/* * Copyright (c) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.bluetooth.hfpclient; /* * @hide */ final public class HeadsetClientHalConstants { // Do not modify without updating the HAL bt_hf_client.h files. // match up with bthf_client_connection_state_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0; final static int CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTING = 1; final static int CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED = 2; final static int CONNECTION_STATE_SLC_CONNECTED = 3; final static int CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTING = 4; // match up with bthf_client_audio_state_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int AUDIO_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0; final static int AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTING = 1; final static int AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTED = 2; final static int AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTED_MSBC = 3; // match up with bthf_client_vr_state_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int VR_STATE_STOPPED = 0; final static int VR_STATE_STARTED = 1; // match up with bthf_client_volume_type_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int VOLUME_TYPE_SPK = 0; final static int VOLUME_TYPE_MIC = 1; // match up with bthf_client_network_state_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int NETWORK_STATE_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0; final static int NETWORK_STATE_AVAILABLE = 1; // match up with bthf_client_service_type_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int SERVICE_TYPE_HOME = 0; final static int SERVICE_TYPE_ROAMING = 1; // match up with bthf_client_call_state_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int CALL_STATE_ACTIVE = 0; final static int CALL_STATE_HELD = 1; final static int CALL_STATE_DIALING = 2; final static int CALL_STATE_ALERTING = 3; final static int CALL_STATE_INCOMING = 4; final static int CALL_STATE_WAITING = 5; final static int CALL_STATE_HELD_BY_RESP_HOLD = 6; // match up with bthf_client_call_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int CALL_NO_CALLS_IN_PROGRESS = 0; final static int CALL_CALLS_IN_PROGRESS = 1; // match up with bthf_client_callsetup_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int CALLSETUP_NONE = 0; final static int CALLSETUP_INCOMING = 1; final static int CALLSETUP_OUTGOING = 2; final static int CALLSETUP_ALERTING = 3; // match up with bthf_client_callheld_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int CALLHELD_NONE = 0; final static int CALLHELD_HOLD_AND_ACTIVE = 1; final static int CALLHELD_HOLD = 2; // match up with btrh_client_resp_and_hold_t of bt_hf_client.h final static int RESP_AND_HOLD_HELD = 0; final static int RESP_AND_HOLD_ACCEPT = 1; final static int RESP_AND_HOLD_REJECT = 2; // match up with bthf_client_call_direction_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int CALL_DIRECTION_OUTGOING = 0; final static int CALL_DIRECTION_INCOMING = 1; // match up with bthf_client_call_mpty_type_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int CALL_MPTY_TYPE_SINGLE = 0; final static int CALL_MPTY_TYPE_MULTI = 1; // match up with bthf_client_cmd_complete_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int CMD_COMPLETE_OK = 0; final static int CMD_COMPLETE_ERROR = 1; final static int CMD_COMPLETE_ERROR_NO_CARRIER = 2; final static int CMD_COMPLETE_ERROR_BUSY = 3; final static int CMD_COMPLETE_ERROR_NO_ANSWER = 4; final static int CMD_COMPLETE_ERROR_DELAYED = 5; final static int CMD_COMPLETE_ERROR_BLACKLISTED = 6; final static int CMD_COMPLETE_ERROR_CME = 7; // match up with bthf_client_call_action_t enum of bt_hf_client.h final static int CALL_ACTION_CHLD_0 = 0; final static int CALL_ACTION_CHLD_1 = 1; final static int CALL_ACTION_CHLD_2 = 2; final static int CALL_ACTION_CHLD_3 = 3; final static int CALL_ACTION_CHLD_4 = 4; final static int CALL_ACTION_CHLD_1x = 5; final static int CALL_ACTION_CHLD_2x = 6; final static int CALL_ACTION_ATA = 7; final static int CALL_ACTION_CHUP = 8; final static int CALL_ACTION_BTRH_0 = 9; final static int CALL_ACTION_BTRH_1 = 10; final static int CALL_ACTION_BTRH_2 = 11; // match up with bthf_client_subscriber_service_type_t enum of // bt_hf_client.h final static int SUBSCRIBER_SERVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; final static int SUBSCRIBER_SERVICE_TYPE_VOICE = 1; final static int SUBSCRIBER_SERVICE_TYPE_FAX = 2; // match up with bthf_client_in_band_ring_state_t enum in bt_hf_client.h final static int IN_BAND_RING_NOT_PROVIDED = 0; final static int IN_BAND_RING_PROVIDED = 1; // AG features masks // match up with masks in bt_hf_client.h // Three-way calling final static int PEER_FEAT_3WAY = 0x00000001; // Echo cancellation and/or noise reduction final static int PEER_FEAT_ECNR = 0x00000002; // Voice recognition final static int PEER_FEAT_VREC = 0x00000004; // In-band ring tone final static int PEER_FEAT_INBAND = 0x00000008; // Attach a phone number to a voice tag final static int PEER_FEAT_VTAG = 0x00000010; // Ability to reject incoming call final static int PEER_FEAT_REJECT = 0x00000020; // Enhanced Call Status final static int PEER_FEAT_ECS = 0x00000040; // Enhanced Call Control final static int PEER_FEAT_ECC = 0x00000080; // Extended error codes final static int PEER_FEAT_EXTERR = 0x00000100; // Codec Negotiation final static int PEER_FEAT_CODEC = 0x00000200; // AG's 3WC features masks // match up with masks in bt_hf_client.h // 0 Release waiting call or held calls final static int CHLD_FEAT_REL = 0x00000001; // 1 Release active calls and accept other (waiting or held) cal final static int CHLD_FEAT_REL_ACC = 0x00000002; // 1x Release specified active call only final static int CHLD_FEAT_REL_X = 0x00000004; // 2 Active calls on hold and accept other (waiting or held) call final static int CHLD_FEAT_HOLD_ACC = 0x00000008; // 2x Request private mode with specified call (put the rest on hold) final static int CHLD_FEAT_PRIV_X = 0x00000010; // 3 Add held call to multiparty */ final static int CHLD_FEAT_MERGE = 0x00000020; // 4 Connect two calls and leave (disconnect from) multiparty */ final static int CHLD_FEAT_MERGE_DETACH = 0x00000040; // AT Commands // These Commands values must match with Constants defined in // tBTA_HF_CLIENT_AT_CMD_TYPE in bta_hf_client_api.h // used for sending vendor specific AT cmds to AG. final static int HANDSFREECLIENT_AT_CMD_NREC = 15; // Flag to check for local NREC support final static boolean HANDSFREECLIENT_NREC_SUPPORTED = true; }