// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License /* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2001-2013, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.bidi; import org.junit.Test; import com.ibm.icu.text.Bidi; /** * Regression test for the UBA implementation. * * ported from C by Lina Kemmel, Matitiahu Allouche */ public class TestReorder extends BidiFmwk { private static final String[] logicalOrder = { "del(KC)add(K.C.&)", "del(QDVT) add(BVDL)", "del(PQ)add(R.S.)T)U.&", "del(LV)add(L.V.) L.V.&", "day 0 R DPDHRVR dayabbr", "day 1 H DPHPDHDA dayabbr", "day 2 L DPBLENDA dayabbr", "day 3 J DPJQVM dayabbr", "day 4 I DPIQNF dayabbr", "day 5 M DPMEG dayabbr", "helloDPMEG", "hello WXYZ" }; private static final String[] visualOrder = { "del(CK)add(&.C.K)", "del(TVDQ) add(LDVB)", "del(QP)add(S.R.)&.U(T", /* updated for Unicode 6.3 matching brackets */ "del(VL)add(V.L.) &.V.L", /* updated for Unicode 6.3 matching brackets */ "day 0 RVRHDPD R dayabbr", "day 1 ADHDPHPD H dayabbr", "day 2 ADNELBPD L dayabbr", "day 3 MVQJPD J dayabbr", "day 4 FNQIPD I dayabbr", "day 5 GEMPD M dayabbr", "helloGEMPD", "hello ZYXW" }; private static final String[] visualOrder1 = { ")K.C.&(dda)KC(led", ")BVDL(dda )QDVT(led", "T(U.&).R.S(dda)PQ(led", /* updated for Unicode 6.3 matching brackets */ "L.V.& ).L.V(dda)LV(led", /* updated for Unicode 6.3 matching brackets */ "rbbayad R DPDHRVR 0 yad", "rbbayad H DPHPDHDA 1 yad", "rbbayad L DPBLENDA 2 yad", "rbbayad J DPJQVM 3 yad", "rbbayad I DPIQNF 4 yad", "rbbayad M DPMEG 5 yad", "DPMEGolleh", "WXYZ olleh" }; private static final String[] visualOrder2 = { "@)@K.C.&@(dda)@KC@(led", "@)@BVDL@(dda )@QDVT@(led", "R.S.)T)U.&@(dda)@PQ@(led", "L.V.) L.V.&@(dda)@LV@(led", "rbbayad @R DPDHRVR@ 0 yad", "rbbayad @H DPHPDHDA@ 1 yad", "rbbayad @L DPBLENDA@ 2 yad", "rbbayad @J DPJQVM@ 3 yad", "rbbayad @I DPIQNF@ 4 yad", "rbbayad @M DPMEG@ 5 yad", "DPMEGolleh", "WXYZ@ olleh" }; private static final String[] visualOrder3 = { ")K.C.&(KC)dda(led", ")BVDL(ddaQDVT) (led", "R.S.)T)U.&(PQ)dda(led", "L.V.) L.V.&(LV)dda(led", "rbbayad DPDHRVR R 0 yad", "rbbayad DPHPDHDA H 1 yad", "rbbayad DPBLENDA L 2 yad", "rbbayad DPJQVM J 3 yad", "rbbayad DPIQNF I 4 yad", "rbbayad DPMEG M 5 yad", "DPMEGolleh", "WXYZ olleh" }; private static final String[] visualOrder4 = { "del(add(CK(.C.K)", "del( (TVDQadd(LDVB)", "del(add(QP(.U(T(.S.R", "del(add(VL(.V.L (.V.L", "day 0 R RVRHDPD dayabbr", "day 1 H ADHDPHPD dayabbr", "day 2 L ADNELBPD dayabbr", "day 3 J MVQJPD dayabbr", "day 4 I FNQIPD dayabbr", "day 5 M GEMPD dayabbr", "helloGEMPD", "hello ZYXW" }; @Test public void testReorder() { Bidi bidi = new Bidi(); int testNumber; int nTests = logicalOrder.length; String src, srcU16, dest = ""; logln("\nEntering TestReorder\n"); for (testNumber = 0; testNumber < nTests; testNumber++) { logln("Testing L2V #1 for case " + testNumber); src = logicalOrder[testNumber]; srcU16 = pseudoToU16(src); try { bidi.setPara(srcU16, Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR, null); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Bidi.setPara(tests[" + testNumber + "], paraLevel " + Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR + " failed."); } try { dest = u16ToPseudo(bidi.writeReordered(Bidi.DO_MIRRORING)); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Bidi.writeReordered(tests[" + testNumber + "], paraLevel " + Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR + " failed."); } if (!visualOrder[testNumber].equals(dest)) { assertEquals("Failure #1 in Bidi.writeReordered(), test number " + testNumber, visualOrder[testNumber], dest, src, null, "Bidi.DO_MIRRORING", "Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR"); } checkWhatYouCan(bidi, src, dest); } for (testNumber = 0; testNumber < nTests; testNumber++) { logln("Testing L2V #2 for case " + testNumber); src = logicalOrder[testNumber]; srcU16 = pseudoToU16(src); try { bidi.setPara(srcU16, Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR, null); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Bidi.setPara(tests[" + testNumber + "], paraLevel " + Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR + " failed."); } try { dest = u16ToPseudo(bidi.writeReordered(Bidi.DO_MIRRORING + Bidi.OUTPUT_REVERSE)); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Bidi.writeReordered(test[" + testNumber + "], paraLevel " + Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR + " failed."); } assertEquals("Failure #2 in Bidi.writeReordered() at index " + testNumber, visualOrder1[testNumber], dest, logicalOrder[testNumber], null, "DO_MIRRORING + OUTPUT_REVERSE", "Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR"); } for (testNumber = 0; testNumber < nTests; testNumber++) { logln("Testing V2L #3 for case " + testNumber); src = logicalOrder[testNumber]; srcU16 = pseudoToU16(src); bidi.setInverse(true); try { bidi.setPara(srcU16, Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR, null); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Bidi.setPara(tests[" + testNumber + "], paraLevel " + Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR + " failed."); } try { dest = u16ToPseudo(bidi.writeReordered(Bidi.OUTPUT_REVERSE | Bidi.INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC)); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Bidi.writeReordered(test[" + testNumber + "], paraLevel " + Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR + " failed."); } assertEquals("Failure #3 in Bidi.writeReordered(test[" + testNumber + "])", visualOrder2[testNumber], dest, logicalOrder[testNumber], null, "INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC + OUTPUT_REVERSE", "Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR"); } /* Max Explicit level */ for (testNumber = 0; testNumber < nTests; testNumber++) { logln("Testing V2L #4 for case " + testNumber); src = logicalOrder[testNumber]; srcU16 = pseudoToU16(src); byte[] levels = new byte[Bidi.MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { levels[i] = (byte)(i + 1); } try { bidi.setPara(srcU16, Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR, levels); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Bidi.setPara(tests[" + testNumber + "], paraLevel = MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL = " + Bidi.MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL + " failed."); } try { dest = u16ToPseudo(bidi.writeReordered(Bidi.OUTPUT_REVERSE)); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Bidi.writeReordered(test[" + testNumber + "], paraLevel " + Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR + " failed."); } assertEquals("Failure #4 in Bidi.writeReordered(test[" + testNumber + "])", visualOrder3[testNumber], dest, logicalOrder[testNumber], null, "OUTPUT_REVERSE", "Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR"); } for (testNumber = 0; testNumber < nTests; testNumber++) { logln("Testing V2L #5 for case " + testNumber); src = logicalOrder[testNumber]; srcU16 = pseudoToU16(src); byte[] levels = new byte[Bidi.MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { levels[i] = (byte)(i + 1); } try { bidi.setPara(srcU16, Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR, levels); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Bidi.setPara(tests[" + testNumber + "], paraLevel " + Bidi.MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL + " failed."); } try { dest = u16ToPseudo(bidi.writeReordered(Bidi.DO_MIRRORING | Bidi.REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS)); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Bidi.writeReordered(test[" + testNumber + "], paraLevel " + Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR + " failed."); } assertEquals("Failure #5 in Bidi.writeReordered(test[" + testNumber + "])", visualOrder4[testNumber], dest, logicalOrder[testNumber], null, "DO_MIRRORING + REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS", "Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR"); } logln("\nExiting TestReorder\n"); } }