package; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class SPVerifier { public static final int OtherName = 0; public static final int DNSName = 2; private final OSUInfo mOSUInfo; public SPVerifier(OSUInfo osuInfo) { mOSUInfo = osuInfo; } /* SEQUENCE: [Context 0]: SEQUENCE: [Context 0]: -- LogotypeData SEQUENCE: SEQUENCE: SEQUENCE: IA5String='image/png' SEQUENCE: SEQUENCE: SEQUENCE: OID=2.16.840. NULL OCTET_STRING= cf aa 74 a8 ad af 85 82 06 c8 f5 b5 bf ee 45 72 8a ee ea bd 47 ab 50 d3 62 0c 92 c1 53 c3 4c 6b SEQUENCE: IA5String='' SEQUENCE: INTEGER=4184 INTEGER=-128 INTEGER=61 [Context 4]= 7a 78 78 [Context 0]: -- LogotypeData SEQUENCE: SEQUENCE: -- LogotypeImage SEQUENCE: -- LogoTypeDetails IA5String='image/png' SEQUENCE: SEQUENCE: -- HashAlgAndValue SEQUENCE: OID=2.16.840. NULL OCTET_STRING= cb 35 5c ba 7a 21 59 df 8e 0a e1 d8 9f a4 81 9e 41 8f af 58 0c 08 d6 28 7f 66 22 98 13 57 95 8d SEQUENCE: IA5String='' SEQUENCE: -- LogotypeImageInfo INTEGER=11635 INTEGER=-96 INTEGER=76 [Context 4]= 65 6e 67 */ private static class LogoTypeImage { private final String mMimeType; private final List mHashes = new ArrayList<>(); private final List mURIs = new ArrayList<>(); private final int mFileSize; private final int mXsize; private final int mYsize; private final String mLanguage; private LogoTypeImage(Asn1Constructed sequence) throws IOException { Iterator children = sequence.getChildren().iterator(); Iterator logoTypeDetails = castObject(, Asn1Constructed.class).getChildren().iterator(); mMimeType = castObject(, Asn1String.class).getString(); Asn1Constructed hashes = castObject(, Asn1Constructed.class); for (Asn1Object hash : hashes.getChildren()) { mHashes.add(new HashAlgAndValue(castObject(hash, Asn1Constructed.class))); } Asn1Constructed urls = castObject(, Asn1Constructed.class); for (Asn1Object url : urls.getChildren()) { mURIs.add(castObject(url, Asn1String.class).getString()); } boolean imageInfoSet = false; int fileSize = -1; int xSize = -1; int ySize = -1; String language = null; if (children.hasNext()) { Iterator imageInfo = castObject(, Asn1Constructed.class).getChildren().iterator(); Asn1Object first =; if (first.getTag() == 0) { first =; // Ignore optional LogotypeImageType } fileSize = (int) castObject(first, Asn1Integer.class).getValue(); xSize = (int) castObject(, Asn1Integer.class).getValue(); ySize = (int) castObject(, Asn1Integer.class).getValue(); imageInfoSet = true; if (imageInfo.hasNext()) { Asn1Object next =; if (next.getTag() != 4) { next = imageInfo.hasNext() ? : null; // Skip resolution } if (next != null && next.getTag() == 4) { language = new String(castObject(next, Asn1Octets.class).getOctets(), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); } } } if (imageInfoSet) { mFileSize = complement(fileSize); mXsize = complement(xSize); mYsize = complement(ySize); } else { mFileSize = mXsize = mYsize = -1; } mLanguage = language; } private boolean verify(OSUInfo osuInfo) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { IconInfo iconInfo = osuInfo.getIconInfo(); HSIconFileElement iconData = osuInfo.getIconFileElement(); if (!iconInfo.getIconType().equals(mMimeType) || !iconInfo.getLanguage().equals(mLanguage) || iconData.getIconData().length != mFileSize) { return false; } for (HashAlgAndValue hash : mHashes) { if (hash.getJCEName() != null) { MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(hash.getJCEName()); byte[] computed = digest.digest(iconData.getIconData()); if (!Arrays.equals(computed, hash.getHash())) { throw new IOException("Icon hash mismatch"); } else { Log.d(OSUManager.TAG, "Icon verified with " + hash.getJCEName()); return true; } } } return false; } @Override public String toString() { return "LogoTypeImage{" + "MimeType='" + mMimeType + '\'' + ", hashes=" + mHashes + ", URIs=" + mURIs + ", fileSize=" + mFileSize + ", xSize=" + mXsize + ", ySize=" + mYsize + ", language='" + mLanguage + '\'' + '}'; } } private static class HashAlgAndValue { private final String mJCEName; private final byte[] mHash; private HashAlgAndValue(Asn1Constructed sequence) throws IOException { if (sequence.getChildren().size() != 2) { throw new IOException("Bad HashAlgAndValue"); } Iterator children = sequence.getChildren().iterator(); mJCEName = OidMappings.getJCEName(getFirstInner(, Asn1Oid.class)); mHash = castObject(, Asn1Octets.class).getOctets(); } public String getJCEName() { return mJCEName; } public byte[] getHash() { return mHash; } @Override public String toString() { return "HashAlgAndValue{" + "JCEName='" + mJCEName + '\'' + ", hash=" + Utils.toHex(mHash) + '}'; } } private static int complement(int value) { return value >= 0 ? value : (~value) + 1; } private static T castObject(Asn1Object object, Class klass) throws IOException { if (object.getClass() != klass) { throw new IOException("Object is an " + object.getClass().getSimpleName() + " expected an " + klass.getSimpleName()); } return klass.cast(object); } private static T getFirstInner(Asn1Object container, Class klass) throws IOException { if (container.getClass() != Asn1Constructed.class) { throw new IOException("Not a container"); } Iterator children = container.getChildren().iterator(); if (!children.hasNext()) { throw new IOException("No content"); } return castObject(, klass); } public void verify(X509Certificate osuCert) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { if (osuCert == null) { throw new IOException("No OSU cert found"); } checkName(castObject(getExtension(osuCert, OidMappings.IdCeSubjectAltName), Asn1Constructed.class)); List logos = getImageData(getExtension(osuCert, OidMappings.IdPeLogotype)); Log.d(OSUManager.TAG, "Logos: " + logos); for (LogoTypeImage logoTypeImage : logos) { if (logoTypeImage.verify(mOSUInfo)) { return; } } throw new IOException("Failed to match icon against any cert logo"); } private static List getImageData(Asn1Object logoExtension) throws IOException { Asn1Constructed logo = castObject(logoExtension, Asn1Constructed.class); Asn1Constructed communityLogo = castObject(logo.getChildren().iterator().next(), Asn1Constructed.class); if (communityLogo.getTag() != 0) { throw new IOException("Expected tag [0] for communityLogos"); } List images = new ArrayList<>(); Asn1Constructed communityLogoSeq = castObject(communityLogo.getChildren().iterator().next(), Asn1Constructed.class); for (Asn1Object logoTypeData : communityLogoSeq.getChildren()) { if (logoTypeData.getTag() != 0) { throw new IOException("Expected tag [0] for LogotypeData"); } for (Asn1Object logoTypeImage : castObject(logoTypeData.getChildren().iterator().next(), Asn1Constructed.class).getChildren()) { // only read the image SEQUENCE and skip any audio [1] tags if (logoTypeImage.getAsn1Class() == Asn1Class.Universal) { images.add(new LogoTypeImage(castObject(logoTypeImage, Asn1Constructed.class))); } } } return images; } private void checkName(Asn1Constructed altName) throws IOException { Map friendlyNames = new HashMap<>(); for (Asn1Object name : altName.getChildren()) { if (name.getAsn1Class() == Asn1Class.Context && name.getTag() == OtherName) { Asn1Constructed otherName = (Asn1Constructed) name; Iterator children = otherName.getChildren().iterator(); if (children.hasNext()) { Asn1Object oidObject =; if (OidMappings.sIdWfaHotspotFriendlyName.equals(oidObject) && children.hasNext()) { Asn1Constructed value = castObject(, Asn1Constructed.class); String text = castObject(value.getChildren().iterator().next(), Asn1String.class).getString(); I18Name friendlyName = new I18Name(text); friendlyNames.put(friendlyName.getLanguage(), friendlyName); } } } } Log.d(OSUManager.TAG, "Friendly names: " + friendlyNames.values()); for (I18Name osuName : mOSUInfo.getOSUProvider().getNames()) { I18Name friendlyName = friendlyNames.get(osuName.getLanguage()); if (!osuName.equals(friendlyName)) { throw new IOException("Friendly name '" + osuName + " not in certificate"); } } } private static Asn1Object getExtension(X509Certificate certificate, String extension) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { byte[] data = certificate.getExtensionValue(extension); if (data == null) { return null; } Asn1Octets octetString = (Asn1Octets) Asn1Decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(data)). iterator().next(); Asn1Constructed sequence = castObject(Asn1Decoder.decode( ByteBuffer.wrap(octetString.getOctets())).iterator().next(), Asn1Constructed.class); Log.d(OSUManager.TAG, "Extension " + extension + ": " + sequence); return sequence; } }