/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.RegistrantList; import android.util.Pair; /** * The class to hold different data enabled/disabled settings. Also it allows clients to register * for overall data enabled setting changed event. * @hide */ public class DataEnabledSettings { public static final int REASON_REGISTERED = 0; public static final int REASON_INTERNAL_DATA_ENABLED = 1; public static final int REASON_USER_DATA_ENABLED = 2; public static final int REASON_POLICY_DATA_ENABLED = 3; public static final int REASON_DATA_ENABLED_BY_CARRIER = 4; /** * responds to the setInternalDataEnabled call - used internally to turn off data. * For example during emergency calls */ private boolean mInternalDataEnabled = true; /** * responds to public (user) API to enable/disable data use independent of * mInternalDataEnabled and requests for APN access persisted */ private boolean mUserDataEnabled = true; /** * Flag indicating data allowed by network policy manager or not. */ private boolean mPolicyDataEnabled = true; /** * Indicate if metered APNs are enabled by the carrier. set false to block all the metered APNs * from continuously sending requests, which causes undesired network load. */ private boolean mCarrierDataEnabled = true; private final RegistrantList mDataEnabledChangedRegistrants = new RegistrantList(); @Override public String toString() { return "[mInternalDataEnabled=" + mInternalDataEnabled + ", mUserDataEnabled=" + mUserDataEnabled + ", mPolicyDataEnabled=" + mPolicyDataEnabled + ", mCarrierDataEnabled=" + mCarrierDataEnabled + "]"; } public synchronized void setInternalDataEnabled(boolean enabled) { boolean prevDataEnabled = isDataEnabled(); mInternalDataEnabled = enabled; if (prevDataEnabled != isDataEnabled()) { notifyDataEnabledChanged(!prevDataEnabled, REASON_INTERNAL_DATA_ENABLED); } } public synchronized boolean isInternalDataEnabled() { return mInternalDataEnabled; } public synchronized void setUserDataEnabled(boolean enabled) { boolean prevDataEnabled = isDataEnabled(); mUserDataEnabled = enabled; if (prevDataEnabled != isDataEnabled()) { notifyDataEnabledChanged(!prevDataEnabled, REASON_USER_DATA_ENABLED); } } public synchronized boolean isUserDataEnabled() { return mUserDataEnabled; } public synchronized void setPolicyDataEnabled(boolean enabled) { boolean prevDataEnabled = isDataEnabled(); mPolicyDataEnabled = enabled; if (prevDataEnabled != isDataEnabled()) { notifyDataEnabledChanged(!prevDataEnabled, REASON_POLICY_DATA_ENABLED); } } public synchronized boolean isPolicyDataEnabled() { return mPolicyDataEnabled; } public synchronized void setCarrierDataEnabled(boolean enabled) { boolean prevDataEnabled = isDataEnabled(); mCarrierDataEnabled = enabled; if (prevDataEnabled != isDataEnabled()) { notifyDataEnabledChanged(!prevDataEnabled, REASON_DATA_ENABLED_BY_CARRIER); } } public synchronized boolean isCarrierDataEnabled() { return mCarrierDataEnabled; } public synchronized boolean isDataEnabled() { return (mInternalDataEnabled && mUserDataEnabled && mPolicyDataEnabled && mCarrierDataEnabled); } private void notifyDataEnabledChanged(boolean enabled, int reason) { mDataEnabledChangedRegistrants.notifyResult(new Pair<>(enabled, reason)); } public void registerForDataEnabledChanged(Handler h, int what, Object obj) { mDataEnabledChangedRegistrants.addUnique(h, what, obj); notifyDataEnabledChanged(isDataEnabled(), REASON_REGISTERED); } public void unregisterForDataEnabledChanged(Handler h) { mDataEnabledChangedRegistrants.remove(h); } }