/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.messaging.datamodel.data; import android.database.Cursor; import android.net.Uri; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.android.messaging.datamodel.DatabaseHelper; import com.android.messaging.datamodel.DatabaseHelper.ConversationColumns; import com.android.messaging.datamodel.DatabaseHelper.MessageColumns; import com.android.messaging.datamodel.DatabaseHelper.ParticipantColumns; import com.android.messaging.datamodel.DatabaseWrapper; import com.android.messaging.datamodel.action.DeleteConversationAction; import com.android.messaging.util.Assert; import com.android.messaging.util.ContactUtil; import com.android.messaging.util.Dates; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Class wrapping the conversation list view used to display each item in conversation list */ public class ConversationListItemData { private String mConversationId; private String mName; private String mIcon; private boolean mIsRead; private long mTimestamp; private String mSnippetText; private Uri mPreviewUri; private String mPreviewContentType; private long mParticipantContactId; private String mParticipantLookupKey; private String mOtherParticipantNormalizedDestination; private String mSelfId; private int mParticipantCount; private boolean mNotificationEnabled; private String mNotificationSoundUri; private boolean mNotificationVibrate; private boolean mIncludeEmailAddress; private int mMessageStatus; private int mMessageRawTelephonyStatus; private boolean mShowDraft; private Uri mDraftPreviewUri; private String mDraftPreviewContentType; private String mDraftSnippetText; private boolean mIsArchived; private String mSubject; private String mDraftSubject; private String mSnippetSenderFirstName; private String mSnippetSenderDisplayDestination; private boolean mIsEnterprise; public ConversationListItemData() { } public void bind(final Cursor cursor) { bind(cursor, false); } public void bind(final Cursor cursor, final boolean ignoreDraft) { mConversationId = cursor.getString(INDEX_ID); mName = cursor.getString(INDEX_CONVERSATION_NAME); mIcon = cursor.getString(INDEX_CONVERSATION_ICON); mSnippetText = cursor.getString(INDEX_SNIPPET_TEXT); mTimestamp = cursor.getLong(INDEX_SORT_TIMESTAMP); mIsRead = cursor.getInt(INDEX_READ) == 1; final String previewUriString = cursor.getString(INDEX_PREVIEW_URI); mPreviewUri = TextUtils.isEmpty(previewUriString) ? null : Uri.parse(previewUriString); mPreviewContentType = cursor.getString(INDEX_PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE); mParticipantContactId = cursor.getLong(INDEX_PARTICIPANT_CONTACT_ID); mParticipantLookupKey = cursor.getString(INDEX_PARTICIPANT_LOOKUP_KEY); mOtherParticipantNormalizedDestination = cursor.getString( INDEX_OTHER_PARTICIPANT_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION); mSelfId = cursor.getString(INDEX_SELF_ID); mParticipantCount = cursor.getInt(INDEX_PARTICIPANT_COUNT); mNotificationEnabled = cursor.getInt(INDEX_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED) == 1; mNotificationSoundUri = cursor.getString(INDEX_NOTIFICATION_SOUND_URI); mNotificationVibrate = cursor.getInt(INDEX_NOTIFICATION_VIBRATION) == 1; mIncludeEmailAddress = cursor.getInt(INDEX_INCLUDE_EMAIL_ADDRESS) == 1; mMessageStatus = cursor.getInt(INDEX_MESSAGE_STATUS); mMessageRawTelephonyStatus = cursor.getInt(INDEX_MESSAGE_RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS); if (!ignoreDraft) { mShowDraft = cursor.getInt(INDEX_SHOW_DRAFT) == 1; final String draftPreviewUriString = cursor.getString(INDEX_DRAFT_PREVIEW_URI); mDraftPreviewUri = TextUtils.isEmpty(draftPreviewUriString) ? null : Uri.parse(draftPreviewUriString); mDraftPreviewContentType = cursor.getString(INDEX_DRAFT_PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE); mDraftSnippetText = cursor.getString(INDEX_DRAFT_SNIPPET_TEXT); mDraftSubject = cursor.getString(INDEX_DRAFT_SUBJECT_TEXT); } else { mShowDraft = false; mDraftPreviewUri = null; mDraftPreviewContentType = null; mDraftSnippetText = null; mDraftSubject = null; } mIsArchived = cursor.getInt(INDEX_ARCHIVE_STATUS) == 1; mSubject = cursor.getString(INDEX_SUBJECT_TEXT); mSnippetSenderFirstName = cursor.getString(INDEX_SNIPPET_SENDER_FIRST_NAME); mSnippetSenderDisplayDestination = cursor.getString(INDEX_SNIPPET_SENDER_DISPLAY_DESTINATION); mIsEnterprise = cursor.getInt(INDEX_IS_ENTERPRISE) == 1; } public String getConversationId() { return mConversationId; } public String getName() { return mName; } public String getIcon() { return mIcon; } public boolean getIsRead() { return mIsRead; } public String getFormattedTimestamp() { return Dates.getConversationTimeString(mTimestamp).toString(); } public long getTimestamp() { return mTimestamp; } public String getSnippetText() { return mSnippetText; } public Uri getPreviewUri() { return mPreviewUri; } public String getPreviewContentType() { return mPreviewContentType; } /** * @see ConversationColumns#PARTICIPANT_CONTACT_ID * @return the contact id of the participant if it is a 1:1 conversation, -1 for group. */ public long getParticipantContactId() { return mParticipantContactId; } /** * @see ConversationColumns#IS_ENTERPRISE * @return whether the conversation is enterprise. */ public boolean isEnterprise() { return mIsEnterprise; } public String getParticipantLookupKey() { return mParticipantLookupKey; } public String getOtherParticipantNormalizedDestination() { return mOtherParticipantNormalizedDestination; } public String getSelfId() { return mSelfId; } public int getParticipantCount() { return mParticipantCount; } public boolean getIsGroup() { // Participant count excludes self return (mParticipantCount > 1); } public boolean getIncludeEmailAddress() { return mIncludeEmailAddress; } public boolean getNotificationEnabled() { return mNotificationEnabled; } public String getNotificationSoundUri() { return mNotificationSoundUri; } public boolean getNotifiationVibrate() { return mNotificationVibrate; } public final boolean getIsFailedStatus() { return (mMessageStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_OUTGOING_FAILED || mMessageStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_OUTGOING_FAILED_EMERGENCY_NUMBER || mMessageStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_INCOMING_DOWNLOAD_FAILED || mMessageStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_INCOMING_EXPIRED_OR_NOT_AVAILABLE); } public final boolean getIsSendRequested() { return (mMessageStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_OUTGOING_YET_TO_SEND || mMessageStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_OUTGOING_AWAITING_RETRY || mMessageStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_OUTGOING_SENDING || mMessageStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_OUTGOING_RESENDING); } public boolean getIsMessageTypeOutgoing() { return !MessageData.getIsIncoming(mMessageStatus); } public int getMessageRawTelephonyStatus() { return mMessageRawTelephonyStatus; } public int getMessageStatus() { return mMessageStatus; } public boolean getShowDraft() { return mShowDraft; } public String getDraftSnippetText() { return mDraftSnippetText; } public Uri getDraftPreviewUri() { return mDraftPreviewUri; } public String getDraftPreviewContentType() { return mDraftPreviewContentType; } public boolean getIsArchived() { return mIsArchived; } public String getSubject() { return mSubject; } public String getDraftSubject() { return mDraftSubject; } public String getSnippetSenderName() { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mSnippetSenderFirstName)) { return mSnippetSenderFirstName; } return mSnippetSenderDisplayDestination; } public void deleteConversation() { DeleteConversationAction.deleteConversation(mConversationId, mTimestamp); } /** * Get the name of the view for this data item */ public static final String getConversationListView() { return CONVERSATION_LIST_VIEW; } public static final String getConversationListViewSql() { return CONVERSATION_LIST_VIEW_SQL; } private static final String CONVERSATION_LIST_VIEW = "conversation_list_view"; private static final String CONVERSATION_LIST_VIEW_PROJECTION = DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns._ID + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns._ID + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.NAME + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.NAME + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.CURRENT_SELF_ID + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.CURRENT_SELF_ID + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.ARCHIVE_STATUS + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.ARCHIVE_STATUS + ", " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.READ + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.READ + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.ICON + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.ICON + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.PARTICIPANT_CONTACT_ID + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.PARTICIPANT_CONTACT_ID + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.PARTICIPANT_LOOKUP_KEY + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.PARTICIPANT_LOOKUP_KEY + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.OTHER_PARTICIPANT_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.OTHER_PARTICIPANT_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.SORT_TIMESTAMP + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.SORT_TIMESTAMP + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.SHOW_DRAFT + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.SHOW_DRAFT + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.DRAFT_SNIPPET_TEXT + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.DRAFT_SNIPPET_TEXT + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.DRAFT_PREVIEW_URI + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.DRAFT_PREVIEW_URI + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.DRAFT_SUBJECT_TEXT + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.DRAFT_SUBJECT_TEXT + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.DRAFT_PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.DRAFT_PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.PREVIEW_URI + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.PREVIEW_URI + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.PARTICIPANT_COUNT + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.PARTICIPANT_COUNT + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.NOTIFICATION_ENABLED + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.NOTIFICATION_ENABLED + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_URI + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_URI + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.NOTIFICATION_VIBRATION + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.NOTIFICATION_VIBRATION + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.INCLUDE_EMAIL_ADDRESS + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.INCLUDE_EMAIL_ADDRESS + ", " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.STATUS + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.MESSAGE_STATUS + ", " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.MESSAGE_RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS + ", " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns._ID + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.MESSAGE_ID + ", " + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.FIRST_NAME + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.SNIPPET_SENDER_FIRST_NAME + ", " + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.DISPLAY_DESTINATION + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.SNIPPET_SENDER_DISPLAY_DESTINATION + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.IS_ENTERPRISE + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.IS_ENTERPRISE; private static final String JOIN_PARTICIPANTS = " LEFT JOIN " + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + " ON (" + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.SENDER_PARTICIPANT_ID + '=' + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + DatabaseHelper.ParticipantColumns._ID + ") "; // View that makes latest message read flag available with rest of conversation data. private static final String CONVERSATION_LIST_VIEW_SQL = "CREATE VIEW " + CONVERSATION_LIST_VIEW + " AS SELECT " + CONVERSATION_LIST_VIEW_PROJECTION + ", " // Snippet not part of the base projection shared with search view + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.SNIPPET_TEXT + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.SNIPPET_TEXT + ", " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.SUBJECT_TEXT + " as " + ConversationListViewColumns.SUBJECT_TEXT + " " + " FROM " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + " LEFT JOIN " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + " ON (" + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.LATEST_MESSAGE_ID + '=' + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns._ID + ") " + JOIN_PARTICIPANTS + "ORDER BY " + DatabaseHelper.CONVERSATIONS_TABLE + '.' + ConversationColumns.SORT_TIMESTAMP + " DESC"; public static class ConversationListViewColumns implements BaseColumns { public static final String _ID = ConversationColumns._ID; static final String NAME = ConversationColumns.NAME; static final String ARCHIVE_STATUS = ConversationColumns.ARCHIVE_STATUS; static final String READ = MessageColumns.READ; static final String SORT_TIMESTAMP = ConversationColumns.SORT_TIMESTAMP; static final String PREVIEW_URI = ConversationColumns.PREVIEW_URI; static final String PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE = ConversationColumns.PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE; static final String SNIPPET_TEXT = ConversationColumns.SNIPPET_TEXT; static final String SUBJECT_TEXT = ConversationColumns.SUBJECT_TEXT; static final String ICON = ConversationColumns.ICON; static final String SHOW_DRAFT = ConversationColumns.SHOW_DRAFT; static final String DRAFT_SUBJECT_TEXT = ConversationColumns.DRAFT_SUBJECT_TEXT; static final String DRAFT_PREVIEW_URI = ConversationColumns.DRAFT_PREVIEW_URI; static final String DRAFT_PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE = ConversationColumns.DRAFT_PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE; static final String DRAFT_SNIPPET_TEXT = ConversationColumns.DRAFT_SNIPPET_TEXT; static final String PARTICIPANT_CONTACT_ID = ConversationColumns.PARTICIPANT_CONTACT_ID; static final String PARTICIPANT_LOOKUP_KEY = ConversationColumns.PARTICIPANT_LOOKUP_KEY; static final String OTHER_PARTICIPANT_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION = ConversationColumns.OTHER_PARTICIPANT_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION; static final String CURRENT_SELF_ID = ConversationColumns.CURRENT_SELF_ID; static final String PARTICIPANT_COUNT = ConversationColumns.PARTICIPANT_COUNT; static final String NOTIFICATION_ENABLED = ConversationColumns.NOTIFICATION_ENABLED; static final String NOTIFICATION_SOUND_URI = ConversationColumns.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_URI; static final String NOTIFICATION_VIBRATION = ConversationColumns.NOTIFICATION_VIBRATION; static final String INCLUDE_EMAIL_ADDRESS = ConversationColumns.INCLUDE_EMAIL_ADDRESS; static final String MESSAGE_STATUS = MessageColumns.STATUS; static final String MESSAGE_RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS = MessageColumns.RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS; static final String MESSAGE_ID = "message_id"; static final String SNIPPET_SENDER_FIRST_NAME = "snippet_sender_first_name"; static final String SNIPPET_SENDER_DISPLAY_DESTINATION = "snippet_sender_display_destination"; static final String IS_ENTERPRISE = ConversationColumns.IS_ENTERPRISE; } public static final String[] PROJECTION = { ConversationListViewColumns._ID, ConversationListViewColumns.NAME, ConversationListViewColumns.ICON, ConversationListViewColumns.SNIPPET_TEXT, ConversationListViewColumns.SORT_TIMESTAMP, ConversationListViewColumns.READ, ConversationListViewColumns.PREVIEW_URI, ConversationListViewColumns.PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE, ConversationListViewColumns.PARTICIPANT_CONTACT_ID, ConversationListViewColumns.PARTICIPANT_LOOKUP_KEY, ConversationListViewColumns.OTHER_PARTICIPANT_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION, ConversationListViewColumns.PARTICIPANT_COUNT, ConversationListViewColumns.CURRENT_SELF_ID, ConversationListViewColumns.NOTIFICATION_ENABLED, ConversationListViewColumns.NOTIFICATION_SOUND_URI, ConversationListViewColumns.NOTIFICATION_VIBRATION, ConversationListViewColumns.INCLUDE_EMAIL_ADDRESS, ConversationListViewColumns.MESSAGE_STATUS, ConversationListViewColumns.SHOW_DRAFT, ConversationListViewColumns.DRAFT_PREVIEW_URI, ConversationListViewColumns.DRAFT_PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE, ConversationListViewColumns.DRAFT_SNIPPET_TEXT, ConversationListViewColumns.ARCHIVE_STATUS, ConversationListViewColumns.MESSAGE_ID, ConversationListViewColumns.SUBJECT_TEXT, ConversationListViewColumns.DRAFT_SUBJECT_TEXT, ConversationListViewColumns.MESSAGE_RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS, ConversationListViewColumns.SNIPPET_SENDER_FIRST_NAME, ConversationListViewColumns.SNIPPET_SENDER_DISPLAY_DESTINATION, ConversationListViewColumns.IS_ENTERPRISE, }; private static final int INDEX_ID = 0; private static final int INDEX_CONVERSATION_NAME = 1; private static final int INDEX_CONVERSATION_ICON = 2; private static final int INDEX_SNIPPET_TEXT = 3; private static final int INDEX_SORT_TIMESTAMP = 4; private static final int INDEX_READ = 5; private static final int INDEX_PREVIEW_URI = 6; private static final int INDEX_PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE = 7; private static final int INDEX_PARTICIPANT_CONTACT_ID = 8; private static final int INDEX_PARTICIPANT_LOOKUP_KEY = 9; private static final int INDEX_OTHER_PARTICIPANT_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION = 10; private static final int INDEX_PARTICIPANT_COUNT = 11; private static final int INDEX_SELF_ID = 12; private static final int INDEX_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED = 13; private static final int INDEX_NOTIFICATION_SOUND_URI = 14; private static final int INDEX_NOTIFICATION_VIBRATION = 15; private static final int INDEX_INCLUDE_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 16; private static final int INDEX_MESSAGE_STATUS = 17; private static final int INDEX_SHOW_DRAFT = 18; private static final int INDEX_DRAFT_PREVIEW_URI = 19; private static final int INDEX_DRAFT_PREVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE = 20; private static final int INDEX_DRAFT_SNIPPET_TEXT = 21; private static final int INDEX_ARCHIVE_STATUS = 22; private static final int INDEX_MESSAGE_ID = 23; private static final int INDEX_SUBJECT_TEXT = 24; private static final int INDEX_DRAFT_SUBJECT_TEXT = 25; private static final int INDEX_MESSAGE_RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS = 26; private static final int INDEX_SNIPPET_SENDER_FIRST_NAME = 27; private static final int INDEX_SNIPPET_SENDER_DISPLAY_DESTINATION = 28; private static final int INDEX_IS_ENTERPRISE = 29; private static final String DIVIDER_TEXT = ", "; public static boolean hasAnyEnterpriseContact( final List participants) { for (final ParticipantData participant : participants) { if (ContactUtil.isEnterpriseContactId(participant.getContactId())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get a conversation from the local DB based on the conversation id. * * @param dbWrapper The database * @param conversationId The conversation Id to read * @return The existing conversation or null */ public static ConversationListItemData getExistingConversation(final DatabaseWrapper dbWrapper, final String conversationId) { ConversationListItemData conversation = null; // Look for an existing conversation in the db with this conversation id Cursor cursor = null; try { // TODO: Should we be able to read a row from just the conversation table? cursor = dbWrapper.query(getConversationListView(), PROJECTION, ConversationColumns._ID + "=?", new String[] { conversationId }, null, null, null); Assert.inRange(cursor.getCount(), 0, 1); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { conversation = new ConversationListItemData(); conversation.bind(cursor); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return conversation; } public static String generateConversationName(final List participants) { if (participants.size() == 1) { // Prefer full name over first name for 1:1 conversation return participants.get(0).getDisplayName(true); } final ArrayList participantNames = new ArrayList(); for (final ParticipantData participant : participants) { // Prefer first name over full name for group conversation participantNames.add(participant.getDisplayName(false)); } final Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(DIVIDER_TEXT).skipNulls(); return joiner.join(participantNames); } }