package org.bouncycastle.math; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest; import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; import org.bouncycastle.util.BigIntegers; /** * Utility methods for generating primes and testing for primality. */ public abstract class Primes { public static final int SMALL_FACTOR_LIMIT = 211; private static final BigInteger ONE = BigInteger.valueOf(1); private static final BigInteger TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2); private static final BigInteger THREE = BigInteger.valueOf(3); /** * Used to return the output from the * {@linkplain Primes#enhancedMRProbablePrimeTest(BigInteger, SecureRandom, int) Enhanced * Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test} */ public static class MROutput { private static MROutput probablyPrime() { return new MROutput(false, null); } private static MROutput provablyCompositeWithFactor(BigInteger factor) { return new MROutput(true, factor); } private static MROutput provablyCompositeNotPrimePower() { return new MROutput(true, null); } private boolean provablyComposite; private BigInteger factor; private MROutput(boolean provablyComposite, BigInteger factor) { this.provablyComposite = provablyComposite; this.factor = factor; } public BigInteger getFactor() { return factor; } public boolean isProvablyComposite() { return provablyComposite; } public boolean isNotPrimePower() { return provablyComposite && factor == null; } } /** * Used to return the output from the * {@linkplain Primes#generateSTRandomPrime(Digest, int, byte[]) Shawe-Taylor Random_Prime * Routine} */ public static class STOutput { private BigInteger prime; private byte[] primeSeed; private int primeGenCounter; private STOutput(BigInteger prime, byte[] primeSeed, int primeGenCounter) { = prime; this.primeSeed = primeSeed; this.primeGenCounter = primeGenCounter; } public BigInteger getPrime() { return prime; } public byte[] getPrimeSeed() { return primeSeed; } public int getPrimeGenCounter() { return primeGenCounter; } } /** * FIPS 186-4 C.6 Shawe-Taylor Random_Prime Routine * * Construct a provable prime number using a hash function. * * @param hash * the {@link Digest} instance to use (as "Hash()"). Cannot be null. * @param length * the length (in bits) of the prime to be generated. Must be at least 2. * @param inputSeed * the seed to be used for the generation of the requested prime. Cannot be null or * empty. * @return an {@link STOutput} instance containing the requested prime. */ public static STOutput generateSTRandomPrime(Digest hash, int length, byte[] inputSeed) { if (hash == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'hash' cannot be null"); } if (length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'length' must be >= 2"); } if (inputSeed == null || inputSeed.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'inputSeed' cannot be null or empty"); } return implSTRandomPrime(hash, length, Arrays.clone(inputSeed)); } /** * FIPS 186-4 C.3.2 Enhanced Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test * * Run several iterations of the Miller-Rabin algorithm with randomly-chosen bases. This is an * alternative to {@link #isMRProbablePrime(BigInteger, SecureRandom, int)} that provides more * information about a composite candidate, which may be useful when generating or validating * RSA moduli. * * @param candidate * the {@link BigInteger} instance to test for primality. * @param random * the source of randomness to use to choose bases. * @param iterations * the number of randomly-chosen bases to perform the test for. * @return an {@link MROutput} instance that can be further queried for details. */ public static MROutput enhancedMRProbablePrimeTest(BigInteger candidate, SecureRandom random, int iterations) { checkCandidate(candidate, "candidate"); if (random == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'random' cannot be null"); } if (iterations < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'iterations' must be > 0"); } if (candidate.bitLength() == 2) { return MROutput.probablyPrime(); } if (!candidate.testBit(0)) { return MROutput.provablyCompositeWithFactor(TWO); } BigInteger w = candidate; BigInteger wSubOne = candidate.subtract(ONE); BigInteger wSubTwo = candidate.subtract(TWO); int a = wSubOne.getLowestSetBit(); BigInteger m = wSubOne.shiftRight(a); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { BigInteger b = BigIntegers.createRandomInRange(TWO, wSubTwo, random); BigInteger g = b.gcd(w); if (g.compareTo(ONE) > 0) { return MROutput.provablyCompositeWithFactor(g); } BigInteger z = b.modPow(m, w); if (z.equals(ONE) || z.equals(wSubOne)) { continue; } boolean primeToBase = false; BigInteger x = z; for (int j = 1; j < a; ++j) { z = z.modPow(TWO, w); if (z.equals(wSubOne)) { primeToBase = true; break; } if (z.equals(ONE)) { break; } x = z; } if (!primeToBase) { if (!z.equals(ONE)) { x = z; z = z.modPow(TWO, w); if (!z.equals(ONE)) { x = z; } } g = x.subtract(ONE).gcd(w); if (g.compareTo(ONE) > 0) { return MROutput.provablyCompositeWithFactor(g); } return MROutput.provablyCompositeNotPrimePower(); } } return MROutput.probablyPrime(); } /** * A fast check for small divisors, up to some implementation-specific limit. * * @param candidate * the {@link BigInteger} instance to test for division by small factors. * * @return true if the candidate is found to have any small factors, * false otherwise. */ public static boolean hasAnySmallFactors(BigInteger candidate) { checkCandidate(candidate, "candidate"); return implHasAnySmallFactors(candidate); } /** * FIPS 186-4 C.3.1 Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test * * Run several iterations of the Miller-Rabin algorithm with randomly-chosen bases. * * @param candidate * the {@link BigInteger} instance to test for primality. * @param random * the source of randomness to use to choose bases. * @param iterations * the number of randomly-chosen bases to perform the test for. * @return false if any witness to compositeness is found amongst the chosen bases * (so candidate is definitely NOT prime), or else true * (indicating primality with some probability dependent on the number of iterations * that were performed). */ public static boolean isMRProbablePrime(BigInteger candidate, SecureRandom random, int iterations) { checkCandidate(candidate, "candidate"); if (random == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'random' cannot be null"); } if (iterations < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'iterations' must be > 0"); } if (candidate.bitLength() == 2) { return true; } if (!candidate.testBit(0)) { return false; } BigInteger w = candidate; BigInteger wSubOne = candidate.subtract(ONE); BigInteger wSubTwo = candidate.subtract(TWO); int a = wSubOne.getLowestSetBit(); BigInteger m = wSubOne.shiftRight(a); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { BigInteger b = BigIntegers.createRandomInRange(TWO, wSubTwo, random); if (!implMRProbablePrimeToBase(w, wSubOne, m, a, b)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * FIPS 186-4 C.3.1 Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test (to a fixed base). * * Run a single iteration of the Miller-Rabin algorithm against the specified base. * * @param candidate * the {@link BigInteger} instance to test for primality. * @param base * the base value to use for this iteration. * @return false if the specified base is a witness to compositeness (so * candidate is definitely NOT prime), or else true. */ public static boolean isMRProbablePrimeToBase(BigInteger candidate, BigInteger base) { checkCandidate(candidate, "candidate"); checkCandidate(base, "base"); if (base.compareTo(candidate.subtract(ONE)) >= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'base' must be < ('candidate' - 1)"); } if (candidate.bitLength() == 2) { return true; } BigInteger w = candidate; BigInteger wSubOne = candidate.subtract(ONE); int a = wSubOne.getLowestSetBit(); BigInteger m = wSubOne.shiftRight(a); return implMRProbablePrimeToBase(w, wSubOne, m, a, base); } private static void checkCandidate(BigInteger n, String name) { if (n == null || n.signum() < 1 || n.bitLength() < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + name + "' must be non-null and >= 2"); } } private static boolean implHasAnySmallFactors(BigInteger x) { /* * Bundle trial divisors into ~32-bit moduli then use fast tests on the ~32-bit remainders. */ int m = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19 * 23; int r = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(m)).intValue(); if ((r % 2) == 0 || (r % 3) == 0 || (r % 5) == 0 || (r % 7) == 0 || (r % 11) == 0 || (r % 13) == 0 || (r % 17) == 0 || (r % 19) == 0 || (r % 23) == 0) { return true; } m = 29 * 31 * 37 * 41 * 43; r = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(m)).intValue(); if ((r % 29) == 0 || (r % 31) == 0 || (r % 37) == 0 || (r % 41) == 0 || (r % 43) == 0) { return true; } m = 47 * 53 * 59 * 61 * 67; r = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(m)).intValue(); if ((r % 47) == 0 || (r % 53) == 0 || (r % 59) == 0 || (r % 61) == 0 || (r % 67) == 0) { return true; } m = 71 * 73 * 79 * 83; r = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(m)).intValue(); if ((r % 71) == 0 || (r % 73) == 0 || (r % 79) == 0 || (r % 83) == 0) { return true; } m = 89 * 97 * 101 * 103; r = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(m)).intValue(); if ((r % 89) == 0 || (r % 97) == 0 || (r % 101) == 0 || (r % 103) == 0) { return true; } m = 107 * 109 * 113 * 127; r = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(m)).intValue(); if ((r % 107) == 0 || (r % 109) == 0 || (r % 113) == 0 || (r % 127) == 0) { return true; } m = 131 * 137 * 139 * 149; r = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(m)).intValue(); if ((r % 131) == 0 || (r % 137) == 0 || (r % 139) == 0 || (r % 149) == 0) { return true; } m = 151 * 157 * 163 * 167; r = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(m)).intValue(); if ((r % 151) == 0 || (r % 157) == 0 || (r % 163) == 0 || (r % 167) == 0) { return true; } m = 173 * 179 * 181 * 191; r = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(m)).intValue(); if ((r % 173) == 0 || (r % 179) == 0 || (r % 181) == 0 || (r % 191) == 0) { return true; } m = 193 * 197 * 199 * 211; r = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(m)).intValue(); if ((r % 193) == 0 || (r % 197) == 0 || (r % 199) == 0 || (r % 211) == 0) { return true; } /* * NOTE: Unit tests depend on SMALL_FACTOR_LIMIT matching the * highest small factor tested here. */ return false; } private static boolean implMRProbablePrimeToBase(BigInteger w, BigInteger wSubOne, BigInteger m, int a, BigInteger b) { BigInteger z = b.modPow(m, w); if (z.equals(ONE) || z.equals(wSubOne)) { return true; } boolean result = false; for (int j = 1; j < a; ++j) { z = z.modPow(TWO, w); if (z.equals(wSubOne)) { result = true; break; } if (z.equals(ONE)) { return false; } } return result; } private static STOutput implSTRandomPrime(Digest d, int length, byte[] primeSeed) { int dLen = d.getDigestSize(); if (length < 33) { int primeGenCounter = 0; byte[] c0 = new byte[dLen]; byte[] c1 = new byte[dLen]; for (;;) { hash(d, primeSeed, c0, 0); inc(primeSeed, 1); hash(d, primeSeed, c1, 0); inc(primeSeed, 1); int c = extract32(c0) ^ extract32(c1); c &= (-1 >>> (32 - length)); c |= (1 << (length - 1)) | 1; ++primeGenCounter; long c64 = c & 0xFFFFFFFFL; if (isPrime32(c64)) { return new STOutput(BigInteger.valueOf(c64), primeSeed, primeGenCounter); } if (primeGenCounter > (4 * length)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Too many iterations in Shawe-Taylor Random_Prime Routine"); } } } STOutput rec = implSTRandomPrime(d, (length + 3) / 2, primeSeed); BigInteger c0 = rec.getPrime(); primeSeed = rec.getPrimeSeed(); int primeGenCounter = rec.getPrimeGenCounter(); int outlen = 8 * dLen; int iterations = (length - 1) / outlen; int oldCounter = primeGenCounter; BigInteger x = hashGen(d, primeSeed, iterations + 1); x = x.mod(ONE.shiftLeft(length - 1)).setBit(length - 1); BigInteger c0x2 = c0.shiftLeft(1); BigInteger tx2 = x.subtract(ONE).divide(c0x2).add(ONE).shiftLeft(1); int dt = 0; BigInteger c = tx2.multiply(c0).add(ONE); /* * TODO Since the candidate primes are generated by constant steps ('c0x2'), sieving could * be used here in place of the 'hasAnySmallFactors' approach. */ for (;;) { if (c.bitLength() > length) { tx2 = ONE.shiftLeft(length - 1).subtract(ONE).divide(c0x2).add(ONE).shiftLeft(1); c = tx2.multiply(c0).add(ONE); } ++primeGenCounter; /* * This is an optimization of the original algorithm, using trial division to screen out * many non-primes quickly. * * NOTE: 'primeSeed' is still incremented as if we performed the full check! */ if (!implHasAnySmallFactors(c)) { BigInteger a = hashGen(d, primeSeed, iterations + 1); a = a.mod(c.subtract(THREE)).add(TWO); tx2 = tx2.add(BigInteger.valueOf(dt)); dt = 0; BigInteger z = a.modPow(tx2, c); if (c.gcd(z.subtract(ONE)).equals(ONE) && z.modPow(c0, c).equals(ONE)) { return new STOutput(c, primeSeed, primeGenCounter); } } else { inc(primeSeed, iterations + 1); } if (primeGenCounter >= ((4 * length) + oldCounter)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Too many iterations in Shawe-Taylor Random_Prime Routine"); } dt += 2; c = c.add(c0x2); } } private static int extract32(byte[] bs) { int result = 0; int count = Math.min(4, bs.length); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int b = bs[bs.length - (i + 1)] & 0xFF; result |= (b << (8 * i)); } return result; } private static void hash(Digest d, byte[] input, byte[] output, int outPos) { d.update(input, 0, input.length); d.doFinal(output, outPos); } private static BigInteger hashGen(Digest d, byte[] seed, int count) { int dLen = d.getDigestSize(); int pos = count * dLen; byte[] buf = new byte[pos]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { pos -= dLen; hash(d, seed, buf, pos); inc(seed, 1); } return new BigInteger(1, buf); } private static void inc(byte[] seed, int c) { int pos = seed.length; while (c > 0 && --pos >= 0) { c += (seed[pos] & 0xFF); seed[pos] = (byte)c; c >>>= 8; } } private static boolean isPrime32(long x) { if (x >>> 32 != 0L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size limit exceeded"); } /* * Use wheel factorization with 2, 3, 5 to select trial divisors. */ if (x <= 5L) { return x == 2L || x == 3L || x == 5L; } if ((x & 1L) == 0L || (x % 3L) == 0L || (x % 5L) == 0L) { return false; } long[] ds = new long[]{ 1L, 7L, 11L, 13L, 17L, 19L, 23L, 29L }; long base = 0L; for (int pos = 1;; pos = 0) { /* * Trial division by wheel-selected divisors */ while (pos < ds.length) { long d = base + ds[pos]; if (x % d == 0L) { return x < 30L; } ++pos; } base += 30L; if (base * base >= x) { return true; } } } }