/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.shell; import static android.test.MoreAsserts.assertContainsRegex; import static com.android.shell.ActionSendMultipleConsumerActivity.UI_NAME; import static com.android.shell.BugreportPrefs.PREFS_BUGREPORT; import static com.android.shell.BugreportPrefs.STATE_HIDE; import static com.android.shell.BugreportPrefs.STATE_SHOW; import static com.android.shell.BugreportPrefs.STATE_UNKNOWN; import static com.android.shell.BugreportPrefs.getWarningState; import static com.android.shell.BugreportPrefs.setWarningState; import static com.android.shell.BugreportProgressService.EXTRA_BUGREPORT; import static com.android.shell.BugreportProgressService.EXTRA_ID; import static com.android.shell.BugreportProgressService.EXTRA_MAX; import static com.android.shell.BugreportProgressService.EXTRA_NAME; import static com.android.shell.BugreportProgressService.EXTRA_PID; import static com.android.shell.BugreportProgressService.EXTRA_SCREENSHOT; import static com.android.shell.BugreportProgressService.INTENT_BUGREPORT_FINISHED; import static com.android.shell.BugreportProgressService.INTENT_BUGREPORT_STARTED; import static com.android.shell.BugreportProgressService.SCREENSHOT_DELAY_SECONDS; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream; import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream; import libcore.io.Streams; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TestName; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.app.ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo; import android.app.Instrumentation; import android.app.NotificationManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification; import android.support.test.InstrumentationRegistry; import android.support.test.filters.LargeTest; import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4; import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiDevice; import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiObject; import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiObjectNotFoundException; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.util.Log; import com.android.shell.ActionSendMultipleConsumerActivity.CustomActionSendMultipleListener; /** * Integration tests for {@link BugreportReceiver}. *

* These tests don't mock any component and rely on external UI components (like the notification * bar and activity chooser), which can make them unreliable and slow. *

* The general workflow is: *


* NOTE: these tests only work if the device is unlocked. */ @LargeTest @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class BugreportReceiverTest { private static final String TAG = "BugreportReceiverTest"; // Timeout for UI operations, in milliseconds. private static final int TIMEOUT = (int) (5 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS); // Timeout for when waiting for a screenshot to finish. private static final int SAFE_SCREENSHOT_DELAY = SCREENSHOT_DELAY_SECONDS + 10; private static final String BUGREPORTS_DIR = "bugreports"; private static final String BUGREPORT_FILE = "test_bugreport.txt"; private static final String ZIP_FILE = "test_bugreport.zip"; private static final String ZIP_FILE2 = "test_bugreport2.zip"; private static final String SCREENSHOT_FILE = "test_screenshot.png"; private static final String BUGREPORT_CONTENT = "Dump, might as well dump!\n"; private static final String SCREENSHOT_CONTENT = "A picture is worth a thousand words!\n"; private static final int PID = 42; private static final int PID2 = 24; private static final int ID = 108; private static final int ID2 = 801; private static final String PROGRESS_PROPERTY = "dumpstate." + PID + ".progress"; private static final String MAX_PROPERTY = "dumpstate." + PID + ".max"; private static final String NAME_PROPERTY = "dumpstate." + PID + ".name"; private static final String NAME = "BUG, Y U NO REPORT?"; private static final String NAME2 = "A bugreport's life"; private static final String NEW_NAME = "Bug_Forrest_Bug"; private static final String NEW_NAME2 = "BugsyReportsy"; private static final String TITLE = "Wimbugdom Champion 2015"; private static final String TITLE2 = "Master of the Universe"; private static final String DESCRIPTION = "One's description..."; private static final String DESCRIPTION2 = "...is another's treasure."; private static final String NO_DESCRIPTION = null; private static final String NO_NAME = null; private static final String NO_SCREENSHOT = null; private static final String NO_TITLE = null; private static final int NO_ID = 0; private static final boolean RENAMED_SCREENSHOTS = true; private static final boolean DIDNT_RENAME_SCREENSHOTS = false; private String mDescription; private String mPlainTextPath; private String mZipPath; private String mZipPath2; private String mScreenshotPath; private Context mContext; private UiBot mUiBot; private CustomActionSendMultipleListener mListener; @Rule public TestName mName = new TestName(); @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Log.i(TAG, getName() + ".setup()"); Instrumentation instrumentation = getInstrumentation(); mContext = instrumentation.getTargetContext(); mUiBot = new UiBot(instrumentation, TIMEOUT); mListener = ActionSendMultipleConsumerActivity.getListener(mContext); cancelExistingNotifications(); mPlainTextPath = getPath(BUGREPORT_FILE); mZipPath = getPath(ZIP_FILE); mZipPath2 = getPath(ZIP_FILE2); mScreenshotPath = getPath(SCREENSHOT_FILE); createTextFile(mPlainTextPath, BUGREPORT_CONTENT); createTextFile(mScreenshotPath, SCREENSHOT_CONTENT); createZipFile(mZipPath, BUGREPORT_FILE, BUGREPORT_CONTENT); createZipFile(mZipPath2, BUGREPORT_FILE, BUGREPORT_CONTENT); // Creates a multi-line description. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { sb.append("All work and no play makes Shell a dull app!\n"); } mDescription = sb.toString(); setWarningState(mContext, STATE_HIDE); mUiBot.turnScreenOn(); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { Log.i(TAG, getName() + ".tearDown()"); try { cancelExistingNotifications(); } finally { // Collapses just in case, so a failure here does not compromise tests on other classes. mUiBot.collapseStatusBar(); } } /* * TODO: this test is incomplete because: * - the assertProgressNotification() is not really asserting the progress because the * UI automation API doesn't provide a way to check the notification progress bar value * - it should use the binder object instead of SystemProperties to update progress */ @Test public void testProgress() throws Exception { resetProperties(); sendBugreportStarted(1000); waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 0f); SystemProperties.set(PROGRESS_PROPERTY, "108"); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 10.80f); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 50.00f); SystemProperties.set(PROGRESS_PROPERTY, "950"); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 95.00f); // Make sure progress never goes back... SystemProperties.set(MAX_PROPERTY, "2000"); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 95.00f); SystemProperties.set(PROGRESS_PROPERTY, "1000"); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 95.00f); // ...only forward... SystemProperties.set(PROGRESS_PROPERTY, "1902"); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 95.10f); SystemProperties.set(PROGRESS_PROPERTY, "1960"); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 98.00f); // ...but never more than the capped value. SystemProperties.set(PROGRESS_PROPERTY, "2000"); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 99.00f); SystemProperties.set(PROGRESS_PROPERTY, "3000"); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 99.00f); Bundle extras = sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(ID, mPlainTextPath, mScreenshotPath); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, SCREENSHOT_CONTENT, ID, PID, ZIP_FILE, NAME, NO_TITLE, NO_DESCRIPTION, 0, RENAMED_SCREENSHOTS); assertServiceNotRunning(); } @Test public void testProgress_cancel() throws Exception { resetProperties(); sendBugreportStarted(1000); waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); final NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); assertProgressNotification(NAME, 00.00f); cancelFromNotification(); waitForService(false); } @Test public void testProgress_takeExtraScreenshot() throws Exception { resetProperties(); sendBugreportStarted(1000); waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); takeScreenshot(); assertScreenshotButtonEnabled(false); waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); sendBugreportFinished(ID, mPlainTextPath, mScreenshotPath); Bundle extras = acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent(ID); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, SCREENSHOT_CONTENT, ID, PID, ZIP_FILE, NAME, NO_TITLE, NO_DESCRIPTION, 1, RENAMED_SCREENSHOTS); assertServiceNotRunning(); } @Test public void testScreenshotFinishesAfterBugreport() throws Exception { resetProperties(); sendBugreportStarted(1000); waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); takeScreenshot(); sendBugreportFinished(ID, mPlainTextPath, NO_SCREENSHOT); waitShareNotification(ID); // There's no indication in the UI about the screenshot finish, so just sleep like a baby... sleep(SAFE_SCREENSHOT_DELAY * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS); Bundle extras = acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent(ID); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, NO_SCREENSHOT, ID, PID, ZIP_FILE, NAME, NO_TITLE, NO_DESCRIPTION, 1, RENAMED_SCREENSHOTS); assertServiceNotRunning(); } @Test public void testProgress_changeDetailsInvalidInput() throws Exception { resetProperties(); sendBugreportStarted(1000); waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); DetailsUi detailsUi = new DetailsUi(mUiBot, ID, NAME); // Check initial name. detailsUi.assertName(NAME); // Change name - it should have changed system property once focus is changed. detailsUi.focusOnName(); detailsUi.nameField.setText(NEW_NAME); detailsUi.focusAwayFromName(); assertPropertyValue(NAME_PROPERTY, NEW_NAME); // Cancel the dialog to make sure property was restored. detailsUi.clickCancel(); assertPropertyValue(NAME_PROPERTY, NAME); // Now try to set an invalid name. detailsUi.reOpen(NAME); detailsUi.nameField.setText("/etc/passwd"); detailsUi.clickOk(); assertPropertyValue(NAME_PROPERTY, "_etc_passwd"); // Finally, make the real changes. detailsUi.reOpen("_etc_passwd"); detailsUi.nameField.setText(NEW_NAME); detailsUi.titleField.setText(TITLE); detailsUi.descField.setText(mDescription); detailsUi.clickOk(); assertPropertyValue(NAME_PROPERTY, NEW_NAME); assertProgressNotification(NEW_NAME, 00.00f); Bundle extras = sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(ID, mPlainTextPath, mScreenshotPath, TITLE); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, SCREENSHOT_CONTENT, ID, PID, TITLE, NEW_NAME, TITLE, mDescription, 0, RENAMED_SCREENSHOTS); assertServiceNotRunning(); } @Test public void testProgress_cancelBugClosesDetailsDialog() throws Exception { resetProperties(); sendBugreportStarted(1000); waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); DetailsUi detailsUi = new DetailsUi(mUiBot, ID, NAME); detailsUi.assertName(NAME); // Sanity check cancelFromNotification(); mUiBot.collapseStatusBar(); assertDetailsUiClosed(); assertServiceNotRunning(); } @Test public void testProgress_changeDetailsPlainBugreport() throws Exception { changeDetailsTest(true); } @Test public void testProgress_changeDetailsZippedBugreport() throws Exception { changeDetailsTest(false); } private void changeDetailsTest(boolean plainText) throws Exception { resetProperties(); sendBugreportStarted(1000); waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); DetailsUi detailsUi = new DetailsUi(mUiBot, ID, NAME); // Check initial name. detailsUi.assertName(NAME); // Change fields. detailsUi.reOpen(NAME); detailsUi.nameField.setText(NEW_NAME); detailsUi.titleField.setText(TITLE); detailsUi.descField.setText(mDescription); detailsUi.clickOk(); assertPropertyValue(NAME_PROPERTY, NEW_NAME); assertProgressNotification(NEW_NAME, 00.00f); Bundle extras = sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(ID, plainText? mPlainTextPath : mZipPath, mScreenshotPath, TITLE); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, SCREENSHOT_CONTENT, ID, PID, TITLE, NEW_NAME, TITLE, mDescription, 0, RENAMED_SCREENSHOTS); assertServiceNotRunning(); } @Test public void testProgress_changeJustDetailsTouchingDetails() throws Exception { changeJustDetailsTest(true); } @Test public void testProgress_changeJustDetailsTouchingNotification() throws Exception { changeJustDetailsTest(false); } private void changeJustDetailsTest(boolean touchDetails) throws Exception { resetProperties(); sendBugreportStarted(1000); waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); DetailsUi detailsUi = new DetailsUi(mUiBot, ID, NAME, touchDetails); detailsUi.nameField.setText(""); detailsUi.titleField.setText(""); detailsUi.descField.setText(mDescription); detailsUi.clickOk(); Bundle extras = sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(ID, mZipPath, mScreenshotPath); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, SCREENSHOT_CONTENT, ID, PID, ZIP_FILE, NO_NAME, NO_TITLE, mDescription, 0, DIDNT_RENAME_SCREENSHOTS); assertServiceNotRunning(); } @Test public void testProgress_changeJustDetailsIsClearedOnSecondBugreport() throws Exception { resetProperties(); sendBugreportStarted(ID, PID, NAME, 1000); waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); DetailsUi detailsUi = new DetailsUi(mUiBot, ID, NAME); detailsUi.assertName(NAME); detailsUi.assertTitle(""); detailsUi.assertDescription(""); assertTrue("didn't enable name on UI", detailsUi.nameField.isEnabled()); detailsUi.nameField.setText(NEW_NAME); detailsUi.titleField.setText(TITLE); detailsUi.descField.setText(DESCRIPTION); detailsUi.clickOk(); sendBugreportStarted(ID2, PID2, NAME2, 1000); sendBugreportFinished(ID, mZipPath, mScreenshotPath); Bundle extras = acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent(TITLE); detailsUi = new DetailsUi(mUiBot, ID2, NAME2); detailsUi.assertName(NAME2); detailsUi.assertTitle(""); detailsUi.assertDescription(""); assertTrue("didn't enable name on UI", detailsUi.nameField.isEnabled()); detailsUi.nameField.setText(NEW_NAME2); detailsUi.titleField.setText(TITLE2); detailsUi.descField.setText(DESCRIPTION2); detailsUi.clickOk(); // Must use a different zip file otherwise it will fail because zip already contains // title.txt and description.txt entries. extras = sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(ID2, mZipPath2, NO_SCREENSHOT, TITLE2); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, NO_SCREENSHOT, ID2, PID2, TITLE2, NEW_NAME2, TITLE2, DESCRIPTION2, 0, RENAMED_SCREENSHOTS); assertServiceNotRunning(); } /** * Tests the scenario where the initial screenshot and dumpstate are finished while the user * is changing the info in the details screen. */ @Test public void testProgress_bugreportAndScreenshotFinishedWhileChangingDetails() throws Exception { bugreportFinishedWhileChangingDetailsTest(false); } /** * Tests the scenario where dumpstate is finished while the user is changing the info in the * details screen, but the initial screenshot finishes afterwards. */ @Test public void testProgress_bugreportFinishedWhileChangingDetails() throws Exception { bugreportFinishedWhileChangingDetailsTest(true); } private void bugreportFinishedWhileChangingDetailsTest(boolean waitScreenshot) throws Exception { resetProperties(); sendBugreportStarted(1000); if (waitScreenshot) { waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(true); } DetailsUi detailsUi = new DetailsUi(mUiBot, ID, NAME); // Finish the bugreport while user's still typing the name. detailsUi.nameField.setText(NEW_NAME); sendBugreportFinished(ID, mPlainTextPath, mScreenshotPath); // Wait until the share notification is received... waitShareNotification(ID); // ...then close notification bar. mContext.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS)); // Make sure UI was updated properly. assertFalse("didn't disable name on UI", detailsUi.nameField.isEnabled()); assertEquals("didn't revert name on UI", NAME, detailsUi.nameField.getText().toString()); // Finish changing other fields. detailsUi.titleField.setText(TITLE); detailsUi.descField.setText(mDescription); detailsUi.clickOk(); // Finally, share bugreport. Bundle extras = acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent(ID); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, SCREENSHOT_CONTENT, ID, PID, TITLE, NAME, TITLE, mDescription, 0, RENAMED_SCREENSHOTS); assertServiceNotRunning(); } @Test public void testBugreportFinished_withWarningFirstTime() throws Exception { bugreportFinishedWithWarningTest(null); } @Test public void testBugreportFinished_withWarningUnknownState() throws Exception { bugreportFinishedWithWarningTest(STATE_UNKNOWN); } @Test public void testBugreportFinished_withWarningShowAgain() throws Exception { bugreportFinishedWithWarningTest(STATE_SHOW); } private void bugreportFinishedWithWarningTest(Integer propertyState) throws Exception { if (propertyState == null) { // Clear properties mContext.getSharedPreferences(PREFS_BUGREPORT, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) .edit().clear().commit(); // Sanity check... assertEquals("Did not reset properties", STATE_UNKNOWN, getWarningState(mContext, STATE_UNKNOWN)); } else { setWarningState(mContext, propertyState); } // Send notification and click on share. sendBugreportFinished(NO_ID, mPlainTextPath, null); mUiBot.clickOnNotification(mContext.getString(R.string.bugreport_finished_title, NO_ID)); // Handle the warning mUiBot.getVisibleObject(mContext.getString(R.string.bugreport_confirm)); // TODO: get ok and dontShowAgain from the dialog reference above UiObject dontShowAgain = mUiBot.getVisibleObject(mContext.getString(R.string.bugreport_confirm_dont_repeat)); final boolean firstTime = propertyState == null || propertyState == STATE_UNKNOWN; if (firstTime) { if (Build.IS_USER) { assertFalse("Checkbox should NOT be checked by default on user builds", dontShowAgain.isChecked()); mUiBot.click(dontShowAgain, "dont-show-again"); } else { assertTrue("Checkbox should be checked by default on build type " + Build.TYPE, dontShowAgain.isChecked()); } } else { assertFalse("Checkbox should not be checked", dontShowAgain.isChecked()); mUiBot.click(dontShowAgain, "dont-show-again"); } UiObject ok = mUiBot.getVisibleObject(mContext.getString(com.android.internal.R.string.ok)); mUiBot.click(ok, "ok"); // Share the bugreport. mUiBot.chooseActivity(UI_NAME); Bundle extras = mListener.getExtras(); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, NO_SCREENSHOT); // Make sure it's hidden now. int newState = getWarningState(mContext, STATE_UNKNOWN); assertEquals("Didn't change state", STATE_HIDE, newState); } @Test public void testShareBugreportAfterServiceDies() throws Exception { sendBugreportFinished(NO_ID, mPlainTextPath, NO_SCREENSHOT); waitForService(false); Bundle extras = acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent(NO_ID); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, NO_SCREENSHOT); } @Test public void testBugreportFinished_plainBugreportAndScreenshot() throws Exception { Bundle extras = sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(mPlainTextPath, mScreenshotPath); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, SCREENSHOT_CONTENT); } @Test public void testBugreportFinished_zippedBugreportAndScreenshot() throws Exception { Bundle extras = sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(mZipPath, mScreenshotPath); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, SCREENSHOT_CONTENT); } @Test public void testBugreportFinished_plainBugreportAndNoScreenshot() throws Exception { Bundle extras = sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(mPlainTextPath, NO_SCREENSHOT); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, NO_SCREENSHOT); } @Test public void testBugreportFinished_zippedBugreportAndNoScreenshot() throws Exception { Bundle extras = sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(mZipPath, NO_SCREENSHOT); assertActionSendMultiple(extras, BUGREPORT_CONTENT, NO_SCREENSHOT); } private void cancelExistingNotifications() { // Must kill service first, because notifications from a foreground service cannot be // canceled. killService(); NotificationManager nm = NotificationManager.from(mContext); StatusBarNotification[] activeNotifications = nm.getActiveNotifications(); if (activeNotifications.length == 0) { return; } Log.w(TAG, getName() + ": " + activeNotifications.length + " active notifications"); nm.cancelAll(); // Wait a little bit... for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { int total = nm.getActiveNotifications().length; if (total == 0) { return; } Log.d(TAG, total + "notifications are still active; sleeping "); nm.cancelAll(); sleep(1000); } assertEquals("old notifications were not cancelled", 0, nm.getActiveNotifications().length); } private void cancelFromNotification() { openProgressNotification(NAME); UiObject cancelButton = mUiBot.getVisibleObject(mContext.getString( com.android.internal.R.string.cancel).toUpperCase()); mUiBot.click(cancelButton, "cancel_button"); } private void assertProgressNotification(String name, float percent) { openProgressNotification(name); // TODO: need a way to get the ProgresBar from the "android:id/progress" UIObject... } private UiObject openProgressNotification(String bugreportName) { Log.v(TAG, "Looking for progress notification for '" + bugreportName + "'"); return mUiBot.getNotification(bugreportName); } void resetProperties() { // TODO: call method to remove property instead SystemProperties.set(PROGRESS_PROPERTY, "Reset"); SystemProperties.set(MAX_PROPERTY, "Reset"); SystemProperties.set(NAME_PROPERTY, "Reset"); } /** * Sends a "bugreport started" intent with the default values. */ private void sendBugreportStarted(int max) throws Exception { sendBugreportStarted(ID, PID, NAME, max); } private void sendBugreportStarted(int id, int pid, String name, int max) throws Exception { Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_BUGREPORT_STARTED); intent.setPackage("com.android.shell"); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_ID, id); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PID, pid); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_NAME, name); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MAX, max); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } /** * Sends a "bugreport finished" intent and waits for the result. * * @return extras sent in the shared intent. */ private Bundle sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(String bugreportPath, String screenshotPath) { return sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(NO_ID, bugreportPath, screenshotPath); } /** * Sends a "bugreport finished" intent and waits for the result. * * @return extras sent in the shared intent. */ private Bundle sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(int id, String bugreportPath, String screenshotPath) { sendBugreportFinished(id, bugreportPath, screenshotPath); return acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent(id); } // TODO: document / merge these 3 sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent methods private Bundle sendBugreportFinishedAndGetSharedIntent(int id, String bugreportPath, String screenshotPath, String notificationTitle) { sendBugreportFinished(id, bugreportPath, screenshotPath); return acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent(notificationTitle); } /** * Accepts the notification to share the finished bugreport and waits for the result. * * @return extras sent in the shared intent. */ private Bundle acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent(int id) { final String notificationTitle = mContext.getString(R.string.bugreport_finished_title, id); return acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent(notificationTitle); } // TODO: document and/or merge these 2 acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent methods private Bundle acceptBugreportAndGetSharedIntent(String notificationTitle) { mUiBot.clickOnNotification(notificationTitle); mUiBot.chooseActivity(UI_NAME); return mListener.getExtras(); } /** * Waits for the notification to share the finished bugreport. */ private void waitShareNotification(int id) { mUiBot.getNotification(mContext.getString(R.string.bugreport_finished_title, id)); } /** * Sends a "bugreport finished" intent. */ private void sendBugreportFinished(int id, String bugreportPath, String screenshotPath) { Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_BUGREPORT_FINISHED); intent.setPackage("com.android.shell"); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND); if (id != NO_ID) { intent.putExtra(EXTRA_ID, id); } if (bugreportPath != null) { intent.putExtra(EXTRA_BUGREPORT, bugreportPath); } if (screenshotPath != null) { intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SCREENSHOT, screenshotPath); } mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } /** * Asserts the proper {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE} intent was sent. */ private void assertActionSendMultiple(Bundle extras, String bugreportContent, String screenshotContent) throws IOException { assertActionSendMultiple(extras, bugreportContent, screenshotContent, ID, PID, ZIP_FILE, NO_NAME, NO_TITLE, NO_DESCRIPTION, 0, DIDNT_RENAME_SCREENSHOTS); } /** * Asserts the proper {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE} intent was sent. * * @param extras extras received in the intent * @param bugreportContent expected content in the bugreport file * @param screenshotContent expected content in the screenshot file (sent by dumpstate), if any * @param id emulated dumpstate id * @param pid emulated dumpstate pid * @param name expected subject * @param name bugreport name as provided by the user (or received by dumpstate) * @param title bugreport name as provided by the user * @param description bugreport description as provided by the user * @param numberScreenshots expected number of screenshots taken by Shell. * @param renamedScreenshots whether the screenshots are expected to be renamed */ private void assertActionSendMultiple(Bundle extras, String bugreportContent, String screenshotContent, int id, int pid, String subject, String name, String title, String description, int numberScreenshots, boolean renamedScreenshots) throws IOException { String body = extras.getString(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); assertContainsRegex("missing build info", SystemProperties.get("ro.build.description"), body); assertContainsRegex("missing serial number", SystemProperties.get("ro.serialno"), body); if (description != null) { assertContainsRegex("missing description", description, body); } assertEquals("wrong subject", subject, extras.getString(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT)); List attachments = extras.getParcelableArrayList(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); int expectedNumberScreenshots = numberScreenshots; if (screenshotContent != null) { expectedNumberScreenshots ++; // Add screenshot received by dumpstate } int expectedSize = expectedNumberScreenshots + 1; // All screenshots plus the bugreport file assertEquals("wrong number of attachments (" + attachments + ")", expectedSize, attachments.size()); // Need to interact through all attachments, since order is not guaranteed. Uri zipUri = null; List screenshotUris = new ArrayList<>(expectedNumberScreenshots); for (Uri attachment : attachments) { if (attachment.getPath().endsWith(".zip")) { zipUri = attachment; } if (attachment.getPath().endsWith(".png")) { screenshotUris.add(attachment); } } assertNotNull("did not get .zip attachment", zipUri); assertZipContent(zipUri, BUGREPORT_FILE, BUGREPORT_CONTENT); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) { assertZipContent(zipUri, "title.txt", title); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(description)) { assertZipContent(zipUri, "description.txt", description); } // URI of the screenshot taken by dumpstate. Uri externalScreenshotUri = null; SortedSet internalScreenshotNames = new TreeSet<>(); for (Uri screenshotUri : screenshotUris) { String screenshotName = screenshotUri.getLastPathSegment(); if (screenshotName.endsWith(SCREENSHOT_FILE)) { externalScreenshotUri = screenshotUri; } else { internalScreenshotNames.add(screenshotName); } } // Check external screenshot if (screenshotContent != null) { assertNotNull("did not get .png attachment for external screenshot", externalScreenshotUri); assertContent(externalScreenshotUri, SCREENSHOT_CONTENT); } else { assertNull("should not have .png attachment for external screenshot", externalScreenshotUri); } // Check internal screenshots. SortedSet expectedNames = new TreeSet<>(); for (int i = 1 ; i <= numberScreenshots; i++) { String prefix = renamedScreenshots ? name : Integer.toString(pid); String expectedName = "screenshot-" + prefix + "-" + i + ".png"; expectedNames.add(expectedName); } // Ideally we should use MoreAsserts, but the error message in case of failure is not // really useful. assertEquals("wrong names for internal screenshots", expectedNames, internalScreenshotNames); } private void assertContent(Uri uri, String expectedContent) throws IOException { Log.v(TAG, "assertContents(uri=" + uri); try (InputStream is = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri)) { String actualContent = new String(Streams.readFully(is)); assertEquals("wrong content for '" + uri + "'", expectedContent, actualContent); } } private void assertZipContent(Uri uri, String entryName, String expectedContent) throws IOException, IOException { Log.v(TAG, "assertZipEntry(uri=" + uri + ", entryName=" + entryName); try (ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream( uri))) { ZipEntry entry; while ((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) { Log.v(TAG, "Zip entry: " + entry.getName()); if (entry.getName().equals(entryName)) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Streams.copy(zis, bos); String actualContent = new String(bos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); bos.close(); assertEquals("wrong content for zip entry'" + entryName + "' on '" + uri + "'", expectedContent, actualContent); return; } } } fail("Did not find entry '" + entryName + "' on file '" + uri + "'"); } private void assertPropertyValue(String key, String expectedValue) { // Since the property is set in a different thread by BugreportProgressService, we need to // poll it a couple times... for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { String actualValue = SystemProperties.get(key); if (expectedValue.equals(actualValue)) { return; } Log.d(TAG, "Value of property " + key + " (" + actualValue + ") does not match expected value (" + expectedValue + ") on attempt " + i + ". Sleeping before next attempt..."); sleep(1000); } // Final try... String actualValue = SystemProperties.get(key); assertEquals("Wrong value for property '" + key + "'", expectedValue, actualValue); } private void assertServiceNotRunning() { String service = BugreportProgressService.class.getName(); assertFalse("Service '" + service + "' is still running", isServiceRunning(service)); } private boolean isServiceRunning(String name) { ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) mContext .getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); for (RunningServiceInfo service : manager.getRunningServices(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) { if (service.service.getClassName().equals(name)) { return true; } } return false; } private void waitForService(boolean expectRunning) { String service = BugreportProgressService.class.getName(); boolean actualRunning; for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { actualRunning = isServiceRunning(service); Log.d(TAG, "Attempt " + i + " to check status of service '" + service + "': expected=" + expectRunning + ", actual= " + actualRunning); if (actualRunning == expectRunning) { return; } sleep(DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS); } fail("Service status didn't change to " + expectRunning); } private void killService() { String service = BugreportProgressService.class.getName(); if (!isServiceRunning(service)) return; Log.w(TAG, "Service '" + service + "' is still running, killing it"); silentlyExecuteShellCommand("am stopservice com.android.shell/.BugreportProgressService"); waitForService(false); } private void silentlyExecuteShellCommand(String cmd) { Log.w(TAG, "silentlyExecuteShellCommand: '" + cmd + "'"); try { UiDevice.getInstance(getInstrumentation()).executeShellCommand(cmd); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "error executing shell comamand '" + cmd + "'", e); } } private void createTextFile(String path, String content) throws IOException { Log.v(TAG, "createFile(" + path + ")"); try (Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(path)))) { writer.write(content); } } private void createZipFile(String path, String entryName, String content) throws IOException { Log.v(TAG, "createZipFile(" + path + ", " + entryName + ")"); try (ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path)))) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(entryName); zos.putNextEntry(entry); byte[] data = content.getBytes(); zos.write(data, 0, data.length); zos.closeEntry(); } } private String getPath(String file) { final File rootDir = mContext.getFilesDir(); final File dir = new File(rootDir, BUGREPORTS_DIR); if (!dir.exists()) { Log.i(TAG, "Creating directory " + dir); assertTrue("Could not create directory " + dir, dir.mkdir()); } String path = new File(dir, file).getAbsolutePath(); Log.v(TAG, "Path for '" + file + "': " + path); return path; } /** * Gets the notification button used to take a screenshot. */ private UiObject getScreenshotButton() { openProgressNotification(NAME); return mUiBot.getVisibleObject( mContext.getString(R.string.bugreport_screenshot_action).toUpperCase()); } /** * Takes a screenshot using the system notification. */ private void takeScreenshot() throws Exception { UiObject screenshotButton = getScreenshotButton(); mUiBot.click(screenshotButton, "screenshot_button"); } private UiObject waitForScreenshotButtonEnabled(boolean expectedEnabled) throws Exception { UiObject screenshotButton = getScreenshotButton(); int maxAttempts = SAFE_SCREENSHOT_DELAY; int i = 0; do { boolean enabled = screenshotButton.isEnabled(); if (enabled == expectedEnabled) { return screenshotButton; } i++; Log.v(TAG, "Sleeping for 1 second while waiting for screenshot.enable to be " + expectedEnabled + " (attempt " + i + ")"); Thread.sleep(DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS); } while (i <= maxAttempts); fail("screenshot.enable didn't change to " + expectedEnabled + " in " + maxAttempts + "s"); return screenshotButton; } private void assertScreenshotButtonEnabled(boolean expectedEnabled) throws Exception { UiObject screenshotButton = getScreenshotButton(); assertEquals("wrong state for screenshot button ", expectedEnabled, screenshotButton.isEnabled()); } private void assertDetailsUiClosed() { // TODO: unhardcode resource ids mUiBot.assertNotVisibleById("android:id/alertTitle"); } private String getName() { return mName.getMethodName(); } private Instrumentation getInstrumentation() { return InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation(); } private static void sleep(long ms) { Log.d(TAG, "sleeping for " + ms + "ms"); SystemClock.sleep(ms); Log.d(TAG, "woke up"); } /** * Helper class containing the UiObjects present in the bugreport info dialog. */ private final class DetailsUi { final UiObject detailsButton; final UiObject nameField; final UiObject titleField; final UiObject descField; final UiObject okButton; final UiObject cancelButton; /** * Gets the UI objects by opening the progress notification and clicking on DETAILS. * * @param id bugreport id * @param id bugreport name */ DetailsUi(UiBot uiBot, int id, String name) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { this(uiBot, id, name, true); } /** * Gets the UI objects by opening the progress notification and clicking on DETAILS or in * the notification itself. * * @param id bugreport id * @param id bugreport name */ DetailsUi(UiBot uiBot, int id, String name, boolean clickDetails) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { final UiObject notification = openProgressNotification(name); detailsButton = mUiBot.getVisibleObject(mContext.getString( R.string.bugreport_info_action).toUpperCase()); if (clickDetails) { mUiBot.click(detailsButton, "details_button"); } else { mUiBot.click(notification, "notification"); } // TODO: unhardcode resource ids UiObject dialogTitle = mUiBot.getVisibleObjectById("android:id/alertTitle"); assertEquals("Wrong title", mContext.getString(R.string.bugreport_info_dialog_title, id), dialogTitle.getText().toString()); nameField = mUiBot.getVisibleObjectById("com.android.shell:id/name"); titleField = mUiBot.getVisibleObjectById("com.android.shell:id/title"); descField = mUiBot.getVisibleObjectById("com.android.shell:id/description"); okButton = mUiBot.getObjectById("android:id/button1"); cancelButton = mUiBot.getObjectById("android:id/button2"); } private void assertField(String name, UiObject field, String expected) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { String actual = field.getText().toString(); assertEquals("Wrong value on field '" + name + "'", expected, actual); } void assertName(String expected) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { assertField("name", nameField, expected); } void assertTitle(String expected) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { assertField("title", titleField, expected); } void assertDescription(String expected) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { assertField("description", descField, expected); } /** * Set focus on the name field so it can be validated once focus is lost. */ void focusOnName() throws UiObjectNotFoundException { mUiBot.click(nameField, "name_field"); assertTrue("name_field not focused", nameField.isFocused()); } /** * Takes focus away from the name field so it can be validated. */ void focusAwayFromName() throws UiObjectNotFoundException { mUiBot.click(titleField, "title_field"); // Change focus. assertFalse("name_field is focused", nameField.isFocused()); } void reOpen(String name) { openProgressNotification(name); mUiBot.click(detailsButton, "details_button"); } void clickOk() { mUiBot.click(okButton, "details_ok_button"); } void clickCancel() { mUiBot.click(cancelButton, "details_cancel_button"); } } }