2 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16package com.android.server.notification;
18import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
19import android.util.Log;
20import android.util.Slog;
22import java.util.ArrayList;
23import java.util.HashMap;
24import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
25import java.util.List;
26import java.util.Map;
29 * NotificationManagerService helper for auto-grouping notifications.
30 */
31public class GroupHelper {
32    private static final String TAG = "GroupHelper";
33    private static final boolean DEBUG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG);
35    protected static final int AUTOGROUP_AT_COUNT = 4;
36    protected static final String AUTOGROUP_KEY = "ranker_group";
38    private final Callback mCallback;
40    // Map of user : <Map of package : notification keys>. Only contains notifications that are not
41    // groupd by the app (aka no group or sort key).
42    Map<Integer, Map<String, LinkedHashSet<String>>> mUngroupedNotifications = new HashMap<>();
44    public GroupHelper(Callback callback) {;
45        mCallback = callback;
46    }
48    public void onNotificationPosted(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
49        if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "POSTED " + sbn.getKey());
50        try {
51            List<String> notificationsToGroup = new ArrayList<>();
52            if (!sbn.isAppGroup()) {
53                // Not grouped by the app, add to the list of notifications for the app;
54                // send grouping update if app exceeds the autogrouping limit.
55                synchronized (mUngroupedNotifications) {
56                    Map<String, LinkedHashSet<String>> ungroupedNotificationsByUser
57                            = mUngroupedNotifications.get(sbn.getUserId());
58                    if (ungroupedNotificationsByUser == null) {
59                        ungroupedNotificationsByUser = new HashMap<>();
60                    }
61                    mUngroupedNotifications.put(sbn.getUserId(), ungroupedNotificationsByUser);
62                    LinkedHashSet<String> notificationsForPackage
63                            = ungroupedNotificationsByUser.get(sbn.getPackageName());
64                    if (notificationsForPackage == null) {
65                        notificationsForPackage = new LinkedHashSet<>();
66                    }
68                    notificationsForPackage.add(sbn.getKey());
69                    ungroupedNotificationsByUser.put(sbn.getPackageName(), notificationsForPackage);
71                    if (notificationsForPackage.size() >= AUTOGROUP_AT_COUNT) {
72                        notificationsToGroup.addAll(notificationsForPackage);
73                    }
74                }
75                if (notificationsToGroup.size() > 0) {
76                    adjustAutogroupingSummary(sbn.getUserId(), sbn.getPackageName(),
77                            notificationsToGroup.get(0), true);
78                    adjustNotificationBundling(notificationsToGroup, true);
79                }
80            } else {
81                // Grouped, but not by us. Send updates to un-autogroup, if we grouped it.
82                maybeUngroup(sbn, false, sbn.getUserId());
83            }
84        } catch (Exception e) {
85            Slog.e(TAG, "Failure processing new notification", e);
86        }
87    }
89    public void onNotificationRemoved(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
90        try {
91            maybeUngroup(sbn, true, sbn.getUserId());
92        } catch (Exception e) {
93            Slog.e(TAG, "Error processing canceled notification", e);
94        }
95    }
97    /**
98     * Un-autogroups notifications that are now grouped by the app.
99     */
100    private void maybeUngroup(StatusBarNotification sbn, boolean notificationGone, int userId) {
101        List<String> notificationsToUnAutogroup = new ArrayList<>();
102        boolean removeSummary = false;
103        synchronized (mUngroupedNotifications) {
104            Map<String, LinkedHashSet<String>> ungroupedNotificationsByUser
105                    = mUngroupedNotifications.get(sbn.getUserId());
106            if (ungroupedNotificationsByUser == null || ungroupedNotificationsByUser.size() == 0) {
107                return;
108            }
109            LinkedHashSet<String> notificationsForPackage
110                    = ungroupedNotificationsByUser.get(sbn.getPackageName());
111            if (notificationsForPackage == null || notificationsForPackage.size() == 0) {
112                return;
113            }
114            if (notificationsForPackage.remove(sbn.getKey())) {
115                if (!notificationGone) {
116                    // Add the current notification to the ungrouping list if it still exists.
117                    notificationsToUnAutogroup.add(sbn.getKey());
118                }
119            }
120            // If the status change of this notification has brought the number of loose
121            // notifications to zero, remove the summary and un-autogroup.
122            if (notificationsForPackage.size() == 0) {
123                removeSummary = true;
124            }
125        }
126        if (removeSummary) {
127            adjustAutogroupingSummary(userId, sbn.getPackageName(), null, false);
128        }
129        if (notificationsToUnAutogroup.size() > 0) {
130            adjustNotificationBundling(notificationsToUnAutogroup, false);
131        }
132    }
134    private void adjustAutogroupingSummary(int userId, String packageName, String triggeringKey,
135            boolean summaryNeeded) {
136        if (summaryNeeded) {
137            mCallback.addAutoGroupSummary(userId, packageName, triggeringKey);
138        } else {
139            mCallback.removeAutoGroupSummary(userId, packageName);
140        }
141    }
143    private void adjustNotificationBundling(List<String> keys, boolean group) {
144        for (String key : keys) {
145            if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Sending grouping adjustment for: " + key + " group? " + group);
146            if (group) {
147                mCallback.addAutoGroup(key);
148            } else {
149                mCallback.removeAutoGroup(key);
150            }
151        }
152    }
154    protected interface Callback {
155        void addAutoGroup(String key);
156        void removeAutoGroup(String key);
157        void addAutoGroupSummary(int userId, String pkg, String triggeringKey);
158        void removeAutoGroupSummary(int user, String pkg);
159    }