10a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao""" Python Character Mapping Codec cp037 generated from 'MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/EBCDIC/CP037.TXT' with gencodec.py.
20a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
30a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao"""#"
40a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
50a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gaoimport codecs
60a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
70a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao### Codec APIs
80a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
90a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gaoclass Codec(codecs.Codec):
100a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
110a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    def encode(self,input,errors='strict'):
120a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_table)
130a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
140a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    def decode(self,input,errors='strict'):
150a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        return codecs.charmap_decode(input,errors,decoding_table)
160a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
170a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gaoclass IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder):
180a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    def encode(self, input, final=False):
190a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0]
200a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
210a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gaoclass IncrementalDecoder(codecs.IncrementalDecoder):
220a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    def decode(self, input, final=False):
230a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0]
240a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
250a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gaoclass StreamWriter(Codec,codecs.StreamWriter):
260a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    pass
270a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
280a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gaoclass StreamReader(Codec,codecs.StreamReader):
290a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    pass
300a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
310a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao### encodings module API
320a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
330a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gaodef getregentry():
340a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    return codecs.CodecInfo(
350a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        name='cp037',
360a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        encode=Codec().encode,
370a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        decode=Codec().decode,
380a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder,
390a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder,
400a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        streamreader=StreamReader,
410a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao        streamwriter=StreamWriter,
420a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    )
430a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
440a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
450a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao### Decoding Table
460a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
470a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gaodecoding_table = (
480a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x00'     #  0x00 -> NULL
490a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x01'     #  0x01 -> START OF HEADING
500a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x02'     #  0x02 -> START OF TEXT
510a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x03'     #  0x03 -> END OF TEXT
520a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x9c'     #  0x04 -> CONTROL
530a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\t'       #  0x05 -> HORIZONTAL TABULATION
540a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x86'     #  0x06 -> CONTROL
550a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x7f'     #  0x07 -> DELETE
560a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x97'     #  0x08 -> CONTROL
570a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x8d'     #  0x09 -> CONTROL
580a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x8e'     #  0x0A -> CONTROL
590a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x0b'     #  0x0B -> VERTICAL TABULATION
600a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x0c'     #  0x0C -> FORM FEED
610a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\r'       #  0x0D -> CARRIAGE RETURN
620a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x0e'     #  0x0E -> SHIFT OUT
630a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x0f'     #  0x0F -> SHIFT IN
640a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x10'     #  0x10 -> DATA LINK ESCAPE
650a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x11'     #  0x11 -> DEVICE CONTROL ONE
660a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x12'     #  0x12 -> DEVICE CONTROL TWO
670a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x13'     #  0x13 -> DEVICE CONTROL THREE
680a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x9d'     #  0x14 -> CONTROL
690a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x85'     #  0x15 -> CONTROL
700a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x08'     #  0x16 -> BACKSPACE
710a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x87'     #  0x17 -> CONTROL
720a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x18'     #  0x18 -> CANCEL
730a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x19'     #  0x19 -> END OF MEDIUM
740a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x92'     #  0x1A -> CONTROL
750a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x8f'     #  0x1B -> CONTROL
760a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x1c'     #  0x1C -> FILE SEPARATOR
770a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x1d'     #  0x1D -> GROUP SEPARATOR
780a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x1e'     #  0x1E -> RECORD SEPARATOR
790a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x1f'     #  0x1F -> UNIT SEPARATOR
800a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x80'     #  0x20 -> CONTROL
810a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x81'     #  0x21 -> CONTROL
820a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x82'     #  0x22 -> CONTROL
830a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x83'     #  0x23 -> CONTROL
840a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x84'     #  0x24 -> CONTROL
850a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\n'       #  0x25 -> LINE FEED
860a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x17'     #  0x26 -> END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK
870a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x1b'     #  0x27 -> ESCAPE
880a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x88'     #  0x28 -> CONTROL
890a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x89'     #  0x29 -> CONTROL
900a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x8a'     #  0x2A -> CONTROL
910a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x8b'     #  0x2B -> CONTROL
920a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x8c'     #  0x2C -> CONTROL
930a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x05'     #  0x2D -> ENQUIRY
940a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x06'     #  0x2E -> ACKNOWLEDGE
950a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x07'     #  0x2F -> BELL
960a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x90'     #  0x30 -> CONTROL
970a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x91'     #  0x31 -> CONTROL
980a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x16'     #  0x32 -> SYNCHRONOUS IDLE
990a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x93'     #  0x33 -> CONTROL
1000a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x94'     #  0x34 -> CONTROL
1010a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x95'     #  0x35 -> CONTROL
1020a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x96'     #  0x36 -> CONTROL
1030a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x04'     #  0x37 -> END OF TRANSMISSION
1040a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x98'     #  0x38 -> CONTROL
1050a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x99'     #  0x39 -> CONTROL
1060a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x9a'     #  0x3A -> CONTROL
1070a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x9b'     #  0x3B -> CONTROL
1080a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x14'     #  0x3C -> DEVICE CONTROL FOUR
1090a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x15'     #  0x3D -> NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE
1100a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x9e'     #  0x3E -> CONTROL
1110a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x1a'     #  0x3F -> SUBSTITUTE
1120a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u' '        #  0x40 -> SPACE
1130a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xa0'     #  0x41 -> NO-BREAK SPACE
1140a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xe2'     #  0x42 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
1150a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xe4'     #  0x43 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
1160a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xe0'     #  0x44 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
1170a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xe1'     #  0x45 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
1180a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xe3'     #  0x46 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
1190a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xe5'     #  0x47 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
1200a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xe7'     #  0x48 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
1210a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xf1'     #  0x49 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
1220a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xa2'     #  0x4A -> CENT SIGN
1230a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'.'        #  0x4B -> FULL STOP
1240a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'<'        #  0x4C -> LESS-THAN SIGN
1250a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'('        #  0x4D -> LEFT PARENTHESIS
1260a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'+'        #  0x4E -> PLUS SIGN
1270a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'|'        #  0x4F -> VERTICAL LINE
1280a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'&'        #  0x50 -> AMPERSAND
1290a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xe9'     #  0x51 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
1300a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xea'     #  0x52 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
1310a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xeb'     #  0x53 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
1320a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xe8'     #  0x54 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
1330a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xed'     #  0x55 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
1340a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xee'     #  0x56 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
1350a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xef'     #  0x57 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
1360a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xec'     #  0x58 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
1370a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xdf'     #  0x59 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (GERMAN)
1380a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'!'        #  0x5A -> EXCLAMATION MARK
1390a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'$'        #  0x5B -> DOLLAR SIGN
1400a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'*'        #  0x5C -> ASTERISK
1410a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u')'        #  0x5D -> RIGHT PARENTHESIS
1420a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u';'        #  0x5E -> SEMICOLON
1430a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xac'     #  0x5F -> NOT SIGN
1440a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'-'        #  0x60 -> HYPHEN-MINUS
1450a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'/'        #  0x61 -> SOLIDUS
1460a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xc2'     #  0x62 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
1470a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xc4'     #  0x63 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
1480a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xc0'     #  0x64 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
1490a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xc1'     #  0x65 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
1500a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xc3'     #  0x66 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
1510a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xc5'     #  0x67 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
1520a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xc7'     #  0x68 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
1530a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xd1'     #  0x69 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
1540a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xa6'     #  0x6A -> BROKEN BAR
1550a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u','        #  0x6B -> COMMA
1560a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'%'        #  0x6C -> PERCENT SIGN
1570a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'_'        #  0x6D -> LOW LINE
1580a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'>'        #  0x6E -> GREATER-THAN SIGN
1590a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'?'        #  0x6F -> QUESTION MARK
1600a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xf8'     #  0x70 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
1610a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xc9'     #  0x71 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
1620a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xca'     #  0x72 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
1630a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xcb'     #  0x73 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
1640a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xc8'     #  0x74 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
1650a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xcd'     #  0x75 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
1660a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xce'     #  0x76 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
1670a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xcf'     #  0x77 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
1680a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xcc'     #  0x78 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
1690a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'`'        #  0x79 -> GRAVE ACCENT
1700a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u':'        #  0x7A -> COLON
1710a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'#'        #  0x7B -> NUMBER SIGN
1720a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'@'        #  0x7C -> COMMERCIAL AT
1730a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u"'"        #  0x7D -> APOSTROPHE
1740a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'='        #  0x7E -> EQUALS SIGN
1750a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'"'        #  0x7F -> QUOTATION MARK
1760a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xd8'     #  0x80 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
1770a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'a'        #  0x81 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A
1780a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'b'        #  0x82 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER B
1790a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'c'        #  0x83 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C
1800a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'd'        #  0x84 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER D
1810a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'e'        #  0x85 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E
1820a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'f'        #  0x86 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER F
1830a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'g'        #  0x87 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER G
1840a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'h'        #  0x88 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER H
1850a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'i'        #  0x89 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I
1860a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xab'     #  0x8A -> LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
1870a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xbb'     #  0x8B -> RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
1880a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xf0'     #  0x8C -> LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH (ICELANDIC)
1890a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xfd'     #  0x8D -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
1900a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xfe'     #  0x8E -> LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN (ICELANDIC)
1910a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xb1'     #  0x8F -> PLUS-MINUS SIGN
1920a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xb0'     #  0x90 -> DEGREE SIGN
1930a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'j'        #  0x91 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER J
1940a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'k'        #  0x92 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER K
1950a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'l'        #  0x93 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER L
1960a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'm'        #  0x94 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER M
1970a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'n'        #  0x95 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N
1980a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'o'        #  0x96 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O
1990a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'p'        #  0x97 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER P
2000a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'q'        #  0x98 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
2010a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'r'        #  0x99 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER R
2020a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xaa'     #  0x9A -> FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
2030a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xba'     #  0x9B -> MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
2040a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xe6'     #  0x9C -> LATIN SMALL LIGATURE AE
2050a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xb8'     #  0x9D -> CEDILLA
2060a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xc6'     #  0x9E -> LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE AE
2070a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xa4'     #  0x9F -> CURRENCY SIGN
2080a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xb5'     #  0xA0 -> MICRO SIGN
2090a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'~'        #  0xA1 -> TILDE
2100a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u's'        #  0xA2 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER S
2110a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u't'        #  0xA3 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER T
2120a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'u'        #  0xA4 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U
2130a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'v'        #  0xA5 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER V
2140a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'w'        #  0xA6 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER W
2150a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'x'        #  0xA7 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER X
2160a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'y'        #  0xA8 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
2170a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'z'        #  0xA9 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
2180a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xa1'     #  0xAA -> INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
2190a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xbf'     #  0xAB -> INVERTED QUESTION MARK
2200a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xd0'     #  0xAC -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH (ICELANDIC)
2210a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xdd'     #  0xAD -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
2220a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xde'     #  0xAE -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN (ICELANDIC)
2230a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xae'     #  0xAF -> REGISTERED SIGN
2240a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'^'        #  0xB0 -> CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
2250a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xa3'     #  0xB1 -> POUND SIGN
2260a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xa5'     #  0xB2 -> YEN SIGN
2270a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xb7'     #  0xB3 -> MIDDLE DOT
2280a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xa9'     #  0xB4 -> COPYRIGHT SIGN
2290a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xa7'     #  0xB5 -> SECTION SIGN
2300a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xb6'     #  0xB6 -> PILCROW SIGN
2310a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xbc'     #  0xB7 -> VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
2320a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xbd'     #  0xB8 -> VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
2330a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xbe'     #  0xB9 -> VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
2340a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'['        #  0xBA -> LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
2350a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u']'        #  0xBB -> RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
2360a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xaf'     #  0xBC -> MACRON
2370a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xa8'     #  0xBD -> DIAERESIS
2380a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xb4'     #  0xBE -> ACUTE ACCENT
2390a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xd7'     #  0xBF -> MULTIPLICATION SIGN
2400a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'{'        #  0xC0 -> LEFT CURLY BRACKET
2410a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'A'        #  0xC1 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
2420a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'B'        #  0xC2 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
2430a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'C'        #  0xC3 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
2440a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'D'        #  0xC4 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
2450a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'E'        #  0xC5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
2460a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'F'        #  0xC6 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
2470a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'G'        #  0xC7 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
2480a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'H'        #  0xC8 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
2490a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'I'        #  0xC9 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
2500a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xad'     #  0xCA -> SOFT HYPHEN
2510a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xf4'     #  0xCB -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
2520a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xf6'     #  0xCC -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
2530a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xf2'     #  0xCD -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
2540a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xf3'     #  0xCE -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
2550a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xf5'     #  0xCF -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
2560a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'}'        #  0xD0 -> RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
2570a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'J'        #  0xD1 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
2580a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'K'        #  0xD2 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K
2590a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'L'        #  0xD3 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
2600a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'M'        #  0xD4 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
2610a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'N'        #  0xD5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
2620a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'O'        #  0xD6 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
2630a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'P'        #  0xD7 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
2640a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'Q'        #  0xD8 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
2650a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'R'        #  0xD9 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
2660a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xb9'     #  0xDA -> SUPERSCRIPT ONE
2670a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xfb'     #  0xDB -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
2680a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xfc'     #  0xDC -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
2690a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xf9'     #  0xDD -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
2700a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xfa'     #  0xDE -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
2710a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xff'     #  0xDF -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
2720a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\\'       #  0xE0 -> REVERSE SOLIDUS
2730a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xf7'     #  0xE1 -> DIVISION SIGN
2740a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'S'        #  0xE2 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
2750a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'T'        #  0xE3 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
2760a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'U'        #  0xE4 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
2770a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'V'        #  0xE5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
2780a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'W'        #  0xE6 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
2790a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'X'        #  0xE7 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
2800a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'Y'        #  0xE8 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
2810a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'Z'        #  0xE9 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
2820a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xb2'     #  0xEA -> SUPERSCRIPT TWO
2830a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xd4'     #  0xEB -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
2840a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xd6'     #  0xEC -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
2850a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xd2'     #  0xED -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
2860a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xd3'     #  0xEE -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
2870a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xd5'     #  0xEF -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
2880a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'0'        #  0xF0 -> DIGIT ZERO
2890a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'1'        #  0xF1 -> DIGIT ONE
2900a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'2'        #  0xF2 -> DIGIT TWO
2910a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'3'        #  0xF3 -> DIGIT THREE
2920a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'4'        #  0xF4 -> DIGIT FOUR
2930a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'5'        #  0xF5 -> DIGIT FIVE
2940a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'6'        #  0xF6 -> DIGIT SIX
2950a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'7'        #  0xF7 -> DIGIT SEVEN
2960a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'8'        #  0xF8 -> DIGIT EIGHT
2970a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'9'        #  0xF9 -> DIGIT NINE
2980a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xb3'     #  0xFA -> SUPERSCRIPT THREE
2990a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xdb'     #  0xFB -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
3000a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xdc'     #  0xFC -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
3010a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xd9'     #  0xFD -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
3020a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\xda'     #  0xFE -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
3030a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao    u'\x9f'     #  0xFF -> CONTROL
3040a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao)
3050a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao
3060a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gao### Encoding table
3070a8c90248264a8b26970b4473770bcc3df8515fJosh Gaoencoding_table=codecs.charmap_build(decoding_table)