/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.wm; import static android.app.ActivityManager.StackId.DOCKED_STACK_ID; import static android.app.ActivityManager.StackId.FREEFORM_WORKSPACE_STACK_ID; import static android.app.ActivityManager.StackId.HOME_STACK_ID; import static android.app.ActivityManager.StackId.PINNED_STACK_ID; import static android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_BEHIND; import static android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSET; import static android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED; import static android.view.Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY; import static android.view.Display.FLAG_PRIVATE; import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_0; import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_180; import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_270; import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_90; import static android.view.WindowManager.DOCKED_BOTTOM; import static android.view.WindowManager.DOCKED_INVALID; import static android.view.WindowManager.DOCKED_TOP; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.NEEDS_MENU_SET_TRUE; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.NEEDS_MENU_UNSET; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_BASE_APPLICATION; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_BOOT_PROGRESS; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_DOCK_DIVIDER; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_DRAWN_APPLICATION; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_STATUS_BAR; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_TOAST; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_WALLPAPER; import static android.view.WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_ANIM; import static android.view.WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER; import static android.view.WindowManagerPolicy.KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_FLAG_NO_WINDOW_ANIMATIONS; import static android.view.WindowManagerPolicy.KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_FLAG_TO_SHADE; import static android.view.WindowManagerPolicy.KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_FLAG_WITH_WALLPAPER; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.KEYGUARD_ANIMATING_OUT; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.KEYGUARD_ANIM_TIMEOUT_MS; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.KEYGUARD_NOT_SHOWN; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.KEYGUARD_SHOWN; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_ANIM; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_BOOT; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_DISPLAY; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_FOCUS; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_FOCUS_LIGHT; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_KEYGUARD; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_LAYERS; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_LAYOUT; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_LAYOUT_REPEATS; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_SCREEN_ON; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_WALLPAPER; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_VISIBILITY; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_ORIENTATION; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.SHOW_STACK_CRAWLS; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.TAG_WITH_CLASS_NAME; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.TAG_WM; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.H.WINDOW_HIDE_TIMEOUT; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.WINDOWS_FREEZING_SCREENS_TIMEOUT; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.dipToPixel; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.localLOGV; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowState.RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH_IN_DP; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.DRAW_PENDING; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.READY_TO_SHOW; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.STACK_CLIP_BEFORE_ANIM; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.SET_FORCE_HIDING_CHANGED; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.SET_WALLPAPER_MAY_CHANGE; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.app.ActivityManager.StackId; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.graphics.Region; import android.graphics.Region.Op; import android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerInternal; import android.os.Debug; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Slog; import android.view.Display; import android.view.DisplayInfo; import android.view.IWindow; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.WindowManagerPolicy; import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation; import android.view.animation.Animation; import com.android.internal.util.FastPrintWriter; import com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * Utility class for keeping track of the WindowStates and other pertinent contents of a * particular Display. * * IMPORTANT: No method from this class should ever be used without holding * WindowManagerService.mWindowMap. */ class DisplayContent extends WindowContainer { private static final String TAG = TAG_WITH_CLASS_NAME ? "DisplayContent" : TAG_WM; /** Unique identifier of this stack. */ private final int mDisplayId; // The display only has 2 child window containers. mTaskStackContainers which contains all // window containers that are related to apps (Activities) and mNonAppWindowContainers which // contains all window containers not related to apps (e.g. Status bar). private final TaskStackContainers mTaskStackContainers = new TaskStackContainers(); private final NonAppWindowContainers mNonAppWindowContainers = new NonAppWindowContainers(); /** Z-ordered (bottom-most first) list of all Window objects. Assigned to an element * from mDisplayWindows; */ private final WindowList mWindows = new WindowList(); // Mapping from a token IBinder to a WindowToken object on this display. private final HashMap mTokenMap = new HashMap(); int mInitialDisplayWidth = 0; int mInitialDisplayHeight = 0; int mInitialDisplayDensity = 0; int mBaseDisplayWidth = 0; int mBaseDisplayHeight = 0; int mBaseDisplayDensity = 0; boolean mDisplayScalingDisabled; private final DisplayInfo mDisplayInfo = new DisplayInfo(); private final Display mDisplay; private final DisplayMetrics mDisplayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); Rect mBaseDisplayRect = new Rect(); private Rect mContentRect = new Rect(); // Accessed directly by all users. private boolean mLayoutNeeded; int pendingLayoutChanges; final boolean isDefaultDisplay; /** Window tokens that are in the process of exiting, but still on screen for animations. */ final ArrayList mExitingTokens = new ArrayList<>(); /** A special TaskStack with id==HOME_STACK_ID that moves to the bottom whenever any TaskStack * (except a future lockscreen TaskStack) moves to the top. */ private TaskStack mHomeStack = null; /** Detect user tapping outside of current focused task bounds .*/ TaskTapPointerEventListener mTapDetector; /** Detect user tapping outside of current focused stack bounds .*/ private Region mTouchExcludeRegion = new Region(); /** Save allocating when calculating rects */ private final Rect mTmpRect = new Rect(); private final Rect mTmpRect2 = new Rect(); private final RectF mTmpRectF = new RectF(); private final Matrix mTmpMatrix = new Matrix(); private final Region mTmpRegion = new Region(); final WindowManagerService mService; /** Remove this display when animation on it has completed. */ private boolean mDeferredRemoval; final DockedStackDividerController mDividerControllerLocked; final DimLayerController mDimLayerController; final ArrayList mTapExcludedWindows = new ArrayList<>(); /** Used when rebuilding window list to keep track of windows that have been removed. */ private WindowState[] mRebuildTmp = new WindowState[20]; private final TaskForResizePointSearchResult mTmpTaskForResizePointSearchResult = new TaskForResizePointSearchResult(); private final GetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult mTmpGetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult = new GetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult(); // True if this display is in the process of being removed. Used to determine if the removal of // the display's direct children should be allowed. private boolean mRemovingDisplay = false; private final WindowLayersController mLayersController; final WallpaperController mWallpaperController; int mInputMethodAnimLayerAdjustment; /** * @param display May not be null. * @param service You know. * @param layersController window layer controller used to assign layer to the windows on this * display. * @param wallpaperController wallpaper windows controller used to adjust the positioning of the * wallpaper windows in the window list. */ DisplayContent(Display display, WindowManagerService service, WindowLayersController layersController, WallpaperController wallpaperController) { mDisplay = display; mDisplayId = display.getDisplayId(); mLayersController = layersController; mWallpaperController = wallpaperController; display.getDisplayInfo(mDisplayInfo); display.getMetrics(mDisplayMetrics); isDefaultDisplay = mDisplayId == DEFAULT_DISPLAY; mService = service; initializeDisplayBaseInfo(); mDividerControllerLocked = new DockedStackDividerController(service, this); mDimLayerController = new DimLayerController(this); // These are the only direct children we should ever have and they are permanent. super.addChild(mTaskStackContainers, null); super.addChild(mNonAppWindowContainers, null); } int getDisplayId() { return mDisplayId; } WindowList getWindowList() { return mWindows; } WindowToken getWindowToken(IBinder binder) { return mTokenMap.get(binder); } AppWindowToken getAppWindowToken(IBinder binder) { final WindowToken token = getWindowToken(binder); if (token == null) { return null; } return token.asAppWindowToken(); } void setWindowToken(IBinder binder, WindowToken token) { final DisplayContent dc = mService.mRoot.getWindowTokenDisplay(token); if (dc != null) { // We currently don't support adding a window token to the display if the display // already has the binder mapped to another token. If there is a use case for supporting // this moving forward we will either need to merge the WindowTokens some how or have // the binder map to a list of window tokens. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't map token=" + token + " to display=" + this + " already mapped to display=" + dc + " tokens=" + dc.mTokenMap); } mTokenMap.put(binder, token); if (token.asAppWindowToken() == null) { // Add non-app token to container hierarchy on the display. App tokens are added through // the parent container managing them (e.g. Tasks). mNonAppWindowContainers.addChild(token, null); } } WindowToken removeWindowToken(IBinder binder) { final WindowToken token = mTokenMap.remove(binder); if (token != null && token.asAppWindowToken() == null) { mNonAppWindowContainers.removeChild(token); } return token; } Display getDisplay() { return mDisplay; } DisplayInfo getDisplayInfo() { return mDisplayInfo; } DisplayMetrics getDisplayMetrics() { return mDisplayMetrics; } DockedStackDividerController getDockedDividerController() { return mDividerControllerLocked; } /** * Returns true if the specified UID has access to this display. */ boolean hasAccess(int uid) { return mDisplay.hasAccess(uid); } boolean isPrivate() { return (mDisplay.getFlags() & FLAG_PRIVATE) != 0; } TaskStack getHomeStack() { if (mHomeStack == null && mDisplayId == DEFAULT_DISPLAY) { Slog.e(TAG_WM, "getHomeStack: Returning null from this=" + this); } return mHomeStack; } TaskStack getStackById(int stackId) { for (int i = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(i); if (stack.mStackId == stackId) { return stack; } } return null; } @Override void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newParentConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newParentConfig); // The display size information is heavily dependent on the resources in the current // configuration, so we need to reconfigure it every time the configuration changes. // See {@link PhoneWindowManager#setInitialDisplaySize}...sigh... mService.reconfigureDisplayLocked(this); getDockedDividerController().onConfigurationChanged(); } /** * Callback used to trigger bounds update after configuration change and get ids of stacks whose * bounds were updated. */ void updateStackBoundsAfterConfigChange(@NonNull List changedStackList) { for (int i = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(i); if (stack.updateBoundsAfterConfigChange()) { changedStackList.add(stack.mStackId); } } } @Override boolean fillsParent() { return true; } @Override boolean isVisible() { return true; } @Override void onAppTransitionDone() { super.onAppTransitionDone(); rebuildAppWindowList(); } @Override int getOrientation() { final WindowManagerPolicy policy = mService.mPolicy; // TODO: All the logic before the last return statement in this method should really go in // #NonAppWindowContainer.getOrientation() since it is trying to decide orientation based // on non-app windows. But, we can not do that until the window list is always correct in // terms of z-ordering based on layers. if (mService.mDisplayFrozen) { if (mService.mLastWindowForcedOrientation != SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED) { if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Display is frozen, return " + mService.mLastWindowForcedOrientation); // If the display is frozen, some activities may be in the middle of restarting, and // thus have removed their old window. If the window has the flag to hide the lock // screen, then the lock screen can re-appear and inflict its own orientation on us. // Keep the orientation stable until this all settles down. return mService.mLastWindowForcedOrientation; } else if (policy.isKeyguardLocked()) { // Use the last orientation the while the display is frozen with the keyguard // locked. This could be the keyguard forced orientation or from a SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED // window. We don't want to check the show when locked window directly though as // things aren't stable while the display is frozen, for example the window could be // momentarily unavailable due to activity relaunch. if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Display is frozen while keyguard locked, " + "return " + mService.mLastOrientation); return mService.mLastOrientation; } } else { for (int pos = mWindows.size() - 1; pos >= 0; --pos) { final WindowState win = mWindows.get(pos); if (win.mAppToken != null) { // We hit an application window. so the orientation will be determined by the // app window. No point in continuing further. break; } if (!win.isVisibleLw() || !win.mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim) { continue; } int req = win.mAttrs.screenOrientation; if(req == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED || req == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_BEHIND) { continue; } if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG_WM, win + " forcing orientation to " + req); if (policy.isKeyguardHostWindow(win.mAttrs)) { mService.mLastKeyguardForcedOrientation = req; } return (mService.mLastWindowForcedOrientation = req); } mService.mLastWindowForcedOrientation = SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED; if (policy.isKeyguardLocked()) { // The screen is locked and no top system window is requesting an orientation. // Return either the orientation of the show-when-locked app (if there is any) or // the orientation of the keyguard. No point in searching from the rest of apps. WindowState winShowWhenLocked = (WindowState) policy.getWinShowWhenLockedLw(); AppWindowToken appShowWhenLocked = winShowWhenLocked == null ? null : winShowWhenLocked.mAppToken; if (appShowWhenLocked != null) { int req = appShowWhenLocked.getOrientation(); if (req == SCREEN_ORIENTATION_BEHIND) { req = mService.mLastKeyguardForcedOrientation; } if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Done at " + appShowWhenLocked + " -- show when locked, return " + req); return req; } if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "No one is requesting an orientation when the screen is locked"); return mService.mLastKeyguardForcedOrientation; } } // Top system windows are not requesting an orientation. Start searching from apps. return mTaskStackContainers.getOrientation(); } void updateDisplayInfo() { mDisplay.getDisplayInfo(mDisplayInfo); mDisplay.getMetrics(mDisplayMetrics); for (int i = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { mTaskStackContainers.get(i).updateDisplayInfo(null); } } void initializeDisplayBaseInfo() { final DisplayManagerInternal displayManagerInternal = mService.mDisplayManagerInternal; if (displayManagerInternal != null) { // Bootstrap the default logical display from the display manager. final DisplayInfo newDisplayInfo = displayManagerInternal.getDisplayInfo(mDisplayId); if (newDisplayInfo != null) { mDisplayInfo.copyFrom(newDisplayInfo); } } mBaseDisplayWidth = mInitialDisplayWidth = mDisplayInfo.logicalWidth; mBaseDisplayHeight = mInitialDisplayHeight = mDisplayInfo.logicalHeight; mBaseDisplayDensity = mInitialDisplayDensity = mDisplayInfo.logicalDensityDpi; mBaseDisplayRect.set(0, 0, mBaseDisplayWidth, mBaseDisplayHeight); } void getLogicalDisplayRect(Rect out) { // Uses same calculation as in LogicalDisplay#configureDisplayInTransactionLocked. final int orientation = mDisplayInfo.rotation; boolean rotated = (orientation == ROTATION_90 || orientation == ROTATION_270); final int physWidth = rotated ? mBaseDisplayHeight : mBaseDisplayWidth; final int physHeight = rotated ? mBaseDisplayWidth : mBaseDisplayHeight; int width = mDisplayInfo.logicalWidth; int left = (physWidth - width) / 2; int height = mDisplayInfo.logicalHeight; int top = (physHeight - height) / 2; out.set(left, top, left + width, top + height); } private void getLogicalDisplayRect(Rect out, int orientation) { getLogicalDisplayRect(out); // Rotate the Rect if needed. final int currentRotation = mDisplayInfo.rotation; final int rotationDelta = deltaRotation(currentRotation, orientation); if (rotationDelta == ROTATION_90 || rotationDelta == ROTATION_270) { createRotationMatrix(rotationDelta, mBaseDisplayWidth, mBaseDisplayHeight, mTmpMatrix); mTmpRectF.set(out); mTmpMatrix.mapRect(mTmpRectF); mTmpRectF.round(out); } } void getContentRect(Rect out) { out.set(mContentRect); } /** Refer to {@link WindowManagerService#attachStack(int, int, boolean)} */ void attachStack(TaskStack stack, boolean onTop) { mTaskStackContainers.attachStack(stack, onTop); } void moveStack(TaskStack stack, boolean toTop) { mTaskStackContainers.moveStack(stack, toTop); } @Override protected void addChild(DisplayChildWindowContainer child, Comparator comparator) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("See DisplayChildWindowContainer"); } @Override protected void addChild(DisplayChildWindowContainer child, int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("See DisplayChildWindowContainer"); } @Override protected void removeChild(DisplayChildWindowContainer child) { // Only allow removal of direct children from this display if the display is in the process // of been removed. if (mRemovingDisplay) { super.removeChild(child); return; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("See DisplayChildWindowContainer"); } /** * Propagate the new bounds to all child stacks. * @param contentRect The bounds to apply at the top level. */ void resize(Rect contentRect) { mContentRect.set(contentRect); } int taskIdFromPoint(int x, int y) { for (int stackNdx = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(stackNdx); final int taskId = stack.taskIdFromPoint(x, y); if (taskId != -1) { return taskId; } } return -1; } /** * Find the task whose outside touch area (for resizing) (x, y) falls within. * Returns null if the touch doesn't fall into a resizing area. */ Task findTaskForResizePoint(int x, int y) { final int delta = dipToPixel(RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH_IN_DP, mDisplayMetrics); mTmpTaskForResizePointSearchResult.reset(); for (int stackNdx = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(stackNdx); if (!StackId.isTaskResizeAllowed(stack.mStackId)) { return null; } stack.findTaskForResizePoint(x, y, delta, mTmpTaskForResizePointSearchResult); if (mTmpTaskForResizePointSearchResult.searchDone) { return mTmpTaskForResizePointSearchResult.taskForResize; } } return null; } void setTouchExcludeRegion(Task focusedTask) { mTouchExcludeRegion.set(mBaseDisplayRect); final int delta = dipToPixel(RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH_IN_DP, mDisplayMetrics); mTmpRect2.setEmpty(); for (int stackNdx = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(stackNdx); stack.setTouchExcludeRegion( focusedTask, delta, mTouchExcludeRegion, mContentRect, mTmpRect2); } // If we removed the focused task above, add it back and only leave its // outside touch area in the exclusion. TapDectector is not interested in // any touch inside the focused task itself. if (!mTmpRect2.isEmpty()) { mTouchExcludeRegion.op(mTmpRect2, Region.Op.UNION); } final WindowState inputMethod = mService.mInputMethodWindow; if (inputMethod != null && inputMethod.isVisibleLw()) { // If the input method is visible and the user is typing, we don't want these touch // events to be intercepted and used to change focus. This would likely cause a // disappearance of the input method. inputMethod.getTouchableRegion(mTmpRegion); mTouchExcludeRegion.op(mTmpRegion, Region.Op.UNION); } for (int i = mTapExcludedWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { WindowState win = mTapExcludedWindows.get(i); win.getTouchableRegion(mTmpRegion); mTouchExcludeRegion.op(mTmpRegion, Region.Op.UNION); } if (getDockedStackVisibleForUserLocked() != null) { mDividerControllerLocked.getTouchRegion(mTmpRect); mTmpRegion.set(mTmpRect); mTouchExcludeRegion.op(mTmpRegion, Op.UNION); } if (mTapDetector != null) { mTapDetector.setTouchExcludeRegion(mTouchExcludeRegion); } } void switchUser() { final WindowList windows = getWindowList(); for (int i = 0; i < windows.size(); i++) { final WindowState win = windows.get(i); if (win.isHiddenFromUserLocked()) { if (DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.w(TAG_WM, "user changing, hiding " + win + ", attrs=" + win.mAttrs.type + ", belonging to " + win.mOwnerUid); win.hideLw(false); } } for (int stackNdx = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { mTaskStackContainers.get(stackNdx).switchUser(); } rebuildAppWindowList(); } void resetAnimationBackgroundAnimator() { for (int stackNdx = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { mTaskStackContainers.get(stackNdx).resetAnimationBackgroundAnimator(); } } boolean animateDimLayers() { return mDimLayerController.animateDimLayers(); } void resetDimming() { mDimLayerController.resetDimming(); } boolean isDimming() { return mDimLayerController.isDimming(); } void stopDimmingIfNeeded() { mDimLayerController.stopDimmingIfNeeded(); } @Override void removeIfPossible() { if (isAnimating()) { mDeferredRemoval = true; return; } removeImmediately(); } @Override void removeImmediately() { mRemovingDisplay = true; try { super.removeImmediately(); if (DEBUG_DISPLAY) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Removing display=" + this); mDimLayerController.close(); if (mDisplayId == DEFAULT_DISPLAY) { mService.unregisterPointerEventListener(mTapDetector); mService.unregisterPointerEventListener(mService.mMousePositionTracker); } } finally { mRemovingDisplay = false; } } /** Returns true if a removal action is still being deferred. */ @Override boolean checkCompleteDeferredRemoval() { final boolean stillDeferringRemoval = super.checkCompleteDeferredRemoval(); if (!stillDeferringRemoval && mDeferredRemoval) { removeImmediately(); mService.onDisplayRemoved(mDisplayId); return false; } return true; } boolean animateForIme(float interpolatedValue, float animationTarget, float dividerAnimationTarget) { boolean updated = false; for (int i = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(i); if (stack == null || !stack.isAdjustedForIme()) { continue; } if (interpolatedValue >= 1f && animationTarget == 0f && dividerAnimationTarget == 0f) { stack.resetAdjustedForIme(true /* adjustBoundsNow */); updated = true; } else { mDividerControllerLocked.mLastAnimationProgress = mDividerControllerLocked.getInterpolatedAnimationValue(interpolatedValue); mDividerControllerLocked.mLastDividerProgress = mDividerControllerLocked.getInterpolatedDividerValue(interpolatedValue); updated |= stack.updateAdjustForIme( mDividerControllerLocked.mLastAnimationProgress, mDividerControllerLocked.mLastDividerProgress, false /* force */); } if (interpolatedValue >= 1f) { stack.endImeAdjustAnimation(); } } return updated; } boolean clearImeAdjustAnimation() { boolean changed = false; for (int i = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(i); if (stack != null && stack.isAdjustedForIme()) { stack.resetAdjustedForIme(true /* adjustBoundsNow */); changed = true; } } return changed; } void beginImeAdjustAnimation() { for (int i = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(i); if (stack.isVisible() && stack.isAdjustedForIme()) { stack.beginImeAdjustAnimation(); } } } void adjustForImeIfNeeded() { final WindowState imeWin = mService.mInputMethodWindow; final boolean imeVisible = imeWin != null && imeWin.isVisibleLw() && imeWin.isDisplayedLw() && !mDividerControllerLocked.isImeHideRequested(); final boolean dockVisible = mService.isStackVisibleLocked(DOCKED_STACK_ID); final TaskStack imeTargetStack = mService.getImeFocusStackLocked(); final int imeDockSide = (dockVisible && imeTargetStack != null) ? imeTargetStack.getDockSide() : DOCKED_INVALID; final boolean imeOnTop = (imeDockSide == DOCKED_TOP); final boolean imeOnBottom = (imeDockSide == DOCKED_BOTTOM); final boolean dockMinimized = mDividerControllerLocked.isMinimizedDock(); final int imeHeight = mService.mPolicy.getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeightLw(); final boolean imeHeightChanged = imeVisible && imeHeight != mDividerControllerLocked.getImeHeightAdjustedFor(); // The divider could be adjusted for IME position, or be thinner than usual, // or both. There are three possible cases: // - If IME is visible, and focus is on top, divider is not moved for IME but thinner. // - If IME is visible, and focus is on bottom, divider is moved for IME and thinner. // - If IME is not visible, divider is not moved and is normal width. if (imeVisible && dockVisible && (imeOnTop || imeOnBottom) && !dockMinimized) { for (int i = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(i); final boolean isDockedOnBottom = stack.getDockSide() == DOCKED_BOTTOM; if (stack.isVisible() && (imeOnBottom || isDockedOnBottom)) { stack.setAdjustedForIme(imeWin, imeOnBottom && imeHeightChanged); } else { stack.resetAdjustedForIme(false); } } mDividerControllerLocked.setAdjustedForIme( imeOnBottom /*ime*/, true /*divider*/, true /*animate*/, imeWin, imeHeight); } else { for (int i = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(i); stack.resetAdjustedForIme(!dockVisible); } mDividerControllerLocked.setAdjustedForIme( false /*ime*/, false /*divider*/, dockVisible /*animate*/, imeWin, imeHeight); } } void setInputMethodAnimLayerAdjustment(int adj) { if (DEBUG_LAYERS) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Setting im layer adj to " + adj); mInputMethodAnimLayerAdjustment = adj; final WindowState imw = mService.mInputMethodWindow; if (imw != null) { imw.adjustAnimLayer(adj); } for (int i = mService.mInputMethodDialogs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final WindowState dialog = mService.mInputMethodDialogs.get(i); // TODO: This and other places setting mAnimLayer can probably use WS.adjustAnimLayer, // but need to make sure we are not setting things twice for child windows that are // already in the list. dialog.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer = dialog.mLayer + adj; if (DEBUG_LAYERS) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "IM win " + imw + " anim layer: " + dialog.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer); } } /** * If a window that has an animation specifying a colored background and the current wallpaper * is visible, then the color goes *below* the wallpaper so we don't cause the wallpaper to * suddenly disappear. */ int getLayerForAnimationBackground(WindowStateAnimator winAnimator) { for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final WindowState win = mWindows.get(i); if (win.mIsWallpaper && win.isVisibleNow()) { return win.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer; } } return winAnimator.mAnimLayer; } void prepareFreezingTaskBounds() { for (int stackNdx = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(stackNdx); stack.prepareFreezingTaskBounds(); } } void rotateBounds(int oldRotation, int newRotation, Rect bounds) { getLogicalDisplayRect(mTmpRect, newRotation); // Compute a transform matrix to undo the coordinate space transformation, // and present the window at the same physical position it previously occupied. final int deltaRotation = deltaRotation(newRotation, oldRotation); createRotationMatrix(deltaRotation, mTmpRect.width(), mTmpRect.height(), mTmpMatrix); mTmpRectF.set(bounds); mTmpMatrix.mapRect(mTmpRectF); mTmpRectF.round(bounds); } static int deltaRotation(int oldRotation, int newRotation) { int delta = newRotation - oldRotation; if (delta < 0) delta += 4; return delta; } private static void createRotationMatrix(int rotation, float displayWidth, float displayHeight, Matrix outMatrix) { // For rotations without Z-ordering we don't need the target rectangle's position. createRotationMatrix(rotation, 0 /* rectLeft */, 0 /* rectTop */, displayWidth, displayHeight, outMatrix); } static void createRotationMatrix(int rotation, float rectLeft, float rectTop, float displayWidth, float displayHeight, Matrix outMatrix) { switch (rotation) { case ROTATION_0: outMatrix.reset(); break; case ROTATION_270: outMatrix.setRotate(270, 0, 0); outMatrix.postTranslate(0, displayHeight); outMatrix.postTranslate(rectTop, 0); break; case ROTATION_180: outMatrix.reset(); break; case ROTATION_90: outMatrix.setRotate(90, 0, 0); outMatrix.postTranslate(displayWidth, 0); outMatrix.postTranslate(-rectTop, rectLeft); break; } } public void dump(String prefix, PrintWriter pw) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("Display: mDisplayId="); pw.println(mDisplayId); final String subPrefix = " " + prefix; pw.print(subPrefix); pw.print("init="); pw.print(mInitialDisplayWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.print(mInitialDisplayHeight); pw.print(" "); pw.print(mInitialDisplayDensity); pw.print("dpi"); if (mInitialDisplayWidth != mBaseDisplayWidth || mInitialDisplayHeight != mBaseDisplayHeight || mInitialDisplayDensity != mBaseDisplayDensity) { pw.print(" base="); pw.print(mBaseDisplayWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.print(mBaseDisplayHeight); pw.print(" "); pw.print(mBaseDisplayDensity); pw.print("dpi"); } if (mDisplayScalingDisabled) { pw.println(" noscale"); } pw.print(" cur="); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.logicalWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.logicalHeight); pw.print(" app="); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.appWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.appHeight); pw.print(" rng="); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.smallestNominalAppWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.smallestNominalAppHeight); pw.print("-"); pw.print(mDisplayInfo.largestNominalAppWidth); pw.print("x"); pw.println(mDisplayInfo.largestNominalAppHeight); pw.println(subPrefix + "deferred=" + mDeferredRemoval + " mLayoutNeeded=" + mLayoutNeeded); pw.println(); pw.println(" Application tokens in top down Z order:"); for (int stackNdx = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(stackNdx); stack.dump(prefix + " ", pw); } pw.println(); if (!mExitingTokens.isEmpty()) { pw.println(); pw.println(" Exiting tokens:"); for (int i = mExitingTokens.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final WindowToken token = mExitingTokens.get(i); pw.print(" Exiting #"); pw.print(i); pw.print(' '); pw.print(token); pw.println(':'); token.dump(pw, " "); } } pw.println(); mDimLayerController.dump(prefix + " ", pw); pw.println(); mDividerControllerLocked.dump(prefix + " ", pw); if (mInputMethodAnimLayerAdjustment != 0) { pw.println(subPrefix + "mInputMethodAnimLayerAdjustment=" + mInputMethodAnimLayerAdjustment); } } @Override public String toString() { return "Display " + mDisplayId + " info=" + mDisplayInfo + " stacks=" + mChildren; } String getName() { return "Display " + mDisplayId + " name=\"" + mDisplayInfo.name + "\""; } /** * @return The docked stack, but only if it is visible, and {@code null} otherwise. */ TaskStack getDockedStackLocked() { final TaskStack stack = mService.mStackIdToStack.get(DOCKED_STACK_ID); return (stack != null && stack.isVisible()) ? stack : null; } /** * Like {@link #getDockedStackLocked}, but also returns the docked stack if it's currently not * visible, as long as it's not hidden because the current user doesn't have any tasks there. */ TaskStack getDockedStackVisibleForUserLocked() { final TaskStack stack = mService.mStackIdToStack.get(DOCKED_STACK_ID); return (stack != null && stack.isVisible(true /* ignoreKeyguard */)) ? stack : null; } /** Find the visible, touch-deliverable window under the given point */ WindowState getTouchableWinAtPointLocked(float xf, float yf) { WindowState touchedWin = null; final int x = (int) xf; final int y = (int) yf; for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { WindowState window = mWindows.get(i); final int flags = window.mAttrs.flags; if (!window.isVisibleLw()) { continue; } if ((flags & FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE) != 0) { continue; } window.getVisibleBounds(mTmpRect); if (!mTmpRect.contains(x, y)) { continue; } window.getTouchableRegion(mTmpRegion); final int touchFlags = flags & (FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL); if (mTmpRegion.contains(x, y) || touchFlags == 0) { touchedWin = window; break; } } return touchedWin; } boolean canAddToastWindowForUid(int uid) { // We allow one toast window per UID being shown at a time. WindowList windows = getWindowList(); final int windowCount = windows.size(); for (int i = 0; i < windowCount; i++) { WindowState window = windows.get(i); if (window.mAttrs.type == TYPE_TOAST && window.mOwnerUid == uid && !window.mPermanentlyHidden && !window.mAnimatingExit && !window.mRemoveOnExit) { return false; } } return true; } void scheduleToastWindowsTimeoutIfNeededLocked(WindowState oldFocus, WindowState newFocus) { if (oldFocus == null || (newFocus != null && newFocus.mOwnerUid == oldFocus.mOwnerUid)) { return; } final int lostFocusUid = oldFocus.mOwnerUid; final WindowList windows = getWindowList(); final int windowCount = windows.size(); final Handler handler = mService.mH; for (int i = 0; i < windowCount; i++) { final WindowState window = windows.get(i); if (window.mAttrs.type == TYPE_TOAST && window.mOwnerUid == lostFocusUid) { if (!handler.hasMessages(WINDOW_HIDE_TIMEOUT, window)) { handler.sendMessageDelayed(handler.obtainMessage(WINDOW_HIDE_TIMEOUT, window), window.mAttrs.hideTimeoutMilliseconds); } } } } WindowState findFocusedWindow() { final AppWindowToken focusedApp = mService.mFocusedApp; for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final WindowState win = mWindows.get(i); if (DEBUG_FOCUS) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Looking for focus: " + i + " = " + win + ", flags=" + win.mAttrs.flags + ", canReceive=" + win.canReceiveKeys()); if (!win.canReceiveKeys()) { continue; } final AppWindowToken wtoken = win.mAppToken; // If this window's application has been removed, just skip it. if (wtoken != null && (wtoken.removed || wtoken.sendingToBottom)) { if (DEBUG_FOCUS) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Skipping " + wtoken + " because " + (wtoken.removed ? "removed" : "sendingToBottom")); continue; } if (focusedApp == null) { if (DEBUG_FOCUS_LIGHT) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "findFocusedWindow: focusedApp=null" + " using new focus @ " + i + " = " + win); return win; } if (!focusedApp.windowsAreFocusable()) { // Current focused app windows aren't focusable... if (DEBUG_FOCUS_LIGHT) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "findFocusedWindow: focusedApp windows not" + " focusable using new focus @ " + i + " = " + win); return win; } // Descend through all of the app tokens and find the first that either matches // win.mAppToken (return win) or mFocusedApp (return null). if (wtoken != null && win.mAttrs.type != TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING) { if (focusedApp.compareTo(wtoken) > 0) { // App stack below focused app stack. No focus for you!!! if (DEBUG_FOCUS_LIGHT) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "findFocusedWindow: Reached focused app=" + focusedApp); return null; } } if (DEBUG_FOCUS_LIGHT) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "findFocusedWindow: Found new focus @ " + i + " = " + win); return win; } if (DEBUG_FOCUS_LIGHT) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "findFocusedWindow: No focusable windows."); return null; } int addAppWindowToWindowList(final WindowState win) { final IWindow client = win.mClient; WindowList tokenWindowList = getTokenWindowsOnDisplay(win.mToken); if (!tokenWindowList.isEmpty()) { return addAppWindowExisting(win, tokenWindowList); } // No windows from this token on this display if (localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Figuring out where to add app window " + client.asBinder() + " (token=" + this + ")"); final WindowToken wToken = win.mToken; // Figure out where the window should go, based on the order of applications. mTmpGetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult.reset(); for (int i = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(i); stack.getWindowOnDisplayBeforeToken(this, wToken, mTmpGetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult); if (mTmpGetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult.reachedToken) { // We have reach the token we are interested in. End search. break; } } WindowState pos = mTmpGetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult.foundWindow; // We now know the index into the apps. If we found an app window above, that gives us the // position; else we need to look some more. if (pos != null) { // Move behind any windows attached to this one. final WindowToken atoken = getWindowToken(pos.mClient.asBinder()); if (atoken != null) { tokenWindowList = getTokenWindowsOnDisplay(atoken); final int NC = tokenWindowList.size(); if (NC > 0) { WindowState bottom = tokenWindowList.get(0); if (bottom.mSubLayer < 0) { pos = bottom; } } } addWindowToListBefore(win, pos); return 0; } // Continue looking down until we find the first token that has windows on this display. mTmpGetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult.reset(); for (int i = mTaskStackContainers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final TaskStack stack = mTaskStackContainers.get(i); stack.getWindowOnDisplayAfterToken(this, wToken, mTmpGetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult); if (mTmpGetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult.foundWindow != null) { // We have found a window after the token. End search. break; } } pos = mTmpGetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult.foundWindow; if (pos != null) { // Move in front of any windows attached to this one. final WindowToken atoken = getWindowToken(pos.mClient.asBinder()); if (atoken != null) { final WindowState top = atoken.getTopWindow(); if (top != null && top.mSubLayer >= 0) { pos = top; } } addWindowToListAfter(win, pos); return 0; } // Just search for the start of this layer. final int myLayer = win.mBaseLayer; int i; for (i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final WindowState w = mWindows.get(i); // Dock divider shares the base layer with application windows, but we want to always // keep it above the application windows. The sharing of the base layer is intended // for window animations, which need to be above the dock divider for the duration // of the animation. if (w.mBaseLayer <= myLayer && w.mAttrs.type != TYPE_DOCK_DIVIDER) { break; } } if (DEBUG_FOCUS || DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT || DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Based on layer: Adding window " + win + " at " + (i + 1) + " of " + mWindows.size()); mWindows.add(i + 1, win); mService.mWindowsChanged = true; return 0; } /** Adds this non-app window to the window list. */ void addNonAppWindowToWindowList(WindowState win) { // Figure out where window should go, based on layer. int i; for (i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final WindowState otherWin = mWindows.get(i); if (otherWin.getBaseType() != TYPE_WALLPAPER && otherWin.mBaseLayer <= win.mBaseLayer) { // Wallpaper wanders through the window list, for example to position itself // directly behind keyguard. Because of this it will break the ordering based on // WindowState.mBaseLayer. There might windows with higher mBaseLayer behind it and // we don't want the new window to appear above them. An example of this is adding // of the docked stack divider. Consider a scenario with the following ordering (top // to bottom): keyguard, wallpaper, assist preview, apps. We want the dock divider // to land below the assist preview, so the dock divider must ignore the wallpaper, // with which it shares the base layer. break; } } i++; if (DEBUG_FOCUS || DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT || DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Free window: Adding window " + this + " at " + i + " of " + mWindows.size()); mWindows.add(i, win); mService.mWindowsChanged = true; } void addToWindowList(WindowState win, int index) { mWindows.add(index, win); } boolean removeFromWindowList(WindowState win) { return mWindows.remove(win); } private int removeWindowAndChildrenFromWindowList(WindowState win, int interestingPos) { final WindowList windows = getWindowList(); int wpos = windows.indexOf(win); if (wpos < 0) { return interestingPos; } if (wpos < interestingPos) interestingPos--; if (DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Temp removing at " + wpos + ": " + this); windows.remove(wpos); mService.mWindowsChanged = true; int childWinCount = win.mChildren.size(); while (childWinCount > 0) { childWinCount--; final WindowState cw = win.mChildren.get(childWinCount); int cpos = windows.indexOf(cw); if (cpos >= 0) { if (cpos < interestingPos) interestingPos--; if (DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Temp removing child at " + cpos + ": " + cw); windows.remove(cpos); } } return interestingPos; } void addChildWindowToWindowList(WindowState win) { final WindowState parentWindow = win.getParentWindow(); WindowList windowsOnSameDisplay = getTokenWindowsOnDisplay(win.mToken); // Figure out this window's ordering relative to the parent window. final int wCount = windowsOnSameDisplay.size(); final int sublayer = win.mSubLayer; int largestSublayer = Integer.MIN_VALUE; WindowState windowWithLargestSublayer = null; int i; for (i = 0; i < wCount; i++) { WindowState w = windowsOnSameDisplay.get(i); final int wSublayer = w.mSubLayer; if (wSublayer >= largestSublayer) { largestSublayer = wSublayer; windowWithLargestSublayer = w; } if (sublayer < 0) { // For negative sublayers, we go below all windows in the same sublayer. if (wSublayer >= sublayer) { addWindowToListBefore(win, wSublayer >= 0 ? parentWindow : w); break; } } else { // For positive sublayers, we go above all windows in the same sublayer. if (wSublayer > sublayer) { addWindowToListBefore(win, w); break; } } } if (i >= wCount) { if (sublayer < 0) { addWindowToListBefore(win, parentWindow); } else { addWindowToListAfter(win, largestSublayer >= 0 ? windowWithLargestSublayer : parentWindow); } } } /** Updates the layer assignment of windows on this display. */ void assignWindowLayers(boolean setLayoutNeeded) { mLayersController.assignWindowLayers(mWindows); if (setLayoutNeeded) { setLayoutNeeded(); } } void adjustWallpaperWindows() { if (mWallpaperController.adjustWallpaperWindows(mWindows)) { assignWindowLayers(true /*setLayoutNeeded*/); } } /** * Z-orders the display window list so that: *
  • Any windows that are currently below the wallpaper window stay below the wallpaper * window. *
  • Exiting application windows are at the bottom, but above the wallpaper window. *
  • All other application windows are above the exiting application windows and ordered based * on the ordering of their stacks and tasks on the display. *
  • Non-application windows are at the very top. *

* NOTE: This isn't a complete picture of what the user see. Further manipulation of the window * surface layering is done in {@link WindowLayersController}. */ void rebuildAppWindowList() { int count = mWindows.size(); int i; int lastBelow = -1; int numRemoved = 0; if (mRebuildTmp.length < count) { mRebuildTmp = new WindowState[count + 10]; } // First remove all existing app windows. i = 0; while (i < count) { final WindowState w = mWindows.get(i); if (w.mAppToken != null) { final WindowState win = mWindows.remove(i); win.mRebuilding = true; mRebuildTmp[numRemoved] = win; mService.mWindowsChanged = true; if (DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Rebuild removing window: " + win); count--; numRemoved++; continue; } else if (lastBelow == i-1) { if (w.mAttrs.type == TYPE_WALLPAPER) { lastBelow = i; } } i++; } // Keep whatever windows were below the app windows still below, by skipping them. lastBelow++; i = lastBelow; // First add all of the exiting app tokens... these are no longer in the main app list, // but still have windows shown. We put them in the back because now that the animation is // over we no longer will care about them. final int numStacks = mTaskStackContainers.size(); for (int stackNdx = 0; stackNdx < numStacks; ++stackNdx) { AppTokenList exitingAppTokens = mTaskStackContainers.get(stackNdx).mExitingAppTokens; int NT = exitingAppTokens.size(); for (int j = 0; j < NT; j++) { i = exitingAppTokens.get(j).rebuildWindowListUnchecked(i); } } // And add in the still active app tokens in Z order. for (int stackNdx = 0; stackNdx < numStacks; ++stackNdx) { i = mTaskStackContainers.get(stackNdx).rebuildWindowList(i); } i -= lastBelow; if (i != numRemoved) { setLayoutNeeded(); Slog.w(TAG_WM, "On display=" + mDisplayId + " Rebuild removed " + numRemoved + " windows but added " + i + " rebuildAppWindowListLocked() " + " callers=" + Debug.getCallers(10)); for (i = 0; i < numRemoved; i++) { WindowState ws = mRebuildTmp[i]; if (ws.mRebuilding) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new FastPrintWriter(sw, false, 1024); ws.dump(pw, "", true); pw.flush(); Slog.w(TAG_WM, "This window was lost: " + ws); Slog.w(TAG_WM, sw.toString()); ws.mWinAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked(); } } Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Current window hierarchy:"); dumpChildrenNames(); Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Final window list:"); dumpWindows(); } Arrays.fill(mRebuildTmp, null); } /** Return the list of Windows on this display associated with the input token. */ WindowList getTokenWindowsOnDisplay(WindowToken token) { final WindowList windowList = new WindowList(); final int count = mWindows.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final WindowState win = mWindows.get(i); if (win.mToken == token) { windowList.add(win); } } return windowList; } private void reAddToWindowList(WindowState win) { win.mToken.addWindow(win); // This is a hack to get all of the child windows added as well at the right position. Child // windows should be rare and this case should be rare, so it shouldn't be that big a deal. int wpos = mWindows.indexOf(win); if (wpos >= 0) { if (DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "ReAdd removing from " + wpos + ": " + win); mWindows.remove(wpos); mService.mWindowsChanged = true; win.reAddWindow(wpos); } } void moveInputMethodDialogs(int pos) { ArrayList dialogs = mService.mInputMethodDialogs; final int N = dialogs.size(); if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Removing " + N + " dialogs w/pos=" + pos); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { pos = removeWindowAndChildrenFromWindowList(dialogs.get(i), pos); } if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) { Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Window list w/pos=" + pos); logWindowList(mWindows, " "); } WindowState ime = mService.mInputMethodWindow; if (pos >= 0) { // Skip windows owned by the input method. if (ime != null) { while (pos < mWindows.size()) { WindowState wp = mWindows.get(pos); if (wp == ime || wp.getParentWindow() == ime) { pos++; continue; } break; } } if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Adding " + N + " dialogs at pos=" + pos); for (int i=0; i= 0) { // In this case, the input method windows are to be placed // immediately above the window they are targeting. // First check to see if the input method windows are already // located here, and contiguous. final int N = windows.size(); final WindowState firstImWin = imPos < N ? windows.get(imPos) : null; // Figure out the actual input method window that should be // at the bottom of their stack. WindowState baseImWin = imWin != null ? imWin : mService.mInputMethodDialogs.get(0); final WindowState cw = baseImWin.getBottomChild(); if (cw != null && cw.mSubLayer < 0) { baseImWin = cw; } if (firstImWin == baseImWin) { // The windows haven't moved... but are they still contiguous? // First find the top IM window. int pos = imPos+1; while (pos < N) { if (!(windows.get(pos)).mIsImWindow) { break; } pos++; } pos++; // Now there should be no more input method windows above. while (pos < N) { if ((windows.get(pos)).mIsImWindow) { break; } pos++; } if (pos >= N) { return false; } } if (imWin != null) { if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) { Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Moving IM from " + imPos); logWindowList(windows, " "); } imPos = removeWindowAndChildrenFromWindowList(imWin, imPos); if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) { Slog.v(TAG_WM, "List after removing with new pos " + imPos + ":"); logWindowList(windows, " "); } imWin.reAddWindow(imPos); if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) { Slog.v(TAG_WM, "List after moving IM to " + imPos + ":"); logWindowList(windows, " "); } if (DN > 0) moveInputMethodDialogs(imPos+1); } else { moveInputMethodDialogs(imPos); } } else { // In this case, the input method windows go in a fixed layer, // because they aren't currently associated with a focus window. if (imWin != null) { if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Moving IM from " + imPos); removeWindowAndChildrenFromWindowList(imWin, 0); reAddToWindowList(imWin); if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) { Slog.v(TAG_WM, "List with no IM target:"); logWindowList(windows, " "); } if (DN > 0) moveInputMethodDialogs(-1); } else { moveInputMethodDialogs(-1); } } if (needAssignLayers) { assignWindowLayers(false /* setLayoutNeeded */); } return true; } /** * Dig through the WindowStates and find the one that the Input Method will target. * @param willMove * @return The index+1 in mWindows of the discovered target. */ int findDesiredInputMethodWindowIndex(boolean willMove) { // TODO(multidisplay): Needs some serious rethought when the target and IME are not on the // same display. Or even when the current IME/target are not on the same screen as the next // IME/target. For now only look for input windows on the main screen. final WindowList windows = getWindowList(); WindowState w = null; int i; for (i = windows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { WindowState win = windows.get(i); if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD && willMove) Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Checking window @" + i + " " + win + " fl=0x" + Integer.toHexString(win.mAttrs.flags)); if (canBeImeTarget(win)) { w = win; //Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Putting input method here!"); // Yet more tricksyness! If this window is a "starting" window, we do actually want // to be on top of it, but it is not -really- where input will go. So if the caller // is not actually looking to move the IME, look down below for a real window to // target... if (!willMove && w.mAttrs.type == TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING && i > 0) { WindowState wb = windows.get(i-1); if (wb.mAppToken == w.mAppToken && canBeImeTarget(wb)) { i--; w = wb; } } break; } } // Now w is either mWindows[0] or an IME (or null if mWindows is empty). if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD && willMove) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Proposed new IME target: " + w); // Now, a special case -- if the last target's window is in the process of exiting, and is // above the new target, keep on the last target to avoid flicker. Consider for example a // Dialog with the IME shown: when the Dialog is dismissed, we want to keep the IME above it // until it is completely gone so it doesn't drop behind the dialog or its full-screen // scrim. final WindowState curTarget = mService.mInputMethodTarget; if (curTarget != null && curTarget.isDisplayedLw() && curTarget.isClosing() && (w == null || curTarget.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer > w.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer)) { if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Current target higher, not changing"); return windows.indexOf(curTarget) + 1; } if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Desired input method target=" + w + " willMove=" + willMove); if (willMove && w != null) { AppWindowToken token = curTarget == null ? null : curTarget.mAppToken; if (token != null) { // Now some fun for dealing with window animations that modify the Z order. We need // to look at all windows below the current target that are in this app, finding the // highest visible one in layering. WindowState highestTarget = null; int highestPos = 0; if (token.mAppAnimator.animating || token.mAppAnimator.animation != null) { WindowList curWindows = token.getDisplayContent().getWindowList(); int pos = curWindows.indexOf(curTarget); while (pos >= 0) { WindowState win = curWindows.get(pos); if (win.mAppToken != token) { break; } if (!win.mRemoved) { if (highestTarget == null || win.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer > highestTarget.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer) { highestTarget = win; highestPos = pos; } } pos--; } } if (highestTarget != null) { final AppTransition appTransition = mService.mAppTransition; if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) Slog.v(TAG_WM, appTransition + " " + highestTarget + " animating=" + highestTarget.mWinAnimator.isAnimationSet() + " layer=" + highestTarget.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer + " new layer=" + w.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer); if (appTransition.isTransitionSet()) { // If we are currently setting up for an animation, hold everything until we // can find out what will happen. mService.mInputMethodTargetWaitingAnim = true; mService.mInputMethodTarget = highestTarget; return highestPos + 1; } else if (highestTarget.mWinAnimator.isAnimationSet() && highestTarget.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer > w.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer) { // If the window we are currently targeting is involved with an animation, // and it is on top of the next target we will be over, then hold off on // moving until that is done. mService.mInputMethodTargetWaitingAnim = true; mService.mInputMethodTarget = highestTarget; return highestPos + 1; } } } } //Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Placing input method @" + (i+1)); if (w != null) { if (willMove) { if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Moving IM target from " + curTarget + " to " + w + (SHOW_STACK_CRAWLS ? " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(4) : "")); mService.mInputMethodTarget = w; mService.mInputMethodTargetWaitingAnim = false; if (w.mAppToken != null) { setInputMethodAnimLayerAdjustment( w.mAppToken.mAppAnimator.animLayerAdjustment); } else { setInputMethodAnimLayerAdjustment(0); } } // If the docked divider is visible, we still need to go through this whole excercise to // find the appropriate input method target (used for animations and dialog // adjustments), but for purposes of Z ordering we simply wish to place it above the // docked divider. Unless it is already above the divider. final WindowState dockedDivider = mDividerControllerLocked.getWindow(); if (dockedDivider != null && dockedDivider.isVisibleLw()) { int dividerIndex = windows.indexOf(dockedDivider); if (dividerIndex > 0 && dividerIndex > i) { return dividerIndex + 1; } } return i+1; } if (willMove) { if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Moving IM target from " + curTarget + " to null." + (SHOW_STACK_CRAWLS ? " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(4) : "")); mService.mInputMethodTarget = null; setInputMethodAnimLayerAdjustment(0); } return -1; } private static boolean canBeImeTarget(WindowState w) { final int fl = w.mAttrs.flags & (FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE|FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM); final int type = w.mAttrs.type; if (fl != 0 && fl != (FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM) && type != TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING) { return false; } if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) { Slog.i(TAG_WM, "isVisibleOrAdding " + w + ": " + w.isVisibleOrAdding()); if (!w.isVisibleOrAdding()) { Slog.i(TAG_WM, " mSurfaceController=" + w.mWinAnimator.mSurfaceController + " relayoutCalled=" + w.mRelayoutCalled + " viewVis=" + w.mViewVisibility + " policyVis=" + w.mPolicyVisibility + " policyVisAfterAnim=" + w.mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim + " parentHidden=" + w.isParentWindowHidden() + " exiting=" + w.mAnimatingExit + " destroying=" + w.mDestroying); if (w.mAppToken != null) { Slog.i(TAG_WM, " mAppToken.hiddenRequested=" + w.mAppToken.hiddenRequested); } } } return w.isVisibleOrAdding(); } private void logWindowList(final WindowList windows, String prefix) { int N = windows.size(); while (N > 0) { N--; Slog.v(TAG_WM, prefix + "#" + N + ": " + windows.get(N)); } } boolean getNeedsMenu(WindowState win, WindowManagerPolicy.WindowState bottom) { int index = -1; WindowList windows = getWindowList(); while (true) { if (win.mAttrs.needsMenuKey != NEEDS_MENU_UNSET) { return win.mAttrs.needsMenuKey == NEEDS_MENU_SET_TRUE; } // If we reached the bottom of the range of windows we are considering, // assume no menu is needed. if (win == bottom) { return false; } // The current window hasn't specified whether menu key is needed; look behind it. // First, we may need to determine the starting position. if (index < 0) { index = windows.indexOf(win); } index--; if (index < 0) { return false; } win = windows.get(index); } } void setLayoutNeeded() { if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.w(TAG_WM, "setLayoutNeeded: callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3)); mLayoutNeeded = true; } void clearLayoutNeeded() { if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.w(TAG_WM, "clearLayoutNeeded: callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3)); mLayoutNeeded = false; } boolean isLayoutNeeded() { return mLayoutNeeded; } private int addAppWindowExisting(WindowState win, WindowList tokenWindowList) { int tokenWindowsPos; // If this application has existing windows, we simply place the new window on top of // them... but keep the starting window on top. if (win.mAttrs.type == TYPE_BASE_APPLICATION) { // Base windows go behind everything else. final WindowState lowestWindow = tokenWindowList.get(0); addWindowToListBefore(win, lowestWindow); tokenWindowsPos = win.mToken.getWindowIndex(lowestWindow); } else { final AppWindowToken atoken = win.mAppToken; final int windowListPos = tokenWindowList.size(); final WindowState lastWindow = tokenWindowList.get(windowListPos - 1); if (atoken != null && lastWindow == atoken.startingWindow) { addWindowToListBefore(win, lastWindow); tokenWindowsPos = win.mToken.getWindowIndex(lastWindow); } else { int newIdx = findIdxBasedOnAppTokens(win); // There is a window above this one associated with the same apptoken note that the // window could be a floating window that was created later or a window at the top // of the list of windows associated with this token. if (DEBUG_FOCUS || DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT || DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "not Base app: Adding window " + win + " at " + (newIdx + 1) + " of " + mWindows.size()); mWindows.add(newIdx + 1, win); if (newIdx < 0) { // No window from token found on win's display. tokenWindowsPos = 0; } else { tokenWindowsPos = win.mToken.getWindowIndex(mWindows.get(newIdx)) + 1; } mService.mWindowsChanged = true; } } return tokenWindowsPos; } /** Places the first input window after the second input window in the window list. */ private void addWindowToListAfter(WindowState first, WindowState second) { final int i = mWindows.indexOf(second); if (DEBUG_FOCUS || DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT || DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Adding window " + this + " at " + (i + 1) + " of " + mWindows.size() + " (after " + second + ")"); mWindows.add(i + 1, first); mService.mWindowsChanged = true; } /** Places the first input window before the second input window in the window list. */ private void addWindowToListBefore(WindowState first, WindowState second) { int i = mWindows.indexOf(second); if (DEBUG_FOCUS || DEBUG_WINDOW_MOVEMENT || DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "Adding window " + this + " at " + i + " of " + mWindows.size() + " (before " + second + ")"); if (i < 0) { Slog.w(TAG_WM, "addWindowToListBefore: Unable to find " + second + " in " + mWindows); i = 0; } mWindows.add(i, first); mService.mWindowsChanged = true; } /** * This method finds out the index of a window that has the same app token as win. used for z * ordering the windows in mWindows */ private int findIdxBasedOnAppTokens(WindowState win) { for(int j = mWindows.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { final WindowState wentry = mWindows.get(j); if(wentry.mAppToken == win.mAppToken) { return j; } } return -1; } private void dumpChildrenNames() { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); dumpChildrenNames(output, " "); Slog.v(TAG_WM, output.toString()); } private void dumpWindows() { Slog.v(TAG_WM, " Display #" + mDisplayId); final WindowList windows = getWindowList(); for (int winNdx = windows.size() - 1; winNdx >= 0; --winNdx) { Slog.v(TAG_WM, " #" + winNdx + ": " + windows.get(winNdx)); } } void dumpTokens(PrintWriter pw, boolean dumpAll) { if (mTokenMap.isEmpty()) { return; } pw.println(" Display #" + mDisplayId); final Iterator it = mTokenMap.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final WindowToken token = it.next(); pw.print(" "); pw.print(token); if (dumpAll) { pw.println(':'); token.dump(pw, " "); } else { pw.println(); } } } void dumpWindowAnimators(PrintWriter pw, String subPrefix) { final int count = mWindows.size(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { final WindowStateAnimator wAnim = mWindows.get(j).mWinAnimator; pw.println(subPrefix + "Window #" + j + ": " + wAnim); } } void enableSurfaceTrace(FileDescriptor fd) { for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final WindowState win = mWindows.get(i); win.mWinAnimator.enableSurfaceTrace(fd); } } void disableSurfaceTrace() { for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final WindowState win = mWindows.get(i); win.mWinAnimator.disableSurfaceTrace(); } } boolean checkWaitingForWindows() { boolean haveBootMsg = false; boolean haveApp = false; // if the wallpaper service is disabled on the device, we're never going to have // wallpaper, don't bother waiting for it boolean haveWallpaper = false; boolean wallpaperEnabled = mService.mContext.getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_enableWallpaperService) && !mService.mOnlyCore; boolean haveKeyguard = true; final int count = mWindows.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final WindowState w = mWindows.get(i); if (w.isVisibleLw() && !w.mObscured && !w.isDrawnLw()) { return true; } if (w.isDrawnLw()) { if (w.mAttrs.type == TYPE_BOOT_PROGRESS) { haveBootMsg = true; } else if (w.mAttrs.type == TYPE_APPLICATION || w.mAttrs.type == TYPE_DRAWN_APPLICATION) { haveApp = true; } else if (w.mAttrs.type == TYPE_WALLPAPER) { haveWallpaper = true; } else if (w.mAttrs.type == TYPE_STATUS_BAR) { haveKeyguard = mService.mPolicy.isKeyguardDrawnLw(); } } } if (DEBUG_SCREEN_ON || DEBUG_BOOT) Slog.i(TAG_WM, "******** booted=" + mService.mSystemBooted + " msg=" + mService.mShowingBootMessages + " haveBoot=" + haveBootMsg + " haveApp=" + haveApp + " haveWall=" + haveWallpaper + " wallEnabled=" + wallpaperEnabled + " haveKeyguard=" + haveKeyguard); // If we are turning on the screen to show the boot message, don't do it until the boot // message is actually displayed. if (!mService.mSystemBooted && !haveBootMsg) { return true; } // If we are turning on the screen after the boot is completed normally, don't do so until // we have the application and wallpaper. if (mService.mSystemBooted && ((!haveApp && !haveKeyguard) || (wallpaperEnabled && !haveWallpaper))) { return true; } return false; } void updateWindowsForAnimator(WindowAnimator animator) { final WindowManagerPolicy policy = animator.mPolicy; final int keyguardGoingAwayFlags = animator.mKeyguardGoingAwayFlags; final boolean keyguardGoingAwayToShade = (keyguardGoingAwayFlags & KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_FLAG_TO_SHADE) != 0; final boolean keyguardGoingAwayNoAnimation = (keyguardGoingAwayFlags & KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_FLAG_NO_WINDOW_ANIMATIONS) != 0; final boolean keyguardGoingAwayWithWallpaper = (keyguardGoingAwayFlags & KEYGUARD_GOING_AWAY_FLAG_WITH_WALLPAPER) != 0; if (animator.mKeyguardGoingAway) { for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { WindowState win = mWindows.get(i); if (!policy.isKeyguardHostWindow(win.mAttrs)) { continue; } final WindowStateAnimator winAnimator = win.mWinAnimator; if (policy.isKeyguardShowingAndNotOccluded()) { if (!winAnimator.mAnimating) { if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD) Slog.d(TAG, "updateWindowsForAnimator: creating delay animation"); // Create a new animation to delay until keyguard is gone on its own. winAnimator.mAnimation = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 1.0f); winAnimator.mAnimation.setDuration(KEYGUARD_ANIM_TIMEOUT_MS); winAnimator.mAnimationIsEntrance = false; winAnimator.mAnimationStartTime = -1; winAnimator.mKeyguardGoingAwayAnimation = true; winAnimator.mKeyguardGoingAwayWithWallpaper = keyguardGoingAwayWithWallpaper; } } else { if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD) Slog.d(TAG, "updateWindowsForAnimator: StatusBar is no longer keyguard"); animator.mKeyguardGoingAway = false; winAnimator.clearAnimation(); } break; } } animator.mForceHiding = KEYGUARD_NOT_SHOWN; boolean wallpaperInUnForceHiding = false; boolean startingInUnForceHiding = false; ArrayList unForceHiding = null; WindowState wallpaper = null; final WallpaperController wallpaperController = mWallpaperController; for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { WindowState win = mWindows.get(i); WindowStateAnimator winAnimator = win.mWinAnimator; final int flags = win.mAttrs.flags; boolean canBeForceHidden = policy.canBeForceHidden(win, win.mAttrs); boolean shouldBeForceHidden = animator.shouldForceHide(win); if (winAnimator.hasSurface()) { final boolean wasAnimating = winAnimator.mWasAnimating; final boolean nowAnimating = winAnimator.stepAnimationLocked(animator.mCurrentTime); winAnimator.mWasAnimating = nowAnimating; animator.orAnimating(nowAnimating); if (DEBUG_WALLPAPER) Slog.v(TAG, win + ": wasAnimating=" + wasAnimating + ", nowAnimating=" + nowAnimating); if (wasAnimating && !winAnimator.mAnimating && wallpaperController.isWallpaperTarget(win)) { animator.mBulkUpdateParams |= SET_WALLPAPER_MAY_CHANGE; pendingLayoutChanges |= FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER; if (DEBUG_LAYOUT_REPEATS) { mService.mWindowPlacerLocked.debugLayoutRepeats( "updateWindowsAndWallpaperLocked 2", pendingLayoutChanges); } } if (policy.isForceHiding(win.mAttrs)) { if (!wasAnimating && nowAnimating) { if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD || DEBUG_ANIM || DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.v(TAG, "Animation started that could impact force hide: " + win); animator.mBulkUpdateParams |= SET_FORCE_HIDING_CHANGED; pendingLayoutChanges |= FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER; if (DEBUG_LAYOUT_REPEATS) { mService.mWindowPlacerLocked.debugLayoutRepeats( "updateWindowsAndWallpaperLocked 3", pendingLayoutChanges); } mService.mFocusMayChange = true; } else if (animator.mKeyguardGoingAway && !nowAnimating) { // Timeout!! Slog.e(TAG, "Timeout waiting for animation to startup"); policy.startKeyguardExitAnimation(0, 0); animator.mKeyguardGoingAway = false; } if (win.isReadyForDisplay()) { if (nowAnimating && win.mWinAnimator.mKeyguardGoingAwayAnimation) { animator.mForceHiding = KEYGUARD_ANIMATING_OUT; } else { animator.mForceHiding = win.isDrawnLw() ? KEYGUARD_SHOWN : KEYGUARD_NOT_SHOWN; } } if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD || DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.v(TAG, "Force hide " + animator.forceHidingToString() + " hasSurface=" + win.mHasSurface + " policyVis=" + win.mPolicyVisibility + " destroying=" + win.mDestroying + " parentHidden=" + win.isParentWindowHidden() + " vis=" + win.mViewVisibility + " hidden=" + win.mToken.hidden + " anim=" + win.mWinAnimator.mAnimation); } else if (canBeForceHidden) { if (shouldBeForceHidden) { if (!win.hideLw(false, false)) { // Was already hidden continue; } if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD || DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.v(TAG, "Now policy hidden: " + win); } else { final Animation postKeyguardExitAnimation = animator.mPostKeyguardExitAnimation; boolean applyExistingExitAnimation = postKeyguardExitAnimation != null && !postKeyguardExitAnimation.hasEnded() && !winAnimator.mKeyguardGoingAwayAnimation && win.hasDrawnLw() && !win.isChildWindow() && !win.mIsImWindow && isDefaultDisplay; // If the window is already showing and we don't need to apply an existing // Keyguard exit animation, skip. if (!win.showLw(false, false) && !applyExistingExitAnimation) { continue; } final boolean visibleNow = win.isVisibleNow(); if (!visibleNow) { // Couldn't really show, must showLw() again when win becomes visible. win.hideLw(false, false); continue; } if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD || DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.v(TAG, "Now policy shown: " + win); if ((animator.mBulkUpdateParams & SET_FORCE_HIDING_CHANGED) != 0 && !win.isChildWindow()) { if (unForceHiding == null) { unForceHiding = new ArrayList<>(); } unForceHiding.add(winAnimator); if ((flags & FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER) != 0) { wallpaperInUnForceHiding = true; } if (win.mAttrs.type == TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING) { startingInUnForceHiding = true; } } else if (applyExistingExitAnimation) { // We're already in the middle of an animation. Use the existing // animation to bring in this window. if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD) Slog.v(TAG, "Applying existing Keyguard exit animation to new window: win=" + win); final Animation a = policy.createForceHideEnterAnimation(false, keyguardGoingAwayToShade); winAnimator.setAnimation(a, postKeyguardExitAnimation.getStartTime(), STACK_CLIP_BEFORE_ANIM); winAnimator.mKeyguardGoingAwayAnimation = true; winAnimator.mKeyguardGoingAwayWithWallpaper = keyguardGoingAwayWithWallpaper; } final WindowState currentFocus = mService.mCurrentFocus; if (currentFocus == null || currentFocus.mLayer < win.mLayer) { // We are showing on top of the current // focus, so re-evaluate focus to make // sure it is correct. if (DEBUG_FOCUS_LIGHT) Slog.v(TAG, "updateWindowsForAnimator: setting mFocusMayChange true"); mService.mFocusMayChange = true; } } if ((flags & FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER) != 0) { animator.mBulkUpdateParams |= SET_WALLPAPER_MAY_CHANGE; pendingLayoutChanges |= FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER; if (DEBUG_LAYOUT_REPEATS) { mService.mWindowPlacerLocked.debugLayoutRepeats( "updateWindowsAndWallpaperLocked 4", pendingLayoutChanges); } } } } // If the window doesn't have a surface, the only thing we care about is the correct // policy visibility. else if (canBeForceHidden) { if (shouldBeForceHidden) { win.hideLw(false, false); } else { win.showLw(false, false); } } final AppWindowToken atoken = win.mAppToken; if (winAnimator.mDrawState == READY_TO_SHOW) { if (atoken == null || atoken.allDrawn) { if (win.performShowLocked()) { pendingLayoutChanges |= FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_ANIM; if (DEBUG_LAYOUT_REPEATS) { mService.mWindowPlacerLocked.debugLayoutRepeats( "updateWindowsAndWallpaperLocked 5", pendingLayoutChanges); } } } } final AppWindowAnimator appAnimator = winAnimator.mAppAnimator; if (appAnimator != null && appAnimator.thumbnail != null) { if (appAnimator.thumbnailTransactionSeq != animator.mAnimTransactionSequence) { appAnimator.thumbnailTransactionSeq = animator.mAnimTransactionSequence; appAnimator.thumbnailLayer = 0; } if (appAnimator.thumbnailLayer < winAnimator.mAnimLayer) { appAnimator.thumbnailLayer = winAnimator.mAnimLayer; } } if (win.mIsWallpaper) { wallpaper = win; } } // end forall windows // If we have windows that are being shown due to them no longer being force-hidden, apply // the appropriate animation to them if animations are not disabled. if (unForceHiding != null) { if (!keyguardGoingAwayNoAnimation) { boolean first = true; for (int i=unForceHiding.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { final WindowStateAnimator winAnimator = unForceHiding.get(i); final Animation a = policy.createForceHideEnterAnimation( wallpaperInUnForceHiding && !startingInUnForceHiding, keyguardGoingAwayToShade); if (a != null) { if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD) Slog.v(TAG, "Starting keyguard exit animation on window " + winAnimator.mWin); winAnimator.setAnimation(a, STACK_CLIP_BEFORE_ANIM); winAnimator.mKeyguardGoingAwayAnimation = true; winAnimator.mKeyguardGoingAwayWithWallpaper = keyguardGoingAwayWithWallpaper; if (first) { animator.mPostKeyguardExitAnimation = a; animator.mPostKeyguardExitAnimation.setStartTime(animator.mCurrentTime); first = false; } } } } else if (animator.mKeyguardGoingAway) { policy.startKeyguardExitAnimation(animator.mCurrentTime, 0 /* duration */); animator.mKeyguardGoingAway = false; } // Wallpaper is going away in un-force-hide motion, animate it as well. if (!wallpaperInUnForceHiding && wallpaper != null && !keyguardGoingAwayNoAnimation) { if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD) Slog.d(TAG, "updateWindowsForAnimator: wallpaper animating away"); final Animation a = policy.createForceHideWallpaperExitAnimation( keyguardGoingAwayToShade); if (a != null) { wallpaper.mWinAnimator.setAnimation(a); } } } if (animator.mPostKeyguardExitAnimation != null) { // We're in the midst of a keyguard exit animation. if (animator.mKeyguardGoingAway) { policy.startKeyguardExitAnimation(animator.mCurrentTime + animator.mPostKeyguardExitAnimation.getStartOffset(), animator.mPostKeyguardExitAnimation.getDuration()); animator.mKeyguardGoingAway = false; } // mPostKeyguardExitAnimation might either be ended normally, cancelled, or "orphaned", // meaning that the window it was running on was removed. We check for hasEnded() for // ended normally and cancelled case, and check the time for the "orphaned" case. else if (animator.mPostKeyguardExitAnimation.hasEnded() || animator.mCurrentTime - animator.mPostKeyguardExitAnimation.getStartTime() > animator.mPostKeyguardExitAnimation.getDuration()) { // Done with the animation, reset. if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD) Slog.v(TAG, "Done with Keyguard exit animations."); animator.mPostKeyguardExitAnimation = null; } } final WindowState winShowWhenLocked = (WindowState) policy.getWinShowWhenLockedLw(); if (winShowWhenLocked != null) { animator.mLastShowWinWhenLocked = winShowWhenLocked; } } void updateWallpaperForAnimator(WindowAnimator animator) { resetAnimationBackgroundAnimator(); final WindowList windows = mWindows; WindowState detachedWallpaper = null; for (int i = windows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final WindowState win = windows.get(i); final WindowStateAnimator winAnimator = win.mWinAnimator; if (winAnimator.mSurfaceController == null || !winAnimator.hasSurface()) { continue; } final int flags = win.mAttrs.flags; // If this window is animating, make a note that we have an animating window and take // care of a request to run a detached wallpaper animation. if (winAnimator.mAnimating) { if (winAnimator.mAnimation != null) { if ((flags & FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER) != 0 && winAnimator.mAnimation.getDetachWallpaper()) { detachedWallpaper = win; } final int color = winAnimator.mAnimation.getBackgroundColor(); if (color != 0) { final TaskStack stack = win.getStack(); if (stack != null) { stack.setAnimationBackground(winAnimator, color); } } } animator.setAnimating(true); } // If this window's app token is running a detached wallpaper animation, make a note so // we can ensure the wallpaper is displayed behind it. final AppWindowAnimator appAnimator = winAnimator.mAppAnimator; if (appAnimator != null && appAnimator.animation != null && appAnimator.animating) { if ((flags & FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER) != 0 && appAnimator.animation.getDetachWallpaper()) { detachedWallpaper = win; } final int color = appAnimator.animation.getBackgroundColor(); if (color != 0) { final TaskStack stack = win.getStack(); if (stack != null) { stack.setAnimationBackground(winAnimator, color); } } } } // end forall windows if (animator.mWindowDetachedWallpaper != detachedWallpaper) { if (DEBUG_WALLPAPER) Slog.v(TAG, "Detached wallpaper changed from " + animator.mWindowDetachedWallpaper + " to " + detachedWallpaper); animator.mWindowDetachedWallpaper = detachedWallpaper; animator.mBulkUpdateParams |= SET_WALLPAPER_MAY_CHANGE; } } void prepareWindowSurfaces() { final int count = mWindows.size(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { mWindows.get(j).mWinAnimator.prepareSurfaceLocked(true); } } boolean inputMethodClientHasFocus(IInputMethodClient client) { // The focus for the client is the window immediately below where we would place the input // method window. int idx = findDesiredInputMethodWindowIndex(false); if (idx <= 0) { return false; } WindowState imFocus = mWindows.get(idx - 1); if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) { Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Desired input method target: " + imFocus); Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Current focus: " + mService.mCurrentFocus); Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Last focus: " + mService.mLastFocus); } if (imFocus == null) { return false; } // This may be a starting window, in which case we still want to count it as okay. if (imFocus.mAttrs.type == TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING && imFocus.mAppToken != null) { // The client has definitely started, so it really should have a window in this app // token. Let's look for it. final WindowState w = imFocus.mAppToken.getFirstNonStartingWindow(); if (w != null) { if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Switching to real app window: " + w); imFocus = w; } } final IInputMethodClient imeClient = imFocus.mSession.mClient; if (DEBUG_INPUT_METHOD) { Slog.i(TAG_WM, "IM target client: " + imeClient); if (imeClient != null) { Slog.i(TAG_WM, "IM target client binder: " + imeClient.asBinder()); Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Requesting client binder: " + client.asBinder()); } } return imeClient != null && imeClient.asBinder() == client.asBinder(); } boolean hasSecureWindowOnScreen() { for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final WindowState ws = mWindows.get(i); if (ws.isOnScreen() && (ws.mAttrs.flags & FLAG_SECURE) != 0) { return true; } } return false; } void updateSystemUiVisibility(int visibility, int globalDiff) { for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final WindowState ws = mWindows.get(i); try { int curValue = ws.mSystemUiVisibility; int diff = (curValue ^ visibility) & globalDiff; int newValue = (curValue & ~diff) | (visibility & diff); if (newValue != curValue) { ws.mSeq++; ws.mSystemUiVisibility = newValue; } if (newValue != curValue || ws.mAttrs.hasSystemUiListeners) { ws.mClient.dispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged(ws.mSeq, visibility, newValue, diff); } } catch (RemoteException e) { // so sorry } } } void onWindowFreezeTimeout() { Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Window freeze timeout expired."); mService.mWindowsFreezingScreen = WINDOWS_FREEZING_SCREENS_TIMEOUT; for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final WindowState w = mWindows.get(i); if (!w.mOrientationChanging) { continue; } w.mOrientationChanging = false; w.mLastFreezeDuration = (int)(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mService.mDisplayFreezeTime); Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Force clearing orientation change: " + w); } mService.mWindowPlacerLocked.performSurfacePlacement(); } void waitForAllWindowsDrawn() { final WindowManagerPolicy policy = mService.mPolicy; for (int winNdx = mWindows.size() - 1; winNdx >= 0; --winNdx) { final WindowState win = mWindows.get(winNdx); final boolean isForceHiding = policy.isForceHiding(win.mAttrs); final boolean keyguard = policy.isKeyguardHostWindow(win.mAttrs); if (win.isVisibleLw() && (win.mAppToken != null || isForceHiding || keyguard)) { win.mWinAnimator.mDrawState = DRAW_PENDING; // Force add to mResizingWindows. win.mLastContentInsets.set(-1, -1, -1, -1); mService.mWaitingForDrawn.add(win); // No need to wait for the windows below Keyguard. if (isForceHiding) { return; } } } } static final class GetWindowOnDisplaySearchResult { boolean reachedToken; WindowState foundWindow; void reset() { reachedToken = false; foundWindow = null; } } static final class TaskForResizePointSearchResult { boolean searchDone; Task taskForResize; void reset() { searchDone = false; taskForResize = null; } } /** * Base class for any direct child window container of {@link #DisplayContent} need to inherit * from. This is mainly a pass through class that allows {@link #DisplayContent} to have * homogeneous children type which is currently required by sub-classes of * {@link WindowContainer} class. */ static class DisplayChildWindowContainer extends WindowContainer { int size() { return mChildren.size(); } E get(int index) { return mChildren.get(index); } @Override boolean fillsParent() { return true; } @Override boolean isVisible() { return true; } } /** * Window container class that contains all containers on this display relating to Apps. * I.e Activities. */ private class TaskStackContainers extends DisplayChildWindowContainer { void attachStack(TaskStack stack, boolean onTop) { if (stack.mStackId == HOME_STACK_ID) { if (mHomeStack != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("attachStack: HOME_STACK_ID (0) not first."); } mHomeStack = stack; } addChild(stack, onTop); stack.onDisplayChanged(DisplayContent.this); } void moveStack(TaskStack stack, boolean toTop) { if (StackId.isAlwaysOnTop(stack.mStackId) && !toTop) { // This stack is always-on-top silly... Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Ignoring move of always-on-top stack=" + stack + " to bottom"); return; } if (!mChildren.contains(stack)) { Slog.wtf(TAG_WM, "moving stack that was not added: " + stack, new Throwable()); } removeChild(stack); addChild(stack, toTop); } private void addChild(TaskStack stack, boolean toTop) { int addIndex = toTop ? mChildren.size() : 0; if (toTop && mService.isStackVisibleLocked(PINNED_STACK_ID) && stack.mStackId != PINNED_STACK_ID) { // The pinned stack is always the top most stack (always-on-top) when it is visible. // So, stack is moved just below the pinned stack. addIndex--; TaskStack topStack = mChildren.get(addIndex); if (topStack.mStackId != PINNED_STACK_ID) { throw new IllegalStateException("Pinned stack isn't top stack??? " + mChildren); } } addChild(stack, addIndex); setLayoutNeeded(); } @Override int getOrientation() { if (mService.isStackVisibleLocked(DOCKED_STACK_ID) || mService.isStackVisibleLocked(FREEFORM_WORKSPACE_STACK_ID)) { // Apps and their containers are not allowed to specify an orientation while the // docked or freeform stack is visible...except for the home stack/task if the // docked stack is minimized and it actually set something. if (mHomeStack != null && mHomeStack.isVisible() && mDividerControllerLocked.isMinimizedDock()) { final int orientation = mHomeStack.getOrientation(); if (orientation != SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSET) { return orientation; } } return SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED; } final int orientation = super.getOrientation(); if (orientation != SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSET && orientation != SCREEN_ORIENTATION_BEHIND) { if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "App is requesting an orientation, return " + orientation); return orientation; } if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "No app is requesting an orientation, return " + mService.mLastOrientation); // The next app has not been requested to be visible, so we keep the current orientation // to prevent freezing/unfreezing the display too early. return mService.mLastOrientation; } } /** * Window container class that contains all containers on this display that are not related to * Apps. E.g. status bar. */ private static class NonAppWindowContainers extends DisplayChildWindowContainer { } }