/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.json; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * This black box test was written without inspecting the non-free org.json sourcecode. */ public class JSONArrayTest extends TestCase { public void testEmptyArray() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); assertEquals(0, array.length()); assertEquals("", array.join(" AND ")); try { array.get(0); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { array.getBoolean(0); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } assertEquals("[]", array.toString()); assertEquals("[]", array.toString(4)); // out of bounds is co-opted with defaulting assertTrue(array.isNull(0)); assertNull(array.opt(0)); assertFalse(array.optBoolean(0)); assertTrue(array.optBoolean(0, true)); // bogus (but documented) behaviour: returns null rather than an empty object! assertNull(array.toJSONObject(new JSONArray())); } public void testEqualsAndHashCode() throws JSONException { JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); JSONArray b = new JSONArray(); assertTrue(a.equals(b)); assertEquals("equals() not consistent with hashCode()", a.hashCode(), b.hashCode()); a.put(true); a.put(false); b.put(true); b.put(false); assertTrue(a.equals(b)); assertEquals(a.hashCode(), b.hashCode()); b.put(true); assertFalse(a.equals(b)); assertTrue(a.hashCode() != b.hashCode()); } public void testBooleans() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put(true); array.put(false); array.put(2, false); array.put(3, false); array.put(2, true); assertEquals("[true,false,true,false]", array.toString()); assertEquals(4, array.length()); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, array.get(0)); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, array.get(1)); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, array.get(2)); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, array.get(3)); assertFalse(array.isNull(0)); assertFalse(array.isNull(1)); assertFalse(array.isNull(2)); assertFalse(array.isNull(3)); assertEquals(true, array.optBoolean(0)); assertEquals(false, array.optBoolean(1, true)); assertEquals(true, array.optBoolean(2, false)); assertEquals(false, array.optBoolean(3)); assertEquals("true", array.getString(0)); assertEquals("false", array.getString(1)); assertEquals("true", array.optString(2)); assertEquals("false", array.optString(3, "x")); assertEquals("[\n true,\n false,\n true,\n false\n]", array.toString(5)); JSONArray other = new JSONArray(); other.put(true); other.put(false); other.put(true); other.put(false); assertTrue(array.equals(other)); other.put(true); assertFalse(array.equals(other)); other = new JSONArray(); other.put("true"); other.put("false"); other.put("truE"); other.put("FALSE"); assertFalse(array.equals(other)); assertFalse(other.equals(array)); assertEquals(true, other.getBoolean(0)); assertEquals(false, other.optBoolean(1, true)); assertEquals(true, other.optBoolean(2)); assertEquals(false, other.getBoolean(3)); } // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=16411 public void testCoerceStringToBoolean() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put("maybe"); try { array.getBoolean(0); fail(); } catch (JSONException expected) { } assertEquals(false, array.optBoolean(0)); assertEquals(true, array.optBoolean(0, true)); } public void testNulls() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put(3, (Collection) null); array.put(0, JSONObject.NULL); assertEquals(4, array.length()); assertEquals("[null,null,null,null]", array.toString()); // there's 2 ways to represent null; each behaves differently! assertEquals(JSONObject.NULL, array.get(0)); try { array.get(1); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { array.get(2); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { array.get(3); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } assertEquals(JSONObject.NULL, array.opt(0)); assertEquals(null, array.opt(1)); assertEquals(null, array.opt(2)); assertEquals(null, array.opt(3)); assertTrue(array.isNull(0)); assertTrue(array.isNull(1)); assertTrue(array.isNull(2)); assertTrue(array.isNull(3)); assertEquals("null", array.optString(0)); assertEquals("", array.optString(1)); assertEquals("", array.optString(2)); assertEquals("", array.optString(3)); } /** * Our behaviour is questioned by this bug: * http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=7257 */ public void testParseNullYieldsJSONObjectNull() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray("[\"null\",null]"); array.put((Collection) null); assertEquals("null", array.get(0)); assertEquals(JSONObject.NULL, array.get(1)); try { array.get(2); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } assertEquals("null", array.getString(0)); assertEquals("null", array.getString(1)); try { array.getString(2); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } } public void testNumbers() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put(Double.MIN_VALUE); array.put(9223372036854775806L); array.put(Double.MAX_VALUE); array.put(-0d); assertEquals(4, array.length()); // toString() and getString(int) return different values for -0d assertEquals("[4.9E-324,9223372036854775806,1.7976931348623157E308,-0]", array.toString()); assertEquals(Double.MIN_VALUE, array.get(0)); assertEquals(9223372036854775806L, array.get(1)); assertEquals(Double.MAX_VALUE, array.get(2)); assertEquals(-0d, array.get(3)); assertEquals(Double.MIN_VALUE, array.getDouble(0)); assertEquals(9.223372036854776E18, array.getDouble(1)); assertEquals(Double.MAX_VALUE, array.getDouble(2)); assertEquals(-0d, array.getDouble(3)); assertEquals(0, array.getLong(0)); assertEquals(9223372036854775806L, array.getLong(1)); assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE, array.getLong(2)); assertEquals(0, array.getLong(3)); assertEquals(0, array.getInt(0)); assertEquals(-2, array.getInt(1)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, array.getInt(2)); assertEquals(0, array.getInt(3)); assertEquals(Double.MIN_VALUE, array.opt(0)); assertEquals(Double.MIN_VALUE, array.optDouble(0)); assertEquals(0, array.optLong(0, 1L)); assertEquals(0, array.optInt(0, 1)); assertEquals("4.9E-324", array.getString(0)); assertEquals("9223372036854775806", array.getString(1)); assertEquals("1.7976931348623157E308", array.getString(2)); assertEquals("-0.0", array.getString(3)); JSONArray other = new JSONArray(); other.put(Double.MIN_VALUE); other.put(9223372036854775806L); other.put(Double.MAX_VALUE); other.put(-0d); assertTrue(array.equals(other)); other.put(0, 0L); assertFalse(array.equals(other)); } public void testStrings() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put("true"); array.put("5.5"); array.put("9223372036854775806"); array.put("null"); array.put("5\"8' tall"); assertEquals(5, array.length()); assertEquals("[\"true\",\"5.5\",\"9223372036854775806\",\"null\",\"5\\\"8' tall\"]", array.toString()); // although the documentation doesn't mention it, join() escapes text and wraps // strings in quotes assertEquals("\"true\" \"5.5\" \"9223372036854775806\" \"null\" \"5\\\"8' tall\"", array.join(" ")); assertEquals("true", array.get(0)); assertEquals("null", array.getString(3)); assertEquals("5\"8' tall", array.getString(4)); assertEquals("true", array.opt(0)); assertEquals("5.5", array.optString(1)); assertEquals("9223372036854775806", array.optString(2, null)); assertEquals("null", array.optString(3, "-1")); assertFalse(array.isNull(0)); assertFalse(array.isNull(3)); assertEquals(true, array.getBoolean(0)); assertEquals(true, array.optBoolean(0)); assertEquals(true, array.optBoolean(0, false)); assertEquals(0, array.optInt(0)); assertEquals(-2, array.optInt(0, -2)); assertEquals(5.5d, array.getDouble(1)); assertEquals(5L, array.getLong(1)); assertEquals(5, array.getInt(1)); assertEquals(5, array.optInt(1, 3)); // The last digit of the string is a 6 but getLong returns a 7. It's probably parsing as a // double and then converting that to a long. This is consistent with JavaScript. assertEquals(9223372036854775807L, array.getLong(2)); assertEquals(9.223372036854776E18, array.getDouble(2)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, array.getInt(2)); assertFalse(array.isNull(3)); try { array.getDouble(3); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } assertEquals(Double.NaN, array.optDouble(3)); assertEquals(-1.0d, array.optDouble(3, -1.0d)); } public void testJoin() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put((Collection) null); assertEquals("null", array.join(" & ")); array.put("\""); assertEquals("null & \"\\\"\"", array.join(" & ")); array.put(5); assertEquals("null & \"\\\"\" & 5", array.join(" & ")); array.put(true); assertEquals("null & \"\\\"\" & 5 & true", array.join(" & ")); array.put(new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(true, false))); assertEquals("null & \"\\\"\" & 5 & true & [true,false]", array.join(" & ")); array.put(new JSONObject(Collections.singletonMap("x", 6))); assertEquals("null & \"\\\"\" & 5 & true & [true,false] & {\"x\":6}", array.join(" & ")); } public void testJoinWithNull() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(5, 6)); assertEquals("5null6", array.join(null)); } public void testJoinWithSpecialCharacters() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(5, 6)); assertEquals("5\"6", array.join("\"")); } public void testToJSONObject() throws JSONException { JSONArray keys = new JSONArray(); keys.put("a"); keys.put("b"); JSONArray values = new JSONArray(); values.put(5.5d); values.put(false); JSONObject object = values.toJSONObject(keys); assertEquals(5.5d, object.get("a")); assertEquals(false, object.get("b")); keys.put(0, "a"); values.put(0, 11.0d); assertEquals(5.5d, object.get("a")); } public void testToJSONObjectWithNulls() throws JSONException { JSONArray keys = new JSONArray(); keys.put("a"); keys.put("b"); JSONArray values = new JSONArray(); values.put(5.5d); values.put((Collection) null); // null values are stripped! JSONObject object = values.toJSONObject(keys); assertEquals(1, object.length()); assertFalse(object.has("b")); assertEquals("{\"a\":5.5}", object.toString()); } public void testToJSONObjectMoreNamesThanValues() throws JSONException { JSONArray keys = new JSONArray(); keys.put("a"); keys.put("b"); JSONArray values = new JSONArray(); values.put(5.5d); JSONObject object = values.toJSONObject(keys); assertEquals(1, object.length()); assertEquals(5.5d, object.get("a")); } public void testToJSONObjectMoreValuesThanNames() throws JSONException { JSONArray keys = new JSONArray(); keys.put("a"); JSONArray values = new JSONArray(); values.put(5.5d); values.put(11.0d); JSONObject object = values.toJSONObject(keys); assertEquals(1, object.length()); assertEquals(5.5d, object.get("a")); } public void testToJSONObjectNullKey() throws JSONException { JSONArray keys = new JSONArray(); keys.put(JSONObject.NULL); JSONArray values = new JSONArray(); values.put(5.5d); JSONObject object = values.toJSONObject(keys); assertEquals(1, object.length()); assertEquals(5.5d, object.get("null")); } public void testPutUnsupportedNumbers() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); try { array.put(Double.NaN); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { array.put(0, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { array.put(0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } } public void testPutUnsupportedNumbersAsObject() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put(Double.valueOf(Double.NaN)); array.put(Double.valueOf(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); array.put(Double.valueOf(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(null, array.toString()); } /** * Although JSONArray is usually defensive about which numbers it accepts, * it doesn't check inputs in its constructor. */ public void testCreateWithUnsupportedNumbers() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(5.5, Double.NaN)); assertEquals(2, array.length()); assertEquals(5.5, array.getDouble(0)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, array.getDouble(1)); } public void testToStringWithUnsupportedNumbers() throws JSONException { // when the array contains an unsupported number, toString returns null! JSONArray array = new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(5.5, Double.NaN)); assertNull(array.toString()); } public void testListConstructorCopiesContents() throws JSONException { List contents = Arrays.asList(5); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(contents); contents.set(0, 10); assertEquals(5, array.get(0)); } public void testTokenerConstructor() throws JSONException { JSONArray object = new JSONArray(new JSONTokener("[false]")); assertEquals(1, object.length()); assertEquals(false, object.get(0)); } public void testTokenerConstructorWrongType() throws JSONException { try { new JSONArray(new JSONTokener("{\"foo\": false}")); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } } public void testTokenerConstructorNull() throws JSONException { try { new JSONArray((JSONTokener) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } } public void testTokenerConstructorParseFail() { try { new JSONArray(new JSONTokener("[")); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } catch (StackOverflowError e) { fail("Stack overflowed on input: \"[\""); } } public void testStringConstructor() throws JSONException { JSONArray object = new JSONArray("[false]"); assertEquals(1, object.length()); assertEquals(false, object.get(0)); } public void testStringConstructorWrongType() throws JSONException { try { new JSONArray("{\"foo\": false}"); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } } public void testStringConstructorNull() throws JSONException { try { new JSONArray((String) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } } public void testStringConstructorParseFail() { try { new JSONArray("["); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } catch (StackOverflowError e) { fail("Stack overflowed on input: \"[\""); } } public void testCreate() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(5.5, true)); assertEquals(2, array.length()); assertEquals(5.5, array.getDouble(0)); assertEquals(true, array.get(1)); assertEquals("[5.5,true]", array.toString()); } public void testAccessOutOfBounds() throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put("foo"); assertEquals(null, array.opt(3)); assertEquals(null, array.opt(-3)); assertEquals("", array.optString(3)); assertEquals("", array.optString(-3)); try { array.get(3); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { array.get(-3); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { array.getString(3); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { array.getString(-3); fail(); } catch (JSONException e) { } } public void test_remove() throws Exception { JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); assertEquals(null, a.remove(-1)); assertEquals(null, a.remove(0)); a.put("hello"); assertEquals(null, a.remove(-1)); assertEquals(null, a.remove(1)); assertEquals("hello", a.remove(0)); assertEquals(null, a.remove(0)); } enum MyEnum { A, B, C; } // https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=62539 public void testEnums() throws Exception { // This works because it's in java.* and any class in there falls back to toString. JSONArray a1 = new JSONArray(java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.values()); assertEquals("[\"SOURCE\",\"CLASS\",\"RUNTIME\"]", a1.toString()); // This doesn't because it's not. JSONArray a2 = new JSONArray(MyEnum.values()); assertEquals("[null,null,null]", a2.toString()); } }