/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.wm; import static android.app.ActivityManager.StackId.DOCKED_STACK_ID; import static android.app.ActivityManager.StackId.HOME_STACK_ID; import static android.app.ActivityManager.StackId.PINNED_STACK_ID; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_VISIBILITY; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.TAG_WM; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowState.RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH_IN_DP; import android.app.ActivityManager.StackId; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.Region; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Slog; import android.view.Display; import android.view.DisplayInfo; import android.view.Surface; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; class DisplayContentList extends ArrayList { } /** * Utility class for keeping track of the WindowStates and other pertinent contents of a * particular Display. * * IMPORTANT: No method from this class should ever be used without holding * WindowManagerService.mWindowMap. */ class DisplayContent { /** Unique identifier of this stack. */ private final int mDisplayId; /** Z-ordered (bottom-most first) list of all Window objects. Assigned to an element * from mDisplayWindows; */ private final WindowList mWindows = new WindowList(); int mInitialDisplayWidth = 0; int mInitialDisplayHeight = 0; int mInitialDisplayDensity = 0; int mBaseDisplayWidth = 0; int mBaseDisplayHeight = 0; int mBaseDisplayDensity = 0; boolean mDisplayScalingDisabled; private final DisplayInfo mDisplayInfo = new DisplayInfo(); private final Display mDisplay; private final DisplayMetrics mDisplayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); Rect mBaseDisplayRect = new Rect(); Rect mContentRect = new Rect(); // Accessed directly by all users. boolean layoutNeeded; int pendingLayoutChanges; final boolean isDefaultDisplay; /** Window tokens that are in the process of exiting, but still on screen for animations. */ final ArrayList mExitingTokens = new ArrayList<>(); /** Array containing all TaskStacks on this display. Array * is stored in display order with the current bottom stack at 0. */ private final ArrayList mStacks = new ArrayList<>(); /** A special TaskStack with id==HOME_STACK_ID that moves to the bottom whenever any TaskStack * (except a future lockscreen TaskStack) moves to the top. */ private TaskStack mHomeStack = null; /** Detect user tapping outside of current focused task bounds .*/ TaskTapPointerEventListener mTapDetector; /** Detect user tapping outside of current focused stack bounds .*/ Region mTouchExcludeRegion = new Region(); /** Detect user tapping in a non-resizeable task in docked or fullscreen stack .*/ Region mNonResizeableRegion = new Region(); /** Save allocating when calculating rects */ private final Rect mTmpRect = new Rect(); private final Rect mTmpRect2 = new Rect(); private final Region mTmpRegion = new Region(); /** For gathering Task objects in order. */ final ArrayList mTmpTaskHistory = new ArrayList(); final WindowManagerService mService; /** Remove this display when animation on it has completed. */ boolean mDeferredRemoval; final DockedStackDividerController mDividerControllerLocked; final DimLayerController mDimLayerController; final ArrayList mTapExcludedWindows = new ArrayList<>(); /** * @param display May not be null. * @param service You know. */ DisplayContent(Display display, WindowManagerService service) { mDisplay = display; mDisplayId = display.getDisplayId(); display.getDisplayInfo(mDisplayInfo); display.getMetrics(mDisplayMetrics); isDefaultDisplay = mDisplayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY; mService = service; initializeDisplayBaseInfo(); mDividerControllerLocked = new DockedStackDividerController(service.mContext, this); mDimLayerController = new DimLayerController(this); } int getDisplayId() { return mDisplayId; } WindowList getWindowList() { return mWindows; } Display getDisplay() { return mDisplay; } DisplayInfo getDisplayInfo() { return mDisplayInfo; } DisplayMetrics getDisplayMetrics() { return mDisplayMetrics; } DockedStackDividerController getDockedDividerController() { return mDividerControllerLocked; } /** * Returns true if the specified UID has access to this display. */ public boolean hasAccess(int uid) { return mDisplay.hasAccess(uid); } public boolean isPrivate() { return (mDisplay.getFlags() & Display.FLAG_PRIVATE) != 0; } ArrayList getStacks() { return mStacks; } /** * Retrieve the tasks on this display in stack order from the bottommost TaskStack up. * @return All the Tasks, in order, on this display. */ ArrayList getTasks() { mTmpTaskHistory.clear(); final int numStacks = mStacks.size(); for (int stackNdx = 0; stackNdx < numStacks; ++stackNdx) { mTmpTaskHistory.addAll(mStacks.get(stackNdx).getTasks()); } return mTmpTaskHistory; } TaskStack getHomeStack() { if (mHomeStack == null && mDisplayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) { Slog.e(TAG_WM, "getHomeStack: Returning null from this=" + this); } return mHomeStack; } void updateDisplayInfo() { mDisplay.getDisplayInfo(mDisplayInfo); mDisplay.getMetrics(mDisplayMetrics); for (int i = mStacks.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { mStacks.get(i).updateDisplayInfo(null); } } void initializeDisplayBaseInfo() { // Bootstrap the default logical display from the display manager. final DisplayInfo newDisplayInfo = mService.mDisplayManagerInternal.getDisplayInfo(mDisplayId); if (newDisplayInfo != null) { mDisplayInfo.copyFrom(newDisplayInfo); } mBaseDisplayWidth = mInitialDisplayWidth = mDisplayInfo.logicalWidth; mBaseDisplayHeight = mInitialDisplayHeight = mDisplayInfo.logicalHeight; mBaseDisplayDensity = mInitialDisplayDensity = mDisplayInfo.logicalDensityDpi; mBaseDisplayRect.set(0, 0, mBaseDisplayWidth, mBaseDisplayHeight); } void getLogicalDisplayRect(Rect out) { // Uses same calculation as in LogicalDisplay#configureDisplayInTransactionLocked. final int orientation = mDisplayInfo.rotation; boolean rotated = (orientation == Surface.ROTATION_90 || orientation == Surface.ROTATION_270); final int physWidth = rotated ? mBaseDisplayHeight : mBaseDisplayWidth; final int physHeight = rotated ? mBaseDisplayWidth : mBaseDisplayHeight; int width = mDisplayInfo.logicalWidth; int left = (physWidth - width) / 2; int height = mDisplayInfo.logicalHeight; int top = (physHeight - height) / 2; out.set(left, top, left + width, top + height); } /** Refer to {@link WindowManagerService#attachStack(int, int, boolean)} */ void attachStack(TaskStack stack, boolean onTop) { if (stack.mStackId == HOME_STACK_ID) { if (mHomeStack != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("attachStack: HOME_STACK_ID (0) not first."); } mHomeStack = stack; } if (onTop) { mStacks.add(stack); } else { mStacks.add(0, stack); } layoutNeeded = true; } void moveStack(TaskStack stack, boolean toTop) { if (StackId.isAlwaysOnTop(stack.mStackId) && !toTop) { // This stack is always-on-top silly... Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Ignoring move of always-on-top stack=" + stack + " to bottom"); return; } if (!mStacks.remove(stack)) { Slog.wtf(TAG_WM, "moving stack that was not added: " + stack, new Throwable()); } int addIndex = toTop ? mStacks.size() : 0; if (toTop && mService.isStackVisibleLocked(PINNED_STACK_ID) && stack.mStackId != PINNED_STACK_ID) { // The pinned stack is always the top most stack (always-on-top) when it is visible. // So, stack is moved just below the pinned stack. addIndex--; TaskStack topStack = mStacks.get(addIndex); if (topStack.mStackId != PINNED_STACK_ID) { throw new IllegalStateException("Pinned stack isn't top stack??? " + mStacks); } } mStacks.add(addIndex, stack); } void detachStack(TaskStack stack) { mDimLayerController.removeDimLayerUser(stack); mStacks.remove(stack); } /** * Propagate the new bounds to all child stacks. * @param contentRect The bounds to apply at the top level. */ void resize(Rect contentRect) { mContentRect.set(contentRect); } int taskIdFromPoint(int x, int y) { for (int stackNdx = mStacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { TaskStack stack = mStacks.get(stackNdx); stack.getBounds(mTmpRect); if (!mTmpRect.contains(x, y)) { continue; } final ArrayList tasks = stack.getTasks(); for (int taskNdx = tasks.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { final Task task = tasks.get(taskNdx); final WindowState win = task.getTopVisibleAppMainWindow(); if (win == null) { continue; } // We need to use the task's dim bounds (which is derived from the visible // bounds of its apps windows) for any touch-related tests. Can't use // the task's original bounds because it might be adjusted to fit the // content frame. For example, the presence of the IME adjusting the // windows frames when the app window is the IME target. task.getDimBounds(mTmpRect); if (mTmpRect.contains(x, y)) { return task.mTaskId; } } } return -1; } /** * Find the task whose outside touch area (for resizing) (x, y) falls within. * Returns null if the touch doesn't fall into a resizing area. */ Task findTaskForControlPoint(int x, int y) { final int delta = mService.dipToPixel(RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH_IN_DP, mDisplayMetrics); for (int stackNdx = mStacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { TaskStack stack = mStacks.get(stackNdx); if (!StackId.isTaskResizeAllowed(stack.mStackId)) { break; } final ArrayList tasks = stack.getTasks(); for (int taskNdx = tasks.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { final Task task = tasks.get(taskNdx); if (task.isFullscreen()) { return null; } // We need to use the task's dim bounds (which is derived from the visible // bounds of its apps windows) for any touch-related tests. Can't use // the task's original bounds because it might be adjusted to fit the // content frame. One example is when the task is put to top-left quadrant, // the actual visible area would not start at (0,0) after it's adjusted // for the status bar. task.getDimBounds(mTmpRect); mTmpRect.inset(-delta, -delta); if (mTmpRect.contains(x, y)) { mTmpRect.inset(delta, delta); if (!mTmpRect.contains(x, y)) { return task; } // User touched inside the task. No need to look further, // focus transfer will be handled in ACTION_UP. return null; } } } return null; } void setTouchExcludeRegion(Task focusedTask) { mTouchExcludeRegion.set(mBaseDisplayRect); final int delta = mService.dipToPixel(RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH_IN_DP, mDisplayMetrics); boolean addBackFocusedTask = false; mNonResizeableRegion.setEmpty(); for (int stackNdx = mStacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { TaskStack stack = mStacks.get(stackNdx); final ArrayList tasks = stack.getTasks(); for (int taskNdx = tasks.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { final Task task = tasks.get(taskNdx); final WindowState win = task.getTopVisibleAppMainWindow(); if (win == null) { continue; } /** * Exclusion region is the region that TapDetector doesn't care about. * Here we want to remove all non-focused tasks from the exclusion region. * We also remove the outside touch area for resizing for all freeform * tasks (including the focused). * * (For freeform focused task, the below logic will first remove the enlarged * area, then add back the inner area.) */ final boolean isFreeformed = task.inFreeformWorkspace(); if (task != focusedTask || isFreeformed) { task.getDimBounds(mTmpRect); if (isFreeformed) { // If we're removing a freeform, focused app from the exclusion region, // we need to add back its touchable frame later. Remember the touchable // frame now. if (task == focusedTask) { addBackFocusedTask = true; mTmpRect2.set(mTmpRect); } // If the task is freeformed, enlarge the area to account for outside // touch area for resize. mTmpRect.inset(-delta, -delta); // Intersect with display content rect. If we have system decor (status bar/ // navigation bar), we want to exclude that from the tap detection. // Otherwise, if the app is partially placed under some system button (eg. // Recents, Home), pressing that button would cause a full series of // unwanted transfer focus/resume/pause, before we could go home. mTmpRect.intersect(mContentRect); } mTouchExcludeRegion.op(mTmpRect, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE); } if (task.isTwoFingerScrollMode()) { stack.getBounds(mTmpRect); mNonResizeableRegion.op(mTmpRect, Region.Op.UNION); break; } } } // If we removed the focused task above, add it back and only leave its // outside touch area in the exclusion. TapDectector is not interested in // any touch inside the focused task itself. if (addBackFocusedTask) { mTouchExcludeRegion.op(mTmpRect2, Region.Op.UNION); } final WindowState inputMethod = mService.mInputMethodWindow; if (inputMethod != null && inputMethod.isVisibleLw()) { // If the input method is visible and the user is typing, we don't want these touch // events to be intercepted and used to change focus. This would likely cause a // disappearance of the input method. inputMethod.getTouchableRegion(mTmpRegion); mTouchExcludeRegion.op(mTmpRegion, Region.Op.UNION); } for (int i = mTapExcludedWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { WindowState win = mTapExcludedWindows.get(i); win.getTouchableRegion(mTmpRegion); mTouchExcludeRegion.op(mTmpRegion, Region.Op.UNION); } if (mTapDetector != null) { mTapDetector.setTouchExcludeRegion(mTouchExcludeRegion, mNonResizeableRegion); } } void switchUserStacks() { final WindowList windows = getWindowList(); for (int i = 0; i < windows.size(); i++) { final WindowState win = windows.get(i); if (win.isHiddenFromUserLocked()) { if (DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.w(TAG_WM, "user changing, hiding " + win + ", attrs=" + win.mAttrs.type + ", belonging to " + win.mOwnerUid); win.hideLw(false); } } for (int stackNdx = mStacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { mStacks.get(stackNdx).switchUser(); } } void resetAnimationBackgroundAnimator() { for (int stackNdx = mStacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { mStacks.get(stackNdx).resetAnimationBackgroundAnimator(); } } boolean animateDimLayers() { return mDimLayerController.animateDimLayers(); } void resetDimming() { mDimLayerController.resetDimming(); } boolean isDimming() { return mDimLayerController.isDimming(); } void stopDimmingIfNeeded() { mDimLayerController.stopDimmingIfNeeded(); } void close() { mDimLayerController.close(); for (int stackNdx = mStacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { mStacks.get(stackNdx).close(); } } boolean isAnimating() { for (int stackNdx = mStacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { final TaskStack stack = mStacks.get(stackNdx); if (stack.isAnimating()) { return true; } } return false; } void checkForDeferredActions() { boolean animating = false; for (int stackNdx = mStacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { final TaskStack stack = mStacks.get(stackNdx); if (stack.isAnimating()) { animating = true; } else { if (stack.mDeferDetach) { mService.detachStackLocked(this, stack); } final ArrayList tasks = stack.getTasks(); for (int taskNdx = tasks.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { final Task task = tasks.get(taskNdx); AppTokenList tokens = task.mAppTokens; for (int tokenNdx = tokens.size() - 1; tokenNdx >= 0; --tokenNdx) { AppWindowToken wtoken = tokens.get(tokenNdx); if (wtoken.mIsExiting) { wtoken.removeAppFromTaskLocked(); } } } } } if (!animating && mDeferredRemoval) { mService.onDisplayRemoved(mDisplayId); } } void rotateBounds(int oldRotation, int newRotation, Rect bounds) { final int rotationDelta = DisplayContent.deltaRotation(oldRotation, newRotation); getLogicalDisplayRect(mTmpRect); switch (rotationDelta) { case Surface.ROTATION_0: mTmpRect2.set(bounds); break; case Surface.ROTATION_90: mTmpRect2.top = mTmpRect.bottom - bounds.right; mTmpRect2.left = bounds.top; mTmpRect2.right = mTmpRect2.left + bounds.height(); mTmpRect2.bottom = mTmpRect2.top + bounds.width(); break; case Surface.ROTATION_180: mTmpRect2.top = mTmpRect.bottom - bounds.bottom; mTmpRect2.left = mTmpRect.right - bounds.right; mTmpRect2.right = mTmpRect2.left + bounds.width(); mTmpRect2.bottom = mTmpRect2.top + bounds.height(); break; case Surface.ROTATION_270: mTmpRect2.top = bounds.left; mTmpRect2.left = mTmpRect.right - bounds.bottom; mTmpRect2.right = mTmpRect2.left + bounds.height(); mTmpRect2.bottom = mTmpRect2.top + bounds.width(); break; } bounds.set(mTmpRect2); } static int deltaRotation(int oldRotation, int newRotation) { int delta = newRotation - oldRotation; if (delta < 0) delta += 4; return delta; } public void dump(String prefix, PrintWriter pw) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("Display: mDisplayId="); pw.println(mDisplayId); final String subPrefix = " " + prefix; pw.print(subPrefix); pw.print("init="); pw.print(mInitialDisplayWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.print(mInitialDisplayHeight); pw.print(" "); pw.print(mInitialDisplayDensity); pw.print("dpi"); if (mInitialDisplayWidth != mBaseDisplayWidth || mInitialDisplayHeight != mBaseDisplayHeight || mInitialDisplayDensity != mBaseDisplayDensity) { pw.print(" base="); pw.print(mBaseDisplayWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.print(mBaseDisplayHeight); pw.print(" "); pw.print(mBaseDisplayDensity); pw.print("dpi"); } if (mDisplayScalingDisabled) { pw.println(" noscale"); } pw.print(" cur="); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.logicalWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.logicalHeight); pw.print(" app="); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.appWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.appHeight); pw.print(" rng="); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.smallestNominalAppWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.smallestNominalAppHeight); pw.print("-"); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.largestNominalAppWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.println(mDisplayInfo.largestNominalAppHeight); pw.print(subPrefix); pw.print("deferred="); pw.print(mDeferredRemoval); pw.print(" layoutNeeded="); pw.println(layoutNeeded); pw.println(); pw.println(" Application tokens in top down Z order:"); for (int stackNdx = mStacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { final TaskStack stack = mStacks.get(stackNdx); stack.dump(prefix + " ", pw); } pw.println(); if (!mExitingTokens.isEmpty()) { pw.println(); pw.println(" Exiting tokens:"); for (int i = mExitingTokens.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { WindowToken token = mExitingTokens.get(i); pw.print(" Exiting #"); pw.print(i); pw.print(' '); pw.print(token); pw.println(':'); token.dump(pw, " "); } } pw.println(); mDimLayerController.dump(prefix + " ", pw); } @Override public String toString() { return "Display " + mDisplayId + " info=" + mDisplayInfo + " stacks=" + mStacks; } TaskStack getDockedStackLocked() { final TaskStack stack = mService.mStackIdToStack.get(DOCKED_STACK_ID); return (stack != null && stack.isVisibleLocked()) ? stack : null; } }