/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.connectivity.tethering; import static android.net.util.NetworkConstants.RFC7421_PREFIX_LENGTH; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.net.INetd; import android.net.INetworkStatsService; import android.net.InterfaceConfiguration; import android.net.IpPrefix; import android.net.LinkAddress; import android.net.LinkProperties; import android.net.NetworkUtils; import android.net.RouteInfo; import android.net.ip.RouterAdvertisementDaemon; import android.net.ip.RouterAdvertisementDaemon.RaParams; import android.net.util.NetdService; import android.net.util.SharedLog; import android.os.INetworkManagementService; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ServiceSpecificException; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Slog; import android.util.SparseArray; import com.android.internal.util.MessageUtils; import com.android.internal.util.Protocol; import com.android.internal.util.State; import com.android.internal.util.StateMachine; import java.net.Inet6Address; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.net.SocketException; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Random; /** * Provides the interface to IP-layer serving functionality for a given network * interface, e.g. for tethering or "local-only hotspot" mode. * * @hide */ public class TetherInterfaceStateMachine extends StateMachine { private static final IpPrefix LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX = new IpPrefix("fe80::/64"); private static final String USB_NEAR_IFACE_ADDR = ""; private static final int USB_PREFIX_LENGTH = 24; private static final String WIFI_HOST_IFACE_ADDR = ""; private static final int WIFI_HOST_IFACE_PREFIX_LENGTH = 24; private final static String TAG = "TetherInterfaceSM"; private final static boolean DBG = false; private final static boolean VDBG = false; private static final Class[] messageClasses = { TetherInterfaceStateMachine.class }; private static final SparseArray sMagicDecoderRing = MessageUtils.findMessageNames(messageClasses); private static final int BASE_IFACE = Protocol.BASE_TETHERING + 100; // request from the user that it wants to tether public static final int CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED = BASE_IFACE + 2; // request from the user that it wants to untether public static final int CMD_TETHER_UNREQUESTED = BASE_IFACE + 3; // notification that this interface is down public static final int CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN = BASE_IFACE + 4; // notification from the master SM that it had trouble enabling IP Forwarding public static final int CMD_IP_FORWARDING_ENABLE_ERROR = BASE_IFACE + 7; // notification from the master SM that it had trouble disabling IP Forwarding public static final int CMD_IP_FORWARDING_DISABLE_ERROR = BASE_IFACE + 8; // notification from the master SM that it had trouble starting tethering public static final int CMD_START_TETHERING_ERROR = BASE_IFACE + 9; // notification from the master SM that it had trouble stopping tethering public static final int CMD_STOP_TETHERING_ERROR = BASE_IFACE + 10; // notification from the master SM that it had trouble setting the DNS forwarders public static final int CMD_SET_DNS_FORWARDERS_ERROR = BASE_IFACE + 11; // the upstream connection has changed public static final int CMD_TETHER_CONNECTION_CHANGED = BASE_IFACE + 12; // new IPv6 tethering parameters need to be processed public static final int CMD_IPV6_TETHER_UPDATE = BASE_IFACE + 13; private final State mInitialState; private final State mLocalHotspotState; private final State mTetheredState; private final State mUnavailableState; private final SharedLog mLog; private final INetworkManagementService mNMService; private final INetworkStatsService mStatsService; private final IControlsTethering mTetherController; private final String mIfaceName; private final int mInterfaceType; private final LinkProperties mLinkProperties; private int mLastError; private int mServingMode; private String mMyUpstreamIfaceName; // may change over time private NetworkInterface mNetworkInterface; private byte[] mHwAddr; // TODO: De-duplicate this with mLinkProperties above. Currently, these link // properties are those selected by the IPv6TetheringCoordinator and relayed // to us. By comparison, mLinkProperties contains the addresses and directly // connected routes that have been formed from these properties iff. we have // succeeded in configuring them and are able to announce them within Router // Advertisements (otherwise, we do not add them to mLinkProperties at all). private LinkProperties mLastIPv6LinkProperties; private RouterAdvertisementDaemon mRaDaemon; private RaParams mLastRaParams; public TetherInterfaceStateMachine( String ifaceName, Looper looper, int interfaceType, SharedLog log, INetworkManagementService nMService, INetworkStatsService statsService, IControlsTethering tetherController) { super(ifaceName, looper); mLog = log.forSubComponent(ifaceName); mNMService = nMService; mStatsService = statsService; mTetherController = tetherController; mIfaceName = ifaceName; mInterfaceType = interfaceType; mLinkProperties = new LinkProperties(); resetLinkProperties(); mLastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR; mServingMode = IControlsTethering.STATE_AVAILABLE; mInitialState = new InitialState(); mLocalHotspotState = new LocalHotspotState(); mTetheredState = new TetheredState(); mUnavailableState = new UnavailableState(); addState(mInitialState); addState(mLocalHotspotState); addState(mTetheredState); addState(mUnavailableState); setInitialState(mInitialState); } public String interfaceName() { return mIfaceName; } public int interfaceType() { return mInterfaceType; } public int lastError() { return mLastError; } public int servingMode() { return mServingMode; } public LinkProperties linkProperties() { return new LinkProperties(mLinkProperties); } public void stop() { sendMessage(CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN); } public void unwanted() { sendMessage(CMD_TETHER_UNREQUESTED); } /** * Internals. */ private boolean startIPv4() { return configureIPv4(true); } private void stopIPv4() { configureIPv4(false); } private boolean configureIPv4(boolean enabled) { if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "configureIPv4(" + enabled + ")"); // TODO: Replace this hard-coded information with dynamically selected // config passed down to us by a higher layer IP-coordinating element. String ipAsString = null; int prefixLen = 0; if (mInterfaceType == ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_USB) { ipAsString = USB_NEAR_IFACE_ADDR; prefixLen = USB_PREFIX_LENGTH; } else if (mInterfaceType == ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_WIFI) { ipAsString = WIFI_HOST_IFACE_ADDR; prefixLen = WIFI_HOST_IFACE_PREFIX_LENGTH; } else { // Nothing to do, BT does this elsewhere. return true; } final LinkAddress linkAddr; try { final InterfaceConfiguration ifcg = mNMService.getInterfaceConfig(mIfaceName); if (ifcg == null) { mLog.e("Received null interface config"); return false; } InetAddress addr = NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(ipAsString); linkAddr = new LinkAddress(addr, prefixLen); ifcg.setLinkAddress(linkAddr); if (mInterfaceType == ConnectivityManager.TETHERING_WIFI) { // The WiFi stack has ownership of the interface up/down state. // It is unclear whether the Bluetooth or USB stacks will manage their own // state. ifcg.ignoreInterfaceUpDownStatus(); } else { if (enabled) { ifcg.setInterfaceUp(); } else { ifcg.setInterfaceDown(); } } ifcg.clearFlag("running"); mNMService.setInterfaceConfig(mIfaceName, ifcg); } catch (Exception e) { mLog.e("Error configuring interface " + e); return false; } // Directly-connected route. final RouteInfo route = new RouteInfo(linkAddr); if (enabled) { mLinkProperties.addLinkAddress(linkAddr); mLinkProperties.addRoute(route); } else { mLinkProperties.removeLinkAddress(linkAddr); mLinkProperties.removeRoute(route); } return true; } private boolean startIPv6() { // TODO: Refactor for testability (perhaps passing an android.system.Os // instance and calling getifaddrs() directly). try { mNetworkInterface = NetworkInterface.getByName(mIfaceName); } catch (SocketException e) { mLog.e("Error looking up NetworkInterfaces: " + e); stopIPv6(); return false; } if (mNetworkInterface == null) { mLog.e("Failed to find NetworkInterface"); stopIPv6(); return false; } try { mHwAddr = mNetworkInterface.getHardwareAddress(); } catch (SocketException e) { mLog.e("Failed to find hardware address: " + e); stopIPv6(); return false; } final int ifindex = mNetworkInterface.getIndex(); mRaDaemon = new RouterAdvertisementDaemon(mIfaceName, ifindex, mHwAddr); if (!mRaDaemon.start()) { stopIPv6(); return false; } return true; } private void stopIPv6() { mNetworkInterface = null; mHwAddr = null; setRaParams(null); if (mRaDaemon != null) { mRaDaemon.stop(); mRaDaemon = null; } } // IPv6TetheringCoordinator sends updates with carefully curated IPv6-only // LinkProperties. These have extraneous data filtered out and only the // necessary prefixes included (per its prefix distribution policy). // // TODO: Evaluate using a data structure than is more directly suited to // communicating only the relevant information. private void updateUpstreamIPv6LinkProperties(LinkProperties v6only) { if (mRaDaemon == null) return; // Avoid unnecessary work on spurious updates. if (Objects.equals(mLastIPv6LinkProperties, v6only)) { return; } RaParams params = null; if (v6only != null) { params = new RaParams(); params.mtu = v6only.getMtu(); params.hasDefaultRoute = v6only.hasIPv6DefaultRoute(); for (LinkAddress linkAddr : v6only.getLinkAddresses()) { if (linkAddr.getPrefixLength() != RFC7421_PREFIX_LENGTH) continue; final IpPrefix prefix = new IpPrefix( linkAddr.getAddress(), linkAddr.getPrefixLength()); params.prefixes.add(prefix); final Inet6Address dnsServer = getLocalDnsIpFor(prefix); if (dnsServer != null) { params.dnses.add(dnsServer); } } } // If v6only is null, we pass in null to setRaParams(), which handles // deprecation of any existing RA data. setRaParams(params); mLastIPv6LinkProperties = v6only; } private void configureLocalIPv6Routes( HashSet deprecatedPrefixes, HashSet newPrefixes) { // [1] Remove the routes that are deprecated. if (!deprecatedPrefixes.isEmpty()) { final ArrayList toBeRemoved = getLocalRoutesFor(mIfaceName, deprecatedPrefixes); try { final int removalFailures = mNMService.removeRoutesFromLocalNetwork(toBeRemoved); if (removalFailures > 0) { mLog.e(String.format("Failed to remove %d IPv6 routes from local table.", removalFailures)); } } catch (RemoteException e) { mLog.e("Failed to remove IPv6 routes from local table: " + e); } for (RouteInfo route : toBeRemoved) mLinkProperties.removeRoute(route); } // [2] Add only the routes that have not previously been added. if (newPrefixes != null && !newPrefixes.isEmpty()) { HashSet addedPrefixes = (HashSet) newPrefixes.clone(); if (mLastRaParams != null) { addedPrefixes.removeAll(mLastRaParams.prefixes); } if (mLastRaParams == null || mLastRaParams.prefixes.isEmpty()) { // We need to be able to send unicast RAs, and clients might // like to ping the default router's link-local address. Note // that we never remove the link-local route from the network // until Tethering disables tethering on the interface. We // only need to add the link-local prefix once, but in the // event we add it more than once netd silently ignores EEXIST. addedPrefixes.add(LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX); } if (!addedPrefixes.isEmpty()) { final ArrayList toBeAdded = getLocalRoutesFor(mIfaceName, addedPrefixes); try { // It's safe to call addInterfaceToLocalNetwork() even if // the interface is already in the local_network. Note also // that adding routes that already exist does not cause an // error (EEXIST is silently ignored). mNMService.addInterfaceToLocalNetwork(mIfaceName, toBeAdded); } catch (RemoteException e) { mLog.e("Failed to add IPv6 routes to local table: " + e); } for (RouteInfo route : toBeAdded) mLinkProperties.addRoute(route); } } } private void configureLocalIPv6Dns( HashSet deprecatedDnses, HashSet newDnses) { final INetd netd = NetdService.getInstance(); if (netd == null) { if (newDnses != null) newDnses.clear(); mLog.e("No netd service instance available; not setting local IPv6 addresses"); return; } // [1] Remove deprecated local DNS IP addresses. if (!deprecatedDnses.isEmpty()) { for (Inet6Address dns : deprecatedDnses) { final String dnsString = dns.getHostAddress(); try { netd.interfaceDelAddress(mIfaceName, dnsString, RFC7421_PREFIX_LENGTH); } catch (ServiceSpecificException | RemoteException e) { mLog.e("Failed to remove local dns IP " + dnsString + ": " + e); } mLinkProperties.removeLinkAddress(new LinkAddress(dns, RFC7421_PREFIX_LENGTH)); } } // [2] Add only the local DNS IP addresses that have not previously been added. if (newDnses != null && !newDnses.isEmpty()) { final HashSet addedDnses = (HashSet) newDnses.clone(); if (mLastRaParams != null) { addedDnses.removeAll(mLastRaParams.dnses); } for (Inet6Address dns : addedDnses) { final String dnsString = dns.getHostAddress(); try { netd.interfaceAddAddress(mIfaceName, dnsString, RFC7421_PREFIX_LENGTH); } catch (ServiceSpecificException | RemoteException e) { mLog.e("Failed to add local dns IP " + dnsString + ": " + e); newDnses.remove(dns); } mLinkProperties.addLinkAddress(new LinkAddress(dns, RFC7421_PREFIX_LENGTH)); } } try { netd.tetherApplyDnsInterfaces(); } catch (ServiceSpecificException | RemoteException e) { mLog.e("Failed to update local DNS caching server"); if (newDnses != null) newDnses.clear(); } } private void setRaParams(RaParams newParams) { if (mRaDaemon != null) { final RaParams deprecatedParams = RaParams.getDeprecatedRaParams(mLastRaParams, newParams); configureLocalIPv6Routes(deprecatedParams.prefixes, (newParams != null) ? newParams.prefixes : null); configureLocalIPv6Dns(deprecatedParams.dnses, (newParams != null) ? newParams.dnses : null); mRaDaemon.buildNewRa(deprecatedParams, newParams); } mLastRaParams = newParams; } private void logMessage(State state, int what) { mLog.log(state.getName() + " got " + sMagicDecoderRing.get(what, Integer.toString(what))); } private void sendInterfaceState(int newInterfaceState) { mServingMode = newInterfaceState; mTetherController.updateInterfaceState( TetherInterfaceStateMachine.this, newInterfaceState, mLastError); sendLinkProperties(); } private void sendLinkProperties() { mTetherController.updateLinkProperties( TetherInterfaceStateMachine.this, new LinkProperties(mLinkProperties)); } private void resetLinkProperties() { mLinkProperties.clear(); mLinkProperties.setInterfaceName(mIfaceName); } class InitialState extends State { @Override public void enter() { sendInterfaceState(IControlsTethering.STATE_AVAILABLE); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { logMessage(this, message.what); switch (message.what) { case CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED: mLastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR; switch (message.arg1) { case IControlsTethering.STATE_LOCAL_ONLY: transitionTo(mLocalHotspotState); break; case IControlsTethering.STATE_TETHERED: transitionTo(mTetheredState); break; default: mLog.e("Invalid tethering interface serving state specified."); } break; case CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN: transitionTo(mUnavailableState); break; case CMD_IPV6_TETHER_UPDATE: updateUpstreamIPv6LinkProperties((LinkProperties) message.obj); break; default: return NOT_HANDLED; } return HANDLED; } } class BaseServingState extends State { @Override public void enter() { if (!startIPv4()) { mLastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_IFACE_CFG_ERROR; return; } try { mNMService.tetherInterface(mIfaceName); } catch (Exception e) { mLog.e("Error Tethering: " + e); mLastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_TETHER_IFACE_ERROR; return; } if (!startIPv6()) { mLog.e("Failed to startIPv6"); // TODO: Make this a fatal error once Bluetooth IPv6 is sorted. return; } } @Override public void exit() { // Note that at this point, we're leaving the tethered state. We can fail any // of these operations, but it doesn't really change that we have to try them // all in sequence. stopIPv6(); try { mNMService.untetherInterface(mIfaceName); } catch (Exception e) { mLastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNTETHER_IFACE_ERROR; mLog.e("Failed to untether interface: " + e); } stopIPv4(); resetLinkProperties(); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { logMessage(this, message.what); switch (message.what) { case CMD_TETHER_UNREQUESTED: transitionTo(mInitialState); if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Untethered (unrequested)" + mIfaceName); break; case CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN: transitionTo(mUnavailableState); if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Untethered (ifdown)" + mIfaceName); break; case CMD_IPV6_TETHER_UPDATE: updateUpstreamIPv6LinkProperties((LinkProperties) message.obj); sendLinkProperties(); break; case CMD_IP_FORWARDING_ENABLE_ERROR: case CMD_IP_FORWARDING_DISABLE_ERROR: case CMD_START_TETHERING_ERROR: case CMD_STOP_TETHERING_ERROR: case CMD_SET_DNS_FORWARDERS_ERROR: mLastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_MASTER_ERROR; transitionTo(mInitialState); break; default: return false; } return true; } } // Handling errors in BaseServingState.enter() by transitioning is // problematic because transitioning during a multi-state jump yields // a Log.wtf(). Ultimately, there should be only one ServingState, // and forwarding and NAT rules should be handled by a coordinating // functional element outside of TetherInterfaceStateMachine. class LocalHotspotState extends BaseServingState { @Override public void enter() { super.enter(); if (mLastError != ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { transitionTo(mInitialState); } if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Local hotspot " + mIfaceName); sendInterfaceState(IControlsTethering.STATE_LOCAL_ONLY); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { if (super.processMessage(message)) return true; logMessage(this, message.what); switch (message.what) { case CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED: mLog.e("CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED while in local-only hotspot mode."); break; case CMD_TETHER_CONNECTION_CHANGED: // Ignored in local hotspot state. break; default: return false; } return true; } } // Handling errors in BaseServingState.enter() by transitioning is // problematic because transitioning during a multi-state jump yields // a Log.wtf(). Ultimately, there should be only one ServingState, // and forwarding and NAT rules should be handled by a coordinating // functional element outside of TetherInterfaceStateMachine. class TetheredState extends BaseServingState { @Override public void enter() { super.enter(); if (mLastError != ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { transitionTo(mInitialState); } if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Tethered " + mIfaceName); sendInterfaceState(IControlsTethering.STATE_TETHERED); } @Override public void exit() { cleanupUpstream(); super.exit(); } private void cleanupUpstream() { if (mMyUpstreamIfaceName == null) return; cleanupUpstreamInterface(mMyUpstreamIfaceName); mMyUpstreamIfaceName = null; } private void cleanupUpstreamInterface(String upstreamIface) { // Note that we don't care about errors here. // Sometimes interfaces are gone before we get // to remove their rules, which generates errors. // Just do the best we can. try { // About to tear down NAT; gather remaining statistics. mStatsService.forceUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { if (VDBG) Log.e(TAG, "Exception in forceUpdate: " + e.toString()); } try { mNMService.stopInterfaceForwarding(mIfaceName, upstreamIface); } catch (Exception e) { if (VDBG) Log.e(TAG, "Exception in removeInterfaceForward: " + e.toString()); } try { mNMService.disableNat(mIfaceName, upstreamIface); } catch (Exception e) { if (VDBG) Log.e(TAG, "Exception in disableNat: " + e.toString()); } } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { if (super.processMessage(message)) return true; logMessage(this, message.what); switch (message.what) { case CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED: mLog.e("CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED while already tethering."); break; case CMD_TETHER_CONNECTION_CHANGED: String newUpstreamIfaceName = (String)(message.obj); if ((mMyUpstreamIfaceName == null && newUpstreamIfaceName == null) || (mMyUpstreamIfaceName != null && mMyUpstreamIfaceName.equals(newUpstreamIfaceName))) { if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "Connection changed noop - dropping"); break; } cleanupUpstream(); if (newUpstreamIfaceName != null) { try { mNMService.enableNat(mIfaceName, newUpstreamIfaceName); mNMService.startInterfaceForwarding(mIfaceName, newUpstreamIfaceName); } catch (Exception e) { mLog.e("Exception enabling NAT: " + e); cleanupUpstreamInterface(newUpstreamIfaceName); mLastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_ENABLE_NAT_ERROR; transitionTo(mInitialState); return true; } } mMyUpstreamIfaceName = newUpstreamIfaceName; break; default: return false; } return true; } } /** * This state is terminal for the per interface state machine. At this * point, the master state machine should have removed this interface * specific state machine from its list of possible recipients of * tethering requests. The state machine itself will hang around until * the garbage collector finds it. */ class UnavailableState extends State { @Override public void enter() { mLastError = ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR; sendInterfaceState(IControlsTethering.STATE_UNAVAILABLE); } } // Accumulate routes representing "prefixes to be assigned to the local // interface", for subsequent modification of local_network routing. private static ArrayList getLocalRoutesFor( String ifname, HashSet prefixes) { final ArrayList localRoutes = new ArrayList(); for (IpPrefix ipp : prefixes) { localRoutes.add(new RouteInfo(ipp, null, ifname)); } return localRoutes; } // Given a prefix like 2001:db8::/64 return an address like 2001:db8::1. private static Inet6Address getLocalDnsIpFor(IpPrefix localPrefix) { final byte[] dnsBytes = localPrefix.getRawAddress(); dnsBytes[dnsBytes.length - 1] = getRandomNonZeroByte(); try { return Inet6Address.getByAddress(null, dnsBytes, 0); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Slog.wtf(TAG, "Failed to construct Inet6Address from: " + localPrefix); return null; } } private static byte getRandomNonZeroByte() { final byte random = (byte) (new Random()).nextInt(); // Don't pick the subnet-router anycast address, since that might be // in use on the upstream already. return (random != 0) ? random : 0x1; } }