Lines Matching defs:data

3 CREATE TABLE _sync_state (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,account_name TEXT NOT NULL,account_type TEXT NOT NULL,data TEXT,UNIQUE(account_name, account_type));
15 CREATE TABLE contacts (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,name_raw_contact_id INTEGER REFERENCES raw_contacts(_id),photo_id INTEGER REFERENCES data(_id),photo_file_id INTEGER REFERENCES photo_files(_id),custom_ringtone TEXT,send_to_voicemail INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,times_contacted INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,last_time_contacted INTEGER,starred INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,pinned INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,has_phone_number INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,lookup TEXT,status_update_id INTEGER REFERENCES data(_id),contact_last_updated_timestamp INTEGER);
34 CREATE TABLE data (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,package_id INTEGER REFERENCES package(_id),mimetype_id INTEGER REFERENCES mimetype(_id) NOT NULL,raw_contact_id INTEGER REFERENCES raw_contacts(_id) NOT NULL,hash_id TEXT,is_read_only INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,is_primary INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,is_super_primary INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,data_version INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,data1 TEXT,data2 TEXT,data3 TEXT,data4 TEXT,data5 TEXT,data6 TEXT,data7 TEXT,data8 TEXT,data9 TEXT,data10 TEXT,data11 TEXT,data12 TEXT,data13 TEXT,data14 TEXT,data15 TEXT,data_sync1 TEXT, data_sync2 TEXT, data_sync3 TEXT, data_sync4 TEXT, carrier_presence INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 );
35 CREATE TABLE phone_lookup (data_id INTEGER REFERENCES data(_id) NOT NULL,raw_contact_id INTEGER REFERENCES raw_contacts(_id) NOT NULL,normalized_number TEXT NOT NULL,min_match TEXT NOT NULL);
36 CREATE TABLE name_lookup (data_id INTEGER REFERENCES data(_id) NOT NULL,raw_contact_id INTEGER REFERENCES raw_contacts(_id) NOT NULL,normalized_name TEXT NOT NULL,name_type INTEGER NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (data_id, normalized_name, name_type));
48 CREATE TABLE status_updates (status_update_data_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES data(_id),status TEXT,status_ts INTEGER,status_res_package TEXT, status_label INTEGER, status_icon INTEGER);
71 INSERT INTO "sqlite_stat1" VALUES('data','data_mimetype_data1_index','60000 5000 2');
72 INSERT INTO "sqlite_stat1" VALUES('data','data_raw_contact_id','60000 10');
125 CREATE INDEX data_raw_contact_id ON data (raw_contact_id);
126 CREATE INDEX data_mimetype_data1_index ON data (mimetype_id,data1);
127 CREATE INDEX data_hash_id_index ON data (hash_id);
139 CREATE VIEW view_data AS SELECT data._id AS _id,hash_id, raw_contact_id, raw_contacts.contact_id AS contact_id, raw_contacts.account_id,accounts.account_name AS account_name,accounts.account_type AS account_type,accounts.data_set AS data_set,(CASE WHEN accounts.data_set IS NULL THEN accounts.account_type ELSE accounts.account_type||'/'||accounts.data_set END) AS account_type_and_data_set,raw_contacts.sourceid AS sourceid,raw_contacts.backup_id AS backup_id,raw_contacts.version AS version,raw_contacts.dirty AS dirty,raw_contacts.sync1 AS sync1,raw_contacts.sync2 AS sync2,raw_contacts.sync3 AS sync3,raw_contacts.sync4 AS sync4, is_primary, is_super_primary, data_version, data.package_id,package AS res_package,data.mimetype_id,mimetype AS mimetype, is_read_only, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, data8, data9, data10, data11, data12, data13, data14, data15, carrier_presence, data_sync1, data_sync2, data_sync3, data_sync4, contacts.custom_ringtone AS custom_ringtone,contacts.send_to_voicemail AS send_to_voicemail,contacts.last_time_contacted AS last_time_contacted,contacts.times_contacted AS times_contacted,contacts.starred AS starred,contacts.pinned AS pinned, name_raw_contact.display_name_source AS display_name_source, name_raw_contact.display_name AS display_name, name_raw_contact.display_name_alt AS display_name_alt, name_raw_contact.phonetic_name AS phonetic_name, name_raw_contact.phonetic_name_style AS phonetic_name_style, name_raw_contact.sort_key AS sort_key, name_raw_contact.phonebook_label AS phonebook_label, name_raw_contact.phonebook_bucket AS phonebook_bucket, name_raw_contact.sort_key_alt AS sort_key_alt, name_raw_contact.phonebook_label_alt AS phonebook_label_alt, name_raw_contact.phonebook_bucket_alt AS phonebook_bucket_alt, has_phone_number, name_raw_contact_id, lookup, photo_id, photo_file_id, CAST(EXISTS (SELECT _id FROM visible_contacts WHERE contacts._id=visible_contacts._id) AS INTEGER) AS in_visible_group, CAST(EXISTS (SELECT _id FROM default_directory WHERE contacts._id=default_directory._id) AS INTEGER) AS in_default_directory, status_update_id, contacts.contact_last_updated_timestamp, (CASE WHEN photo_file_id IS NULL THEN (CASE WHEN photo_id IS NULL OR photo_id=0 THEN NULL ELSE 'content://'||raw_contacts.contact_id|| '/photo' END) ELSE 'content://'||photo_file_id END) AS photo_uri, (CASE WHEN photo_id IS NULL OR photo_id=0 THEN NULL ELSE 'content://'||raw_contacts.contact_id|| '/photo' END) AS photo_thumb_uri, 0 AS raw_contact_is_user_profile, groups.sourceid AS group_sourceid FROM data JOIN mimetypes ON (data.mimetype_id=mimetypes._id) JOIN raw_contacts ON (data.raw_contact_id=raw_contacts._id) JOIN accounts ON (raw_contacts.account_id=accounts._id) JOIN contacts ON (raw_contacts.contact_id=contacts._id) JOIN raw_contacts AS name_raw_contact ON(name_raw_contact_id=name_raw_contact._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN packages ON (data.package_id=packages._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN groups ON (mimetypes.mimetype='' AND groups._id=data.data1);
142 CREATE VIEW view_raw_entities AS SELECT contact_id, raw_contacts.deleted AS deleted,raw_contacts.metadata_dirty, is_primary, is_super_primary, data_version, data.package_id,package AS res_package,data.mimetype_id,mimetype AS mimetype, is_read_only, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, data8, data9, data10, data11, data12, data13, data14, data15, carrier_presence, data_sync1, data_sync2, data_sync3, data_sync4, raw_contacts.account_id,accounts.account_name AS account_name,accounts.account_type AS account_type,accounts.data_set AS data_set,(CASE WHEN accounts.data_set IS NULL THEN accounts.account_type ELSE accounts.account_type||'/'||accounts.data_set END) AS account_type_and_data_set,raw_contacts.sourceid AS sourceid,raw_contacts.backup_id AS backup_id,raw_contacts.version AS version,raw_contacts.dirty AS dirty,raw_contacts.sync1 AS sync1,raw_contacts.sync2 AS sync2,raw_contacts.sync3 AS sync3,raw_contacts.sync4 AS sync4, data_sync1, data_sync2, data_sync3, data_sync4, raw_contacts._id AS _id, data._id AS data_id,raw_contacts.starred AS starred,0 AS raw_contact_is_user_profile,groups.sourceid AS group_sourceid FROM raw_contacts JOIN accounts ON (raw_contacts.account_id=accounts._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN data ON (data.raw_contact_id=raw_contacts._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN packages ON (data.package_id=packages._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN mimetypes ON (data.mimetype_id=mimetypes._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN groups ON (mimetypes.mimetype='' AND groups._id=data.data1);
143 CREATE VIEW view_entities AS SELECT raw_contacts.contact_id AS _id, raw_contacts.contact_id AS contact_id, raw_contacts.deleted AS deleted,raw_contacts.metadata_dirty, is_primary, is_super_primary, data_version, data.package_id,package AS res_package,data.mimetype_id,mimetype AS mimetype, is_read_only, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, data8, data9, data10, data11, data12, data13, data14, data15, carrier_presence, data_sync1, data_sync2, data_sync3, data_sync4, raw_contacts.account_id,accounts.account_name AS account_name,accounts.account_type AS account_type,accounts.data_set AS data_set,(CASE WHEN accounts.data_set IS NULL THEN accounts.account_type ELSE accounts.account_type||'/'||accounts.data_set END) AS account_type_and_data_set,raw_contacts.sourceid AS sourceid,raw_contacts.backup_id AS backup_id,raw_contacts.version AS version,raw_contacts.dirty AS dirty,raw_contacts.sync1 AS sync1,raw_contacts.sync2 AS sync2,raw_contacts.sync3 AS sync3,raw_contacts.sync4 AS sync4, contacts.custom_ringtone AS custom_ringtone, name_raw_contact.display_name_source AS display_name_source, name_raw_contact.display_name AS display_name, name_raw_contact.display_name_alt AS display_name_alt, name_raw_contact.phonetic_name AS phonetic_name, name_raw_contact.phonetic_name_style AS phonetic_name_style, name_raw_contact.sort_key AS sort_key, name_raw_contact.phonebook_label AS phonebook_label, name_raw_contact.phonebook_bucket AS phonebook_bucket, name_raw_contact.sort_key_alt AS sort_key_alt, name_raw_contact.phonebook_label_alt AS phonebook_label_alt, name_raw_contact.phonebook_bucket_alt AS phonebook_bucket_alt, has_phone_number, name_raw_contact_id, lookup, photo_id, photo_file_id, CAST(EXISTS (SELECT _id FROM visible_contacts WHERE contacts._id=visible_contacts._id) AS INTEGER) AS in_visible_group, CAST(EXISTS (SELECT _id FROM default_directory WHERE contacts._id=default_directory._id) AS INTEGER) AS in_default_directory, status_update_id, contacts.contact_last_updated_timestamp, contacts.last_time_contacted AS last_time_contacted, contacts.send_to_voicemail AS send_to_voicemail, contacts.starred AS starred, contacts.pinned AS pinned, contacts.times_contacted AS times_contacted, (CASE WHEN photo_file_id IS NULL THEN (CASE WHEN photo_id IS NULL OR photo_id=0 THEN NULL ELSE 'content://'||raw_contacts.contact_id|| '/photo' END) ELSE 'content://'||photo_file_id END) AS photo_uri, (CASE WHEN photo_id IS NULL OR photo_id=0 THEN NULL ELSE 'content://'||raw_contacts.contact_id|| '/photo' END) AS photo_thumb_uri, 0 AS is_user_profile, data_sync1, data_sync2, data_sync3, data_sync4, raw_contacts._id AS raw_contact_id, data._id AS data_id,groups.sourceid AS group_sourceid FROM raw_contacts JOIN accounts ON (raw_contacts.account_id=accounts._id) JOIN contacts ON (raw_contacts.contact_id=contacts._id) JOIN raw_contacts AS name_raw_contact ON(name_raw_contact_id=name_raw_contact._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN data ON (data.raw_contact_id=raw_contacts._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN packages ON (data.package_id=packages._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN mimetypes ON (data.mimetype_id=mimetypes._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN groups ON (mimetypes.mimetype='' AND groups._id=data.data1);
144 CREATE VIEW view_data_usage_stat AS SELECT data_usage_stat.stat_id AS stat_id, data_id, raw_contacts.contact_id AS contact_id, mimetypes.mimetype AS mimetype, usage_type, times_used, last_time_used FROM data_usage_stat JOIN data ON (data._id=data_usage_stat.data_id) JOIN raw_contacts ON (raw_contacts._id=data.raw_contact_id ) JOIN mimetypes ON (mimetypes._id=data.mimetype_id);
146 CREATE VIEW view_metadata_sync AS SELECT metadata_sync._id, raw_contact_backup_id, account_name, account_type, data_set, data, deleted FROM metadata_sync JOIN accounts ON (metadata_sync.account_id=accounts._id);
149 CREATE TRIGGER raw_contacts_deleted BEFORE DELETE ON raw_contacts BEGIN DELETE FROM data WHERE raw_contact_id=OLD._id; DELETE FROM agg_exceptions WHERE raw_contact_id1=OLD._id OR raw_contact_id2=OLD._id; DELETE FROM visible_contacts WHERE _id=OLD.contact_id AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM raw_contacts WHERE contact_id=OLD.contact_id )=1; DELETE FROM default_directory WHERE _id=OLD.contact_id AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM raw_contacts WHERE contact_id=OLD.contact_id )=1; DELETE FROM contacts WHERE _id=OLD.contact_id AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM raw_contacts WHERE contact_id=OLD.contact_id )=1; END;
151 CREATE TRIGGER data_updated AFTER UPDATE ON data BEGIN UPDATE data SET data_version=OLD.data_version+1 WHERE _id=OLD._id; UPDATE raw_contacts SET version=version+1 WHERE _id=OLD.raw_contact_id; END;
152 CREATE TRIGGER data_deleted BEFORE DELETE ON data BEGIN UPDATE raw_contacts SET version=version+1 WHERE _id=OLD.raw_contact_id; DELETE FROM phone_lookup WHERE data_id=OLD._id; DELETE FROM status_updates WHERE status_update_data_id=OLD._id; DELETE FROM name_lookup WHERE data_id=OLD._id; END;
154 CREATE TRIGGER groups_auto_add_updated1 AFTER UPDATE OF auto_add ON groups BEGIN DELETE FROM default_directory; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO default_directory SELECT contact_id FROM raw_contacts WHERE raw_contacts.account_id=(SELECT _id FROM accounts WHERE account_name IS NULL AND account_type IS NULL AND data_set IS NULL); INSERT OR IGNORE INTO default_directory SELECT contact_id FROM raw_contacts WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT _id FROM groups WHERE raw_contacts.account_id = groups.account_id AND auto_add != 0); INSERT OR IGNORE INTO default_directory SELECT contact_id FROM raw_contacts JOIN data ON (raw_contacts._id=raw_contact_id) WHERE mimetype_id=(SELECT _id FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetype='') AND EXISTS (SELECT _id FROM groups WHERE raw_contacts.account_id = groups.account_id AND auto_add != 0); END;
155 CREATE VIEW view_v1_people AS SELECT raw_contacts._id AS _id, name.data1 AS name, raw_contacts.display_name AS display_name, trim(trim(ifnull(name.data7,' ')||' '||ifnull(name.data8,' '))||' '||ifnull(name.data9,' ')) AS phonetic_name , note.data1 AS notes, accounts.account_name, accounts.account_type, raw_contacts.times_contacted AS times_contacted, raw_contacts.last_time_contacted AS last_time_contacted, raw_contacts.custom_ringtone AS custom_ringtone, raw_contacts.send_to_voicemail AS send_to_voicemail, raw_contacts.starred AS starred, organization._id AS primary_organization, email._id AS primary_email, phone._id AS primary_phone, phone.data1 AS number, phone.data2 AS type, phone.data3 AS label, _PHONE_NUMBER_STRIPPED_REVERSED(phone.data1) AS number_key FROM raw_contacts JOIN accounts ON (raw_contacts.account_id=accounts._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN data name ON (raw_contacts._id = name.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = name.mimetype_id)='') LEFT OUTER JOIN data organization ON (raw_contacts._id = organization.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = organization.mimetype_id)='' AND organization.is_primary) LEFT OUTER JOIN data email ON (raw_contacts._id = email.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = email.mimetype_id)='' AND email.is_primary) LEFT OUTER JOIN data note ON (raw_contacts._id = note.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = note.mimetype_id)='') LEFT OUTER JOIN data phone ON (raw_contacts._id = phone.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = phone.mimetype_id)='' AND phone.is_primary) WHERE raw_contacts.deleted=0;
156 CREATE VIEW view_v1_organizations AS SELECT data._id AS _id, raw_contact_id AS person, is_primary AS isprimary, accounts.account_name, accounts.account_type, data1 AS company, data2 AS type, data3 AS label, data4 AS title FROM data JOIN mimetypes ON (data.mimetype_id = mimetypes._id) JOIN raw_contacts ON (data.raw_contact_id = raw_contacts._id) JOIN accounts ON (raw_contacts.account_id=accounts._id) WHERE mimetypes.mimetype='' AND raw_contacts.deleted=0;
157 CREATE VIEW view_v1_contact_methods AS SELECT data._id AS _id, data.raw_contact_id AS person, CAST ((CASE WHEN mimetype='' THEN 1 ELSE (CASE WHEN mimetype='' THEN 3 ELSE (CASE WHEN mimetype='' THEN 2 ELSE NULL END) END) END) AS INTEGER) AS kind, data.is_primary AS isprimary, data.data2 AS type, (CASE WHEN mimetype='' THEN (CASE WHEN data.data5=-1 THEN 'custom:'||data.data6 ELSE 'pre:'||data.data5 END) ELSE data.data1 END) AS data, data.data3 AS label, data.data14 AS aux_data, name.data1 AS name, raw_contacts.display_name AS display_name, trim(trim(ifnull(name.data7,' ')||' '||ifnull(name.data8,' '))||' '||ifnull(name.data9,' ')) AS phonetic_name , note.data1 AS notes, accounts.account_name, accounts.account_type, raw_contacts.times_contacted AS times_contacted, raw_contacts.last_time_contacted AS last_time_contacted, raw_contacts.custom_ringtone AS custom_ringtone, raw_contacts.send_to_voicemail AS send_to_voicemail, raw_contacts.starred AS starred, organization._id AS primary_organization, email._id AS primary_email, phone._id AS primary_phone, phone.data1 AS number, phone.data2 AS type, phone.data3 AS label, _PHONE_NUMBER_STRIPPED_REVERSED(phone.data1) AS number_key FROM data JOIN mimetypes ON (mimetypes._id = data.mimetype_id) JOIN raw_contacts ON (raw_contacts._id = data.raw_contact_id) JOIN accounts ON (raw_contacts.account_id=accounts._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN data name ON (raw_contacts._id = name.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = name.mimetype_id)='') LEFT OUTER JOIN data organization ON (raw_contacts._id = organization.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = organization.mimetype_id)='' AND organization.is_primary) LEFT OUTER JOIN data email ON (raw_contacts._id = email.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = email.mimetype_id)='' AND email.is_primary) LEFT OUTER JOIN data note ON (raw_contacts._id = note.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = note.mimetype_id)='') LEFT OUTER JOIN data phone ON (raw_contacts._id = phone.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = phone.mimetype_id)='' AND phone.is_primary) WHERE kind IS NOT NULL AND raw_contacts.deleted=0;
158 CREATE VIEW view_v1_phones AS SELECT DISTINCT data._id AS _id, data.raw_contact_id AS person, data.is_primary AS isprimary, data.data1 AS number, data.data2 AS type, data.data3 AS label, _PHONE_NUMBER_STRIPPED_REVERSED(data.data1) AS number_key, name.data1 AS name, raw_contacts.display_name AS display_name, trim(trim(ifnull(name.data7,' ')||' '||ifnull(name.data8,' '))||' '||ifnull(name.data9,' ')) AS phonetic_name , note.data1 AS notes, accounts.account_name, accounts.account_type, raw_contacts.times_contacted AS times_contacted, raw_contacts.last_time_contacted AS last_time_contacted, raw_contacts.custom_ringtone AS custom_ringtone, raw_contacts.send_to_voicemail AS send_to_voicemail, raw_contacts.starred AS starred, organization._id AS primary_organization, email._id AS primary_email, phone._id AS primary_phone, phone.data1 AS number, phone.data2 AS type, phone.data3 AS label, _PHONE_NUMBER_STRIPPED_REVERSED(phone.data1) AS number_key FROM data JOIN phone_lookup ON (data._id = phone_lookup.data_id) JOIN mimetypes ON (mimetypes._id = data.mimetype_id) JOIN raw_contacts ON (raw_contacts._id = data.raw_contact_id) JOIN accounts ON (raw_contacts.account_id=accounts._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN data name ON (raw_contacts._id = name.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = name.mimetype_id)='') LEFT OUTER JOIN data organization ON (raw_contacts._id = organization.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = organization.mimetype_id)='' AND organization.is_primary) LEFT OUTER JOIN data email ON (raw_contacts._id = email.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = email.mimetype_id)='' AND email.is_primary) LEFT OUTER JOIN data note ON (raw_contacts._id = note.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = note.mimetype_id)='') LEFT OUTER JOIN data phone ON (raw_contacts._id = phone.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = phone.mimetype_id)='' AND phone.is_primary) WHERE mimetypes.mimetype='' AND raw_contacts.deleted=0;
159 CREATE VIEW view_v1_extensions AS SELECT data._id AS _id, data.raw_contact_id AS person, accounts.account_name, accounts.account_type, data1 AS name, data2 AS value FROM data JOIN mimetypes ON (data.mimetype_id = mimetypes._id) JOIN raw_contacts ON (data.raw_contact_id = raw_contacts._id) JOIN accounts ON (raw_contacts.account_id=accounts._id) WHERE mimetypes.mimetype='' AND raw_contacts.deleted=0;
161 CREATE VIEW view_v1_group_membership AS SELECT data._id AS _id, data.raw_contact_id AS person, accounts.account_name, accounts.account_type, data1 AS group_id, title AS name, notes AS notes, system_id AS system_id, groups.sourceid AS group_sync_id, accounts.account_name AS group_sync_account, accounts.account_type AS group_sync_account_type FROM data JOIN mimetypes ON (data.mimetype_id = mimetypes._id) JOIN raw_contacts ON (data.raw_contact_id = raw_contacts._id) JOIN accounts ON (raw_contacts.account_id=accounts._id)LEFT OUTER JOIN packages ON (data.package_id = packages._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN groups ON (mimetypes.mimetype='' AND groups._id = data.data1) WHERE mimetypes.mimetype='' AND raw_contacts.deleted=0;
162 CREATE VIEW view_v1_photos AS SELECT data._id AS _id, data.raw_contact_id AS person, accounts.account_name, accounts.account_type, data.data15 AS data, legacy_photo.data4 AS exists_on_server, legacy_photo.data3 AS download_required, legacy_photo.data2 AS local_version, legacy_photo.data5 AS sync_error FROM data JOIN mimetypes ON (mimetypes._id = data.mimetype_id) JOIN raw_contacts ON (raw_contacts._id = data.raw_contact_id) JOIN accounts ON (raw_contacts.account_id=accounts._id) LEFT OUTER JOIN data name ON (raw_contacts._id = name.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = name.mimetype_id)='') LEFT OUTER JOIN data organization ON (raw_contacts._id = organization.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = organization.mimetype_id)='' AND organization.is_primary) LEFT OUTER JOIN data email ON (raw_contacts._id = email.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = email.mimetype_id)='' AND email.is_primary) LEFT OUTER JOIN data note ON (raw_contacts._id = note.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = note.mimetype_id)='') LEFT OUTER JOIN data phone ON (raw_contacts._id = phone.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = phone.mimetype_id)='' AND phone.is_primary) LEFT OUTER JOIN data legacy_photo ON (raw_contacts._id = legacy_photo.raw_contact_id AND (SELECT mimetype FROM mimetypes WHERE mimetypes._id = legacy_photo.mimetype_id)='' AND data._id = legacy_photo.data1) WHERE mimetypes.mimetype='' AND raw_contacts.deleted=0;