test results dictionary,
482     and calls RecordFailures, to update our test failure data.
483  """
485  lines = []
486  with open(log_file, 'r') as infile:
487    lines = infile.readlines()
489  passed = {}
490  failed = {}
491  not_run = {}
492  date = ''
493  status = ''
494  board = ''
495  num_provision_errors = 0
496  build_ok = True
497  afe_line = ''
499  for line in lines:
500    if line.rstrip() == '<title>404 Not Found</title>':
501      print('Warning: File for %s (build number %d), %s was not found.' %
502            (builder, build_num, test))
503      build_ok = False
504      break
505    if '[ PASSED ]' in line:
506      test_name = line.split()[0]
507      if test_name != 'Suite':
508        passed[test_name] = True
509    elif '[ FAILED ]' in line:
510      test_name = line.split()[0]
511      if test_name == 'provision':
512        num_provision_errors += 1
513        not_run[test_name] = True
514      elif test_name != 'Suite':
515        failed[test_name] = True
516    elif line.startswith('started: '):
517      date = line.rstrip()
518      date = date[9:]
519      date_obj = time.strptime(date, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
520      int_date = (
521          date_obj.tm_year * 10000 + date_obj.tm_mon * 100 + date_obj.tm_mday)
522      date = time.strftime('%a %b %d %Y', date_obj)
523    elif not status and line.startswith('status: '):
524      status = line.rstrip()
525      words = status.split(':')
526      status = words[-1]
527    elif line.find('Suite passed with a warning') != -1:
528      status = 'WARNING'
529    elif line.startswith('@@@STEP_LINK@Link to suite@'):
530      afe_line = line.rstrip()
531      words = afe_line.split('@')
532      for w in words:
533        if w.startswith('http'):
534          afe_line = w
535          afe_line = afe_line.replace('&amp;', '&')
536    elif 'INFO: RunCommand:' in line:
537      words = line.split()
538      for i in range(0, len(words) - 1):
539        if words[i] == '--board':
540          board = words[i + 1]
542  test_dict = test_data_dict[test]
543  test_list = test_dict['tests']
545  if build_ok:
546    for t in test_list:
547      if not t in passed and not t in failed:
548        not_run[t] = True
550    total_pass = len(passed)
551    total_fail = len(failed)
552    total_notrun = len(not_run)
554  else:
555    total_pass = 0
556    total_fail = 0
557    total_notrun = 0
558    status = 'Not found.'
559  if not build_ok:
560    return [], date, board, 0, '     '
562  build_dict = dict()
563  build_dict['id'] = build_num
564  build_dict['builder'] = builder
565  build_dict['date'] = date
566  build_dict['build_link'] = build_link
567  build_dict['total_pass'] = total_pass
568  build_dict['total_fail'] = total_fail
569  build_dict['total_not_run'] = total_notrun
570  build_dict['afe_job_link'] = afe_line
571  build_dict['provision_errors'] = num_provision_errors
572  if status.strip() == 'SUCCESS':
573    build_dict['color'] = 'green '
574  elif status.strip() == 'FAILURE':
575    build_dict['color'] = ' red  '
576  elif status.strip() == 'WARNING':
577    build_dict['color'] = 'orange'
578  else:
579    build_dict['color'] = '      '
581  # Use YYYYMMDD (integer) as the build record key
582  if build_ok:
583    if board in test_dict:
584      board_dict = test_dict[board]
585    else:
586      board_dict = dict()
587    board_dict[int_date] = build_dict
589  # Only keep the last 5 records (based on date)
590  keys_list = board_dict.keys()
591  if len(keys_list) > MAX_SAVE_RECORDS:
592    min_key = min(keys_list)
593    del board_dict[min_key]
595  # Make sure changes get back into the main dictionary
596  test_dict[board] = board_dict
597  test_data_dict[test] = test_dict
599  if len(failed) > 0:
600    RecordFailures(failure_dict, board, test, builder, int_date, log_file,
601                   build_num, failed)
603  summary_result = '[%2d/ %2d/ %2d]' % (total_pass, total_fail, total_notrun)
605  return summary_result, date, board, int_date, build_dict['color']
608def DownloadLogFile(builder, buildnum, test, test_family):
610  ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
611  os.system('mkdir -p %s/%s/%s' % (DOWNLOAD_DIR, builder, test))
612  if builder in ROTATING_BUILDERS:
613    source = (''
614              '/builders/%s/builds/%d/steps/%s%%20%%5B%s%%5D/logs/stdio' %
615              (builder, buildnum, test_family, test))
616    build_link = (''
617                  '/builders/%s/builds/%d' % (builder, buildnum))
618  else:
619    source = (''
620              'builds/%d/steps/%s%%20%%5B%s%%5D/logs/stdio' %
621              (builder, buildnum, test_family, test))
622    build_link = (''
623                  '/builds/%d' % (builder, buildnum))
625  target = '%s/%s/%s/%d' % (DOWNLOAD_DIR, builder, test, buildnum)
626  if not os.path.isfile(target) or os.path.getsize(target) == 0:
627    cmd = 'sso_client %s > %s' % (source, target)
628    status = ce.RunCommand(cmd)
629    if status != 0:
630      return '', ''
632  return target, build_link
635# Check for prodaccess.
636def CheckProdAccess():
637  status, output, _ = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter().RunCommandWOutput(
638      'prodcertstatus')
639  if status != 0:
640    return False
641  # Verify that status is not expired
642  if 'expires' in output:
643    return True
644  return False
647def ValidOptions(parser, options):
648  too_many_options = False
649  if options.main:
650    if options.rotating or options.failures_report:
651      too_many_options = True
652  elif options.rotating and options.failures_report:
653    too_many_options = True
655  if too_many_options:
656    parser.error('Can only specify one of --main, --rotating or'
657                 ' --failures_report.')
659  conflicting_failure_options = False
660  if options.failures_report and options.omit_failures:
661    conflicting_failure_options = True
662    parser.error('Cannot specify both --failures_report and --omit_failures.')
664  return not too_many_options and not conflicting_failure_options
667def Main(argv):
668  """Main function for this script."""
669  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
670  parser.add_argument(
671      '--main',
672      dest='main',
673      default=False,
674      action='store_true',
675      help='Generate report only for main waterfall '
676      'builders.')
677  parser.add_argument(
678      '--rotating',
679      dest='rotating',
680      default=False,
681      action='store_true',
682      help='Generate report only for rotating builders.')
683  parser.add_argument(
684      '--failures_report',
685      dest='failures_report',
686      default=False,
687      action='store_true',
688      help='Only generate the failures section of the report.')
689  parser.add_argument(
690      '--omit_failures',
691      dest='omit_failures',
692      default=False,
693      action='store_true',
694      help='Do not generate the failures section of the report.')
695  parser.add_argument(
696      '--no_update',
697      dest='no_update',
698      default=False,
699      action='store_true',
700      help='Run reports, but do not update the data files.')
702  options = parser.parse_args(argv)
704  if not ValidOptions(parser, options):
705    return 1
707  main_only = options.main
708  rotating_only = options.rotating
709  failures_report = options.failures_report
710  omit_failures = options.omit_failures
712  test_data_dict = dict()
713  failure_dict = dict()
715  prod_access = CheckProdAccess()
716  if not prod_access:
717    print('ERROR: Please run prodaccess first.')
718    return
720  with open('%s/waterfall-test-data.json' % DATA_DIR, 'r') as input_file:
721    test_data_dict = json.load(input_file)
723  with open('%s/test-failure-data.json' % DATA_DIR, 'r') as fp:
724    failure_dict = json.load(fp)
726  builds = GetBuilds()
728  waterfall_report_dict = dict()
729  rotating_report_dict = dict()
730  int_date = 0
731  for test_desc in TESTS:
732    test, test_family = test_desc
733    for build in builds:
734      (builder, buildnum) = build
735      if test.startswith('kernel') and 'llvm' in builder:
736        continue
737      if 'x86' in builder and not test.startswith('bvt'):
738        continue
739      target, build_link = DownloadLogFile(builder, buildnum, test, test_family)
741      if os.path.exists(target):
742        test_summary, report_date, board, tmp_date, color = ParseLogFile(
743            target, test_data_dict, failure_dict, test, builder, buildnum,
744            build_link)
746        if tmp_date != 0:
747          int_date = tmp_date
749        if builder in ROTATING_BUILDERS:
750          UpdateReport(rotating_report_dict, builder, test, report_date,
751                       build_link, test_summary, board, color)
752        else:
753          UpdateReport(waterfall_report_dict, builder, test, report_date,
754                       build_link, test_summary, board, color)
756  PruneOldFailures(failure_dict, int_date)
758  if waterfall_report_dict and not rotating_only and not failures_report:
759    main_report = GenerateWaterfallReport(waterfall_report_dict, failure_dict,
760                                          'main', int_date, omit_failures)
761    EmailReport(main_report, 'Main', format_date(int_date))
762    shutil.copy(main_report, ARCHIVE_DIR)
763  if rotating_report_dict and not main_only and not failures_report:
764    rotating_report = GenerateWaterfallReport(rotating_report_dict,
765                                              failure_dict, 'rotating',
766                                              int_date, omit_failures)
767    EmailReport(rotating_report, 'Rotating', format_date(int_date))
768    shutil.copy(rotating_report, ARCHIVE_DIR)
770  if failures_report:
771    failures_report = GenerateFailuresReport(failure_dict, int_date)
772    EmailReport(failures_report, 'Failures', format_date(int_date))
773    shutil.copy(failures_report, ARCHIVE_DIR)
775  if not options.no_update:
776    with open('%s/waterfall-test-data.json' % DATA_DIR, 'w') as out_file:
777      json.dump(test_data_dict, out_file, indent=2)
779    with open('%s/test-failure-data.json' % DATA_DIR, 'w') as out_file:
780      json.dump(failure_dict, out_file, indent=2)
782    UpdateBuilds(builds)
785if __name__ == '__main__':
786  Main(sys.argv[1:])
787  sys.exit(0)