2 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.security.net.config;
19import android.os.Build;
20import android.util.ArrayMap;
21import android.util.ArraySet;
22import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
23import java.util.ArrayList;
24import java.util.Collection;
25import java.util.Collections;
26import java.util.Comparator;
27import java.util.List;
28import java.util.Map;
29import java.util.Set;
31import javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager;
34 * @hide
35 */
36public final class NetworkSecurityConfig {
37    /** @hide */
38    public static final boolean DEFAULT_CLEARTEXT_TRAFFIC_PERMITTED = true;
39    /** @hide */
40    public static final boolean DEFAULT_HSTS_ENFORCED = false;
42    private final boolean mCleartextTrafficPermitted;
43    private final boolean mHstsEnforced;
44    private final PinSet mPins;
45    private final List<CertificatesEntryRef> mCertificatesEntryRefs;
46    private Set<TrustAnchor> mAnchors;
47    private final Object mAnchorsLock = new Object();
48    private NetworkSecurityTrustManager mTrustManager;
49    private final Object mTrustManagerLock = new Object();
51    private NetworkSecurityConfig(boolean cleartextTrafficPermitted, boolean hstsEnforced,
52            PinSet pins, List<CertificatesEntryRef> certificatesEntryRefs) {
53        mCleartextTrafficPermitted = cleartextTrafficPermitted;
54        mHstsEnforced = hstsEnforced;
55        mPins = pins;
56        mCertificatesEntryRefs = certificatesEntryRefs;
57        // Sort the certificates entry refs so that all entries that override pins come before
58        // non-override pin entries. This allows us to handle the case where a certificate is in
59        // multiple entry refs by returning the certificate from the first entry ref.
60        Collections.sort(mCertificatesEntryRefs, new Comparator<CertificatesEntryRef>() {
61            @Override
62            public int compare(CertificatesEntryRef lhs, CertificatesEntryRef rhs) {
63                if (lhs.overridesPins()) {
64                    return rhs.overridesPins() ? 0 : -1;
65                } else {
66                    return rhs.overridesPins() ? 1 : 0;
67                }
68            }
69        });
70    }
72    public Set<TrustAnchor> getTrustAnchors() {
73        synchronized (mAnchorsLock) {
74            if (mAnchors != null) {
75                return mAnchors;
76            }
77            // Merge trust anchors based on the X509Certificate.
78            // If we see the same certificate in two TrustAnchors, one with overridesPins and one
79            // without, the one with overridesPins wins.
80            // Because mCertificatesEntryRefs is sorted with all overridesPins anchors coming first
81            // this can be simplified to just using the first occurrence of a certificate.
82            Map<X509Certificate, TrustAnchor> anchorMap = new ArrayMap<>();
83            for (CertificatesEntryRef ref : mCertificatesEntryRefs) {
84                Set<TrustAnchor> anchors = ref.getTrustAnchors();
85                for (TrustAnchor anchor : anchors) {
86                    X509Certificate cert = anchor.certificate;
87                    if (!anchorMap.containsKey(cert)) {
88                        anchorMap.put(cert, anchor);
89                    }
90                }
91            }
92            ArraySet<TrustAnchor> anchors = new ArraySet<TrustAnchor>(anchorMap.size());
93            anchors.addAll(anchorMap.values());
94            mAnchors = anchors;
95            return mAnchors;
96        }
97    }
99    public boolean isCleartextTrafficPermitted() {
100        return mCleartextTrafficPermitted;
101    }
103    public boolean isHstsEnforced() {
104        return mHstsEnforced;
105    }
107    public PinSet getPins() {
108        return mPins;
109    }
111    public NetworkSecurityTrustManager getTrustManager() {
112        synchronized(mTrustManagerLock) {
113            if (mTrustManager == null) {
114                mTrustManager = new NetworkSecurityTrustManager(this);
115            }
116            return mTrustManager;
117        }
118    }
120    /** @hide */
121    public TrustAnchor findTrustAnchorBySubjectAndPublicKey(X509Certificate cert) {
122        for (CertificatesEntryRef ref : mCertificatesEntryRefs) {
123            TrustAnchor anchor = ref.findBySubjectAndPublicKey(cert);
124            if (anchor != null) {
125                return anchor;
126            }
127        }
128        return null;
129    }
131    /** @hide */
132    public TrustAnchor findTrustAnchorByIssuerAndSignature(X509Certificate cert) {
133        for (CertificatesEntryRef ref : mCertificatesEntryRefs) {
134            TrustAnchor anchor = ref.findByIssuerAndSignature(cert);
135            if (anchor != null) {
136                return anchor;
137            }
138        }
139        return null;
140    }
142    /** @hide */
143    public Set<X509Certificate> findAllCertificatesByIssuerAndSignature(X509Certificate cert) {
144        Set<X509Certificate> certs = new ArraySet<X509Certificate>();
145        for (CertificatesEntryRef ref : mCertificatesEntryRefs) {
146            certs.addAll(ref.findAllCertificatesByIssuerAndSignature(cert));
147        }
148        return certs;
149    }
151    public void handleTrustStorageUpdate() {
152        synchronized (mAnchorsLock) {
153            mAnchors = null;
154            for (CertificatesEntryRef ref : mCertificatesEntryRefs) {
155                ref.handleTrustStorageUpdate();
156            }
157        }
158        getTrustManager().handleTrustStorageUpdate();
159    }
161    /**
162     * Return a {@link Builder} for the default {@code NetworkSecurityConfig}.
163     *
164     * <p>
165     * The default configuration has the following properties:
166     * <ol>
167     * <li>Cleartext traffic is permitted for non-ephemeral apps.</li>
168     * <li>Cleartext traffic is not permitted for ephemeral apps.</li>
169     * <li>HSTS is not enforced.</li>
170     * <li>No certificate pinning is used.</li>
171     * <li>The system certificate store is trusted for connections.</li>
172     * <li>If the application targets API level 23 (Android M) or lower then the user certificate
173     * store is trusted by default as well.</li>
174     * </ol>
175     *
176     * @hide
177     */
178    public static final Builder getDefaultBuilder(int targetSdkVersion, int targetSandboxVesrsion) {
179        Builder builder = new Builder()
180                .setHstsEnforced(DEFAULT_HSTS_ENFORCED)
181                // System certificate store, does not bypass static pins.
182                .addCertificatesEntryRef(
183                        new CertificatesEntryRef(SystemCertificateSource.getInstance(), false));
184        final boolean cleartextTrafficPermitted = targetSandboxVesrsion < 2;
185        builder.setCleartextTrafficPermitted(cleartextTrafficPermitted);
186        // Applications targeting N and above must opt in into trusting the user added certificate
187        // store.
188        if (targetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
189            // User certificate store, does not bypass static pins.
190            builder.addCertificatesEntryRef(
191                    new CertificatesEntryRef(UserCertificateSource.getInstance(), false));
192        }
193        return builder;
194    }
196    /**
197     * Builder for creating {@code NetworkSecurityConfig} objects.
198     * @hide
199     */
200    public static final class Builder {
201        private List<CertificatesEntryRef> mCertificatesEntryRefs;
202        private PinSet mPinSet;
203        private boolean mCleartextTrafficPermitted = DEFAULT_CLEARTEXT_TRAFFIC_PERMITTED;
204        private boolean mHstsEnforced = DEFAULT_HSTS_ENFORCED;
205        private boolean mCleartextTrafficPermittedSet = false;
206        private boolean mHstsEnforcedSet = false;
207        private Builder mParentBuilder;
209        /**
210         * Sets the parent {@code Builder} for this {@code Builder}.
211         * The parent will be used to determine values not configured in this {@code Builder}
212         * in {@link Builder#build()}, recursively if needed.
213         */
214        public Builder setParent(Builder parent) {
215            // Sanity check to avoid adding loops.
216            Builder current = parent;
217            while (current != null) {
218                if (current == this) {
219                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Loops are not allowed in Builder parents");
220                }
221                current = current.getParent();
222            }
223            mParentBuilder = parent;
224            return this;
225        }
227        public Builder getParent() {
228            return mParentBuilder;
229        }
231        public Builder setPinSet(PinSet pinSet) {
232            mPinSet = pinSet;
233            return this;
234        }
236        private PinSet getEffectivePinSet() {
237            if (mPinSet != null) {
238                return mPinSet;
239            }
240            if (mParentBuilder != null) {
241                return mParentBuilder.getEffectivePinSet();
242            }
243            return PinSet.EMPTY_PINSET;
244        }
246        public Builder setCleartextTrafficPermitted(boolean cleartextTrafficPermitted) {
247            mCleartextTrafficPermitted = cleartextTrafficPermitted;
248            mCleartextTrafficPermittedSet = true;
249            return this;
250        }
252        private boolean getEffectiveCleartextTrafficPermitted() {
253            if (mCleartextTrafficPermittedSet) {
254                return mCleartextTrafficPermitted;
255            }
256            if (mParentBuilder != null) {
257                return mParentBuilder.getEffectiveCleartextTrafficPermitted();
258            }
260        }
262        public Builder setHstsEnforced(boolean hstsEnforced) {
263            mHstsEnforced = hstsEnforced;
264            mHstsEnforcedSet = true;
265            return this;
266        }
268        private boolean getEffectiveHstsEnforced() {
269            if (mHstsEnforcedSet) {
270                return mHstsEnforced;
271            }
272            if (mParentBuilder != null) {
273                return mParentBuilder.getEffectiveHstsEnforced();
274            }
275            return DEFAULT_HSTS_ENFORCED;
276        }
278        public Builder addCertificatesEntryRef(CertificatesEntryRef ref) {
279            if (mCertificatesEntryRefs == null) {
280                mCertificatesEntryRefs = new ArrayList<CertificatesEntryRef>();
281            }
282            mCertificatesEntryRefs.add(ref);
283            return this;
284        }
286        public Builder addCertificatesEntryRefs(Collection<? extends CertificatesEntryRef> refs) {
287            if (mCertificatesEntryRefs == null) {
288                mCertificatesEntryRefs = new ArrayList<CertificatesEntryRef>();
289            }
290            mCertificatesEntryRefs.addAll(refs);
291            return this;
292        }
294        private List<CertificatesEntryRef> getEffectiveCertificatesEntryRefs() {
295            if (mCertificatesEntryRefs != null) {
296                return mCertificatesEntryRefs;
297            }
298            if (mParentBuilder != null) {
299                return mParentBuilder.getEffectiveCertificatesEntryRefs();
300            }
301            return Collections.<CertificatesEntryRef>emptyList();
302        }
304        public boolean hasCertificatesEntryRefs() {
305            return mCertificatesEntryRefs != null;
306        }
308        List<CertificatesEntryRef> getCertificatesEntryRefs() {
309            return mCertificatesEntryRefs;
310        }
312        public NetworkSecurityConfig build() {
313            boolean cleartextPermitted = getEffectiveCleartextTrafficPermitted();
314            boolean hstsEnforced = getEffectiveHstsEnforced();
315            PinSet pinSet = getEffectivePinSet();
316            List<CertificatesEntryRef> entryRefs = getEffectiveCertificatesEntryRefs();
317            return new NetworkSecurityConfig(cleartextPermitted, hstsEnforced, pinSet, entryRefs);
318        }
319    }