1// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
4 * Copyright (C) 1996-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and
5 * others. All Rights Reserved.
6 */
7package com.ibm.icu.text;
8import com.ibm.icu.impl.PatternProps;
9import com.ibm.icu.impl.UCharacterName;
10import com.ibm.icu.impl.Utility;
11import com.ibm.icu.lang.UCharacter;
14 * A transliterator that performs name to character mapping.
15 * @author Alan Liu
16 */
17class NameUnicodeTransliterator extends Transliterator {
19    static final String _ID = "Name-Any";
21    static final String OPEN_PAT    = "\\N~{~";
22    static final char   OPEN_DELIM  = '\\'; // first char of OPEN_PAT
23    static final char   CLOSE_DELIM = '}';
24    static final char   SPACE       = ' ';
27    /**
28     * System registration hook.
29     */
30    static void register() {
31        Transliterator.registerFactory(_ID, new Transliterator.Factory() {
32            @Override
33            public Transliterator getInstance(String ID) {
34                return new NameUnicodeTransliterator(null);
35            }
36        });
37    }
39    /**
40     * Constructs a transliterator.
41     */
42    public NameUnicodeTransliterator(UnicodeFilter filter) {
43        super(_ID, filter);
44    }
46    /**
47     * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
48     */
49    @Override
50    protected void handleTransliterate(Replaceable text,
51                                       Position offsets, boolean isIncremental) {
53        int maxLen = UCharacterName.INSTANCE.getMaxCharNameLength() + 1; // allow for temporary trailing space
55        StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer(maxLen);
57        // Get the legal character set
58        UnicodeSet legal = new UnicodeSet();
59        UCharacterName.INSTANCE.getCharNameCharacters(legal);
61        int cursor = offsets.start;
62        int limit = offsets.limit;
64        // Modes:
65        // 0 - looking for open delimiter
66        // 1 - after open delimiter
67        int mode = 0;
68        int openPos = -1; // open delim candidate pos
70        int c;
71        while (cursor < limit) {
72            c = text.char32At(cursor);
74            switch (mode) {
75            case 0: // looking for open delimiter
76                if (c == OPEN_DELIM) { // quick check first
77                    openPos = cursor;
78                    int i = Utility.parsePattern(OPEN_PAT, text, cursor, limit);
79                    if (i >= 0 && i < limit) {
80                        mode = 1;
81                        name.setLength(0);
82                        cursor = i;
83                        continue; // *** reprocess char32At(cursor)
84                    }
85                }
86                break;
88            case 1: // after open delimiter
89                // Look for legal chars.  If \s+ is found, convert it
90                // to a single space.  If closeDelimiter is found, exit
91                // the loop.  If any other character is found, exit the
92                // loop.  If the limit is reached, exit the loop.
94                // Convert \s+ => SPACE.  This assumes there are no
95                // runs of >1 space characters in names.
96                if (PatternProps.isWhiteSpace(c)) {
97                    // Ignore leading whitespace
98                    if (name.length() > 0 &&
99                        name.charAt(name.length()-1) != SPACE) {
100                        name.append(SPACE);
101                        // If we are too long then abort.  maxLen includes
102                        // temporary trailing space, so use '>'.
103                        if (name.length() > maxLen) {
104                            mode = 0;
105                        }
106                    }
107                    break;
108                }
110                if (c == CLOSE_DELIM) {
112                    int len = name.length();
114                    // Delete trailing space, if any
115                    if (len > 0 &&
116                        name.charAt(len-1) == SPACE) {
117                        name.setLength(--len);
118                    }
120                    c = UCharacter.getCharFromExtendedName(name.toString());
121                    if (c != -1) {
122                        // Lookup succeeded
124                        // assert(UTF16.getCharCount(CLOSE_DELIM) == 1);
125                        cursor++; // advance over CLOSE_DELIM
127                        String str = UTF16.valueOf(c);
128                        text.replace(openPos, cursor, str);
130                        // Adjust indices for the change in the length of
131                        // the string.  Do not assume that str.length() ==
132                        // 1, in case of surrogates.
133                        int delta = cursor - openPos - str.length();
134                        cursor -= delta;
135                        limit -= delta;
136                        // assert(cursor == openPos + str.length());
137                    }
138                    // If the lookup failed, we leave things as-is and
139                    // still switch to mode 0 and continue.
140                    mode = 0;
141                    openPos = -1; // close off candidate
142                    continue; // *** reprocess char32At(cursor)
143                }
145                if (legal.contains(c)) {
146                    UTF16.append(name, c);
147                    // If we go past the longest possible name then abort.
148                    // maxLen includes temporary trailing space, so use '>='.
149                    if (name.length() >= maxLen) {
150                        mode = 0;
151                    }
152                }
154                // Invalid character
155                else {
156                    --cursor; // Backup and reprocess this character
157                    mode = 0;
158                }
160                break;
161            }
163            cursor += UTF16.getCharCount(c);
164        }
166        offsets.contextLimit += limit - offsets.limit;
167        offsets.limit = limit;
168        // In incremental mode, only advance the cursor up to the last
169        // open delimiter candidate.
170        offsets.start = (isIncremental && openPos >= 0) ? openPos : cursor;
171    }
173    /* (non-Javadoc)
174     * @see com.ibm.icu.text.Transliterator#addSourceTargetSet(com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet, com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet, com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet)
175     */
176    @Override
177    public void addSourceTargetSet(UnicodeSet inputFilter, UnicodeSet sourceSet, UnicodeSet targetSet) {
178        UnicodeSet myFilter = getFilterAsUnicodeSet(inputFilter);
179        if (!myFilter.containsAll(UnicodeNameTransliterator.OPEN_DELIM) || !myFilter.contains(CLOSE_DELIM)) {
180            return; // we have to contain both prefix and suffix
181        }
182        UnicodeSet items = new UnicodeSet()
183        .addAll('0', '9')
184        .addAll('A', 'F')
185        .addAll('a', 'z') // for controls
186        .add('<').add('>') // for controls
187        .add('(').add(')') // for controls
188        .add('-')
189        .add(' ')
190        .addAll(UnicodeNameTransliterator.OPEN_DELIM)
191        .add(CLOSE_DELIM);
192        items.retainAll(myFilter);
193        if (items.size() > 0) {
194            sourceSet.addAll(items);
195            // could produce any character
196            targetSet.addAll(0, 0x10FFFF);
197        }
198    }