package autotest.moblab.wizard; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import autotest.common.Utils; import autotest.moblab.rpc.CloudStorageInfo; import autotest.moblab.rpc.MoblabRpcCallbacks; import autotest.moblab.rpc.MoblabRpcHelper; import autotest.moblab.rpc.OperationStatus; import autotest.common.ui.ToolTip; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Wizard card for cloud storage configuration. */ public class CloudStorageCard extends FlexWizardCard { /** * The cached cloud storage information. */ private CloudStorageInfo cloudStorageInfo; /** * Checkbox for if reuse existing boto file. */ private CheckBox chkUseExisting; public CloudStorageCard() { super(); setViewTitle("Google Cloud Storage Configuration"); setEditTitle("Configure Access to Google Cloud Storage"); } @Override protected void updateModeUI() { if (cloudStorageInfo != null) { resetUI(); int row = 0; // In edit mode, display the check box for re-using existing boto file. if (ConfigWizard.Mode.Edit == getMode()) { chkUseExisting = new CheckBox("Use Existing Boto File on Moblab Device."); layoutTable.setWidget(row, 1, chkUseExisting); chkUseExisting.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (cloudStorageInfo != null) { cloudStorageInfo.setUseExistingBotoFile(event.getValue()); } TextBox box = getValueFieldEditor(CloudStorageInfo.JSON_FIELD_BOTO_KEY_ID); if (box != null) { box.setEnabled(!event.getValue()); } box = getValueFieldEditor(CloudStorageInfo.JSON_FIELD_BOTO_SECRET_KEY); if (box != null) { box.setEnabled(!event.getValue()); } } }); } // Row for boto key id. row++; layoutTable.setWidget(row, 0, new Label("Boto Key ID")); layoutTable.setWidget(row, 1, createValueFieldWidget(CloudStorageInfo.JSON_FIELD_BOTO_KEY_ID, cloudStorageInfo.getBotoKey())); // Row for boto key secret. row++; layoutTable.setWidget(row, 0, new Label("Boto Key Secret")); layoutTable.setWidget(row, 1, createStringValueFieldWidget( CloudStorageInfo.JSON_FIELD_BOTO_SECRET_KEY, cloudStorageInfo.getBotoSecret(), true)); // Row for image storage bucket url. row++; layoutTable.setWidget(row, 0, new Label("Image Storage Bucket URL")); String url = cloudStorageInfo.getImageStorageServer(); layoutTable.setWidget(row, 1, createValueFieldWidget(CloudStorageInfo.JSON_FIELD_IMAGE_STORAGE_URL, url)); if (url != null && ConfigWizard.Mode.View == getMode()) { Anchor link = Utils.createGoogleStorageHttpUrlLink("link", url); layoutTable.setWidget(row, 2, link); } if (ConfigWizard.Mode.Edit == getMode()) { chkUseExisting.setValue(cloudStorageInfo.isUseExistingBotoFile(), true); } } else { MoblabRpcHelper.fetchCloudStorageInfo(new MoblabRpcCallbacks.FetchCloudStorageInfoCallback() { @Override public void onCloudStorageInfoFetched(CloudStorageInfo info) { cloudStorageInfo = info; updateModeUI(); } }); } } @Override public void validate(final CardValidationCallback callback) { // If not use existing boto, than boto id and boto secret fields can not be empty. if (!chkUseExisting.getValue()) { cloudStorageInfo .setBotoKey(getStringValueFieldValue(CloudStorageInfo.JSON_FIELD_BOTO_KEY_ID)); cloudStorageInfo .setBotoSecret(getStringValueFieldValue(CloudStorageInfo.JSON_FIELD_BOTO_SECRET_KEY)); } cloudStorageInfo.setImageStorageServer( getStringValueFieldValue(CloudStorageInfo.JSON_FIELD_IMAGE_STORAGE_URL)); if (!chkUseExisting.getValue()) { // Boto key and secret are required. if (cloudStorageInfo.getBotoKey() == null || cloudStorageInfo.getBotoSecret() == null) { callback.onValidationStatus( new OperationStatus(false, "The boto key fields could not be empty")); return; } // Image bucket and result bucket can not be empty. if (cloudStorageInfo.getImageStorageServer() == null) { callback.onValidationStatus( new OperationStatus(false, "The image bucket URL fields could not be empty")); return; } } // Image bucket and result bucket must end in /. if (cloudStorageInfo.getImageStorageServer().substring( cloudStorageInfo.getImageStorageServer().length() - 1) != "/") { callback.onValidationStatus( new OperationStatus(false, "The image bucket URL must end in /")); return; } // Sends validation request to server to validate the boto key and bucket urls. MoblabRpcHelper.validateCloudStorageInfo(cloudStorageInfo, new MoblabRpcCallbacks.ValidateCloudStorageInfoCallback() { @Override public void onCloudStorageInfoValidated(OperationStatus status) { if (!status.isOk()) { callback.onValidationStatus(status); return; } CloudStorageCard.super.validate(callback); } }); return; } /** * Gets the string input field value. */ protected String getStringValueFieldValue(String fieldId) { TextBox textBox = getValueFieldEditor(fieldId); String value = textBox.getValue(); if (value != null) { value = value.trim(); } if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { return null; } return value; } @Override public void resetData() { cloudStorageInfo = null; super.resetData(); } @Override public void collectConfigData(@SuppressWarnings("unused") HashMap map) { if (map != null && cloudStorageInfo != null) { map.put(MoblabRpcHelper.RPC_PARAM_CLOUD_STORAGE_INFO, cloudStorageInfo.toJson()); } } }