2 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.internal.telephony;
19import android.content.res.Resources;
20import com.android.internal.telephony.*;
21import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
23import android.os.AsyncResult;
24import android.telephony.Rlog;
25import java.util.BitSet;
26import java.util.List;
27import java.util.ArrayList;
28import android.text.TextUtils;
29import android.os.Handler;
30import android.os.Message;
31import android.os.Registrant;
32import android.os.RegistrantList;
33import android.telephony.ServiceState;
36 * TelephonyDevController - provides a unified view of the
37 * telephony hardware resources on a device.
38 *
39 * manages the set of HardwareConfig for the framework.
40 */
41public class TelephonyDevController extends Handler {
42    private static final String LOG_TAG = "TDC";
43    private static final boolean DBG = true;
44    private static final Object mLock = new Object();
46    private static final int EVENT_HARDWARE_CONFIG_CHANGED = 1;
48    private static TelephonyDevController sTelephonyDevController;
49    private static ArrayList<HardwareConfig> mModems = new ArrayList<HardwareConfig>();
50    private static ArrayList<HardwareConfig> mSims = new ArrayList<HardwareConfig>();
52    private static Message sRilHardwareConfig;
54    private static void logd(String s) {
55        Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, s);
56    }
58    private static void loge(String s) {
59        Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, s);
60    }
62    public static TelephonyDevController create() {
63        synchronized (mLock) {
64            if (sTelephonyDevController != null) {
65                throw new RuntimeException("TelephonyDevController already created!?!");
66            }
67            sTelephonyDevController = new TelephonyDevController();
68            return sTelephonyDevController;
69        }
70    }
72    public static TelephonyDevController getInstance() {
73        synchronized (mLock) {
74            if (sTelephonyDevController == null) {
75                throw new RuntimeException("TelephonyDevController not yet created!?!");
76            }
77            return sTelephonyDevController;
78        }
79    }
81    private void initFromResource() {
82        Resources resource = Resources.getSystem();
83        String[] hwStrings = resource.getStringArray(
84            com.android.internal.R.array.config_telephonyHardware);
85        if (hwStrings != null) {
86            for (String hwString : hwStrings) {
87                HardwareConfig hw = new HardwareConfig(hwString);
88                if (hw != null) {
89                    if (hw.type == HardwareConfig.DEV_HARDWARE_TYPE_MODEM) {
90                        updateOrInsert(hw, mModems);
91                    } else if (hw.type == HardwareConfig.DEV_HARDWARE_TYPE_SIM) {
92                        updateOrInsert(hw, mSims);
93                    }
94                }
95            }
96        }
97    }
99    private TelephonyDevController() {
100        initFromResource();
102        mModems.trimToSize();
103        mSims.trimToSize();
104    }
106    /**
107     * each RIL call this interface to register/unregister the unsolicited hardware
108     * configuration callback data it can provide.
109     */
110    public static void registerRIL(CommandsInterface cmdsIf) {
111        /* get the current configuration from this ril... */
112        cmdsIf.getHardwareConfig(sRilHardwareConfig);
113        /* ... process it ... */
114        if (sRilHardwareConfig != null) {
115            AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult) sRilHardwareConfig.obj;
116            if (ar.exception == null) {
117                handleGetHardwareConfigChanged(ar);
118            }
119        }
120        /* and register for async device configuration change. */
121        cmdsIf.registerForHardwareConfigChanged(sTelephonyDevController, EVENT_HARDWARE_CONFIG_CHANGED, null);
122    }
124    public static void unregisterRIL(CommandsInterface cmdsIf) {
125        cmdsIf.unregisterForHardwareConfigChanged(sTelephonyDevController);
126    }
128    /**
129     * handle callbacks from RIL.
130     */
131    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
132        AsyncResult ar;
133        switch (msg.what) {
135                if (DBG) logd("handleMessage: received EVENT_HARDWARE_CONFIG_CHANGED");
136                ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj;
137                handleGetHardwareConfigChanged(ar);
138            break;
139            default:
140                loge("handleMessage: Unknown Event " + msg.what);
141        }
142    }
144    /**
145     * hardware configuration update or insert.
146     */
147    private static void updateOrInsert(HardwareConfig hw, ArrayList<HardwareConfig> list) {
148        int size;
149        HardwareConfig item;
150        synchronized (mLock) {
151            size = list.size();
152            for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
153                item = list.get(i);
154                if (item.uuid.compareTo(hw.uuid) == 0) {
155                    if (DBG) logd("updateOrInsert: removing: " + item);
156                    list.remove(i);
157                }
158            }
159            if (DBG) logd("updateOrInsert: inserting: " + hw);
160            list.add(hw);
161        }
162    }
164    /**
165     * hardware configuration changed.
166     */
167    private static void handleGetHardwareConfigChanged(AsyncResult ar) {
168        if ((ar.exception == null) && (ar.result != null)) {
169            List hwcfg = (List)ar.result;
170            for (int i = 0 ; i < hwcfg.size() ; i++) {
171                HardwareConfig hw = null;
173                hw = (HardwareConfig) hwcfg.get(i);
174                if (hw != null) {
175                    if (hw.type == HardwareConfig.DEV_HARDWARE_TYPE_MODEM) {
176                        updateOrInsert(hw, mModems);
177                    } else if (hw.type == HardwareConfig.DEV_HARDWARE_TYPE_SIM) {
178                        updateOrInsert(hw, mSims);
179                    }
180                }
181            }
182        } else {
183            /* error detected, ignore.  are we missing some real time configutation
184             * at this point?  what to do...
185             */
186            loge("handleGetHardwareConfigChanged - returned an error.");
187        }
188    }
190    /**
191     * get total number of registered modem.
192     */
193    public static int getModemCount() {
194        synchronized (mLock) {
195            int count = mModems.size();
196            if (DBG) logd("getModemCount: " + count);
197            return count;
198        }
199    }
201    /**
202     * get modem at index 'index'.
203     */
204    public HardwareConfig getModem(int index) {
205        synchronized (mLock) {
206            if (mModems.isEmpty()) {
207                loge("getModem: no registered modem device?!?");
208                return null;
209            }
211            if (index > getModemCount()) {
212                loge("getModem: out-of-bounds access for modem device " + index + " max: " + getModemCount());
213                return null;
214            }
216            if (DBG) logd("getModem: " + index);
217            return mModems.get(index);
218        }
219    }
221    /**
222     * get total number of registered sims.
223     */
224    public int getSimCount() {
225        synchronized (mLock) {
226            int count = mSims.size();
227            if (DBG) logd("getSimCount: " + count);
228            return count;
229        }
230    }
232    /**
233     * get sim at index 'index'.
234     */
235    public HardwareConfig getSim(int index) {
236        synchronized (mLock) {
237            if (mSims.isEmpty()) {
238                loge("getSim: no registered sim device?!?");
239                return null;
240            }
242            if (index > getSimCount()) {
243                loge("getSim: out-of-bounds access for sim device " + index + " max: " + getSimCount());
244                return null;
245            }
247            if (DBG) logd("getSim: " + index);
248            return mSims.get(index);
249        }
250    }
252    /**
253     * get modem associated with sim index 'simIndex'.
254     */
255    public HardwareConfig getModemForSim(int simIndex) {
256        synchronized (mLock) {
257            if (mModems.isEmpty() || mSims.isEmpty()) {
258                loge("getModemForSim: no registered modem/sim device?!?");
259                return null;
260            }
262            if (simIndex > getSimCount()) {
263                loge("getModemForSim: out-of-bounds access for sim device " + simIndex + " max: " + getSimCount());
264                return null;
265            }
267            if (DBG) logd("getModemForSim " + simIndex);
269            HardwareConfig sim = getSim(simIndex);
270            for (HardwareConfig modem: mModems) {
271                if (modem.uuid.equals(sim.modemUuid)) {
272                    return modem;
273                }
274            }
276            return null;
277        }
278    }
280    /**
281     * get all sim's associated with modem at index 'modemIndex'.
282     */
283    public ArrayList<HardwareConfig> getAllSimsForModem(int modemIndex) {
284        synchronized (mLock) {
285            if (mSims.isEmpty()) {
286                loge("getAllSimsForModem: no registered sim device?!?");
287                return null;
288            }
290            if (modemIndex > getModemCount()) {
291                loge("getAllSimsForModem: out-of-bounds access for modem device " + modemIndex + " max: " + getModemCount());
292                return null;
293            }
295            if (DBG) logd("getAllSimsForModem " + modemIndex);
297            ArrayList<HardwareConfig> result = new ArrayList<HardwareConfig>();
298            HardwareConfig modem = getModem(modemIndex);
299            for (HardwareConfig sim: mSims) {
300                if (sim.modemUuid.equals(modem.uuid)) {
301                    result.add(sim);
302                }
303            }
304            return result;
305        }
306    }
308    /**
309     * get all modem's registered.
310     */
311    public ArrayList<HardwareConfig> getAllModems() {
312        synchronized (mLock) {
313            ArrayList<HardwareConfig> modems = new ArrayList<HardwareConfig>();
314            if (mModems.isEmpty()) {
315                if (DBG) logd("getAllModems: empty list.");
316            } else {
317                for (HardwareConfig modem: mModems) {
318                    modems.add(modem);
319                }
320            }
322            return modems;
323        }
324    }
326    /**
327     * get all sim's registered.
328     */
329    public ArrayList<HardwareConfig> getAllSims() {
330        synchronized (mLock) {
331            ArrayList<HardwareConfig> sims = new ArrayList<HardwareConfig>();
332            if (mSims.isEmpty()) {
333                if (DBG) logd("getAllSims: empty list.");
334            } else {
335                for (HardwareConfig sim: mSims) {
336                    sims.add(sim);
337                }
338            }
340            return sims;
341        }
342    }