/* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2009-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.text; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringReader; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk; import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestUtil; import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestUtil.JavaVendor; import com.ibm.icu.impl.Utility; import com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript; import com.ibm.icu.text.IdentifierInfo; import com.ibm.icu.text.Normalizer2; import com.ibm.icu.text.SpoofChecker; import com.ibm.icu.text.SpoofChecker.CheckResult; import com.ibm.icu.text.SpoofChecker.RestrictionLevel; import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet; import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale; public class SpoofCheckerTest extends TestFmwk { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new SpoofCheckerTest().run(args); } /* * Identifiers for verifying that spoof checking is minimally alive and working. */ char[] goodLatinChars = { (char) 0x75, (char) 0x7a }; String goodLatin = new String(goodLatinChars); /* "uz", all ASCII */ /* (not confusable) */ char[] scMixedChars = { (char) 0x73, (char) 0x0441 }; String scMixed = new String(scMixedChars); /* "sc", with Cyrillic 'c' */ /* (mixed script, confusable */ String scLatin = "sc"; /* "sc", plain ascii. */ String goodCyrl = "\u0438\u043B"; // "Cyrillic small letter i and el" Plain lower case Cyrillic letters, no latin confusables String goodGreek = "\u03c0\u03c6"; // "Greek small letter pi and phi" Plain lower case Greek letters // Various 1 l I look-alikes String lll_Latin_a = "lI1"; // small letter l, cap I, digit 1, all ASCII // "\uFF29\u217C\u0196" Full-width I, Small Roman Numeral fifty, Latin Cap Letter IOTA String lll_Latin_b = "\uff29\u217c\u0196"; String lll_Cyrl = "\u0406\u04C0\u0031"; // "\u0406\u04C01" /* The skeleton transform for all of the 'lll' lookalikes is ascii lower case letter l. */ String lll_Skel = "lll"; String han_Hiragana = "\u3086\u308A \u77F3\u7530"; // Hiragana, space, Han /* * Test basic constructor. */ public void TestUSpoof() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); if (sc == null) { errln("FAIL: null SpoofChecker"); } } /* * Test build from source rules. */ public void TestOpenFromSourceRules() { if (TestUtil.getJavaVendor() == JavaVendor.IBM && TestUtil.getJavaVersion() == 5) { // Note: IBM Java 5 has a bug reading a large UTF-8 text contents logln("Skip this test case because of the IBM Java 5 bug"); return; } String fileName; Reader confusables; Reader confusablesWholeScript; try { SpoofChecker rsc = null; fileName = "unicode/confusables.txt"; confusables = TestUtil.getDataReader(fileName, "UTF-8"); try { fileName = "unicode/confusablesWholeScript.txt"; confusablesWholeScript = TestUtil.getDataReader(fileName, "UTF-8"); try { rsc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setData(confusables, confusablesWholeScript).build(); } finally { confusablesWholeScript.close(); } } finally { confusables.close(); } if (rsc == null) { errln("FAIL: null SpoofChecker"); return; } // Check that newly built-from-rules SpoofChecker is able to function. checkSkeleton(rsc, "TestOpenFromSourceRules"); SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult(); rsc.failsChecks("Hello", result); // The checker we just built from source rules should be equivalent to the // default checker created from prebuilt rules baked into the ICU data. SpoofChecker defaultChecker = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); assertTrue("Checker built from rules equals default", defaultChecker.equals(rsc)); SpoofChecker optionChecker = new SpoofChecker.Builder(). setRestrictionLevel(RestrictionLevel.UNRESTRICTIVE).build(); assertFalse("", optionChecker.equals(rsc)); // Stub source data to build into a test SpoofChecker String stubWSConfusables = "# Stub Whole Script Confusable data\n" + "0561 ; Armn; Cyrl; L # (ա) ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER AYB\n"; String stubConfusables = "# Stub confusables data\n" + "05AD ; 0596 ; MA # ( ֭ → ֖ ) HEBREW ACCENT DEHI → HEBREW ACCENT TIPEHA #\n"; // Verify that re-using a builder doesn't alter SpoofCheckers that were // previously created by that builder. (The builder could modify data // being used by the existing checker) SpoofChecker.Builder builder = new SpoofChecker.Builder(); SpoofChecker testChecker1 = builder.build(); assertTrue("", testChecker1.equals(defaultChecker)); builder.setData(new StringReader(stubConfusables), new StringReader(stubWSConfusables)); builder.setRestrictionLevel(RestrictionLevel.UNRESTRICTIVE); builder.setChecks(SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE); SetallowedLocales = new HashSet(); allowedLocales.add(ULocale.JAPANESE); allowedLocales.add(ULocale.FRENCH); builder.setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales); SpoofChecker testChecker2 = builder.build(); SpoofChecker testChecker3 = builder.build(); assertTrue("", testChecker1.equals(defaultChecker)); assertFalse("", testChecker2.equals(defaultChecker)); assertTrue("", testChecker2.equals(testChecker3)); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { errln(e.toString()); } catch (ParseException e) { errln(e.toString()); } } /* * Set & Get Check Flags */ public void TestGetSetChecks1() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS).build(); int t; t = sc.getChecks(); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS, t); sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(0).build(); t = sc.getChecks(); assertEquals("", 0, t); int checks = SpoofChecker.WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | SpoofChecker.MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE; sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(checks).build(); t = sc.getChecks(); assertEquals("", checks, t); } /* * get & setAllowedChars */ public void TestGetSetAllowedChars() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); UnicodeSet us; UnicodeSet uset; uset = sc.getAllowedChars(); assertTrue("", uset.isFrozen()); us = new UnicodeSet((int) 0x41, (int) 0x5A); /* [A-Z] */ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setAllowedChars(us).build(); assertEquals("", us, sc.getAllowedChars()); } /* * get & set Checks */ public void TestGetSetChecks() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); int checks; int checks2; boolean checkResults; checks = sc.getChecks(); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS, checks); checks &= ~(SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT | SpoofChecker.MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE); sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(checks).build(); checks2 = sc.getChecks(); assertEquals("", checks, checks2); /* * The checks that were disabled just above are the same ones that the "scMixed" test fails. So with those tests * gone checking that Identifier should now succeed */ checkResults = sc.failsChecks(scMixed); assertFalse("", checkResults); } /* * AllowedLocales */ public void TestAllowedLocales() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); Set allowedLocales = null; Set allowedJavaLocales = null; boolean checkResults; /* Default allowed locales list should be empty */ allowedLocales = sc.getAllowedLocales(); assertTrue("Empty allowed locales", allowedLocales.isEmpty()); allowedJavaLocales = sc.getAllowedJavaLocales(); assertTrue("Empty allowed Java locales", allowedJavaLocales.isEmpty()); /* Allow en and ru, which should enable Latin and Cyrillic only to pass */ ULocale enloc = new ULocale("en"); ULocale ruloc = new ULocale("ru_RU"); allowedLocales = new HashSet(); allowedLocales.add(enloc); allowedLocales.add(ruloc); sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build(); allowedLocales = sc.getAllowedLocales(); assertTrue("en in allowed locales", allowedLocales.contains(enloc)); assertTrue("ru_RU in allowed locales", allowedLocales.contains(ruloc)); Locale frlocJ = new Locale("fr"); allowedJavaLocales = new HashSet(); allowedJavaLocales.add(frlocJ); sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setAllowedJavaLocales(allowedJavaLocales).build(); assertFalse("no en in allowed Java locales", allowedJavaLocales.contains(new Locale("en"))); assertTrue("fr in allowed Java locales", allowedJavaLocales.contains(frlocJ)); /* * Limit checks to SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT. Some of the test data has whole script confusables also, which we * don't want to see in this test. */ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build(); SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult(); checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodLatin); assertFalse("", checkResults); checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodGreek, result); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT, result.checks); checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodCyrl); assertFalse("", checkResults); /* Reset with an empty locale list, which should allow all characters to pass */ allowedLocales = new LinkedHashSet(); sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build(); checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodGreek); assertFalse("", checkResults); } /* * AllowedChars set/get the UnicodeSet of allowed characters. */ public void TestAllowedChars() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); UnicodeSet set; UnicodeSet tmpSet; boolean checkResults; /* By default, we should see no restriction; the UnicodeSet should allow all characters. */ set = sc.getAllowedChars(); tmpSet = new UnicodeSet(0, 0x10ffff); assertEquals("", tmpSet, set); /* Setting the allowed chars should enable the check. */ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS & ~SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).build(); /* Remove a character that is in our good Latin test identifier from the allowed chars set. */ tmpSet.remove(goodLatin.charAt(1)); sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setAllowedChars(tmpSet).build(); /* Latin Identifier should now fail; other non-latin test cases should still be OK */ SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult(); checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodLatin, result); assertTrue("", checkResults); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT | SpoofChecker.RESTRICTION_LEVEL, result.checks); checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodGreek, result); assertTrue("", checkResults); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, result.checks); } public void TestCheck() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult(); boolean checkResults; result.position = 666; checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodLatin, result); assertFalse("", checkResults); assertEquals("", 0, result.position); checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodCyrl, result); assertFalse("", checkResults); result.position = 666; checkResults = sc.failsChecks(scMixed, result); assertTrue("", checkResults); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT, result.checks); assertEquals("", 0, result.position); result.position = 666; checkResults = sc.failsChecks(han_Hiragana, result); assertFalse("", checkResults); assertEquals("", 0, result.position); assertEquals("", 0, result.checks); } public void TestAreConfusable1() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); int checkResults; checkResults = sc.areConfusable(scLatin, scMixed); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); checkResults = sc.areConfusable(goodGreek, scLatin); assertEquals("", 0, checkResults); checkResults = sc.areConfusable(lll_Latin_a, lll_Latin_b); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); } public void TestGetSkeleton() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); String dest; dest = sc.getSkeleton(SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE, lll_Latin_a); assertEquals("", lll_Skel, dest); } /** * IntlTestSpoof is the top level test class for the Unicode Spoof detection tests */ // Test the USpoofDetector API functions that require C++ // The pure C part of the API, which is most of it, is tested in cintltst /** * IntlTestSpoof tests for USpoofDetector */ public void TestSpoofAPI() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); String s = "xyz"; // Many latin ranges are whole-script confusable with other scripts. // If this test starts failing, consult confusablesWholeScript.txt SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult(); result.position = 666; boolean checkResults = sc.failsChecks(s, result); assertFalse("", checkResults); assertEquals("", 0, result.position); sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); String s1 = "cxs"; String s2 = Utility.unescape("\\u0441\\u0445\\u0455"); // Cyrillic "cxs" int checkResult = sc.areConfusable(s1, s2); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | SpoofChecker.WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResult); sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); s = "I1l0O"; String dest = sc.getSkeleton(SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE, s); assertEquals("", dest, "lllOO"); } public void TestSkeleton() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); checkSkeleton(sc, "TestSkeleton"); } // testSkeleton. Spot check a number of confusable skeleton substitutions from the // Unicode data file confusables.txt // Test cases chosen for substitutions of various lengths, and // membership in different mapping tables. public void checkSkeleton(SpoofChecker sc, String testName) { int ML = 0; int SL = SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE; int MA = SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE; int SA = SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE; checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "\\u02b9identifier'", "'identifier'", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SL, "nochange", "nochange", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SA, "nochange", "nochange", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, ML, "nochange", "nochange", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "nochange", "nochange", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "love", "love", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "1ove", "love", testName); // Digit 1 to letter l checkSkeleton(sc, ML, "OOPS", "OOPS", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, ML, "00PS", "OOPS", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "OOPS", "OOPS", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "00PS", "OOPS", testName); // Digit 0 to letter O checkSkeleton(sc, SL, "\\u059c", "\\u0301", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SL, "\\u2A74", "\\u003A\\u003A\\u003D", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SL, "\\u247E", "(ll)", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SL, "\\uFDFB", "\\u062C\\u0644\\u0020\\u062C\\u0644\\u006c\\u0644\\u006f", testName); // 0C83 mapping existed in the ML and MA tables, did not exist in SL, SA (Original Unicode 7) // mapping exists in all tables (ICU 55). // 0C83 ; 0983 ; ML # KANNADA SIGN VISARGA to checkSkeleton(sc, SL, "\\u0C83", "\\u0983", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SA, "\\u0C83", "\\u0983", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, ML, "\\u0C83", "\\u0983", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "\\u0C83", "\\u0983", testName); // 0391 mappings existed only in MA and SA tables (Original Unicode 7). // mappings exist in all tables (ICU 55) checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "\\u0391", "A", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SA, "\\u0391", "A", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, ML, "\\u0391", "A", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SL, "\\u0391", "A", testName); // 13CF Mappings in all four tables, different in MA (Original Unicode 7). // Mapping same in all tables (ICU 55) checkSkeleton(sc, ML, "\\u13CF", "b", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "\\u13CF", "b", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SL, "\\u13CF", "b", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SA, "\\u13CF", "b", testName); // 0022 ; 0027 0027 ; // all tables checkSkeleton(sc, SL, "\"", "\\u0027\\u0027", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, SA, "\"", "\\u0027\\u0027", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, ML, "\"", "\\u0027\\u0027", testName); checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "\"", "\\u0027\\u0027", testName); } // Internal function to run a single skeleton test case. // // Run a single confusable skeleton transformation test case. // void checkSkeleton(SpoofChecker sc, int type, String input, String expected, String testName) { String uInput = Utility.unescape(input); String uExpected = Utility.unescape(expected); String actual; actual = sc.getSkeleton(type, uInput); Throwable t = new Throwable(); int lineNumberOfTest = t.getStackTrace()[1].getLineNumber(); assertEquals(testName + " test at line " + lineNumberOfTest + " : Expected (escaped): " + expected, uExpected, actual); } public void TestAreConfusable() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); String s1 = "A long string that will overflow stack buffers. A long string that will overflow stack buffers. " + "A long string that will overflow stack buffers. A long string that will overflow stack buffers. "; String s2 = "A long string that wi11 overflow stack buffers. A long string that will overflow stack buffers. " + "A long string that wi11 overflow stack buffers. A long string that will overflow stack buffers. "; assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, sc.areConfusable(s1, s2)); } public void TestInvisible() { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); String s = Utility.unescape("abcd\\u0301ef"); SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult(); result.position = -42; assertFalse("", sc.failsChecks(s, result)); assertEquals("", 0, result.checks); assertEquals("", result.position, 0); String s2 = Utility.unescape("abcd\\u0301\\u0302\\u0301ef"); assertTrue("", sc.failsChecks(s2, result)); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.INVISIBLE, result.checks); assertEquals("", 0, result.position); // Two acute accents, one from the composed a with acute accent, \u00e1, // and one separate. result.position = -42; String s3 = Utility.unescape("abcd\\u00e1\\u0301xyz"); assertTrue("", sc.failsChecks(s3, result)); assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.INVISIBLE, result.checks); assertEquals("", 0, result.position); } public void TestRestrictionLevel() { Object[][] tests = { {"aγ♥", RestrictionLevel.UNRESTRICTIVE}, {"a", RestrictionLevel.ASCII}, {"γ", RestrictionLevel.SINGLE_SCRIPT_RESTRICTIVE}, {"aアー", RestrictionLevel.HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE}, {"aऄ", RestrictionLevel.MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE}, {"aγ", RestrictionLevel.MINIMALLY_RESTRICTIVE}, }; IdentifierInfo idInfo = new IdentifierInfo().setIdentifierProfile(SpoofChecker.RECOMMENDED); CheckResult checkResult = new CheckResult(); for (Object[] test : tests) { String testString = (String) test[0]; RestrictionLevel expectedLevel = (RestrictionLevel) test[1]; idInfo.setIdentifier(testString); assertEquals("Testing restriction level for '" + testString + "'", expectedLevel, idInfo.getRestrictionLevel()); for (RestrictionLevel levelSetInSpoofChecker : RestrictionLevel.values()) { SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder() .setChecks(SpoofChecker.RESTRICTION_LEVEL) // only check this .setAllowedChars(SpoofChecker.RECOMMENDED) .setRestrictionLevel(levelSetInSpoofChecker) .build(); boolean actualValue = sc.failsChecks(testString, checkResult); // we want to fail if the text is (say) MODERATE and the testLevel is ASCII boolean expectedFailure = expectedLevel.compareTo(levelSetInSpoofChecker) > 0 || !SpoofChecker.RECOMMENDED.containsAll(testString); boolean t = assertEquals("Testing spoof restriction level for '" + testString + "', " + levelSetInSpoofChecker, expectedFailure, actualValue); if (!t) { // debugging actualValue = sc.failsChecks(testString, checkResult); // we want to fail if the text is (say) MODERATE and the testLevel is ASCII expectedFailure = expectedLevel.compareTo(levelSetInSpoofChecker) > 0 || !SpoofChecker.RECOMMENDED.containsAll(testString); } } } } public void TestMixedNumbers() { Object[][] tests = { {"1", "[0]"}, {"१", "[०]"}, {"1१", "[0०]"}, {"١۱", "[٠۰]"}, }; IdentifierInfo idInfo = new IdentifierInfo(); CheckResult checkResult = new CheckResult(); for (Object[] test : tests) { String testString = (String) test[0]; UnicodeSet expected = new UnicodeSet((String)test[1]); idInfo.setIdentifier(testString); assertEquals("", expected, idInfo.getNumerics()); SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder() .setChecks(SpoofChecker.MIXED_NUMBERS) // only check this .build(); boolean actualValue = sc.failsChecks(testString, checkResult); assertEquals("Testing spoof mixed numbers for '" + testString + "', ", expected.size() > 1, actualValue); } } public void TestIdentifierInfo() { // contains(BitSet, BitSet) BitSet bitset12 = IdentifierInfo.set(new BitSet(), UScript.LATIN, UScript.HANGUL); BitSet bitset2 = IdentifierInfo.set(new BitSet(), UScript.HANGUL); assertTrue("", IdentifierInfo.contains(bitset12, bitset2)); assertTrue("", IdentifierInfo.contains(bitset12, bitset12)); assertTrue("", !IdentifierInfo.contains(bitset2, bitset12)); assertTrue("", IdentifierInfo.BITSET_COMPARATOR.compare( IdentifierInfo.set(new BitSet(), UScript.ARABIC), IdentifierInfo.set(new BitSet(), UScript.LATIN)) < 0); // displayAlternates(Collection) // displayScripts(BitSet) String scriptString = IdentifierInfo.displayScripts(bitset12); assertEquals("", "Hang Latn", scriptString); Set alternates = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(bitset12, bitset2)); String alternatesString = IdentifierInfo.displayAlternates(alternates); assertEquals("", "Hang; Hang Latn", alternatesString); // parseAlternates(String) // parseScripts(String) assertEquals("", bitset12, IdentifierInfo.parseScripts(scriptString)); assertEquals("", alternates, IdentifierInfo.parseAlternates(alternatesString)); String[][] tests = { // String, restriction-level, numerics, scripts, alternates, common-alternates {"a♥", "UNRESTRICTIVE", "[]", "Latn", "", ""}, {"a〆", "HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE", "[]", "Latn", "Hani Hira Kana", "Hani Hira Kana"}, {"aー〆", "HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE", "[]", "Latn", "Hira Kana", "Hira Kana"}, {"aー〆ア", "HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE", "[]", "Latn Kana", "", ""}, {"アaー〆", "HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE", "[]", "Latn Kana", "", ""}, {"a1١", "UNRESTRICTIVE", "[0٠]", "Latn", "Arab Thaa", "Arab Thaa"}, {"a1١۱", "UNRESTRICTIVE", "[0٠۰]", "Latn Arab", "", ""}, {"١ー〆aア1१۱", "UNRESTRICTIVE", "[0٠۰०]", "Latn Kana Arab", "Deva Kthi Mahj", "Deva Kthi Mahj"}, {"aアー〆1१١۱", "UNRESTRICTIVE", "[0٠۰०]", "Latn Kana Arab", "Deva Kthi Mahj", "Deva Kthi Mahj"}, }; for (String[] test : tests) { String testString = test[0]; IdentifierInfo idInfo = new IdentifierInfo(); idInfo.setIdentifierProfile(SpoofChecker.RECOMMENDED); idInfo.setIdentifier(testString); assertEquals("Identifier " + testString, testString, idInfo.getIdentifier()); RestrictionLevel restrictionLevel = RestrictionLevel.valueOf(test[1]); assertEquals("RestrictionLevel " + testString, restrictionLevel, idInfo.getRestrictionLevel()); UnicodeSet numerics = new UnicodeSet(test[2]); assertEquals("Numerics " + testString, numerics, idInfo.getNumerics()); BitSet scripts = IdentifierInfo.parseScripts(test[3]); assertEquals("Scripts " + testString, scripts, idInfo.getScripts()); Set alternates2 = IdentifierInfo.parseAlternates(test[4]); assertEquals("Alternates " + testString, alternates2, idInfo.getAlternates()); BitSet commonAlternates = IdentifierInfo.parseScripts(test[5]); assertEquals("Common Alternates " + testString, commonAlternates, idInfo.getCommonAmongAlternates()); } // TODO // getIdentifierProfile() // setIdentifierProfile(UnicodeSet) } public void TestBug11635() { // The bug was an error in iterating through supplementary characters in IdentifierInfo. // The three supplemental chars in the string are "123" from the mathematical bold digit range. // Common script, Nd general category, and no other restrictions on allowed characters // leaves "ABC123" as SINGLE_SCRIPT_RESTRICTIVE. String identifier = Utility.unescape("ABC\\U0001D7CF\\U0001D7D0\\U0001D7D1"); IdentifierInfo idInfo = new IdentifierInfo(); idInfo.setIdentifier(identifier); assertEquals("", RestrictionLevel.SINGLE_SCRIPT_RESTRICTIVE, idInfo.getRestrictionLevel()); } public void TestComparator() { Random random = new Random(0); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { BitSet[] items = new BitSet[random.nextInt(5)+3]; for (int j = 0; j < items.length; ++j) { items[j] = new BitSet(); int countInBitset = random.nextInt(5); for (int k = 0; k < countInBitset; ++k) { items[j].set(random.nextInt(10)); } } checkComparator(IdentifierInfo.BITSET_COMPARATOR, items); } } // Dumb implementation for now private void checkComparator(Comparator comparator, T... items) { logln("Checking " + Arrays.asList(items)); /* * The relation is transitive: a < b and b < c implies a < c. We test here. * The relation is trichotomous: exactly one of a < b, b < a and a = b is true. Guaranteed by comparator. */ for (int i = 0; i < items.length-2; ++i) { T a = items[i]; for (int j = i+1; j < items.length-1; ++j) { T b = items[j]; for (int k = j+1; k < items.length; ++k) { T c = items[k]; checkTransitivity(comparator, a, b, c); checkTransitivity(comparator, a, c, b); checkTransitivity(comparator, b, a, b); checkTransitivity(comparator, b, c, a); checkTransitivity(comparator, c, a, b); checkTransitivity(comparator, c, b, a); } } } } private void checkTransitivity(Comparator comparator, T a, T b, T c) { int ab = comparator.compare(a,b); int bc = comparator.compare(b,c); int ca = comparator.compare(c,a); if (!assertFalse("Transitive: " + a + ", " + b + ", " + c, ab < 0 && bc < 0 && ca <= 0)) { // for debugging comparator.compare(a,b); comparator.compare(b,c); comparator.compare(c,a); assertFalse("Transitive: " + a + ", " + b + ", " + c, ab < 0 && bc < 0 && ca <= 0); } } private String parseHex(String in) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String oneCharAsHexString : in.split("\\s+")) { if (oneCharAsHexString.length() > 0) { sb.appendCodePoint(Integer.parseInt(oneCharAsHexString, 16)); } } return sb.toString(); } private String escapeString(String in) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) { int c = in.codePointAt(i); if (c <= 0x7f) { out.append((char) c); } else if (c <= 0xffff) { out.append(String.format("\\u%04x", c)); } else { out.append(String.format("\\U%06x", c)); i++; } } return out.toString(); } // Verify that each item from the Unicode confusables.txt file // transforms into the expected skeleton. public void testConfData() { if (TestUtil.getJavaVendor() == JavaVendor.IBM && TestUtil.getJavaVersion() == 5) { // Note: IBM Java 5 has a bug reading a large UTF-8 text contents logln("Skip this test case because of the IBM Java 5 bug"); return; } try { // Read in the confusables.txt file. (Distributed by Unicode.org) String fileName = "unicode/confusables.txt"; BufferedReader confusablesRdr = TestUtil.getDataReader(fileName, "UTF-8"); // Create a default spoof checker to use in this test. SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build(); // Parse lines from the confusables.txt file. Example Line: // FF44 ; 0064 ; SL # ( d -> d ) FULLWIDTH .... // Lines have three fields. The hex fields can contain more than one character, // and each character may be more than 4 digits (for supplemntals) // This regular expression matches lines and splits the fields into capture groups. // Capture group 1: map from chars // 2: map to chars // 3: table type, SL, ML, SA or MA // 4: Comment Lines Only // 5: Error Lines Only Matcher parseLine = Pattern.compile( "\\ufeff?" + "(?:([0-9A-F\\s]+);([0-9A-F\\s]+);\\s*(SL|ML|SA|MA)\\s*(?:#.*?)?$)" + "|\\ufeff?(\\s*(?:#.*)?)"). // Comment line matcher(""); Normalizer2 normalizer = Normalizer2.getNFDInstance(); int lineNum = 0; String inputLine; while ((inputLine = confusablesRdr.readLine()) != null) { lineNum++; parseLine.reset(inputLine); if (!parseLine.matches()) { errln("Syntax error in confusable data file at line " + lineNum); errln(inputLine); break; } if (parseLine.group(4) != null) { continue; // comment line } String from = parseHex(parseLine.group(1)); if (!normalizer.isNormalized(from)) { // The source character was not NFD. // Skip this case; the first step in obtaining a skeleton is to NFD the input, // so the mapping in this line of confusables.txt will never be applied. continue; } String rawExpected = parseHex(parseLine.group(2)); String expected = normalizer.normalize(rawExpected); int skeletonType = 0; String tableType = parseLine.group(3); if (tableType.equals("SL")) { skeletonType = SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE; } else if (tableType.indexOf("SA") >= 0) { skeletonType = SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE; } else if (tableType.indexOf("ML") >= 0) { skeletonType = 0; } else if (tableType.indexOf("MA") >= 0) { skeletonType = SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE; } String actual; actual = sc.getSkeleton(skeletonType, from); if (!actual.equals(expected)) { errln("confusables.txt: " + lineNum + ": " + parseLine.group(0)); errln("Actual: " + escapeString(actual)); } } confusablesRdr.close(); } catch (IOException e) { errln(e.toString()); } } public void TestCheckResultToString11447() { CheckResult checkResult = new CheckResult(); SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder() .setChecks(-1) .build(); sc.failsChecks("1१", checkResult); assertTrue("CheckResult: ", checkResult.toString().contains("MIXED_NUMBERS")); } }