/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.calculator2; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.Context; import android.app.Activity; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; /** * Collection of mapping functions between key ids, characters, internationalized * and non-internationalized characters, etc. *

* KeyMap instances are not meaningful; everything here is static. * All functions are either pure, or are assumed to be called only from a single UI thread. */ public class KeyMaps { /** * Map key id to corresponding (internationalized) display string. * Pure function. */ public static String toString(Context context, int id) { switch(id) { case R.id.const_pi: return context.getString(R.string.const_pi); case R.id.const_e: return context.getString(R.string.const_e); case R.id.op_sqrt: return context.getString(R.string.op_sqrt); case R.id.op_fact: return context.getString(R.string.op_fact); case R.id.op_pct: return context.getString(R.string.op_pct); case R.id.fun_sin: return context.getString(R.string.fun_sin) + context.getString(R.string.lparen); case R.id.fun_cos: return context.getString(R.string.fun_cos) + context.getString(R.string.lparen); case R.id.fun_tan: return context.getString(R.string.fun_tan) + context.getString(R.string.lparen); case R.id.fun_arcsin: return context.getString(R.string.fun_arcsin) + context.getString(R.string.lparen); case R.id.fun_arccos: return context.getString(R.string.fun_arccos) + context.getString(R.string.lparen); case R.id.fun_arctan: return context.getString(R.string.fun_arctan) + context.getString(R.string.lparen); case R.id.fun_ln: return context.getString(R.string.fun_ln) + context.getString(R.string.lparen); case R.id.fun_log: return context.getString(R.string.fun_log) + context.getString(R.string.lparen); case R.id.fun_exp: // Button label doesn't work. return context.getString(R.string.exponential) + context.getString(R.string.lparen); case R.id.lparen: return context.getString(R.string.lparen); case R.id.rparen: return context.getString(R.string.rparen); case R.id.op_pow: return context.getString(R.string.op_pow); case R.id.op_mul: return context.getString(R.string.op_mul); case R.id.op_div: return context.getString(R.string.op_div); case R.id.op_add: return context.getString(R.string.op_add); case R.id.op_sub: return context.getString(R.string.op_sub); case R.id.op_sqr: // Button label doesn't work. return context.getString(R.string.squared); case R.id.dec_point: return context.getString(R.string.dec_point); case R.id.digit_0: return context.getString(R.string.digit_0); case R.id.digit_1: return context.getString(R.string.digit_1); case R.id.digit_2: return context.getString(R.string.digit_2); case R.id.digit_3: return context.getString(R.string.digit_3); case R.id.digit_4: return context.getString(R.string.digit_4); case R.id.digit_5: return context.getString(R.string.digit_5); case R.id.digit_6: return context.getString(R.string.digit_6); case R.id.digit_7: return context.getString(R.string.digit_7); case R.id.digit_8: return context.getString(R.string.digit_8); case R.id.digit_9: return context.getString(R.string.digit_9); default: return ""; } } /** * Map key id to a single byte, somewhat human readable, description. * Used to serialize expressions in the database. * The result is in the range 0x20-0x7f. */ public static byte toByte(int id) { char result; // We only use characters with single-byte UTF8 encodings in the range 0x20-0x7F. switch(id) { case R.id.const_pi: result = 'p'; break; case R.id.const_e: result = 'e'; break; case R.id.op_sqrt: result = 'r'; break; case R.id.op_fact: result = '!'; break; case R.id.op_pct: result = '%'; break; case R.id.fun_sin: result = 's'; break; case R.id.fun_cos: result = 'c'; break; case R.id.fun_tan: result = 't'; break; case R.id.fun_arcsin: result = 'S'; break; case R.id.fun_arccos: result = 'C'; break; case R.id.fun_arctan: result = 'T'; break; case R.id.fun_ln: result = 'l'; break; case R.id.fun_log: result = 'L'; break; case R.id.fun_exp: result = 'E'; break; case R.id.lparen: result = '('; break; case R.id.rparen: result = ')'; break; case R.id.op_pow: result = '^'; break; case R.id.op_mul: result = '*'; break; case R.id.op_div: result = '/'; break; case R.id.op_add: result = '+'; break; case R.id.op_sub: result = '-'; break; case R.id.op_sqr: result = '2'; break; default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected key id"); } return (byte)result; } /** * Map single byte encoding generated by key id generated by toByte back to * key id. */ public static int fromByte(byte b) { switch((char)b) { case 'p': return R.id.const_pi; case 'e': return R.id.const_e; case 'r': return R.id.op_sqrt; case '!': return R.id.op_fact; case '%': return R.id.op_pct; case 's': return R.id.fun_sin; case 'c': return R.id.fun_cos; case 't': return R.id.fun_tan; case 'S': return R.id.fun_arcsin; case 'C': return R.id.fun_arccos; case 'T': return R.id.fun_arctan; case 'l': return R.id.fun_ln; case 'L': return R.id.fun_log; case 'E': return R.id.fun_exp; case '(': return R.id.lparen; case ')': return R.id.rparen; case '^': return R.id.op_pow; case '*': return R.id.op_mul; case '/': return R.id.op_div; case '+': return R.id.op_add; case '-': return R.id.op_sub; case '2': return R.id.op_sqr; default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected single byte operator encoding"); } } /** * Map key id to corresponding (internationalized) descriptive string that can be used * to correctly read back a formula. * Only used for operators and individual characters; not used inside constants. * Returns null when we don't need a descriptive string. * Pure function. */ public static String toDescriptiveString(Context context, int id) { switch(id) { case R.id.op_fact: return context.getString(R.string.desc_op_fact); case R.id.fun_sin: return context.getString(R.string.desc_fun_sin) + " " + context.getString(R.string.desc_lparen); case R.id.fun_cos: return context.getString(R.string.desc_fun_cos) + " " + context.getString(R.string.desc_lparen); case R.id.fun_tan: return context.getString(R.string.desc_fun_tan) + " " + context.getString(R.string.desc_lparen); case R.id.fun_arcsin: return context.getString(R.string.desc_fun_arcsin) + " " + context.getString(R.string.desc_lparen); case R.id.fun_arccos: return context.getString(R.string.desc_fun_arccos) + " " + context.getString(R.string.desc_lparen); case R.id.fun_arctan: return context.getString(R.string.desc_fun_arctan) + " " + context.getString(R.string.desc_lparen); case R.id.fun_ln: return context.getString(R.string.desc_fun_ln) + " " + context.getString(R.string.desc_lparen); case R.id.fun_log: return context.getString(R.string.desc_fun_log) + " " + context.getString(R.string.desc_lparen); case R.id.fun_exp: return context.getString(R.string.desc_fun_exp) + " " + context.getString(R.string.desc_lparen); case R.id.lparen: return context.getString(R.string.desc_lparen); case R.id.rparen: return context.getString(R.string.desc_rparen); case R.id.op_pow: return context.getString(R.string.desc_op_pow); case R.id.dec_point: return context.getString(R.string.desc_dec_point); default: return null; } } /** * Does a button id correspond to a binary operator? * Pure function. */ public static boolean isBinary(int id) { switch(id) { case R.id.op_pow: case R.id.op_mul: case R.id.op_div: case R.id.op_add: case R.id.op_sub: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Does a button id correspond to a trig function? * Pure function. */ public static boolean isTrigFunc(int id) { switch(id) { case R.id.fun_sin: case R.id.fun_cos: case R.id.fun_tan: case R.id.fun_arcsin: case R.id.fun_arccos: case R.id.fun_arctan: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Does a button id correspond to a function that introduces an implicit lparen? * Pure function. */ public static boolean isFunc(int id) { if (isTrigFunc(id)) { return true; } switch(id) { case R.id.fun_ln: case R.id.fun_log: case R.id.fun_exp: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Does a button id correspond to a prefix operator? * Pure function. */ public static boolean isPrefix(int id) { switch(id) { case R.id.op_sqrt: case R.id.op_sub: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Does a button id correspond to a suffix operator? */ public static boolean isSuffix(int id) { switch (id) { case R.id.op_fact: case R.id.op_pct: case R.id.op_sqr: return true; default: return false; } } public static final int NOT_DIGIT = 10; public static final String ELLIPSIS = "\u2026"; public static final char MINUS_SIGN = '\u2212'; /** * Map key id to digit or NOT_DIGIT * Pure function. */ public static int digVal(int id) { switch (id) { case R.id.digit_0: return 0; case R.id.digit_1: return 1; case R.id.digit_2: return 2; case R.id.digit_3: return 3; case R.id.digit_4: return 4; case R.id.digit_5: return 5; case R.id.digit_6: return 6; case R.id.digit_7: return 7; case R.id.digit_8: return 8; case R.id.digit_9: return 9; default: return NOT_DIGIT; } } /** * Map digit to corresponding key. Inverse of above. * Pure function. */ public static int keyForDigVal(int v) { switch(v) { case 0: return R.id.digit_0; case 1: return R.id.digit_1; case 2: return R.id.digit_2; case 3: return R.id.digit_3; case 4: return R.id.digit_4; case 5: return R.id.digit_5; case 6: return R.id.digit_6; case 7: return R.id.digit_7; case 8: return R.id.digit_8; case 9: return R.id.digit_9; default: return View.NO_ID; } } // The following two are only used for recognizing additional // input characters from a physical keyboard. They are not used // for output internationalization. private static char mDecimalPt; private static char mPiChar; /** * Character used as a placeholder for digits that are currently unknown in a result that * is being computed. We initially generate blanks, and then use this as a replacement * during final translation. *

* Note: the character must correspond closely to the width of a digit, * otherwise the UI will visibly shift once the computation is finished. */ private static final char CHAR_DIGIT_UNKNOWN = '\u2007'; /** * Map typed function name strings to corresponding button ids. * We (now redundantly?) include both localized and English names. */ private static HashMap sKeyValForFun; /** * Result string corresponding to a character in the calculator result. * The string values in the map are expected to be one character long. */ private static HashMap sOutputForResultChar; /** * Locale corresponding to preceding map and character constants. * We recompute the map if this is not the current locale. */ private static Locale sLocaleForMaps = null; /** * Activity to use for looking up buttons. */ private static Activity mActivity; /** * Set acttivity used for looking up button labels. * Call only from UI thread. */ public static void setActivity(Activity a) { mActivity = a; } /** * Return the button id corresponding to the supplied character or return NO_ID. * Called only by UI thread. */ public static int keyForChar(char c) { validateMaps(); if (Character.isDigit(c)) { int i = Character.digit(c, 10); return KeyMaps.keyForDigVal(i); } switch (c) { case '.': case ',': return R.id.dec_point; case '-': case MINUS_SIGN: return R.id.op_sub; case '+': return R.id.op_add; case '*': case '\u00D7': // MULTIPLICATION SIGN return R.id.op_mul; case '/': case '\u00F7': // DIVISION SIGN return R.id.op_div; // We no longer localize function names, so they can't start with an 'e' or 'p'. case 'e': case 'E': return R.id.const_e; case 'p': case 'P': return R.id.const_pi; case '^': return R.id.op_pow; case '!': return R.id.op_fact; case '%': return R.id.op_pct; case '(': return R.id.lparen; case ')': return R.id.rparen; default: if (c == mDecimalPt) return R.id.dec_point; if (c == mPiChar) return R.id.const_pi; // pi is not translated, but it might be typable on a Greek keyboard, // or pasted in, so we check ... return View.NO_ID; } } /** * Add information corresponding to the given button id to sKeyValForFun, to be used * when mapping keyboard input to button ids. */ static void addButtonToFunMap(int button_id) { Button button = (Button)mActivity.findViewById(button_id); sKeyValForFun.put(button.getText().toString(), button_id); } /** * Add information corresponding to the given button to sOutputForResultChar, to be used * when translating numbers on output. */ static void addButtonToOutputMap(char c, int button_id) { Button button = (Button)mActivity.findViewById(button_id); sOutputForResultChar.put(c, button.getText().toString()); } /** * Ensure that the preceding map and character constants correspond to the current locale. * Called only by UI thread. */ static void validateMaps() { Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); if (!locale.equals(sLocaleForMaps)) { Log.v ("Calculator", "Setting locale to: " + locale.toLanguageTag()); sKeyValForFun = new HashMap(); sKeyValForFun.put("sin", R.id.fun_sin); sKeyValForFun.put("cos", R.id.fun_cos); sKeyValForFun.put("tan", R.id.fun_tan); sKeyValForFun.put("arcsin", R.id.fun_arcsin); sKeyValForFun.put("arccos", R.id.fun_arccos); sKeyValForFun.put("arctan", R.id.fun_arctan); sKeyValForFun.put("asin", R.id.fun_arcsin); sKeyValForFun.put("acos", R.id.fun_arccos); sKeyValForFun.put("atan", R.id.fun_arctan); sKeyValForFun.put("ln", R.id.fun_ln); sKeyValForFun.put("log", R.id.fun_log); sKeyValForFun.put("sqrt", R.id.op_sqrt); // special treatment addButtonToFunMap(R.id.fun_sin); addButtonToFunMap(R.id.fun_cos); addButtonToFunMap(R.id.fun_tan); addButtonToFunMap(R.id.fun_arcsin); addButtonToFunMap(R.id.fun_arccos); addButtonToFunMap(R.id.fun_arctan); addButtonToFunMap(R.id.fun_ln); addButtonToFunMap(R.id.fun_log); // Set locale-dependent character "constants" mDecimalPt = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance().getDecimalSeparator(); // We recognize this in keyboard input, even if we use // a different character. Resources res = mActivity.getResources(); mPiChar = 0; String piString = res.getString(R.string.const_pi); if (piString.length() == 1) { mPiChar = piString.charAt(0); } sOutputForResultChar = new HashMap(); sOutputForResultChar.put('e', "E"); sOutputForResultChar.put('E', "E"); sOutputForResultChar.put(' ', String.valueOf(CHAR_DIGIT_UNKNOWN)); sOutputForResultChar.put(ELLIPSIS.charAt(0), ELLIPSIS); // Translate numbers for fraction display, but not the separating slash, which appears // to be universal. We also do not translate the ln, sqrt, pi sOutputForResultChar.put('/', "/"); sOutputForResultChar.put('(', "("); sOutputForResultChar.put(')', ")"); sOutputForResultChar.put('l', "l"); sOutputForResultChar.put('n', "n"); sOutputForResultChar.put(',', String.valueOf(DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance().getGroupingSeparator())); sOutputForResultChar.put('\u221A', "\u221A"); // SQUARE ROOT sOutputForResultChar.put('\u03C0', "\u03C0"); // GREEK SMALL LETTER PI addButtonToOutputMap('-', R.id.op_sub); addButtonToOutputMap('.', R.id.dec_point); for (int i = 0; i <= 9; ++i) { addButtonToOutputMap((char)('0' + i), keyForDigVal(i)); } sLocaleForMaps = locale; } } /** * Return function button id for the substring of s starting at pos and ending with * the next "(". Return NO_ID if there is none. * We currently check for both (possibly localized) button labels, and standard * English names. (They should currently be the same, and hence this is currently redundant.) * Callable only from UI thread. */ public static int funForString(String s, int pos) { validateMaps(); int parenPos = s.indexOf('(', pos); if (parenPos != -1) { String funString = s.substring(pos, parenPos); Integer keyValue = sKeyValForFun.get(funString); if (keyValue == null) return View.NO_ID; return keyValue; } return View.NO_ID; } /** * Return the localization of the string s representing a numeric answer. * Callable only from UI thread. * A trailing e is treated as the mathematical constant, not an exponent. */ public static String translateResult(String s) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int len = s.length(); validateMaps(); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (i < len - 1 || c != 'e') { String translation = sOutputForResultChar.get(c); if (translation == null) { // Should not get here. Report if we do. Log.v("Calculator", "Bad character:" + c); result.append(String.valueOf(c)); } else { result.append(translation); } } } return result.toString(); } }