2 * Copyright 2012, The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17#include "Assert.h"
18#include "Log.h"
19#include "RSTransforms.h"
20#include "RSUtils.h"
21#include "rsDefines.h"
23#include "bcc/Config.h"
24#include "bcinfo/MetadataExtractor.h"
26#include <string>
27#include <cstdlib>
28#include <vector>
30#include <llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h>
31#include <llvm/IR/Function.h>
32#include <llvm/IR/Metadata.h>
33#include <llvm/IR/Instructions.h>
34#include <llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h>
35#include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
36#include <llvm/Pass.h>
37#include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
38#include <llvm/IR/Type.h>
40using namespace bcc;
42namespace {
44/* RSEmbedInfoPass - This pass operates on the entire module and embeds a
45 * string constaining relevant metadata directly as a global variable.
46 * This information does not need to be consistent across Android releases,
47 * because the standalone compiler + compatibility driver or system driver
48 * will be using the same format (i.e. bcc_compat + libRSSupport.so or
49 * bcc + libRSCpuRef are always paired together for installation).
50 */
51class RSEmbedInfoPass : public llvm::ModulePass {
53  static char ID;
55  llvm::Module *M;
56  llvm::LLVMContext *C;
59  RSEmbedInfoPass()
60      : ModulePass(ID),
61        M(nullptr) {
62  }
64  virtual void getAnalysisUsage(llvm::AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
65    AU.setPreservesAll();
66  }
68  static std::string getRSInfoString(const llvm::Module *module) {
69    std::string str;
70    llvm::raw_string_ostream s(str);
71    bcinfo::MetadataExtractor me(module);
72    if (!me.extract()) {
73      bccAssert(false && "Could not extract RS metadata for module!");
74      return std::string("");
75    }
77    size_t exportVarCount = me.getExportVarCount();
78    size_t exportFuncCount = me.getExportFuncCount();
79    size_t exportForEachCount = me.getExportForEachSignatureCount();
80    size_t exportReduceCount = me.getExportReduceCount();
81    size_t objectSlotCount = me.getObjectSlotCount();
82    size_t pragmaCount = me.getPragmaCount();
83    const char **exportVarNameList = me.getExportVarNameList();
84    const char **exportFuncNameList = me.getExportFuncNameList();
85    const char **exportForEachNameList = me.getExportForEachNameList();
86    const uint32_t *exportForEachSignatureList =
87        me.getExportForEachSignatureList();
88    const bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::Reduce *exportReduceList =
89        me.getExportReduceList();
90    const uint32_t *objectSlotList = me.getObjectSlotList();
91    const char **pragmaKeyList = me.getPragmaKeyList();
92    const char **pragmaValueList = me.getPragmaValueList();
93    bool isThreadable = me.isThreadable();
94    const char *buildChecksum = me.getBuildChecksum();
96    size_t i;
98    // We use a simple text format here that the compatibility library
99    // can easily parse. Each section starts out with its name
100    // followed by a count.  The count denotes the number of lines to
101    // parse for that particular category. Variables and Functions
102    // merely put the appropriate identifier on the line. ForEach
103    // kernels have the encoded int signature, followed by a hyphen
104    // followed by the identifier (function to look up). General
105    // reduce kernels have the encoded int signature, followed by a
106    // hyphen followed by the accumulator data size, followed by a
107    // hyphen followed by the identifier (reduction name); and then
108    // for each possible constituent function, a hyphen followed by
109    // the identifier (function name) -- in the case where the
110    // function is omitted, "." is used in place of the identifier.
111    // Object Slots are just listed as one integer per line.
113    s << "exportVarCount: " << exportVarCount << "\n";
114    for (i = 0; i < exportVarCount; ++i) {
115      s << exportVarNameList[i] << "\n";
116    }
118    s << "exportFuncCount: " << exportFuncCount << "\n";
119    for (i = 0; i < exportFuncCount; ++i) {
120      s << exportFuncNameList[i] << "\n";
121    }
123    s << "exportForEachCount: " << exportForEachCount << "\n";
124    for (i = 0; i < exportForEachCount; ++i) {
125      s << exportForEachSignatureList[i] << " - "
126        << exportForEachNameList[i] << "\n";
127    }
129    s << "exportReduceCount: " << exportReduceCount << "\n";
130    auto reduceFnName = [](const char *Name) { return Name ? Name : "."; };
131    for (i = 0; i < exportReduceCount; ++i) {
132      const bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::Reduce &reduce = exportReduceList[i];
133      s << reduce.mSignature << " - "
134        << reduce.mAccumulatorDataSize << " - "
135        << reduce.mReduceName << " - "
136        << reduceFnName(reduce.mInitializerName) << " - "
137        << reduceFnName(reduce.mAccumulatorName) << " - "
138        << ((reduce.mCombinerName != nullptr)
139            ? reduce.mCombinerName
140            : nameReduceCombinerFromAccumulator(reduce.mAccumulatorName)) << " - "
141        << reduceFnName(reduce.mOutConverterName) << " - "
142        << reduceFnName(reduce.mHalterName)
143        << "\n";
144    }
146    s << "objectSlotCount: " << objectSlotCount << "\n";
147    for (i = 0; i < objectSlotCount; ++i) {
148      s << objectSlotList[i] << "\n";
149    }
151    s << "pragmaCount: " << pragmaCount << "\n";
152    for (i = 0; i < pragmaCount; ++i) {
153      s << pragmaKeyList[i] << " - "
154        << pragmaValueList[i] << "\n";
155    }
156    s << "isThreadable: " << ((isThreadable) ? "yes" : "no") << "\n";
158    if (buildChecksum != nullptr && buildChecksum[0]) {
159      s << "buildChecksum: " << buildChecksum << "\n";
160    }
162    {
163      // As per `exportReduceCount`'s linewise fields, we use the literal `"."`
164      // to signify the empty field. This makes it easy to parse when it's
165      // missing.
166      llvm::StringRef slangVersion(".");
167      if (auto nmd = module->getNamedMetadata("slang.llvm.version")) {
168        if (auto md = nmd->getOperand(0)) {
169          if (const auto ver =
170                  llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::MDString>(md->getOperand(0))) {
171            slangVersion = ver->getString();
172          }
173        }
174      }
175      s << "versionInfo: 2\n";
176      s << "bcc - " << LLVM_VERSION_STRING << "\n";
177      s << "slang - " << slangVersion << "\n";
178      if (slangVersion != LLVM_VERSION_STRING && me.hasDebugInfo()) {
179        ALOGW(
180            "The debug info in module '%s' has a different version than "
181            "expected (%s, expecting %s). The debugging experience may be "
182            "unreliable.",
183            module->getModuleIdentifier().c_str(), slangVersion.str().c_str(),
184            LLVM_VERSION_STRING);
185      }
186    }
188    s.flush();
189    return str;
190  }
192  virtual bool runOnModule(llvm::Module &M) {
193    this->M = &M;
194    C = &M.getContext();
196    // Embed this as the global variable .rs.info so that it will be
197    // accessible from the shared object later.
198    llvm::Constant *Init = llvm::ConstantDataArray::getString(*C,
199                                                              getRSInfoString(&M));
200    llvm::GlobalVariable *InfoGV =
201        new llvm::GlobalVariable(M, Init->getType(), true,
202                                 llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, Init,
203                                 kRsInfo);
204    (void) InfoGV;
206    return true;
207  }
209  virtual const char *getPassName() const {
210    return "Embed Renderscript Info";
211  }
213};  // end RSEmbedInfoPass
215}  // end anonymous namespace
217char RSEmbedInfoPass::ID = 0;
219namespace bcc {
221llvm::ModulePass *
222createRSEmbedInfoPass() {
223  return new RSEmbedInfoPass();
226}  // end namespace bcc