/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.systemui.statusbar; import static com.android.systemui.SwipeHelper.SWIPED_FAR_ENOUGH_SIZE_FRACTION; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.android.systemui.Interpolators; import com.android.systemui.R; import com.android.systemui.plugins.statusbar.NotificationMenuRowPlugin; import com.android.systemui.plugins.statusbar.NotificationSwipeActionHelper; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationGuts.GutsContent; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.NotificationStackScrollLayout; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.app.Notification; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams; public class NotificationMenuRow implements NotificationMenuRowPlugin, View.OnClickListener, ExpandableNotificationRow.LayoutListener { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final String TAG = "swipe"; private static final int ICON_ALPHA_ANIM_DURATION = 200; private static final long SHOW_MENU_DELAY = 60; private static final long SWIPE_MENU_TIMING = 200; // Notification must be swiped at least this fraction of a single menu item to show menu private static final float SWIPED_FAR_ENOUGH_MENU_FRACTION = 0.25f; private static final float SWIPED_FAR_ENOUGH_MENU_UNCLEARABLE_FRACTION = 0.15f; // When the menu is displayed, the notification must be swiped within this fraction of a single // menu item to snap back to menu (else it will cover the menu or it'll be dismissed) private static final float SWIPED_BACK_ENOUGH_TO_COVER_FRACTION = 0.2f; private ExpandableNotificationRow mParent; private Context mContext; private FrameLayout mMenuContainer; private MenuItem mSnoozeItem; private MenuItem mInfoItem; private ArrayList mMenuItems; private OnMenuEventListener mMenuListener; private ValueAnimator mFadeAnimator; private boolean mAnimating; private boolean mMenuFadedIn; private boolean mOnLeft; private boolean mIconsPlaced; private boolean mDismissing; private boolean mSnapping; private float mTranslation; private int[] mIconLocation = new int[2]; private int[] mParentLocation = new int[2]; private float mHorizSpaceForIcon; private int mVertSpaceForIcons; private int mIconPadding; private float mAlpha = 0f; private float mPrevX; private CheckForDrag mCheckForDrag; private Handler mHandler; private boolean mMenuSnappedTo; private boolean mMenuSnappedOnLeft; private boolean mShouldShowMenu; private NotificationSwipeActionHelper mSwipeHelper; public NotificationMenuRow(Context context) { mContext = context; final Resources res = context.getResources(); mShouldShowMenu = res.getBoolean(R.bool.config_showNotificationGear); mHorizSpaceForIcon = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_menu_icon_size); mVertSpaceForIcons = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_min_height); mIconPadding = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_menu_icon_padding); mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); mMenuItems = new ArrayList<>(); mSnoozeItem = createSnoozeItem(context); mInfoItem = createInfoItem(context); mMenuItems.add(mSnoozeItem); mMenuItems.add(mInfoItem); } @Override public ArrayList getMenuItems(Context context) { return mMenuItems; } @Override public MenuItem getLongpressMenuItem(Context context) { return mInfoItem; } @Override public void setSwipeActionHelper(NotificationSwipeActionHelper helper) { mSwipeHelper = helper; } @Override public void setMenuClickListener(OnMenuEventListener listener) { mMenuListener = listener; } @Override public void createMenu(ViewGroup parent) { mParent = (ExpandableNotificationRow) parent; createMenuViews(); } @Override public boolean isMenuVisible() { return mAlpha > 0; } @Override public View getMenuView() { return mMenuContainer; } @Override public void resetMenu() { resetState(true); } @Override public void onNotificationUpdated() { if (mMenuContainer == null) { // Menu hasn't been created yet, no need to do anything. return; } createMenuViews(); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged() { mParent.setLayoutListener(this); } @Override public void onLayout() { mIconsPlaced = false; // Force icons to be re-placed setMenuLocation(); mParent.removeListener(); } private void createMenuViews() { // Filter the menu items based on the notification if (mParent != null && mParent.getStatusBarNotification() != null) { int flags = mParent.getStatusBarNotification().getNotification().flags; boolean isForeground = (flags & Notification.FLAG_FOREGROUND_SERVICE) != 0; if (isForeground) { // Don't show snooze for foreground services mMenuItems.remove(mSnoozeItem); } else if (!mMenuItems.contains(mSnoozeItem)) { // Was a foreground service but is no longer, add snooze back mMenuItems.add(mSnoozeItem); } } // Recreate the menu if (mMenuContainer != null) { mMenuContainer.removeAllViews(); } else { mMenuContainer = new FrameLayout(mContext); } for (int i = 0; i < mMenuItems.size(); i++) { addMenuView(mMenuItems.get(i), mMenuContainer); } resetState(false /* notify */); } private void resetState(boolean notify) { setMenuAlpha(0f); mIconsPlaced = false; mMenuFadedIn = false; mAnimating = false; mSnapping = false; mDismissing = false; mMenuSnappedTo = false; setMenuLocation(); if (mMenuListener != null && notify) { mMenuListener.onMenuReset(mParent); } } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(View view, MotionEvent ev, float velocity) { final int action = ev.getActionMasked(); switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mSnapping = false; if (mFadeAnimator != null) { mFadeAnimator.cancel(); } mHandler.removeCallbacks(mCheckForDrag); mCheckForDrag = null; mPrevX = ev.getRawX(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: mSnapping = false; float diffX = ev.getRawX() - mPrevX; mPrevX = ev.getRawX(); if (!isTowardsMenu(diffX) && isMenuLocationChange()) { // Don't consider it "snapped" if location has changed. mMenuSnappedTo = false; // Changed directions, make sure we check to fade in icon again. if (!mHandler.hasCallbacks(mCheckForDrag)) { // No check scheduled, set null to schedule a new one. mCheckForDrag = null; } else { // Check scheduled, reset alpha and update location; check will fade it in setMenuAlpha(0f); setMenuLocation(); } } if (mShouldShowMenu && !NotificationStackScrollLayout.isPinnedHeadsUp(view) && !mParent.areGutsExposed() && !mParent.isDark() && (mCheckForDrag == null || !mHandler.hasCallbacks(mCheckForDrag))) { // Only show the menu if we're not a heads up view and guts aren't exposed. mCheckForDrag = new CheckForDrag(); mHandler.postDelayed(mCheckForDrag, SHOW_MENU_DELAY); } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: return handleUpEvent(ev, view, velocity); } return false; } private boolean handleUpEvent(MotionEvent ev, View animView, float velocity) { // If the menu should not be shown, then there is no need to check if the a swipe // should result in a snapping to the menu. As a result, just check if the swipe // was enough to dismiss the notification. if (!mShouldShowMenu) { if (mSwipeHelper.isDismissGesture(ev)) { dismiss(animView, velocity); } else { snapBack(animView, velocity); } return true; } final boolean gestureTowardsMenu = isTowardsMenu(velocity); final boolean gestureFastEnough = mSwipeHelper.getMinDismissVelocity() <= Math.abs(velocity); final boolean gestureFarEnough = mSwipeHelper.swipedFarEnough(mTranslation, mParent.getWidth()); final double timeForGesture = ev.getEventTime() - ev.getDownTime(); final boolean showMenuForSlowOnGoing = !mParent.canViewBeDismissed() && timeForGesture >= SWIPE_MENU_TIMING; final float menuSnapTarget = mOnLeft ? getSpaceForMenu() : -getSpaceForMenu(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "mTranslation= " + mTranslation + " mAlpha= " + mAlpha + " velocity= " + velocity + " mMenuSnappedTo= " + mMenuSnappedTo + " mMenuSnappedOnLeft= " + mMenuSnappedOnLeft + " mOnLeft= " + mOnLeft + " minDismissVel= " + mSwipeHelper.getMinDismissVelocity() + " isDismissGesture= " + mSwipeHelper.isDismissGesture(ev) + " gestureTowardsMenu= " + gestureTowardsMenu + " gestureFastEnough= " + gestureFastEnough + " gestureFarEnough= " + gestureFarEnough); } if (mMenuSnappedTo && isMenuVisible() && mMenuSnappedOnLeft == mOnLeft) { // Menu was snapped to previously and we're on the same side, figure out if // we should stick to the menu, snap back into place, or dismiss final float maximumSwipeDistance = mHorizSpaceForIcon * SWIPED_BACK_ENOUGH_TO_COVER_FRACTION; final float targetLeft = getSpaceForMenu() - maximumSwipeDistance; final float targetRight = mParent.getWidth() * SWIPED_FAR_ENOUGH_SIZE_FRACTION; boolean withinSnapMenuThreshold = mOnLeft ? mTranslation > targetLeft && mTranslation < targetRight : mTranslation < -targetLeft && mTranslation > -targetRight; boolean shouldSnapTo = mOnLeft ? mTranslation < targetLeft : mTranslation > -targetLeft; if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, " withinSnapMenuThreshold= " + withinSnapMenuThreshold + " shouldSnapTo= " + shouldSnapTo + " targetLeft= " + targetLeft + " targetRight= " + targetRight); } if (withinSnapMenuThreshold && !mSwipeHelper.isDismissGesture(ev)) { // Haven't moved enough to unsnap from the menu showMenu(animView, menuSnapTarget, velocity); } else if (mSwipeHelper.isDismissGesture(ev) && !shouldSnapTo) { // Only dismiss if we're not moving towards the menu dismiss(animView, velocity); } else { snapBack(animView, velocity); } } else if ((swipedEnoughToShowMenu() && (!gestureFastEnough || showMenuForSlowOnGoing)) || (gestureTowardsMenu && !mSwipeHelper.isDismissGesture(ev))) { // Menu has not been snapped to previously and this is menu revealing gesture showMenu(animView, menuSnapTarget, velocity); } else if (mSwipeHelper.isDismissGesture(ev) && !gestureTowardsMenu) { dismiss(animView, velocity); } else { snapBack(animView, velocity); } return true; } private void showMenu(View animView, float targetLeft, float velocity) { mMenuSnappedTo = true; mMenuSnappedOnLeft = mOnLeft; mMenuListener.onMenuShown(animView); mSwipeHelper.snap(animView, targetLeft, velocity); } private void snapBack(View animView, float velocity) { if (mFadeAnimator != null) { mFadeAnimator.cancel(); } mHandler.removeCallbacks(mCheckForDrag); mMenuSnappedTo = false; mSnapping = true; mSwipeHelper.snap(animView, 0 /* leftTarget */, velocity); } private void dismiss(View animView, float velocity) { if (mFadeAnimator != null) { mFadeAnimator.cancel(); } mHandler.removeCallbacks(mCheckForDrag); mMenuSnappedTo = false; mDismissing = true; mSwipeHelper.dismiss(animView, velocity); } /** * @return whether the notification has been translated enough to show the menu and not enough * to be dismissed. */ private boolean swipedEnoughToShowMenu() { final float multiplier = mParent.canViewBeDismissed() ? SWIPED_FAR_ENOUGH_MENU_FRACTION : SWIPED_FAR_ENOUGH_MENU_UNCLEARABLE_FRACTION; final float minimumSwipeDistance = mHorizSpaceForIcon * multiplier; return !mSwipeHelper.swipedFarEnough(0, 0) && isMenuVisible() && (mOnLeft ? mTranslation > minimumSwipeDistance : mTranslation < -minimumSwipeDistance); } /** * Returns whether the gesture is towards the menu location or not. */ private boolean isTowardsMenu(float movement) { return isMenuVisible() && ((mOnLeft && movement <= 0) || (!mOnLeft && movement >= 0)); } @Override public void setAppName(String appName) { if (appName == null) { return; } Resources res = mContext.getResources(); final int count = mMenuItems.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MenuItem item = mMenuItems.get(i); String description = String.format( res.getString(R.string.notification_menu_accessibility), appName, item.getContentDescription()); View menuView = item.getMenuView(); if (menuView != null) { menuView.setContentDescription(description); } } } @Override public void onHeightUpdate() { if (mParent == null || mMenuItems.size() == 0) { return; } int parentHeight = mParent.getCollapsedHeight(); float translationY; if (parentHeight < mVertSpaceForIcons) { translationY = (parentHeight / 2) - (mHorizSpaceForIcon / 2); } else { translationY = (mVertSpaceForIcons - mHorizSpaceForIcon) / 2; } mMenuContainer.setTranslationY(translationY); } @Override public void onTranslationUpdate(float translation) { mTranslation = translation; if (mAnimating || !mMenuFadedIn) { // Don't adjust when animating, or if the menu hasn't been shown yet. return; } final float fadeThreshold = mParent.getWidth() * 0.3f; final float absTrans = Math.abs(translation); float desiredAlpha = 0; if (absTrans == 0) { desiredAlpha = 0; } else if (absTrans <= fadeThreshold) { desiredAlpha = 1; } else { desiredAlpha = 1 - ((absTrans - fadeThreshold) / (mParent.getWidth() - fadeThreshold)); } setMenuAlpha(desiredAlpha); } @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (mMenuListener == null) { // Nothing to do return; } v.getLocationOnScreen(mIconLocation); mParent.getLocationOnScreen(mParentLocation); final int centerX = (int) (mHorizSpaceForIcon / 2); final int centerY = v.getHeight() / 2; final int x = mIconLocation[0] - mParentLocation[0] + centerX; final int y = mIconLocation[1] - mParentLocation[1] + centerY; final int index = mMenuContainer.indexOfChild(v); mMenuListener.onMenuClicked(mParent, x, y, mMenuItems.get(index)); } private boolean isMenuLocationChange() { boolean onLeft = mTranslation > mIconPadding; boolean onRight = mTranslation < -mIconPadding; if ((mOnLeft && onRight) || (!mOnLeft && onLeft)) { return true; } return false; } private void setMenuLocation() { boolean showOnLeft = mTranslation > 0; if ((mIconsPlaced && showOnLeft == mOnLeft) || mSnapping || !mMenuContainer.isAttachedToWindow()) { // Do nothing return; } final int count = mMenuContainer.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final View v = mMenuContainer.getChildAt(i); final float left = i * mHorizSpaceForIcon; final float right = mParent.getWidth() - (mHorizSpaceForIcon * (i + 1)); v.setX(showOnLeft ? left : right); } mOnLeft = showOnLeft; mIconsPlaced = true; } private void setMenuAlpha(float alpha) { mAlpha = alpha; if (mMenuContainer == null) { return; } if (alpha == 0) { mMenuFadedIn = false; // Can fade in again once it's gone. mMenuContainer.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else { mMenuContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } final int count = mMenuContainer.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { mMenuContainer.getChildAt(i).setAlpha(mAlpha); } } /** * Returns the horizontal space in pixels required to display the menu. */ private float getSpaceForMenu() { return mHorizSpaceForIcon * mMenuContainer.getChildCount(); } private final class CheckForDrag implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { final float absTransX = Math.abs(mTranslation); final float bounceBackToMenuWidth = getSpaceForMenu(); final float notiThreshold = mParent.getWidth() * 0.4f; if ((!isMenuVisible() || isMenuLocationChange()) && absTransX >= bounceBackToMenuWidth * 0.4 && absTransX < notiThreshold) { fadeInMenu(notiThreshold); } } } private void fadeInMenu(final float notiThreshold) { if (mDismissing || mAnimating) { return; } if (isMenuLocationChange()) { setMenuAlpha(0f); } final float transX = mTranslation; final boolean fromLeft = mTranslation > 0; setMenuLocation(); mFadeAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(mAlpha, 1); mFadeAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { final float absTrans = Math.abs(transX); boolean pastMenu = (fromLeft && transX <= notiThreshold) || (!fromLeft && absTrans <= notiThreshold); if (pastMenu && !mMenuFadedIn) { setMenuAlpha((float) animation.getAnimatedValue()); } } }); mFadeAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { mAnimating = true; } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { // TODO should animate back to 0f from current alpha setMenuAlpha(0f); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mAnimating = false; mMenuFadedIn = mAlpha == 1; } }); mFadeAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolators.ALPHA_IN); mFadeAnimator.setDuration(ICON_ALPHA_ANIM_DURATION); mFadeAnimator.start(); } @Override public void setMenuItems(ArrayList items) { // Do nothing we use our own for now. // TODO -- handle / allow custom menu items! } public static MenuItem createSnoozeItem(Context context) { Resources res = context.getResources(); NotificationSnooze content = (NotificationSnooze) LayoutInflater.from(context) .inflate(R.layout.notification_snooze, null, false); String snoozeDescription = res.getString(R.string.notification_menu_snooze_description); MenuItem snooze = new NotificationMenuItem(context, snoozeDescription, content, R.drawable.ic_snooze); return snooze; } public static MenuItem createInfoItem(Context context) { Resources res = context.getResources(); String infoDescription = res.getString(R.string.notification_menu_gear_description); NotificationInfo infoContent = (NotificationInfo) LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate( R.layout.notification_info, null, false); MenuItem info = new NotificationMenuItem(context, infoDescription, infoContent, R.drawable.ic_settings); return info; } private void addMenuView(MenuItem item, ViewGroup parent) { View menuView = item.getMenuView(); if (menuView != null) { parent.addView(menuView); menuView.setOnClickListener(this); FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) menuView.getLayoutParams(); lp.width = (int) mHorizSpaceForIcon; lp.height = (int) mHorizSpaceForIcon; menuView.setLayoutParams(lp); } } public static class NotificationMenuItem implements MenuItem { View mMenuView; GutsContent mGutsContent; String mContentDescription; public NotificationMenuItem(Context context, String s, GutsContent content, int iconResId) { Resources res = context.getResources(); int padding = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_menu_icon_padding); int tint = res.getColor(R.color.notification_gear_color); AlphaOptimizedImageView iv = new AlphaOptimizedImageView(context); iv.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding); Drawable icon = context.getResources().getDrawable(iconResId); iv.setImageDrawable(icon); iv.setColorFilter(tint); iv.setAlpha(1f); mMenuView = iv; mContentDescription = s; mGutsContent = content; } @Override public View getMenuView() { return mMenuView; } @Override public View getGutsView() { return mGutsContent.getContentView(); } @Override public String getContentDescription() { return mContentDescription; } } }